How to get 100 instant followers on instagram

Can You Really Get 100 Instagram Followers (for Free) in 24 Hours?

Who NEEDS more Instagram Followers?

Followers. Followers. Followers…

That seems to be what so many focus on when it comes to starting or building an Instagram account.

The amount of followers you have usually means you have more engagement, more engagement leads to more potential sales.

After all, there are over 700 million users on Instagram and Instagram itself has over 226 million followers!

But how can you get followers on a site like Instagram without spending any money on ads or buying followers?

Today’s test is going to cover a strategy that promises to add 100 new followers in 24 hours

How to Get Instagram Followers

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I ran across a blog on WeekHack that was entitled “How to get 100 Instagram Followers in 24 hours” and I was intrigued.

The blog post promises that if you follow their step-by-step tutorial, you can get 100 new Instagram followers within 24 hours — even if you don’t already have an Instagram account.

Sounds too good to be true, which is why I wanted to test this.

So here’s their step by step plan:

  • Optimize your Instagram profile for maximum engagement-Pretty basic stuff here.
    • Make sure your profile is filled out, has an eye-catching profile image and a good bio.
    • Make sure the URL you list is to an opt-in page or product page selling something.
    • They also recommend posting at least 12 images before you start promoting your profile so that people can get an idea of what your page is about before they follow you.
  • Find at least 30 strategic hashtags – They recommend a few things here.
    • Choose 30 hashtags with 50k-300k images per hashtags when you search Instagram. Don’t use ones with more than 300k images until you have lots of followers. You can simply search Instagram to find hashtags for a popular subject, such as food. The goal here is to be featured in the “Top 9” posts for that hashtag. 
    • Post these 30 hashtags as a comment under the post, not in the post itself. This is supposed to get you more engagement.
  • Decide how much content you’re going to publish. They recommend posting at least 3-4 times per day. And also recommend posting 1 live video per day and 5+ Instagram stories per day.
    • Photos of your team, office, you or your product
    • Motivational, business and inspirational quotes
  • Locate your target users.
    • Find at least 10 accounts that are your top competitors
    • Choose accounts with only 50k followers or more
    • Put the 10 in a spreadsheet with the profile URL, name, follower count and likes per post
    • Go to their account and tap on Followers and start following their followers
    • Don’t follow more than 50 per hour due to Instagram’s follower restrictions
  • Engage with your community.
    • Reply to comments on your photos
    • Like other people’s photos that have hashtags, you’re interested in
    • Reply to messages

You can automate most of these tasks with tools like Kicksta – which auto likes relevant IG profiles to grow your followership on autopilot. Be careful though, as this Kicksta review points out, the rate at which your IG followers grow is a bit unpredictable.

Testing Instagram Follower Strategy

To see if this strategy leads to 100 new Instagram followers in 24 hours I’ll use my own small business account for Space Walk of Central Texas. (*This account is no longer active on Instagram as of January 2020)

This is the side business I own and have been active on social media for about 3-4 years.

I already have an Instagram account and have been actively posting to it for about 2 years.

When the test started, it had 629 followers.

My goal will be to follow this strategy as much as I can over a 2 week period, then report the results.

Hypothesis: Following this plan will NOT get me 100 Instagram followers in 24 hours.

Trying to Gain 100 Instagram Followers

I couldn’t focus on pages that had over 50k followers, as this page is a local business and no one in this area has that many followers. (I’m in Central Texas, not New York City.)

Instead, I sought out large businesses in a 50-mile radius of my town and followed their followers as well as followed the pages/people they follow.

I did my best to follow 50 per hour, although that was harder than you might think. Manually clicking on that many “Follow” buttons consistently is time-consuming. After 2 weeks, I followed about 2,500 accounts.

My main focus when finding accounts to follow was to find local businesses that appeal to parents, as parents are my ideal customers. Such as the local Parks and Recreation account:

After following I’d click on their Followers and Following and follow those accounts, or Request to follow.

Also during this time, I scheduled out 4 posts per day with photos showcasing my product as well as posting parenting-related inspirational posts.

In addition, I posted 20+ hashtags in the comments of each post, with a few other posts having hashtags in the post itself.

I commented on the last 3-4 posts to show that I was engaging with them and hopefully their followers would see that as well.

During this two-week test, I left about 100 comments.

Did all this following, hashtagging, and commenting work?

Did We Get 100 New Instagram Followers?

After going through this strategy 5 days per week for 2 weeks, did I really get 100 Instagram followers in 24 hours?

Remember my hypothesis was: Following this plan will NOT get me 100 followers in 24 hours.

I started with 629 followers, ended with 983. An increase of 354 followers, which is impressive.

But not quite the 100 followers for every 24 hours I spent during the test.

So based on this number I’d say my hypothesis was true.

But was the strategy a total loss?


354 followers is nothing to sneeze at and was an increase of 56.28%.

Granted I had to follow 2500 people to get this increase, which equates to a 14. 16% conversion rate if all 354 new followers came from those 2500 that I followed, which they probably didn’t.

And due to that increase in followers, my Impressions and Reach are both higher now than before.

Let’s take a look at the Insights of a post just before the test started. It received 224 Impressions and 182 Reach:

Once I completed the strategy here are the Insights of a post showing an increase in results –received 264 Impressions and 233 Reach:

That’s an 18% increase in Impressions and 28% increase in Reach. Not too shabby considering the strategy didn’t cost me anything but my time.

Conclusion — Is this a Viable Strategy to Gain Instagram Followers?

Yes and No.

Yes in the fact that it did produce positive results — not as many as it originally claimed, however.

And yes that all this legwork was done instead of signing up for one of those automated tools out there that claim to do this for you. Given these tools store your login credentials, and its automation could violate Instagram’s Terms of Service, you could lose your Instagram account. .

(I won’t link to any of those tools as I don’t want to endorse them and they weren’t part of this test.)

But I’d have to give a No for the fact that it takes a lot of time to accomplish.

If you’re also trying to run a business or other social media accounts this would be tough to do. And it was for me honestly.

The “follow for follow” mindset and strategy aren’t always true as many may never look to see who just followed them. But for those that do tap to see who you are, it is a good idea to have your profile filled out as mentioned and have plenty of posts and be currently active.

In the end, while this strategy didn’t give me 100 new followers every day, it did drastically increase my Instagram followers and increased the engagement along with that.

And I’ve already had a couple of messages and comments inquiring about renting inflatables so it could quickly result in sales — which is ultimately why I have the account anyway!

I’d recommend giving this a try, but maybe not to the full scale I did due to time. Maybe find 20-30 people/pages to follow that are either local to your brand or a competitor and then follow their followers. Dedicate 20 minutes per day to it and see what happens.

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How to get 100 Instagram Followers in 24 hours (step by step guide)

Imagine what a hundred new targeted Instagram followers every day would do for your business?

How many people would visit your website or blog?

How many subscribers would join your newsletter, opt-in page, or an email course?

How much money you’d make?

According to the latest research, Instagram reached 1 billion users in 2019.

Quite a lot of people, right?

Instagram engagement is 20 times higher than that of Facebook and 50 times higher than the engagement on Twitter.

What does that mean? It is much easier to engage with your fans on Instagram than on any other social platform.

Do you understand where I’m getting at? Whether you’re a food blogger, car repairman, a model, or just want to grow your motivational page, Instagram is the best place to go.

In this step by step tutorial, I’m going to show you how to acquire a hundred new followers to your account within 24 hours, even if you don’t have an Instagram account!

It’s much easier than you think, just follow the steps below.

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Step #1 – Optimize your profile for maximum engagement

There’s no other step as important as designing your profile to attract your ideal customers.

Be honest; if you’d visit the Metallica fan page and there’d not been any relevant photos, images, or updates at all, would you give a like?

Probably Not.

This is a similar case. If you want to attract the right people to your profile, there’re a few necessary steps to follow.

So what is the first step?

#1: Create an eye-catching profile image of you or your company’s logo and set up a bio reflecting your personality and value of your product.


Don’t just put your website URL, but use a link that directs to your opt-in page/product page instead. (This is the only place where you can create a clickable link)

#2: After creating a profile (if you don’t have one), publish at least 12 images before you start promoting your profile and getting followers. (Do you remember the example from above with the Metallica fan page? That’s the reason!)

These images or photos should be of top-notch quality. They should reflect what you do, what you’re going to publish in the future, and attract your target audience.


Estimated time: 20 minutes

Still don’t know what kind of images you should post? I’m going to give you a few tips in step three.

Step #2 – Find at least 30 strategic Hashtags

Let me ask you a question…

If you posted an update (photo or whatever) on your personal Facebook, how many people engaged with your post? 5? 10? 25? 35?

That’s where Instagram is entirely different. My first photo (with zero followers) received more than a hundred likes and a few comments.

How is that possible?


Instagram allows you to post up to 30 hashtags per post! That’s a huge number. Be strategic about choosing the right ones.

You’re looking for hashtags with 50k-300k images per hashtag. After you get 10-15k followers, you can use more popular ones, but at the early stage, it is not recommended to go after hashtags with more than 300k images.

Your image would just be lost in the feed and received zero engagement.

The goal is to get featured within the 9 top posts under each hashtag.

Tip #1: Post these 30 hashtags as a comment under your post; it will give you even more engagement!


Estimated time: 20 minutes

Step #3 -Decide how much content you’re going to publish

As you probably heard, Facebook bought Instagram recently. That means most of your followers won’t see your updates because of the algorithms.

What is the solution? Post at least 3-4 times (you can post even more) every single day.

If you’re not active, why would someone bother to follow you?

My recommendation is to publish continuously:

  • 1 Image (photo) per day.

If you are not a beginner, I recommend posting live video and IG stories as well.

  • Two live videos per week (at the same time each day).
  • Add 1+ Instagram stories per day.

Let me break this down for you.

1 Image (photo) per day.

I know what you’re thinking… ‘That’s a lot of content. I don’t know what to publish. It’s going to be really time-consuming… I don’t have time for that..’

But it’s easier than you think. You can post:

#1: Photos of your office, of your team, of you or your product. Don’t worry about being too personal; people want to connect with people.

#2: Motivational, business & inspirational quotes.

Quotes are one of the most viral things you can post on Instagram, and they’re really easy to create.

With tools like Canva, PicMonkey, or Tablo, it’s like walking in the park.

If you don’t know how to do it, just type ‘how to create a quote using Canva’ into Youtube.

You can even use images (quotes) from other pages, just be sure to give them credit in a caption or tag them.


Estimated time: 10 minutes per day

Tip: On every 30th of each month, I create content for all the days in the immediate next month. It typically takes two hours, and I don’t have to think about it for the next 30 days.

I’ve been using the tool called Later to schedule all my posts in advance. You can schedule your posts from your desktop PC without logging into Instagram.

Step #4 – Locate your target users

Using the strategies mentioned above, your page will start emerging slowly.

From 5 to 30 followers each day.

You may be thinking, that’s nice, but I want more, it’s not enough!

I couldn’t agree more; the first three steps were the mere introduction to Instagram.

Now it’s time to get the ball rolling and get massive exposure for your page.

#1: Find at least 10 people, brands, or corporations that are your top competitors.

For example, if you’re a food blogger, find ten successful (people liking and commenting on their images) accounts about food, pizza, desserts, etc..

Use this spreadsheet and type those ten pages, URL of their profile, Followers count (use only accounts with 50k+), and how much likes they’re getting per post.

Now the fun part begins!

Click on their profile and turn on post notification.

Like and leave a thoughtful comment on each post as soon as they post it.

Don’t wait an hour, a minute, do it immediately.

Make sure the comment has at least five lines, provides value, and DON’T promote you or your business. Be real!

Follow this strategy at least 10 times per day, and you will start getting new Instagram followers right off the bat.


Estimated time: 25 minutes

Step #5 – Engage with your community

Don’t use Instagram as a broadcast platform. Engagement on Instagram is much higher than on the other Social media platforms. People expect more than just receiving updates from you.

There’s a difference between being a publisher, member, and leader of a community, don’t be just a publisher – that would be a huge mistake!

  • If someone comments on your photo, reply (mention them, using @, in the comment).
  • Like other people’s photos that have hashtags that you’re interested in.
  • If someone sends you a direct message, take time, and reply.


Estimated time: 5 minutes per day

Bonus tip #1: Log inside your Instagram account – click Options and scroll down until you see ‘Switch to Business Profile,’ click on it and follow the steps.

After that, you’ll get basic analytics about your account (How many impressions your posts got within last seven days, how many accounts saw your posts, how many people visit your profile, how many people clicked on your URL and when your followers are most active)


Instagram can be extremely effective.

Just be sure to follow these five steps to make sure your Instagram marketing is worth the effort and time you put into it.

Action Steps:

Step #1: Optimize your profile image, bio and publish 12 images/photos

Step #2: Make a list of 30 strategic Hashtags

Step #3: Create a posting schedule

Step #4: Locate your target users

Step #5: Engage with your community

By following these steps, you will be able to get a hundred new followers by the end of the following day.

Just do the work; it’s worth it!

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Attract the right people to your profile using Hashtags on Instagram

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How to get followers in 2022 on Instagram: from 0 to 10,000

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As practice shows, the first 10,000 subscribers are the hardest to get. The reason is simple: people are reluctant to subscribe to little-known pages. But nothing is impossible. We have compiled 14 tips for you to help you grow your profile from scratch within a year.

#1 Join mutual PR groups / Liketme

How can a little-known page quickly gain followers? Join mutual PR groups, this tactic is best for promoting new accounts.

It works like this. A group of participants is recruited, after which everyone sends a link to their post. All members of the group like and comment on each other's posts, thereby increasing the reach. When there are a lot of likes and comments under your post, it arouses the interest of other people: they want to see what is there.

Sounds nice. But. There are many groups for mutual PR and on various topics, for example, about travel, fashion, etc. To attract your target audience, join such groups on the topic of your page. And to keep the attention of new subscribers, you should also subscribe to them.

This is a short-term strategy for developing a page from scratch that will not increase sales, but will increase brand trust and awareness.

#2 Repost someone else's content

To promote his store, Nicole Martins Ferreira, an SMM specialist, started using the Repost for Instagram app to repost other people's content.

One of these reposts got 52,862 views, 1,264 comments and 9,147 likes. It was a big hit, Nicole didn't even have 10,000 subscribers at the time. But remember, according to Instagram policy, you need to request permission to repost from the author of publications. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting banned.

Why reposts of other people's content, and not publications of your own? Newbies don't have such good content, and reposting - what could be easier?

What content to repost? Use hashtags to find the most popular posts, share the ones that got you the most engagement. This is the simplest and most effective strategy for beginners.

#3 Ask followers to share photos

It's much easier to promote your Instagram page if you have a product or service that your customers share on their profile. If you post content with your customers, it will increase your social security and credibility.

If you haven't had any clients yet, you can contact an influencer (blogger) that suits your niche and order a review of your product. It is better to choose bloggers who have about 5,000 subscribers. Such accounts have a much lower cost of advertising and a more engaged audience.

You can also offer cooperation. For each completed sale through a referral link, you pay a commission to the blogger.

If you already have clients, you can ask them to tag you in their story or feed in exchange for a gift or a discount. Once you have enough clients, you don't have to ask anymore, they will tag you for free.

#4 Create a consistent style and stick to it

Yes, sounds like " blah blah blah " . Let's figure it out.

Often people subscribe not because of the published content, but because of the anticipation and the ability to predict what your next post will be.

Let's say you run a corgi page and post cute pictures and videos of him every day. Users who come across your content may notice that you always have cute corgi photos. They will subscribe and start following your page, waiting for new cute corgi posts.

Sticking to a single style or theme is more than a branding game. We are talking about the psychophysiological component of emotions: the expectations that your existing and potential subscribers create. They want and expect to see more content of the same type or style every day.

By sticking to a consistent style, you build confidence and trust in your brand, which in turn helps increase your following.

#5 Use hashtags

Many social media experts recommend using 5 to 11 hashtags. Don't be afraid to ignore such advice!

Start experimenting with hashtags and eventually you'll figure out which ones are right for your brand.

Why not use 30 hashtags? You can add all these hashtags to the first comment under the post, which few people will see.

Is your goal to increase coverage? Then this is the easiest way. With hashtags, your posts will rank higher for keywords, which increases your reach.

If you want to reach your target audience, then you should avoid generic hashtags like #love or #life, use niche hashtags.

#6 Use location tags

Increase your reach with « Location Tags » , it indicates the city or place where the video or image was taken.

If your business is in a specific city, you can use these geotags to make it easier for people to find and follow your Instagram account.

Locations have their own feed, stories and hashtags - use this sticker and your content will be automatically added there.

#7 Start blogging

Do you have a blog? Start running it on Hashtap or Yandex.Zen.

You can add links to your YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook accounts to your blog post. The more people who read your blog, the more likely they are to go to your social media pages and follow.

This is more of a long term strategy and you may not have a blog. But the faster you start it and add links to your social networks, the more likely you are to gain subscribers.

#8 Follow competitors' followers

To promote your account, you need to find people who follow your competitors' pages.

Do you know your competitors? Find them! Then study their profile, content and who comments on their posts, highlight your target audience. Start chatting with them.

It's best to choose smaller competitors to start with, as larger ones may have good loyalty programs that you may not be able to afford at the moment.

#9 Work with bloggers

Why bloggers? Every blogger has his loyal followers. By running ads with a blogger, you are guaranteed to get new subscribers and, most likely, sales.

But when choosing a blogger, carefully study his profile, exclude cheating subscribers. Sign an agreement so that the blogger cannot use bots. Due to the rapid influx of fake followers, you can get your account banned. You do not want this?

#10 Giveaways

Giveaways are another effective way to promote your account.

If the draw is published on the site, you can make a subscription to your social networks a mandatory condition for participation. This is how you unlock your account.

If you don't have many subscribers, you can post about the draw in free groups and blogs. You can also negotiate with bloggers - you send them a product, they review it for free and talk about the draw. Many agree to such conditions. Result? Hundreds of new subscribers in all social networks.

If you don't have your own audience yet, this is a great way to attract new subscribers. And to attract the target audience, you need to choose a blog from your niche.

Is your goal to promote your account? Then this strategy is for you if increasing sales is not.

#11 Collaboration with other brands

While you are at the start of your page promotion, collaboration with other brands is a quick way to build a target subscriber base. You just repost and tag each other's profile.

You don't have to do anything but repost. New subscribers will write to you first.

#12 Instagram Tips/Guide

Instagram Tips is a new way to share educational content in the form of tips and hacks. In the IG guide, you can add: a title, description, video or image, as well as use already published posts in the feed.

There are 3 guide formats available:

  • Places - collections of interesting places, objects, etc. in your city or some other city.
  • Products - collections of products that you sell on your Instagram.
  • Posts - your existing posts on the same topic, collected in one place, to which you can add titles and comments.

If you have interesting and useful tips, they will be shared with them. This will increase your engagement and reach, and with them the number of subscribers.

#13 Use Instagram analytics

« Embedded » Instagram analytics gives incomplete information about your followers.

Connect third-party analytics services to get more data. Many of these services are free.

Best free analytics services for Instagram:

  1. Sprout Social
  2. DataFan
  3. Popsters
  4. Live Dune

All these services collect highly informative statistics on subscribers and your content. To figure out your target audience, analyze metrics such as engagement rate, number of new followers, unsubscribers, and inactive accounts. Use this data to better understand your audience.

A very loose translation and adaptation of an article from the Oberlo blog.



Yandex.Direct and Google Ads certified specialist. Knows everything about medical marketing and coffee varieties.

20 ways to quickly increase followers

The main marker of popularity on Instagram is the blogger's followers or live audience. It is no coincidence that mega-popular bloggers are called millionaires - by the number of followers. How to get a lot of subscribers? You will find working ways to gain an audience on Instagram from scratch in this article.

And if you want an instant result, then there is always the opportunity to get live followers on Instagram. And here we will tell you how to start promoting:


How to get an audience on Instagram? Define it!

If you are going to seriously promote your Instagram, then first of all you need to determine the target audience. Analyze the topic of your page and think about who will be interested in it. Knowing your target audience will help you create relevant posts targeted at potentially interested subscribers. For business accounts, the definition of the target audience is necessary to find customers. So here are 3 steps to help you define your audience:

  1. Choose a theme for your Instagram page and mark it in the description.

  2. Think about what age, gender and lifestyle people would be interested in your blog topic.

  3. Create an average portrait of your potential subscriber.

When you know who you are talking to in your posts and who you are creating them for, it will be easier to gain an audience on Instagram.


2. Proper page layout is an important success factor

A nice avatar is not the most important thing in profile design. SMM marketers advise starting with a username. Your nickname must match the theme of the page. It's great if you embed a keyword in it. The same key must be included in the login, which is displayed in the profile header. What else needs to be done to quickly gain an audience on Instagram?

  • Choose a bright and high-quality photo for the avatar;

  • Create an informative description in the profile header;

  • Place important links there and check their clickability.

So that the information does not seem too dry and official, add a few emojis on the topic.


3. Follow the quality of content

Instagram is a visual social network, so focus on beautiful photos and videos. Ideally, they should be taken by you, and not copied from Google. But just beautiful photos are not enough to attract followers on Instagram. The picture should be supplemented with meaningful text in the best laws of syncretism.

When compiling a description, rely on data on the target audience to make the text relevant. Use all the features of Instagram: post stories, create carousels, upload gifs and shoot short videos. A variety of content will not let subscribers get bored on your page.


4. How to increase the audience on Instagram: Communication - the key to all

declare yourself to be noticed. To do this, communicate with other bloggers in the comments, join discussions, actively like and reply to stories. In posts and stories, reach out to your potential followers. Always answer questions in comments and direct, ask for advice, subscribe to some profiles. This method of how to attract followers on Instagram always works, even for absolute beginners.

5. Do a competitor analysis

Once you have identified your thematic niche, find several similar successful blogs and analyze them by parameters:

  • How many followers they have;

  • What type of content is popular;

  • How often posts are posted;

  • How is the interaction with the audience.

This method will help you understand where to go next in order to guarantee a live audience on Instagram.


6. Subscribe to similar blogs

It is useful to monitor popular blogs in your subject to get a guideline for interaction with the audience. Turn on notifications for new posts to be the first to be active. This is a great way to grab the attention of potential subscribers. The main thing - do not advertise yourself directly in the comments, no one likes this.

7. Mutual PR and SFS

If you already have a minimum number of subscribers, then offer mutual PR to bloggers on similar topics. The method is that you advertise another blogger in your blog, and he promotes you in his own. In this case, there is an exchange of audience and growth of subscribers.

You can also participate in SFS with popular bloggers. To do this, you need to follow the updates and comply with the conditions of the competition. SFS stands for "shout out for shout out" or "mention for mention". If your photo got into the SFS collage of a very popular blogger in your niche, then expect an influx of subscribers.


8. Hechestegs are a great way to pick up a live audience on Instagram

Most often, information on the Hashtegs are looking for information. You have little chance of getting into the eyes of potential followers if you don't use relevant hashtags. You can add up to 30 hashtags to each post. It is best to write them in the comments, and not in the text field, so as not to focus on the fact that you are actively promoting your account.

You can see working hashtags from competitors, as well as search using special programs. It is also recommended to delete irrelevant hashtags a day after publication.

9. Don't forget about geolocation

Set the current location to attract residents of your city to your page. Among them are definitely representatives of your target audience. If you use your blog to promote products and services, then geolocation will help you find potential customers. Research hashtags related to geolocation and use them too.


10. Create a content plan and follow it

The number of posts per day or a week indirectly affects the growth of subscribers on Instagram. If you do not publish content for a long time, then unsubscribes are inevitable. To keep the number of subscribers, you need to post regularly. And in order to increase the audience, you need to constantly give new content: upload stories, write texts and publish photos.

In order not to get confused about what's what, Internet marketing experts recommend making a content plan for a month. Include post ideas in it, write down what you need to say, what to show and what to share. This approach will not only help you to maintain regularity in publications, but also to analyze which posts reach the audience. And in the future - to gain a considerable number of subscribers for your account.


11. Post at the right time

Prime time is a topical concept not only for television, but also for social networks. It denotes the time of maximum activity of the audience. For example, on weekdays it is 16-18 hours, on weekends - 12-18 hours. If you post posts within these time frames, then the likelihood that most subscribers will see them increases significantly.

User activity times may vary on your page. To determine your personal prime time, you can use special statistics analysis programs.


12. Advertising will help to quickly dial the audience on Instagram

despite all modern tricks, it is advertising to get subscribers on Instagram. The method is not free, but it is the most effective. There are not too many ads on Instagram, which means that users are not tired of it yet. Create a quality promotional post targeted at potential subscribers and expect feedback.

13. Post on thematic profiles

There are thematic accounts on Instagram where different bloggers publish. This is a great way to attract the attention of users and even gain followers on Instagram. A hashtag search will help you find blogs like this in your niche. Subscribe to such a profile and submit your post for publication, remembering to use their unique hashtags. The main condition is that your profile should not be completely empty, otherwise you are unlikely to be published.


14. Subscribe, Lake, see Storis

Banal, but still working advice - use masslycking, massfolloving and masslyuking. These methods are classified as gray promotion, since the essence of such activity is not in showing interest, but in anticipation of mutual likes and subscriptions from users.

The main thing in Internet marketing is not to violate the limit of the social network, otherwise you can get a temporary blocking of your account. The limit of subscriptions per day is no more than 200, and likes - 500, but for absolute beginners, these numbers may be less.

Of all these methods, masslooking (viewing stories) is the most effective, as it is still less common. In addition, stories cannot be viewed by bots, and therefore such activity will not arouse suspicion from Instagram algorithms.


15. Post stories and shoot live videos

Stories are the best way to communicate with your followers on Instagram. Regular stories will help you gain an active audience on Instagram and keep users interested. Despite the fact that the site allows you to post up to 30 stories per day, it is recommended to limit yourself to three times less. Post stories 1-2 per hour, not in batches. Use hashtags in your stories to help promote them.

Live videos are a great way to diversify your content. "Live" videos are placed in the same line as the stories, but marked live. They are always at the top of the list and are a great way to grab the attention of subscribers. Videos should be published during prime time, and before that, it is advisable to make an announcement in the form of a corresponding post. At the appointed time, go to the story, select live and start filming.



Advertise your page on third -party sites

Mention of the blog on forums, social networks and various sites will help to gain a large audience on Instagram. In your social networks, you can make a post with a QR code leading to your page. On any third-party resources, always leave a link to Instagram. Unite social networks, indicating relevant links to all profiles in social networks in the description.

17. Use additional services

Today, there are many applications and services for analyzing statistics and posting on Instagram. They will help make the content on this social network more professional and find an individual approach to the audience. Good services:

  • - story, text and video post editor;

  • Instagrafica - templates for Instagram;

  • Crello - creative design of posts;

  • Instaredactor – post editor with deferred posting function;

  • SMMplanner - content planner;

  • Storiesgain is an advertising service in stories.


built -in filters will no longer surprise users, so to process the photo use photo editors with a huge set of functions. With their help, you can make a page in a thematic design that looks stylish and attractive.

18. Pin Stories

Pin posts to "Relevant" to structure blog information. This will make it easier for your subscribers to search for information on a particular topic. "Relevant" posts on Instagram are placed under the profile header and instantly attract the attention of users who accidentally looked at your page.

19. Participate in marathons and flash mobs

Participation in public events will help you join the Instagram community. Write posts, share emotions, publish reviews in stories, remembering to use the appropriate hashtags. Be in trend, so you will not only increase your audience reach, but also find new friends.

Photo: Freepik. com/m- Teeraapat

20. Blaming is a win-win way to dial the audience on Instagram

if you need an instant result, then wrapping will help. In this case, it is important to choose the right service. Give preference to those that promise to build a live audience on Instagram, rather than replenish the ranks of your followers with bots. Cheating speeds up account promotion, provided that you follow the rules:

  • Use only one, but proven service;

  • Order a realistic number of subscribers;

  • Combine promotion with other promotion methods.

To make the promotion look natural, it is recommended to order not only subscribers, but also likes, comments and video views.



To gain a live audience on Instagram, you need: