How to build a new instagram account

How To Start A New Instagram Account

Hélène Heath

July 28, 2017

Last Updated On

June 24, 2022

The thought of starting an Instagram account from scratch can be daunting, no doubt. Especially before you even have a social media strategy in place. There's no time to despair! We made a step-by-step guide to aid and assist in everything from account basics to what to post on Instagram.

New entrepreneurs on the social scene, take heed.

Started from the bottom now we here.

Should Your Brand Make an Instagram?

If you're a new business starting fresh on Instagram, it's a no-brainer platform to adopt. It's hyper-visual, primarily organic, and almost every adult human uses it, making it ideal for propelling a newb enterprise forward.

In theory, this all sounds like a walk in the park. But this endeavor cannot and should not be underestimated. Anyone who's ever tried so much as to grow Instagram followers knows firsthand how deceptively arduous it is to sprout an engaged audience from the bottom up. Social media roles are probably the most underestimated in any company; certain executives still don't get it and believe that the job is just about posting fun photos all day long at a whim. Boy, are they wrong.

No matter how long the list of advantages may be, ignoring that Instagram has become a crowded space would be reckless. While an incredible opportunity for brands to carve out a niche and fair market share, it's one billion+ users render the platform a saturated ecosystem. Treading mindfully is de rigueur.

Instagram might be intuitive for anyone under 25, but it can be unclear and paralyzing for entrepreneurs thanks to endlessly evolving social media business practices. Follow the pointers below to learn how to create a business Instagram account from scratch and win at brand-building with your Instagram page, posts and then some. You'll need to sign up for the robust Dash Hudson tools suite in no time. 💁

A clear, informative bio ftw.

How To Start An Instagram Account  

The Instagram page profile is like your gown at the Oscars: if it isn't good, you'll be shunned. Here's how to start an Instagram page from scratch:

  • Your profile pic. Most brands use their company logo, which is bright and leaves no confusion about what account people land on. While this practice makes the most sense, it's not mandatory. The rule of thumb is going with something high quality and representative. For example, Glossier's bio image is a solid circle of the brand's ubiquitous #glossierpink.
  • Your website. This is the only spot in all of Instagram (safe for swiping up in Stories) where you can enter a hyperlink to redirect your audience somewhere. Be wise and input your website, where people will learn more about your fledgeling biz. Once you've built up your audience, you can move on to bigger and better things like a link-in-bio solution. In the meantime, stick to a discovery mode mindset.
  • A brief, concise description. Sum up nicely what you are and what you do to inform folks in a flash. Instagrammers have no time to lose, so keeping this brief is crucial.
  • Decide on either a regular or business account. This one is purely up to you. Here at Dash Hudson, we recommend identifying your brand as a business, if only for educative purposes. It also legitimizes your company on the Instagram marketing circuit. We wouldn't believe any of the low engagement rumors surrounding business accounts, as we've witnessed both ends of the spectrum.

1. Identify Your Target Audience

The whole point of setting up shop on Instagram is to cultivate a community of audience members that are united in their shared love for your brand and/or your content. To properly devise a content plan that will speak to your core business strategy and hook consumers (more on that later), you must first resolve who you're trying to reach with those pretty visuals. Determining your target audience will be intricately consequential to your content plan, as well as your overall Instagram engagement.

2. Establish a Voice and Tone

In a nutshell: this is your brand's personality. Are you punny? Authoritative? Spunky? Too cool for school? Sweet as pie? Sarcastic? These attributes are not mutually exclusive, and figuring out your narrative's tone of voice will liaise your brand assets to your audience's eyeballs. Not only is a well-crafted brand voice directional for marketing efforts, but it's also infinitely essential to driving any consumer/follower loyalty.

The Reformation brand voice is unmistakable.

3. Make a Content Plan

This is the fun part. Assets! Pretty pictures! Videos! Boomerangs! But of what? That is the question.🤔 Building a solid content plan is highly strategic as well as creative, so bring your A-game to the devising table.

Here at Dash Hudson, we recommend coming up with 4 or 5 visual segments that make up your Instagram account's aesthetic blueprint. Identifying pillars like this will play the role of a steering wheel and help keep things tight related to the story you're telling with your photos and videos. If you're at a loss for where to start, brainstorm on ideas, assess what your competitors are doing, revisit your brand strategy and your target market. These starting points always jig up big Instagram feed ideas.

Then, stick to a consistent cadence by scheduling your posts in advance to make sure you're never caught in a content pickle during boozy brunch Sundays. Or worse, that you miss National Donut Day due to your lack of foresight.

4. Be Consistent

Consistency is crucial and multifold in this case. It's essential to establish a continuous narrative on all fronts to form follower habits and fulfill expectations. This applies to:

  • You're aesthetic. That goes for individual image quality as well as overall grid appearance. Keep the same filters on rotation, ensure an overall flow with the way your images look as an ensemble, don't post something random.
  • Your tone of voice. Don't suddenly turn into a Serena if you've been a Blair all along. See point #3.
  • Your posting frequency. Post frequently to establish a cadence with your audience. We've got the 411 on the frequency sweet spot and Instagram peak posting times.
  • Your availability. By this, we mean it’s crucial to give users all the information about your products and services. You can easily do this by utilizing Instagram shopping and using product tagging for ease of navigation within your feed or through Reels.

5. Create a Gifting Program

Exposure and word-of-mouth are priceless, especially for a burgeoning brand on Instagram. If you can set aside a small budget for influencer marketing or gifting, it can go a long way in terms of generating awareness. Focus on micro-influencers, who will often post for trade, instead of big-name power-bloggers with expensive representation, who will charge a pretty penny while offering little return. Bear in mind the forging of relationships when approaching this mission.

Reach out to carefully selected tastemakers that align with your brand ethos and establish a genuine connection with them to cultivate organic partnerships. Disingenuous sponsored posts are transparent to audiences and will get you nowhere fast. Consistently collaborate with influencers who are enthusiastic about your brand and what you are doing. True love can't be bought, and that's what your new potential followers are wise to.

This practice will also kill another bird and help you build content. All this killer content created by your ambassadors will be yours to repurpose on your feed. No more breaking out into a cold sweat when thinking about where your next piece of content will come from.

6. Run an Instagram Ad

The organic reach Instagram will grant you is excellent, but there is no shame in the accelerating game. For all Instagram ads best practices, check out these practical strategies and the most efficient logistical approach to take. Buyer beware: make sure you outline specific goals before you determine your course of action to avoid wasting any precious coinage.

7. Monitor Your Account Activity and Adjust Accordingly

Last but not least, once you've hit the ground running, your job is far from over. You have to keep abreast of all the data your efforts are yielding to be able to swerve as necessary. Dash Hudson's Instagram Insights feature can help you understand who is interacting with your content, what your audience is responding to, what strategies result in follower gains, what kind of traction you get when others post about your brand, etc. Analyzing the data will educate your future choices — don't overlook it.

The net-net is that mastering the scientific art of Instagram marketing is challenging and indeed an uphill climb. It's not easy, success will not happen overnight, and it will more often than not be a matter of trial and error.

There is no magic formula, but there is good business advice. Follow the steps you read above, and you should find yourself graduating to more significant leagues in no time.


How much does it cost to have an Instagram account?

Nothing. Luckily, it doesn’t cost anything to make an account on Instagram. 

What are good Instagram names?

If you’re looking for a good name for your brand’s new Instagram account, the best possible name is your exact brand name. If that isn’t available, or your brand name is too long, you can always abbreviate it. Just be sure to keep your name as simple and easy to search as possible if you can’t stick with either of these options. 

How can I increase my followers on Instagram?

There are a lot of things you can do to increase your Instagram growth. Analyzing and staying on top of trends, interacting with other users, and running contests are just a few things you can do to grow your follower base quickly on Instagram.

5 Ways to Grow Your Instagram Following and Build Community

What’s the secret to building a thriving community on Instagram?

It’s not exactly an easy question to answer.  But I’m sure you follow an account that has thousands, if not millions, of followers who are engaged and interacting with every post the account shares. But how did they do it? Do they know something about Instagram marketing that you don’t?

Well, they probably do.

A lot of people don’t realize the work and thinking that goes on behind the scenes of these major accounts. They don’t realize the work that goes into building a following of more than 50,000 people and engagement on every post.

Luckily, I’ve helped, worked with, and built accounts just like this. And today, I’m going to show you some of my favorite strategies for creating an engaged and growing community on Instagram using some advanced tricks of the trade.

But first, if you’re new to Instagram, this deck might be helpful:

The Ultimate Guide To Instagram Marketing from Ross Simmonds

1. Use Emotion to Make Your Content Reach More People

I know: You’ve read 100 blog posts about the power of emotion in content marketing.  But what I’m talking about is not just the idea of making people feel good or get angry. I’m talking about taking that emotion and using it to spread your message.

Studies have shown us that we share content for five main reasons:

  • To bring valuable & entertaining content to others
  • To define ourselves to others
  • To grow and nurture existing relationships
  • To feel better about ourselves
  • To get the word out about something we believe in


Once we recognize these as the five forces driving people to share, we can utilize them to create Instagram content more likely to be shared and passed along. Here’s a couple ways to do exactly that.

2. Tell People to Double Tap If XYZ

You know that people connect with content that makes them feel better about themselves, so create content that will allow them to do that. A post like the one below connects with people who are ambitious and living an interesting life:

Double tap if you aren’t just alive to go through the motions, that you are working to break free and live the life you want. Shout out to @mando_musiq for keeping us motivated as we work to break free.

A photo posted by Hustle & Grind (@hustlegrindco) on


Double tapping on this image makes you feel inspired to live life to the fullest and not just sit back, pay your bills, and die.

Here’s another example from Birchbox:

✨PJs all day✨ Double tap if you think a lazy Sunday sounds amazing… ?✌️ (?:@birchboxfr)

A photo posted by Birchbox UK (@birchboxuk) on


Brilliant right?! The same approach can be used regardless of your industry & account: 

  • Cleaning Company: “Double tap if you hate cleaning on the weekends.”
  • Marketing Company: “Double tap if you think drones are the next big thing.
  • Local Restaurant: “Double tap if you think you could eat this jumbo meal.”


3. Tell People to Tag Someone Who XYZ

This is a tactic that gives you a chance to gain new followers in an interesting way. We know that people want to grow and nurture relationships, and we also know that people want to bring value or entertainment to others. So how do we leverage that? We create posts that inspire people to do exactly that.

In this post from General Electric, we see a quote from Marie Curie, a physicist and chemist who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity in the 1800s and early 1900s. Because Marie had such a powerful legacy, and GE recognized it with this post, people started tagging their friends so they too could see the quote and learn about Marie.

It goes back to the reason we share: to deliver value to others.

And then there’s the approach built on helping others build and nurture relationships.  The @Yoga Instagram account leverages this insight by writing, “Tag someone you love,” or, “Tag someone who inspires you daily,” at the end of their captions. You can see how they get creative with this tactic in the post below: 

Tag someone who brings light into your life ? – @philosophiemama fills the light with grace in this beautiful and balanced crow pose, or Bakasana. – – #myyogalife A photo posted by Yoga (@yoga) on

4. Grow Using Hashtags and Tags Without Looking Spammy

#We #All #Know #Someone #Who #Posts #Like #This Don’t be that guy. There are a few things you need to know about hashtags and tagging on Instagram. The first is to understand that hashtags can be one of the best ways to grow an Instagram following quickly but also one of the fastest ways to make your current followers hate you. First, let’s discuss the importance of relevance.

Don’t Use Irrelevant Hashtags for Your Posts

Imagine you’re forty pages deep into a fiction novel that has you hanging onto every word. You feel deeply connected to the characters and are itching to find out what happens next. To your surprise, when you flip the page, you’re met with a recipe for apple pie. How would you feel? Confused? Upset? Shocked? That’s exactly how people feel when brands start using hashtags that have no relevance to the content they’re creating. Don’t use hashtags if you’re not sharing content similar to the rest of the stream. If you do, don’t be surprised if you have a handful of people commenting negatively or even reporting your content.

Comment On Your Own Posts With the Hashtags

My other trick of trade regarding hashtags is quite straightforward. Instead of using hashtags in the caption of your posts, press share, and then comment with those hashtags. This way, they’re not the first thing someone sees when your content hits their feed. Hashtags placed in the comments stills give your content the chance to be found and distributed without looking spammy. Plus, as more people engage, the comment with your hashtags will eventually be hidden.

Hashtags and Tags Drive Recommendations and Discovery

One of the best things about Instagram is its discover and follow recommendation feature.

On the left, you can see the “Discover” page for Instagram, which is the default when you click search. On this page, Instagram makes recommendations surrounding posts that their algorithm believes you would be interested in seeing. The recommendations are based on your likes, your followers’ likes, likes from the pages you follow, plus things like the hashtags you use and accounts you mention.

If you’re using a handful of hashtags that are very relevant, Instagram will start sharing your content to others who they deem interested in those topics.

A similar algorithm is used for the “Follow Recommendations,” found in the frame on the right. If you have similar followers to another page, engage and interact with that profile, and use similar hashtags, it’s likely that Instagram will recommend you to that account’s followers. You can see this happening in the example above with the Oregon Ducks, Nike, and Sportscenter.

5. Establish Relationships With Influencers to Grow Quickly

The “Shout Out” is one of the most powerful tactics on Instagram. A shout out is when one Instagram account promotes another to their following by saying something like, “Shout out to @HustleGrindCo.”  Here’s an example of this in action:

Now this is the perfect day from @hustlegrindco Waking up knowing exactly what you have to do, and getting one step closer to the mission! Via @hustlegrindco Double tap if you agree! A photo posted by Young Entrepreneur Magazine (@foundrmagazine) on

Foundr Magazine has more than 450k followers, so the shout out Hustle & Grind is a big win. It’s an opportunity to have the Hustle & Grind brand placed in front of their followers and ultimately drive a handful back over to our account.

You open up these opportunities by having a quality product and building a relationship with the person behind these accounts. From there, you can start to establish a relationship in which you share content from one another on a regular basis.

Brands are leveraging this tactic on the regular without people even knowing what’s going on behind the scenes. Instagram celebrities and models are being paid anywhere from $250 to $50,000 per post. My favorite types of shout outs are those that happen organically, but sometimes, you have to put down the capital to really drive reach.

When I first started using Instagram, the process of building relationships with influencers was all about one-to-one interaction. Today, companies like Dash Hudson exist to help make the process of hiring Instagram influencers easier and more manageable.

Bonus: Drive Users to Your Website With a Call to Action

If you’re looking to drive traffic to your site, adding a link to your caption is pretty much pointless. Instagram doesn’t allow users to include clickable links in the caption, but I still see people do it. I’ve tested this approach over and over again, and the results conclude that the best approach is to take a different approach.

Instead of including the link in your caption, include it in your bio, and tell people to click the link in your bio to learn more. See it in action in this post:

Even Brussels Sprouts haters will get a kick out of this one… Beer & Bacon Brussels made with Mirror Pond Pale Ale. It’s amazing!!! Thanks @spicyperspectiv for the recipe. Find the recipe on our Deschutes Beer Inspired Thanksgiving Blog with link in our bio… Cheers! #thanksgiving #brusselssprouts #cookingwithbeer #beer #craftbeer #worthsharing #meal #sidedish #eatyourveggies #bacon

A photo posted by Deschutes Brewery (@deschutesbeer) on

If someone really wants this Thanksgiving recipe, they’ll visit that bio and visit their website to learn more.

For more tips on cultivating a thriving Instagram community, take a look at this Slidedeck, How to Generate Your First 20,000 Followers on Instagram.

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How to create a second Instagram account: add and log in

Make your page interesting and encourage subscribers to look at your page or website more often for shopping

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Who is not on Instagram right now? Almost all friends, acquaintances and acquaintances of acquaintances already have their own profile. Cats, dogs, children also show off in a colorful news feed. And even world-famous stars are in a hurry to gain more followers and immodestly compete among themselves for a million-strong army of fans. By typing the nickname you are interested in in the search bar, in a few seconds you are viewing all the latest news in various photographs and reading their reflections. Instagram has become an accessible means of popularizing every inhabitant of this small country on the Internet. But, this was not enough and many began to ask the question: “How to create a second account on Instagram?”.

Yes, one more page is a completely justified need for many users of the popular social network. And then we will consider in what cases it is needed, how to start and then log into a second Instagram account and how to link it to other social networks.

  • Why do you need a second Instagram account?
  • How to register and log into a second account on Instagram
    • Mobile phone procedure
  • Procedure in the computer
  • How to sign in to a second Instagram account
  • How to link a second Instagram account to other social networks
    • Procedure
  • How to log out of a second Instagram account from a mobile phone

Why you need a second Instagram account

Let's start with why this is necessary - another profile. By the way, the maximum Instagram allows you to create up to five accounts per user. And there are even those for whom even this figure is not enough. So, this is necessary in cases where one person has several directions in life. It can be both a hobby and work questions. Let's list them in order.

  • Main page. Here, as a rule, they publish photos from the category “what I saw, then I posted it”. In order to show everyone the daily moments of your life.
  • Blog. It is created for the purpose of publishing their thoughts, thematic stories or interesting events and observations on an ongoing basis. Travel bloggers, Instagrams, fitness bloggers and nutrition blogs are especially popular.
  • Work. It can be both services and goods, as in an online store. The main task of such a profile is selling. Therefore, as a rule, it is designed as a Business Page and content is maintained in accordance with all marketing rules, attracting as many subscribers and adherents of their products as possible.

We have listed the main three types. However, further, even within the same store, several profiles can be created for different directions. Of course, you can not bother and maintain one account, where daily selfies will be posted mixed with interesting thematic stories and the sale of some product. But, such a tape will not have an attractive appearance. In addition, in today's competitive environment, it will be very difficult to achieve the desired goal and attract more subscribers, and even more so the target audience. That is why for each direction, be it a hobby or sales, it is recommended to create a separate additional profile. To guide him in his unique and attractive style.

Additional accounts are also created for various marketing strategies. For example, you can make a selling landing page of 12 photos for any product or service. Or temporary pages are created for holding marathons and contests, after which they are made into closed groups, and after all events, such profiles are most often deleted.

So, in fact, each user can have several account pages in working use at the same time. However, in order for all of them to be maintained in an attractive form, it is necessary to devote a decent amount of time to filling it with quality content. And here's another reason why you need to create additional profiles - to hire a freelancer, and then he himself fills it with the right content and attracts the target audience to increase sales. And at the same time, your personal page remains completely under your control.

Now that you know what another profile is for, we can move on to the practical part - to create another tool to attract attention and additional income.

How to register and log into a second Instagram account

All you need is your mobile phone or computer, a few minutes and your desire to do it.

How to use your mobile phone

  1. To create an additional Instagram account, open your profile on your phone and go to settings. There are three vertical dots in the top right corner. This is what they are.
  2. At the very bottom of the list is the “Add account” function. Find it and click.
  3. In the window that opens, you will see a login form for an existing page. You don’t need it now, so ignore it and click on the phrase “Register” at the very bottom.
  4. Then you also skip all offers to continue working with Instagram under the existing nickname and click on “Register with an email address or phone number”
  5. Then enter your phone and email details in order. Create a new email in advance, because only one account can be registered per email address.
  6. That's it, the second profile is ready. Then follow the instructions that Instagram will display on the screen.

Procedure on the computer

  1. In your browser, open the Instagram page and a registration form opens in front of you.
  2. Just like in the phone, you should fill in the required fields and click the "Register" button.
  3. Next, in the window that opens, you will need to enter a password that the support service will send to your phone number and click the “Confirm” button. The entire algorithm for registering a second profile, both on a mobile phone and on a computer, is very simple. Pre-think how your page will look like. Select and prepare an avatar, a profile name and nickname, and a password. Consider what information will be in the header. What will you post and how often? Pay special attention to content and visuals. And good luck to a new communication in a running motley ribbon.

How to log into a second Instagram account

If we talk about a computer, then here you should:

  1. in the open Instagram application, go to your profile in Settings and in the window that opens, click the “Logout” button;

  • go back to the Instagram page in the “Login” form;

  • enter your phone number, username or e-mail and password - now you have entered the second profile.

In a mobile phone, this is somewhat easier. To do this, you need to log into your account and click on the name of your page in the left right corner. In the drop-down box, you will be offered all your accounts. Choose the one you need and go.

How to link a second Instagram account to other social networks

Now that you have a new account, you will probably soon need to publish the same post on several social networks at the same time . Instagram has considered this possibility as well. Yes, you can save your time and immediately post to all social networks where you are registered.


  1. Open a new profile and go to settings - three vertical dots in the upper right corner.
  2. We find the section “Privacy and security” and in it we enter the sub-item “Linked accounts”.
  3. In the window that opens, select the social network you need from the list and click it for further actions.
  4. In each social network, the settings are individual and easy to understand. Just fill in the required information and go through authorization.
  5. Next, when you create a post on Instagram, on the publication page, you should move the button next to the desired social network so that the blue color appears. After all the required columns are filled in, click on “Share”. That's all, at this point the post will be posted on Instagram and all selected networks.
  6. As you can see, this is all done very simply and does not take more than two or three minutes. But, on the other hand, you will forever save time on posting your future publications in different social networks.

How to log out of a second Instagram account from a mobile phone

We have already discussed how to log out of an additional profile on a computer a little higher. In the phone, this procedure is somewhat different. To do this, you need to:

  • go to your page in Settings;
  • at the very bottom, find “End session” and when you click it, you will log out of your account.

Now you know how to add and then remove a second Instagram account. And in what cases it will be useful to you. Use this information to your advantage and with pleasure. And we will continue to prepare useful articles for you with simple ways to use this popular social network.

Worked on the material:

Elena Moiseenkova

Head of Marketing

Making an Instagram account without a phone

We tell you how to register a new Instagram account* without a phone number.

Is it possible to create an Instagram account without a phone*

Yes, you can. But you need to understand two things:

  • The profile will not be protected by two-factor authentication, which means it can be hacked or stolen. If you are going to create a business page, then it’s not worth the risk and it’s better to link the page to the phone.
  • A profile without a phone number can block Instagram* if it considers it suspicious. It may even be suspicious that you create it on the same device where the profile with the phone number was.

Next, we will look at how to create an Instagram account* without a phone number so that everything goes smoothly. Read about how to create a business profile in a separate guide.

Important : you can register no more than 5 accounts per mailbox on Instagram*.

How to register on Instagram * without a phone number

First step: registering a new mail
First, we need to create a new mailbox. In the Instagram Help Center*, it says to enter an email address that only you have access to - as it will be the only way to recover your password.

Therefore, it is better to register your mail in a safe place. For example, in Yandex.Mail. You can, of course, do it on Google, but it's not always possible to create a new address without a phone number there.


  1. We go to the account creation page in Yandex.
  2. Fill in the fields: first name, last name, login, password
  3. Press "I don't have a phone".
  4. Select a variant of the security question and the answer to it.
  5. Enter captcha.
  6. Mail is registered and ready to go.
Click on the item “I don’t have a phone”

Second stage: register on Instagram* from a new mailbox
Now we have mail and all that remains is to register with it on Instagram *. It is better to do this using the phone and the application installed on it.

Important : in order to register on Instagram* without problems, just in case, we recommend that you do it on another phone or by changing the network from Wi-Fi to mobile. Otherwise, Instagram* may detect “suspicious activity” and ask you to enter a phone number to send the code and will not post further without it.

Instagram* may suddenly ask for your phone


1. Sign out of your account in the Instagram* application (if you were there). There is a button in "Settings", in the item "Log out of accounts". Uncheck the "Remember login information" box. Also, the old autologin profile may remain in the new window. Click "Delete" - do not worry, the account will disappear, only the saved passwords on your device will disappear (do you remember the passwords from the previous pages?).

Exit your profile on Instagram*

2. Register a new account. The Instagram login page* will appear. Select the item at the bottom of the screen "Register" (next to the question "Don't have an account yet?")

3. Specify mail. Select the Email tab and enter the name of the newly created mailbox. In the next window you will be prompted to enter the code - it will be sent to the mailbox.

Enter the code from your mailbox to continue registering on Instagram*

4. Create a login (account name) and password . Click the "Continue without syncing contacts" button if you don't want to. Enter your date of birth in the next window - Instagram* needs this data to display ads. Set the date to be over 18 years old.

Enter data for the new profile

5. Add profile photo . You can immediately publish a picture as the first post on your account. Next, we skip the window with the offer to link Facebook * and go to the windows where they will offer to subscribe to accounts. You can choose someone or skip.

Add photos and skip searching for friends on Facebook*

6. Account created! For a while other Instagram users* will see that you have a new account.

Be sure to fill out your profile: biography, name, subscribe to any accounts and post a couple of posts. To beautifully create an account, come to our master class "Create an account on Instagram *". With the publication of the latest, if anything, our auto-posting service SMMplanner can help, in which you can conveniently plan the release time of a whole series of publications.

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