How to do a flipagram on facebook

How To Create A Slideshow On Facebook From Your Page Photos

Want to increase your organic reach on Facebook by 135% without ads? Learn how to create a Slideshow on Facebook in six easy steps!

Video is the king of content on Facebook. It averages 8 billion views every single day and has a 135% greater organic reach than photos.

If you’re struggling with the algorithm, video is the easiest way to get around Facebook’s pay-to-play model.

“But I don’t know how to use Adobe Premiere and creating videos takes up way too much of my time!”, you say.

*Facebook Slideshow enters chat*

If you want to carve out a piece of the video pie for your brand, keep reading.

In today’s post, we break down exactly how Slideshows can benefit your business and how to use Facebook’s Slideshow maker.


How to make a Facebook slideshow (with music and all!)

1. Instructional Videos and Product Demos

Want to teach your audience something valuable? Or do you have followers hitting up your DMs with questions about how to use your product? Create a Facebook Slideshow and educate your audience in a fun, engaging way.

You can use slideshows to:

  • Demonstrate how to do hashtag research on Instagram
  • Remove photobombers from your photos with Photoshop
  • Cook by delicious chocolate chip cookies (step-by-step)

Let your imagination run wild!

2. Tell a Story

Take your audience on a visual adventure.

Use your ten slides to craft:

  • An uplifting and motivating story 
  • A recap of a notable news story 
  • Or a way to educate your audience (e.g. how to use less plastic)

3. Create a Collection

With 2020 well underway, year-end re-caps are coming to an Instagram feed near you.

Use the Slideshow feature to create a collection and show off your top moments of the year for your brand.

4. Tease a New Product

Want your audience to shiver with antici…pation for your new product?

Facebook Slideshow allows you to give your followers a sneak-peak.

You can tease:

  • Behind the scenes photoshoots
  • Production process
  • Detail shots of the product

Step 1: Go to Your Facebook Page

Creating a Facebook Slideshow is SUPER easy. 

You don’t need to worry about calling the IT guy in a panic or punching your computer screen.

Simply log in to Facebook on your desktop (you can’t create slideshows on the app) and head straight to your FB page.

Go to the status update section, click on the “Photo/Video” button and select “Create a Slideshow”.

What did I tell you? As easy as pie.

Step 2: Choose Your Video Settings

After selecting the “Create a Slideshow” button, a new settings tab will appear.

Here, you can make decisions about the technical elements of your video.

Don’t worry too much about perfecting these settings in the beginning. You can always change them before hitting publish on your slideshow.

Here’s what each of the settings mean:

  • Aspect Ratio: The size of your video. You can choose from Square (1:1), Rectangle (16:9), and Vertical (2:3).
  • Image Duration: The number of seconds each image in your slideshow will stay on the screen.
  • Transition: Add a fading to your effect to your images or choose to have no transition.

Step 3: Add Music to Your Facebook slideshow

In the same Settings window, there is a second tab called Music.

It’s the best and worst part of creating a slideshow.

You can instantly add a vibe to your content and make sure it grabs peoples attention.

The downside?

All the cool music is copyrighted.

Curse you, Universal!

Luckily, Facebook gives you the option to choose from a selection of royalty-free music (or you can upload your own).

All of the songs are split up into different categories to help you find the best option for your video:

  • Energetic
  • Inspirational
  • Fun
  • Trustworthy
  • Modern

It isn’t Beyonce’s “Single Ladies”, but there are more than enough options to find the right mood for your video.


Step 4: Upload Your Images

Now it’s time for the fun part – adding your images!

To create a slideshow on Facebook, you need a minimum of three images and a maximum of ten.

Click on the “Add Photos” button and select images from:

  • Your desktop
  • Your timeline 
  • Take a photo with your webcam

IMPORTANT: Upload the photos in the order you want them to appear on the slideshow. Facebook does not give you the option to rearrange the order of your selection.

Step 5: Preview Your Facebook Slideshow

Now that you’ve uploaded your images, you can fine-tune your Facebook Slideshow.

Click on the play button to preview your video.

Not happy with the music? Or feel like your image duration is off? Now’s the time to adjust your settings.

Remember, you can’t edit your slideshow after publishing it. Spend as much time as you need to perfect it.

Step 6: Publish Your Slideshow

Once you’re confident with all your creative choices, click on the “Create Slideshow” button.

A new screen will load, and you’ll be prompted to fill in a title and description for your video.

Don’t slack off here. 

Use your wordsmith skills to craft compelling copy which will entice people to tap that play button.

When you’re done, hit “Publish” and your first Facebook Slideshow is live!


Want to use your video on Instagram or your website?

Click on the three dots at the top of the post. You’ll see a drop-down menu appear with the options to download the slideshow or embed it.


Facebook Slideshow Alternatives: Easy Video Tools + Multi-image Posts

If you're wondering how to make a Slideshow on Facebook, then try these Facebook Slideshow Alternatives with easy videos and multi-image posts. The Facebook Slideshow feature may have gone but there are plenty of alternatives to love.


If you're here because you want to know “How to make a slideshow on Facebook” then you're not alone. We're going to dive into some quick and easy alternatives to the Facebook Slideshow tool – on Instagram and Facebook. Why alternatives? Well, I have good news and bad news:

The bad news is that the feature that allowed us to make a slideshow on Facebook has been removed, moved and removed again. For many users it's gone altogether. Yes, alas, the Facebook Slideshow feature is no longer an option for creating quick slideshow videos on Facebook. But….

The good news is that there are many creative options for creating carousel and slideshow posts, quick video and multi-image posts on Facebook. I'll share them in this post.

And let me just say this, before we dive into alternatives:

I'm a little exhausted from updating this post. I love my blog but I'm not a huge fan of Facebook for constantly changing the popular Facebook Slideshow feature and then taking it away. So after many iterations and workarounds to help you create a slideshow on Facebook, it's time for an update with “alternatives”.

These alternatives still let you create awesome multi-image posts or quick videos in Slideshow-style for Facebook… without constantly wondering what the latest Facebook change will be.

Where did the ‘Facebook Slideshow' tool go?

After the Slideshow tool disappeared from our pages and profiles (RIP), we found a workaround that allowed us to publish posts via the Facebook Ads Manager or Creator Studio (shared in the video below, created with Facebook's Slideshow tool early in 2021). But that feature seems to have gone away now altogether (RIP).

Note that this feature is no longer available for most users, so read on for what you can use instead. But if you do still have access to the Facebook Slideshow feature via Ads Manager or Creator Studio please let me know in the comments below.

RIP Facebook Slideshow tool. You served us well…
How can we make a Slideshow on Facebook now?

We're moving forward, and I'm sharing a bunch of “alternatives” you can rely on.

Am I upset that the Facebook Slideshow tool has gone? A little, when it comes to Facebook changing things and taking away a feature that users loved. But in all reality, I think that the alternative tools and strategies I've shared in this post are just as good, if not better when it comes to sharing multiple images or concepts in Facebook.

So if you're wondering how to make a slideshow on Facebook or you're searching for “Facebook Slideshow”, you're in the right place. We just have to think differently!

Let's look at those alternative options for creating a Facebook Slideshow or making a video on Facebook:

4 Ways to Create “Facebook Slideshow” Quick Videos + Multi-Image Posts

Video is huge, there is no doubt. So even if Facebook took away the slideshow feature for Facebook, I wanted to give you options.

The following tools and features will help you to make slideshow-like videos and multi-image posts that you can share to Facebook (just like we could with the Slideshow feature).

1. Create a Multi-image post on Facebook.

While it's not exactly the same as the Facebook Slideshow Carousel feature, this is still quite eye-catching on your newsfeed. It involves creating a multi-image post and sharing it to Facebook. It's like the Carousel post on Instagram, in that once someone clicks on the first image, they can easily scroll through the rest of them.

And if I am to be truthful, I think this is not so far removed from the Facebook Carousel/Facebook Slideshow feature that we have had access to until now. It's just that someone needs to click through the photos rather than them playing as a video. I've referred to tools that can help you do that below.

Here is an example of a great multi-image post on Facebook from Candybox Marketing:

As you can see, this type of post commands attention, especially if the user can see that you have set out the images in steps. How-to or idea posts are hugely popular on Facebook and Instagram.

So don't despair if you can no longer use the Facebook Slideshow feature . Instead, take the same images you would have used to create it and turn them into a multi-image post!

2. Create Facebook SlideShow-like Videos with other Video Tools

I created this “Facebook Slideshow” style video using Wave (one of my favorite tools for creating social videos:

It took me about 5 minutes with the copy ready to plug into a video template. It really is quick and easy and the finished product is very similar to what you could achieve with the Facebook slideshow feature.

What tools can you use to create a Slideshow on Facebook (or similar)?

To mimic the Facebook Slideshow feature, all you need to do is take a series of “still” images and use software to create a video that scrolls through them the images (with text overlays added as you wish). 

It's just like the Facebook Slideshow tool! To do this I recommend using the following tools:

  1. Wave.Video – this is my go-to tool for creating videos that include photos and text.
  2. Canva Video – Canva has been slowly building a solid video tool on their platform, so it's worth checking out. It's easy to create a video from still images or video or animations and they keep adding more and more awesome video features. Get a free trial of Canva Pro here.
  1. GIFs – use Giphy to add a series of photos to the tool and convert them into a GIF. These an be easily converted to video using a tool like EzGif.

These types of slideshow videos can be added to Facebook or Instagram in video format.

Hot Tip: If you use or Canva, then use their resize tools to convert a square video to portrait and post it as an Instagram Story too!

Now that you have some solid options for addressing your question of “How to make a slideshow on Facebook?”, there's one more that you can consider. Let's take a look!

3. Use Instagram Slideshow (or Instagram Carousel posts)

Instagram Slideshow posts open up a lot of creative potential for businesses to tell their brand story.

It allows you to go beyond choosing just one photo to post on your Instagram feed.  With tools like Instagram Stories and Instagram Slideshow you can get really creative. And the best part about Slideshow or Carousel posts, is that they count as engagement for the Instagram Algorithm (ie if your followers engage with your content on Carousel posts, Instagram will show them more of your content).

Great topics for Instagram Carousel posts are How-to posts, stats, step-by-step, behind the scenes and more.

And if you connect your Instagram account with your Facebook account you can share the finished posts to Facebook. Or just add them directly into a multi-image post like the example in (1) above.

Or you can take the individual images and turn them into a video using one of the tools below. Or you can share them as a multi-image post on Facebook.

Find out more about how to use Instagram Slideshow to combine up to 10 photos and video in the following blog post. Click the image to read it:

Image by Shutterstock

4. Get Creative with Video and Upload it to Facebook

I know that a lot of people are frustrated that Facebook keeps taking away one of our favourite features in Facebook for creating slideshow videos. Let's hope it comes back again given how much users love it. In the meantime, get creative with others ways to create Facebook video.

Because the truth be known, Facebook Slideshow is just a fancy way of creating video for Facebook. If you want to create Video and you're stuck for ideas, then check out my mega-guide for video ideas (including a free download containing all 99 ideas + tools!).

So now that you've got a few easy and fun alternatives to creating Facebook Slideshow video, you can create engaging content for your Facebook page.

That's a Wrap for “Alternative” Facebook Slideshow Video ideas!

Whatever tool you use to create video (including your own phone!) for your Facebook Page, there is SO much potential for you to create easy video with existing (or new) content.

So…. get creative with it!

Over to You

Have you used the Facebook Slideshow feature in the past to create engaging videos? Are you excited about some alternative tools and ways to create similar (or better) content? Sick of Facebook messing with features we love?

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Donna is a Visual Content Strategist and founder of Socially Sorted, listed by Forbes as a "Top 5 Social Media Blog You Need to Know About". Donna helps brands leverage the power of visual storytelling and content strategy in their business. Her content has been featured in publications such as Forbes, Inc. & Entrepreneur and she is a speaker and trainer on visual content for the marketing and tourism industries internationally.

What is a Facebook Catalog? online stores, offers with flights, booking hotels and tours, offers with rental and sale of real estate, cars, etc.

Facebook catalogs are created in the service for working with the Commerce Manager assortment, available at .

Why the catalog is needed

Thanks to the catalog, the company will be able to:

  1. Add products to Facebook, specify and manage information about them. In the catalog, you need to specify the name of the product, add its image, description, cost, various options, etc. Products and data about them can be uploaded individually or in bulk.

  2. Create groups for ads and collections in stores. Groups and collections are a set of items from the catalog.

  3. Share with colleagues and partners to collaborate on the catalog.

  4. Specify country and language data. This will allow users to display correct information about products regardless of their language and country.

Facebook recommends adding all line items to one feed rather than creating multiple feeds. The presence of all items in one catalog allows:

  • it is easier to manage information about products, since they are all in one place;

  • Create audiences based on pixel events associated with catalog positions. Since all products will be in the same directory, events for them will not be separated;

  • Sell all available items in Facebook Shops (according to the rules, only one directory can be connected to a store created using Facebook Shops).

Advertising items from the Facebook catalog

Products from the catalog can be advertised on Facebook and Instagram. Facebook Ads types available for catalog line items:

  1. Dynamic advertising. Shows users items from the catalog that they were interested in on the advertiser's website or on the Internet.

  2. Advertising with a selection. The ad includes several items from the catalog below the main image or video. By clicking on a product, the user can learn more about it or see similar products.

  3. Carousel advertisement. Items from the catalog are dynamically loaded into carousel cards.

  4. Advertising with shopping tags. Products from the catalog are marked with special tags in the ad. By clicking on the label, the user goes to the product page with information about it and can place an order.

  5. Affiliate advertising. Brands that sell products through merchants can run direct sales campaigns. The merchant must give the brand access to the relevant catalog segment, which the brand can use to set up dynamic ads.

How to create a catalog on Facebook

Before setting up the catalog, create a company business page and a Business Manager account to link the catalog to the business page. Next, open Commerce Manager.

Click "Add catalog" and select from the proposed list the subject to which the positions in the catalog belong, for example, e-commerce.

Next, specify how you want to add products to the catalog - upload the information yourself or use a partner platform, such as Shopify or Big Commerce.

For self-download, click "Download product information". You can add products one at a time manually, add products in bulk using a feed, or use the Facebook pixel to import and update line items from your site.

If using a partner platform, click "Partner platform connection", select the desired platform, go to the site and complete the setup. This option only works for e-commerce.

Next, select the Business Manager account that the catalog is linked to to access more options for using the catalog than with a personal account. It will also be possible to give access to work with the catalog to other employees and partners. Only a user who has been assigned the administrator role can select a Business Manager account.

After that, enter the name of the directory and click "Create". The catalog is ready. Now it needs to be filled. To do this, go to it, click on the "Add Products" button and select the desired option.

You can upload one product by manually adding a description. To download several products, the system will prompt you to select one of the methods.

Manual upload of products one by one

Multiple upload options

Once the catalog is full, it can be used to set up ads and display products on the storefront on Facebook and Instagram.

How to create a video for Facebook

How to create a video for Facebook

How to create a video for Facebook

The file size itself must not exceed 4 GB. Its duration ranges from one second to 240 minutes. It is recommended to add captions and audio to the video, but this is optional.

Facebook video can be either square, horizontal or vertical.

Here are the aspect ratios it supports: 16:9 (widescreen), 1:1 (square), 4:5 (vertical), 2:3 (vertical) or 9:16 (full portrait).

Square videos look great on both smartphones and desktops.

Facebook itself recommends posting videos at the highest resolution allowed. It is also recommended to download MP4 or MOV formats.

How to grab the viewer's attention to a Facebook video from the first seconds

When a person scrolls through the Facebook feed from their smartphone, they usually do it very quickly, so you need to instantly grab their attention and engage them in your content. Here's how to do it:

  1. Get the person interested: with a question, action, or statement.
  2. Add your brand name or logo at the beginning of the video.
  3. Create short videos, because they will better be able to convey your message to the audience.

Facebook videos should be interesting even without sound

Users don't always turn on sound for videos by default. Most often, they start watching it without sound, so the video should interest a person even “dumb”.

The first thing you need to do is overlay text on the video. With its help, a person will understand what is at stake. It is also worth using visual images. They will help convey the main idea of ​​the video.

Follow the trends

You should keep an eye on the popular content that appears on Facebook. See what other bloggers post, what works and what fails. For example, the panoramic video format used to be popular, but now everyone uses square videos - it's easier to watch them on a smartphone.

Square Facebook videos look better on smartphones and take up 78% more space in the news feed on the social network.

Trends change regularly, so it's important to follow them. This will help you understand what is best now.

Why post video on Facebook

Video on Facebook increases reach and engagement. The thing is, Facebook itself loves video. Also, the social network closely monitors what exactly the user does with the video on Facebook. For example, how often he watches it, how long, on what screen, whether he rewinds or not videos on Facebook.

So the more often you post a video that subscribers like, the more people will see it thanks to Facebook's algorithms.

Content is king

Put yourself in the place of the viewer and ask yourself a simple question: “What will I get from watching this video?” You need a well-executed idea, otherwise no one will watch the video. You should always know what your audience wants, see what content is most popular among your target audience and start promoting it.

What is the best Facebook video format to use

When a person searches for a video on Facebook, they are not going to be looking for how to hammer nails properly or how to repair a boiler, unlike a YouTube video.

Other formats are relevant for Facebook videos. They should be bright and engaging, as well as motivating to repost the video.

Use content you've created before

Take content you've previously created in a different format and bring it to video. Here's how to do it:

  1. Reformat useful content you have already created, which you previously posted in text or audio format, into video.
  2. Record your podcasts on video.
  3. Create videos from presentations.

It's best to make short videos for Facebook

It just so happens that Facebook likes shorter videos. It is to them that the social network gives more preference. Most viral Facebook videos are no more than two minutes long.

The longer a Facebook video lasts, the fewer people are likely to see it.

However, it is important to remember that it is better not to make the shortest videos for Facebook. Short videos that are less than 15 seconds long do not work well because users do not expect value from them and therefore quickly scroll through them.

Create Facebook Video Playlists

When a person opens a video tab on your page, they immediately have access to all the videos you have uploaded. Therefore, here it is best to create order and a convenient interface so that a person does not get lost and does not close the page due to irritation.

It's best to group your videos by topic. You have the ability to create several different playlists that combine videos into categories. This will make finding videos much easier.

Put your Facebook videos on promo

You will need to set up targeted ads for your Facebook videos using the ad cabinet.

This will help show your video to more people. You can also specify which people should show it: their place of residence, age, gender, place of work, interests.

In this way, you can not only show it to more people, but also be sure that your target audience will see it.

Use analytics

Facebook provides analytics for your videos. This will help you figure out what videos to create next. These parameters will need to be taken into account when creating a video:

  1. Duration of watching videos.
  2. Total number of views.
  3. Number of unique views.
  4. Separately, the number of organic views, separately - due to advertising.

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