How to send a wedding telegram

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You can order a telegram online and it will be delivered to the recipient on paper. Enter the street address of the recipient and your message, and pay by credit or debit card. The telegram will be delivered by a courier to the door of the recipient, in a sealed envelope.


Top destinations are Vivint, Wyndham Resorts, Empire Today, Kirby, Armando Montelongo, Erie Construction, Blue World Pools, Sears, Monterey Bay Matchmakers, Power Home, Solarcity, Hansons Windows, Whitney Education Group, Elite Legacy Education, AT&T, Castle the Window People, Easy Rest, 24 Hour Fitness.

Please check DoD Directive 4525.6. Always use the country “USA” even if you know the geographical location of the APO/FPO. Telegrams are transferred to MPS (Military Postal Service) directly and are delivered with the highest priority. This is particularly beneficial if the delivery channel has a limited capacity.

The best option is to send your sympathy message to the funeral home. They will know how and when to present the telegram. If you only have the church address, please add the funeral date to the address field. Or, just send it to the family’s home address, especially if you are running late.

Using the business address of the celebration venue (hotel, restaurant, chapel, etc.) is recommended. Make sure you include the last name of the recipient couple or individual. You can add a requested delivery date below the address (“DELIVER ON [date]”).



Delivery to business addresses is same-day, to residential addresses, next-day. Telegrams are delivered by a courier in a sealed envelope. You can track the telegram online. Free copy with submission time stamp is included.


For example, delivery to UK, Italy, Japan, or the former Yugoslavia is same-day in cities, next-day in rural areas. Delivery is by a courier of a state-designated service (local telecom/post).


Cruise ships are especially popular ship destinations. Telegrams are transmitted over satellite link within six hours. They are then delivered to the recipient by the crew. Please include the cabin number, if available. If the recipient is part of a group, please add “c/o [name of the principal booker]”.


With the White House being the top address, many telegrams are delivered to state and federal representatives. For the latter, you can use either a Washington or local address. A telegram stands out, so there is a better chance the recipient will pay attention to your message than if you send an email or letter.

About us provides the international telegram service formerly provided by the FTCC, which was founded in 1895 with the objective of laying a transatlantic telegraph cable. As part of its legacy, is now using the FTCC’s historic telegraphic country prefix. is regulated by the FCC as an enhanced service provider under Title I (FCC Registration Number (FRN): 0025305764).

Initially, while Western Union was handling domestic delivery, the FTCC was responsible for international, financial, and government traffic. Since the Internet Division was opened in 1995, a telegram can be sent through this website to any destination—domestic, international, or on the high seas.

What is the cost of sending a telegram?

The cost depends on the length and destination, and starts at around $30 for a short telegram.  You can click on “Price and Send Now” and test the pricing interactively—change the text as many times as you like before proceeding to payment.

How fast are telegrams delivered?

The delivery speed depends on the destination. Please consult “Resources.. Delivery information by country” for details. Some examples: USA business address: same day; USA residential address: same or next day; Japan: same day, remote islands next day; Italy: same or next day. The cut-off time for same-day delivery is noon at the destination.

I did not complete the telegram order—I stopped before paying. How do I cancel my telegram?

Unfinished (not paid-for) telegram submissions are canceled by the system automatically after five days. If you still wish to proceed, please follow the payment link in the e-mail receipt. The original submission date will stand.

The receiving company claims they did not receive the telegram—what can I do?

Please contact us and a delivery specialist will take care of the problem. It is not unusual for companies to refuse acknowledgment of receipt, especially of cancellation telegrams. However, for 20 years, we have had a 100% cancellation success rate.

I would like the telegram to be delivered on a specific date (for a ceremony, funeral, celebration, etc.). Can I do that?

Yes. Please add “DELIVER ON [date]” beneath the address.

Will I receive confirmation of the delivery?

Email confirmations are not sent, but you can check delivery information through the tracking system.

Is it possible to send a telegram to a ship at sea, such as a cruise ship?

Yes. Delivery is performed over satellite link within six hours. Please include the cabin number, if available.

I did not receive an email receipt. What should I do?

Please check the separate payment receipt for the tracking number. Enter the tracking number on our website to see the delivery status.

I would like to make a change in the telegram I sent.
How can I do that?

Please use the contact form below to send your changes.

I need to send a cancellation form (a document)—would you be able to deliver it?

There is no need to use the pre-printed cancellation form. Just send a telegram, stating that you would like to cancel your contract. Include the organization’s reference information, such as your contract number.

How do I send a telegram to an APO/FPO military address?

Instead of using a street address, enter the APO/FPO address. Always use the country “USA” even if you know the geographical location of the APO/FPO. Please check the DoD Directive 4525.6 on this website for addressing standards and further details. Please note that internal distribution may be subject to current security regulations.

How do you safeguard privacy?

We take the privacy of our customers very seriously. We comply with global security and privacy standards, including PCI-DSS, HIPAA, EU Privacy Directive and more. Please see our Privacy Policy page for details.

Are you affiliated with Western Union?

No. Until the late 1980s, Western Union was handling domestic delivery of telegrams, and the FTCC was responsible for international, financial and government traffic. After closure of retail operations by Western Union, we effectively replaced them in the domestic market. Our mode of operation and regulation by the FCC are identical to Western Union’s.


International Telegram® - Send a telegram

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Joking wedding telegrams for newlyweds

It is a pity that brides are not warned in advance that they will someday fall in love again with someone else, just like their husbands. But explaining life to young people is difficult, painful, and they still never believe.
Shirley Conran

A wedding telegram for newlyweds in a playful way is one of the original and always pleasant ways to congratulate the newlyweds on their wedding day. Especially if you can’t come to the wedding day of your relatives or friends. After all, a wedding is fun, it is a celebration of two people who become one. And at such a celebration, guests will listen with pleasure and laugh at such comic telegrams.

To make the congratulation more interesting, you can act out a small scenario, for this you need to dress someone up in the costume of fairy-tale heroes, who will read these comic wedding telegrams. For example, you can start with the following words:

While everyone here was congratulating you,
You haven't heard anything.
And the postman came to us here,
Brought a million notes.

After that, fairy-tale heroes come out with the words: Dear newlyweds! Then he reads the text of the comic telegram:

(Name of the groom), do not cut off your shoulder, and you (name of the bride), drank, but know the measure.

Kindergarten "Malyutka" congratulates the newlyweds on their wedding day and reserves 5 places for you.
Kindergarten director

You feel good today, you are getting married today.
You won't get away from me anyway.
Your baby

On the first and subsequent nights, my thoughts are with you.
Your neighbors

We believe, we hope, we wait.
Maternity Hospital "7th"

Dear (names of newlyweds)! Gnaw dry, not each other!

Dear newlyweds! I will arrive with a gift just in time.

Dear (names of newlyweds)! Congratulations! We wish you 5 sons-admirals and 5 son-in-laws-generals.
Military Commissariat

Newlyweds! We congratulate you on the beginning of your honeymoon and wish you a sweet life!
Society of beekeepers

If you need kids it doesn't matter! Winnie the Pooh will always help. Yes Yes Yes!
Winnie the Pooh

Wait 9 months. I hug you tightly and I'm leaving soon.
Your Stork

We wish the young couple to live until the golden wedding.

I wish the sea happiness, live together until you are a hundred years old, and let thirty-three heroes be born.
Uncle Chernomor

Application for divorce from (names of newlyweds) will not be accepted.
Civil Registry Office workers

Young! From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you on the arrival of family life in the port! We warn that from now on casting a net and anchor in foreign waters is equated with poaching and is prosecuted by law.

Congratulations on the launch of two satellites (the names of the young ones) into family orbit. We wish you a successful start, a safe joint flight!
Cosmonauts, astronauts and other "...nauts"

Congratulations! We invite you to spend your wedding night in the Arctic, here the night lasts 6 months.
Polar explorers

Congratulations to the newlyweds on their legal marriage. We wish happiness and warn the groom in advance: if the bride is kidnapped, the police are powerless.

We will try to provide cloudless weather throughout our life, but a lot depends on you.

May there not be a single sour and bitter day in your life.
Director of a confectionery factory

Let the fire in your hearts burn stronger. We will not simmer!

Let the heat of the heart not go out, but don't start a fire for us!

We warn newlyweds that hot hearts, like a hot stove, should not be left unattended. Be careful!
Firefighters and Ministry of Emergency Situations

Please learn another language - the language of family relations.
Institute of Foreign Languages

Let's disperse the smog over your city. We will purify the water in your water supply. Health to you newlyweds!

Hearty congratulations on your legal marriage! How many stumps are in the forest, we wish you so many sons. How many buds are on the tree, we wish you so many daughters.
Society for the Conservation of Nature

Electricity employees advise (groom's name), if (bride's name) is not in a good mood, it's better not to touch it, otherwise you will get a short circuit.

Live happily without quarrels and deceptions. Love each other and signature...

Dear newlyweds! Jealousy is a great evil! Trust each other!

Dear young people! Please do not leave without work.
With love, Maternity hospital

Dear newlyweds! I'm delayed! Get by on your own.

May your life sparkle, not gurgle and hiss like soda!
Champagne Winery

Unfinished telegram to the newlyweds

Ask guests and relatives to name decent adjectives that must be written in spaces (you can increase the number of spaces if you wish) in the next telegram.

On this _________, _________, _________ day (names of newlyweds) congratulations on _________, _________ event. We wish _________ happiness, _________ health, _________ peace and _________ success in _________ family life, _________ daughter, _________ son and _________ more children. With _________ wishes, your _________, _________, friends.

After filling in the text of the telegram, read to all the guests present what happened. An approximate text of a wedding telegram that you can get:

On this extraordinary, primitive, green day, we congratulate Andrei and Daria on a happy, creative event. We wish you explosive happiness, restless health, a beautiful world and long-term success in perpendicular family life, a charming daughter, an obstinate son and even incredible children. With air wishes, your friendly, wedding friends!

With such a cool congratulation you can congratulate the young. After all, a wedding is a day of happiness, and most often, such a day happens only once in a lifetime, and the happiness that it brings lasts a lifetime. Try to make it true! And on such a day, the best way to surprise the newlyweds and guests is wedding telegram , which will be very relevant. You just need to send an official telegram for the newlyweds, and attach a few jokes to it, just ask one of the guests to read them at the banquet in advance. Your attention will be dear to the young, even though you are not around, and the telegrams themselves will remain for a long time.

Wedding telegrams

Wedding telegrams for the groom are the best way to surprise the newlyweds and guests. The atmosphere of the wedding celebration is filled with a variety of feelings. After all, reading congratulations in the form of comic telegrams is an elated mood for all guests and young people.

Cool wedding telegrams for the bride, presented on the day of love and consent, and most often, such a day happens only once in a lifetime, brings not only fun, but also a ray of happiness to the celebration.

Ready-made wedding telegrams are not only a holiday and fun, but also the warmth of words reflected on paper, which comes from the pure heart of the guest who congratulated the bride and groom. He only needs to take a ready-made telegram template.

Comic wedding telegrams for newlyweds - how to write an interesting message to the future or a cool letter from the groom to the bride?


  • What does a cool wedding telegram look like?
  • Letter on the wedding day to the groom from the bride
  • Letter from the groom to the bride before the wedding
  • How to compose a wedding message to the future?

Just a couple of decades ago, a telegram was the only way to congratulate a person who is in another city on a holiday. Today, there is the Internet and telephone for this, the need for this kind of correspondence has disappeared, but the urgent dispatch has not lost its relevance. Comic telegrams and wedding letters for newlyweds remain in vogue even today.

Postman with a bag

What does a cool wedding telegram look like?

If you did not manage to come to the celebration of relatives or friends, do not despair! Instead of a standard phone call, you can remember the old days when it was customary to send wedding letters to each other. Undoubtedly, solemn telegram with elements of sparkling humor will please the newlyweds. And the piece of paper with the postcard itself will be stored in family archives for a long time.

Even if you live in the same city and you will definitely come to the wedding as an invitee, you can additionally use this congratulation option

A funny wedding telegram template can be downloaded on the Internet or bought in a store. As a rule, it is quite simple:

  1. To : "Newlyweds."
  2. Text : "Dear newlyweds, I will arrive with a gift in 9 months period."
  3. From whom : "Stork".

Thus, an infinite number of options can be modeled. For example, write from best friends who advise a young wife to be sure to teach a child first of all to say the word "dad" in order to sleep peacefully all night long. The organizers of the wedding can be advised to write several such telegrams, dress one of the guests in a postman's suit and read the dispatches to the general laughter of the guests and the young themselves.

Carrier pigeon with letter

A letter on the wedding day to the groom from the bride

It's amazing how easy it is to express the depth of one's feelings and trust through humorous statements addressed to a loved one. More recently, love letters were written to the future husband on the eve of the wedding of the bride. Today, pen and paper have been replaced by the Internet and telephone, you can just call and tell about your feelings. However, a funny and subtle joke will not replace any words.

For example, a letter to the groom from a bachelor life is an ideal option to play a trick on a young man, while complimenting him . The bride can compose the text of the letter herself. However, you can use the following template:

“Good morning, my most unique and ideal man! How I long for you and every day I understand that you will never return again. Just remember our days and nights, merry parties and distant friends. Will this woman give you as much as I do? Can she really replace me? I gave you all of myself, but you did not appreciate, abandoned and betrayed.

I have never loved anyone like you, I have never experienced so much tenderness, warmth and all-consuming love for anyone. And this morning, watching you, I saw a happy smile on your face and realized that now you are leaving me forever.

I can no longer live in this world knowing that you left me. And you live and enjoy every day you live. Do you remember how you said that you love me and would not change for anyone? Perhaps I forgot, because it was a long time ago! Yesterday you were mine, and today you will forever belong to someone else. Well, so be it!

Old love letters

I still love you but I don't want this letter to stop you from being happy with the one you chose. Tear the leaf, and then go to her, it will probably be better that way.

Despite all obstacles, I will love you forever. Know this by all means, but I beg you, forget about me! I hope to never see or hear from you again! Good luck to you, my beloved!

Your single life .”

Just imagine the amazement of the groom when he reads the lines of this letter! Having reached the signature, the young man will surely understand everything, and the morning will begin with a cheerful laugh.

A guy reads and laughs

A letter from the groom to the bride before the wedding

The groom can also express the warmth of his feelings and demonstrate a sense of humor by sending the bride a pre-wedding joke message . An example of a letter might be:

“My dear bride! The great Bernard Shaw said that getting married is stupid, and not getting married is even more stupid . Therefore, your fiancé does a very big, but the best stupidity in his life, taking you as his wife. Explain to him that there should be so many dresses in your closet so that a lover does not fit in it, that you need to be loved and pampered in order to protect yourself from betrayal and save your family for many years

I'll tell you a secret: after marriage, husbands become very lazy and don't help around the house at all. The answer to this question is simple - motivate! Get stimulated and take care.

Try to be not only a festive cake for your husband, but also daily bread . Scold your beloved only in private, but praise in public. If you find him after hanging out with friends in a ditch heading towards the house, don't scold him, he's on the right track.

Buy several pairs of iron gloves from the nearest store, I'm afraid one will not suffice. And from the society of old maids, accept condolences on the loss of your maiden name.

Sincerely, marriage philosopher (part-time admirer).


How to compose a wedding message to the future?

A wedding ceremony is not a standard ceremony that must be performed point by point so that just a man and a woman can continue to live together. This is the beginning of a new milestone in the life of each of them, their loved ones and relatives. Young people have to go through a lot hand in hand in this difficult life. They are waiting for the birth of children, tests of fidelity, the truth of feelings, and many others. Undoubtedly, there are couples who, twenty years later, are just as tender and lovingly treat spouse . But in most cases, feelings are dulled, leaving respect and deep affection.

Lately it has become very popular among newlyweds to send letters to themselves into the future

This parcel must be opened after 5 years of marriage .

Wedding or handicraft stores sell special containers and boxes that can be used to pack not only a letter, but also a bottle of good wine, for example. However, most couples prefer to make such containers with their own hands. For example, the tea tin or the original glass container is perfect. It will be even more interesting to bury this message in the ground under a beautiful tree in your favorite garden and get it on the appointed day and hour.

Happy bride and groom

Letters for the newlyweds to the future are written on ordinary paper, if you have such a desire, you can decorate it in your own way or buy a suitable one in the store. The bride and groom can compose the message together or separately. However, it is desirable0129 agree on letter format . Because later it turns out that the bride wrote a message to both, and the groom only to himself.

In a letter, write about everything you want to remind yourself in the future. Be sure to tell us how you see your marriage, how you imagine yourself in 5 years.

Here you can only give an approximate text of the letter, you must come up with the nuances yourself:

“Greetings, our is the most beloved married couple ! Our wedding took place yesterday, and we are completely tired, but very happy, writing to you or to ourselves this message to the future.

There were few guests, but the toastmaster stirred up everyone, so it was noisy and fun. (Here you can recall a couple of funny episodes from the wedding day).

I really hope, dear (husband's name), that you have learned how to assemble a difficult puzzle from scattered socks .

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