How to block someone who has you blocked on instagram

How To Block Someone who Blocked you on Instagram

Have you been blocked and want to block them back on Instagram? Want to have more control over who sees your posts on the network? While tit-for tat is never the best option, there are occasions when it is necessary to block someone who blocked you on Instagram. This page will show you how.

There are all kinds of people on Instagram. The vast majority of them just want to share, to engage and get along but there are always those who want to make life difficult for other people. Blocking is a common tool used to protect ourselves from these people and Instagram kind of makes it easy but kind of doesn’t too.

It’s a strange situation. If someone has already blocked you and you have a public account, it is very difficult to stop them viewing your posts. They won’t be able to comment or contact but they can still see what you’re up to. It is also then very difficult to block them back. But not impossible.

Block someone on Instagram

You can only block someone if you have a public profile but the process is straightforward enough. You identify their account and then set a block. You can rescind this block at any time so if you make friends again so this isn’t an irreversible change.

To block a user on Instagram:

  1. Log into to your account.
  2. Search for the person’s profile within the app.
  3. Open their profile and select the three dot menu icon in the top right.
  4. Select Block User.
  5. Confirm the block.

Once you select Block User the option changes to Unblock User so you now know how to undo it should you two make up and become friends again. This will prevent that person being able to view your profile and messaging you but won’t stop them being able to view your posts if you have friends in common.

It is these friends in common that allow you to block someone who blocked you on Instagram.

Block someone who blocked you

If you try to visit the profile of someone who has blocked you, you won’t be able to. They won’t come up in search and will be removed from your friends list so you cannot go to block them. However, if you have friends in common, you can use those to block the blocker.

It takes a little work but it is possible to block someone who blocked you on Instagram.

  1. Find an image or post within your feed that the blocker has liked or interacted with.
  2. Select their username from that post and you should still be able to navigate directly to their profile.
  3. Once there, select the three dot menu icon as above and Block User.

Now you have blocked the blocker. It won’t make the slightest difference to them as Instagram doesn’t notify you if you are blocked but it might make you feel better!

Blocking on Instagram

When someone blocks you on Instagram, you will still be able to see their mentions, their posts if you have mutual friends, your likes and comments and their comments will remain on your posts. When you view their profile, you will see ‘No Posts Yet’ which is not true but a non-confrontational way of saying you’re not allowed to see them.

You won’t be able to search for their account from within the app. As mentioned above, you can only access their profile through mutual friends.

Like most social networks, Instagram doesn’t alert users to the fact that someone has blocked them. It’s a negative aspect of using the platform and they don’t want any avoidable negativity getting in the way of your enjoyment. It’s a sensible thing on other levels too because blocking or unfriending can have more serious consequences.

There is now a lot of evidence that being blocked or unfriended is now a from of social rejection that can have consequences to someone’s mental health. Studies have been plentiful and lots of work has been done on social media psychology.

People who have been blocked or unfriended feel rejected and can become upset. If that person is already in a delicate state that can escalate further. Further blocks or unfriending can compound the effect, making it worse.

This should not prevent you from blocking someone who is being toxic or unpleasant online. Far from it. Blocking and unfriending is a potent tool for managing behavior online. What we would suggest is warning the person, or having a mutual friend warn them that their behavior is unacceptable before blocking them.

This at least tells the person exactly why they have been blocked and gave them the opportunity to remedy the situation before it gets worse.

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How to Block Someone Who Has Blocked You on Instagram 2022

Undoubtedly, Instagram is an amazing and most used social media platform by people all around the world. It has become so popular through its photos and videos sharing options. It is so popular that ‘Instagramming’ has officially become a verb now.

Instagram has over a billion registered accounts and was recently acquired by Facebook in 2012. It has become a home space for small businesses to big companies, celebrities, and even politicians.

But it has its side effects too. What if you don’t want someone or a particular person to view your posts or stories on Instagram? We block them right? But do you have any ideas? Today we are going to talk about that – How to Block Someone Who Blocked You on Instagram? Let’s get into this!

So when someone blocks you from seeing their posts and content, you can’t see them anymore as vice versa blocks the person back. But how to know if someone has blocked you.

There are many ways to find it, but let us have a look at a few common ways:

  • You can’t see their profile if you search for their username in the search bar.
  • The comments and likes of those people on your posts will disappear.
  • Another obvious thing is reducing the follower count.
  • When you go to their profile, it shows “No posts yet”.
  • You can’t follow that particular person anymore.
  • You will be told that the user is not found.
  • The user’s chat will also disappear from the Instagram chats.

How to Block Someone Who Blocked You on Instagram

What is The Difference Between Block and Restrict Features?

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Block Someone Who Blocked You on Instagram

You have to know that to block people or any user, you have to go to their profile. But if the person is already blocking you then you can’t see their profile after a few hours. You will only have two options to find their profile then.

  • The first way is you can find their profile by searching in the search bar.
  • The second way is by finding it through direct message.

Sometimes you can see their profile by just searching using their profile name, then blocking them becomes easier. Here are the steps to follow. (These are to be followed when you had no conversation with that person)

  • First, find the profile through the Instagram feed or search bar.
  • Tap the 3 dots on the top right of the profile page.
  • And then click the block. (And it’s that simple.)

To block someone who already had a conversation with you can be done using the following steps.

  • You can directly find their profile using Instagram chat.
  • Click on the exclamation mark that you see on the top right
  • Now click on Block and Ta-da they are blocked.

What is The Difference Between Block and Restrict Features?

Blocking someone on social media will definitely avoid them from accessing your personal life, but blocking them in real life doesn’t seem like a good option isn’t it? For that reason, we have the restrict option on Instagram.

But How does this Restrict feature work? To keep it in simple sentences, this feature helps you in avoiding unnecessary interaction with the users without alerting them. With the help of this feature, both you and your followers can see the limited comments or engagements on your posts.

In fact, it is like keeping them behind the window in private. They can see you but can’t directly interact with you like how others do. In real life, it is a safe way of avoiding or blocking people from your life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why am I on the following list of someone who blocked me?

It is simple, you see yourself in their follower list because they didn’t unfollow you before blocking you. But after they unblock you once it is going to change. They might have to follow you again to get access to your posts, feed, and stories and also Vice-versa.

Can I follow someone who blocked me?

The answer is No you can’t. If you are blocked by someone and you want to follow them, then it is not possible. No matter how many times you tap on the follow button or on their profile you can see no change.

Can you block someone who is not your follower?

Yes, you can. The person doesn’t have to be your follower on Instagram to block them. Just like how we said before you can follow the same process of opening their profile, clicking the three dots on the top right, and pressing block.


So we hope we provided you with all the information needed to block, restrict or unblock anyone on your Instagram. Now you can block or restrict the person you want to hide your posts or stories from.

Also Read:

  • How to Fix “Sorry this page isn’t available” on Instagram
  • How to Recover Deleted Instagram Account Within 30 Days
  • How to Cancel All Sent Follow Requests on Instagram

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How to block someone who blocked you on Instagram?

Author SEOJedi Read 6 min Views 112k. Posted by

Hello everyone! I recently encountered a problem of this nature: “How to block someone who has already blocked you on Instagram?”. The client called me and identified such a problem - There is a user who blocked us, respectively, we cannot find him in the search, he is not displayed there for us. But I would not want him to climb our account, we need to add him to the block too, can you help? With the help of special programs, for money, respectively. As you understand, the last remark is the most important in this whole tirade 🙂 . So, how to block a user who has blocked you on Instagram.

Anyone can have such a problem. For example, a bad person writes comments and immediately blocks you. Such comments are not visible to you, but other subscribers and Instagram users see them perfectly. To remove them, you need to block such a villain in response. If you know the exact name (login) of this account, then when you log into this account, it says “User not found”. In the event that you have previously corresponded with this person, then you can go to direct and enter his nickname in the search. If the correspondence is not deleted, a dialog will be displayed. There you need to go into it, then click on the profile photo at the top to go to Details, and then "Block user". This is the easiest and most commonly known way. But if there were no correspondence in the direct, then it is not applicable, as in the case of my client.

First of all, I went to the Instagram Help Center to see what they wrote about blocking users. I really liked the phrase:

People you have blocked will still be able to see your comments and likes on the posts of public accounts or accounts they follow.

Went into the client's account and asked him to show those accounts that the person who blocked him could like or comment on. I thought that from there it would be possible to log into the account and block it, but figs there. If you are blocked on Instagram, then you do not see any activity of this user who blocked you from your account.

Okay, there is one more, untested method that turned out to be effective.

Everything turned out to be very simple! The method works if you have Instagram promotion software with the right functionality! On paid services, as a rule, there is such functionality. I use, so I'll tell you everything using his example.

If you are not a user, then register using the link and get 5 days of free use of for 1 Instagram account, which is what we need for this operation.

There we add our account, which was blocked by the one we want to block in response. I recommend using the "Home proxy" functionality from Instaplus so that there are no problems with cyclic verification. Next, I will describe the whole process in more detail, because a large number of letters of this nature are received:

  • I did everything as written, but Instagram itself does not display a person in “blocked accounts”. What did she do wrong?
  • Good afternoon! It does not work, although I did everything clearly according to the instructions. How to be?

In order not to waste your time and mine on correspondence in WhatsApp, I offer step-by-step instructions with pictures and descriptions for them 🙂 .

We add it here!

The next step is to add a list of accounts. In our case, there will be only one attacker account in the list. Click "Create a task", select the "My lists" tab and below select the type of list - Block list and click on the green Create button.

A new field will open in which you will need to specify the name of the list and enter the accounts you want to block in response. We write each account from a new line without @ . Like in the screenshot below.

And press the blue Save button.

Next, create a task for "Lock by list". Click the blue button "Create a task", select the action "Unsubscribe".

Scroll below, choose who to unsubscribe from "Block by list", select the list that you created earlier, put in the column "Number of locks" the number of accounts in your list. If there is one account, then put the number 1. Remove checkboxes next to "Unblock users" and "Skip users who have already been blocked."

Next, scroll down and leave everything as it is, i.e. "No filter" and "No timer".

Press the green button "Start task".

As a result, we get what we are looking for, the attacker's login from the text file is blocked, his comments automatically disappear after blocking, and you enjoy life.

It's so easy to do everything if you really want to. Good luck everyone! Don't forget to say thanks in the comments!

How to block someone who blocked you on Instagram

Have you been blocked and want to block them back on Instagram? Want to have more control over who sees your messages online? Even though tit-tat is never the best option, there are times when it is necessary to block someone who has blocked you on Instagram. This page will show you how.

Also see our article How to permanently delete your Instagram account

There are many different people on Instagram. The vast majority of them just want to share, interact and get along, but there are always those who want to make life difficult for other people. Blocking is a common tool used to protect yourself from these people, and Instagram makes it easy, but it doesn't.

Strange situation If someone has already blocked you and you have a public account, it is very difficult to stop them from seeing your messages. They won't be able to comment or contact, but they can still see what you're doing. It is also very difficult to lock them back. But not impossible.

Block someone on Instagram

You can only block someone if you have a public profile, but the process is quite simple. You identify your account and then set up a lock. You can undo this block at any time, so if you become friends again it won't be a permanent change.

To block a user on Instagram:

  1. Sign in to your account.
  2. Search for a person's profile in the application.
  3. Open their profile and select the three-dot menu icon in the top right corner.
  4. Select Block user.
  5. Confirm block.

Once you select Block User, the setting will change to Unblock User so you now know how to unblock it if the two of you come back and become friends again. This will prevent that person from viewing your profile and sending you messages, but will not prevent them from viewing your messages if you have mutual friends.

It is these mutual friends that allow you to block someone who has blocked you on Instagram.

Block someone who has blocked you

If you try to visit the profile of someone who has blocked you, you will not be able to. They won't show up in searches and will be removed from your friends list so you won't be able to block them. However, if you have mutual friends, you can use them to block the blocker.

It will take a bit of work, but there is an option to block someone who has blocked you on Instagram.

  1. Find an image or message in your feed that the blocker liked or interacted with.
  2. Select their username from this post and you can still go directly to their profile.
  3. Once there, select the three-dot menu icon as above and block the user.

You have now blocked the blocker. It won't make any difference to them as Instagram won't notify you if you're blocked, but it might make you feel better!

Blocking on Instagram

When someone blocks you on Instagram, you will still be able to see their mentions, their messages if you have mutual friends, your likes and comments, and their comments will remain in your messages. When you view their profile, you'll see "No messages yet", which is untrue but non-confrontational meaning you can't see them.

You won't be able to search for their account from the app. As mentioned above, you can only access their profile through mutual friends.

Like most social networks, Instagram does not warn users that someone has blocked them.

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