How to delete all instagram posts in one click
How to Delete All of Your Instagram Photos
If you have several photos that you want to delete, Instagram does not provide any tools for carrying out the task. As time goes by, your Instagram account becomes full of photos and posts of the past, some of which you may no longer want to display.
Perhaps you feel it is time to purge your old photos, but you want to keep your account open. After all, creating a new account, gathering all of your friends and followers, and starting over can be quite a headache. The simplest way to remove everything is by deleting your account entirely, but in doing so, you run into the other issue of setting up a new account.
Fortunately, you can use some alternative methods to keep your account open but still remove Instagram photos. There are also third-party apps that do the trick. Thankfully, some app developers have stepped up to the plate, which gives you some good choices to delete all Instagram photos.
Option #1: Use a Hashtag to Bulk-Delete Instagram Images
This workaround is somewhat tedious, but it gets the job done.
Note: You can only do this workaround using Android or iOS applications. It won’t work from a web browser. If you feel it’s easier to use a computer, you can download an emulator like Bluestacks, install the Android version of Instagram, then perform this workaround there.
This process is perhaps the smoothest way for you to delete all of your Instagram posts. Here’s how to do it.
- Locate one of your Instagram posts, click the horizontal ellipsis (three horizontal dots) in the upper right-hand corner, then select Edit.
- Make up a hashtag that you know no one will use, as seen in the image below. Tap the Checkmark once you’ve added it to your post. Do this for each picture you’ve posted.
- Type your newly created hashtag into the Search Box at the top.
This process filters the results so that all your marked posts and pictures with the hashtag appear, and you can quickly delete them from one place.
Option#2: Use Third-Party Apps Designed to Mass-Delete Photos on Instagram
Using third-party applications is the best and most efficient way to delete all images from your Instagram account.
iOS/iPhone Bulk Image Deleters for Instagram
- Delete all your photo posts
- Manage your followers and links list
- Mass unfollow select users in your account
- Mass unlike
- Mass accept ew followers
- And much more!
- $0.00 for up to 50 actions
- $4.99 for 1 month
- $17.99 for 6 months
- $23.99 for 1 year
InstaClean is free to try with limitations and works on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch (Requires iOS 10.0 or later). There was an Android app, but it is no longer available. The free version gives you up to 50 actions before upgrading to a subscription.
There are a couple of other IG image deletion apps for iOS, but they have poor reviews and struggle with their functionality.
Instagram Bulk Image Deleters for Android
Unfortunately, there are no longer any bulk Instagram image deleters for Android OS. Be cautious and read into any Android apps that claim they bulk delete Instagram photos and posts. Copycats are out there that change the names and the look but carry the same code with minor adjustments or malware. The Instagram management apps available on Google Play only include bulk unlike and unfollow Instagram options.
Option 3: Use Third-Party Apps Not Specifically Designed for Instagram
How to Delete All Instagram Photos using Auto Clicker on Android
Auto-Clicker by True Developers Studio is a free Android app that lets you automate repeated taps and swipes in any app or screen on your Android. This free feature works nicely for deleting all your Instagram photos. Once you play around with the app, you will be very excited by its possibilities.
- Launch Instagram and the Auto Clicker app.
- Tap on Enable under Multi Targets Mode.
This method allows multiple tapping points with a delay between taps. - On Instagram, go to your Posted Content. Tap the green + symbol to create a tap point, which becomes a circle with the number 1 inside it.
- Drag that circle to the first post on your home page, on the left side, and tap the cogwheel (Settings).
- Tap on the Play button and pause it when the next available option appears. You can then tap the green plus icon again and follow the same steps as above.
- Your screen should now look something like this:
- Once you set up Auto-Clicker, tap on the blue play button. It will perform the instructed actions for you. You can tap on the cogwheel (Settings icon) and edit each instruction if it’s slightly off.
In the time delay box, you can leave it at 100 milliseconds or, if your phone is perhaps a little sluggish, change it to 200 or 300 milliseconds. This extended delay gives the app time to run and load information so that the auto tapping doesn’t override it.
Run this saved command repeatedly for hundreds or thousands of iterations, automatically and without human oversight.
You can turn off the Auto Clicker app interface by disabling it on the app’s home screen. Open the program and choose Disable under Target Mode, just as you did when you initially enabled it.
Auto-Clicker is a powerful application that you can use on many programs; it isn’t just for speeding up your Instagram process!
In closing, bulk-deleting your Instagram photos and images does not exist, but you have the workarounds mentioned above. As for archiving options, there isn’t a built-in way to mass archive more than one photo (at the same time), and there isn’t an app that currently lets you do it either. Maybe in the future, Instagram will release a bulk-archive option or an option to bulk-delete photos. Until then, have patience!
Instagram Bulk-Delete Photos FAQs
Can’t I delete my Instagram account rather than delete all images?
You can delete your IG account if you want, but you lose everything stored in that account and cannot use the same email or username for a new profile. You definitely can if you’d like to delete your entire Instagram account rather than using other methods, but the cons outweigh the pros.
Can I get in trouble with Instagram for using third-party apps?
There is a slight possibility that you’ll get in trouble. We only say yes because Instagram states that it may lead to a violation of terms of service. Using something like Auto-Clicker isn’t exactly hacking or modding Instagram’s software, so you should be safe to perform these actions without consequences from Instagram.
What if my Instagram is tied to my Facebook account?
Ultimately, the IG bulk-delete methods above do not affect your Facebook account unless you’ve shared your content from Instagram to Facebook. For example, if you shared a cat-funny image from Instagram to Facebook, it may disappear from both. If you are concerned about losing content on Facebook, you can always repost it on that platform manually.
Are third-party apps safe?
Third-party safety and privacy depend on the applications. There are a lot of third-party apps out there that make promises, such as deleting your entire Instagram history. First, read the reviews and analyze the permissions. If asked for personal information or login information, it’s probably best to avoid that app.
Can I archive all my Instagram photos instead of mass-deleting them?
Yes, you can use the archive option on Instagram. The Archive feature resides in the “…” option in the upper section above the photo on the iPhone. For Android, the Archive option is underneath Copy Link. You can also un-archive images if you made a mistake or want them back. For reversal, Archive gets replaced with Show on Profile.
How to Delete All Instagram Posts in 2022 [Best App]
Page Contents
NOTE: Want to skip the hassle and mass delete Instagram posts right away? Delete multiple Instagram posts quickly and easily with AiGrow’s Bulk Delete tool. Select as many posts as you want and delete them all at once!
Sometimes, your Instagram feed needs a fresh start. You might have old posts that you want to remove, or maybe you just want to clear out the clutter. Whatever your reason, you can mass delete Instagram posts in just a few steps.
If you want to know how to delete all Instagram posts at once, keep reading! We will give you the fastest and easiest ways to do so.
Can you delete Instagram posts?Yes! You can certainly delete Instagram posts. But what about when you want to delete all of your posts on Instagram, can you mass delete Instagram posts? It turns out that’s possible too! So how to delete multiple pictures on Instagram?
To do so there are two possible ways. You can either do it manually (the classic way), or you can delete Instagram posts in bulk using a reliable third-party app in just a few seconds!
We are going to introduce you to the best apps and methods to mass delete Instagram posts, starting from the easiest and fastest one– which is AiGrow Instagram mass delete tool- then the manual methods on the Instagram app, and finally to some other mass deleter apps out there. So let’s get started!
Mass Delete Instagram Posts With AiGrow’s Instagram Post Deleter
As we said, the best solution on ‘how to delete all posts on Instagram’ without spending tons of time is by using a trusted third-party tool. AiGrow is not just a fast way to delete all Instagram posts, it is also an Instagram management service with all the essential features you need to manage your account professionally.
Mass deleting Instagram posts has never been so quick and easy using this tool!AiGrow’s Instagram bulk post delete tool is one of the best and simplest apps you can use to delete multiple Instagram posts at once. You can even use it to mass delete Instagram posts on computer! In the following section, you will learn how to use it.
Now let’s see how to delete all posts on Instagram using AiGrow’s Instagram post deleter.
- First, sign up with AiGrow for free and verify your email address
- Then, connect your Instagram account to the dashboard by clicking “Add Instagram Account.”
Note: You can connect as many IG accounts as you want to AiGrow’s dashboard by simply clicking the Add Instagram Account button.
3. Select “Manage” to access the Instagram post deleter.
How to delete Instagram post fast using AiGrow-step14. Select the “Bulk Posts Delete” option.
Using mass Instagram delete tool of AiGrow-step25. To delete multiple Instagram posts at once, click the “Select All to Delete” button.
How to delete all your Instagram posts using AiGrow-step36. You can also delete specific posts by selecting them and clicking “Delete”.
7. If you have shared lots of posts to your Instagram account, you may need to click on the Load More option to see all of them.
It’s that easy! Delete all of the posts on your Instagram account or select multiple posts to remove with just a few clicks. So using AiGrow is the best answer on how to delete multiple pictures on Instagram. Watch this short video for a quick overview of how to use this tool:
And here is the pricing plans for this unique tool:
Note that even in the Essential plan you can use this tool 25 times for $15, regardless of the number of Instagram posts you delete at once!
Delete Instagram Posts The Classic WayIf you have an account with only a few photos on it, the simplest way to delete posts is one by one using the Instagram app or using its mass delete feature. ( it still requires some manual work).
How to delete Instagram post On Mobile (Android/iPhone)- Open the Instagram app
- Select the desired post to expand
- Tap the three dots to open the menu
- Select “Delete” and confirm
This is how to delete a pic on Instagram the classic way.
- Click on the three horizontal lines on your profile
- Choose Your activity from the menu.
- Then select Photos and Videos.
Note: After you choose an option, you will see a shortlist of your grid. It’s listed by date, but you can also review the posts from oldest to newest—or you can select a certain start and end date to search through.
- Choose which way to view your posts by clicking Sort and Filter from the top right corner just under Select.
- To delete or archive your posts, tap on the ones you want, then tap Delete or Archive in the top right corner.
While this method may work if you’re just deleting a few posts, it becomes very time-consuming for those wanting to mass delete Instagram posts. That would be quite a hassle!
If you want to mass delete Instagram posts at once, the best option is turning to a third-party app.
Also read: How to Delete Instagram Messages in Less Than 30 Seconds!
How to Delete Multiple IG Posts on Phone Using Other AppsWe explained how to delete one post on Instagram using the app itself and its mass delete feature; also how to delete multiple pics on Instagram using a third-party app like AiGrow.
Now let’s discuss other apps to mass delete Instagram posts on Android and IOS; While we weren’t sure these apps would work as well as AiGrow, we wanted to give you more options for deleting multiple Instagram posts. So we tested some of them and here’s what we found:
How to Delete All Instagram Posts on AndroidInstant CleanerHow to delete all IG posts at once using Instant cleanerInstant cleaner was the only app to mass delete Instagram posts that we could find on Google Play Store. On the app’s description, it claims to be the ultimate mass Instagram post deleter to delete multiple posts quickly.
After downloading the app, I received a few warning messages not to use the app. However, I ignored them and decided to use it anyway. (I created a new Instagram account to try it out)
I had no problems signing up for the app, and connecting my account. Up to this point, everything was fine!
How to delete all Instagram posts at once using Instant cleanerI chose a few posts to delete ( there was a Move to Archive option as well) and hit the delete button.
I Went on my account to check if they were deleted successfully but Instagram started crashing and kept showing this message:
My Instagram feed, my profile, and even my explore page didn’t load for more than a few seconds! I could hardly hit the log out button and log out of this newly created account.
I logged into my original Instagram account, and found that even there, I had been put under restrictions! As of writing this post, I am still waiting for the restrictions to be lifted.
Also read: How to Turn Off Suggested Posts on Instagram in 3 Steps
How to Delete All Instagram Posts on IOSCleaner for InstagramCleaner for Instagram was one of the two mass Instagram post deleter apps that I found for IOS.
It is a multipurpose tool for iPhone users to delete multiple Instagram pictures in one click. It can also do other bulk actions like unfollowing multiple users, blocking multiple users, and liking/disliking multiple posts at the same time.
I couldn’t test this app because I don’t own an iPhone ( Besides, my account was damaged enough by the previous app!). But here is a review I found on this mass delete Instagram posts app:
Unfollow For InstagramHow to delete all pics on Instagram using unfollow for InstagramFor IOS users, this app not only is used to mass delete Instagram posts, but it’s also used to bulk unfollow or unlike other users’ posts on Instagram.
I didn’t test this app too, I’ll leave it to you to decide! Just make sure to read any apps reviews before giving them a try; here are two of these Instagram post deleter reviews as examples:
Delete InstagramIt might seem drastic, but if you want to strip your whole IG and delete all posts, you can delete your Instagram account. To delete your Instagram account, log into the account on your computer then head to this URL found on the Instagram support pages. From here:
- Select the reason for deleting your account.
- Enter your password in the space provided.
- Hit the red button that says “permanently delete my account”
If you don’t want to do something quite so drastic, you can always temporarily disable your account from your Instagram account settings.
How to Delete One Picture Out of Multiple on InstagramCan you delete one photo from Instagram multiple?After you’ve learned how to delete multiple Instagram post, deleting a photo from a carousel on Instagram is a breeze. If you’d like to learn how to delete one picture from multiple post on Instagram, here’s how:
- Start by opening the carousel post.
- Select ‘Edit’ from the three horizontal dots in the top right corner.
- Tap on the trash icon in the top left corner of the screen when you find the picture you want to get rid of.
- You’re done once you confirm the deletion! This is how to delete a carousel post on Instagram.
Want to know how to mass delete Instagram posts without spending too much time? Simply sign up with AiGrow and use the Bulk Posts Delete tool to select and remove posts from your feed. Enjoy your fresh IG and start thinking about new posts to share!
Try AiGrow’s mass delete Instagram posts tool
FAQs On Mass Delete Instagram PostsLet’s take a look at a few frequently asked questions about mass delete Instagram posts below:
Q1: How to Delete Posts on Instagram PCIs there a way to mass delete Instagram posts on a computer? YES! However, before getting to that, let’s see how to delete a post on Instagram desktop; here are the steps you need to take:
- Go to your Instagram profile on your desktop, use the ‘dev tools’ option in your browser (F12 or Ctrl+Shift+J)
- Use Ctrl+Shift+M to launch the toolbar (or click the toggle button in the top-left corner).
- Refresh the page and go to the photo you want to delete then click on the three dots icon. There is now an option to delete.
To delete posts one by one on a computer, you can use this method. If you want to mass delete Instagram posts on a PC at once, we suggest signing up for AiGrow and its Instagram post deleter tool.
Q2: Is There A Way to Mass Delete Instagram Posts Without Deleting them?There are times when you might want to temporarily remove an IG post from your page without permanently deleting it. The only solution is to hide posts on Instagram by archiving them.
Q3: How to Hide Photos on Instagram Without Deleting Them?If you want to know how to mass archive Instagram posts, here is what you need to do:
- Click on the three dots in the right upper corner of your profile.
- Choose ‘Your activity’ from the drop-down menu.
- Select ‘Photos and videos’.
- choose your desired content.
- To archive posts, select and hold them.
- Select ‘Archive’ from the menu.
Have you grown tired of going through your long list of saved posts and wondering how to delete all saved posts on Instagram? Well, you can do that—but only on certain devices.
Q5: Can you delete saved posts on Instagram at once on Android?No, Instagram for Android doesn’t let you select all your saved posts at once. To delete them, you have to tap the three dots on each post, then tap Remove from Saved, and Delete. If you want to delete a lot of posts at once, you can do so one at a time like this.
Q6: How about unsaving all posts on Instagram on iPhone?Yes, you can unsave all posts on Instagram at once using the Instagram app for iPhone. This can be useful as you can remove all saved Instagram posts at once. You can also go through your saved Instagram posts individually and remove any that you find unnecessary. But how to unsave all posts on Instagram on iPhone? here are the steps:
- You can select “Saved” from the top-right menu by tapping the profile tab in the bottom-right corner of Instagram.
2. To find your saved posts, go to the Saved directory under “All Posts.”
3. Tap the three dots in the upper-right corner to choose “Select”.
4. To unsave all your Instagram posts at once, tap the “Select all” option.
5. To delete the post, tap ‘Unsave’ at the bottom of your screen and confirm your choice.
Mass delete saved Instagram posts on iPhoneQ7: How to Delete All Archived Stories on Instagram?As of today, there is no easy way to mass delete archived posts on Instagram at once. You can only delete them one by one. Here’s how to do it:
Step 1: Open your profile.
Step 2: Tap on three horizontal lines now.
Step 3: Tap Archive in the list of options.
Step 4: Select the story you want to delete.
Step 5: Click the three-dot icon.
Step 6: Click Delete from the given options.
Step 17: A new pop-up will appear, click Delete.
That’s it! The story will be deleted from your archive, as well as from other places you’ve shared it on Instagram such as Highlights.
How to Delete Archive on InstagramQ8: How to Delete All Recently Deleted on Instagram?Instagram makes it hard to completely delete old posts and stories you’ve posted on the app. If you want to get rid of them fast forever, you need to do it manually. (The app stores deleted posts and stories for 30 days. If you change your mind, you can restore them from the Settings menu).
Now if you are wondering how to clear recently deleted on Instagram, here is what you need to do:
- Tap on the hamburger menu on your profile and select Settings.
- Select Recently deleted from the Account menu.
- Click on the story you permanently deleted.
- Select More and then delete it completely.
It’s great to be able to mass delete Instagram posts at once, but you must be careful about deleting posts on your page since you could delete a photo that has received many likes and comments.
So after you’ve learned how to delete pictures on Instagram, you might want to learn how to recover deleted Instagram posts. Here’s how:
- In your profile, tap the hamburger menu and select Settings.
- Go to Account and select Recently Deleted.
- Tap the three dots icon on top of the post you wish to recover.
- Tap Restore to recover your deleted posts.
- To restore, you need to verify that it’s you using the one-time password Instagram sends to your phone or email.
- After verifying, tap confirm.
How to delete all Instagram posts at once
If you are going to delete all images one by one, it will definitely take longer in case of bulk deletion. I had a few old photos that I needed to delete right away. So, I directly visited and searched in Instagram Help "how to delete all photos" but in the results I found - photo !!
OMG, I soon realized that Instagram doesn't allow you to repeatedly delete posts, images, or even videos. That's why I switched to the play store to find an app that would do the job for me. nine0003
☛ I just searched and found some apps that can delete all your Instagram posts with one click.
To delete all Instagram posts or images, you must log in to Instagram and change the temporary password for your account (for security) and then in the application [any of these 3] select the images and click "Delete All".
It only took 30 seconds to delete multiple messages including videos or photos in the process. nine0003
Unfortunately, these apps have been removed from the Google Play Store and no longer work. Rather, I have another better suggestion for you.
First , if you want to delete some of your images, do it one by one (steps are below).
Second , if you want to keep the same username but remove all images from the account, just change the username to anything first - deactivate the account and then register a new one and put that old username, it will be accepted . nine0003
But you will lose all your subscribers and the following list, to restore it, just try these methods. Difficult, but I hope you get exactly what you want.
Yes, you will learn how to bulk delete for free. As an Instagram fan, you have noticed that Instagram allows you to delete photos, but it takes a lot of time on your computer or desktop.
You can also recover deleted Instagram messages if you just did it by accident .
Instagram has the option to delete a post or hide all posts from everyone. If you have a lot of old and important photos or videos, you can also archive them.
Archiving your photos is always a good idea to hide your photos, as deleting your photos may result in your posts or stories being deleted.
If you need a clear two-line explanation, look below:
i) Get the photos when they get older, they are actually hidden, but by deleting the photos you lose forever. nine0003
ii) You can hide and show photos at any time by zipping them, but if you delete them you won't be able to.
1. How to make a mass archive in Instagram?
Instagram currently has unlimited photo archiving space. If you need to archive multiple messages, simply repeat the same process again.
You can archive Instagram posts until there are no images left in your account. Always remember that archiving photos on Instagram does not mean deleting them. nine0003

Instagram is available on both Android and iOS mobile devices. You will love all the features of the apps if they are there.
But, if you find ways to delete photos on your laptop or PC, you can do it.
Please note that when using the PC version, you must delete the images one by one. You can't bulk delete while you're on your desktop.
Although you can use the help of Bluestacks, which can install Instagram into it and perform the removal. nine0003
Also, for desktop, you have an extension available from the Chrome Web Store that can help you delete Instagram photos right away. In one click? Yes, you can delete all photos or videos from Instagram with one click. But for this you will have to resort to the help of third-party tools available in this context.
Instagram has the ability to delete manually, but it only works one by one. So, to save your time, you can bulk delete all your Instagram posts with these apps. These applications even help clear all messages in your account, including photos and videos. nine0003
However, you have a manual method if you have very few Instagram posts and you can do it on your PC.
Sometimes it becomes necessary to remove images from your IG account. In this case, you can usually use the Instagram app to delete photos one by one if you want an easy solution.
But for more than one image, is there a time-sufficient method?
Good news...
You can delete multiple photos at once from Instagram on your computer or mobile phone. The process is carried out online. You can use any third party apps to clear more than one Instagram photo.
However, newly created Instagram stories using these images may also be deleted.
Most of these apps are crap and don't work as advertised.
This article will tell you about a working application that will allow you to delete multiple messages as you wish. nine0003

Now, before giving you this information, a brief overview is provided for deleting a single Instagram photo if you need it. To remove a single image from an Instagram carousel post or multiple images, simply follow these steps:
Step 1.
First, open the Instagram app on your smartphone.
Step 2:
Click on the profile icon that is present on the bottom bar. After you complete this step, click/tap on the photo you plan to delete. You can have up to 10 photos or videos in a carousel post. Just select one to remove.
After selecting the photo, click on the three vertical dots that are present in the upper right corner, once you click on the three vertical dots, a small box will appear giving you the option to delete. nine0100 Step 4:
Once you click on the delete option, a small dialog box will pop up with an option to archive and delete.

4. Delete ALL messages from Instagram - using apps.
Deleting multiple photos is not such a difficult task. If you have the right direction of use, you can do this very easily. nine0003
As you know, by default, Instagram does not allow users to delete all of the account's images. So, you have the solution from this article, which can give you ways to delete multiple photos at once from your Instagram account.
These applications are free to use and you can easily get them from the web by simply searching the name on Google.
Please note that you can install unauthorized applications with caution and end up in spam. nine0003
Now, to delete multiple photos at once, this article will use the help of a third-party application. Top three apps to delete multiple photos from Instagram:? Instant Cleaner
? Cleaner for Instagram
? Mass delete for Instagram
Note. These apps no longer work and will be removed from the play store in 2020.
1. Instant Cleaner - Delete multiple photos. nine0135
Instant Cleaner is one of the best apps for mass deleting Instagram photos. By using this software, the user can delete multiple photos with one click.
To bulk delete photos from Instagram using the app,
- Please open the Google Play Store and install this app first, if you have trouble downloading the app from the Google Play Store, you can use the APK file (link added).
- Now that you've completed downloading and installing the app from the Google Store, the user is encouraged to sign in with their credentials. Once you are logged in, go to the publishing option which will be present in the bottom bar.
- Once you select the post option, the app will automatically provide you with all the photos and videos you have posted on Instagram.
Now select the number of photos you want to delete. nine0144
- After you finish choosing the number of photos you want to delete, click on the delete option, which will delete the bulk or bulk mode photos and videos you selected first.
It's simple.
2. Cleaner for Instagram (Android and iOS)
"Cleaner for Instagram" works on Android and iOS platforms. This is also a useful application, so let's get down to the steps:
First open Google Play store and install this application. You can get iOS version from iTunes (Cleaner for IG).
Now that you have finished installing this application on your smartphone. Sign in to the app with your credentials.

Step 3
After clicking on the quick select option, a floating icon will appear with the delete option. When you click the delete option, the photos will be deleted instantly.
3. Mass delete for Instagram
Mass delete tool for Instagram allows you to delete multiple photos and videos from Instagram. The process is very simple: just download this application in .apk format and run it. nine0003
if you want to delete one image, you don't need such long methods, you can do it manually. However, if you need to bulk delete all images from Instagram, just use the third party tools mentioned above. This will help you perform bulk deletion. nine0003
How to delete all posts on Instagram at once: via phone or computer
Author Andrey Instagramovich Reading 3 min
You can delete all posts on Instagram at once using a third-party application on your Android or iOS smartphone. This feature is available on a computer only in the browser version.
- Delete all photos and videos in one go
- Delete via phone
- Delete via computer
Delete all photos and videos in one go
To allow your Instagram account to develop in a new way, you need to delete old posts.
Why obsolete publications should be removed:
- clear the Feed of unnecessary information;
- prepare an account for advertising;
- transfer the page for further sale.
There is no built-in function to destroy all the data entered into the account, so you need to use specially adapted programs. One of these is Cleaner for Instagram. nine0003
Deleting from a desktop version is more difficult than from a mobile device. For a PC, there are only two ways: through modules and using sequential removal through the browser.
Download the Cleaner for Instagram app to delete posts via Android:
- Confirm that you have read the user agreement by clicking on the " Agree " button at the top of the screen.
- "Media" - "Quick Select" on a blue background, click on it. nine0144
- " Select All " - click on the lightning icon at the bottom of the screen.
- Press the button " Delete ", confirm our actions by clicking on " Start now ".
Wait until the end of the deletion process, after which you can fill your account again.
Thus, you can delete posts on Instagram in a few seconds.
When cleaning publications, keep an eye on the limits. Instagram responds to any automated actions performed by the user. nine0262 The maximum number in 10 minutes is no more than 20 publications.
Deleting via phone
There are no similar applications on iOS that allow you to quickly and easily delete publications.
Therefore, the user needs to use the standard function of clearing records:
- Go to the profile - click on the post.
- Top three dots - Delete .
- Confirm action.
The disadvantage of this method is the complexity and the inability to remove everything at once. nine0003
You can also delete all photos on Instagram from your phone through the complete deactivation of the page:
- Go to the computer version of Instagram.
- Help Center - Deleting a profile.
- Select cause - Deactivate.
In this case, the owner of the page will be able to completely clear all entries. But it will be impossible to restore the account. Therefore, before deleting posts, it is recommended to save photos and videos to your mobile device. nine0003
Also, publications can not be deleted, but simply archived.
Deleting via computer
To clear your Instagram account from records, you need to delete each picture separately.
To do this, you need any browser with the function " View code ":
- Go to the official website of Instagram through a browser - log in to your account.
- Click in the free space " View code " - open Toolbar on top.
- Refresh tab - click on any entry.
- Top three dots - Delete post .
- Confirm actions.
Easier - work through modules and a program that will create an automatic removal procedure in the browser.