How to check old messages on instagram

How To View Old Direct Message On Instagram?

Aug 14, 2019

Maria S.

How do you see old direct messages on Instagram and how do you view your Instagram DMs on PC? Read this article and discover all these methods (and more)!

From time to time do you accidentally delete your private Instagram messages and then wonder how to get them back again or how to view direct messages on Instagram? Or maybe you delete messages for one reason or another and then realize that you need them.

Now, you can view your old direct messages on Instagram, and it’s not important whether you are using an Android or an iPhone. I have found some ways for you to get back your old IG messages. So, all you need is to take a cup of tea, read and relax, my Instagrammers!

If you still have some difficulties with the working of Direct on Instagram, why haven’t you read our topic about it? After all, it is very difficult to live without IG Direct now. In this case, we have collected only useful information which can help clear up any confusion.


With Instagram Direct, it became convenient to communicate with Instagrammers across the world. If you can only guess what benefits it can bring, read What is Direct Message and how Auto Direct Messenger can help you to move to a new level of success on Instagram.

Getting into Direct is very simple: you can simply swipe left or tap the “airplane” icon on the top right. This section of Instagram shows all your messages and conversations. Here you can both re-read all messages and send new ones.

Messages can be both ordinary and disappearing:

  • Ordinary messages are saved and make up the history of correspondence.
  • Disappearing messages can be viewed only once. Then they will disappear. The only exceptions are disappearing messages in which the sender has allowed re-viewing. But the latter can be used to review only if the message was not closed after the first viewing.

How do you check your Instagram history of messaging? All messages can be viewed in the special message history. This history allows you to control your correspondence and store important video and photo materials sent by friends. But sometimes you may want to delete messages you’ve sent to friends or followers. And here there will be only two options — to delete all correspondence or only specific messages.

To delete the entire message history, you will need to follow this process:

  1. Log in to Direct.
  2. Find the message history that you want to delete.
  3. Press on the history to bring up the menu.
  4. Select the "Delete" option.

But it is worth remembering that the whole story will be deleted.

On the other hand, if you want to delete a specific message, you must follow this process:

  1. Log in to Direct.
  2. Find the necessary correspondence.
  3. Select the message to be deleted.
  4. Find the menu item "Unsend."


It's no secret that today Instagram is not only a social network where everyone can share their photos, videos and thoughts on a particular topic with friends and followers. Now it is also a good platform where you can meet a pretty girl or handsome guy and even find love! After all, the obvious advantage of Instagram is that you can appreciate the visual aspect of a particular person. Also, you can appreciate the scope of their interests, their circle of communication, what they are interested in and what theyprefer to read, as well as their opinion on a particular issue or topic.

Therefore, going through the profile of a new user, you can form a first impression about them and decide within a few minutes whether you would like to start communicating with them or not.

If you like their profile, you like the posted photos, the videos seem funny to you, and the stories are intriguing, then congratulations, you are interested in this person! The next step you need to do is write to them in Direct. How do you message someone on Instagram? Nothing could be easier!

  1. Open the Instagram app on your phone.
  2. Click on the paper airplane icon.
  3. Type the user's nickname.
  4. Choose the send a message option.
  5. Type the text of the message.
  6. Confirm sending.

You can also send a message directly from the profile of the user you are interested in. To do this, go to their profile and click the send message button. Voila! Now the user will receive a notification that they have a new message. To read it, they need to approve it first.

More about direct notification in the article Turn It Off: How To Manage Instagram DM Notifications? Know how to enable and disable this option and other cool features!


If you are a regular reader of this blog, you probably know already thatthere is one very reliable and beneficial way to DM on Instagram even if you do not have your iPhone at hand - Inflact Direct Chat.

With simple access to Direct, you get the opportunity to:

  • Send welcome messages to all new followers automatically.
  • Send messages with attachments with precise targeting.
  • Set up customized auto-replies.
  • Manage all accounts’ chats within one window.

Tempting, right?

You can get it. You are one click away!


We have dealt with the removal. But what to do if you want to know how to view old direct messages on Instagram? It is worth knowing that all messages on Instagram are stored not only in the user’s app but also on servers. This means that even if the history of the correspondence is erased from the memory of the application, it will remain on the server. This is good because it means that you can restore messages by contacting technical support.

In order not to lose the necessary data irrevocably, we recommend the following:

  • Take screenshots or save important messages separately.
  • If you have deleted the data only on your device, you can ask the interlocutor to make and send a copy from their account.
  • You can try to view the messages using special services and apps.
  • You can anticipate the situation in advance and install applications that make backups and can contribute to the recovery of part of the data if necessary.

Instagram Direct fuels the interest in social networking, and new chips make the app more diverse and interesting for members. However, it should be remembered that the functionality is not perfect. In case of lost data, there is a high probability you will not be able to restore it in the future, and the developers cannot be responsible for saving important information for you. Also, be careful with what you send - it’s not always possible to remove what you’ve sent without a trace. Most of the time copies remain with your interlocutor.

Check out Inflact Auto Messenger!


There are a lot of methods to do this, ranging from using emulators which reproduce/imitate the Android OS on your PC to using third-party tools like Inflact.

If emulators are quite primitive software, which do not always work well and stably, the same can’t be said about specialized services. They put emphasis on the precise delivery of a quality service, which has a direct bearing on Direct and Instagram itself. It’s up to you which method to trust more.

My advice is to test both variants and choose the best one. There is a useful link below.



It's easy!

  1. Go to Inflact homepage.
  2. Register and connect your IG account.
  3. Choose a service (Direct Messages) and make payment.
  4. That’s all you need to do. Just enter your Inflact account and start checking and sending DMs at any time.



Take special note of one amazing feature of Inflact - Direct Inbox. This is your Instagram Direct of all accounts that you are running - in one place. There is a search line which will help you to navigate easily.

This feature saves you time and makes it more comfortable for you to communicate - twice!

Feel that, want to try!


If you are a lucky client of Inflact, the access to Direct is facilitated for you. You just need to go to your Dashboard. Then find the Direct section. There you will see all your saved messages for auto mailing and their status - both active campaigns and completed ones.

There will be a Direct Inbox button - this is your destination! Click it and see the standard looking inbox. You can switch between accounts right there and chat without any challenges.

Check them all with Inflact!


For sure, many people are familiar with the situation when you receive many different messages in one day. In such a pile-up, you can lose some top news. Or perhaps you would like to remember some specific data that was mentioned in a particular message.

Usually, messengers have the function of searching for important messages from the general history of correspondence. It is a built-in feature, so you do not need to search for and download additional applications or use special services that offer this option.

However, Instagram Direct, despite its vast popularity among users, still does not have such a necessary function. Perhaps developers don't want to overload the app with additional updates. Or they don't want to turn it from a social network for photos and videos, into a regular messenger for staying in touch with friends and family.

There can be many reasons. But, there is only one conclusion: the traditional mobile version of the app does not allow users to search for important messages in the conversation history.

But what should you do if you need to find messages on Instagram? You can use Direct Search function. Inflact Direct Messages service has such a feature. The function allows you to find essential messages by writing only a few words from a specific message.


As mentioned earlier, Direct Search is a feature that allows users to find important messages in their conversation history. To do this, the user just types a target word that was used in this message into the search bar.

Perhaps you are now wondering how you get access to this function? It's effortless! Especially since I have prepared simple instructions for you.So, the first thing you need to do is register in the system:

  1. Go to the main page of Inflact.
  2. Click on the "Get started" button.

3. Enter your email address, write a password and confirm it again.

4. Click on the checkmark that you agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

5. Click the "Sign up" button.

6. Add your account to the system and confirm your actions.

7. Select the required module and make the payment.

If you have done everything correctly, then you will see your dashboard, which contains the features of the service you have selected.

Now, it's time to start using the features of Direct on your computer! Inflact allows you to chat and send photos, videos, stickers and emojis. Also, you can send automated mail outs if you are interested in promoting your brand or online store. To do this, you can create message templates in advance, and send them at the right time using two mailing options: new followers and all followers. In the first case, you can send welcome and thank-you messages for your followers, and in the second case, you can send various brand news, promotions, and special offers.

P.S.: If you are afraid that performing these actions will risk getting into an Instagram ban, do not worry! The service works under all the rules and regulations established by the developers for sending messages. Therefore, the risk that your Instagram page will be blocked is zero.

To send a message, open your dashboard and select the “New message” function. You will see a panel where you can choose which mailing you would like to launch: new followers or all followers. Then, type the text of the future mailing list message. After that, click the "Activate now" button. Your chosen followers will receive a message from you. Now, the choice is up to your followers to go to your profile to see the received information or not.


Well, we have reached the most crucial point! Namely, how to use the message search function. To find messages from the total history of your dialogs, you need to:

  1. Open your Direct Dashboard.
  2. Select the "Direct Inbox" function on the control panel.

3. In the window that opens, you will see a list of your dialogs.

4. Next to your account's nickname, you will see the search icon.

5. Click on this icon and the search line appears.

6. Write a target word that is contained in the message you need.

The system will show you options for messages, from which you will need to select the necessary one.

Using this search function, you can find not only the important messages but also users with whom you have conversations or entirely new ones with whom you would like to start corresponding.

As you can see, Inflact Direct Chat allows you to stay connected anywhere in the world and without the fear of losing important messages. The only thing you need for this is a stable Internet connection that will provide you with uninterrupted access to the system.

An essential bonus of the system is the ability to switch accounts. This Instagram feature is especially crucial for those who simultaneously promote several Instagram profiles or lead several Instagram pages. If you want to switch your accounts, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Open “Direct Inbox” function.
  2. In the window that opens, click on your account's nickname.
  3. The system displays a list of accounts that you have connected to your profile;
  4. Click on the desired profile and the system will automatically switch the profile.

You can also add new accounts in the same way. To do this, open your dashboard. You see the list of the accounts you added earlier. At the bottom of the page, you will see the “Add account" option. After that, enter the nickname of the new account, typing it using the “@" symbol and password. Then, you need to confirm your actions and click on the “Add account” button again.

Now you have added a new account from which you can communicate with your friends, colleagues, relatives and followers using Inflact Direct Chat.

This practical tool helps you to stay in touch and not lose any of your messages!


If you use a computer version of Instagram more often than an app, you probably want to know how to delete messages on Instagram from PC. Luckily, it's not rocket science! I will tell you how to delete Instagram messages from PC in a minute!

First of all, you need to open a browser version of Instagram. As you know, the working method of using Instagram Direct from PC is to open Inflact, where you need to choose the option of Direct Messages. Then you open your dashboard and select the convenient Direct Chat. If you have a question on how to check Instagram history, my answer is obvious - it is here. This box contains all your active Instagram chats. You can delete one chat or as many as you wish. If you want to delete messages on Instagram you should know that these messages will disappear from history forever and you can’t view them again.

I can help you understand how to delete Instagram messages from PC, but if you want to gain more direct requests and messages, you need to think about your popularity. How to gain Instagram popularity? Read How To Promote Your Instagram Account and become a real Instagram celebrity!


You know how to delete direct messages on Instagram, but it is not everything you should know about DMs.

You should have noticed that you can send one-time-reply photos and videos via Direct. That means that the knowledge of how to delete messages on Instagram isn’t needed if you know how to send self-destructing messages.

How to send:

Take a photo/video right from your Instagram Chat (Camera icon) and click View Once to send such a message. After a single view, the message will be unavailable. This type ofdirect messages on Instagram is impossible to see twice — once they delete, they are expired forever.

How to see expired photos on Instagram:

Open the chat and click View photo / Watch video. To view the received disappearing message again, click Photo or Video. You can see it only immediately after receiving the message, and the sender will know that you played the message again or took a screenshot.


Do #1: Follow, then write

Before you start writing to a person you like in direct, start following them. In this way, you will slightly lift the veil of secrecy and allow the person to get to know you and your profile a little. They can appreciate your photos, videos, and stories. Based on this information, they will be able to understand whether they like your profile and personality or not.

If so, you are lucky! Now you can write to direct and start a conversation with someone who’s interested in you. And if not, then your only chance is to write to direct and try to interest the person. Show what a great person you are, how much you know and what you are interested in. However, do not overdo it in creating an image. It's best to be yourself and not wear the mask of another person.

Don't #1: Like all posts

Believe me, when you methodically and thoughtlessly start putting likes under each post of the person you are interested in, it’s annoying. It seems that you just want to please them and you’re trying everything possible to do so. The best solution is to carefully watch all their publications and evaluate those that you like. This way you will be able to get better acquainted with the profile of a person and will attract their attention.

Do #2: Write to direct

I’ve shown you the instructions on how to do this above. Now you need to think about the text of the message. It should not be the typical message that everyone is used to receiving. You need to interest the person, do everything possible to attract their attention.

Therefore, carefully consider the text of your message. Naturally, it should not be too complicated or silly. You need to find the golden mean, the perfect balance.. For example, you can search Instagram messages options on the Internet. You don't need to copy a message. Just get inspired by the text and create your own unique and attractive message.

Don't #2: Send a lot of messages

Are there any people who still don’t know how to see their messages on Instagram? No. Therefore, if your message remains unanswered, then most likely, the person is simply not interested in communicating with you.

Don't go overboard and send a bunch of messages. It looks terrifying! In that case, the person you are interested in may ban you or even complain about your profile on Instagram. We will not talk about the possible consequences, but they will not be pleasant. Therefore, know the measure and do not throw messages at a person who does not want to communicate with you.

Do #3: Ask questions

If you want a person to answer you, then you need to ask questions. It is the scheme of building communication with someone. After all, you were the initiator of the correspondence. It means that you should do everything possible to ensure that this communication continues.

So focus on thinking through some interesting questions. However, do not turn your correspondence into an interview, like an investigator. Everything should take place in a friendly and informal environment.

Don't #3: Say too much

When you are just starting to communicate with a new person, it is essential not to say too much. You might regret it later. It is important not to scare people away by telling them unusual facts about you or your family. Yes, it may be interesting and unusual, but this is only your first correspondence, and it should be perfect. Then you have a better chance of continuing communication in the future. Otherwise, a person may wonder where are my messages on Instagram and start ignoring you.

We hope that using these tips, you will not take any rash actions or mistakes flirting with someone on Instagram. After all, one mistake can cost you your reputation and the likelihood of continuing to communicate with the person you like. Therefore, you should take every message you send seriously!

So, our lovely Instagrammers, meet, fall in love and use Inflact to simplify your work with Instagram!

Your best team of Inflact!

How To Search & See Old Direct Messages On Instagram?

Page Contents

It might have happened to you that you want to revive the long-gone memories with a person on Instagram, and you read your chats. On Instagram, if you want to see old DMs, you need to spend a long time scrolling down your inbox. 

It seems frustrating, and nobody would like that. So, how to see old Instagram messages without having to deal with the hassle?

In this article, we’ll show you how to find old messages on Instagram and see them quickly. Besides in case you’ve lost your old chats, we’ll show you how to get old messages back on Instagram!

Access your old DMs with AiGrow.

How To See Old Direct Messages On Instagram On Mobile

Before explaining any alternative method to “How to See Old Direct Messages on Instagram”, remember that you can always check your old direct messages on the Instagram official App for mobiles. Without considering your operating system, Android or IOS, open your Instagram app, and in the top-right corner of your main feed tap the message icon. 

Then, scroll the list of messages in your inbox to see the least recent. Simply tap any message or conversation you want to read. Then scroll your screen to view your old messages.

If you are looking for a specific person, you can search for their name and then open your conversation with that person. Since scrolling and reading these messages on the computer would be much easier than on your phone, we’ll tell you how to see old direct messages on Instagram on PCs.  

Manage your DMs like a pro with AiGrow

How To See Old Direct Messages On Instagram On PC

Instagram direct messaging is also available on the web platform but with fewer features. For example, you can only use the call, send voice messages, react to a chat, etc. 

So if you want to know how to find old messages on Instagram, you can use the web platform too. To access your Instagram Inbox on your desktop, follow these steps.

  • First, open the official Instagram website and log into your account.
  • Click the paper-letter icon in the upper right corner.
  • Open the conversation and start sending DMs. 

Like the Instagram app, you can’t search for messages here; to see old direct messages, you need to scroll down and find your chat. Since your screen is more extensive, it’s easier than the mobile app; however, it’s time-consuming. So is there a way to search Instagram messages? The answer is Yes! AiGrow is what you need for that 

With AiGrow, you can manage all your DMs, respond to them easily, send DMs with attached images and videos, search for messages from individual channels, and filter the inbox to show read, unread, or sent messages.  

The best part is that unlike other desktop messaging apps. It doesn’t require any download and works on all operating systems.

Manage Your DMs with AiGrow

AiGrow is an Instagram management and growth platform with all the essential features a professional Instagrammer needs. Here are top AiGrow features:

  • Content scheduler for posts, stories, and IGTV videos
  • Multiple links in bio tool
  • Contest and giveaway tool
  • Content creation tool
  • Organic followers growth tool
  • Automated DMs 

With this platform, you can easily access your messages on your desktop and search Instagram messages you want to view in a blink. Here is how to use this tool. 

  • First, signup on AiGrow’s website for free using your email address and log into your account.
  • Click “Add Instagram Account” to connect your Instagram page to AiGrow. 
  • Select “Access.”
  • From your dashboard, open the “Direct Messages” box and select “DM Inbox.

Here you can view all your chats and open each one you want to open the conversation and see old direct messages. Instead of scrolling your Inbox, you can use the searching tool above your Inbox to find an old conversation in a blink. 

Another good feature of this tool is the filtering option on the right which allows you to filter your DMs by ‘read, unread, and sent’. 

How to see old direct messages on the desktop without scrolling using AiGrow

Use Your DMs Like A Pro

Lots of you had questions about recovering deleted messages or how to get a backup from your messages etc. Now, let’s see how you can recover your old messages, and how to view old direct messages on Instagram without scrolling using keywords.

How To Search Instagram Messages

It’s simple, as soon as you start using the Dm to Email feature, you can easily search for any text or sentence in your inbox of your email client or using the Gmail search bar (yahoo, etc. )

Or, if it looks so generic, you can search for that conversation instead and then search for that word/sentence by pressing Ctrl+F. This will make that word highlighted yellow.

DM To Email; Search Instagram Messages For Keywords

This feature provides so many solutions for managing Instagram DM messages.

Using this feature, you can easily search Instagram messages or even search in Instagram chat; this is how to search Instagram messages for keywords. see the video below on how to receive and respond to DMs from your email:

How to Scroll All The Way Up on Instagram DMs

When we want to reread old Instagram chats with a friend, it can be difficult to get to the top of the Instagram messages in the conversation. 

If you want to avoid scrolling all the way up and wondering how to scroll to the top of Instagram dm, there is one practical way; let’s see what it is below:

How to Get to The Top of Instagram Messages Fast Using AiGrow DM Service
  • First, signup on AiGrow’s website for free using your email address and log into your account.
  • To connect your Instagram account to AiGrow, click “Add Instagram Account”. 
  • Choose “Access.”
  • On your dashboard, open the “Direct Messages” box and select “DM Inbox.”

From here, you can view your Instagram dm history; open a chat you want to view old direct messages.

How to see old messages on Instagram without scrolling

Click on the scroll arrow and hold the “pg up” button on your keyboard. You’ll get to the top of the messages without scrolling!

How To Recover Deleted Messages On Instagram?

As we mentioned earlier, the DM to email feature allows you to duplicate your messages in your email inbox.

In other words, even if you delete the DM on Instagram itself, there will be another copy of the message in your email inbox. So you can use it as an Instagram recovery message tool and find deleted messages on Instagram if needed.

This is also a great way to use your email as your Instagram chat backup.

Keep your old messages with AiGrow

Can You See Deleted Messages on Instagram Without Using DM To Email?

You might be asking “ is there a way to see deleted messages on Instagram” The answer is yes, the information might be deleted from your phone, but it still exists in Instagram’s database.

You can easily view deleted Instagram messages and even download them by following 5 simple steps:

How to Download Instagram Direct Messages
  1. Log in to your Instagram account using the Instagram Web browser
  2. Press edit profile and click on Settings.
  3. Tap on “Privacy and Security”
How to recover DMs on Instagram
  1. Scroll down to “Data Download” and tap on “Request Download”
How to retrieve deleted messages on Instagram in 2022

Profile Settings > Privacy and Security > Data Download

5. Now, enter the email you would like to receive your data at.

This is how to recover deleted messages on Instagram in 2022 With the help of the Instagram database.

How to view deleted messages on Instagram
How to Recover DMs on Instagram Using An Instagram Message Recovery Site

In the following we’ll introduce another 3 tools to recover deleted messages on Instagram:


iBeesoft is an Instagram recovery message site that works with iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, iTunes and iCloud. You can use this app to back up your iPhone’s data or retrieve deleted Instagram messages.

Json Genie 

Json Genie can be used for Android phones, iPhones, and PCs to recover deleted Instagram messages. 

Instagram Message Recovery App

The Instagram message recovery tool site is quite easy to use, and downloading the app isn’t necessary like with other similar tools.

AiGrow’s DM Feature Price

For as little as $23 per month (Starter plan) you can use DM to Email (500 DMs /month) and Inbox for DMs (250/month) features. 

Besides, if you have a message that you want to send to a large group of people (your current followers, new followers, or a custom list of followers), you can automate the process using the bulk DM feature of this service.

Choose a plan and get started now


Have you ever been wondering how to search for old messages on Instagram? And how to recover deleted IG messages?

If yes, you probably know that it takes so much time to scroll through your messages. We introduced you to a web-based platform -AiGrow- to access DMs on your desktop and search for your messages.

If you are willing to manage your DMs on Instagram easily, DM to email feature is all you need. This feature will provide you with so many amazing benefits such as Instagram chat history (a Backup from your messages), managing/replying to your DM messages, Instagram chat search, and access to old messages on Instagram.

Give AiGrow a try now 



Does Instagram Data Download Include Deleted Messages?

Yes, when you delete messages on Instagram, they remain on the company’s servers. You can download this stored information using Instagram “Data Download” which includes videos, photos, and messages. From this data, you can then extract your deleted messages. (the file is in JSON format, but you can convert it to a CSV and then a PDF file).


Can You Get Old Messages Back on Instagram?

There are 3 different ways to get your old messages back on Instagram:

  1. Save Instagram DMs by connecting your emails to a DM service like AiGrow, and see all your DMs in your email inbox.  
  2. Try the in-app settings on Instagram to see old messages.
  3. Use an Instagram message recovery tool. 


How Long Can Instagram Messages Be Retrieved? 

Instagram says it keeps deleted messages for ninety days. After that period of time, it will be very difficult for you to retrieve your messages.

How to see the first post on Instagram without scrolling

Many times when we want to relive our memories with a person, we read our chats. It sends us into nostalgia. However, in order to start this journey, we must get to the first message. You might think that this should be an easy task, i.e. pressing a button will do the job.

The real world is different - or should I say the online world. On Instagram, if you need to read old posts from the beginning, you'll have to scroll through the clock to get to the first post. Nobody will like it. Then how to reach the top?

Well, that's what we're going to tell you here. Without further ado, let's see how to get to the first post on Instagram

Fast scroll to the start of the thread

Without raising your expectations, let me put it straight. There is no direct way to quickly scroll to the top in Instagram Direct Messages (DM). Luckily, you can read Instagram posts right from the start. To do this, you will need to download data from Instagram in JSON format and convert the JSON posts into a readable format.

Here are the steps in detail.

Download Instagram data

You will need a computer to download Instagram data as this feature is not available for mobile apps.

Here are the steps:

Step 1 . Open the Instagram website on your PC through any browser and log in with your credentials. On the Instagram home page, click on the profile icon at the top.

Step 2: On your profile page, click the settings gear icon next to Edit profile. In the pop-up window that appears, click "Privacy and Security".

Step 3: Scroll down on the "Privacy & Security" page and click on "Gift Upload Request" under Data Upload.

Step 4: Your email address will be pre-filled. Press "Next".

Step 5 : You will be prompted for a password. Do this and click the Request Download button. That's all. Now sit back and wait for an email from Instagram. If you're having trouble uploading data, check out our detailed guide.

Note: email from Instagram may take 1 to 48 hours.

Also on

5 Cool Instagram Bio Hacks You Should Know

View Instagram Downloaded Data

The downloaded data from Instagram will be in ZIP format. Download the ZIP file to your computer and extract it. Your computer will create a new folder with the same name as the ZIP file. Open it. You will find various folders containing images and videos where the files are in JSON format.

Note . JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. The format is used to store information in an organized manner.

If you notice, you will have a direct folder and message file. The direct folder contains all your photos and videos sent/received via direct messages (DM). However, we are currently interested in the message file.

You can open the JSON file with Notepad. And if you do, the data won't make sense, especially if your inbox is full. Therefore, we need to convert the message file into an easily readable format.

Convert Instagram JSON to Human Readable Format

There are three ways to decode JSON data.

1. Tree view

Open the messages. json file in notepad and copy all the data. Now visit any website that shows JSON data in an expandable tree structure. I tried JSONViewer and it worked well.

Open the website and paste the data copied above into the Text tab. Then click on the Viewer tab next to the Text tab.

You will see several entries with a plus sign next to them. Click the icon to show the data, which includes the participants and the conversation. Find the member whose messages you want to read from the beginning.

Once you have found the right person, right-click on the conversation option and select Expand All from the menu.

All items in conversations will open. Scroll down and you can check the first post.

2. Convert JSON to CSV format

Another way to view and read JSON is to convert it to a CSV file. To do this, open the website and click "Choose File". Navigate to the messages. json file located in the Instagram folder. Make sure the target format is CSV. Then click "Convert Now".

Please wait for data to be converted. You will find the CSV file in the Conversion Result section. Right-click on the file and select "Save Link As" to download it to your computer.

Now open the downloaded file in Excel. All your posts can be found here. To make them easy to read, we will extract the string containing the required messages.

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# How to / Guides

Click here to see our articles page with instructions/guides

Retrieve messages

Step 1 . Click the New Sheet icon at the bottom of Excel to add a sheet to the previously downloaded Excel file.

Step 2: Open the first sheet again and find the person whose DM you want to read from the beginning. Select and copy this line and the first line containing headers.

Step 3 : Go to the second sheet and right click on the first empty cell. From the menu, select "Transpose Gift" under "Paste Options". You will see that the columns have been transposed into rows, making the messages easier to read.

3. View as PDF

If you don't like the CSV format, you can also convert messages to PDF. To do this, save the newly created Excel sheet (the one with the transposed data) as a PDF. To do this, go to File > Save As. Select PDF from the drop down list.

Does downloading data from Instagram include deleted posts?

No. The downloaded data will not contain your deleted messages.

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Top 14 Instagram Tricks and Tips (DM)

Patience is the key to success

The method may look long and scary, but it's not. You just need to be a little patient and then follow our guide.

Let us know if you are familiar with another way to read posts from the beginning on Instagram.

Next: Want to know how to make your Instagram stories better? Check out these helpful tips.

How do you see the messages you receive on Instagram?

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Instagram features

Direct messaging

You can view and manage Direct messages on the Instagram app for Android and iPhone, and the Instagram Lite app for Android.

How can I view a received Direct message?

Instagram app for Android and iPhone

Tap the or icon in the top right corner of the feed.

Click on the desired conversation. in a mobile browser in a desktop browser

Instagram Lite app for Android

Why can't I find my Direct message in my chat list?

If the person you follow sends a message, it will appear in the chat list.

If a message is sent by someone you don't follow, it will appear in your inbox as a message request. To accept or decline a message request:

Instagram app for Android

Tap the or icon in the top right corner of the feed.

Select Requests.

Touch and hold a message.

Select Delete or Accept. You can click Remove All at the bottom of the screen to reject all requests at once.

Instagram app for iPhone

Tap the or icon in the top right corner of the feed.

Select Requests.

Swipe left on the message.

Select Delete or Accept. You can click Remove All at the bottom of the screen to reject all requests at once. in a browser on a computer

Instagram Lite app for Android

If you accept someone's message request, all subsequent messages from that person will immediately go to the chat list.

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