How to find sponsored ads on instagram

How To Find The Ads You Were "Interested" In On Instagram


by Lea Rose Emery


Ah, the wonderful and terrifying world of Instagram ads. If you feel like one thing that you clicked on now haunts your internet browsing forever, then I feel your pain. Online ads seem to infect corner of the screen on mobile or laptop — and Instagram is no different. In fact, a lot of people do their shopping straight out of Instagram ads. But have you ever clicked on an ad, interesting in seeing what it was about, only to get distracted and have it be lost forever? Well, fear not — because you can find Instagram ads that you were interested in or interacted with. They’re still there, living in your profile.

In fact, it’s really easy to find ads you've interacted with in the past — all you have to do is go to your “Settings” on mobile, scroll down to “Ads,” and then tap "Ad Activity. " In that section, you'll be shown any ads that you’ve interacted with — whether you clicked, liked, scrolled through, or attempted to bookmark them — in the last 90 days.

Now, I would argue that this is equal parts useful and creepy. On the one hand, you may genuinely want to retrace your steps back to an ad or a product you liked. Maybe you saw a sweater that you wanted to tell a friend about or some nifty sports gear that you’ve been wanting to try — but then you can’t remember the actual name or how to access it again. Well, this will make your life a whole lot easier. On the other hand, it’s a little unnerving — because you might find ads that you clicked on so mindlessly that you don’t even remember interacting with them. Maybe you see a pattern of clicks and interests that you didn’t even know you had. Suddenly, you feel like you’re in an episode of Black Mirror and the world is a much darker place.

Screenshots via Emma Lord/Bustle

So, yeah — this might be a super power for good or evil, depending on how you look at it. Sorry about that.

It’s definitely true that people have been interested in taking a little more ownership of their social media accounts. You can even find all of your old Instagram bios, so you can remember each and every embarrassing song lyric that you put in there as a desperate hope to catch your crush’s attention. Or is that just me? You can also click around to see if someone follows you on Instagram, or delete an archived Instagram story so it’s really gone. Basically, if you explore the app enough, you'll see plenty of ways to take more ownership of the content you're seeing, and the content other people can see.

Form being able to see your old profiles to connect with your closest friends to finding those comfortable shoes you clicked on once that apparently Meghan Markle wears, learning how to navigate your Instagram profile can give you a lot more control over the app. Plus, you might just find something you thought was lost forever — or you’ll discover that you’re an Instagram zombie who taps on thousands of ads and products without thinking. Either way, the power is in your hands.

How To Find Ads On Facebook and Instagram

The simple act of finding ads on Facebook and Instagram isn’t terribly difficult. It is just knowing where to look and which menus to use during your search. There are a few methods to choose when attempting to find an ad, and they can differ if you are trying to find your own ads or scope out a competitor’s ad. Read below to find out more.

Find Your Own Ads/Preview Your Own Ads

An important aspect of running ads on Facebook and Instagram is making sure your ads look as visually pleasing as possible. It is a very visual platform so you want to make sure your ads are standing out for the right reasons. That being said, previewing your ads is easy enough if you are familiar with creating ads. Facebook does have a “real-time” preview as you fill out the ad image/text. But is that really how your ad is going to appear once you send it out to the wild? Let’s take a look at some differences.

Here we can see two views of the same ad. The first snapshot is how Facebook tells us the ad will look once live, and the second is how the ad actually looks on a user feed. Notice how much bigger the ad actually looks. The bolded headline doesn’t actually wrap to a second line and the description under the headline actually appears on the live ad. The URL preview is also much longer in the live ad. These are just a few simple examples of how the preview can be very different from a live ad. So always make sure to preview your ads live to get the best view.

So how do you preview ads live? That is actually really easy though somewhat hidden in Facebook Ads Manager’s menus and buttons. All you need to do when creating the ad is click on the box in the upper right corner shown below, and a pop-out window will appear giving you several options. The more placements you have opted your ad set into, the more places you can preview your ad from here.

Find A Competitor’s Ads

So you want to scope out what your competitors are doing? Well, you’ve come to the right place. Facebook makes it super easy to see who is running ads and what ads they are running. They do this through a convenient tool called the Facebook Ads Library. They launched this tool to help increase transparency on their platform which is awesome. But why not use it to your advantage in other ways?

The first thing you’ll want to do once going to that page is search for who your top competitors are.

After you’ve found and clicked a business, you should see a screen like below which details some top-level information about the business.

Once you scroll down you’ll be able to see all the ads they are running with some helpful filters you can toggle. You can see what ads are running in which countries, what ads are live, ads running within a certain time frame, and ads that are running on Facebook vs Instagram vs Audience Network vs Messenger.

Not only is this a great way to find out what competitors are doing but you can look up any business as well. Look for new ad ideas and get some inspiration here. You can even lookup your own business if you feel so inclined, this will let you know what content you are running if you ever feel like you want more information.

As a digital marketer, harnessing the power of paid social campaigns – and measuring the results – is critical. You’re likely pressed by questions like, “What am I going to get from this?” or, “How much more revenue (or conversion volume) is this initiative going to provide?” The list goes on.

Hero Conf’s Paid Social Workshop is aimed to help you answer questions like this and provide you the tools to get there. Check out this year’s workshop agenda.

How to find a sponsored page on Instagram ▷ ➡️ Creative Stop ▷ ➡️ he stumbled upon an advertisement that caught his attention for a few seconds. Then, without much thought, you moved on, but now you're bitterly sorry: this sponsored post might actually be helpful, and that's why you're looking for a way to find it, but you just can't.

Don't worry, if you ask yourself how to find a sponsored page on instagram, all you have to do is set aside five minutes of free time and follow my advice. In fact, in the following lines, I will explain how to succeed in your attempt in an extremely simple and fast way using only the application. Instagram for Android e iOS.

On the other hand, if you want to find a sponsored page dedicated to an ad campaign you have activated, you will have to act like a PC using tool Ad management , which I will cover later in this tutorial (in the chapter on creating Instagram ads). So what are you still doing standing there? Since the topic interests you, sit back, take a few minutes of free time, and you will see that by following my instructions, you will achieve the attempt you suggested. I have nothing else to do, but I wish you good reading and good luck with everything!

  • Find a sponsored page on Instagram from mobile phones and tablets
  • Find a sponsored Instagram page from your PC
  • Create a sponsored Instagram page


  • 1 Find a sponsored Instagram page from mobile phones and tablets
  • 2 Find a sponsored Instagram page from your PC
  • sponsored Instagram page

Find sponsored Instagram page from mobile phones and tablets

Are you surprised how to find instagram sponsor page from mobile phones and tablets as you want to find account profile Instagram Who posted the story or sponsored post?

In this case, you should know that Instagram doesn't have a section that shows all the accounts that created the ad campaign. With that said, you can still successfully scroll through the posts or Stories you've viewed again to find the sponsored profile you're interested in.

In fact, if you were shown certain promotional content on the Instagram app, it probably means that you hit the target of the ad campaign and could therefore see it multiple times.

However, to "capture" the sponsored content you're interested in again, launch the app. Instagram for Android or iOS Sign in to your account (if you haven't already) and if the page or profile you want to find has created a sponsored story, try to find it in this section by scrolling through the content shared by users on which you are subscribed.

To do this, tap round icons of stories is located in the top menu on the Instagram home screen, and to quickly scroll through stories, switching from one user to another, swipe left or right.

You can easily identify a sponsored article by the edition sponsored is in the upper left corner of the screen.

If you find a story that interests you, press and hold to pause it, then press avatar is in the upper left corner to go to the corresponding Instagram profile.

If, on the other hand, the sponsored content you saw was posted in messages, you need to scroll through Alimentar Instagram (section of the social network accessible by clicking on the home icon , bottom left): in this way you will be able to find sponsored post among all the posts of users you follow.

Once you've identified the sponsored content you're interested in, press avatar is located in the upper left corner to go to the corresponding Instagram profile. Easy, right?

Find a sponsored Instagram page from your PC

You have created more than one ad campaign for Instagram Now you want to know how to find the one that interests you? Nothing too complicated. However, in this case, it can only act as a PC. How? I'll tell you right away.

A tool that allows you to see all advertising campaigns created in Instagram It's called Ad Management and it's available through the social network's official website. With that said, connect to it by clicking on the link I provided you a little back and click on the button Login is in the top right corner to login with your Facebook account (This is a fundamental requirement to create ad campaigns in Instagram ).

Once this is done press your username (top right) and click the entry Your personal ad account to access the Ad Management tool. Ad campaigns created for Instagram es Facebook are visible in the tabs Campaigns, ad groups and ads .

If you cannot find the campaign you are interested in, click on the button search located in the upper left corner, and in the drop-down menu that appears, select your preferred search option ( Campaign name , Ad group name , Ad name , Campaign ID , Ad group ID es Ad ID ) to filter by one of these parameters.

Finally, in the next text box shown to you, enter the term that applies to the selected option and click the apply button to search for the advertisement of interest.

Create an Instagram Sponsor Page

You can no longer find the page you sponsored Instagram ? If yes, then you are probably thinking that the easiest solution is to recreate it.

If so, and you are wondering how to create a sponsored page on instagram , I remind you that you must use the tool Ads Management . As explained in the previous chapter, this online tool is used to manage ads Facebook es Instagram , but also create new ones.

After you are logged in, click the button create , start an advertising campaign in Instagram using the tools provided by the social network. In this sense, if you want to go deeper into the topic, I recommend you read my guide on how to sponsor on Instagram, in which I will provide you with more information on the subject.

Instagram advertising beginner's guide / Sudo Null IT News

At the moment in Russia, Instagram as an advertising tool is still rarely used, so in our periodic publications we could not miss an interesting article on this topic, I hope it will be useful to you.

Best regards, Yambox
fulfillment team (Yambox is all the logistics for your online store at a price that you offer yourself.)

At the moment, more than 400 million people use the Instagram social network, and this is really a huge audience. By comparison, Twitter has only 320 million active users. But it's not the sheer number of users that makes Instagram such a tempting marketing channel for retailers, it's the platform's ability to fully immerse yourself in a brand.
If you have ever posted information about a small brand in any social network, you have an idea that sometimes it feels like you are talking into the void. Not a single response! No likes, no comments, no retweets.
But on Instagram, things are completely different. No matter how small or large your audio trio is, your Instagram post will still get at least a small number of likes and comments - especially if you use relevant hashtags - the so-called tags, words or phrases that are preceded by the # symbol, and with which users can combine a group of messages on a common topic.
According to independent American research, Instagram stimulates and encourages the user to be more involved and interested than any other major social network, such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ or Linkedin.
But this study makes you wonder why not all brands have moved to Instagram yet, right?

Link problem

Always a big problem with Instagram marketing has been the difficulty of getting followers to move from the app to your website. Since it is impossible to put clickable links in a post, brands are forced to direct subscribers to a link located in the so-called BIO - a space where each user can write very briefly about himself. And as soon as the brand publishes information about new products, you have to constantly change this link to keep it relevant.
While not ideal, Instagram is still a major source of traffic and sales for many businesses.
Now, here's some great news! Now you can post links to your website in Instagram posts if you are promoting something. In the example below, the “Learn More\ Read More” button immediately sends the reader directly to the webinar registration web page. This tool alone is a great reason to start advertising on Instagram!

Introduction to Instagram

Advertising on Instagram is still a completely new trend. But until recently, retailers had a workaround: sponsored posts.
In the past, if you wanted to advertise on Instagram, you had to work with other users to advertise your product on their profile. Although this was effective in attracting a lot of traffic and sales, it still had its drawbacks:
• Often this is an expensive pleasure, since for each post from a popular instagrammer you have to pay
• The need for negotiation and all sorts of compromises
• No punitive action if this user promised to advertise on their profile, but didn't, or violated other agreements
• Coverage of a limited part of the target audience
At the moment, sponsored posts have not completely disappeared from the Instagram window. By asking a popular user to promote your product, you get great benefits: often people trust famous bloggers and, of course, are more willing to buy something that their favorite bought and tried first, plus, as long as you do not have much control over the authoritative audience, you don't have to make any decisions about which part of it you should target.
Sponsored posts are still a great way to reach an audience, especially if you're selling a product. However, there is now a new way.

How advertising on Instagram works

Now anyone can create ads on Instagram through Facebook's self-service ad marketplace. With it, you have complete control over your ads, how they appear and who views them. And unlike sponsored posts, your ads are published directly from your account. Benefits of the new method include:
• Flexible pricing
• Self-service, instant publishing at your convenience
• Robust reporting system - you are in control
• Carefully selected target audience
Moreover, just recently, Instagram developers announced that they were going to move away from the chronological order of posting and introduce a new order in which publications would be arranged randomly. This means that there is no guarantee that users will see your posts in the future.

Instagram advertising tasks

Instagram ads offer several goals to achieve. These are the potential tasks that you can choose from the prepared list. Don't neglect this choice - it will affect how your ads are optimized and how much you pay for it. For example, if your goal is to get more subscribers, you probably don't care how and why people click on your link and land on your site as a result. The main thing here is for you to get as many people as possible to subscribe to your IG account.
You may already be familiar with similar tasks from FB lists, but not all of them are available on Facebook, unlike Instagram. On Instagram, you can choose from the following:

Go To Website

- Directs people to key pages on your site

Website Conversions

- Gets people to take certain actions on your site.

Installing a mobile app

- Gets subscribers to download your mobile app

attracting attention and involving in mobile Appendix

- forces users to show more activity in mobile application

Video reviews

- a short video telling about your product

Coverage 902 audience coverage and further control over it by tracking the frequency of comments left

Drawing attention to a published post

- makes subscribers dive into your ad

Let's look at a few scenarios:

1. If you have an ecommerce business and want to use Instagram to reach more customers, you can use the goal from the list called Website Conversions.

2. If you haven't started your business yet but want to build your own community, you could use Goal Attract attention to the published post and attract a large number of users to your Instagram and future product.

3. If you have a product that needs an explanation, such as a service or a training course, you can create an explainer video and use video reviews to get people to watch your videos and your page.

Targeting Options

Instagram ads have the same targeting options as Facebook ads. These include targeting based on location, demographics, interests, behavior, and more.
Even better, if you already have your own target audience of users, in this case you can draw their attention to your Instagram page. Target audiences are groups of people who have already visited your site or have already shared their contact details with you - and advertisements targeted at these groups tend to get a good response.

How to create your first Instagram ad
Step 1 - Link your Instagram account to your Facebook Page

The first step to creating an Instagram ad is linking your account to your Facebook page. This needs to be done one single time. Let's dive into how you can create your first Instagram ad. Visit the settings for your Facebook page and click on the "Instagram Ads" button. Below is a print screen of the American version of the Facebook page:

Then click the "Add an Account" button and fill in the Instagram login credentials. If you don't have an Instagram account yet, you can create one right now. When you have entered all the data, click the "Confirm" button.

Step 2 - creating an advertising campaign

Now that you've linked your Instagram account to your Facebook page, it's time to go to the Ads Manager / Ads Management section of your Facebook page and create your first ad. If you prefer to use the Power Editor tool, also found on Facebook, you can also create ads in it. In the Ads Manager / Ad Management section, click on the "+ Create Campaign" button in the upper left corner of the screen.

Then select the purpose of your advertisement. Keep in mind that not all of the ad objectives listed are available on Instagram. If the target you are interested in is available, a pop-up window will appear when you hover over it.

The "Increase conversions on your website" goal is a great choice for ecommerce if you want to increase your sales. Please note that in order to use this goal, you need to have a conversion tracking pixel installed on your site. If it is not installed yet, you will receive a message notifying you of this.

Step 3 - Create your own ad set

Once you've chosen your target, it's time to create your own ad set. This is where you define who you want to show your ad to and how much money you want to spend on it. All of the same targeting options are available for Instagram ads as they are for Facebook ads.

How much do you want to spend? It is recommended to start with a smaller amount - you can always increase the budget later if you like how this mechanism works to promote your business.

When you're done with your target audience and budget, click the "Choose Ad Creative" button in the bottom right corner. On the next screen, you'll see options to choose from: whether you want to use one image or video in your ad, or multiple (so-called "carousel" ads). Decided? Scroll down to download a photo or video.

Once the visuals have loaded, scroll down and you'll see an option on the left to add text to your ad. On Instagram, this text will appear as a caption to the published post.
If you choose "Redirect to my website" or "Increase clicks to my website" as your goal, you will also have the option to make the text a clickable link.

number of clicks to my website" as your goal, you will also have the option to make the text a clickable link.

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