How to find instagram on facebook

Instagram zu deiner Facebook-Seite hinzufügen

Füge Instagram zu einer Facebook-Seite hinzu, um Instagram-Werbeanzeigen zu veröffentlichen, in deinem Feed zu posten und im Content-Studio von Mailchimp auf deine Instagram-Bilder zuzugreifen.

In diesem Artikel erfährst du, wie du deiner Facebook-Seite Instagram hinzufügen kannst.

Vor dem Start

  • Du benötigst ein Instagram-Unternehmenskonto sowie ein aktives Facebook-Konto, das mindestens eine Facebook-Seite verwaltet. Du kannst dein persönliches Instagram-Konto in ein Unternehmensprofil umwandeln. Weitere Informationen über Instagram-Unternehmensprofile findest du hier.
  • Wenn du dein Facebook-Konto bereits mit Mailchimp verbunden hast, musst du möglicherweise die Integration trennen und erneut verbinden, nachdem du Instagram zu deiner Facebook-Seite hinzugefügt hast.

Einen Instagram-Account hinzufügen

So fügst du deiner Facebook-Seite einen Instagram-Account hinzu:

  1. Melde dich bei deinem Facebook-Account an.
  2. Klicke in der Seitenleiste unter Erkunden auf Seiten.
  3. Klicke auf den Namen der Facebook-Seite, mit der du arbeiten möchtest.
  4. Klicke auf Einstellungen.
  5. Klicke auf Instagram.
  6. Klicke auf Anmelden , um dich bei deinem Instagram-Account anzumelden.
  7. Gib im Pop-up-Dialogfenster „Instagram“ deinen Benutzernamen und dein Passwort ein und klicke auf Anmelden. Wenn du bereits ein Instagram Business-Konto hast, ist deine Einrichtung abgeschlossen. Wenn nicht, fahre mit Schritt 8 fort.
  8. Gib im Dialogfenster Unternehmensprofil einrichten bis zum letzten Abschnitt alle erforderlichen Informationen ein.
  9. Bearbeite oder entferne die auf Instagram angezeigten Informationen in den Feldern E-Mail, Telefon und Adresse und klicke dann auf Fertig.
  10. Klicke im Dialogfenster „Erfolg“ auf Fertig.

Die Seite wird aktualisiert und zeigt die Details deines Instagram Business-Kontos an.

Nächste Schritte

Nachdem du deinen Instagram-Account zu deiner Facebook-Seite hinzugefügt und in ein Business-Konto umgewandelt hast, verbindest du dein Facebook-Konto mit Mailchimp, um Instagram-Werbekampagnen zu erstellen, in deinem Feed zu posten und im Content-Studio auf Instagram-Bilder zuzugreifen.

Verbinden oder Trennen der Facebook-Integration

Eine Facebook- oder Instagram-Ad mit Mailchimp erstellen

Das Content Studio verwenden

Einen Social-Media-Beitrag erstellen

Automatisch posten auf Instagram

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How To Login to Instagram Through Facebook

Updated Jan. 15, 2022, by Steve Larner

Since Facebook bought Instagram, the two networks have been slowly getting closer and offering more integration. If you’re a social media marketer, a small business owner, or just like sharing content across networks, linking Instagram and Facebook is a no-brainer. You can share content across both and make the most of the power of visual content. You can even log into Instagram through Facebook to save valuable seconds.

In some cases, people prefer keeping Instagram and Facebook separate and not sharing too much data between the two. When it comes to marketing, that changes. It’s all about efficiency and about getting the broadest reach with the least effort. Linking Instagram with Facebook helps achieve that. You can share across both platforms with a single click, so it makes sense to do it.

How to Link Instagram to Facebook

If you have a Facebook profile and an Instagram account, linking the two is easy. Then, you can share content seamlessly between the two networks without losing formatting or impact. Here’s how to do it.

  1. Open “Instagram” on your phone.
  2. Log in, select your profile, and then select the “Settings” menu.
  3. Choose “Account” then tap on “Sharing to Other Apps.”
  4. Select “Facebook” and log in with your Facebook account details if you’re not logged in on your phone. Give the app permissions when requested.
  5. You will then get asked to setup your Accounts Center. Choose your Facebook account or tap “Not you?” to change the account, then select “Continue.”
  6. Select where to share on Facebook. Tap “Continue” to finish Account Center set-up.
  7. Select “Start Sharing to Facebook.”
  8. Go back to the Accounts Center. Under the “Manage connected experiences” section, ensure that “Story & Post Sharing’ and “Logging in with accounts” are both enabled.

If you find this isn’t working out for you, all you need to do is go back to the Accounts Center menu on Instagram. Select Facebook and select Remove from Accounts Center.

How to Log into Instagram through Facebook

Logging into Instagram with your Facebook credentials is easy:

  1. For new accounts, skip to Step 4. For an existing Instagram account, open “Instagram” on your phone.
  2. Select “Log In With Facebook.”
  3. If you’re already logged into Facebook, you will automatically get logged in. If you’re not, add your Facebook login when prompted and select the blue Login button.
  4. For new Instagram accounts, select “Log In With Facebook.” Your account gets created and then links to your Facebook account.
  5. Your new Instagram account now has a random, precompiled username and password. To change it, log into Instagram using the “Log In With Facebook” option.
  6. Select your “Profile icon” at the bottom right and tap on “Edit Profile.”
  7. Select your “username” and change it to something more personal.
  8. Head back to your “profile screen,” tap on the “hamburger icon” (Menu) in the upper-right sectoin, then select “Settings.”
  9. Tap on “Account” then select “Personal Information.” Check the “Email Address” to ensure it is correct. Tap it to edit.
  10. Go back to the “settings menu” and choose “Security.”
  11. Select “Password” from the list to change it.
  12. You should see a notification that says something like ‘We sent an email to [ADDRESS] with a link to reset your password’. That email address will be the one you have in your account.

You can also edit your Instagram profile in a browser or change your Instagram password. The principle is the same, as is the result.

You can still log into Instagram through Facebook, but now, you have set up your account to be accessed independently too. You can change your profile image, add a bio, and modify your Instagram account as you like, and it will not affect that login.

How to Unlink Your Instagram Account

So, you’ve linked your Instagram account to Facebook, which means you can cross-post your content. But, what can you do when you no longer want to have the two connected?

Whether you’re deactivating your Facebook account or just want to separate the two services, it is possible to do so without losing all of your posts. All you need to do is follow the same steps as above, then follow these steps: o

  1. Launch “Facebook” and tap the “hamburger icon” (Menu) in the top-right section.
  2. Tap on the “gear icon” (Settings).
  3. Scroll down to the bottom and tap on “Meta Accounts center.”
  4. Tap on “Accounts & profiles.”
  5. Tap on the corresponding profile group.
  6. Select your “Instagram profile.”
  7. Tap on “Remove from Accounts Center.”
  8. Tap “Continue” to finish the renmoval process, separating your Instagram account from your Facebook account.

Your Facebook profile will still hold your Instagram information until you remove that, and you’ll need to delete all of your Instagram posts from Facebook.

In closing, linking Instagram to Facebook saves time and makes social media marketing more efficient, but you need to use it with care. Ensure that you keep your personal and business accounts separate and only post relevant content for each account. While there is a lot of crossover between the Instagram and Facebook audiences, there are still plenty of times there aren’t. Knowing when you can cross-post and when it works is crucial for any effective marketer.

Overall, linking the two is a good thing and will not only save you time but also boost your marketing efforts, whether for business or personal use!

Facebook Login for Instagram FAQs

If I link my account and one gets hacked, will the other be compromised too?

Even after you link your two accounts, they still have a separate login (yes, you can log in using the Facebook option on Instagram, but they’re still independent. If your Instagram account is compromised or vise versa, it doesn’t necessarily mean that your Facebook account is also under threat. You should update your login information on Facebook and Instagram to ensure optimum security. However, just because someone gets into one account does not mean they have access to both.

Can I link multiple Instagram accounts to Facebook?

One of the neat things about both platforms is that you can have multiple accounts or pages under the same login. This feature means that you can easily toggle between your professional and personal profiles. You can link multiple Instagram accounts to the same Facebook page. All you need to do is follow the same steps above for each Instagram account.

How to find out which Facebook Instagram is linked to

As soon as Facebook acquired the Instagram platform, the process of mutual integration of these social networks and mobile applications for working in them began.

Therefore, let's figure out what linking Instagram to Facebook means, what processes are involved, and what happens in general.


  • Instagram verification
    • There is another way
  • Check via Facebook
    • How to check a personal profile
    • How to check a page
  • What gives the interaction of accounts

Check via Instagram

Mutual integration with Instagram is possible, and at the level of personal profiles. If the user has only one personal profile, and everything is clear here, then you can create as many pages as you like. And therefore, at some point, it is not surprising to forget which of them interact with Instagram, and where the link was not made. How to check it? It turns out it's quite easy.

Just do the following:

  1. Open the Instagram app.
  2. We enter our profile (indicated by the "man" icon).
  3. Press "three horizontal bars".
  4. Select the "Settings" menu ("gear" icon).

  1. We find the item in the menu - "Account", then - "Linked accounts" or "Account Center".

  1. There we see five social networks that Instagram is friends with: Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Ameba and
  2. A sign that the accounts are connected - the name of the social network painted in blue, a blue check mark opposite the name and the name of the associated profile, or other designations.

  1. If the account needs to be deintegrated, then click on it, and then on "Unlink".
  2. Or, if necessary, you can link previously unlinked accounts.

There is another way

The second option will make it easier and faster to get information about linking Facebook accounts and pages to Instagram. To do this, you need to go to the application from your mobile device, open your profile, and then go to settings.

If the user sees the inscription “Open Facebook” below, then the binding was made. You can click on the inscription to find out which account was linked.

Check via Facebook

You can also check if the accounts are linked using Facebook. But it is advisable to perform such a check on a computer or laptop, since a desktop version of the social network is required.

How to check your personal profile

  1. Access your profile by clicking on your name.
  2. Click below the "More. .." cover.
  3. If you see in the Instagram drop-down list, then the binding has been completed.
  4. By clicking on this line, you can see which posts from Instagram are posted on Facebook.

How to check the page

To check the page, you need to perform another sequence of actions:

  1. Go to the page.
  2. Enter the "Settings" option.
  3. In the column on the left, find and select Instagram.
  4. If this section contains information about the user (name, contact details), then the interaction was established earlier.
  5. If the interaction is not established, but there is a need for it, then click "Link account" and enter the access parameters from Instagram.

What gives the interaction of accounts

Facebook and Instagram accounts are connected in order to have such opportunities as a result:

  1. Posts from Instagram are published on Facebook automatically.
  2. Statistical data is being collected.
  3. Ads created on Facebook can be placed on behalf of an Instagram profile.
  4. Facebook allows you to manage your Instagram profile and receive answers in direct.

How to find out if an Instagram account is linked to Facebook


Since Facebook bought a majority stake in Instagram, both social networks are actively integrating, which indicates a common development plan and a desire to combine user bases into a single whole. Today we will talk about how to find out which Facebook page an Instagram account is linked to . Also in the process of narration, we will consider the option of changing the binding, as well as several ways to achieve the original goal.


  1. Manual
  2. Instagram Check
  3. Facebook Check

There are several approaches to conducting search activities. You can view the list of bindings through the Instagram application, as well as the Facebook service. Let's consider both options.

Verification via Instagram

The link can be used by both personal account holders and people. Internet business oriented. In order to understand the intricacies of bindings:

  1. Open the Instagram application and tap on the little man icon in the lower right corner of the user interface.
  2. Tap on the three vertical bars to go to the system settings menu.
  3. Activate the button in the form of a gear in the upper right corner.
  4. In the parameters window, scroll down the page to block "Account" and open it.
  5. Go to “Publishing in…” .
  6. The system generates a list of all social networks and instant messengers on the market (Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Ameba and
  7. Tap on our service, which is highlighted in blue, which indicates an active binding.
  8. Here you can select a specific page or community.
  9. If the connection is no longer needed, tap on the "Unlink" button.

An alternative and simpler option:

  1. We go to the Instagram mobile application, go to the profile and settings.
  2. Open item "Subscriptions and invitations" .
  3. Looking for a way to invite friends on Facebook. If it is missing, then the accounts may not be linked.

Noteworthy : to change the linked Facebook page on Instagram, it is enough to delete the current link, if any. After that, add a new account in the usual way.

Checking via Facebook

If Instagram is not yet available or you don't want to go to it, you can also find out about active links via FB. To implement the plan (personal account):

  1. Open the Facebook application on your device.
  2. Go to the profile tab and scroll down.
  3. Tap on item "More ... ".
  4. If there is a link, Instagram will be in the drop-down list.
  5. Select this service to view posts that have migrated to Facebook.

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