How to chat with a girl on instagram

How To Text A Girl For The First Time On Instagram

How do you start a conversation with a girl on Instagram? Today, Instagram is the best online social media platform where you can share photos about what’s new with you.

Most ladies enjoy taking a whole lot of selfies, especially when they’re in a nice environment with amazing outfits which makes their photos catchy when taken with a good smartphone camera. Most Instagram singles wouldn’t hesitate to share those photos with their Instagram followers.

Over the years to date, I have been on Instagram and have started conversations with quite a good number of girls online, without stress. Haven seen several persons ask questions on; how to start a conversation with a girl or random girls on Instagram for the first time, and even how to DM a girl on Instagram from Tinder, I see the need for this special guide.

Since I understand how daunting it can be to start up a conversation with a new girl on Instagram, someone you just met online. I will give you only but the best ways to slide into her DM and make her like you through chats.  

What’s Instagram DM?

DM is an abbreviation for Direct Message, this is an Instagram feature that allows users to chat privately. When you slide into someone’s DM, it means you are sending messages that can only be seen by you and the person.

Related: Interesting things to do on Instagram Live with your partner

How to start a text conversation with a girl for the first time on Instagram

The following tips will help you know how to introduce yourself to a girl on Instagram, what to do before sliding into her DM and how to keep the conversation with her.

1. Check her Instagram profile

Before you text a girl for the first time on Instagram, endeavour to take a look at her profile.  A quick look at her Instagram profile will unveil a little more about her, you can easily determine what interests her the most. If she shares photos of her at different travel locations, she could be so much interested in travelling.

The photos you see, can inspire you on what to DM her on Instagram.

“Hey, I came across your Instagram account and must say you like travelling. I will be going on a vacation soon, do you have any place to recommend?”

The above chat is casual and you can be positive she will reply to your Instagram chats. Feel free to tweak my Instagram text to a girl example to your choice but you simply have to be real and never rush or flood her with messages.

READ ALSO: How To Start A Conversation With A Celebrity On Instagram

2. Like a few of her photos

This works very well for me, you simply don’t have to like all her pictures at a go. Most times she could be the one to say “hi” to you when you like a few of her photos or drop nice comments about what you see on her profile.

If you plan to DM random girls on Instagram, don’t always slide straight into their DM for a chat, there’s no need for a rush. Let her know you found something intriguing through your likes and comments, she will receive Instagram notifications for your reactions.

When your chat comes in her DM, she can recall seeing your Instagram username in the notification area. Then starting up a conversation with her won’t be totally difficult.

3. Don’t just say “Hey”

When you’re texting a girl for the first time on Instagram, don’t just say “hey”, that isn’t good enough to start up a conversation with her.

To slide into a girl’s DM on Instagram with the word “Hey”, can be a dumb pickup line. Remember this is someone totally new to you and you expect a response from her.

Most female Instagrammers receive a lot of messages even from people they don’t know especially men. For you to receive replies from her among the available number of persons sliding into her DM, you have to be creative.

The first text to a girl on Instagram should at least be something that is more intellect and attracts response.

Mostly, it is only teens that are cool with the “hey” as a pickup line when texting a girl for the first time online. But I did guess you’re not within that age bracket, so don’t act like one.

4. Be ready to chat her

When you are about to start a conversation with a woman on Instagram for the first time, you should be ready for the chat and be able to reply as soon as you receive a text from her. Maybe not too fast, so you don’t appear desperate.

Remember you’re the one sending chats to her for the first time, you have the responsibility to keep the chat going and interesting.

If you’re getting replies from her and almost getting short of what to say in her DM, make use of these questions to ask a girl and get to know her more. It will make the chat more interactive and interesting.

5. Get to know more about her

It doesn’t matter if you met her at the café, the high school playground before, or somewhere around but didn’t talk to her. You still don’t know much about her, find out what are her likes and dislikes.

A good mix of healthy questions will help you know more about her. Do not bombard her with too many questions and always wait for her to reply to your chats before you send another one.
Women are more curious than men, allow her to ask you questions too and make sure you’re honest in your answers, there’s probably no reason to be fake on Instagram.

6. Proper use of grammar

Do not be lazy to type out words completely when you want to text a girl you like on Instagram. Crosscheck your spellings and autocorrect before you send the chat, so you don’t end up saying what you never intended to say to her.

Abbreviations like “kk, I want 2 c 4 more pix” and bad grammar can throw her off the chat with you. Don’t allow this to be the mistake you will make when you slide into her DM on Instagram.

7. Let her know you’re into her

Let her know about your feelings…

Once you notice that the Instagram chat is becoming interesting with her for the first time, make sure you let her know that you’re interested in her so you can get the first date scheduled.

Here’s why you should work on seeing here face to face. Texting alone isn’t enough to determine or make someone be into you. The facial expression and body language have a greater impact on how things are likely to turn out for both of you.

8. Use emoticons

According to research by Plenty Of Fish (POF), kissing, wink face and heart eyes emoticons are the most likely to get a reply from singles online, Instagram ladies are not excluded.

To expose your flirty part, try using one or more of the mentioned emoticons when sending a flirt text to her in the DM.

READ ALSO: How To DM A Guy On Instagram

Video: How to DM a girl you don’t know for the first time

Over to you

To approach a girl on Instagram DM or to impress her through chats, it is pertinent to make sure you already have an outstanding Instagram profile. Your profile online should appear interesting because almost every girl would like to take a look at the profile of the guy who slides into her DM for a private chat.

Since I have shared my tips on how to talk to a girl on Instagram DM for the first time and keep the conversation going, I would like to know how you normally start a conversation with a girl or random girls on Instagram?

Start a Conversation With a Girl on Instagram

Every guy has a strong urge to talk to attractive girls. Instagram makes this a lot easier. Instagram has kept 1.39 billion users connected, where 52% of users are female, and 48% are male. More than 50% of active people are aged 18-49. These statistics simply mean you are more likely to stumble upon a cool girl on Instagram.

This blog will prepare you to talk to any girl, even if you are strangers to each other.

Table of Contents

  1. Start a Conversation With a Girl Like a Pro
    • Kick Off the Talk Without Getting Nervous
    • Do Not Write Standard Texts
    • Make Her Laugh
    • Do Not Give Up Too Easily
  2. Instagram Features That Help Initiate a Good Conversation
    • Should You Like Every Photo She Posts?
    • Make Sure You Follow Each Other Before Rolling Into Her DM
    • Comment With a Question
    • Start a Talk With Her Story
  3. Takeaway

Start a Conversation With a Girl Like a Pro

There are dozens of other guys trying to get her attention altogether, and your texts need to stand out from the others.

Kick Off the Talk Without Getting Nervous

We have always been there when we are about to start a conversation by texting; we are not sure what to say, we overthink it and eventually end up being creepy.

You can directly start a convo by checking her Instagram post or a story. Notice if she is crushing over a celebrity or visiting places like jogging parks or gyms. If you genuinely find you do things in common and she posts a lot on that, you can pick up such topics easily to start a talk. Say something like:

  • “I didn’t know that you were a runner! How long have you been running on those tracks?”
  • “After that Stranger Things show, I am also obsessed with Finn. Which other cast member do you have your eyes stuck on?”

Do Not Write Standard Texts

“Hey! Josh here; I had a nice day with you at the beach. How was the rest of the day?” This might sound dull to her, as it is used by average, typical guys; it gives only a few emotions.

Use this technique to make your way out of the crowd. “How was your evening? Pop-out another shot of tequila till you blackout?”

In both cases, you are asking about the rest of the day. At first, you are being stale, and on the other, you made her grin while being bold. She will doubtlessly respond to texts that evoke her emotion.

Make Her Laugh

Keeping her happy with a genuine smile on her face is priceless to every guy. After all, every guy struggles to find ways and even some techniques to keep that laugh going. Give her that daily dose of a giggle with meme pics, reels, and videos.

If she follows meme pages and posts memes on her Instagram, use this opportunity to your advantage. But before, make sure to know her taste in humor. You can check out meme pages that she follows and likes. 

Do not send a meme that she has already seen, but send something unique, relatable to real-life scenarios in which you were together. Keep it the way that she catches it almost immediately.

Do Not Give Up Too Easily

When guys text a girl and if they don’t get a reply back. They assume that she is not interested in them, and they give up pretty soon; that could be a big mistake.

Oftentimes, they might be busy, in a bad mood, or simply unsure how she wants to respond to your text message. Maybe you are right about her that she is not interested. You will never know what a person is going through. So it is better to confirm with her and then take any further action.

Likewise, if you choose to stay engaged, give her some time; it could be days or weeks. Then re-engage with her through a text message. That text message should be fun, respectful, and playful. And if that text gets compelling enough, you are more likely to get a reply with a smile on her face and the truth. 

For instance, “Hey, huffy face…are you still alive? Or should I send some dalmatians for your rescue!”

Instagram Features That Help Initiate a Good Conversation

Should You Like Every Photo She Posts?

If you are going to like every photo they post, here is some advice from a dating expert, Jonathan Bennett. “A woman notices when a guy is after her hot photos if he only focuses on that. Building a rapport and exploring other photos can get you to know more about her other than just looks.”

Most dating experts agree that mass liking someone else’s photos is a terrible idea that sways off as obsessive.

Make Sure You Follow Each Other Before Rolling Into Her DM

“Most people check who their followers are, and if they follow you back, you are already ahead of the game,” says the president of The Dating Advisory Board, Jen Hecht. You will get some attention if she follows you. 

If you request to follow her private profile and the girl does not follow you back, just do not request to follow her again.

Comment With a Question

Comment on her recent posts, and when you frame it like a question, you are more likely to get a response on that. Do it in an excellent, respectful, friendly way because it is public. Keep in mind to make it engaging and ask what is happening. You can try commenting like:

  • “Wow! The weather looks mesmerizing 🤩. Was this last spring?”
  • “That is a hell of a crowd! Who was the DJ at Tomorrowland?”

Start a Talk With Her Story

You cannot talk all the time about her interests, passions, school or university things. It is alright to talk about that once in a while. Starting the talk with her Instagram story is a clean tactic to start a conversation for the day.

Suppose she posts interesting things; your DM response should be complimenting or an associated question. Then start bringing in other topics and keep the flow going. You can reply to her story with:

  • “That really is a cheezzzyy peanut butter sandwich! My nephew has a peanut allergy, and it began to creep up after the 90s. Ahh! We are lucky.”
  • “What’s up, snow angel! You are warming my heart in that snow.”


While texting a girl, your end goal is to meet her in person and maintain it after. You can keep that babble-ramble, chit-chat topics, and ideas reserved for an actual meet-up in real-life or a video call.

Cheers! If you have read through the whole blog. In the article, you also notice how important it is to have things in common to begin a conversation. It can also keep up the relationship. 

Shared interests lay the foundation to close relationships. Sharing your future goals, ambitions, beliefs, ethics, and morals is extremely important. Having shared your social circle will also socialize your relationship in the world. And that tends to last a long time.

How to chat with a girl on Instagram ▷ ➡️ Creative Stop ▷ ➡️

How to chat with a girl on Instagram

You just found out that a girl you know always posts interesting content on Instagram . So you would like to start a private conversation with her to talk about your common interests, but you don't know how to do it? The girl you like is following Instagram Would you like to contact her, but due to some shyness you don't know how to approach her? Don't worry, here I am ready to answer all your questions on this topic.

If the examples above reflect the situation you're in, or if it's easier, you would like to know how to chat with a girl on Instagram Since you don't know how to use the popular photographic social network to interact with other users, you You will be glad to know that in this tutorial I will show you all the steps you need to follow, step by step. In fact, I will explain to you how to find people with the same interests as you and how to connect with them using the tools that Instagram puts at your disposal. Finally, I will also give you some tips on how to approach yourself in the right way when you are messaging other people through social media.

What do you say? Want to learn more and can't wait to get started? Come on, sit down and grab your smartphone. Read carefully the instructions I am about to give you in order to succeed in your proposed attempt. However, I wish you good reading and, above all, lots of fun!

  • Find a girl to chat with on Instagram
  • How to chat with a girl on Instagram
  • Tips on how to chat with a girl on Instagram


  • 1 Find a girl to chat on Instagram
  • 2 How to chat with a girl on Instagram
  • 3 Tips on how to chat with a girl on Instagram

Find a girl to chat on Instagram

Antes de explicarte en detalle cómo chatear con una chica en instagram . Instagram para Android e iOS.

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With that said, to get started, first launch Instagram by clicking the icon on your home screen and/or drawer of your device, then log into your account by entering the details, associated with email and password.

Now tap the magnifying glass icon located in the menu at the bottom to see a section on the Explorar screen that displays a variety of media content based on what Instagram thinks might best suit your interests.

Therefore, if you find a photo or video you like, click on its image o video preview to see the posted content and the name of the user who shared it.

In addition, you can search for content related to your specific interests using the Instagram search engine ( text box visible from above, after clicking magnifying glass icon ): In this particular case, you can search with the hashtag by writing a term related to the topic you are interested in to see all related content published on Instagram.

Also don't forget that you can use the Instagram search engine (or even Google ) to identify the Instagram account of a person registered with the social network. In the first case, all you have to do is write el name y el last name o el username of the person you want to search to see your profile in the search results.

Instead, when you google, type name , el last name o el is the username of the person you want to search for, followed by the term Instagram (For example, Instagram ) to identify the user's account in the search results. The link to be clicked is a URL from If you have questions or concerns, check out my guide on how to find someone on Instagram.

how to chat with a girl on instagram

sending private messages to registered users.

In this sense, I just want to explain how to start a chat with a girl on instagram since you can start a private conversation on Instagram even with a story.

With that said, to get started, launch the Instagram that you previously installed on your device and sign in to your account if you haven't already.

Now find the profile of the girl you want to chat with privately and click on her profile. avatar To see their Stories you have posted if available.

At this point, to interact with them with a quick reaction, swipe up from the bottom and tap one of the emoticons replies displayed to you to send a quick reply via Instagram private messages. Alternatively, to send a private message in response to a story you posted, check the Send message text box, write your message, and click the SEND button to send it.

Want to start an Instagram conversation right away without having to wait until you have to interact with stories? No problem: to do this, first press button the arrow icon is located in the upper right corner of the application, then in the menu that appears, click on the name of the girl you want to contact if you have previously started a conversation with her to view the chat history dedicated to her.

Or, to start a conversation on Instagram from scratch, click the pencil icon button in the upper right corner Write the name of the person and tap the voice Charl to open a dedicated conversation.

At this point, check the text box Write a message to write a text message or send a multimedia message by pressing the camera icon button or one multimedia gallery . To send a voice message, press and hold the microphone icon instead.

In this sense, in case of doubt or problems, please refer to my guide, in which I explain how to communicate on Instagram.

Tips on how to chat with a girl on Instagram

In addition to the information I already gave you, could you give me some advice on how to chat with a girl on Instagram, since you are a bit of a shy person and afraid to make the wrong moves? If so, don't worry and keep reading the following lines to get some general ideas and suggestions.

  • Get involved and inspired by the content you post If you're not that familiar with the girl you want to chat with, don't forget to break the ice by interacting with the content she posts: I like and comment on her posts and her stories; In this way, you will also have the opportunity to understand what interests you the most and you will also be able to get some ideas about the topics of conversation.
  • Be nice and polite : kindness and education come first, so if you text a girl and she is slow to respond, don't insist and leave her patiently. Assertiveness, aggressiveness or obsession never lead to anything positive.
  • Pay attention to the way it is written. - There are no character limits in Instagram chat, so try to avoid abbreviations and languages ​​in SMS, not only for aesthetic speech, but also to avoid any misunderstandings. Also, try to be careful with spelling and avoid grammatical errors; Otherwise, you won't be able to make a good impression, especially with someone you don't have a long-term relationship with.
  • Be original and don't use clichés - In order for a social media discussion to last for a long time, you must try to be original and innovative in your conversation. So try to ask smart and original questions to pique the curiosity of the girl you're chatting with.

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How to DM her on Instagram


Even if a touching direct message doesn't melt her heart, it will surely make her smile. And this is already half the battle. The main thing is to choose the right words. It is important that your message stands out against the backdrop of an endless stream of correspondence. So no platitudes like "hello, how are you." Don't know how else to strike up a conversation? With tips from AX, you can intrigue even a female influencer with 200k followers.

How to start a conversation on Instagram

Use "bait". Your task is to capture her attention from the first message. Try to make a witty joke, tell a story with an unexpected ending, or send a link that might interest her. The main thing is to show originality.

  • Find common ground. If you already know each other in reality, consider that you pulled out a lucky lottery ticket. As a starter for a conversation, remember a funny situation that happened at a party, at the university, or in a general company. This will melt the ice;
  • Complimenting appearance is too commonplace. Instagram was created to show off photos. But don't fall into the trap. The more subscribers a girl has, the more often she is told how cool she looks. Do you want to be the only one, not one of many? Try to show that more than just the cover is important to you. Study stories, captions and comments on posts. This will help to understand what she likes and what is better not to mention. A good move is to recommend a book, movie, or cool music album that might hook her;
  • React to her story. A rising cloud of hearts is clearly not enough. But this is a good start for dialogue. After the instant reaction, leave a more detailed comment. So you show that you are closely following her updates - and this is always flattering. In addition, it is much easier than starting a correspondence from scratch - you already have a topic set by the girl herself.

Find common ground.

Insta-pickup work strategies

Upgrade your profile. Messages from an account without a single photo look suspicious. It is not necessary to sign up for a professional photo session. A couple of selfies or snapshots from real life are enough. It's cool if they show you doing what you love. Do you write beats? Are you skateboarding? Do you love hiking? You probably have things that you are proud of - so why not show them.

Relationships are not a game where you can enter a secret code and immediately jump to the next level. Even if the perfect pickup line really existed, the girls would instantly figure it out. Just imagine, hundreds of messages from different guys arrive in a personal message to your chosen one, and they all start the same way. Krinzhovo, isn't it? AX doesn't give you a recipe. We only recommend tactics that will help you stand out from the background of potential competitors and at the same time remain yourself.

More confidence! If the conversation in direct from the start started well, why not continue it in real life. Seriously. Invite a girl on a date! Regardless of the answer, she will definitely appreciate that you can be bold and spontaneous.

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