How to change answer on instagram poll

How to use Instagram Polls in Stories

Instagram has dropped a killer feature update. An update that lets you ask questions and get instant answers! It’s Instagram Polls!

If you still haven’t received the feature, update to the latest version of instagram.

Table of Contents

What are instagram polls?

Instagram poll is a feature where you can ask your followers to choose between two options. Just like a poll, you ask doubts, things to do, questions, carry out surveys and much more. After upgrading to latest instagram update, you can use this feature.

How to use instagram poll?

Polls on instagram are integrated with stories. You can use polls in stories only.

Poll is a sticker provided by Instagram.

Steps to use Instagram polls:

1. Click new photo using instagram stories or use a recent photo from the 24-hour frame.
2. Swipe up to see polls beside hashtags.
3. Tap on Polls and write down your question.
4. You can edit options by clicking on them.
5. After entering options, post the story!


You can see your poll answers by checking the analytics of your story as shown in the image(3) above.

Some important notes about instagram polls:

1. Your votes are not ANONYMOUS.

The vote which you cast can be seen by account conducting poll.

2. Think twice before answering as you cannot change your answer!

You don’t want to get embarrassed by selecting the wrong choice.

3. Poll details are available for 24 hours only!

Just as your story, it will disappear after 24 hours. So make sure you collect as much information as possible within 24 hours.

4. As answers pour in, your story will change so that you and your followers can see what percentage of followers have agreed with you.

Based on the votes, it will also show updated percentages in your story.

5. You can use ONLY ONE Poll in single Story.

When someone answers your questions, you will be notified just like this:

To turn the push notifications off, you can go to Push Notification tab.
Scroll down to find Instagram polls.
Turn them OFF!

Why use Instagram polls?

Instagram is aiming to get interactive and wants everybody to engage with their fellow followers.

Using Instagram polls, you can ask anything to your fans.

Like, OOTD? What should I post next? Letting them choose, listening to them will surely help you make a better connection with them.

Case Study:

Many of the big instagram accounts have started implementing this feature in their stories. Examples: BuzzfeedQuiz, GoPro, and many more.

One good example is @instagram itself.

As you can see here:

In the same way, you can ask your followers and get reviews about your new product, service or post ideas.
Knowing what your follower wants, is vital to boost your engagement on instagram. Especially after the new update which nearly killed all the engagement.

Following is one of my accounts where I ran a poll for a food selection and to know what my followers love the most.

Similarly, you can take feedback from loyal followers and mold your content as per followers.

Instagram poll ideas:

There are various ways you can use polls and get valuable feedbacks. If you are into fashion, you may ask your followers “Do you like today’s outfit?” or

If you post content related to food, you can ask “Does it look delicious?”

Though ideas differ from industry to industry, I will list down some general ideas here.

1. Ask about next topic to post on.

2. Ask about whether the content is helpful or not.

3. Any specific request?

4. Any secret confession!

5. What do you like the most about the account?

6. Asking about next holiday trip to take.

7. Asking about a favorite food.

8 Asking about the favorite sport.

9. Feedback about the product, service or company.

10. Opinion on recent news.
And much more.

Also Read: Music Copyright on Instagram Videos and How to Avoid it?

So this was a guide on how to use instagram polls feature.

Do let me know how you plan to use this great feature.

How to Unvote on Instagram Poll? [Answered 2022]- Droidrant

If you’re wondering how to unvote on Instagram polls, you’ve come to the right place. Instagram Polls are new additions to the Stories section of the platform, and they let you submit a question and invite followers to vote. Unlike Facebook polls, Instagram Polls are not anonymous. While you can edit and change your vote, you cannot delete your own poll. You can only change it if it’s one that you created yourself, so if you accidentally voted on someone else’s poll, you have to delete it.

Fortunately, you can view the results of your poll before it disappears. Whether you want to see who voted for which option, or you want to know which options your followers really like, you can find the polls on your Story in the Push Notifications tab. Last week, Instagram also made comments and polls more moderate, so it’s important to stay aware of this. The next time you post a poll, make sure you have the permission to edit it.

Related Questions / Contents

  • How Do You Unvote on Instagram Polls?
  • Can You Change Your Poll Answer on Instagram?
  • Can Others See Who Voted on Your Instagram Poll?
  • Can I See Who Voted on My Instagram Poll?
  • Can You Do an Instagram Poll with 3 Options?
  • How Do I Make a Poll with More Than 2 Options?
  • Can You Share Poll Results After 24 Hours?

How Do You Unvote on Instagram Polls?

If you have a poll on Instagram, you might want to unvote it as soon as possible. Once your poll has reached a certain number of votes, you can view its details. You can also see the number of viewers and followers who have voted on it. However, you should note that the poll will only remain active for 24 hours. If you’d like to change the answer, you can go back and edit your poll.

First, make sure you’ve voted in a poll before you post it. This will ensure that no one else has voted for the same question. Once you’ve published a poll, you cannot change your votes later. You can only delete your own poll, not someone else’s. You can also un-send a message to the person who voted for you accidentally. But, remember that Instagram polls don’t have any options to undo the votes you’ve already given.

Can You Change Your Poll Answer on Instagram?

You may be wondering how you can change your Instagram poll answer. In this article, you will learn how to do so. You can change the background color of your Instagram poll and use different effects. You can also share the poll on your Instagram stories. Simply click the forward arrow button to access the share menu. Once you have created a poll, you can then change it by clicking on the “edit” button to edit the results.

To change your Instagram poll answer, tap on the “poll” icon located beside the hashtags. When you open the poll, you will see how many people have voted and what the results were. There is also an alignment tool and color picker for text. You can also change the image in the poll. The poll will remain live for 24 hours, so you will not have to worry about it disappearing.

Can Others See Who Voted on Your Instagram Poll?

Can others see who voted on your Instagram poll? This is a common question, especially if you’re trying to gauge the public’s opinion. Instagram polls work with algorithms that make sure the votes of everyone who participates are equal. However, the results may not always reflect the public’s opinion, which can lead to polls that are biased. If you’re not careful, others may use the information they get to damage your account. To avoid these problems, ensure that the answers you offer are relevant only to your followers.

In order to find out who voted on your Instagram poll, you need to tap into the viewers list. In this list, you’ll be able to see who voted, how many votes were cast, and what option was chosen. When someone swipes up on your poll, they’ll see who voted for which option. If they’re a verified account, they’ll see the numbers. If you have a lot of followers, they can see who voted for which option, too.

Can I See Who Voted on My Instagram Poll?

Can I see who voted on my Instagram poll? Yes, and it’s free! Using Instagram’s poll feature is easy and provides you with instant feedback. You can even make it your primary method of generating content, asking followers for their opinion. Regardless of whether you’re using Instagram to market your business or simply to gauge the interest of your followers, Instagram polls are an excellent way to collect feedback.

While Instagram Polls are anonymous before they are published, they are no longer anonymous once the results have been collected. Because of this, it’s important to see who voted on your Instagram poll before you publish the results. After all, you never know who might change their mind after reading the results of others. Besides, who would want to reveal their identity? This is the real problem. And this is exactly what Instagram does.

When you publish an Instagram poll, it will be available for 24 hours. After that, the poll will disappear. But you can see who voted in it and view the results by going to your story analytics. It’s important to note that this feature works only for a single story. So, the next time you publish a new Story, make sure you include a poll. If you want to see who voted on your poll, you can always go into your Story analytics.

Can You Do an Instagram Poll with 3 Options?

If you have asked yourself the question, “Can You Unvote on an Instagram poll that has 3 options?” you have come to the right place. Once you have voted, you will notice the poll sticker at the bottom of your story. You can click the poll sticker and type your response in. Instagram allows up to 26 characters for each answer. Your response will then be displayed on the sticker, which you can move or resize. To share your poll, tap “Your Story” and “Send to.”

After you have written your question and created your poll, the next step is to add it to your post. You can do this by adding captions, hashtags, filters, or emoji sliders. Once you have added your poll to your story, you will see analytics and how many people voted. The question you chose will be displayed for 24 hours. If you want to make any changes to your poll, you should do so within 24 hours.

How Do I Make a Poll with More Than 2 Options?

You’ve probably wondered how to unvote on an Instagram poll that has more than two choices. Fortunately, there’s an easy way to do so. First, make sure your poll sticker has “allow everyone to vote” turned on in the settings. Then, tap the option and select the title you want. You’ll find a button to drag the poll sticker around on your story screen, and you can even change the size of it.

Next, check the location of the poll. If it’s on your story, you’ll find a poll icon at the bottom left of the screen. There, you can see how many people voted for each option. To see the exact number of votes, tap the “vote” button. If you have more than two options, you may want to move the poll to a less thumb-friendly location.

Once you’ve added a Poll sticker, you’ll need to add some context that relates to your poll. You’ll want to add some hashtags and emojis, as well as the question itself. If you’ve created your poll in the Settings section, you can also add it to your story. Then, your followers can vote on it. Hopefully, they’ll enjoy it!

Can You Share Poll Results After 24 Hours?

If you want to delete a poll on Instagram, you have to do so within 24 hours. This is not possible if the poll has already closed. Once you have published it, you can no longer change your vote. This is like Twitter polls, though there are ways you can change the results later. However, deleting a poll on Instagram does not affect your followers’ votes.

Unlike Twitter and Facebook, Instagram makes it easy for you to un-vote a poll. If you’ve published a poll on Instagram, you can access the results from the poll story in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen. When you see the results, you can see the number of followers who voted for each option. Moreover, you can see the results on your followers’ lists.

To make your Instagram polls more enticing and attention-grabbing, you can add emojis to them. While emojis can be attention-grabbing, make sure that they don’t obscure important parts of your photo or story. However, once you publish a poll, it will remain live for 24 hours. So, make sure to check on the results before you leave the poll.

Learn More Here:

1.) Instagram Help Center

2.) Instagram – Wikipedia

3.) Instagram App for Android

4.) Instagram App for IOS

How to use poll stickers in Instagram Stories

Polls appeared in Instagram* Stories for a long time, they are actively used by ordinary users, bloggers and large companies. For a business, if it learns to organically use the possibilities of social networks, poll stickers can help a lot with the involvement of subscribers.

In the article “Instagram Stories Basics*: Posting Rules and Useful Features” we talk about different ways of creating stories, secrets and life hacks of the format.

Instagram* has four types of poll stickers to engage followers in Stories:

  • Question . You invite subscribers to submit a question to the form, and then post and answer the questions they ask.
  • Poll . Subscribers see your question and can vote for one of two options. After a person has voted, he sees how many percent of people voted for one or another option.
  • Scale-vote . Represents a slider with an emoji that you can choose from. Subscribers move the slider to express their reaction to the question. After a person votes, he sees the average answer.
  • Quiz Sticker . A question with 2-4 possible answers. After choosing, the subscriber will immediately know which option is correct.

Let's see how to add all these polls to Instagram stories* and how to use them for business.

How to add a question to your Instagram story*

To post a question, go to your story, upload your photo or video, and then select the "Questions" widget in the settings. You can choose the color of the widget, as well as increase or decrease it.

Ask people to ask you questions and post their answers in Stories

To view the responses to your questions, click in the lower right corner of the post in Stories - the responses will be there. You can scroll through all the responses or share one of them.

If you'd like to share a response or answer one of your subscribers' questions, open the response you want, then click Share Response. A form will appear in which there will be your question and the answer to it. You can choose your background, as well as add your comment and publish it in stories.

You can share answers to stories, transfer responses there and write your comments on them

How to add a poll to Instagram stories *

To add a vote, go to stories, add your photo or video. Go to settings and select the "Polls" widget. As with questions, polls can be color-coded and resized.

In the survey, you write the text of your question and two possible answers. It is better if they are short - the fields for answers are very small. Everything, poll can be published!

Subscribers are offered a choice of two options

After the poll is published, you will see what percentage of people voted for a particular answer. In addition, you can open the analytics of your story and check which subscribers chose this or that option. And the statistics also show a clear number of those who voted and saw the stories with the survey.

How to add a voting scale to Instagram stories*

To add a voting scale, go to the stories section, select a picture or video for the background, and then select the voting scale icon in the settings. She can change the background and size, and also choose the emoji that will be used in the timeline.

If you go to the voting scale statistics, you can see what answer each of the voters gave.

By clicking on the statistics icon, you can see exactly how the people who viewed the publication voted, as well as send them a message in direct. In addition, the total number of viewers and voters will be indicated there.

How to add a sticker quiz to your Instagram story*

To add a sticker quiz or sticker test, go to your story, select a background video or photo. In the stickers, find the widget that says "Test". Give the form a name or write a question, suggest answers and indicate the correct one. You can change the number of options, color and size of the window.

In the statistics, you can see how the subscribers answered and who gave the correct answer.

The subscriber will be able to choose one of the proposed options and immediately find out if he voted correctly.

The account owner has access to statistics where you can see what answer was given most often, what each user chose, which of the subscribers chose the correct option. To see it, swipe up on the story.

Test stickers are suitable for conducting surveys, intellectual and entertaining quizzes, competitions, and data collection.

You can create stories with polls and other stickers in the delayed posting mode using the SMMplanner service. All you need is to register and choose the appropriate tariff. The blog will help with the search for ideas for Instagram* Stories, and the service will help with the technical side of the implementation.

How Instagram polls* help to engage followers on social networks

Great help! You ask subscribers a direct question, and they answer it. They answer because people generally love surveys, tests and all that. And also because the question is asked not in a post, but in a story, where most of the content is generated by ordinary people, and there is no feeling that “this store is asking me for show.

You can use the results of polls and polls on Instagram* for internal research of the audience of your business, as well as simply fulfill the desires of your audience: for example, suggest in stories to choose which drink will be seasonal this winter - salted caramel latte or gingerbread latte . Feedback from people will help you decide.

Companies actively use questions and voting in stories to engage their audience

What else do polls on Instagram* do is to draw the attention of your followers to values ​​and ideas that are meaningful to you. You can ask questions to people in such a way that, by the answers, they feel like a single group that shares your values.

In addition, you can invite people to ask you questions, and from these questions to collect ideas for content, and write about what your target audience is most interested in. You will learn a lot about your audience if you just ask them. Questions and polls - it's so easy!

Pottery school uses different types of polls to communicate with followers

8 Instagram* poll ideas for business

Here are some story poll ideas that can engage your audience:

  • Offer to answer any question about your business . Collect questions from your followers and answer them in stories or posts.
  • Ask your followers for feedback on your work . Ask a specific question, for example, why did you choose us? What did you like most about your work? This will make it easier for people to respond. You can use responses as reputation content, and work off negative reviews, gaining loyalty.
  • Organize contests in stories . Invite subscribers to answer a difficult question about the company and assign a prize for the correct answer.
  • Launch seasonal promotions by voting . Invite people to choose which of the two promotions they want or which product they dream of choosing as a seasonal item. The most popular option and worth using!
  • Find out more about your CA . Ask personal questions in stories, arrange voting, test hypotheses. Remember that it is the concentrate of your target audience that enters stories, the people who are interested in you right now - and it is important to know everything about who they are.
  • Follow the reactions to the new . Publish your new items and add a voting scale to them to follow the reaction of the audience: did you like the new item or not at all.
  • Ask people to help you choose . This is how you show that the opinion of your customers is important to you. For example, you can have a vote on whether people like the new sign or which of the two logo options you should choose.
  • Add votes to company news . People are not so interested in reading just facts about you, and through polls and voting, they are given the opportunity to express their reaction. Compare: “We opened on the Kitai-Gorod metro station” or “We opened on the Kitai-Gorod metro station! And which coffee shop is more convenient for you to get to, the old one or the new one? Options: Kitay-gorod or Pushkinskaya.

Trust me, you'll get a lot more feedback if you ask questions! Try different options for working with voting, study how your subscribers react to them, and apply this engagement tool to your business.

The article has been updated. First published November 12, 2018

Polls in Instagram stories - how to do everything right

It is impossible to view Instagram Stories * and not stumble upon a request to select an answer. Since the social network introduced new two-choice poll stickers in the fall of 2017, every second Story is full of them! We will find out what is the reason for such love for them, as well as:

  • what polls look like on Instagram Stories*;
  • why we need polls in Stories;
  • options for polls in stories;
  • how to avoid poll errors in Instagram Stories*;
  • how to create a poll in stories on Instagram*;
  • how to add a poll to stories using SMMplanner.

What Instagram Stories polls look like*

All polls have only two voting buttons, but that doesn't mean they have to be the standard "Yes" and "No" buttons

Instead of standard answers, you can write something short. After clicking on one of the buttons, you will see the percentage of answers so far.

Or you can get creative: replace words with emojis

Why we need polls in Stories

Instagram* polls in Stories are used for two purposes:

  1. Collect the opinions of subscribers in order to then adjust plans for working with Instagram*.
  2. Increase interest in Stories, increase audience reach.

There are, of course, many more real reasons for using surveys. But we divide them into two directions, based on the feedback we expect from the audience. To get an opinion or to attract attention - it turns out something like this.

How to find out if you got attention in Stories with a poll

Along with the polls, you received response statistics. Statistics show how many votes were given for one or another answer option; from this data, the total number of voters can be calculated. There is also detailed information for each user - see who answered how.

Go to History and below you will see those who looked at it. Clicking on them will open statistics

There are two main tabs in statistics:

  • general statistics for History - four vertical sticks;
  • views - eye icon.

The views show the number of voters for a particular answer, and the lists of voters show a detailed report of those who clicked which answer.

In addition, by clicking on the up arrow, you can make a post from the History to the feed.

If you didn't have time to see the results of the survey, and the Stories have already expired, go to the archives of your account, all old Stories with the results are stored there.

On the main page of the account, go to settings, then to the archive, and select the Stories archive

Poll options in stories

Interesting polls in stories, with which we find out the opinion of the audience

Poll-evaluation . Make a poll with a one-word question "Do you like it?" or "Do you agree?" For such surveys, the standard “Yes” and “No” will do. You can ask about everything. I often see questions about content, account or new photos: “What is the best photo processing?” (“Before / After”), “Tell me more about the psychology of personal relationships?” (“Yes / No”), “Evaluate the quality of our manager’s work” (“Good / Bad”).

Try to ask more or less important things, not everything :)

Research target audience . Run polls to help you understand what your audience likes best. For example, ask what content your subscribers prefer - “Video” or “Photo”, which coffee tastes better - with milk or black. Do not be afraid to add a little provocation, for example, ask who cooks better (drives a car, understands SMM, and so on) - men or women.

Audience Opinion Survey Examples

Find out intentions

When you are going to broadcast live, run a marathon, or just make a series of posts on a topic, it's good to know the interest of your audience on the beach.

Of course, you will get an approximate result, but it will already be possible to navigate by it. Find some tests from the "your mental age" series and adapt them to Stories. Then alert the audience about the test, and run several slides in a row at once - in the end you will have a real game of engagement.

More examples of interesting polls in Stories:

Before starting the game, we warn and give a hint An example of competently adapting a regular test to the poll format in Stories
If you want to test using the appropriate sticker, read about it and not only in the article "How and why to conduct surveys" in our blog.

Quiz . Quizzes, unlike tests, involve a question that has a correct answer. This answer can be given immediately after the question, or some time later. Many linguistic bloggers launch surveys in the style of “What is the right way - are you calling or are you calling?”. Try doing something similar in your account. And don't forget to answer!

With quizzes, users can not only test their knowledge, but also learn something useful

"Warming up" for sale . In marketing theory, there is such a thing as "customer temperature", which refers to the readiness of the client to purchase. Let's use this theory and try to warm up the audience with the help of polls. Place two products on the first slide and ask your audience to choose the product they like best. On the next slide, leave one of the same products, plus offer a discount on it. If a person has already admitted that he likes the product, the likelihood of a purchase will be higher.

The same rule applies to a new post in the feed that you want to pay attention to.

Increasing interest in the questions described in the post Encouragement to read for those who answer yes

Encouragement to listen to information

It happens when a blogger wants to announce something or just share something, but a long speech not everyone will listen in stories. Polls are added as the story progresses to grab the user's attention.

In this way, the viewer willy-nilly catch their eye and ask what they are discussing

Examples of entertaining polls in stories

It can be different. You can cutely ask about some little things, or you can make your audience worry about you and frantically follow your stories.

Draw attention to Stories either by beauty or sharp emotions

There is also the following trick: you need to tell your audience about something, but the poll seems to be of no use, so you put ... two identical answers!

A very popular trick: you get a reaction to the Story just because people see the poll and “get stuck” on it

How to avoid mistakes in polls in Instagram Stories *

What can go wrong if everything is nice, neat and interesting?

First, you need to remember that everyone's smartphones are different, screens are also different sizes, and if text or poll buttons on your phone are not overlapped by the profile name or the "Send a message" window, then this may not be for everyone. Therefore, when placing a survey on the screen, remember that it is not desirable to place it at the very bottom and at the very top.

Secondly, if your text is in any way related to the pandemic, then the corresponding inscription will appear on the History at the bottom, and everything will be blocked.

Be sure to view Stories after posting

How to create an Instagram Stories Poll*

Create a basic Story with a photo or video.

Access the sticker menu by clicking on the sticker icon. In the list, find the "Survey" sticker if you have the English version of Instagram installed*.

Once you attach the poll sticker, you can ask a question and change the button names.

Answers that are too long should be written in the title, and emoticons should be added to the buttons themselves - this way the poll looks neater

If the poll requires two or more photos to be shown to viewers, the options are as follows:

  • add several photos and place them on the background;
  • use the collage function;
  • create a picture of the desired format in advance using Photoshop and other applications;
  • use the delayed posting service.
Two options to add multiple photos to the Story using the standard features of the application

You can add multiple photos using the corresponding sticker. The downside is that you have to scale down and position the images on the screen using your fingers, and it's not always possible to do it beautifully and the way you intended.

The minus of the second option - collage - is significant: you can place the photo only in the designated windows. If you want to place two photos from the bottom, you will not succeed, since the social network starts posting photos from rectangle No. 1 and ends with No. 4. And when you try to delete, for example, No. 2, numbers 3 and 4 move up.

The disadvantage of the third option is a long preparation. Let's take a look at the fourth option below.

How to add a poll to your story using SMMplanner

Go to SMMplanner and start creating a new Story.

For this, the service has a separate beautiful button. When you click, a window will open with a phone screen In the first tab, select the account where the Story will be published, in the second - set up the background


In the third tab, select the "Survey" sticker

Write the question itself and customize the answers, then click OK. Now it remains to set the time for the release of the Story and publish it by adding a poll to the Stories!

Let's add some images to the History. There are two options in SMMplanner:

  • add manually and arrange nicely;
  • use built-in third-party services.
Using a sticker, add some photos, place them on the background of your choice and add a poll

If you want the text color of the question to be different or located in a different place, use the Text sticker to write the question. And in the “Poll” sticker, leave the field for the question empty.

Select the Canva service in the background section and create a cool Story with a question

Click "Insert in Story Maker" and the created image will be displayed in the SMMplanner window.

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