How to become a famous instagram model

How To Become Instagram Famous in 2022 [8 Steps]

Are you wondering how to become Instagram famous?

If you want to be the next Kylie Kardashian or Cristiano Ronaldo, we’ve got bad news — we can’t make Kris Kardashian your mom or bless your feet into super-stardom. (That’s asking a little much)

But we can show you how to find Instafame. After that, whether or not you surpass Ronaldo’s 464M following is up to you.

If you want to become Instafamous, there’s a pretty straightforward formula to follow. We’ll walk you through it in these eight tried-and-true steps.

1. Define your personal brand

2. Find your niche and cater to it

3. Listen to your audience

4. Engage your followers

5. Be consistent

6. Create quality content

7. Treat your Instagram account like a business

8. Manage sponsorship interest like a boss

Bonus: Download a free checklist that reveals the exact steps a fitness influencer used to grow from 0 to 600,000+ followers on Instagram with no budget and no expensive gear.

These days, being “Instagram famous” means more than just having a large following. Instafamous accounts are usually influencers or creators, which means they can use their audiences to drive awareness about a trend, topic, company or product.

Instafame isn’t instant. You can’t buy a ton of followers, call yourself an influencer, and wait for brand deals to come rolling in.

That goes for folks who are the one-hit-wonders of viral videos, too. Sure, they might experience a brief flare of Instagram attention. But that fame will die out fast if they don’t keep producing high-quality content.

Take @flyysoulja, who had a monstrous 15 minutes on TikTok because of their viral “island boy” video. They now regularly post content on Instagram, maintaining over a million followers.

Source: @flyysoulja

The following steps take time and effort. But they’re consistent with the habits we see influencers and Instafamous folks using.

1. Define your personal brand

If you don’t have a viral video to springboard you into millions of followers, you’ll need to start at the beginning.

That means figuring out how you want to show up on Instagram. Remember, the “you” you put on Instagram is your brand. So your online identity needs to feel (and be!) authentic — your followers will know if it isn’t.

Branding can be an in-depth process. Here are five steps to defining your personal brand and some questions you can use as prompts.

Step one: Define your goals

Without clear goals, you won’t be able to measure your success. Start by thinking about why you’re pursuing Instafame.

  • Why do I want to become Instagram famous?
  • What does Instagram fame look like for me?
  • What milestones can I achieve to reach my goal of being Instafamous?
Step two: Find your differentiator

Next, consider what sets you apart from your competition. No matter your specialty, you’re probably entering a crowded market. Why should someone follow you instead of someone else?

  • What makes me stand out from the crowd?
  • What can I do better or differently than other personal brands like mine?
    • Note: This doesn’t have to be a huge difference — you could be the sassiest baker on Instagram, for example, or the most polite mycologist.
Step three: Write down your narrative

Your backstory is where you say who you are and what you care about. People remember emotionally-driven stories more than facts. Plus, staying on point with your copy is easier when you have a brand story to refer back to.

  • What is my story?
  • Where did I come from, and where do I want to go?
  • What motivates me?
Step four: Define your personality

You want your content to be consistent and recognizable. That means each post should reflect your brand’s personality in some way. Are you trying to inspire your followers? Teach them? Amuse them?

  • What are five words that describe my personality?
  • What is my brand voice?
  • How do I want people to see me? How do people actually see me?
Step five: Craft your personal brand statement

A personal brand statement is a short, catchy statement you can refer back to while creating your content. Externally, it can act as an elevator pitch.

Look at your previous answers and ask yourself, “Who am I? Why am I doing this? What makes me unique?”

You can put your personal brand statement in your Instagram bio. Consider, like creator Lauren Sundstrom has, pairing it down to the bare essentials of what your audience needs to know.

Source: @laurengsundstrom

Voilà! Now you’ve got a personal brand you can build your Instagram strategy around.

And a note: These answers will evolve with your brand. It’s meant as a guide, so don’t stress too much about perfecting it the first time.

2. Find your niche and cater to it

Once you know your differentiator (step 2 above), use it to target the niche audience that makes the most sense for your brand.

Niche followers are often fiercely loyal. Shared interests make for strong bonds and can make your relationship with your audience much less forced.

Once you understand your niche, find micro-brands adjacent to you and work with them. Trans woman, activist, model, and style aficionado Lauren Sundstrom posts regularly about only working with brands that share her eco-friendly outlook.


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A post shared by Lauren Sundstrom (@laurengsundstrom)

3. Listen to your audience

Your audience is your best asset. Typically, folks on the internet are mercilessly honest. If you ask a question, you can expect a real answer. When you are your brand, this can require some thick skin.

Solicit answers through questions and polls — and be specific. Open-ended questions like “What do you want to see more of?” likely won’t get you what you want. Instead, ask specific questions, like “Should I add color or keep it neutral?”


Pay attention to any repeat comments or questions. There may be a gap in your communication that needs filling. Give your audience what they’re looking for, and you can inspire brand loyalty.

Oh, and don’t stress about having a small following. That just means you’re a micro-influencer. According to Hypeauditor, micro-influencers (one thousand to ten thousand followers) have the potential to earn, on average, $1,420 per month!

If you really want to increase your audience size, though, here are 35 ways to build your follower list from scratch.

4. Engage your followers

Fame doesn’t exist in a vacuum. You can only be as famous as people are willing to pay attention. So, bring your audience in and engage them — and no, you can’t take a shortcut here. Using bots for engagement (believe us, we tried it) doesn’t work.

As tempting as it is to cut corners, a quality engagement strategy will have you reaping the rewards before too long. Strong engagement remains a key player in Instagram’s algorithm. The better your engagement, the more Instagram will put your account in front of folks, and the more your brand reach will grow.

5. Be consistent

Consistency breeds credibility! It may take some time to figure out your visual style, brand voice, and posting cadence. But once you do, keep it up. Folks will start associating your brand with a certain aesthetic and point of view, further cementing it in their minds.

A social media content calendar can be a lifesaver, helping you plan ahead and post consistently.

6. Create quality content

Instagram is and will always be a visual app. That means posting visually appealing content will always be important. You may need to take a photography course, buy some video equipment, or figure out how to edit your videos and photos with photo editing software

Bonus: Download a free checklist that reveals the exact steps a fitness influencer used to grow from 0 to 600,000+ followers on Instagram with no budget and no expensive gear.

Get the free guide right now!

And remember: Genuine, authentic content attracts people. Once you’ve got the basics down, you can start optimizing your content with keywords, popular hashtags, powerful calls to action, and Instagram Live content.

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A post shared by Alaina Michelle (@iwasyoungandneededthemoney)


Treat your Instagram account like a business

Your Instagram account is how you get your product (you and your personal brand) out to the world. That means it’s now your business — so treat it like one.

If you haven’t already, now’s the time to transition to an Instagram business profile or creator account. You’ll gain access to detailed analytics and creator-specific tools.

Plus, a business or creator profile allows you to use third-party apps like Hootsuite (our personal favorite, obviously).

Hootsuite lets you schedule and publish posts directly to Instagram, engage your audience, measure performance and manage your presence on other social networks — all from a single dashboard.

Hootsuite will even suggest your personal best times to post to your social media accounts directly within the publishing interface.

Try it free for 30 days. Cancel anytime.

8. Manage sponsorship interest like a boss

Now for the fun part — money! When you’ve reached a certain level of followers and recognition, you will have brands or organizations reach out to you with sponsorship opportunities.

You can also get proactive about chasin’ that cash. We’ve got expert advice on making money on Instagram.

Plus, when you’re ready to start reaching out to potential collaborators, you can use Hootsuite’s analytics to build out your brand pitch deck. Brands want to know that you’re a good bet, so being able to prove a strong engagement rate or high conversion can be a gamechanger.

Remember when you’re monetizing your account to stay on track to your Instagram stardom. Make sure you do it the right way by avoiding these common pitfalls:

  1. Don’t say yes to everything. You’ll want to treat your sponsored posts like your own content. If an offer doesn’t vibe with your brand, say no. And make sure you advocate for products or services you would use yourself.
  2. Make sure you’re comfortable with the compensation presented. If someone offers you “exposure” instead of something with monetary value, don’t be afraid to let them know you can’t pay your rent with “exposure. ” Or politely decline. It’s your account and your call.
  3. Don’t agree to anything you don’t fully understand. Did you receive a detailed campaign brief? What exactly is expected of you? Reach out for clarification if you’re unsure. Otherwise, you may agree to more than you bargained for or damage a potentially lucrative partnership.

Start building your Instagram presence using Hootsuite. Schedule and publish posts directly to Instagram, engage your audience, measure performance, and run all your other social media profiles — all from one simple dashboard. Try it free today.

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Easily create, analyze, and schedule Instagram posts, Stories, and Reels with Hootsuite. Save time and get results.

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3 Simple Steps to Turn a Hobby into – PodSquad

What is an instagram model?

Stepping forward into the world of Instagram modeling means taking a step back to understand the current state of the game. Let's be brutally honest: There have never been more Instagram models. And while the platform has grown to a massive global scale covering over a billion users, there are more opportunities than ever for those in the know.

The definition of an Instagram model is pretty simple. If brands pay you to showcase their goods, you're officially a model. As we like to say at PodSquad, it's just a hobby until you're getting paid.

So how exactly do you do that? Standing out to brands isn't an easy task, and it certainly won't happen overnight. But if you are dedicated and willing to invest some spare time and resources into Instagram, you stand a good chance at turning a hobby into a paid gig, and a paid gig into a career.

Next, we'll break down the way we have seen the most successful Instagram models get their start.

How to be an instagram model in 3 simple steps

Nothing is that easy, right? Even though the road is long, there are a few simple guiding principles that will get you to the finish line. With 6-12 months of dedication and a smart plan from the start, you could become an Instagram model and get paid...

How to look like an instagram model: Respect the optics

This is the realest advice you will ever get about becoming an Instagram model. Optics are the single most important thing brands look for. Instagram is a visual platform. People go there to look at pictures and videos of their friends, and discover new products and experiences.

That means if you want to attract brands to your profile, you have to speak their language through images. The good news? A picture is worth 1,000 words. Part of the process of creating content is finding your passions and merging them with brands that make sense.

If you enjoy travel, target travel fashion and accessories. Love going to the latest restaurants in your city? Show beautifully staged images of food and beverage. You can't discount the importance of showing top quality content on your feed. You may even consider partnering with a photographer to make sure the  stars align in your favor.

Next is one of the harsher realities of Instagram, and it's one that won't be going anywhere any time soon. Yep, I'm talking about follower count.

You have to have followers to work with brands. There's a general rule of thumb we use at PodSquad. Nobody gets paid until they have at least 20,000 followers. Since this is an article covering becoming an Instagram model, I'm strictly speaking about cash payments. Getting small, free goods in exchange for posts happens way before then, but rarely results in long term success. We recently conducted a survey to see how many followers on average it takes to get a paid gig in various niches.

Usually brands that want to exchange merch for posts are looking for quick hits of publicity, or want to test different marketing tactics with no real plan to invest in them down the road.

Research helps too. You will be at an immediate disadvantage when a brand reaches out, and that can really suck. You won't know what to say or do, or how much to ask for. We've got some resources to help in our confessions series of blog posts. You can read raw posts from brand managers and how they are working with influencers today, or read about the struggles of going from zero to Insta-celeb from an influencer's perspective.

How to become a model on instagram: Get those followers!

But not just any followers either. You need engaged followers that like, comment, view videos, and  generally interact with you on a daily basis. To get them to interact with you, you'll have to start the conversation. Make sure you answer posts, ask questions, and generally move quickly to engage anybody that is already interested in your content. That may seem obvious, but far too many people ignore the simple steps they can take to grow a following each day.

Successful Instagram models use a number of techniques to achieve more engagement and generate momentum. We know quite a bit about private pods (it is what we do after all) and know all too well the importance of joining one as quickly as possible. Private pods will not only help you learn and grow from other Instagram models, but they will boost your following and engagement, something you just can't get any other way.

Think of private pods as Instagram networking clubs where people with similar interests congregate to find each other, see new posts, and share in the work of growth. That's the kind of data Instagram's all powerful algorithm looks for and rewards. It's also the way 99.9% of Instagram influencers with big sponsorship deals got to a place where those opportunities found them.

How to become an instagram model and get paid: Negotiate, negotiate, negotiate

When a brand first reaches out to you with a paid opportunity, your first instinct will be to jump at the chance. Fashion brands in particular know that Instagram modeling is ultra-competitive, and they'll use every ounce of leverage they can get. You have to push back on that pressure, and fight your own desire to work with a brand for the first time.

Because today is an environment where brands like Fashion Nova and Zara are popping up to disrupt older, more traditional fashion houses, there are always new brands around the corner. If you play your cards right, you will have plenty of opportunties to work with brands. Even if your dream brand slides into your DMs looking for a small opportunity, you can weigh it against holding out for a bigger deal. Many Instagram models say no more than they say yes, and that has the effect of making their brand a lot more valuable in the eyes of companies looking to sell product.

It's pretty logical if you think about it. If Chanel is partnering with influencers, they won't want to see their competitors and a cadre of low cost brands on their new Instagram models' feeds. In this case, the ones that held out the longest may enjoy the sweetest offers.

Negotiating can also mean the specifics of the amount being offered. It's important to get as detailed as possible, including what is and is not included, and what will be paid for out of your own pocket. A lot of Instagram models get excited about an opportunity only to find the costs of making good on that opp are more than they are getting paid to begin with! Do the math and figure out what car rides, equipment, and set materials will cost before you start throwing out numbers.

Conclusion: Being an Instagram model means following some simple rules

There's a lot of reason to believe in yourself even when there are so many people trying to become Instagram models every day. The key ingredients are consistency, determination, and a willingness to turn a hobby into something more. Keep moving forward and focus on growing the metrics that matter to brands. You'll have offers on the table in no time flat!

Become a model via Instagram: 3 sure ways

on Instagram (an organization banned in Russia)

Now the well-known criteria for an ideal figure and the usual model standards do not matter. Fashion houses and popular brands in search of new faces. To do this, they do not choose guys and girls from leading agencies and do not conduct auditions. Increasingly, model scouts are finding the perfect faces on social media, and Instagram is no exception. Already thousands of boys and girls have been able to build a successful career with the help of a virtual platform.

To get a job, it is enough to have a pretty face, a fit figure and actively post your photos on Instagram .

Until quite recently, the unknown profession of “Instagram model” seemed rather ridiculous. And now even professional models do not mind making money with the help of Instagram. Unfortunately and fortunately, many of them were overshadowed by unknown guys and girls who seemed never to become popular.

How do you get noticed by leading brands? Follow the simple rules and in a few months you will be offered a dream job.

Watch the video: Typical Instagram Mistakes

Of course, the likelihood that you will cooperate with leading brands is not so high, but becoming the face of a fashion showroom or advertising beauty services in your own city is quite real.

1. Beautiful appearance is the key to success

No one has canceled the fact that for a successful modeling career it is important to have a beautiful face and spectacular figure. However, well-known companies often rush in search of non-standard faces. many brands see a freckled, red-haired girl as their model or want to contract a custom-sized model.

A job in social networks can be obtained by a girl who always looks well-groomed and perfect. And it doesn't matter what size you wear.

As for men, most often the attention of companies is attracted by guys with a brutal face and a perfect torso. However, the competition among guys is much less, so if you meet all the model parameters, then success will not be long in coming.

And if not, this is another reason to work on yourself.

On Instagram, we regularly see photos of girls in bathing suits and guys with bare torsos. Some react negatively to the pictures and believe that such people have nothing but appearance. But we live in the 21st century and many are able to discern the true beauty of the ideal figure. A person who was able to create an entire audience around one photo is a good marketer.

In addition, the owners of such accounts are most often offered jobs by well-known global brands.

Watch the video: How to get 100,000 followers on Instagram

2. Gathering subscribers

Recently, the creators of popular and emerging brands have been working with people who have a large number of subscribers in their arsenal. Employers offer guys and girls to advertise product on their Instagram page. Thus, without special costs, you can promote the brand to the masses.

The model simply talks about the product or service on her page, and users, following the advice of a friend, become interested in the brand.

3. Competition from leading companies

Quite often, the world's leading companies hold competitions where they choose a face for their brand. Follow their accounts and stay tuned for updates. Also, businesses ask their followers to post photos with a specific hashtag.

After that, the most suitable person is selected from a thousand applicants. So Diesel, Levi's, DKNY, Asos and many other companies have already found their models.

As you can see, you should not rely on stereotypes and give up if you are not the owner of an ideal figure or face. Today, anyone can become a model, the main thing is to work on yourself and come to grips with promoting your page on Instagram.

As you can see, if you already know how active users are show business stars, actors, athletes and top models, then even if you do not follow their lives and do not subscribe to their updates, they definitely have you can learn how to become popular on Instagram. It is better to act together and together with those people who already have experience and results. Come to our programs, and earn more at the same time!

With you,
- Igor Zuevich.

I recommend that you pay attention to the following programs to create an additional source of income on the Internet:

Closed Master Mind Community
Affiliate Masters
Affiliate Marketing for Beginners

If you can invest the next 5 minutes in self-education, then follow the link and read our next article: Rich people on Instagram: top 5 most followed

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How to become an Instagram model in 2021

OtherVictoria Bondar


Social networks have changed a lot, including the model market. Today, with the help of Instagram, you can become a world-class model and sign contracts with the most famous brands.

Almost every girl can become an Instagram model. The figure 90-60-90, the angelic face or the cosmic appearance is no longer so important. The main condition for getting a dream job is the presence of an army of followers on Instagram.

Contents of the page

  • Who is an Instagram model
  • What is Instagram modeling and who is it suitable for
  • What does it take to become an Instagram model
    • Possible difficulties
  • How to become an Instagram model

Who is an Instagram model advertising campaigns of famous brands, earning a living from it.

They often work alone. This became possible thanks to the popularization of social networks, which made it possible for models to work with brands directly, without intermediaries in the form of modeling agencies.

The main task of the agency is to select photos of a girl or a guy and send them to key advertisers around the world. In addition, the agency provides portfolio creation services, hires a photographer and helps to take cool pictures.

Models today can do it themselves. The fact is that well-known brands are always in search of new faces. And increasingly, beauty scouts are looking for them on social media rather than agencies.

The social influence of the model gives the brand additional profit, credit of trust and potential buyers. Successful models can count on large contracts with publications and well-known brands for quite substantial fees.

What is Instagram modeling and who is it for

Social networks make it much easier for enthusiasts to enter the market. If earlier girls had to go out of their way to attract the attention of the agency, now there is absolutely no need for this. It is enough to become famous on Instagram and all the agencies will come to you. But you won't need them anymore.

Who can try themselves in this area? There are no specific restrictions. The standards put forward by modeling agencies are no longer so important. If you're already an influencer in a field, the chance of getting an offer from a profile brand is much higher.

Instagram modeling is suitable not only for young and attractive girls. Very often, beauty scouts are looking for non-standard, “diversity” representatives. You can become a model with any weight category and parameters. You can meet all the modeling requirements or be completely crammed with tattoos, have rainbow-colored hair or physical disabilities - all this is not so important. Important creative idea, attractiveness, charisma and the number of followers.

Non-compliance with standards and proximity to the audience is one of the main criteria for success.

Nothing prevents a man from trying himself in this industry. For example, Instagram model Sean O'Pry has extensive experience in advertising campaigns for famous brands thanks to Instagram.

Very often people look for a photo of a child for advertising in this way. With due zeal, any mother with the help of insta can make her child a little star.

The main thing is that the public should be interested in watching you. Giving preference to Instagram models, rather than professional fashion models, brands also expect to get a recognizable face, credibility and attention of the audience of users that the model already has.

What does it take to become an Instagram model

Success and fame in the social network is judged by the number of likes, comments and subscribers. If we compare popularity on Instagram with capital, then a profile on a social network is the main tool in its formation.

It is important to create a profile that is attractive to the audience, beautifully design it and maintain it correctly. This is a whole art. We will not dwell on this point for a long time, we simply recommend that you read other articles on this blog - there is a lot of useful information there.

In addition to high-quality content, to build a successful modeling career on Instagram, you need:

  • interesting and bright appearance;
  • creative idea, basic concept and action plan;
  • willingness to invest a lot of time and effort in promotion.

It is important to build a clear system for attracting subscribers, and when a model has an audience of followers, stylists, fashion magazine editors and photographers themselves begin to come to her.

A good Instagram model is also a blogger. You can even say that there is practically no difference between them, because all models started with a blog. Unless a blogger needs a deeper work on the content, and the model is, first of all, a recognizable face. In any case, in order to attract a wide audience, it is recommended to touch on popular topics - fashion, sports, cooking, healthy lifestyles, the beauty industry, and so on.

By choosing the right niche, you can successfully make money on advertising. In addition, it increases demand from potential employers. For example, a fashion model for clothing advertising is likely to be selected among girls or guys who have declared themselves to be experts in fashion and stylish images.

Possible difficulties

It is difficult to cope with everything on your own. Well-known Western Instagram models often hire assistants at different stages. In the course of work, the help of a stylist, photographer, retoucher, make-up artist, producer may be required.

Joking about the Instagram guy is no longer relevant. If a few years ago boyfriends and husbands really helped many Instagram models, today the administration of a social network is a full-time job. It may need to be shifted to the shoulders of a personal assistant and assistant.

In addition, you need to constantly monitor the quality of the account. You can look at your account through the eyes of an advertiser in trendHERO, an opinion leader verification service.

Another difficulty that Instagram models will have to face is prices. The absence of intermediary participation of agencies, of course, has its advantages. A girl can choose what to wear, when to lose weight or gain weight, what color to dye her hair and what price tag to present, and customers can only decide whether to agree with her vision of herself or not. But the agencies also provided assistance in the financial side of the issue. Yes, they take part of the fee, but it is the agencies that can correctly judge the profitability of the proposal, since they are aware of the pricing policy of the market. If there is no manager behind the Instagram model, it is much easier to deceive her and this is often used.

How to become an Instagram model

An Instagram model's job is to get noticed by brands. And for this you need to follow only three important rules:

  • Your appearance is the key to success. Photos of interesting and attractive people still receive the largest number of likes and subscribers. Of course, among Instagram models you can meet girls of any complexion, skin color and worldview, but the rules are the same for everyone. They must look attractive.
  • Subscriber audience. The first thing to do is to gather an audience of followers around you. Unlike cooperation with regular models, in a deal with an influencer, the customer buys not only working time and the right to use the image, but also the attention of the audience of subscribers.
  • Participation in competitions. Recently, well-known brands have been looking for new faces precisely through social media contests. For the first time, such an idea was realized by the famous brand Levi’s back in 2012, when the company found a face for its new ad using the hashtag #iamlevis. Be sure to follow the right accounts and follow the hashtags for models so you don't miss the opportunity to participate in contests.

The path to success is different for all Instagram models. Quite impressive is the story of Axel Despiguelare, a 17-year-old Belgian who was able to work with L’Oreal Professionnel thanks to pictures from the World Cup flying around social networks. Cooperation, however, ended before the end of the championship. Another photo of a girl with a gazelle she killed while hunting and the caption “Ready to hunt Americans today ha-ha” (“Ready to hunt Americans today, ha-ha”) made the brand immediately end the collaboration.

One photo can both open the way to success and close the door to the modeling business forever. Therefore, it is important not only to create a resonance around yourself, but also to assume all the functions of a modeling agency. A few simple tips will help you:

  1. Interact with other users.

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