How to boost telegram subscribers

How to Increase Telegram Subscribers: Best Free Ways

Telegram is a great platform for promoting a company, personal brand or blog. Telegram is in the top 5 of the world's messengers, and the number of users per month is about 700 million. But unlike, for example, TikTok, it's not so easy to gain subscribers from scratch on Telegram. Usually, the messenger is used as a social network. A network to which you can "transfer" an already recruited audience. However, app does not stand still, and here, too, there are effective ways how to increase Telegram subscribers.

Consider paid and free methods. First, let's pay attention to what is suitable if you already have an audience on other sites:

Adding subscribers manually

Telegram is primarily a messenger, so you can add members to channels manually. For example, people from your contacts list or those with whom you have ever communicated.

How to do it:
  1. Open channel settings
  2. Go to the "Subscribers" section
  3. Add users

Links in social media

This is the old classic way without secrets and pitfalls. The bottom line is to add a link to your social media. Publish posts, in Stories, invite friends and followers. For the first audience will be just right. Telegram tools now allow you to post links to your channel quickly and directly. Don't forget that there are free multi-links. You can use services such as Taplink, SocProfile, Linktree. This is great for the initial stage to increase subscribers in Telegram.

Use ready-made

If you already have a ready-made website or landing page where you send your potential buyers, then do not be too lazy to leave a link/banner to your Telegram and other social networks. You can also leave a link and call-to-action at the end of the letter if you use email marketing and mailing lists.

QR code

QR code is a very convenient and affordable tool that many people underestimate. If your business is completely or partially offline, then leave a QR code with a call to subscribe to your Telegram. Leave the code in conspicuous places, boxes, packaging, or even on a street pole, what if someone is interested? Don't forget about the benefits for customers, for example, a discount for new subscribers or regular promotional codes in the Telegram channel. People love profitable and free, so give them a "barter".

Now let's pay attention to the methods that are suitable if you don't yet have an audience on other sites:

Advertising posts

This is also a great way to increase Telegram channel members. Telegram Ad Platform is the official Telegram platform for placing advertising posts. Advertising is placed on channels from 1000 subscribers, and the length of the post cannot exceed 160 characters.

The key disadvantage of this method is the lack of targeting for specific people, so the advertising budget can be wasted. Be careful and do not forget to test for small amounts first. Despite this, in setting up advertising posts, you can choose the topic of the channel on which the advertisement itself will be published; examples of specific channels; channel exceptions.

Note: before launching advertising, replenish your account in your personal account (min. 2 euros).

Mutual PR and partnership

Believe us, you are not the only one who is looking for ways how to get followers on Telegram. One of the most effective of the free ways is mutual repost and mutual PR. Look for channels with the same number of subscribers as you, with similar topics and a loyal audience. Turn your competitor into a partner. It's great strategy to gain the trust of the users and increase your Telegram channel subscribers.

The easiest ways to collaborate on Telegram:

  1. Find channels through search and contact the administrator directly with an offer.
  2. Join special admin chats for mutual PR and contact the right people, or leave your ad and wait for offers.

Don't forget that any administrator can wind up subscribers for himself, and then you will get nothing good from PR. In this case, we recommend you analyze the statistics of another channel. The Popsters tool can help you with this.

Popsters allows you to view the statistics of any channel in Telegram for a selected period, sort posts according to the desired indicators and see how the number of subscribers matches the real picture. For convenience, Popsters allows you to download the statistics of several channels at once and compare them without writing out individual numbers.

Placement of advertising through the exchange

Exchange is also a very good way how to increase Telegram subscribers. One of the brightest examples of the advertising exchange in Telegram is the platform. Thanks to this service, you can place your advertisements and download reports of running campaigns.

Life hack: try using the eLama service. This is a contextual advertising management automation platform that will simplify your work and teach you how to use advertising tools. Can be used with both and Telegram Ads.

Lead magnet

A lead magnet is a special offer for customers in exchange for their subscription.
This can be done, for example, through the Click.Bar service. It will be like a multilink and a mini landing at the same time. Prepare an offer that may be of interest to subscribers: a discount, a free lesson, a checklist, a contest, etc. and make it available only to your subscribers. Create a page with an offer through a clickbar or other service and leave a link to Telegram.

When everything is ready, you can launch targeted advertising for your target audience. For convenience, we recommend creating a simple bot, to which the link will lead, so that it issues a lead magnet for a subscription. Make a quality lead magnet so that people don’t unsubscribe after receiving a gift.

Cheat followers 

We do not recommend using this method to increase Telegram subscribers. But it is obvious that people are afraid of an empty channel without subscribers and an audience, the "herd instinct" does not work, and a person may not react in any way, even if he likes the content. In this case, you can use services with paid cheats. But you need to understand that the quality of such subscribers will be at a low level and this will not make much sense except for a beautiful number. Use it wisely and don't overdo it.

Post quality content

We made this item last, not for just. You can use all the above methods, but not get the result, because your content is not interesting to people. 

Post content regularly, with interesting headlines, but don't spam your posts. Remember that Telegram is a messenger and people get annoying notifications. If a subscriber turns off your channel notifications, then the chance of coming back and regularly viewing content will be greatly reduced.

To understand what the audience reacts to and what kind of posts they like, we recommend using the Popsters analytics tool. The advantages of the service are, first of all, detailed statistics of your channel, as well as channels of competitors. You can upload several profiles at once, including yours, and compare which posts get the most reactions, how you look against the background of others, and which content is completely uninteresting to the audience.

Don't forget to include reactions and comments on the channel, then the statistics will be more understandable. You can sort posts by reactions, comments, views, ER, VR and date. Thanks to this, you can adjust the content strategy and increase Telegram channel members.

Popsters also provides ready-made reports in PDF, Excel and PPTX formats.

How To Boost Your Telegram Subscribers (10 Proven Strategies)

Telegram, dubbed as the privacy-focused messaging app rivaling WhatsApp and Facebook messenger, has grown to a full-blown social media network with over 500 million monthly active users.

Marketers, thought-leaders, creatives, and everyone in between can build a thriving community on Telegram.

Young entrepreneur, Dylan Teo started his food discounts Telegram channel, Kiasu Foods, in 2018 and grew his membership to 2,000 subscribers in under a week. At the time of this post, Kiasu foods now had nearly 175,000 subscribers!

But like any social platform, it takes grit and know-how to build momentum for your Telegram account. The good news is, once you establish your brand, your channel will grow on its own through referrals without you having to hustle as much.

In this guide, you’ll find a combination of free and paid strategies to boost your Telegram views and increase your influence.

10 tips to increase your telegram channel subscribers

Below are the best strategies to grow your Telegram following. 

Note that we don’t recommend buying fake subscribers. Learn why in the Q&A section towards the end of this post.

Let’s start.

Table of Contents

  • 1. Craft the perfect Telegram channel profile
  • 2. Develop a content strategy
  • 3. Run a challenge or giveaway
  • 4. Link your Telegram group to your channel
  • 5. Add members from your personal contacts
  • 6. Participate in chat groups without being spammy
  • 7. Partner with other channels in your niche
  • 8. Pay for promotions in 3rd party Telegram channels
  • 9. Promote your Telegram channel on other platforms
  • 10. Submit your profile Telegram directory websites

1. Craft the perfect Telegram channel profile

Like any social platform, your Telegram channel profile should speak to the audience you wish to reach.

You probably already have a topic in mind. But think beyond your topic and ask yourself, “what value am I adding to subscribers?” 

Is it comedy, advice, inspiration, deals, resources, a movement? In marketing, this is called a value proposition.

For example:

TopicValue proposition
CryptocurrencyLive updates on the market
Personal brandComedic skits and role-playing
SneakersExclusive member discounts
Working online as a new parentPractical advice and emotional support

Once you get clear on your topic and value proposition, it’s time to update your channel profile.

There are four branding elements on Telegram channels:

  1. Name: keep your channel name simple yet descriptive of your topic. If you’re a personal brand, just use your name. 
  2. Description: here’s where you can include your value proposition so members can quickly identify with your channel.
  3. Photo: include a professional-looking image that represents your channel topic. 
  4. Link: add your channel name to your unique Telegram link. You’ll use this link to share your profile across the internet.

If you have an established presence on another platform, e.g., Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook groups, you can copy your branding to your Telegram channel.

2. Develop a content strategy

Content is king. And this couldn’t be truer for your Telegram channel.

Telegram doesn’t put a limit on media file sizes. So you can go upload hi-res videos, images, and audio clips in addition to stickers, GIFs, polls, games, and all the other rich features you’d expect from a modern messaging app.

But before you dive in and start posting randomly, take a moment to step back and think about your content strategy. Your plan doesn’t need to be sophisticated.

Quickly determine how often you’ll post. Is it multiple times a day or a few times a week?

And what type of content will you share? Will you be sharing your content from another platform? Original content for Telegram? Or curated content? Likely a combination.

That’s it.

When determining the frequency, you want to post your most valuable content as often as you can. Daily posting is ideal for showing new members that you’re active on your channel and it’s worth following.

A little hack to make your life easier is to set up automated posting through a Telegram chatbot. Check out the video below to learn how to set up bots to help run your channel.

3. Run a challenge or giveaway

One of the most effective (and fun) ways to grow your telegram channel is through running contests. It’s where participants need to join your channel to increase their odds of winning the prize. 

Because people love free things.

By tapping into this human desire of wanting free things, your followers on other platforms will be falling over themselves to win your prize. 

If you want to learn more, check out our beginners guide on running a contest and getting followers quickly. But here’s a summary of how to run a giveaway on Telegram:

  1. Choose an enticing prize. It doesn’t have to be expensive, as long as it’s something your target audience wants.
  2. Determine how long you’ll run your giveaway. 
  3. Write a description for your contest, including what participants will win and how they can enter.
  4. Promote your giveaway on all the platforms you’re active on. 
  5. Pick a winner. Share the results with your followers. 
  6. Rinse and repeat (and enjoy the growth).

Running a giveaway is a pinch using a tool like SweepWidget. You can create a webpage for your campaign in minutes, including all the information described in the steps above. 

Select randomized winners with a few clicks of a button, saving you time doing it manually.

What’s more, you can promote all your social media channels within SweepWidgets’ leaderboard giveaway—where users compete for the highest score. 

For example, participants earn points to follow you on Telegram, Instagram, Facebook, watch a TikTok video, and so forth—conveniently growing your audience across all platforms simultaneously. 

Additionally, you can add refer-a-friend action where participants get more contest points by sharing your giveaway page with their friends and family.

Another perk of SweepWidget is that you can integrate a Telegram bot directly into your giveaway to API verify if users perform the following actions:

  • Follow a channel (public or private)
  • Join a group
  • Leave a comment in a group

This eliminates the possibility of cheating or fake engagement.

Run a Telegram giveaway for free

To achieve the sustainable long-term growth of Telegram, you need to cultivate an engaged community around your brand. 

When you have a community, your channel will take on a life of its own, and the more engaged your members are, the more likely they’ll recommend your channel to their network.

A Telegram channel facilitates one-to-many communication. However, a channel on its own doesn’t give subscribers the ability to comment and interact with other members. 

You need to link a Telegram group to your channel to allow users to interact. 

Check out the video tutorial below from TS Tech Talk, which breaks down how to link a group to your Telegram channel.

The quickest way to add subscribers to your Telegram channel is to add your personal contacts, and this is one of the first actions Telegram will prompt you to do after creating your channel.  

You only want to add contacts that you think will enjoy your topic. Better yet, reach out to your contacts individually and give them the heads up that you’re starting a channel and would love their feedback on how to make it engaging. 

By treating your contacts as partners, you’ll get ideas on what content to create and empower them to participate in your community to increase engagement.

6. Participate in chat groups without being spammy

Being an active and trustworthy member of Telegram groups is a solid strategy for growing your profile and, thus, your channel.

But don’t be that person who spams groups with their Telegram channel link. This behavior can rub group admins the wrong way and lose trust from the audience you want to reach.

This is not to say you won’t be sharing your link. But you need to earn that right first by participating in groups with similar topics to yours—which means sharing your link only after you’ve commented 5-10 times.  

It’s also a good idea to get approval from group admins to share your link. But again, only ask once you’ve added value and have earned the trust.

Give, give, give, ask. That’s the pattern.

7. Partner with other channels in your niche

Beyond participating in relevant Telegram groups, you can build a relationship with admins to do mutually beneficial collaborations. 

For example, you could partner with 2 other groups to run a joint giveaway. You could pull your resources together to create higher-value prizes and tap into your combined audiences for greater reach.

This is a pinch in SweepWidget as you can add an entry method to join each Telegram channel in the partnership to enter the competition. 

In addition to joint contests, you could do collaborative live videos, interviews, and takeovers to keep your subscribers on their toes and align your brand with other reputable channels in your niche.  

You have a much better chance of converting people already on Telegram to join your channel than you would by trying to reach people who aren’t active on Telegram.

So if you’re willing to invest in ads, your money would be best spent on Telegram ads.

You can pay channel admins, again within your niche, to post your channel. 

The price of your ad depends on:

  • The size of the channel
  • Quality of the channel
  • The duration of the ad

Do some testing to see how your ads perform with different channels. You’ll also need to pay close attention to your ad copy and optimize over time.

Perhaps the most common strategy for growing your Telegram subscribers is to share your channel on different media outlets.

Likely, many of your followers on other networks may not be familiar with Telegram. So this is an opportunity to share the benefits of Telegram over other messaging apps to entice them to follow you and enjoy the platform.

Here’s are some ideas for sharing your Telegram on other platforms:

  • Add your link to your Facebook profile
  • Mention your username on your podcast
  • Add your profile to your YouTube banner image
  • Mention your profile in your newsletter
  • Add a linked Telegram icon as part of your social media icons on your website
  • Add your profile to a widget on your blog
  • Include your link in your Linktree options
  • Share your channel on your TikTok
  • Mention your username on a YouTube video
  • Post your channel on your Twitter feed

10. Submit your profile Telegram directory websites

A Telegram directory is a website with an extensive list of Telegram channels and groups for users to browse and follow.

It’s typically free to submit your Telegram channel on these directory sites, so there’s nothing to lose.

Start by typing “telegram directory websites” into Google. Then submit your channel to all the directory sites.  

This is where it helps to have a clear profile name, description, and photo that enables users browsing on these sites to find and identify with your brand quickly. 

FAQs on buying Telegram channel members

It’s standard advice to buy Telegram subscribers, especially if you’re just starting your channel. However, is it possible to purchase members? Is it legal? Is it effective? Check out our answers below.

Q: Can you buy Telegram members?

Yes, you can buy fake subscribers or real Telegram subscribers for as little as $4 per 1000 members that appear in your account within days. 

You can buy Telegram members on services like AppSally, Social Boost, AppsGeyser, and Telegram Member. 

Some of these services claim that the members are real people, and you can even choose to target subscribers in a particular location.

Q: Why would you buy Telegram subscribers?

The idea behind buying followers on Telegram is to give your brand new channel credibility. Users are more likely to subscribe if they see that you already have a respectable following.

Q: Is there a risk of buying Telegram members?

Users are catching on. If, for instance, you have hundreds of thousands of bought members, but the engagement in your group is shallow, then users may assume that you’ve purchased your audience, damaging your reputation.

Furthermore, Telegram doesn’t want fake members on their platform and now deletes fake accounts daily. 

Start growing your Telegram channel today

With over 500 million users (and counting), Telegram presents an exciting opportunity to build a valuable community. 

The team behind Telegram is constantly updating its features for the best user experience. So be sure to stay ahead of trends and not be afraid to try new features as they get released.

With hard work, focus, and sometimes a small investment, you’ll be able to grow your Telegram members and influence.

Cheat subscribers in the Telegram channel: 12 best programs

Messengers today have become an integral part of every person's life. Telegram daily attracts thousands of new users to its ranks, which means it becomes a tasty morsel for everyone who wants to promote their products and services.

Someone is ready to spend time and earn their target audience in honest "white" ways, but someone does not have time for this, and maybe even the desire to stretch the process for a long time. And here the question arises of resorting to artificially attracting an audience - cheating.

If we talk about who can benefit from this method of increasing the audience, then there are several options for the development of events.

Let's say if you have a couple of channels from which you can buy advertising, then several hundred of the same bots will help real people overcome the psychological barrier and subscribe to you.

Another option: it makes sense to artificially attract an audience to help promote the community if you are confident in your content, because quality is the key to success. Otherwise, no one will subscribe to your group, even if there are "one hundred thousand million" followers.

Below I will explain in detail what it all means, but for now let's look at ways to attract the public using cheat services.

Boromir knows what he's talking about!

By the way. If you are just looking for a service and do not want to read the article, we recommend TapLike.

Programs for cheating live subscribers in telegrams

In general, services can be divided into two categories: the first category is cheat services for the channel, where subscribers can only be bought for money. The second is the exchanges with tasks.

- Paid services

Let's start with paid methods, as they allow you to buy subscribers quickly and without much effort on your part.

Service Cost per subscriber Audience Selection
SMMPRIME from 0.02 ₽ Yes
Tmsmm from 0.59 ₽ Yes
TAPLike from 0.29 ₽ No
Likemania from 0.49 ₽ No
Mrpopular from 0.16 ₽ No
Prostospec from 0.31 ₽ No
PRSkill from 0.24 ₽ No

- Free services

Here you can "wind" the audience conditionally free of charge. True, for this you first need to complete tasks: subscribe to someone or like, for example. For this, you will receive points and use them to pay for cheating live subscribers to your Telegram channel.

Service Cost per subscriber Audience Selection
Likeinsta from 0.45 ₽ No
VKserfing from 0.6 ₽ No
Unu from 1.5 ₽ Yes
TaskPay from 0.5 ₽ No
BossLike from 0.2 ₽ No

Each service offers its own rates and volume discounts. And the cost also depends on the region and other characteristics of the "subscribers". This topic is already specified on the service itself: everything is individual.

Speaking about the possibilities of applications for cheating, all paid services have a similar principle of operation and I will not open America for you here. For example, let's see what the Prostospec program can offer us.

All the work is carried out literally in two clicks: choose the desired service, place an order and sit quietly waiting for the arrival of new followers.

Important. If you want to buy advertising in other publics, then first of all, study the statistics of the selected channels, so as not to drain the budget. To do this, I recommend the Telemetr service.

why buy telegram subscribers?

Let's be honest: artificially attracting subscribers will not make your channel famous without complex work on it. However, there are cases when it can help in promotion. We can say that cheating will be useful at first to overcome the psychological barrier: an empty group with 10 subscribers is not subscribed as willingly as a community with 500 followers.

The answer to the question why to wind up an audience in TG lies on the surface - for the sake of advertisers' money, who will flock like flies to honey when they see your channel with conditional 10,000 subscribers.

For example, being the owner of a group, I would think like this: “Users from advertising will come to me and will not want to subscribe to the channel, because my followers are: dad, mom, I am a happy family. But it would be at least 1000 subscribers, you can already sell cheap advertising yourself, and direct the income to the qualitative development of the group." Basically, I think the logic is clear. I also always first of all pay attention to the number of users in a group / account before subscribing.

Therefore, at the initial stage, cheating will even be useful, but the main thing here, like in a casino, is to be able to stop in time. Because everything in this world has a price. In case of abuse of cheating services, you will be expected to block the channel, sanctions and many, many more evils.

When I found out that cheating can be punished :(

How to get subscribers and not screw up

There is nothing complicated in this method, but I will still give a couple of tips so that your channel prospers and does not turn out to be blocked at the start.

  • Respect limits. Do not get carried away by cheating subscribers to a group in Telegram. It is better to spin no more than 500 accounts per day. If you exceed the number, the profile will immediately attract attention, and they may block;
  • Use one service. Do not use several programs at once to buy followers. Choose one site that fully meets your requirements;
  • Combine actions. Do not stop at cheating subscribers: remember that other indicators of your channel should grow with them - comments and coverage;
  • Frequency markups . I advise you to harmoniously cheat followers and at the same time increase engagement in a natural way, improving the content;
  • Set geodata. When cheating in the program, check from which country they will come to you. There is no need to turn an audience from Ukraine and other countries onto a Russian-language channel without an urgent need.








frequently asked questions

As you may have noticed, cheating an audience is quite a risky business, but with the right actions, it can play in your favor. Well, now let's answer some of the most frequently asked questions:

- Can TG block me for cheating my audience?

Can. Like any social network, TG does not welcome dishonest promotion methods, including cheating. The main thing that you should remember is that there should be a balance in everything. Increase a little followers a day, simultaneously posting useful content, and you will be happy.

- What is the difference between live and non-live subscribers?

As in any social network, the audience in the Telega is divided into categories. Consider the two most popular: bots and live followers.

Bots. They were used by almost everyone who resorted to cheating. These are "dead" fake pages that only increase the counter without showing any activity. Such accounts will be deleted by the system over time - and you will be left with nothing. In addition, bots will seriously undermine the trust of real users in your channel.

Live subscribers. This is the highest quality audience offered on the promotion market. User pages are real and do not arouse suspicion. Naturally, getting activity from this audience will lead to the popularization of the channel. By attracting live accounts, you can exhale and live in peace, forgetting what a ban and sanctions are.

Therefore, it is up to you to decide which method is most appropriate for the development of your channels, even at the initial stage.

- How to check if subscribers are cheated in another channel?

Today, some of the cunning community owners are so sophisticated that it becomes almost impossible to detect cheating. But, fortunately, there are not so many such groups. Let's do a primary analysis:

  • Compare the number of followers and post views per day. So, if a group with 100 thousand users somehow collects 3 thousand views, then this, at least, looks suspicious. The same with a channel that has 10k followers and collects 9thousand views per day;
  • Look at the coverage of the last ± 10 posts. Usually, unscrupulous admins do not have the money to buy a permanent boost of views. Therefore, the coverage will be torn, with a big difference;
  • Viewing the frequency and number of posted posts. Usually, the most "smart" administrators, in order to save money, of course, post from 2 to 4 posts a week, winding them up as much as possible;
  • We use special services for analytics of the "insides" of Telegram channels.

- How many followers can you spin per day?

The very case when "you both want and prick". If you drive 1000 users or more at a time, then trouble cannot be avoided. But, acting carefully and gradually, it will be possible not to attract the attention of the "All-Seeing Eye" of TG.

It is believed that "painlessly" you can wind up to 500 followers per day. They will quickly block the group for sending spam and invitations, as well as for content that violates the rules of the social network.

Life hack. Optimize customer communication with SaleBot. The chatbot will automatically respond to messages, save data about the client and his requests. And you can not only choose a ready-made answer template, but also create your own. Click and test for free -> SaleBot (Promo code "inscale" + 7 days free)

briefly about the main thing

An artificial increase in Telegram followers has the same right to exist as advertising and other methods of promotion on the Internet. With proper settings, this method will easily bring you a new audience. And for this, these services are best suited:

  • Unu;
  • Tmsmm.

But don't get hung up on cheating. This is not a panacea for channel promotion. To attract a live audience to Telegram, first of all, you must have high-quality content in the group - from images to text, so that you don’t have to use the cheat views in the telegram.

Therefore, we recommend focusing on a live audience, and you can wind up subscribers of your group at any time, the main thing is to do it right. Our other articles will help you boost your telegram:

Telegram for business: 11 chips Promo post in Telegram: 15 examples Telegram daily attracts thousands of new users to its ranks, which means it becomes a tasty morsel for everyone who wants to promote their products and services.

Someone is ready to spend time and earn their target audience in honest "white" ways, but someone does not have time for this, and maybe even the desire to stretch the process for a long time. And here the question arises of resorting to artificially attracting an audience - cheating.

If we talk about who can benefit from this method of increasing the audience, then there are several options for the development of events.

Let's say if you have a couple of channels from which you can buy advertising, then several hundred of the same bots will help real people overcome the psychological barrier and subscribe to you.

Another option: it makes sense to artificially attract an audience to help promote the community if you are confident in your content, because quality is the key to success. Otherwise, no one will subscribe to your group, even if there are "one hundred thousand million" followers.

Below I will explain in detail what it all means, but for now let's look at ways to attract the public using cheat services.

Boromir knows what he's talking about!

By the way. If you are just looking for a service and do not want to read the article, we recommend TapLike.

Programs for cheating live subscribers in telegrams

In general, services can be divided into two categories: the first category is cheat services for the channel, where subscribers can only be bought for money. The second is the exchanges with tasks.

- Paid services

Let's start with paid methods, as they allow you to buy subscribers quickly and without much effort on your part.

Service Cost per subscriber Audience Selection
SMMPRIME from 0.02 ₽ Yes
Tmsmm from 0.59 ₽ Yes
TAPLike from 0.29 ₽ No
Likemania from 0.49 ₽ No
Mrpopular from 0.16 ₽ No
Prostospec from 0.31 ₽ No
PRSkill from 0.24 ₽ No

- Free services

Here you can "wind" the audience conditionally free of charge. True, for this you first need to complete tasks: subscribe to someone or like, for example. For this, you will receive points and use them to pay for cheating live subscribers to your Telegram channel.

Service Cost per subscriber Audience Selection
Likeinsta from 0.45 ₽ No
VKserfing from 0.6 ₽ No
Unu from 1.5 ₽ Yes
TaskPay from 0.5 ₽ No
BossLike from 0.2 ₽ No

Each service offers its own rates and volume discounts. And the cost also depends on the region and other characteristics of the "subscribers". This topic is already specified on the service itself: everything is individual.

Speaking about the possibilities of applications for cheating, all paid services have a similar principle of operation and I will not open America for you here. For example, let's see what the Prostospec program can offer us.

All the work is carried out literally in two clicks: choose the desired service, place an order and sit quietly waiting for the arrival of new followers.

Important. If you want to buy advertising in other publics, then first of all, study the statistics of the selected channels, so as not to drain the budget. To do this, I recommend the Telemetr service.

why buy telegram subscribers?

Let's be honest: artificially attracting subscribers will not make your channel famous without complex work on it. However, there are cases when it can help in promotion. We can say that cheating will be useful at first to overcome the psychological barrier: an empty group with 10 subscribers is not subscribed as willingly as a community with 500 followers.

The answer to the question why to wind up an audience in TG lies on the surface - for the sake of advertisers' money, who will flock like flies to honey when they see your channel with conditional 10,000 subscribers.

For example, being the owner of a group, I would think like this: “Users from advertising will come to me and will not want to subscribe to the channel, because my followers are: dad, mom, I am a happy family. But it would be at least 1000 subscribers, you can already sell cheap advertising yourself, and direct the income to the qualitative development of the group." Basically, I think the logic is clear. I also always first of all pay attention to the number of users in a group / account before subscribing.

Therefore, at the initial stage, cheating will even be useful, but the main thing here, like in a casino, is to be able to stop in time. Because everything in this world has a price. In case of abuse of cheating services, you will be expected to block the channel, sanctions and many, many more evils.

When I found out that cheating can be punished :(

How to get subscribers and not screw up

There is nothing complicated in this method, but I will still give a couple of tips so that your channel prospers and does not turn out to be blocked at the start.

  • Respect limits. Do not get carried away by cheating subscribers to a group in Telegram. It is better to spin no more than 500 accounts per day. If you exceed the number, the profile will immediately attract attention, and they may block;
  • Use one service. Do not use several programs at once to buy followers. Choose one site that fully meets your requirements;
  • Combine actions. Do not stop at cheating subscribers: remember that other indicators of your channel should grow with them - comments and coverage;
  • Frequency markups . I advise you to harmoniously cheat followers and at the same time increase engagement in a natural way, improving the content;
  • Set geodata. When cheating in the program, check from which country they will come to you. There is no need to turn an audience from Ukraine and other countries onto a Russian-language channel without an urgent need.








frequently asked questions

As you may have noticed, cheating an audience is quite a risky business, but with the right actions, it can play in your favor. Well, now let's answer some of the most frequently asked questions:

- Can TG block me for cheating my audience?

Can. Like any social network, TG does not welcome dishonest promotion methods, including cheating. The main thing that you should remember is that there should be a balance in everything. Increase a little followers a day, simultaneously posting useful content, and you will be happy.

- What is the difference between live and non-live subscribers?

As in any social network, the audience in the Telega is divided into categories. Consider the two most popular: bots and live followers.

Bots. They were used by almost everyone who resorted to cheating. These are "dead" fake pages that only increase the counter without showing any activity. Such accounts will be deleted by the system over time - and you will be left with nothing. In addition, bots will seriously undermine the trust of real users in your channel.

Live subscribers. This is the highest quality audience offered on the promotion market. User pages are real and do not arouse suspicion. Naturally, getting activity from this audience will lead to the popularization of the channel. By attracting live accounts, you can exhale and live in peace, forgetting what a ban and sanctions are.

Therefore, it is up to you to decide which method is most appropriate for the development of your channels, even at the initial stage.

- How to check if subscribers are cheated in another channel?

Today, some of the cunning community owners are so sophisticated that it becomes almost impossible to detect cheating. But, fortunately, there are not so many such groups. Let's do a primary analysis:

  • Compare the number of followers and post views per day. So, if a group with 100 thousand users somehow collects 3 thousand views, then this, at least, looks suspicious. The same with a channel that has 10k followers and collects 9thousand views per day;
  • Look at the coverage of the last ± 10 posts. Usually, unscrupulous admins do not have the money to buy a permanent boost of views. Therefore, the coverage will be torn, with a big difference;
  • Viewing the frequency and number of posted posts. Usually, the most "smart" administrators, in order to save money, of course, post from 2 to 4 posts a week, winding them up as much as possible;
  • We use special services for analytics of the "insides" of Telegram channels.

- How many followers can you spin per day?

The very case when "you both want and prick". If you drive 1000 users or more at a time, then trouble cannot be avoided. But, acting carefully and gradually, it will be possible not to attract the attention of the "All-Seeing Eye" of TG.

It is believed that "painlessly" you can wind up to 500 followers per day. They will quickly block the group for sending spam and invitations, as well as for content that violates the rules of the social network.

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briefly about the main thing

An artificial increase in Telegram followers has the same right to exist as advertising and other methods of promotion on the Internet. With proper settings, this method will easily bring you a new audience. And for this, these services are best suited:

  • Unu;
  • Tmsmm.

But don't get hung up on cheating. This is not a panacea for channel promotion. To attract a live audience to Telegram, first of all, you must have high-quality content in the group - from images to text, so that you don’t have to use the cheat views in the telegram.

Therefore, we recommend focusing on a live audience, and you can wind up subscribers of your group at any time, the main thing is to do it right.

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