How to build facebook likes for business

10 Tactics That Actually Work

“Like us on Facebook” has become such a common phrase that it’s hard to imagine the platform any other way. If the Facebook Like was a person, it would have been bar or bat mitzvahed by now. But we haven’t always wondered how to get more likes on Facebook.

In 2007, the social networking platform FriendFeed was the first to give users the ability to click like next to a social media post. Then in 2009, Facebook added an identical feature to its platform. And ever since, we’ve all been trying to figure out how to get Facebook likes.

The potential audience Facebook offers is massive. Even if the number of total users shrunk for the first time in early 2022, getting Facebook likes still promotes your content to some 2.11 billion accounts.

Source: Digital 2022 Global Overview Report

Read on for tips to help you understand the role likes play in your Facebook marketing and why it’s important that your likes are authentic. Then we’ll go over some practical suggestions to help you get more likes on Facebook.

Click any of the tips below to jump ahead, or keep scrolling and read the guide in its entirety.

1. Start with strong social marketing fundamentals

2. Know what your audience wants to see

3. Know when your audience is active

4. Stay up-to-date with Facebook trends

5. Pin a popular post

6. Work with Facebook influencers

7. Take advantage of cross-promotion

8. Run ads

Bonus: Download a free guide that teaches you how to turn Facebook traffic into sales in four simple steps using Hootsuite.

Why are Facebook likes important?

Likes are a ranking signal for Facebook’s algorithm

Likes are important because they contribute to which posts Facebook’s algorithm pushes to the top of users’ feeds. The algorithm is a black box of math that orders posts. Lots of factors go into the box, and a user’s feed comes out.

Likes and the algorithm have a long history together. In fact, the first feed algorithm was based on likes alone.

Details about the current Facebook feed algorithm are a trade secret. But likes are probably an important part of it. They’re also a part that everyone can see.

They serve as social proof

Most of the factors in Facebook’s algorithm are invisible to users, but likes are different. Because anyone can see them, likes provide social proof to influence your audience. This makes likes a key part of getting users to engage with your Facebook content.

Social proof is just a fancy word for peer pressure. More specifically, social proof refers to the way people tend to do what other people are doing when they’re not sure what they’re supposed to do.

If you’re alone next to a cliff, you might hesitate to jump off. But if you see all your friends jump off, you’ll be more likely to try it yourself. User engagement works the same way.

Likes are proof that other users have already engaged with your post. When other users see this, they’re more likely to do the same.

Should you buy Facebook likes?

Given how important likes are to a thriving Facebook presence, it can be tempting to buy them. We’ve seen the ads — “High quality! 100% real and active users! Affordable prices!” But no matter what that pop-up says, buying Facebook fans is not a good idea.

For one thing, there are ethical reasons not to do it. But if you need a Hootsuite blog post to tell you that, then I probably won’t convince you now.

There is also the risk that you’ll get caught. Facebook’s official stance on fake likes is ambiguous. It doesn’t explicitly ban buying likes. It also doesn’t say that the platform won’t go after users that buy likes.

Even if Facebook itself doesn’t care if you buy likes, your customers probably do. Building trust with your customers is one of the main benefits of social media marketing. If they find out that you’re buying likes, you throw all of that away.

On a purely self-interested level, buying Facebook likes is still a bad idea even if you’re never caught. This is because you’re not just lying to other Facebook users; you’re lying to yourself. All those fake likes you buy will gum up your social monitoring efforts.

Social monitoring is when you use data related to your brand from social media to gain business insights. Platforms like Hootsuite offer powerful tools to analyze the data your social media presence generates. When you fill up your Facebook presence with noise like fake likes, you make it harder to find out what real people want.

How to get more likes on Facebook

There are basically two ways to get more Facebook likes: increasing your reach and increasing engagement. But the two often go hand-in-hand.

Increasing your reach means getting more eyeballs on your content. The more people who see your post, the more chances it has to get likes.

Increasing engagement means getting more likes from the people who see them. When you make content that your audience wants to see, you get likes more efficiently than if you hit Post on the first thing that comes into your head.

It sounds deceptively simple. But we’ve got eight tips to help you master the fine art of getting more Facebook likes.

1. Start with strong social marketing fundamentals

When you know what you’re trying to accomplish on social media, all parts of your social media presence benefit. Before scheduling your next Facebook masterpiece, think about how that post contributes to your overall marketing goals.

Good social media fundamentals mean following a social media marketing plan that aligns with your business objectives. After all, successful content marketers are six times more likely to have a documented strategy in place.

2. Know what your audience wants to see

To make content that your audience will engage with, you have to spend some time finding out what they like. Making decisions based on data from your specific context will help you make posts that get more likes.

Luckily, there are plenty of tools to help you analyze your data. You can use Facebook’s official analytics platform, Business Manager, to dig into data from all of Meta’s social media platforms.

There are also third-party services, like Hootsuite Analyze, that integrate data analysis across all social media platforms.

Once you’ve got the data, make sure you focus on the right numbers. Engagement metrics like applause rate (the number of approval actions a post receives relative to your total number of followers) and virality rate (the number of people who shared your post relative to the number of unique views it received) can help you pinpoint the type of content that resonates with your audience.

3. Know when your audience is active

One simple way to get more likes is to post when your audience is most active. Although the chronological timeline has gone the way of the dodo, the algorithm still prioritizes recent content.

It’s simple, but not always easy. First, you have to find out when the best time to post on Facebook is.

There are general trends that apply across the board. Between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays is the best time in general.

Tools like Hootsuite Analytics can use data from your social media presence to find out the best times to post based on your account’s historical performance.

Source: Hootsuite Analytics

Once you know where your sweet spot is, the next step is to consistently post content during those times. Users (and algorithms) pay attention to accounts that post regularly. But accounts that flood their feeds turn them off. Strike the right balance by using a Facebook posting schedule.

4. Stay up-to-date with Facebook trends

You’ll attract more attention when you stay on top of the latest trends. Facebook users are looking for content that’s relevant to them.

Facebook Reels are the fastest-growing format on the platform, and Facebook promotes them pretty much everywhere. Take advantage of the rise of Reels to get more likes from your short-form video content.

People are still using Facebook as a way to research brands, too. Hootsuite’s 2022 Social Media Trends report found that 53% of users 16–24 use social media as their primary way to research brands. Give users what they want by posting content with information about your brand.

More and more users are making in-app purchases in their social media apps. Meet your audience’s needs by setting up a Facebook Shop to get more likes across the platform.

Source: Facebook

Take things a step further and put your brand on Facebook’s Live Shopping feature. It’s a great way to get eyes on your business and likes for your Facebook page.

But don’t just blindly follow trends without making sure they fit within your overall content strategy. The Facebook echo chamber was an important cause of the disastrous pivot to video in the late 2010s. If you try out a trend, make sure to look at the data to see if it’s working for you.

5. Pin a popular post

A lot of these tips boil down to “figure out what’s doing well and do more of that.” When you pin a popular Facebook post, you’re giving it more visibility. This gives a post with a lot of likes that chance to get even more.

Source: Monte Cook Games on Facebook

Monte Cook Games, for example, pinned their latest Kickstarter campaign to maximize its visibility. As more users see the post, the snowball effect kicks in,l boosting their presence on both platforms.

6. Work with Facebook influencers

Brands are engaging in influencer marketing more than ever. In 2022, two-thirds of US social media marketers report using influencer marketing. Just three years before, in 2019, only half did.

Source: eMarketer

Collaborating with an influencer, especially one that can speak directly to your target audience, can help you produce engaging content your followers won’t want to miss.

Source: ASOS on Facebook

When clothing brand ASOS, for example, reposts content from influencers with their own large audience, both sides benefit from the exposure.

Bonus: Download a free guide that teaches you how to turn Facebook traffic into sales in four simple steps using Hootsuite.

Get the free guide right now!

7. Take advantage of cross-promotion

If you’ve got a great following on other social channels, take advantage of it! More than 99% of Facebook users have accounts on other social media platforms.

Source: Digital 2022 Global Overview Report

Try promoting Facebook-specific content on other social media to increase your posts’ visibility.

Join us on Wednesday 23rd at 11am on our Facebook page – – for a Facebook Live with Great British Sewing Bee judge and fashion designer @paddygrant

— singersewinguk (@singersewinguk) June 18, 2021

Source: SingerSewingUK

Just over 80% of Twitter users are also on Facebook. By tweeting about an upcoming Facebook event, Singer makes it easier for their audience to stay up to date with their social media activity.

Cross-promotion isn’t limited to social media, either. Don’t forget to link to your Facebook page on your website and include it on your business cards. Make it easy for people to find your brand on social media — after all, they can’t like your posts if they never see them.

8. Run ads

Some of the tips here will help you improve your organic reach, but unfortunately, organic reach is in decline on social media. Without paid promotion, a brand’s posts will only be seen by about 5% of their followers. But if you do choose to run ads, you can take advantage of Facebook’s detailed ad targeting to make sure your posts reach your ideal audience.

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Remarkable doesn’t wait for word-of-mouth to spread the news about their product’s latest features. They make use of the data Facebook collects to make sure their message gets to the people most likely to respond positively to it.

Manage your Facebook presence by using Hootsuite to schedule posts, share video, engage with followers, and measure the impact of your efforts. Try it free today.

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How to Get More Likes on Facebook [18 Proven Tips That Work]

Want to know how to get more likes on Facebook?

Are you sick and tired of promoting your Facebook page — only to see minimal results?

Worry no more. We’ve got your back with these top-picked tips guaranteed to increase likes on your Facebook business page over time.

By using these Facebook marketing hacks, you can increase brand awareness, skyrocket user engagement and boost your Facebook page fans.

Before we talk about these high-value tips, let’s differentiate between Facebook likes and followers, shall we?

Facebook Likes vs. Followers

“How to get more Facebook page likes?”

“What to do to get more Facebook followers for business page?”

“How to get likes on Facebook page?”

If you’re promoting your Facebook page, you may have typed these questions in Google before. Facebook “likes” and “followers” are the same, right?

Not really. There’s a slight difference.

Someone who likes your Facebook page is called your page’s fan.

Since your fans like your page, they automatically follow you, too. Plus, having Facebook fans means these people choose to connect their name to your page publicly.

Meanwhile, when someone follows your Facebook page, this doesn’t automatically make them a fan.

Someone can follow your page but not “like” it. They’ll receive updates when you post, but they’re not publicly connected to your Facebook page.

Ideally, it’s best to get Facebook fans who like and follow your business page at the same time. You can use it for added social proof since Facebook fans may show up in ads about your page as well.

Why Are Facebook Likes Important?

There are tons of reasons why your Facebook page needs to get more likes on the platform, such as:

  • Increased Brand Trust – The more Facebook likes your page has, the more trustworthy your brand appears to your target audience.
  • Influence Facebook’s Algorithm in Your Favor – Facebook’s algorithm is strongly influenced by the number of likes a Facebook page has. The more likes you get, the higher your chances of being featured on your followers’ timelines.
  • More Potential Customers – 78% of shoppers have found retail products to buy via Facebook. Getting more Facebook likes can help you get discovered by future customers who may be interested in what you’re selling.

Simply put, for your business to succeed online, you need to master the art of increasing your likes on Facebook.

How to Easily Get More Likes on Facebook

Since buying fake Facebook followers and likes is never a good idea, how can you grow your page organically?

You can get more Facebook likes by increasing both your page reach and page engagement.

When you boost your Facebook page reach, you can get more people to see your posts, so there’s a higher chance they’ll like them.

And when you improve your Facebook page engagement, you can get more users to interact with your posts by liking, sharing, or commenting. Facebook’s algorithm likes to feature posts with lots of engagement, so you’re more likely to appear on your audience’s timelines.

Ready to start getting more likes on your Facebook business page? You can click any of the Facebook marketing tips below to skip ahead.

Or, you can continue scrolling and read this ultimate guide to getting more likes on Facebook.

Top Tips to Get More Likes on Facebook

  1. Use a Catchy Facebook Page URL
  2. Optimize Your “About” Section
  3. Pin Your Top-Performing Post
  4. Show Your Facebook Page on Your Site Page
  5. Display Your Facebook Posts on Your Sidebar
  6. Use Recognizable and Relevant Photos
  7. Post When Your Fans Are Online
  8. Post Audience-Targeted Content
  9. Show Free Facebook Events on Your Site
  10. Use Facebook Videos to Your Benefit
  11. Put Your Facebook Page on Your Newsletter
  12. Cross-Promote on Other Social Platforms
  13. Run a Facebook Giveaway
  14. Create a “Like Us on Facebook” Popup
  15. Boost Facebook Engagement With Questions
  16. Include Your Facebook Page URL on Emails
  17. Create a Helpful Facebook Group
  18. Convert Post Likes into Facebook Page Likes

Let’s start with the simplest trick to help you get more Facebook likes:


Use a Catchy Facebook Page URL

Make sure your page URL is memorable — after all, how can you expect people to like your page if they can’t even recall it correctly?

Look at these 2 Facebook page URLs and ask yourself, which is easier to remember?

  •; or,

It’s the 2nd one, right?

Instead of using a random string of words and numbers, use your company name as your Facebook page name. Remove unnecessary words that sound spammy or unprofessional.

You can do this by going to Page Settings » Page Info and changing your page URL under username.

A memorable page URL helps with Facebook search as well. It’s easier for your audience to search for your Facebook page when you use an easy-to-remember URL.

To help you market your brand better, check out this post on how to promote your business on Facebook.

2. Optimize Your “About” Section

To increase your page’s likes on Facebook, completing its “About” section is a low-hanging fruit that every brand can easily do.

If your page has complete information, it looks more trustworthy in Facebook’s eyes. This means that Facebook will more likely show your page’s posts over other pages with incomplete information.

How can you stand out from your competition?

Optimize your Facebook page information. Yes, you can also optimize your Facebook page for search. After all, Facebook is a search engine as well.


Start by using relevant keywords in your About section. For example, check out WPBeginner‘s “About” section below.

Sure, all the fields are completely filled out. But that’s not all. They’ve also optimized the “About” section by using keywords that fulfill their audience’s search intent.

Imagine you’re a newbie who wanted to get tips on how to work on your WordPress website. So, you typed “wordpress for beginners” on Facebook.

See the number 1 item on the search results — it’s WPBeginner’s Facebook Page.

And as a bonus, their official Facebook group also showed up on the search results because its “About” section is optimized as well.

3. Pin Your Top-Performing Post

Another quick tip to boost your Facebook page likes is to pin your top-performing posts at your page.

To maximize its lifespan, you can pin top-performing posts on top of your Facebook page. After all, users already engaged with it before. So, there’s a high chance that someone visiting your page can see it and engage with it as well.

The more people engage with your top posts, the more engagement your page and the higher your chances to be discovered by your target audience.

No existing top-performing posts yet?

No worries. Just think of this rule of thumb when looking for a post to pin: what reason can you give your page visitors to stay and like your page?

It can be a time-sensitive offer like a sale that only your Facebook fans will know about.

You can also pin a post that asks your fans to share more about themselves — with a chance to win a reward, to give them that slight nudge to engage with you.

Want to start pinning? Here are the best Facebook post types proven to skyrocket your engagement instantly.

4. Show Your Facebook Page on Your Site Page

One of the easiest ways to boost your Facebook likes is to take advantage of your site traffic.

Every day, how many unique visitors does your website receive?

50? 500? 5,000?

Imagine if at least 1% of your daily unique visitors like your page just because it’s displayed on your WordPress site. That’s 50 Facebook fans per day for every 5,000 unique visitors!

Showing your Facebook page feed on your company website is an effective way to get more likes on your Facebook page.

By using Facebook Feed Pro plugin, you can easily display your Facebook page feed on your website with just a few clicks.

It’s the best Facebook feed plugin to help you create, customize and display beautiful Facebook feeds on your site — no coding needed. It’s trusted by over 250,000 users with a high rating of 4. 9/5 stars, after all.

Using this plugin, you can add your Facebook page feed to your:

  • About page
  • Products page
  • Reviews or testimonials page
  • And more…

After all, your website visitors have already shown interest in your brand by visiting your site. The next step? Encourage them to like your Facebook page by displaying it on your WordPress site.

The best part about Facebook Feed Pro is it automatically copies your site’s theme. This way, you can show gorgeous Facebook feeds that match your brand’s visual identity, even if you don’t have any design experience.

Check out this helpful guide on how to embed a Facebook feed on WordPress to find out how you can start doing this.

Speaking of showing Facebook content, did you know that you can add Facebook widgets to your website as well?

By showing your Facebook feed on your site’s sidebar, you can display your Facebook page to as many people as possible.

Plus, the people who see your site have already shown interest in what you have to offer, so they’re more likely to like your Facebook page and posts.

With the help of Facebook Feed Pro, you can show your Facebook page posts on your sidebar in less than 5 minutes.

Here’s a quick guide on how to display Facebook posts as a widget on WordPress.

6. Use Recognizable and Relevant Photos

What do your customers first see when they go to your Facebook page?

It’s your profile and cover photos, of course. That’s why it’s important that you use eye-catching photos that encourage your page visitors to engage with you. The more engagement you have, the more likes your page can get.

For brand awareness, use your brand’s logo as your profile picture.

As for your cover photo, choose one of the following ideas:

  • Do you have visually appealing products? Use them.
  • Want to show the amazing people behind your brand? Show them.
  • Does your brand help your customers achieve a specific goal? Display it on your cover photo.

In choosing photos for your Facebook page, choose ones that best represent what your brand stands for. Also, don’t forget to follow Facebook’s official photo dimensions:

– for profile photos, use square images of at least 800px by 800px to ensure the picture is clear

– cover photo at 820 pixels x 312 pixels on computers and 640 pixels by 340 pixels on smartphones

7. Post When Your Fans Are Online

Another fantastic way to skyrocket your Facebook likes is to post content when your fans are active.

Research says that if you’re marketing to fellow brands, the best time to post on Facebook is from Tuesday to Thursday from 9 am to 2 pm.

On the other hand, if you’re marketing to consumers, you can get more likes on your posts at noon from Monday to Wednesday since your followers are most active at these times.

Naturally, this doesn’t mean it’s the best time for your own Facebook fans, right? To optimize your Facebook page engagement, you need to know when your page-specific fans are actually online.

Not sure where you can find this data? Simply go to Insights » Posts » When Your Fans are Online.

You can then see the days and times your Facebook fans are most active. So, the next time you schedule a Facebook post, use these information to get maximum engagement from your active fans.

For more details on the best posting times, check out this post on the best time to post on social media for maximum engagement.

8. Post Audience-Targeted Content

This next tip on boosting Facebook likes focuses on finding out why your Facebook fans “liked” your page in the first place.

Luckily, you don’t need to search far to find the answer. 58.8% of people like Facebook pages because they’re interested in promotions. This means that posting exclusive discounts can get more people to like your Facebook business page.

Also, it’s better for you to post Facebook photos rather than plain text. With a whopping 87% interaction rate from Facebook fans, it’s one of most engaging types of Facebook content!

Finally, posting audience-centered content to get more likes on your Facebook page means that you should follow the rule of thirds:

  • The 1st 1/3 of your Facebook posts should promote your content, such as your promos or special offers.
  • Second 1/3 should share other’s content, preferably user-generated content from your fans. Make sure to credit them by tagging their username, like this.
  • And the final 1/3 of your Facebook posts should feature your brand’s fans.

You can read this post on how to get more Facebook followers to know how to market your brand on social media.

9. Show Free Facebook Events on Your Site

Here’s the truth: as emotional creatures, people love free items.

And as a business, it’s important that you understand how to turn a freebie into something positive for your brand.

A free product, like holding a free webinar on Facebook, comes with:

  • Low expectations (Hey, it’s free!)
  • And neutral perceptions (I’ll try this out. What’s the worst that can happen?)

This is a good thing for your business. Because if your fans found value in your free Facebook webinar, a neutral perception can change into a positive impression on your brand.

Do you have a coffee shop? Do a free webinar about the benefits of coffee to the human body.

Do you sell a digital service that caters to small businesses? Make your webinar about how you’ve helped several businesses achieve their business goals by using your product.

In the travel industry? You can do a free Facebook webinar on “20 free things you can do in Korea” or “how to spend $10/day in Korea”.

With over 700 million people using Facebook events monthly, though — how can you promote your event?

You can stand out from the crowd and get more eyeballs on your events by displaying your free Facebook events feed on your website.

With an easy-to-use plugin like Facebook Feed Pro, you can add your Facebook events feed to WordPress so your target audience can see it every time they visit your website.

The best part about this plugin? It’s beginner-friendly, as you don’t need to write code just to customize and show your Facebook feed! Simply use the plugin’s visual feed customizer so you can control how your Facebook events feed looks.

For the step-by-step tutorial, go here to know how to display a Facebook events calendar on your website.

10. Use Facebook Videos to Your Benefit

Broadcasting live videos on your page is one of the best ways to get more likes on Facebook.

That’s because even though average brand engagement in Facebook fell by 20%, live videos that trigger conversations will be shown higher in Facebook’s news feed.

Don’t take our word for it: Facebook itself said that live videos get 6x as many interactions as regular videos. So, they’re more likely to be shown on people’s news feeds. This helps friends of your fans discover your brand and potentially engage with you.

Head on over to your page and click on Live. Then, follow the onscreen instructions to start broadcasting live videos from your business page.

As an added bonus, when you do live videos, your Facebook fans and followers are notified — it’s like Facebook’s already helping you promote it as well.

Plus, you can extend the relevance of your Facebook’s videos when you also display them on your website.

This way, your website visitors can discover your page on Facebook, engage with your visual content and even “like” your Facebook page because you provided value to them.

Want to cross-promote your Facebook videos on your website? Check out this post on how to embed Facebook videos on WordPress for your guide.

11. Put Your Facebook Page on Your Newsletter

Another way to get more likes on Facebook is to look at the audience you’ve already built a connection with.

For example, people you’re already talking to, like your newsletter subscribers, are a great audience for your Facebook page.

If you already have an audience for your email newsletter, this is a low-hanging fruit to increase your Facebook page likes since your subscribers can easily like your page, without needing to search for it on Facebook.

How do you do this naturally?

Include your Facebook page URL on your newsletter’s welcome email.

This way, everyone who signs up with your official newsletter can like your Facebook page. You can boost your email subscribers and Facebook fans at the same time. How’s that for a win-win situation?

For more connection-building tips like this, check out this post on the best social media marketing hacks to grow your Facebook followers.

Already have followers on your other social media accounts? Great! You can cross-promote your Facebook content on them so you can boost your likes.

Don’t just post a link to your Facebook page, though. It’s better if you use a content format that’s best suited to the social media platform you’re using.

For example, upload a Facebook-specific content like a video and post it on your Twitter account. Remember to encourage your followers to visit your Facebook page for more info.

Make sure to highlight your content’s value and link to it on your post. This way, you let your existing followers know another way they can consume your content.

And if you have accounts on all social media platforms — Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube — why not go the extra mile and display all your social media feeds in a single wall?

With Smash Balloon’s Social Wall Pro, you can do this with just a few clicks.

Adding your social media feeds to your website is a great way to boost user engagement and follower count in not just 1 — but 4 social media channels.

Using Social Wall Pro, you can easily integrate your social media into your website in just a few minutes, like this:

Want to get more social media followers? Cross-promote your social media content on your website. How? Take a look at this post on how to add social media feeds to your WordPress site today.

13. Run A Facebook Giveaway

81% of marketers said that interactive content like contests is better for grabbing your audience’s attention.

And if you run a giveaway, you can easily get more likes on Facebook and boost brand engagement at the same time.

How can you host a successful Facebook giveaway if you’re not tech-savvy?

Use a newbie-friendly tool like RafflePress, the best WordPress giveaway plugin. With RafflePress, you can easily use their Grow Your Facebook Page template to run a Facebook giveaway with just a few clicks. No need to deal with complicated code snippets.

Check out the step-by-step tutorial on running your own giveaway on Facebook here.

Another great way to get more likes on Facebook using your website is by making your own “Like Us on Facebook” popup.

You can use a beginner-friendly tool like OptinMonster to create high-converting popups. It’s the most powerful conversion optimization toolkit in the world that can help you get more leads and grow your business.

Popups can be effective in converting site visitors to Facebook likes — as long as they’re targeted, so they don’t annoy your site visitors. 

To do this, it’s best that you customize your popups to show only if they meet certain conditions. You can make your popup appear:

  • Only after visitors have visited 2 or more pages on your site
  • After 30 seconds, so your visitors can read your content first
  • Or at the moment your visitor is about to leave your website

Since your site popups are highly targeted, there’s a greater chance of your website visitors liking your Facebook page. You can check out this detailed OptinMonster review to get started.

15. Boost Facebook Engagement With Questions

Did you know that asking questions on your Facebook posts skyrockets interaction by a whopping 162%, compared to posts without questions?

A quick and easy way to increase Facebook likes and engagement is by asking questions to your fans. But don’t just ask random questions. You need to ask relevant questions related to your industry.

For example, WPBeginner does a great job by asking their fans about their first-time experiences with website creation.

To double your engagement metrics, you can also ask a question and post a photo, just like what Starbucks did in this Facebook post.

Even better, you can install Facebook Feed Pro on your site to enable oEmbeds. This lets you automatically embed your Facebook post on your site simply by pasting your Facebook post link to WordPress like this:

To get started, check out this step-by-step post on how to embed Facebook posts on your website.

16. Include Your Facebook Page URL on Emails

This next hack to boost your Facebook likes is all about using emails to your advantage.

Did you know that the total number of sent and received emails per day is over 269 billion?

How about for your company? Do you send a lot of emails?  If you do, and you’re not taking advantage of your email signature, then you’re missing out on a lot of potential Facebook fans.

You can put your Facebook page URL on your email signature so whoever receives your email can see your Facebook page’s address.

Want to do this manually? Just head on over to your email’s Settings section and edit the Signature area.

Here’s another tip to increase your Facebook page likes by email.

In customer support, when your customer has thanked you for solving their concern, send them a quick message and ask them to like your Facebook page to connect with them there as well.

In addition to email, here are other Facebook marketing tools you can use to grow your business.

17. Create a Helpful Facebook Group

When it comes to boosting your Facebook page likes, you can also create a Facebook group and build a community using your brand. After all, over 1.4 billion people participate in Facebook groups so there’s definitely a demand for them.

To build a helpful Facebook group, you need to have a give-and-take relationship with your group members. Provide value to them by helping them with their struggles and pain points.

For example, WPBeginner does a monthly WordPress site audit for their group members. This has successfully increased their Facebook group members and community engagement because in addition to WPBeginner team members, everyone else can also share feedback with one another.

As a bonus, this increased their Facebook business page likes because the group members find value in the feedback that WPBeginner shares with them.

As soon as you’ve built a trusting relationship with your group members, asking them to like your Facebook page will be as easy as pie.

And if you want to increase your group’s audience reach, you can embed your Facebook group feed on your WordPress by checking out this article.

18. Convert Post Likes into Facebook Page Likes

Finally, to boost your Facebook likes on your business page, you can simply invite people who’ve reacted to your posts before to like your Facebook page.

After all, if they’ve already liked your posts, there’s a higher chance they’ll like your page too, right?

It’s super easy to do this. Just click on the reactions button on your post, like this:

Clicking on this brings up the names of the people who’ve liked your post, but haven’t liked your page yet.

How will you know? Look for anyone who has an Invite button next to their names. Then, click on Invite to ask them to like your Facebook page.

Piece of cake, right?

So, there you have it!

We hope you found these social media marketing hacks helpful so you can get more likes in Facebook, grow your fans and improve your business over the long run.

Stop wasting time and start taking your Facebook marketing to the next level. Get Facebook Feed Pro today!

Interested in another high-value article about Facebook marketing? Check out this post on the best hacks to skyrocket your Facebook page engagement.

Feel free to follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more helpful content about social media marketing.

8 Best Facebook Like Boost Apps (2022)

If you want to get likes on Facebook quckily, check this article to know the 8 best apps to get likes on android and iPhone!

Free download
Free download

Maria Matveeva

Oct 19, 2022• Proven solutions

Facebook is one of the most used social networks. It has 2.23 billion monthly active users worldwide. Whatever your business goals - from lead generation to brand awareness - Facebook already has and will definitely have a place in your marketing strategy next year. nine0003

With the popularity of Facebook, getting new likes on your Facebook page is an indispensable factor for brands looking to collaborate with influencers. In this article, you can get acquainted with the best applications for Android and iPhone to get likes on Facebook .

You can also stand out and start getting more likes on Facebook by verifying your account, plus verifying your Facebook pages is free. nine0003

  • Part 1: The best app to get Facebook likes on Android
  • Part 2: The best app to get Facebook likes on iPhone

Filmora - Recommended Video Editor for Facebook

Do you want to create videos and post them on Facebook to get more likes? Filmora is one of the best video maker software to create short or long videos quickly and efficiently. This program allows you to remove black bars and change the aspect ratio to 16:9, 1:1 with one click. This program also has many built-in free audios to empower the videos you create. In addition, this program supports importing videos from iPhone. With Filmora Business, you can create brand and product videos with ease. If you want to easily create videos for Facebook, download this program right now (for free)!

Part 1: Best Facebook Like Boost App for Android

1. FB Liker

FB Liker is one of the best Facebook likes app for android smartphones. With FB Liker you will be able to increase the number of likes for your statuses, photos and even get comments for your FB statuses. To add likes or comments to your photos and Facebook statuses, the tokens of previous auto-likers users are used. Features:

You may also like: Facebook Video Maker: 20 Free Video Editors for FB Video

  • Automatically generated likes from reliable sources
  • Easy app download
  • Automatically generated likes do not contain spam
  • Get real-time instant likes with just one click
  • No advertising
  • User friendly interface
  • You only need to provide a link to your post to get likes (Facebook ID or password is not needed)


Metal for Facebook and Twitter

Lightweight and powerful application that delivers lightning fast results. The best part is that Metal is available wherever you are, and now Twitter is also accessible from this app. Metal is an energy efficient replacement for the Facebook app. Features of the Metal app include:

  • Seamless access to notifications, news feeds and messages
  • Pleasant experience without ads reduces data consumption
  • Full screen with fixed toolbar
  • Theme and color selection: white, dark or blue by default

3. Apental

Apental is a great app to get likes on Facebook. With Apental you can also get unlimited auto comments, page likes and followers. All this will help increase your online presence and besides, this app is one of the best auto-likers in recent times. Features:

  • Unlimited comments and likes on FB
  • User friendly interface
  • Unlimited reposts for your images
  • Completely free software
  • Compact, lightweight and handy application


Apental Calc

Try Apental Calc if you need to add a small number of likes and comments to your Facebook account. This is an easy-to-use app for getting likes on Facebook quickly. Features Apental Calc:

  • Endless likes and comments on photos
  • Get organic shares and impressions on your profile page
  • Advertising on business pages to attract potential customers
  • Free Download
  • Stylish design and user-friendly interface

5. Get Instant Likes

Get instant followers, likes, comments and views on your posts for free with the Get Instant Likes app. It also allows you to get trending tags to use in your posts, helping you get real-time likes on Facebook. Features:

  • Fast and efficient application
  • Popular hashtag base
  • Get unlimited likes and comments

Part 2: The best app to get Facebook likes on iPhone



Swipa is an app to get likes on Facebook. All you need is to upload videos and photos to Swipa and the whole world will be able to view and like your messages in Swipa. Upload more videos and photos through Swipa and become more popular. By uploading a photo or video, you get into a table that shows your rating and the rating of other users. Swipa features:

  • Free app for iPhone
  • Upload more content to improve your rankings
  • Get more likes by uploading more videos and photos
  • Upgrade your profile and get more likes

7. MyFbliker

MyFBLiker is a tool to get automatic likes from Facebook users. This is a super fast, clean and easy to use app to increase your Facebook likes. This application has a simple and intuitive user interface. Features of this application:

  • Facebook auto liker that is 100% spam free
  • Simple interface
  • Great tool to get likes and comments instantly



With the FBoost app, it's easy and simple to access new audiences of users because with this app you will get more and more likes on your pages, posts, videos and photos. FBoost Features:

  • A tool to increase the number of likes, comments, shares and views
  • Simple and user-friendly interface
  • Free App to Get Facebook Likes


You don't have to worry if you have such amazing Facebook like apps. Just post the content you want and let these Android and iPhone apps work to get you more likes and views. And the best part is that all of the above apps are free, easy to use, and allow you to effortlessly increase the reach of your publications. If you need to make a video to get likes quickly, download Filmora right now! nine0003

Maria Matveeva

Maria Matveeva is a writer and lover of everything related to video.

Author @Maria Matveeva

Facebook likes cheat for free | Get Facebook likes online

Fill out the form to attract users or register on the exchange and earn

The number of visitors to social media is increasing every year. networks. This is due to the fact that with the help of these sites you can not only communicate and get acquainted, but also gain knowledge, earn money and become more popular. Some people choose several social networks at once. networks, and someone focuses on only one. Facebook is one of the most popular social networks in the world. Therefore, it is very profitable to promote your account here. To do this, there is an excellent service for cheating likes on Facebook - Bosslike. nine0003

Bosslike has an online cheat likes on Facebook . In order to get the coveted thumbs up, you just need to go through the standard registration procedure and indicate the entry for promotion. This will be enough to get a lot of likes in a short time and make your page popular.

Likes on Facebook - what is it?

What are Facebook likes and what are they for? Scrolling through the news feed, you can see how many authors ask for a like. This button looks like a thumbs up and means "I like it". When a person likes, he thus expresses support, consent or sympathy. On Facebook, you can like individual photos, videos, or posts. nine0003

The more likes, the more popular the post. Likes on Facebook are needed not only to evaluate content, but also in order for the social algorithm. networks recorded user activity. This is necessary to understand what material is interesting to the public and what is not. Therefore, all bloggers want to get likes on Facebook for free, thereby ensuring the development of their account or public pages.

How to get likes on Facebook for free?

Not all users are ready to invest in account development. If you are interested in how to get likes on Facebook for free, you can use a similar service on the Bosslike. ru website. You need to complete the tasks of other users and get points for this. With the help of points, likes, comments, reposts and subscribers are cheated. Points are a virtual currency on the service. With the help of points, you can promote your account not only on Facebook, but also on Instagram, Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, and Youtube. nine0003

In order for the Facebook likes boost to start working, you need to create a personal account on the site. It won't take long. Create a password and enter your email address. You will receive an email confirming your registration.

Go to the Job Exchange section. Various tasks are available in the task feed: put a class, make a repost, subscribe to a channel, etc. Tasks from several social networks will be available at once. To earn points faster, you need to connect several accounts. Each task is evaluated differently. Writing a comment can cost 10 points, subscribing to a channel - 9, like - 7. There are a lot of tasks, so in a few hours you can earn the required number of points. Tasks must be completed as described. If the instructions say to like, then you need to follow the link and like. If you want a comment or repost, you need to fulfill the requirements. The system automatically checks whether you have done a good job. If the conditions are not met, then the points will not be credited to your balance.

After you have earned the required number of points, you can start to get Facebook likes. A new task must be created in the "My Tasks" section. In each column, you need to specify the data: the number of likes, a link to the post to which you need likes, the cost of the task for performers, the speed of execution. After that, the task will immediately begin to run, and points will be debited from the balance. In order for your task to be seen by a large number of participants, you need to set the maximum amount for one execution. The lower the price, the lower the task will be in the feed. nine0003

How to buy Facebook likes cheaply

To quickly buy Facebook likes, select Facebook likes from the top of the form, enter a link to the post, specify the required amount and pay.

Payment will not take long. You can pay in a convenient way. After payment, points will immediately be credited to your balance, and the task will automatically begin to run. In addition, you do not need to calculate how much this or that quantity costs, the system will automatically calculate the amount. For example, you need 50 likes. So, in the likes section, you need to enter the number 50, after which the system will calculate how much it will cost. The Bosslike service provides favorable prices, as well as discounts for those who buy likes in large quantities. nine0003

Why you need to cheat Facebook likes

Facebook cheat is popular with both ordinary users and bloggers, businessmen, and all those who develop their account. What is Facebook likes used for:

  • Development of a personal brand. A lot of creative people use social networks to advertise their work. Artists, photographers, musicians post songs, pictures and photos on their page and attract dozens of fans. To speed up the process of finding fans, it is better to start developing your profile as early as possible. With the help of the wrapping service, you can achieve impressive results; nine0027
  • Search for clients and potential buyers. Entrepreneurs constantly need to develop their business, delight customers with pleasant bonuses, look for buyers and conduct a dialogue with their target audience. Facebook is great for this. With the help of boosted likes, you can collect a lot more people on your page than with the help of natural cheating;
  • Winning the competition. In the social networks regularly hold various contests, sweepstakes and exciting events. But to win, a person must get a certain number of likes. Some ask their friends to put a like, some do nothing to win, but someone winds up the maximum number of likes and wins a prize; nine0027
  • Business development. To increase the profit of the company, you need to maintain an active page in the social. networks. Even if you regularly post posts and attract subscribers with interesting material, this does not guarantee successful account promotion. You need to use additional methods. For example, cheat Facebook likes online.
  • Attracting fans. Bloggers, celebrities and other famous personalities are constantly looking for new fans. On your Facebook page you can find fans from different countries. This is the undoubted advantage of such a popular network. nine0027
  • Rating increase. People always pay attention to the number of likes and comments. And almost always the “crowd effect” works - when a person sees a lot of likes on a photo, he will also like it. Therefore, you can take advantage of this property and increase your rating. When users visit your page, they will understand that many people like this page, because so many people cannot be wrong. This way you will get additional subscribers or friends
  • Search for like-minded people. It is very easy to find friends and those who will support your hobbies in the social network. How to do it? Create a thematic post or post a photo, video and get likes. After that, you can notice that your information will spread, people will share your posts and write comments. In this way, you can find a travel friend, a screenwriting companion, or a collaborative translation team. You can create an interest society: fishing, cycling, book club, etc.; nine0027

But even a child understands that cheating facebook likes will lead to an increase in users who are absolutely not interested in the promoted topic, they will not be able to appreciate the quality of the photos or the fascination of the video files available on the page. Therefore, a completely logical question will be: Why do we need such a boost of likes?

Facebook like promotion becomes a kind of red rag for the bull, the main thing is that the bullfighter can respond in time to a large influx of users and satisfy their interest or curiosity. nine0003

Therefore, wondering how to get likes on Facebook, you need to simultaneously look for ways to expand the page, to fill it with quality content and retain those users who have taken the bait.

Boost Facebook likes on your own

Some users are interested in boosting Facebook likes for free. This is a completely natural desire, because sometimes you want to delve into the processes of promoting your account on your own. But independent methods of promotion will require more time and effort, because it is difficult for modern users to be interested in something. Here are some useful tips to help make the page more popular:

  1. Post quality and interesting content. All your posts should be interesting to people. Do not try to copy famous personalities, this will not bring you the expected effect. Before posting a photo or video, think about how it will be useful for the audience. Your posts must be unique. In the social networks, you can become popular if you post copyright content.
  2. Post content every day. You can't let your followers and friends forget about you. Even very popular bloggers try to release content at least three times a week. But as long as you don't have a lot of regular followers and fans, it's better to post content daily. A content plan needs to be thought out two or three weeks in advance and stick to it. For the social algorithm networks, this will be a great reason to add your profile to the recommended ones, and for your subscribers, another opportunity to like. nine0027
  3. Use hashtags. This is a good way to attract new page visitors. If they like your profile, they will rate your posts. If you choose the right tags, then the likes on FB will go very quickly.
  4. Ask friends and acquaintances to put likes on Facebook. Feel free to remind them of the need for this action. If you have your own office or office where clients come, then you can remind them of your social media page. networks.
  5. Mutual PR. Aspiring bloggers team up with other newcomers and engage in mutual PR. The bottom line is that subscribers see the advertisement and go to the page of another person. To increase the chances and increase activity on the page, it is better to conduct joint broadcasts repeatedly, make reposts or agree on the release of joint publications once a week. If this method did not help, you can wind up facebook likes on the Bosslike service. nine0027
  6. Cheating programs. Learn additional information on cheating with the help of programs. It is important that this is a reliable application. Typically, such programs use fake accounts and databases of hacked pages. Such suspicious activity can lead to negative consequences.

Is it safe to get likes on Facebook?

Unlike other sites, the Bosslike service, which helps to get likes on Facebook, makes sure that accounts are not blocked. You can not be afraid for safety and wind up likes in several social networks at once. networks, simply connect profiles and create new tasks for them. nine0003

If the account was created not so long ago, then sudden activity will arouse suspicion of cheating. Such actions can lead to blocking the page. If there were 15 people in the list of friends, and in a couple of days there are already 200, then most likely the algorithm will calculate the cheat. Likewise with likes. The system knows that people don't like everything. And if the record was viewed by 50 people, then only a small part of them can like it, but not 40 or 30 people.

The developers of the Bosslike service take into account all the requirements, so getting likes on FB is safe for you. To prevent your account from being blocked, follow these requirements:

  1. Gradually increase likes. Beginners often make a similar mistake: they actively gain likes and followers. But you shouldn't do it. You need to adhere to a certain wrapping scheme. For example, if your publications have 20-30 likes, then every day you can wind up only 5-6. Then gradually increase this number.
  2. Order likes, comments, reposts, subscribers. Increase activity on the page in different ways. After all, when a person likes, he most likely writes comments, or shares a video with his friends. nine0027
  3. Use not only the cheat service, but also other methods. Engage in mutual PR, ask friends to like, repost to other social networks. This will give a good result and an additional number of likes.
  4. Publish material, and then order a boost of likes on FB.
  5. Do not download programs for cheating of dubious quality, do not indicate personal data and do not use dubious services.
  6. Do not send emails asking you to like a photo. Many users may not like this and they will file a complaint against your account. nine0027

Why is the best service to get likes on FB?

There are a lot of different services for cheating on the Internet. But only Bosslike is guaranteed to provide high-quality promotion. Why is it chosen by thousands of users? Because this website has many advantages:

  1. Simple registration and user-friendly interface. Even an inexperienced user will be able to understand how to register and use the service. A user-friendly interface helps you quickly find the sections you need. nine0027
  2. High-quality Facebook likes cheat for free. The site does not use bots or fake accounts.

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