How to delete instagram tags
How To Untag Yourself on Instagram
You get a notification that a friend has tagged you in a photo on Instagram, you open it, and . . . your eyes are closed in the picture. We’ve all been tagged in our fair share of bad pictures – the ones you would never post, but your friend looks good so they share it anyway.
If you’ve been tagged in an unflattering picture or tagged in something inappropriate that you don’t want tied to you online, removing a tag on Instagram is simple.
How To Untag Yourself
Thankfully, Instagram allows you to remove a tag from another person’s post. To remove a tag of yourself on someone else’s post, follow these simple steps.
- Tap the photo or video that you’ve been tagged in.
- Tap your name when the tag appears.
- Tap “Remove Me From Post” (iPhone) or “Remove Tag” (Android)
- Confirm by tapping “Remove” (iPhone) or “Yes I’m Sure” (Android).
Hide Photo From Profile
Another option instead of untagging yourself is to hide the photo from your profile. With this option, you are still tagged in the photo, but it won’t appear on your profile under tagged photos. If you don’t feel strongly enough to remove the tag altogether, hide the photo by following these instructions:
- Tap the photo or video that you’ve been tagged in.
- Tap your name when the tag appears.
- Tap “Hide from My Profile”.
How To Untag Someone on Instagram
If you posted a photo and want to remove a tag for someone else, doing so is easy. When you tag someone on Instagram, you can remove or edit the tag immediately, as well as move the location of the tag on the photo itself. To go back later and remove or edit a tag on your own photo, do the following:
- On the tagged photo, click the three dots in the top right corner.
- Tap “Edit”.
- In the bottom left corner, click the icon that says “X People” (X being the number of people tagged).
- Tap the tag that you want to remove and then tap the “X” button that appears next to their name.
- Tap “Done” to save the tag changes and “Done” again to finish editing.
How To Delete Pictures on Instagram
If removing the tag isn’t enough, the next step is to delete the whole picture.
For pictures that you posted, deleting the post is simple. Simply press the three dots at the top right corner of the picture and press “Delete” to get rid of a post you regret sharing.
Unfortunately, it’s not so easy to delete a post shared on someone else’s account. While Instagram gives users control over what posts they are tagged in and what appears on their profile, you cannot control what images other people post. There is no direct way for you to delete a post shared on someone else’s account, even if you are in the photo or video.
If you still really need that post gone, you have two options:
Ask! If the photo is that upsetting to you, and assuming it was a friend who tagged you, simply ask them to delete the post. They might not be happy to remove a post that they wanted to share, and they may say no, but it doesn’t hurt to try.
Report the photo. If you’ve exhausted your other option and you’re committed to getting that post removed, you can try reporting the photo. Instagram is often slow to respond to reports, and they very likely won’t take action if you only want it removed because it’s unflattering. If you truly want the post deleted, it’s still worth a shot.
To report a photo, click the three dots at the top right corner of the image and tap “Report Photo”. A pop-up menu will make you choose between “It’s Spam” and “It’s Inappropriate” before taking you to a page with more options to report the issue with the image.
View Tagged Photos on Instagram
For those of you reading and wondering if there are any unsavory photos you should go back and check on, viewing your tagged photos is simple. To check out your tagged photos, go to your profile and tap the
You can also view other users’ tagged photos by clicking the same button on their profile.
Set Instagram Tagging Permissions
To save you from removing future tags, you can adjust your tagging permissions in your Instagram settings. There are two settings for tagging on Instagram: “Add Automatically” and “Add Manually”. Most accounts are set to “Add Automatically” by default. This allows people to tag you in photos and lets the photos appear automatically on your profile.
The “Add Manually” option sends you a notification when you’ve been tagged and allows you to approve or disapprove it before it appears on your profile.
To adjust your tagging permissions, follow these steps:
- On your profile, click the three horizontal lines at the top right corner.
- Tap the Settings Gear at the bottom of the menu.
- Tap “Privacy and Security” > “Photos and Videos of You”
- Switch the toggle for “Add Automatically” on or off, depending on your preference.
On this same screen, you can click “Hide Photos and Videos”, which will take you to a screen of all your tagged images. Here, you can choose which ones you want to hide in bulk.
How to Remove Tags on Instagram
If you’ve ever been tagged in a photo that you didn’t like, then chances are you searched for every possible way to get rid of it. Although you don’t have to power to delete another person’s posts, you can remove or untag yourself from the post.
In this blog post, we’ll explain how to remove tags on Instagram so you’ll finally be able to hide that one post from your profile.
How to Remove Tags on Instagram
Instagram makes almost all of its features easy to use so users are inclined to engage more with them. Removing tags from Instagram posts is no different.
The process is simple, here’s how to do it:
- Open the Instagram app.
- Click on your profile icon in the bottom right-hand corner.
- Click the tagged posts icon in the middle of the screen.
- Find and click on the post you want to remove a tag from.
- Tap on the screen until your username appears as a tag, then click on it.
- Click “Remove me from post.”
This will remove the tag on the post and no one will be able to see your username tagged to the picture anymore.
How to Hide Photo from Profile on Instagram
If you want to still be tagged in a post, but don’t want it shown on your profile, that works, too. The process is almost the same as removing a tag, here’s how:
- Open the Instagram app.
- Click on your profile icon in the bottom right-hand corner.
- Click the tagged posts icon in the middle of the screen.
- Find and click on the post you want to remove a tag from.
- Tap on the screen until your username appears as a tag, then click on it.
- Click “Hide from my profile.”
This will keep you still tagged in the photo, it just won’t appear on your profile. This means that if anyone were to go on your profile to your tagged photos, then this post that you hid from your profile will not show up.
How to View Tagged Posts on Instagram
In case you’re still a little confused about how to get to your tagged posts on Instagram, we’ll explain it to you so you can go check to see if you want to remove any tags from your profile.
- Open the Instagram app.
- Click on your profile icon in the bottom right-hand corner.
- Click the tagged posts icon in the middle of the screen.
That’s all! This tab will show you all of the photos you’re tagged in, so what you want to do with them – whether you want to remove the tag or hide them from your profile, is totally up to you!
Instagram added this feature so users have a little more control over which pictures get shown on their profiles. So, if you’re a victim of a bad photo bomb in someone’s post and they tag you, no worries, just remove yourself from the post. But, if you find yourself not worried about the posts you’re currently tagged in, then you can just leave them be.
How to remove hashtags on Instagram: from description or stories
Author Liza Tinkova Reading 7 min. Posted by
Hashtags on the Instagram social network are actively used to promote publications. Such keywords reflect the topic of the post, making it as visible to other users as possible. Any person can, at the specified request, find publications on a topic of interest to him. And now, the tags have already been added to the description or story, but there is no effect. In this case, the question arises: how to remove hashtags on Instagram? The answer is to use the detailed instructions that will be presented below. But do not rush to immediately get rid of all the keywords, perhaps you need to remove only too popular tags.
- hashtags from the description of the publication no one will.
There are reasons for this, ranging from the banal use of a prohibited label to a mistake in writing a keyword. Let's say that you were supposed to add the #live label, and you mixed up one letter and wrote #life. And the meaning immediately changes, so that such a tag no longer reflects the subject of the post. And this is not the best way to affect promotion.
But it's much worse when you poorly understood the rules of the social network and placed a forbidden hashtag under the photo. In this case, Instagram algorithms can automatically delete the post, and even worse, block the account. If someone told you or you yourself noticed that a certain label violates the terms of use, then it must be removed immediately.
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Instructions on how to remove a hashtag in a regular post or in a comment
The developers of the Instagram mobile app have long thought of all the nuances by adding the ability to edit posts.
In order to change the description, you do not have to delete the entire post from the page and then reload it. All you need to do is follow the step-by-step instructions that are suitable for both Android and iOS devices:
- Open the desired photo.
- Click on the three dots in the corner of the screen to open an additional menu.
- Select "Edit" from the list.
- We find an extra tag in the description, select it, and then remove it. To do this, you can use the "Cut" option or simply erase the mark in the standard way (using the arrow key on the virtual keyboard).
- Save the changes by clicking on the check mark at the top of the display.
But if you decide to change a comment that contains a problematic hashtag, then this will not work. Unfortunately, the developers have not yet added such an opportunity, so the message will have to be deleted and then rewritten. To do this, select it, and then click on the trash can icon.
How to remove a tag in stories
As you know, thematic tags can also be added to stories to mark a place or just tell subscribers about an interesting thing. But sometimes, due to inattention, the label is written incorrectly. How can I edit it or delete it altogether? In fact, it is also impossible to change stories yet. You can only completely get rid of the history and then reload it.
To get it right, follow the step-by-step guide:
- Open the history and click on the three dots located at the bottom of the screen.
- In the menu that appears, select "Delete".
- We confirm the procedure and close the window.
Now it remains to re-add the photo, but only with the correct tags. Try to find out from the very beginning how this or that word is spelled so that you don’t run into problems in the future.
And if you need to delete the label at the stage of editing the history, then do the following:
- Hold your finger on the added hashtag.
- Drag and drop to the basket, the icon of which is located at the bottom of the screen.
And that's it, after that the label will disappear from the screen.
How to make a tag invisible in stories
Everyone is used to the fact that tags in stories look just huge, and if there are a lot of them, they even overlap the photo. A lot of people don't like it, so people ask the question: how to make a label in history invisible? We agree that the topic is interesting, but there is very little information on it. But we have prepared two ways to implement our plans.
Here is the instruction for the first option:
- Open the history window and click on the sticker at the top of the screen.
- Select the "Mention" option and enter a keyword in a special field.
- Then we place the block with the tag in the right place of the photo. And to hide an object, simply reduce it by placing two fingers on the screen and sliding them together.
The same principle works here as when approaching while shooting on a phone camera. On the iPhone, the label becomes generally invisible, but on Android it is still displayed a little.
There is also a second option, but it is more suitable for those who like to use various stickers and emoticons. Here is the instruction:
- Add some tags, reduce them to the minimum size, and then put them in one place.
- Click on the sticker icon at the top and select any emoticon you like.
- Enlarge the sticker until it covers all the tags.
- Publishing history.
Other users who view your story will not even realize that there are some tags hidden under the sticker. But you will definitely know about it!
By the way, if you notice that publications began to collect few likes, and subscribers practically do not increase, then we recommend that you seriously start promoting your profile. For example, using the convenient online service Likemania .
Go to Likemania
This tool allows you to increase activity on the page, add new, and most importantly live subscribers. Registration will not take much time, and the prices will pleasantly surprise you.
So, we have examined in detail how to remove hashtags on Instagram from the description of the publication and stories. It is better to check each label in advance, so as not to perform unnecessary actions in the future!
Do subscribers see that the post has been edited?
Of course, the corresponding notification does not come, but the inscription “Edited” appears at the bottom of the post.
What happens if you don't remove the forbidden tag from the description?
Firstly, the system itself can get rid of the publication, simply deleting it without your participation. Secondly, no one has canceled the temporary blocking of the profile. And thirdly, with frequent violations, it is quite possible to face a shadowban when the activity on the page is simply zero.
Can I edit a post from a computer?
No, there is no such possibility in the web version of the social network. But you can use a special program for your computer or additional browser extensions.
Liza Tinkova
commercial Instagram expert. I answer questions and help readers.
Ask a question
How to remove a tag from Instagram?
Author Belousov Sergey For reading 2 min. Views 29
Best answer:
- There is no single way to remove a tag from Instagram.
- Some methods include asking the person who added the tag to remove it.
- Report a photo or profile to Instagram, or use a third party app.
How to delete a post tagged on your Instagram profile
Check out the article How do I see my favorite photos on Instagram?
Why can't I delete a tag on Instagram?
There are several reasons why you can't delete a tag on Instagram. One of them is that the person who posted the photo turned off the ability for other users to remove tags.
Alternatively, you were tagged in a photo shared by someone else and the original author chose not to allow others to remove the tags.
How do I remove the tag I've been tagged with on Instagram?
To remove a tag you've been tagged with on Instagram, first open the Instagram app and go to your profile. Click on the three lines at the top left of the screen, then select "Settings". Scroll down and select "Account", then scroll down again and select "Posts You're Checked In". Select the tag you want to remove and click Remove.
How do I remove a tag from someone else's message?
If you want to remove a tag from someone else's post, you can go to that post and click on the "X" next to the tag.
How do I remove a tag?
To remove a tag from a message, hover over the tag and click on the "x" that appears.
How do I remove all local tags?
To remove all local tags, first open the Tags panel.