How to get popular on instagram 2019

How to Get More Followers on Instagram in 2022

Instagram Tips & Resources

By Jillian Warren

Updated on April 20, 2022

12 minute read

Ready to supercharge your Instagram growth?

Published November 19, 2021

Instagram followers are more than just numbers — they're members of your online community.

That said, growing on Instagram can help you increase traffic to your site, make more sales, or even turn you into a trendsetting influencer.

In this guide, we're sharing 15 ways to get more Instagram followers — without the spam accounts or bots.

How to Get More Instagram Followers in 2022

If you want to get more Instagram followers this year, here are 15 proven strategies to try on your account:

  1. Curate your profile for a strong first impression

  2. Tap into Instagram Reels 

  3. Optimize your post captions for search

  4. Invest in your hashtag strategy

  5. Host an Instagram giveaway

  6. Partner with influencers and brands 

  7. Create highly-shareable content (including memes)

  8. Have a clear value proposition

  9. Cross-promote your account on different channels

  10. Create an Instagram challenge 

  11. Encourage user-generated content (UGC) with a branded hashtag

  12. Make your content accessible to all audiences

  13. Post consistently

  14. Add keywords to your bio's name field

  15. Collaborate on feed posts

Ready to jump into the details? Get the low-down on how to get more followers on Instagram by watching this video — or read the full blog post below.

#1: Curate Your Instagram Feed for a Strong First Impression

Having a well planned Instagram feed, that clearly showcases your niche, is key for converting profile visitors into followers.

When someone lands on your profile, you want them to instantly understand what your account is all about.

To create a consistent aesthetic that supports your brand, use an Instagram feed planner, like Later's Visual Planner, to curate your Instagram feed before you post.

Consider how your posts look together as a whole, and what impression they give when  someone lands on your profile for the first time.

#2: Tap Into Instagram Reels 

If you’re not sharing Instagram Reels yet, you could be missing out on a huge opportunity to grow your follower count.

Reels, Instagram’s short-form, looping video feature, is still one of the most effective ways to reach new audiences on the app.

Unlike most of the Instagram experience, viewers in the Reels feed are served high-interest content from both users they follow, and users they don’t, leading to increased engagement.  

This means the Reels you create can easily reach far beyond your follower list — helping to increase your visibility and grow your follower count.  

For the best results: 

  • Use keywords and hashtags in your Reels captions that accurately describe your video content 

  • Use trending sounds

  • Keep your Reels short and snappy to encourage repeat views

  • Create original content

  • Add on-screen text for viewers watching without sound

  • Aim for high-quality video footage (rather than uploading content with a TikTok watermark)

Even if your brand or business doesn’t feel like an obvious fit for Reels, there are still ways to see success. 

Experiment with popular trends, take followers behind-the-scenes, or even share a before and after of your product.

New to the world of Instagram Reels? Find out how to create next-level videos that super-charge your reach in our blog post: 15 Instagram Reels Ideas to Post Today

#3: Optimize Your Post Captions for Search with Instagram SEO

Optimizing your Instagram posts for search is a major Instagram hack for growing your following. Instagram SEO is proven to make it easier for new users to find your account.

Following a recent update from Instagram, English-speaking users in 6 countries are now able to search Instagram using keywords. 

According to an Instagram spokesperson via The Verge, the team considers a number of factors, including the “type of content, captions, when it was posted,” and more to surface relevant results.

It also uses machine learning to “find the highest quality content that’s relevant to you.” For now, only grid posts will show up.

TIP: Write your post captions in advance, on desktop, with Later's Instagram Schedulernstagram-scheduler/.

You can write all of your post captions in one focused power hour, and then set them to go live at your best time to post

Plus, you can save multiple caption templates with Later’s Saved Captions feature – that you can add to your posts in two taps. It makes creating great Instagram captions easier than ever.  

#4: Invest in a Hashtag Strategy

Instagram hashtags are one of the biggest tools for growth at your disposal, and shouldn’t be overlooked. 

After looking at over 18M Instagram feed posts, we discovered that reach rate increases by 11% (from 24% to 35%) as the number of hashtags grows from one to 30. 

To put that in perspective, for an account with 20K followers, that’s an additional 2.2K accounts reached per post. 

If you need inspiration on which hashtags to use, check out Later’s Instagram hashtag tool, Hashtag Suggestions — it provides 30 associated hashtags sorted by relevance that you can add to your post captions.

TIP: Use Later’s Saved Captions feature to curate and save lists of top-performing hashtags that you can quickly add to your captions in two taps.

#5: Host an Instagram Giveaway

If you want to grow your following fast, hosting an Instagram giveaway can be one of the most effective tactics.

With the right strategy, you can reach thousands of potential new followers, all while building a stronger sense of community around your brand.

Make sure you set clear entry requirements that support your growth goals, such as tagging a friend in the comments, sharing to Instagram Stories, and following your account. 

Instagram giveaways can be especially beneficial when hosted in partnership with a creator or brand that shares your target audience.

Which brings us onto our next strategy to get more Instagram followers...

#6: Partner with Influencers and Brands 

Partnering with likeminded influencers and brands is a major win-win.

You'll be able to benefit from brand association and tap into a new pool of potential followers.

The best news? Partnerships don’t have to break the bank. Some of the most effective ones are simple and mutually beneficial. 

For example, beauty retailer SpaceNK partnered with a luxury retreat destination to offer their community the opportunity to win an exclusive getaway.

Similarly, you don’t have to work with supersize influencers to make an impact.

Nano and Micro influencers typically have higher engagement rates than Macro influencers, and typically have a lower rate card for sponsored posts. 

However, you will have to work with more Nano or Micro influencers to reach the same audience size as a Macro influencer – so the right strategy will depend on your bandwidth and budget requirements.  

New to influencer marketing? Find out how to find the right influencer partner for your brand or business in this blog post.   

#7: Create Highly-shareable Content (Including Memes)

When it comes to organically reaching new audiences, creating shareworthy content is a great place to start.

Inspirational quotes, informative carousel posts, and on-trend memes are all tried-and-tested formats — and it only takes one viral post to reach thousands of people.

Memes in particular are huge for generating viral reach — especially when they tap into something that’s trending in popular culture.

They’re often funny or clever, and they typically feature a combination of text and imagery (a photo, GIF, or video).

To create a super successful meme, try to find the balance between the trending visuals you’re working with, the sentiment of your target audience, and your brand’s niche.

On Later’s Instagram account for example, we typically create memes that are relevant to social media managers:

The more your meme resonates with members of your community, the more likely it will be shared far and wide, which can help to increase your Instagram following.

Looking for Inspiration? Check out some of social media's hottest trending memes here.

#8: Have a Clear Value Proposition

Would you walk into a shop if you had no idea what it sold? Probably not, right?

Well, the same principle applies to your Instagram account. 

Having a clear value proposition (whether it’s styling tips, inspirational quotes, or lifestyle content) is essential for converting visitors to your profile into followers.  

However, this doesn't mean all of your content has to be exactly the same. 

Content creator Christina Galbato recommends focusing on 3-5 content pillars that are related to your niche — so you can add variety to your content plan without diluting your core value.

Need help establishing your content pillars? Find out How to Use Content Pillars for Your Social Media Strategy in this blog post.

#9: Cross-promote Your Instagram Account on Different Channels

If you’re looking for extra ways to grow your Instagram following, cross-promoting your account on other platforms is a great place to start.

TikTok is a major platform for cross-promoting your Instagram account. 

On TikTok, one of the first things you can do to ensure Instagram traffic is by connecting your Instagram account to your TikTok.

You can then create a few TikToks that encourage viewers to click through to your Instagram profile.

If TikTok isn’t part of your marketing strategy, you can direct people to your Instagram via your website, email newsletter, podcast, or another social platform.

#10: Create an Instagram Challenge

Instagram challenges have always been popular (remember the ice bucket challenge in 2014?), and now they're appearing more frequently on Instagram Reels.

Creating a successful Instagram challenge can catapult your account into the zeitgeist – reaching thousands, or even millions, of potential followers. 

For the best results, make sure that participation is as easy as possible, create a branded hashtag to tie the challenge back to your brand, and think about what people will enjoy participating in.

#11: Encourage User-generated Content (UGC) With a Branded Hashtag

Encouraging your community to share user-generated content (UGC) is an awesome way to raise brand awareness and grow your Instagram following.

And sharing UGC is super easy! Followers can either use your branded hashtag or tag your brand.

Bridesmaid dress company Birdy Grey encourages their audience to use their branded hashtag #birdyinthewild when they share pictures that feature their clothes:

The result? Anyone who sees a user-generated picture has an easy route to discover the Birdy Grey Instagram account.

TIP: With Later’s Content Creation Tools, you can review all of the posts you’ve been tagged in, or search for posts that contain a specific hashtag.

Once you find the perfect post, you can save it to your Media Library. Later will maintain the original quality of the post and add the handle of the original creator.

NOTE: You should also ask permission from the original creator — even if they tagged it with your specific UGC-focused hashtag. 

#12: Make Your Instagram Content Accessible

Over 430M people people in the world are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, while at least 2.2B people have a vision impairment.

Here are four simple ways to make your Instagram account more accessible and inclusive today:

  1. Add subtitles or text overlays to video content (including Instagram Videos, Stories, and Reels)

  2. Manually write descriptive alt text for your Instagram posts 

  3. Verbalize visual details during stories and videos

  4. Capitalize each word in Instagram hashtags. This helps screen-readers to read them aloud properly

TIP: Instagram recently released auto-generated captions in 16 languages for stories, so it’s easier than ever to make your content more accessible.

#13: Post More Consistently & Schedule Instagram Posts

When it comes to growing on Instagram, consistency is the name of the game.

Later recently analyzed over 81M feed posts (excluding Reels) to discover how posting frequency impacts average reach and engagement rates.

One of the key takeaways was that accounts that post more frequently typically have more followers:

However, creating quality content that drives real value for your audience should always usurp quantity. Scheduling Instagram posts makes it easy to ensure that your regular posts are of high quality.

#14: Add Keywords to Your Bio's Name Field

Did you know: the words you include in the Name Field of your Instagram bio are searchable?

For example, if your brand specializes in custom artwork, you may want to include keywords like “Art,” or “Artwork” in your Name Field.

“Think about what your niche is, which industry you’re in, who you target, and what solution you offer,” recommends Instagram expert, Elise Darma. “When in doubt, pop that term into the search bar on Instagram and see what appears.”

TIP: Find out how to get your first 1000 followers in our free course with Elise Darma.

#15: Collaborate on Feed Posts and Reels

With the Instagram Collabs feature, users can co-author Instagram feed posts (and Reels) – opening up an entirely new way to reach new audiences. 

This way, you’ll be able to share views, likes, and comments, and can leverage each other’s communities. 

But in order for it to work, you have to make sure the content works for both accounts — whether it's an educational carousel or a Reel that taps into your niche.

NOTE: If you don't have the feature yet, hang tight!

Figuring out how to get more followers on Instagram can seem like a uphill battle, but if you follow the right techniques and strategies, you can definitely grow your following.

It’s a combination of posting creative content, targeting the right audiences, and tapping into Instagram's new features and trends.

So, are you ready to grow your Instagram following? Sign up for Later to plan, schedule, and post to Instagram.

About the Author

Jillian Warren

Jillian is Later's Editor. A go-to expert in social media strategy and content marketing, she has worked in both London and New York. Next up? Lisbon and Paris! You can reach out to her on Instagram here: @jillwrren.

Plan, schedule, and automatically publish your social media posts with Later.

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Step-By-Step Guide To 21k in 2023

Looking to get followers on Instagram? You’ve come to the right place…

Instagram is a naturally a great place for brands of all shapes and sizes to gain exposure. However, growing an engaged and loyal audience on the app is no easy task. One of Hopper HQ‘s guest writers Johannes explains just how to get followers on Instagram in this detailed guide…


Step 1: Growing from 0 to 100 Instagram followers

Step 2: Growing to 1,000 Instagram followers
Step 3: Growing to 5,000 Instagram followers
Step 4: Growing to 10,000 Instagram followers
Step 5: Growing to 21,000 Instagram followers and beyond

If you’ve ended up clicking on this article, I’ll take a wild guess and assume that you care about growing your Instagram account. ‘How to get followers on Instagram?’ is a question on every marketer’s mind. 

Sadly, the majority of articles published on the topic are either too vague or too case-specific, and mostly present a couple of low-impact and/or exhaustively time-consuming ideas.

In addition to that, these Instagram follower growth strategies need to be updated almost as often as Instagram updates its ranking algorithm – there’s a good chance that the tips shared in 2017 are long outdated, because well, Instagram has changed a lot in the past 2 years.

I [@gettinggrowth] have been doing Instagram Marketing for a couple of years now. During that time, I’ve tested ridiculous amounts of different methods for growing mine and my clients’ accounts.

Through these experiences, I’ve compiled a set of universal and effective ways to get followers on Instagram. In my attempts to organize them somehow, I came up with this step-by-step guide to growing a follower base, more specifically: a road to 21k.

But before you get started with it, it’s time for a quick reality check: A silver bullet strategy that will suddenly bring you to the 1k, 10k or 21k mark, does not exist

When it comes to how to get followers on Instagram, timing is everything. Yes, there is a set of activities that you can do to increase your following. However, suddenly going full-speed with all of them isn’t going to result in anything remarkable, as the effectiveness of each action changes after reaching a certain follower milestone.

For instance, there’s no point in buying a shout-out to your account for a 100 bucks from a big influencer while you have 10 followers. Yes, you might get some followers from that, but the price per follower would be unreasonably high. It would be much more effective when you’ve already established a strong identity and following on Instagram, and are looking to speed up the snowball effect.

Alright, enough blabbering, let’s head over to the actual guide: How To Get Followers On Instagram

Step 1: Growing from 0 to 100 Instagram followers

Okay, so you now have a brand new account and need to build that initial momentum and get followers on Instagram. 

If you already have a business or a brand with a somewhat established community, then getting that initial following shouldn’t be that big of a challenge. Send out a newsletter to your existing customers, inviting them to follow you on Instagram.

Remember that when you want people to do something, you need to give them an incentive. In this case, a discount for your products to the first 100 followers could work just fine. 

If you have a large enough email list, you can split the offer so that first the 100 followers get 30% off, next 100 get 20% off, and so on, to not discourage those who might have opened the email later, from following you. Before you send out the email though, make sure you already have a few engaging posts up to give an idea of your brand.

If you don’t have an existing customer/follower community, you can turn to your friends, family or colleagues, and ask them to follow you. This is one of my personal favorites, because you can get the initial follower base quite easily even without posting any content (however, I’d still suggest having at least one post there to begin with), and if you’re one of those people with a large family and friend group, you might just hit that 100 followers quite quickly.

Also, if you have a brand website, you can capture any site visitors by adding an Instagram follow button, to be sure your audience knows where you find you on social! Of course, make sure that your website is well-optimized and built by a reliable website builder (for example, Ucraft or Wix).

After you’ve completed this initial step, it’s time to choose a strategy to get followers on Instagram and growing this base to at least a 100 followers.

Strategy 1: “Something’s coming…”

This will be best if you have some kind of an announcement coming soon — a new website, a product, a giveaway, etc.

Create an attractive profile picture, and an engaging and witty bio – don’t be afraid to throw some emojis in there if that’s something that would resonate with your audience.

If you have a link to your homepage, email subscription page, or literally any other brand link that could potentially extend the relationship with your followers, definitely add that as well!

Even if you haven’t properly launched your site yet, it adds credibility to your brand — it shows your audience that you’re serious about your brand to have gone the extra-mile and bought a domain. Ideally, you should have at least a “coming soon” page set-up with a lead capture.

But don’t sweat it — your Instagram page doesn’t necessarily grow faster by having a link in your bio. At this point, it’s more of a nice-to-have to start moving towards monetizing your audience, which you can totally do in the later steps as well.

When writing an Instagram bio, make sure to be very clear on what your account is going to be about. If you’re planning to launch an eCommerce business, then say it. If you’re giving away free marketing advice, let them know. Maybe you’re launching a giveaway for the first 100 followers? They should know about it. Give people an incentive to follow you, even if you don’t have anything up at the moment.

If you want to take it one step further (and you always should), publish at least one post that looks beautiful and conveys your brand message. This will help you to get followers on Instagram, as it lets potential followers know what you’re about, what kind of posts can they expect from you, and gets them excited about your upcoming brand!

For ‘Help a Marketer’, I created this:

Brand picture ☑️ Brand description ☑️ Incentive ☑️Website ☑️

Unfortunately, just having your account set up won’t help you get followers on Instagram. Search for accounts that are in your niche or in a niche similar to yours, and already have a substantial following (I wouldn’t go higher than accounts with 10k+ followers though). Once you have identified these accounts, start following at least 10 of them, and make sure to follow about 50 of their followers as well.

If you want to go the extra mile (and again, you should), you can check out the accounts of those 50 followers before you follow them, to make sure they actually fit your target audience.

Here’s the important bit — make sure to interact with the accounts that you follow on a regular basis! Like their latest posts, leave comments on them, respond to their Instagram Stories and/or just write them a direct message where you introduce yourself in one sentence and mention that you’ve started a new account and you would be honoured to see them among your first followers who’ll get [insert the incentive you wrote about in your bio]. 

The personal approach of the direct message in combination with regular engagement will increase is a great tactic to get followers on Instagram – especially if you haven’t chosen an account that’s too big and will actually see your message. You should be doing all this in the later phases as well, but it’s especially crucial while when you’re still a new account.

Strategy 2: “A rising star”

If, on the other hand, you don’t really have anything big coming up or if you’re interested in developing a personal brand (models, photographers, speakers etc), then go for this one.

Everything we discussed in Strategy 1 is still useful. You should work on your bio description, explain who you are and what your account is about, reach out to other accounts in your niche and engage with their followers.

The major difference here is that you need to build your feed up BEFORE you do the outreach. Remember, you won’t be driving people to your upcoming offer to get followers on Instagram — you will be driving them to your posts.

Here’s the big question:

How many posts should you have published before you start serious Instagram outreach? In my opinion, at least 9-12 posts would be a good starting point.

This means when someone lands on your profile there is sufficient content to portray you and/or your brand. Keep in mind that your posts should complement each other to create a cohesive grid and feed aesthetic.

Having a nice layout for your images really matters. Yes, each individual image works for driving engagement from your existing Instagram followers who see the posts in their feed.

However, the overall grid look is one of the most important things (if not the most important) in helping you get followers on Instagram. It shows that you take your brand seriously, and lets them know that they can expect similar quality content consistently.

If you’re stuck deciding on a style for your feed, check out this article for inspiration ✨

Accounts that use consistent colour palettes and go the extra mile planning their feed will get followers on Instagram more quickly than those who don’t!

If you decide to go with 12 initial posts, I’d suggest posting them within 2-3 days at least. It depends on how often you’re planning to post in the future, but I personally think that having all 12 posts published in one day doesn’t seem organic at all. (This, however, is just my personal preference, and if you’re super anxious to start, then knock yourself out and post all of them immediately).

In every post, include a lot (30 per post) of different hashtags to make your initial posts more discoverable to potential followers. It’s important to show good engagement on your posts right from the start.

I suggest choosing both hashtags that have very little post shares (maybe like 1k-20k), as well as very popular ones (10mil+). Chances are that you’ll start getting Instagram followers from this activity alone! The most important thing to remember is that your hashtags are relevant to the content of your post. For more hashtag tips, check out:

💡 The All-In-One Guide To Instagram Hashtags 💡


  • Create an attractive bio with an incentive to follow — an offer, the posts themselves, or both
  • Engage with people and brands that might be interested in your content on a regular basis
  • Work on your first posts to develop your own style/layout
  • Research more and less popular hashtags, pick out as many relevant ones as you can, and use them on your posts.

Moving on…

Step 2: Growing to 1,000 Instagram followers

Once you have that initial traction, the following strategy will really give an extra boost to get followers on Instagram. Here’s what you do:

  1. Identify some of the bigger accounts(50k+ followers) that are similar to yours or are in the same industry with the same target audience you’re trying to reach. 
  2. Check if their followers are real (some great tools for that: Fameaudit, SocialAuditPro)
  3. If the majority of their followers are real, open up their follower list and start following these accounts (I personally suggest to follow accounts that have a real human in the profile picture, instead of a logo)
  4. Start checking who’s not following you back and unfollow these accounts. There’s plenty of apps for both Android and iOS for this exact purpose — just give it a search.

Ideally, at least 20% of the people that you started following, should follow you back. The more followers you have, the ‘healthier’ your follower to following ratio is, the more attractive your feed looks, and the higher the follow-back percentage is going to be.

People are more inclined to follow back Instagram accounts that:

  • Look real
  • Have more followers than the account is following
  • Have a lot of followers*
  • Have a nicely designed feed of posts

In addition to the follow/unfollow strategy, you should start interacting with these bigger accounts (as long as they’re not direct competitors). 

Firstly, turn on post notifications for these accounts. Every time they post something, be the first to like and leave a comment. There’s already too many “This is so true”, “That’s dope man”,“Awesome post” type of comments out there because of engagement bots. They have become very easy to spot and most Instagram users know that they are not genuine: 

Generic comments like this are often from accounts using a follower or engagement bot, and therefore don’t count as genuine engagement

So try to write something related to the caption or the post — the more human you are, the better! Although AI writing assistants like Jasper AI are all the rage now, It is better to ask specific questions or add your own opinion. This will prove to other Instagram users in your community that you are genuinely interested.

Examples of short comments related to the caption on one of my posts.

To reach 1000 followers, I would suggest combining the follow/unfollow strategy together with the strategies covered in the previous step!

Secondly, when you start reaching the 1000 follower mark, it’s a good idea to start thinking about scheduling your Instagram posts. This will give you more time to create content, engage with your audience, and continue to get followers on Instagram. 

Scheduling and managing your Instagram content with Hopper HQ means you can post straight from your desktop, visually plan your Instagram feed, and save loads of time!

Photos, videos, carousel posts, captions, first comments can all be scheduled in advance so you never need to rush for last minute posts again.

Sign up for a free 14 day trial today to test it out — you won’t want to go back to doing things manually.


  1. Identify the key accounts that are similar to yours and follow them
  2. Turn on post notifications for these accounts
  3. Leave a comment as soon as they post
  4. Follow their real followers

Step 3: Growing to 5,000 Instagram followers

Now that you have a good foundation for growth, it’s time to accelerate even faster. I’m not saying you should stop doing what you have been doing previously. I think those methods are great even if you have passed the 20,000 follower mark. However, adding other methods from this point forward might give the same if not better results with less effort.

  • Firstly, you should start using engagement groups. If you haven’t heard about them, then you should read the following article, to understand what engagement groups are and how they work: Increase your Organic Reach on Instagram with Engagement Groups.
  • Secondly, consider investing in ads. If you’re building a brand (and not just posting pictures of your cat), Instagram ads will come in quite handy at this point.
  • Thirdly, definitely start scheduling your Instagram posts. Once you’ve reached this stage, every minute you invest into your Instagram counts. Check out this step by step guide to scheduling on Hopper HQ.

To run ads on Instagram, you need to switch to a business account.  If you don’t have it yet (or if you don’t know whether you have it or not), there’s a very easy way to activate it:

  1. Go to your profile and click the settings button next to Edit Profile
  2. Scroll down until you see Switch to Business Profile (if you already have a business account, you will find Switch back to Personal Account)
  3. Click it and follow the instructions to set up a business profile (FYI – you will need a Facebook page that you are an admin of).
Where to switch to a business profile

You can promote your existing posts, or link your account to Facebook and create an ad from the Facebook Ads Manager panel. Try different targeting options, and see which one gets followers on Instagram the quickest or increases engagement (depends on the post and goal).

I would suggest making short video ads and choosing Instagram Stories as the ad placement. This is still a relatively underused placement, which probably yields in better bang-for-the-buck ratio than the regular feed posts would.

If you need any help with running the ads, hire a freelancer or heck, even shoot me a message on Instagram, and I’ll give you a quick intro!

Finally, if you have established relationships with Instagram influencers, don’t forget about them…

Influencers are real people too! If you want to approach an influencer about working together, be genuinely interested in what’s going in their lives. If you’re not on the shy side, record a short video of yourself as a conversation starter, and send it to them as a direct message. You’ll definitely stand out from other accounts who they might be having conversations with.

If you select multiple accounts as recipients, be sure to not create a group chat, but send it to them separately. Otherwise, it doesn’t seem very personal.

You might be asking, “How does this help me get followers on Instagram”?

Well, it’s quite simple, actually.

When you view your notifications on Instagram, you’ll notice a Following tab. It’s where people go to spy on what their friends are up to on Instagram — what photos they like, which accounts they’ve started following, what comments they’ve left, etc. If you haven’t ever used it, you should start ASAP.

The ‘Following’ tab

I don’t have hard evidence to back this up, but this BuzzFeed article suggests that 67% of Instagram users use it. If these influencer accounts keep liking and commenting on your posts, there’s a good probability that their followers will see.

It’s a great way to help you get followers on Instagram because naturally, people want to know what their friends and idols are into, so they’ll go and check it out. If the content is similar to what they already like anyway, it’s likely that they will start following you as well. 

The world of influencers is a little daunting if you’re still building your brand and trying to get followers on Instagram, so check out this Simple Guide To Instagram Influencer Marketing to learn all you need to know.


  1. Join and use engagement groups
  2. Run ads to drive traffic to your profile and posts
  3. Build quality relationships with influencers

Step 4: Growing to 10,000 Instagram followers

Hitting the 10,000 follower mark on Instagram is magical ✨

That number is so big that it doesn’t fit in the dedicated space, so it’s shortened to 10k.

Additionally, you get the huge perk of being able to add links to your Instagram Stories. This opens up an amazing opportunity to start monetizing your Instagram account. Here’s one article on how you can go about doing it with e-mail: How to Monetize Instagram.

Keep doing everything you have been doing so far to get followers on Instagram. Of course, if something seems like it’s not giving any returns, then stop doing it and focus on things that have the most impact! You should revisit your Instagram marketing strategy at every stage of this guide to make sure you’re staying on track! 

Now, since you have a quite nice follower base, you should think of ways to have them help you with promotion:

Tag a friend

One of the best ways to get people promoting your content is by simply asking them to tag their friends. This can actually be done with any post you make. It works well with emotionally powerful content — quotes, funny and/or inspiring videos, posts about animals etc. In your post caption, you can include something like “Tag a friend”, “Tag someone who inspires you”, “Tag someone who should be doing this” and so on.

The content needs to be really good though. That’s the key here. If it’s not emotionally moving, it’s not likely people will tag others! 

Examples of the ‘tag a friend’ caption

Host a giveaway

Offer a prize that your followers can’t refuse! It can be books, gadgets, hats, shirts, Amazon gift cards, a product you sell, etc. I’m not gonna go into great detail about this, so here’s an article on how to run an Instagram contest, in case you’re interested. 

Run a giveaway contest to help get followers on Instagram.


  1. Encourage your followers to become brand ambassadors
  2. Create posts where they can ‘tag a friend’
  3. Run a giveaway to increase your reach

Step 5: Growing to 21,000 Instagram followers and beyond

As with previous milestones, everything we covered before can surely be used to grow your account and help you get followers on Instagram.

However, I want to give my final suggestions that I have seen give good return, especially when you have grown your account over 10k followers.

Like I said, having your account Instagram follower number over 10k is magical. It builds credibility and you’re definitely not another random account out there anymore.

That being said, you should start thinking about creating a voice outside of Instagram. Having more than 10k followers opens up opportunities for monetization, and you should take advantage of them and focus on building your whole online presence rather than just an Instagram account.

I mean sure you can do that, but it really comes down to your end game.

Start thinking of your Instagram as a business. What problem are you solving? What value are you delivering? What do your followers “get” from your posts?

When you have identified these things, search where your potential audience hangs out and start delivering value.

Here’s some ideas what to do:

  • Answer relevant YouTube comments
  • Help people in relevant Reddit subreddits 
  • Answer relevant Quora questions
  • Talk with people on relevant Facebook groups
  • Post content on relevant forums
  • Write articles for blogs that your audience might follow 

These are just some examples of how you could be driving traffic to your profile and working to get followers on Instagram. Like Warren Buffet said, “Never depend on a single income stream”. So why should you only depend on the Instagram ranking algorithm to get followers on Instagram?

Now, this might seem like a lot of work at first. But once you’ve got the hang of it, it becomes relatively easy. Alternatively, you can outsource most of these things. Before you get back to watching Taylor Swift’s latest music video, let me just give you one last method – shoutouts.

You can agree on different ways to make the shoutouts. For example, they can be as regular posts, video post shoutouts, or shoutouts in Stories.

Here’s an example of a shoutout post

There’s a reason I haven’t mentioned them yet. In my own experience, getting shoutouts when your account is still small, can be expensive and quite useless.

Sure you can do S4S (shoutout for shoutout) with someone who has similar content and is of similar size even when you both have just 100 followers. But in my opinion, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to start promoting other accounts while your own account is still in early stage. I feel that it’s a little off-putting to your followers.

However, if you’ve built a close relationship with someone and their content resonates with you, it will feel more organic for your followers as well. Otherwise, 10k would be a good starting point for getting into shoutouts.

You can try to arrange some sort of an agreement, but most of the time, you will have to pay for shoutouts. Talk to different accounts to get an idea how much they are worth. A shoutout from an account with 100k followers might cost you around $50. Also, the amount of new followers you will receive from a shoutout depends on your content, bio, follower count, followers-to-following ratio, etc. (see Step 2).  


  1. Establish an online presence outside of Instagram to continuously drive traffic to your account.
  2. Collaborate with other Instagram accounts for shoutouts.

To conclude

That is how to get followers on Instagram! According to statista, Instagram now has over 1 billion monthly active users. This is massive social proof that they have managed to establish a platform that people really love.

As a result, it’s attracting an increasing number of brands, businesses and freelancers that want to grow their presence and use Instagram as a channel to drive more sales. Despite this making it harder than ever to stand out, I’m confident that with the help of this guide + your own creativity, you’ll be ahead of the game in no time!

A lot of marketers will probably disagree with me on this, but I’ve recently noticed that posting more content doesn’t necessarily make your account grow faster. Engaging with other Instagrammers does.

In the beginning, I used to post twice a day every day. One week, I posted only 2 times or so, but was very active on the platform, leaving comments and likes all over the place, reaching out to users that I would like to collaborate with in the future, and so on.

The result?

My engagement stayed more or less the same, but I was gaining more daily followers than ever before.

The moral of the story is that if you’re on a tight schedule, don’t stress so much about posting more content. Post a few times a week, but make these posts absolutely awesome. Use high quality images/videos and write longer captions that are engaging and helpful!

To make the process of content creation less overwhelming during an already busy week, space out a couple of hours at least once a week to prepare a ton of scheduled Instagram content ahead of time. This little “hack” has helped me stay sane like nothing else, and the quality of my content hasn’t had to suffer because of my hectic schedule either.

I hope this has been a useful read, and has given you some new and more actionable ideas on how to get followers on Instagram. If you have any questions at any point or want to share your successes, you can always shoot me a direct message (@gettinggrowth).

Good luck, have fun!

Guest Author: Johannes Kanter

Johannes helps small businesses with their online marketing challenges and writes about Instagram marketing for his blog GettingGrowth. com.

How to become popular on Instagram: 10 basic rules - Latest news of Belgorod and the region September 2022, 14:17

October 19, 2021, 06:31

Photo: IA "Bel.Ru"

The desire to have a high-quality profile on Instagram is connected not only with the dream of becoming popular, but also with the desire to receive income from their activities. nine0003

And understandably, many people make $100 to $1000 a month by managing their account. Previously, it was enough to take high-quality pictures against a beautiful background and upload them as often as possible. In 2021, such advice no longer works. You can solve the whole issue in one fell swoop and collect subscribers for yourself using the service, but if the budget does not allow, then you will have to act on your own. Below we will tell you how to become popular on Instagram in a short time. nine0003

How the social network Instagram works

The unprecedented interest in entertainment content on Instagram attracts billions of users. If you believe the rating of the most innovative companies in the world, then this network took the first place in its time. It is difficult to become popular on Instagram over time, as competition is high, advertisers now carefully select promoted pages for cooperation, and users demand more unique content.

To make Instagram popular, you can use our recommendations that will allow you to attract more followers. Understand that working with social media is strongly associated with PR and marketing, so it is important to know how this kitchen works. Start with the basics, find out what a development strategy is, positioning, how to calculate the effectiveness of advertising, what benefits targeting brings. An influencer knows how to make his Instagram popular, he understands that for this you need to become a real marketer. nine0003

Tips on how to become popular on Instagram

Below are working tips, life hacks and just recommendations from the experience of working with social networks, tips from successful bloggers that will allow you to repeat their path. Just follow the instructions, then you will become popular on Instagram.

1. Change your profile photo to a personal one

A profile photo is the first thing your subscribers see, and only then they scroll through publications, look at history. Faceless accounts do not generate income, as real live photos are valued. Remember that people follow a person as a brand, and finally becoming a brand, you can make good money on the Internet. nine0003

2. Monitor your content

Before you monetize your page, think about what makes you different from others. Your videos and photos should be unique, useful and interesting, then people will be happy to visit your page, leave comments, likes, subscribe. Don't get hung up on common, unpopular topics like travel, food blogging, beauty and sports, Mom.

It's better to write about what your soul lies in, then you can quickly make your Instagram page popular. Then you will not need to read something new every day, as the content will come from the heart. And most importantly, you will soon begin to receive a good income on Instagram. nine0003

Remember that the optimal message size is up to 2000 characters, try to remove negative notes in the text, make more lively appeals to readers. Be sure to joke, as humor brings subscribers and the author together. In the near future, it will be possible to run group chats in Facebook Messenger between applications with further integration with Instagram, which will make it easier to communicate with followers.

3. Find out who your followers are

When you choose a topic for your blog, you can learn about your followers. To become popular on Instagram in 1 day, do not be too lazy to look through the profiles of your like-minded people, find out their point of view, what they live and are fond of. This will allow you to choose the direction of work, create a plan with different topics of posts that will surely interest people. The main thing is not to be scattered on a wide mass of people, take possession of the souls of a devoted and small audience, and the rest must catch up. nine0003

4. Fill out your profile

The information in your profile header will help your page visitors to understand whether you need to follow you or it's time to leave your account. In fact, this is your business card, another, but the most important selling post that will allow you to become a popular blogger on Instagram. Use the keys, break the hat into semantic blocks, add casual emoticons. Be sure to post a working link to your website or other social network account there. nine0003

5. Plan your content

Planning is the best way to effectively manage your social networks. This will help the content plan that popular pages on Instagram develop a month in advance. Follow the work of other bloggers, catch the latest trends, as any information pipeline can be easily adapted to the idea of ​​your account. Just prepare stories and posts in advance so that you always have something interesting at hand.

6. Actively promote page

You can make your Instagram account popular faster when you connect a target. There are main promotion options - this is Ads Manager, which provides for linking accounts in FB and Insta. You don’t have to invest a lot for this, you can separately pay for advertising space with popular bloggers and influencers. This all sounds good, but it will be impossible to calculate the profit from this advertising campaign.

You can also work with other users - like them, write messages, comments, mark their accounts in personal posts, expecting that they will also follow your example. Do not forget about mass following, giveaways, activity chats, contests. nine0003

7. Switch the page to a business account

Switching to a business account will let everyone know that your profile has a specific purpose. For such accounts, it will be easier to collect statistics, analyze data, and understand what followers need. The transition to a new status will help you quickly become famous on Instagram, make connections with brands and other bloggers. You can switch to business mode if you have a FB page.

8. Share personal

Storytelling is considered a good opportunity to tell subscribers about yourself, your life, to explain that the author is the same person as they are. These can be ordinary stories about how you spent the summer, a working day, a day off, stupid stories that you won’t tell your children about, etc. The purpose of such stories is to resonate with readers, give them more information about you, encourage them to leave a comment with a like and ideally subscribe to your updates.

9. Decorate your ribbon

Like an apartment, your ribbon should be attractive. This is the main rule of a successful Instagram profile. Photos should be beautiful, of high quality, sustained in one topic. And this means that the pictures should look good with each other. Some bloggers choose a highlight for their feed - a certain color for publication, composition, tools for decorating pictures. If you hit a dead end, then install photo editors or use the built-in filters from Instagram. nine0003

10. Post regularly

This is another rule for successful blogging. Your videos, photos and texts should appear every day, otherwise people will get bored and go looking for a more prolific author. Studies have shown that an increase in publications increases the involvement of the target audience, so go for it. Most importantly, set yourself realistic plans that you can fulfill.


Our 10 Essential Rules for Increasing Your Instagram Profile will help you get your first million followers on the social network. Remember that the main secret of the page's success will be your sincerity, unlikeness from other bloggers, individuality - all this will open the door to success for you. nine0003

Instagram provides everyone with equal opportunities to become popular, to reveal their potential, to tell other people about themselves. You just have to create something worthwhile, and all this within your phone. Put in more effort, you will succeed.

#News#Instagram#Subscriber#Tips#Popularity#Society subjects of the Russian Federation

Today, 08:58

Around 200,000 dumplings were handed out at the gastronomic festival in Belgorod

Today, 09:56

Gradusy group complained that they were not treated to dumplings at the festival


How was the festival of dumplings in Belgorod: photo0001

Reading time: 6 minutes

March 26, 2020

Lying on Instagram has become part of everyday life. Someone is driven to lie by psychological dependence, someone by the desire to earn money, and someone by cold calculation. Let's try to understand what drives people in pursuit of false popularity on Instagram and what consequences they face.

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Dependence on other people's approval

If you look at the average user's feed, you can think that people eat all the time, travel and enjoy all day long. One gets the impression that the relationship of people is always ideal, without quarrels and resentments. And in life there are many more successful moments than failures. But in reality it's not like that.

The point is that by posting photos on Instagram, we form our virtual image. And if at the time when the social network just appeared, virtual images and real ones coincided, but now they are very different. We strive to create a virtual image that will appeal to many. This desire to please others has turned into an addiction. nine0003

The desire to gain the approval of the online public is becoming frightening. For the sake of the desired likes and new subscribers, users are ready for almost anything: photos from skyscrapers, buying packages from the Central Department Store on Avito or, more simply, cheating and other gray (unsafe) promotion methods. Psychologists compare the desire to look better on Instagram than in real life - "pathological deceit." This, in turn, can even lead to personality disorders.


In addition to addiction and “pathological deceit”, the approach to promoting an account using gray services or imaginary popularity most often does not give the desired success:


In most cases, the quality of content in accounts that increase popularity on Instagram through gray methods of promotion is far from even the average: there is no single blog topic, benefit for subscribers. This affects the conversion to subscriptions. It is better to work on the content so that it attracts and engages the audience. nine0141

Analyze your content to understand what posts your subscribers like or dislike

Analyze content

will be extremely difficult.

Subscribers most often feel insincerity and obsession with blog author likes.

Desire to earn money

Another reason to become a popular blogger on Instagram is material gain. Many users, seeing the success of bloggers, try to repeat it in order to earn money from advertising. However, promoting Instagram is a long and difficult process. Those who are not ready to work and wait choose an easier way - to wind up likes, comments, subscribers and views so that the account statistics look attractive to advertisers.

To be honest, not all advertisers understand what numbers to study in blogger account statistics and what their normal ranges are. In addition, it is not always so easy to calculate markups. If a person turns correctly, and this is not striking, then it is extremely difficult to calculate the cheat, and sometimes even impossible. nine0003

Therefore, some of the "fake" bloggers receive promotional offers, although not in large volumes. Such a tactic will not help you earn big money, since usually advertising on accounts with cheats does not even pay off. Therefore, promotional offers are often one-time. The reviews of advertisers on stock exchanges or other resources will also be disastrous for such a blogger, which will discourage potential advertisers from buying ads from them.


Bad reputation and short-term relationships with advertisers will result in little or no advertising earnings. But it is more dangerous to get an account blocked for using gray methods of promotion (cheating, mass liking, mass following, mass looking, etc.).

Development of a new account

Not only bloggers, but also commercial accounts indulge in cheating. And it forces them to do this for two reasons:

When promoting a new account, you may encounter a psychological barrier for users to subscribe to an unpopular account. The idea is that we evaluate the usefulness of an account by its popularity: if no one follows this account, then it is not interesting here. In the comments, it may be the fear of starting a discussion and speaking first. nine0003

For a commercial account that sells on the website, the strategic task is to redirect followers from Instagram to the website. The most convenient way to do this is with stories, but to be able to add a link to them, you need to pass the milestone of 10,000 subscribers.

Such behavior can be tolerated, because this false popularity is “for good”. But we must not forget that cheating can do more harm than help.


In both cases, when increasing likes, comments, subscribers and other indicators, it is important not to forget to stimulate the existing audience to interact with the content. Otherwise, imaginary activity will remain, and your posts will go down in the feeds of subscribers, which will cause a drop in coverage. No reach, no sales.

In addition to the drop in reach, cheating is not safe for your account. You can get a shadowban or block. It is better to ask friends and colleagues to subscribe to the account and periodically “be active” there. nine0003


Each method of getting false popularity on Instagram has its own unfavorable outcomes: from blocking for cheating and damage to reputation, ending with psychological dependence. Therefore, when developing an Instagram account with such methods, first of all, it is worth thinking about the consequences. Perhaps it is worth spending a little more time and effort on its gradual promotion. It will be safer and more efficient.

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