How to tag more than 20 instagram

How Many People Can You Tag on Instagram (2022)


If you did see Kylie Jenner tagging her boyfriend Travis Scott directly on her butt on an Instagram post, your views about the tagging feature may have been changed. In this article, we will give you information on how many people can you tag on Instagram.

We are social creatures, and naturally, it’s expected that we enjoy certain things with people whom we love. Thanks to Instagram, like other social media platforms, you can easily tag the people beside you on the photo you just posted. In that way, the internet is like a big old photo gallery.

Other than the sentimental part of it, it’s also a great way to get in touch with the relevant people that you can’t normally chitchat with. You can get their attention with an amazing post. However, how can you do that if you don’t know how to tag people on a post?

Let’s learn how you can.

Instagram’s Inbuilt Tag Feature

Currently, when you tag people with the tag feature you can do 20 people but after that Instagram won’t let you do more. Therefore, you shouldn’t go that high with the numbers. Who’s going to check that twenty individual tags anyway?

However, how many people can you tag on Instagram if you mention them directly from the comment section with the @ sign?

  • You should be able to get more than 20. You’ll have to try it yourself. The case for stories is much less with a max of 10 tags.
  • When it comes to hashtags, Instagram says on their page: “You can use up to 30 tags on a post; if you include more than 30 tags on a single photo/video, your comment won’t post.”

So, keep that in mind if you decide to use a lot of hashtags.

How to Use Hashtags to Your Advantage

A recent update now allows you to follow hashtags so the most popular posts with the said hashtag will show up on your feed even if you aren’t following the account that posts using that hashtag. Keep that in mind when using hashtags. Keep them relevant to your content and don’t overdo it.

  • Top 100 Instagram Hashtags of 2019 (Ultimate Hashtag Guide)
  • Find the best hashtags that correspond with your posts.
  • In any hashtag page at the top, you can see related hashtags that are also popular. Find the ones you could work with.
  • You can also consider creating your own hashtags.
  • You should stay away from banned hashtags as they might tank your impressions.

If you stick to a consistent plan that promotes your hashtags and maybe sometimes ask profiles with a bigger fan base to use your hashtag you can grow your account over time.

Conclusion on How Many People Can You Tag on Instagram


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When you think about it throughout, Instagram’s tagging feature is bliss. You can share your best moments alongside your friends with the vast world of social media. It’s up to them to admire it.

However, you should be careful when using it as there is not a distinct line between too much and just right. This is especially true for the other tagging feature; the hashtags. In that case, we know that the optimal number is nine, so, don’t go overboard. Thanks for reading.

Do you utilize hashtags or do you tag people to relevant posts? Let us know right down in the comments section.

How Many People Can I Tag On Instagram In One Post? It Depends On How You Do It


Carl Court/Getty Images News/Getty Images

by Josie Rhodes Cook


Originally Published: 

Instagram is easily one of the most popular social media platforms, but even those who use it regularly may not know how many people they can tag on Instagram in one post, or other limitations Instagram has in place. As it turns out there are, in fact, limits to the number of friends you can tag in that photo you posted of your friends enjoying the perfect moms' night out.

You can tag up to 20 accounts in a post on Instagram, according to Social Buddy. Additionally, the Instagram help center notes that you can't include more than five "@ mentions" in a single comment on the site. So, you can only identify 20 of your friends in that big group photo that you post to your feed and when you want your friends to see a very hilarious meme on Instagram, there's a limit to how many friends you can tag in one comment. So it does seem to matter whether you're tagging people in a post or a reply when it comes to the overall number of people you can mention.

The key difference seems to be whether you are "tagging" people in an Instagram post by mentioning them using the "@" sign in a caption or comment, or whether you're clicking on "tag people" before you share the post and adding tags to the actual photo being published.

Just to be sure, I tested the number of people I could tag in a single Instagram post. When using the "tag people" function, I could only get to 20 before Instagram stopped me from adding any more accounts. However, when I used the "@" sign to tag people in the caption of the post, I got past 20 and Instagram let me keep tagging. When tagging people in the comments of a post, it let me tag more than five people without getting an error. Even after posting a photo with 22 people tagged, all of the tags showed up.

Westend61/Westend61/Getty Images

So the official limit for tagging people appears to be 20 people, but you can still get people's attention on a post that you'd like them to see, whether it's because they're in the image you've posted or not, by simply tagging more people in the caption of the post itself. This way they’ll know you want them to see the specific post.

There are also limits to how many hashtags you can use in one comment, which are a great way to get your posts seen and encourage engagement with other users. According to Instagram you can only use up to 30 hashtags in one post.

While this may seem like a trick that can be easily exploited, you should be careful not to make Instagram mad enough to end up with a shadowban, or otherwise have your account limited on the site.

Instagram is currently one of the most downloaded (free) phone apps in the Apple app store with more than 1 billion users and it's the third most popular social media platform in the United States, as Forbes reported in March 2018. That statistic is based off of a survey the Pew Research Center did on social media use in 2018, which found that 35% of U.S. adults say they use Instagram. And it's particularly popular with young people: 71% of American 18- to 24-year-olds reportedly use the social media platform every day.

Since Instagram is and will probably continue to be so popular, it's a good thing for people to learn all that they can on how to use it effectively.

Additional reporting by Casey Suglia.

This article was originally published on

✅ How to tag people on Instagram Stories, comments and photos — LiveDune Blog

Tag people on Instagram can be useful not only to participate in the contest, but also to promote your account.


1. How to tag a person in a photo on Instagram
2. How to tag a person in a comment on Instagram
3. How to tag a person in a story on Instagram

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On their posts, they most often tag either friends who are present in the photo, or brands whose products are also present in the photo.

In both cases, your post will appear in the tagged account in the "Tagged" section. If the account that you mark as closed, then your photo will be seen only by those users who are subscribed to the marked account.

Thus, any user who logs into your friend's account, for example, can see your joint photo and go to your account. The reach is also given by the marks of friends and brands, but in the second case it is many times more. Even better, if you not only take a photo with the brand's products, but also write a review or rank the top products that you like. Then it is more likely that the brand will publish your post in their account and tag you.

Content that users create for other users is called UGC. You can read more about how UGC content works, what it is and why brands need it in the article “How UGC content works on social networks”.

To tag an account while publishing a post, click "Tag users", select the area on the photo where you want to mark. For example, if you want to tag a brand of glasses in a photo, click on the glasses. After a new window will open with a search bar, find the desired account and select it.

If you want to tag an account in an already published post, open the desired post, click the three dots in the upper right corner and select "Edit" to edit the post. In the lower left corner, click on the little man. Then you know what to do.

If your post did not appear in the account that was tagged, it means that the account owner has enabled pre-moderation and manually adds tagging. Either he didn't approve of your mark, or he simply forgets to check for new marks. The switch to manual tagging was provoked by spammers who randomly tag accounts on contest and other posts.

How to tag a person on Instagram in the comments

Since it is impossible to tag a friend in a photo in other people's posts on Instagram, it is important to tag him in the comments. Thus, you can draw the attention of a friend to some kind of post, most often humorous. Or fulfill the condition of the contest - tag friends in the comments to the post.

To tag a friend in an Instagram comment, open the desired post and type the account name followed by @, for example, @livedune. You can tag up to 5 accounts per comment. Users you tag will receive tag notifications.

Track mentions of your account to respond to user content in time.

See mentions

How to tag a person in your story on Instagram

The traffic in the Stories section is not inferior to the views of the feed, so many promotion mechanics have spread here as well.
For example, holding contests in which the user must screenshot something, post it in their Stories and tag the account of the contest organizer. Mutual PR with another account or the same UGC. There are two ways to tag in Instagram stories.

Method 1. Upload/take a photo/video to stories, click on "Aa" in the upper right corner. Type the name of the desired account through @ and select the desired account.

If an underline does not appear under the name, then the account name most likely made a mistake, and the mark will not be clickable.

Method 2. Almost the same as the first, only a separate “Mention” sticker is used for marking. You can change the background of the sticker, otherwise there are no differences.

10 accounts can be marked in one story. The tag is clickable and anyone viewing stories can go to the account you tag. The account that you tagged will receive a notification in Direct about the tagging and the opportunity to add this stories to yourself.

Instagram tags can be used to increase the organic reach of your account. For example, by marking accounts of brands whose products are present in the photo.

Or you can create several Instagram accounts for each product/service (if you don't have a website and a small number of products, otherwise you'll be tormented) and tag them in the main account. By the same principle, you can create a quest game, for example, as @gla_build_your_own did. This is a prime example of how you can use seemingly primitive functions on Instagram in a non-standard way.

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How to tag a person on Instagram*

June 6, 2020LikbezTekhnologii

Instructions for comments, stories, photos and videos in a post.



How to tag a person on Instagram* in the comments under a post

In Instagram*, such a tag is called a mention. It can come in handy if you want to draw the user's attention to a post or conversation below it. After you add a tag, the discussion will display the name of the selected person. They will receive a notification and be able to quickly move on to posting.

To mention someone in the comments, type @ (dog) and start writing the username. When a list of accounts appears on the screen, select the desired person. Add any comment text if needed, then click Publish.

How to tag someone on Instagram* in a photo or video in a post

If you took a photo or video that includes your friends, you can tag them in your post. In this case, links to the accounts of the selected people will appear in the post. If your profile is not private to them, these users will be notified of the post and can quickly view it.

As an example, we'll show you how to tag a person in a photo. Marks on the video are put in the same way.

At the time of publication

Prepare the post for publication: add a photo, adjust colors if necessary, and apply filters. But don't hit the share button just yet. Instead, select Tag People (iOS) or Tag People (Android). Then tap the photo.

Add the names of the desired users using the search form. When marks appear on the image, you can move them to suitable places. Click the checkmark or Done. Now use the "Share" button to publish the post with all the marks.

In an existing post

Click on the three dots next to the post you want to edit and select Edit (iOS) or Edit (Android). Click "Tag People" (icon with a person), touch the photo and add the necessary people using the search form. When the marks appear on the image, you can move them to the appropriate places. Click on the checkmark or "Done" and then again.

How to tag a person in an Instagram story*

Instagram* allows you to tag people not only in posts, but also in stories. This can be done using a special sticker or the @ symbol. Choose the method that seems more convenient to you.

Using the sticker

Click on the account photo. When the Stories editor opens, add the photo or video you want. Then tap the sticker icon at the top of the screen and select @mention. Start typing a username and select the right person when their profile appears on the screen.

Move the added sticker to a convenient location. If desired, change its scale by pinching and spreading your fingers. After that, you can add other people in the same way. When you're done, publish the story.

Using the @ symbol

Click on your profile photo. When the Stories editor opens, add the photo or video you want. Touch the screen, enter the @ symbol and immediately after it, start writing the name of the desired user.

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