How to check your story on instagram

How to View Old Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories have become one of the most popular features of the social media platform, Like Snapchat Stories, Instagram Stories only appear on your feed for 24 hours, or until the person who posted the Story deletes it.

However, unlike Snapchat Stories, Instagram Stories don’t actually disappear completely after 24 hours. While Instagram Stories do disappear from your feed after 24 hours, they remain archived in the app. So, if you post a story but it expires before you get a chance to save the video, don’t worry, you can still recover it.

Like many users, you may not know that this feature exists, let alone how to access it. Let’s take a look at how you can view old Instagram Stories.

Accessing Your Expired Instagram Stories

As Instagram Stories increased in popularity, more and more users started asking Instagram for a way to access their stories outside of the regular 24 hour time limit.

In response to this, Instagram added the Highlights and Archive features back in 2017. Highlights allow you to group story elements and post them on your profile as a regular post. They’re labeled as Highlights but they behave the same as a regular Instagram post.

The other feature, Archive, saves your stories for future use. It’s important to note that your stories get archived for your use only. For other people, they will disappear after 24 hours like normal.

The archiving feature should be turned on by default, but if it isn’t, you can turn it on in your Settings. Find the Stories panel in your Privacy Settings and toggle on the option that says Save to Archive.

  1. To view your older Instagram Stories, navigate to your profile screen, and tap on the hamburger icon in the top-right corner.
  2. From that menu, you should tap on Archive to access your Stories Archive.

From there, you can re-share, highlight, and otherwise interact with your Stories. That’s the gist of accessing your old Stories but seeing other people’s old Stories is an entirely different matter.

Can You View Someone Else’s Expired Instagram Story?

By design, Stories are only viewable for 24 hours, and there’s not really any way around this. However, if you’re acquainted with the person who created the Story, you could request that they share it with you by saving it from their Archive.

In terms of seeing other users’ Stories that have already expired, that’s about as far as you can go. This feature was always intended to be ephemeral, just like Snapchat Stories.

However, if you frequently find yourself wanting to view other users’ expired stories, there are a few proactive steps you can take.

Saving Other Users’ Stories

The good thing about Stories is that they last a whole 24 hours. This gives you plenty of time to decide whether you want to save one.

Some websites are designed to save Instagram Stories. The most minimalist and approachable of these is Storiesig.

  1. All you need to do is enter someone’s username and the website will find all their active Stories.
  2. From there, just select the Story you want to save and click Download.

This isn’t the only option, as many other websites can do the same. However, this is the most hassle-free way to do it. Also, this won’t give you access to expired Stories, but if you catch them within the 24 hours since they were published, you’re good to go. This website also works on mobile devices, but there is another option for your phone.

Both Android and iOS have screen recorders for their newer versions. You can also get a screen recorder app and simply record the story. AZ Screen Recorder is a good option for both Android and iOS. All you have to do is start recording, view the Story, and then save the recording.

Again, these methods don’t give you access to past Stories, but they do allow you to retain active Stories on your device for future use.

Screen Recording Instagram Stories

If you’re looking to save someone else’s Instagram Story for future reference you can always screen record or screenshot the content during the 24-hour active period. You may wonder if Instagram will notify another user that you’ve captured the content.

There is a lot of debate about this, but as of right now you’re in the clear to take undetected screenshots of Instagram Stories. This won’t work with DMs, and Instagram has changed this several times through the years, so you’ll want to test it on another friend before taking a screenshot of someone who you’d rather your activities stay anonymous.

Once you’ve captured the story on your iPhone or Android, you can revisit the story in your camera roll as many times as you’d like.

Viewing Instagram Stories Saved as Highlights

Thanks to the highlights feature on Instagram, you may get lucky and revisit your favorite content as much as you’d like by visiting your friend’s profile. When a story is created, the account owner has the option of saving the story as a Highlight.

The story will remain on their profile until the user deletes it. It’s a permanent option for displaying the best content. To check if your favorite stories were saved as a highlight do this:

  1. Tap on the magnifying glass icon or tap on the following option from your profile to locate the account you’re interested in.
  2. Locate the story under the Following and Message icon – these highlights are round icons with an image
  3. Tap on the story

That’s all there is to it. If you don’t see any stories here they either weren’t saved as a highlight, you’re not an approved follower, or their account is set to private.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I watch a Story more than once?

Absolutely! As long as it’s within the 24-hour period you can watch the Story as many times as you’d like. Instagram does tell the creator that you watched their content, but it doesn’t tell them how many times you watched. Just beware, if you watch their Story over and over again, they’ll see the view count increase and you may be the only person who’s seen it. This is a sure-fire sign that you’ve been watching their Story, a lot.

Can I re-publish and old Instagram Story?


1. If you have a favorite Story, you can re-post it by navigating to your Archive folder as described above, then tap on the Story you’d like to re-post.

2. In the lower left-hand corner tap on the three vertical dots to access the sub-menu.

3. Then, tap on Repost.

4. Follow the prompts and your Story will live on in the feeds of others for another 24 hours.

5. If you’d like to re-post another person’s Story you can do that too. All you need to do is tap on the paper airplane icon and share.

If you don’t see the option, it’s probably because the other user has a private account. A private account means you can’t share their content for anyone else to see.

Final Thoughts

That pretty much sums up the resources you have when it comes to viewing and saving Instagram Stories.

Your own stories are archived for future use, but the Stories posted by other people are a little trickier. You can’t really see them once they expire, but you can save them while they’re active. Use a website made for saving IG Stories or a screen recorder on your mobile device.

How often do you feel like saving a Story you see on Instagram? If you could easily view old Stories at will, do you think it would defeat the purpose of Stories altogether? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

How to Find and Interact with Instagram Stories

Instagram has a popular feature for users called stories. Instagram stories are located in a bar at the top of your newsfeed and are represented by a multicolored ring around the profile picture of the story’s creator. Tap the profile picture, and the story opens full screen for you to watch.

How to find stories to watch on Instagram

New stories (personalized for you) are shown first. By scrolling left, you can see all stories that the people you follow have published in the last 24 hours. The story vanishes 24 hours after it was posted.

View Instagram stories by tapping a profile picture at the top of your newsfeed.

When you view a person’s story, they can see that you’ve watched it. There is currently no way to block this feature. So, be aware if you’re looking at an ex's story. They know!

You can see who saw your story by tapping on the Seen By link at the bottom left of the screen.

Instagram stories are also accessible from the top left of a person’s profile page. If the person has an active story, their profile picture has a multicolored ring around it.

You don’t need to be following the person to see their stories, as long as their account isn’t private. Tap the profile picture, and the story opens full-screen for you to watch. After that person’s stories have finished, the stories page closes and you’re returned to their profile page.

View Instagram stories from a person’s profile page by tapping their profile picture.

If you want to watch a continuing sequence of stories from people you follow, you must access the stories from the top of your Home feed. Instagram always takes you to the content you haven’t seen in that person’s story.

For instance, if you watched two out of five stories by someone, Instagram would play the third story in the sequence when you came back within the 24-hour window of the post. Each person’s story has white dashes at the top that indicate the number of stories for that person that day.

Instagram stories continue to play through each person’s entire sequence, and then go directly to the next person you’re following who has a current story, until you tap the X to exit (iPhone) or swipe down (Android) from Instagram Stories. (You’ll see some ads interspersed with stories from the people you follow. )

On iPhone, tap the X at the top right of a story to exit. On Android, swipe down.

How to interact with Instagram stories

Instagram stories aren’t just for watching; you can interact with them too. You can skip the stories you’re not interested in, rewatch things you want to see again, pause a story, and react to a story.

Forwarding through Instagram stories you don’t like

With so many Instagram stories out there, there are bound to be some you’d rather not watch. Lucky for you, it’s easy to skip through individual stories from one person, or a complete story sequence from a person.

To forward through one story within a person’s full story sequence, simply tap on the right side of the screen. You’ll skip to that person’s next story, unless it’s their last or only story; in that case, you’ll be taken to the next person’s story.

To forward through a person’s entire sequence of stories, swipe left from the right side of the screen. You’ll skip that person’s full set of stories and move on to the next person’s stories.

If you’re searching for a particular person’s story, it may be easier to go directly to their profile and watch, or you can scroll through the profile circles at the top of your Home page to find the person whose story you want to watch. Tap that person’s circle to see their story.

When you’re finished watching, tap the X at the top right of the screen or swipe down to be returned to your Home screen.

Going back to Instagram stories you want to see again

The process of going back to see a story is the opposite of forwarding through a story (makes sense, right?). If you’ve already watched a few stories from one person, and you want to rewatch one or more stories from them, tap the left side of the screen until you reach the story you’re seeking.

To go back to a different person’s sequence of stories, swipe right from the left side of the screen until you get back to that person’s story.

Similar to forwarding, if you’re seeking a certain person’s story, it’s easier to go directly to their profile to watch, or scroll through the circles at the top of your Home screen to find that person.

When you’re finished watching, tap the X at the top right of the screen or swipe down to be returned to your Home screen.

Pausing an Instagram story

Instagram stories tend to whip by pretty fast, and sometimes people add lots of text, or talk really fast to squeeze a lot of info in before getting cut off. Lucky for you, there is a way to pause a story so you can take it all in. To pause a story, just tap and hold anywhere on the screen, and the story remains frozen until you let go.

Reacting to an Instagram story

Reactions to stories are more limited than posts in the regular Instagram feed. You can’t “like” a story; you can only send a direct message or send a photo or video message back.

To send a direct message in response to a story, follow these steps:

  1. Tap the Send Message area at the bottom of the screen. Quick Reactions (emojis) and a keyboard appears.

    Send a message by tapping in the Send Message box and typing.

  2. Type a message or use one of the Quick Reaction emojis above the keyboard.
  3. When your message is complete, tap Send.
To send a photo or video message in response to a story, follow these steps:
  1. Tap the camera icon at the lower-left side of the screen. The photo/video screen appears with all the capabilities to add text, emojis, GIFs, and so on.
  2. To take a photo, tap the white circle. To take a video, tap and hold the white button for up to 15 seconds. You can turn the camera for selfie mode by tapping the circle arrows at the bottom right.
  3. Add any text, emojis, or GIFs you’d like to add to your photo or video.
  4. Use the slider at the bottom of the screen to allow the person to View Once or Allow Replay.

    Use the slider at the bottom to choose your viewing method and tap the profile picture to Send.

  5. Tap the profile picture above Send to send your message.

Instagram story limitations

If you’ve watched a few Instagram stories by now, you’ve probably noticed that they’re all in vertical or portrait mode, and videos are in short sequences. Following, are the exact criteria for your Instagram photos, videos, and graphics in stories.

Upload criteria limitations

All photos, graphics, and videos are best in the following formats:
  • Image ratio: 4:5 (vertical only) or 9:16 for photos
  • Image size minimum: 600 x 1,067 pixels
  • Image size maximum: 1,080 x 1,920 pixels

The best size for an Instagram story image is 1,080 x 1,920 pixels.

  • File type: PNG or JPG for photos/graphics or MP4 or MOV for videos
  • File size max: 30MB for photos, 4GB for videos

If you take a photo or video within Instagram stories in portrait mode, you won’t have to worry about these size ranges — it will automatically fit. If you import photos, graphics or videos from other sources, you need to pay closer attention to sizing.

You can upload photos, graphics, and videos that are not in these image size ranges, but the Stories editor will likely either cut off part of your image or zoom in to wherever it likes, causing poor image quality.

Playing-time limitations for Instagram stories

Currently, you can only record or upload in 15-second increments. If you’re filming within the app, the camera will stop recording at the 15-second mark, and longer videos will not load from your camera if they’re over 15 seconds. This can be very challenging if you’re trying to explain something or tell a story.

If you need to record for longer amounts of time, there are several apps available to help you. Try CutStory, Continual, StoryCutter, or Storeo. They all work in a similar manner, allowing you to record a single longer video on your smartphone outside of Instagram, and then splitting it up into 15-second segments that are placed on your camera roll so you can upload them one-by-one. The app also makes the transition between stories more seamless than when you film them within the Instagram app.

How to view Instagram search history by keywords

Instagram account search history is located in the profile settings. Let's look at how you can view your Instagram search history after updating the app. And where is the function that displays the history of the instagram account now.

How to view your search history on Instagram

Few people know, but you can easily see your search history by yourself in the search for your account . As if, a tautology and trite, but it's true. Your entire history by words, tags, key queries - is saved directly in the search for the application .

Let's see what it looks like visually. On condition? that you were definitely looking for options - how to view your search history on Instagram.

  1. Search icon, second tab of the bottom menu in the instagram app .
  2. By clicking on the icon you will see feed - featured content , as well as section navigation .
  3. To display the search history , move your finger over the dialog box and click on it.
  4. Instagram search is divided by , the first thing you see is the best , then the field accounts , tags , places . As you may have noticed in the first field, the best, apparently, are several recommendations from instagram.
  5. After which comes the inscription - "recent" . As you can see in the second screenshot . There and is shown, the entire history of your calls to the search string , inside the instagram application.

Opposite the inscription - recent , you can find active field (link) " all ". If you click on this field, you will see application page - " recent searches" , and next to there will be an inscription , " Clear all ". This is deleting your history , we told her detailed instructions - “ How to clear (delete) your search history on instagram ”.

Search history is in the instagram search history delete tab

This is a longer and more complicated method, but yes! You can view your search history in the delete search history tab on Instagram. At the same time, you can immediately clean it, if necessary.

  1. Open instagram app and go to main profile .
  2. In the top menu open your account settings .
  3. On the settings page , select the "security" item and go to the settings.
  4. On the page " security" we find the active field " clear search history " and click on it.

On the page clear search history » you will be able to see all searches that have been searched recently. This page is called at the top of the screen - " recent searches " next to it there will be an active field " clear history" .

Thus, you can view your search history on Instagram, and optionally clear it or go back.

How to view your Instagram browsing history. Is it possible to?

Author Ekaterina Murakaeva Reading 9min. Posted by

The mobile application of the social network Instagram is configured in such a way that all queries you enter are automatically saved, thereby generating a search log. It will contain all the profile names, tags and places that you have previously been interested in. And we should not forget about the set likes, because they can also be analyzed in the future. Let's take a closer look at how to view your browsing history on Instagram using the standard functionality of a branded program.


  1. What is Instagram browsing history and why is it needed
  2. Where to find and how to clear Instagram search history
  3. Where is the likes history and how to clean it
  4. How to delete all history from Instagram
  5. Temporary account blocking
  6. Deleting an account
  7. How to watch Instagram anonymously and for free
  8. Create a fake page
  9. Internet portals for anonymous surfing Instagram

What is Instagram browsing history and why is it needed? These can be the names of other profiles, thematic hashtags or geotags. By default, each phrase is stored in the program's memory, and thanks to this, we see in the output those words that we wrote before.

So why do we need a search journal?

First, it allows you to return to accounts that you were previously interested in. For example, you could forget the name of a particular profile, but you can easily find it by prompts. And secondly, the history allows you to get acquainted with all the pages that you went to through the application. It is really very convenient and useful.

Where to find and how to clear the search history on Instagram

If we are talking about how to view the history of visits on Instagram, then this can be done in different ways. The easiest way is to open the mobile application, click on the magnifying glass icon in the bottom panel, and then familiarize yourself with all the queries you enter. Next to each hint there will be a cross icon, clicking on which will remove the specific command. In this way, you can selectively get rid of profiles, hashtags or geotags in the search results.

There is another option, which is based on using the mobile client settings. In this case, you will see a list consisting of all the keywords and names you enter. Note that you won't be able to get rid of one request, you can only clear the entire log. To do everything right, we recommend using the instructions:

  1. Go to the profile tab, and then expand the side menu.
  2. Click on the "Settings" item.
  3. Go to the "Security" tab, then - "Data Access".
  4. Under the line "Search history" click on the hyperlink "Show all".
  5. And on the screen we see a list consisting of all the requests we enter. As it has already become clear, to delete the log, you must select "Clear search history" and confirm the action.

And now the search bar will not have the hints displayed before. We also want to talk about another method, for which you need to go to the "Security" tab. There we find the item "Search History" and click on it. And to remove requests, select "Remove All". Which option to use is up to you.

Where is the likes history and how to clean it

Instagram account history associated with likes is also available to view in the mobile app. When you go to the desired tab in front of you, you will see a full block of posts that you previously rated. All that needs to be done is to follow the steps from the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Open the mobile client and go to the account tab.
  2. Click on the three dashes in the corner of the screen to open the side menu. Here you need to stop at the "Account" option.
  3. Then go to the "Publications you liked" section. And we can immediately interact with all the opened posts. For example, remove likes or leave comments.

As you can see, there is absolutely nothing complicated in this, and any user of the social network will cope with this task.

How to delete the entire story from Instagram

If you need to permanently get rid of the entire history on the social network, you can try to temporarily or completely delete your own profile. In the first case, you can restore the page at any time, and in the second - only within 30 days. We have prepared different instructions, so choose the one that suits you best.

Temporary account blocking

This method of temporarily deleting an account is often used when they want to take a break from social networks. Nevertheless, nothing prevents us from using this opportunity for our own purposes. Before starting work, you need to open a browser on your smartphone and use it to log in to the social network. Unfortunately, it is not possible to block an account through the mobile application. When everything is ready, go to the instructions:

  1. Open the tab with your profile by clicking on the account avatar in the bottom panel.
  2. Select "Edit profile" and check the option "Temporarily disable my account" at the bottom of the page.
  3. Specify the reason for deactivating the page. The best option is "Other". We re-enter the password from the account and confirm the temporary deletion of the profile.

Now your account is blocked and is not displayed on the social network. But it can be returned to its usual state by re-authorization. Here, nothing depends on time - you can restore the profile even after a few months.

Deleting an account

And in this method we will consider the complete deletion of a profile. You need to understand that there is a risk of losing your account altogether if you do not restore it in time. If you realize this and are ready for anything, then we suggest using a step-by-step guide:

  1. Open the Instagram application and go to the profile section by clicking on the profile picture in the bottom panel.
  2. Click on the icon of three stripes located in the upper corner of the screen.
  3. In the menu that appears, select "Settings".
  4. Go to the "Help" section, then - "Help Center".
  5. We open the page in a mobile browser, having previously authorized in our own account.
  6. On the next page, find the "Account Management" hyperlink and click on it.
  7. Next, in the "Account Management" sub-item, select "Delete".
  8. Opening the question "How do I delete my Instagram?" and in the text we find the highlighted phrase "Delete account". Click on this hyperlink.
  9. Select the reason for profile deactivation. It is best to stop at the "Other" option. Enter the password for the page and click "Permanently delete my account."

In this way, you can permanently get rid of the account, unless it is restored in time. In principle, the instructions are simple, although a little voluminous. Read it carefully, and then no errors will arise.

How to watch Instagram anonymously and for free

Sometimes you need to view people's profiles and stories completely anonymously. If you decide to stop at this option, then you should understand that you will not be able to interact with other authors. The ability to like, write comments and send messages in Direct automatically disappears. However, it will work to see new posts and stories.

Creating a fake page

As you know, to register in a social network, it is not at all necessary to indicate real data. You can come up with any name for the account, as well as use temporary mail to receive a verification code. In this case, your profile will be considered fake, and the other person will never know who is the owner of such an account.

Registering a new account is easy - just go to the official Instagram website, enter the mailbox address, come up with a username and password.

Internet portals for anonymous surfing Insta

There are many sites on the Internet that allow you to view other people's publications and stories completely anonymously and without authorization. But this method has one significant drawback - it will not be possible to subscribe to people, as a result of which you will have to enter the profile name manually each time. However, this is a working option and the following online services are suitable for use:

  • Insta-stories. Convenient site with the most understandable interface. The first time you use it, you will need to enter the login of another user in the search box. Then on the screen of your device we see two tabs: "Stories" and "Publications". Choose what you need and watch the content.
  • Gramotool. Almost the same service, but with a different design. As in the previous case, initially we enter the name of the desired profile in the search box, and then select the account in the search results. We open the page of a specific user and view both stories and available publications.

If you wish, you can find other similar sites by entering the appropriate query in the search bar of your browser. There are also special applications that allow you to work anonymously with a social network.

And finally, we want to recommend you the DoSMM online service, designed to promote your profile. The site allows you to wind up different types of activity, including real subscribers. Registration does not take much time, and the prices for services will pleasantly surprise you.

And, most importantly, it is impossible to get an account blocking!

So, we figured out how to view your browsing history on Instagram.

Learn more