How to block ads on whatsapp

How to remove advertisements and advertisements on WhatsApp Messenger and improve the experience on the platform? Step by step guides


0 13.249 6 minutes of reading

WhatsApp became one of the instant messaging apps the most important in the world. Where it currently has a large number of active users who use its services on a daily basis, whether in sending instant messages . as making video calls, sharing files, among others.

However, a very short time ago news broke where it was rumored that the app would start y add advertising , this in order to obtain new income. But this news was not very positive for most WhatsApp members , given the boredom of these advertisements.

Because of all this, here we are going to tell you how you will be able to eliminate all such type of ads and advertisements from the app and so improve your experience .

When will the ad officially arrive on WhatsApp Messenger?

Everything seems to indicate that the advertisements will reach the social network from the year 2020 or at least that's how it made itself understood in the networks. And is that the last review that was leaked by the text messaging company has indicated that she would take a field in terms of advertising within the platform and that this would be included in the next software updates .

So far we don't know exactly where these announcements will located. However, some Web sites claim they will appear in the states . And they quote the following statement of the vice-president de the company, Chris Daniels, who commented on the following: " We are going to place advertisements in the "United States", it is a priority for the company, because it is a way for business to reach more people " .

All this generated great discomfort in the most users of the application, who classify all of this as something tedious and not very pleasant , because this interrupts visibility of the content you really want to see . Something similar to what happens on the platforms YouTube and Facebook .

What methods are there to remove advertising from WhatsApp when it arrives?

Once all these news are published, social network users started to look for the different alternatives available to be able to prevent these notifications from starting to appear within the platform . Currently there are two ways we can start to avoid the presence of advertising while we do one of the social networks and explain below.

Do not update the app

As already mentioned above, all these ads will start showing up with the next software updates . Simply put, one of the ways to prevent these from appearing on our devices is to remove app updates.

This is a process that you can perform directly from your mobile device and with which you will avoid that the mailbox is updated automatically. However, this will cause you to start sticking to a old version .

Ad blocker

The other way we can use to avoid this is to use ad blockers. These are applications created by third parties who are responsible for prevent these notifications from appearing on a website or social network .

You can download them directly from the Google Play Store , you will find a wide variety of programs dedicated to cut all these types of ads and so improve user experience .

Steps to remove advertising from Wasap so that no ads are shown

Knowing already the two ways of avoid the presence of advertising within Wasap , we can start to explain what are the necessary steps to implement these two methods . To do this, follow the steps that we will teach you below:

Turn off automatic updates from Google Play

In order to deactivate bets à Wasap day on the device, we can do it directly from the Play Store menu , taking into account that the applications are put usually at automatically update to every time a new version is available on the market .

As a result, to disable all this you need to follow these steps:

  • The first thing to do will be to enter the Google Play Store.
  • There, select the three lines located at the top left of your screen to display the options menu .

  • Then you need to select the "Configuration" section.

  • Now in the tab "General", you will have to select "Automatically update applications".

  • There a new window will appear where you will have to select the last option "Do not update the application automatically" and click on "Finished".

This way you will prevent the se text messaging to put à day and you will start to have the version with advertisements .

Use an Adblock

In case we don't want uninstall app updates , but that all continue to to put à day automatically , we have to use a ad blocker. Currently, there are many such tools on the Internet, where they all perform the same functions.

In view of all this, here we will recommend Adblock Ultimate , he is in charge of block all types of ads , it has no type of association as advertising agencies and its main objective is to do not allow the presence of any type of notice. either on the computer or on mobile devices.

Another of the great advantages of this software is that it does not not allow the presence of malware and adware that could damage the device. An ideal solution to eliminate the presence of all these pop-up windows and comfortably enjoy each of the programs.

Ad Blocker Ultimate



Ad Blocker Ultimate



Ad Blocker Ultimate



List of the best ad blockers to remove WhatsApp ads for Android and iOS

“UPDATE ✅ Are you looking for a way to remove advertising from WhatsApp when it arrives? ⭐ ENTER HERE ⭐ and find out how to do it ✅ EASY and QUICK ✅ »

As we have already mentioned, other ways that we can find to be able block all those pop-ups that appear on our Android and iOS mobile devices are ad blockers . This is perhaps one of the easiest methods to implement.

For this reason, we present here what are the best software of this type so that you can start the download on your smartphone:


This blocker is available for Android mobile devices , with which you have the possibility to start eliminate all those pop-ups that appear on your smartphone . This makes it a very simple solution to use and customize with different forms of filtering.

AdGuard gives you the opportunity to have a safe and ad-free browsing that make you have a slower and more insecure internet connection . In addition, you can configure it to work directly with some specific applications installed on your computer.

Download AdGuard Android APK

AdGuard - Adblock and privacy


free +

Adblock Plus

This app is available for Android and iOS mobile devices , which stands out in both operating systems thanks to its excellent performance during the' elimination and blocking of any type of pop-up window, thus helping to avoid the presence of any type of banner or ad with award.

This is how this application allows a large number of functions to be carried out, allowing its customers take main easy system . This is due to the fact that it has a excellent interface, very well developed and manageable . One way to start eliminating all that content that you embarrassment and to wastes time .

Adblock Plus for Samsung Internet

eyeo GmbH


Adblock Plus for Safari

Eyeo GmbH


Announcement detector

The advertisement detector is another of the programs that we will find available in the Play Store and that we can start to use for eliminate or erase all notices that appear on the smartphone and which, on many occasions, are caused by certain applications that we download or through a website that we visit .

Therefore, if until today, all these pop-ups you seemed somewhat boring, you can start to block using this program . You can download completely free and it is characterized by its ease of use.

Announcement detector



AppBrain ad detector

report this ad

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How to Remove Advertising on WhatsApp Plus? ▷ ➡️ Creative Stop ▷ ➡️

How to remove advertising on WhatsApp Plus? Most of the social networks have advertising today, either in an invasive or discreet way, most of these applications have a business-based advertising system to attract, maintain and attract the attention of all their users and then focus that attention on advertising spaces.

And although there are different ways to avoid receiving advertising through these applications, it is difficult to find a way to do it completely without the applications going to sanction you for it or be totally effective. However, there are third-party applications that allow you to do so, such as block ads with WhatsApp Plus.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Why is there advertising on WhatsApp?
    • 1.1 How to block advertising on WhatsApp?
  • 2 How to disable advertising on WhatsApp Plus?
    • 2.1 What happens if I deactivate advertising on WhatsApp?

Why is there advertising on WhatsApp?

Although many people tend to ignore it, WhatsApp is still a business behind a company, so it needs to generate money and income in some way. The way that WhatsApp generates income is through the sale of advertising space and information for advertising purposes. So if, WhatsApp sells advertising.

For this reason, it is that, after seeing a couple of stories, or in some sections, you may find some advertising. Or, after talking about a specific topic, you may come across advertising related to it on some other website. However, there are different ways to block advertising from WhatsApp.

How to block advertising on WhatsApp?

In a traditional and general way, you cannot prevent WhatsApp from showing advertising or sell your preferential advertising information through a configuration or option, which is stipulated in their terms and conditions. But you can choose to download third-party applications and extensions for your mobile, which is responsible for performing this function.

It would only be enough to download the one of your choice, install it and manage the information requested by it to be able to enter and modify these WhatsApp advertising configuration files. However, WhatsApp can sanction this type of activity since it goes against its terms and conditions.

How to disable advertising on WhatsApp Plus?

A new and tempting opportunity that allows WhatsApp Plus is to block ads and advertising, and is integrated into said mod. In one of its configuration options, located in the permissions and application tab, an option is attached that allows you to activate or deactivate the advertising tracking of WhatsApp.

In this way, you can disable ads that appear on WhatsApp without any other third-party application other than WhatsApp Plus. By default, this option is disabled, so if you find these advertisements very annoying, you will have to activate it manually.

What happens if I deactivate advertising on WhatsApp?

If you do this, it is possible that WhatsApp can detect the lack of data transmission to its advertising servers, so it is not impossible that you can be penalized for this action. That said, they are highly unlikely to do so, and outside of this realm, there are no other apparent negative consequences.

On the other hand, the benefits they bring are much more. Without sending advertising data, you will enjoy less advertising on WhatsApp, faster browsing, and less balance expenses (data or megabytes) of your mobile network or Wi-Fi.

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How to remove ads in WhatsApp Plus? ▷ ➡️ Creative Stop ▷ ➡️

How to remove ads on WhatsApp Plus? Most social networks today have ads, either in an invasive or subtle way, most of these apps have a business ad system that captures, maintains and captures the attention of all its users and then focuses that attention on ad spaces.

While there are various ways to avoid getting ads through these apps, it's hard to find a way to do it completely unless the apps penalize you or are completely effective. However, there are third-party applications that allow you to do this, for example block ads with whatsapp plus .


  • 1 Why does WhatsApp have ads?
    • 1.1 How to block ads on WhatsApp?
  • 2 How do I disable ads on WhatsApp Plus?
    • 2.1 What happens if I disable ads on WhatsApp?

Why does WhatsApp have ads?

While many people tend to ignore it, WhatsApp is still the business behind the company, so it must generate money and income somehow. WhatsApp generates revenue through the sale of advertising space and information for promotional purposes. So what if, WhatsApp sells ads.

For this reason, after looking at a couple of stories or in some sections, you may find advertisements. Or, after talking about a particular topic, you may come across ads related to it on some other website. However, there are different ways to block ads from WhatsApp .

How to block ads on WhatsApp?

In the traditional and general way, you cannot prevent WhatsApp from displaying ads or selling your preferred advertising information through the configuration or options provided in their terms. But you can choose to download third-party apps and extensions for your mobile phone, which is responsible for this function.

You only need to download the one of your choice, install it and manage the information requested by it to be able to enter and modify these WhatsApp Advertising Configuration Files. However, WhatsApp may impose sanctions on this type of activity because it is contrary to its terms.

How to disable ads in WhatsApp Plus?

A new and enticing feature that allows WhatsApp Plus is designed to block ads and ads, and is integrated into said mod. One of its configuration options, located in the permissions and applications tab, has a setting attached to enable or disable WhatsApp ad tracking.

In this way you can disable the ads that appear on WhatsApp without any third party apps other than WhatsApp Plus. This option is disabled by default, so if this ad is very annoying, you will have to activate it manually.

What happens if I disable ads on WhatsApp?

If you do this, WhatsApp may detect that no data is being transmitted to its ad servers, so you may be penalized for doing so. However, they are unlikely to do so, and there are no other obvious negative effects outside of this area.

On the other hand, they are much more useful. Without sending ad data, you will enjoy fewer ads on WhatsApp , faster browsing and lower balance costs (data or megabytes) on your mobile network or Wi-Fi.

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How to remove ads and ads in WhatsApp Messenger and improve platform performance? Step by step instructions

Whatsapp has become one of instant messaging applications le most important in the world. Where there are currently a large number of active users who use its services on a daily basis, whether in sending instant messages , en video calls, file sharing, among others.

However, there has been news recently that there were rumors that the application would be launched. add advertisement is for getting new income. But this news was not very positive for most WhatsApp participants, given the boredom of these advertisements.

Because of all this, we will tell you how you can exclude all such advertisements from the application and and other advertisements improve your experience .

When will the announcement officially appear on WhatsApp Messenger?

Everything seems to indicate that ads will arrive on social media from 2020 or at least that's how the networks made it clear. And this is the latest review that leaked text messaging company indicated that it will take the field in terms of advertising on the platform and that this will be included in next software updates.

While we do not know exactly where these announcements will is located. However, some Internet sites claim to appear in States . And they quote the following statement Vice President of de Company, Chris Daniels, who commented the following: " We are going to advertise in the 'United States', this is a priority for the company because it is a way for the business to reach more people"

All this created great discomfort in most users of the application, who classify all this as something is tedious and not very nice because it's interrupting the visibility of the content you really want to see . Something similar to what happens on platforms YouTube and Facebook .

What are the methods to remove ads from WhatsApp when they arrive?

Once all these news are published, social media users started look for various alternatives available to prevent these notifications from appearing on the platform. . There are currently two ways to start to avoid having ads while doing it on one of the social networks and explain below.

Don't update the app

As mentioned above, all these ads will start running from next software update . Simply put, one way to prevent them from appearing on our devices is to uninstall app updates.

This is a process you can do directly from your mobile device and with which you will avoid this mailbox is updated automatically. However, this will cause you to start sticking with the old version of .

Ad blocker

Another way to avoid this is to use ad blockers. These are applications created by third parties that are responsible for preventing these notifications from appearing on the website or social network .

You can download them directly from Google Play Store , you will find a wide selection of programs dedicated to to cut all these types of ads and other to improve the user experience .

Steps to remove ads from Wasap so that ads are not shown

Knowing already two ways to avoid having ads inside Wasap , we can begin to explain what are the necessary steps to implement these two methods . To do this, follow the steps we will teach you below:

Disable automatic updates from Google Play

in deactivate rates à Wasap day on the device, we can do it directly from Play Store menu , given that applications put normally in automatically upgrade to every time a new version is available on the market .

Par Serial, to disable all this, you need to do the following:

  • The first thing to do is to log in to Google Play Store.
  • There select le three lines located in the upper left corner of the screen to display option menu .

  • Then you need to select Configuration section.

  • Now in the tab "General", you will need to select "Automatically update applications".

  • A new window will appear asking you to select the last option. "Do not update the application automatically" and click on "Finished".

In this way you will prevent text messaging Mettre à day and you will start to have a version with advertising.

Use Adblock

In case we don't want uninstall app updates , but it all goes on Mettre à day automatically , we must use ad blocker. There are many such tools on the Internet today, where they all perform the same functions.

Considering all this, here we will recommend Ultimate ad unit , it is responsible for to block all types of ads , it has no type association as advertising agencies and its main purpose is prevent any notification. either on a computer or on mobile devices.

Another great advantage of this software is that it does not prevent the presence of malware and adware that can damage the device. The perfect solution to eliminate all those pop-ups and comfortably enjoy each of the programs.

Ultimate Ad Blocker


As we mentioned, other ways we can find to block all those pop-ups that appear on our Android and iOS mobile devices are ad blockers . This is perhaps one of the easiest ways to implement.

For this reason, we present here that is the best software of this type so that you can start downloading on your smartphone:


This blocker is available for Android mobile devices from which you have the option to start eliminate all pop-ups that appear on your smartphone . This makes it very easy to use and customize with various forms of filtering.

AdGuard gives you the ability to have secure browsing without ads which makes you have a slow and insecure internet connection excellent presentation during elimination and blocking of pop-ups of any type, thus helping to avoid the presence of any type of banner or reward advertisement.

Therefore, this application allows you to perform a large number of functions, allowing its customers to take basic simple system .

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