How often to post on instagram personal

How Often You Should Post on Instagram: Complete Guide (2023)

Figuring out how often to post on Instagram is the pillar of any strategy for the platform. It’s also a balancing act. You don’t want to post so little that no one sees your content, but you also don’t want to post so much that Instagram thinks you’re a spam account. On top of that, you also have to consider how much time and energy you realistically have to dedicate to the platform.

Whether you have a social media team or you’re a mighty entrepreneurial team of one, we have advice on how often you should post on Instagram as you build your social media marketing strategy. 

I looked at what Instagram has posted publicly, checked out Shopify’s own strategy, and talked to a merchant at the top of their game to get the best advice for how often to post on Instagram.

How Often Should You Post on Instagram

It's recommended to post 3 stories a day evenly spaced out around popular viewing times for your target audience.

As I said, Instagram isn’t particularly forthcoming with tips on how to optimize your strategy for its algorithm, but it has occasionally given some advice.

Instagram’s @Creators account hosted a Q&A with the Head of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, where he was asked the best way to grow an account in 2021.

“A couple of feeds a week, a couple of Stories per day.”

He mentioned the importance of utilizing videos and hashtags, but he also said it’s important to have a “healthy feed.”

“A couple of feeds a week, a couple of Stories per day,” he said. 

By that suggestion, you can take away that while your feed is important, posting more frequently to your Story is also valuable, maybe even more so. 

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Instagram’s @Creators (@creators)

It’s a great pace to aim for and one that allows room for experimentation.

Adam also talked about ranking, which is how Instagram decides what it shows its users. According to a blog post he wrote in June 2021, there isn’t actually a single algorithm determining how Instagram shows content but “a variety of algorithms, classifiers, and processes, each with its own purpose.” That system looks at information such as how many likes a post has and how many times a user has interacted with your account in the past.

It’s a system that is constantly being tweaked, which can be frustrating for brands.

“We can’t guarantee stable reach. It’s not that we don’t want to, we would love to,” Adam said in the Q&A. “But even if we stopped changing how ranking works, what people are interested in changes. More and more people are joining Instagram and posting more things, so there’s more competition.”

That goes back to Adam’s advice, which, in essence, is to be consistent in your posting strategy.

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Get into a consistent rhythm

The most important piece of advice for when to post on Instagram is that consistency is more important than volume, especially as you start out.

It can be easy to forget when you're navigating through Instagram, or your favorite brands that you regularly check in on, started at zero. There was a moment for each of us where we had zero followers, lacks comments or a plan.

Gretta van Riel, in an edited excerpt from the course Grow Your Business with Instagram

According to research from Hubspot, the median cadence of feed postsa across Instagram users was four per week. However this is higher for business accounts, which posted an average of 1.56 times per day to their main feed. As well, 20% of business accounts posted to their Story at least once per week.

Combining this research with Adam’s comments, we can ascertain that posting one feed post and two Stories per day is a pretty good bet for growing your engagement. Whether you are able to start at that pace depends on how much time, experience, and personnel you have.

Instead of jumping into the deep end right away, you should focus on a consistent posting schedule that makes sense for you and your business where they are right now.

At Shopify, our social team noticed a marked rise in engagement from posting once per day.

That can sound daunting, especially if you’re handling all your social accounts on top of all the other work it takes to keep a business running. 

Here are some tips to get your rhythm going.

Start with what’s do-able

Instead of jumping into the deep end right away, you should focus on a consistent posting schedule that makes sense for you and your business where they are right now. That might look more like three feed posts per week and three Stories per week. 

Create a schedule

However much you’re posting, you want to spread them out. A good idea is to schedule days. For example, maybe you post a feed photo on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and a Story on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

Spreading posts out not only pleases the algorithm but gives your audience an expectation of when new content is coming and gives each post breathing room so they’re not competing with each other for likes and comments.

Streamline with apps

To make this all easier, you can use Instagram management apps like Sked, Later, or Hootsuite to schedule posts in advance. That way, you can create your posts in bulk ahead of time and not have to worry about checking in and coming up with new content every day. And keep it up—dropping off for a week or two isn’t the end of the world but could potentially lower your ranking in Instagram’s eyes because it also rewards how recent a post is.  

As you get more comfortable with scheduling and coming up with high-quality post ideas, you can increase your cadence and aim for daily content.

Ready to create your business? Start your free trial of Shopify—no credit card required.

How Wilderdog grew its Instagram audience

Rachel Friedline is the co-founder of Wilderdog, a company that makes leashes, harnesses, and other accessories for dogs who love outdoor adventures. Founded in 2015, Rachel launched an Instagram page for Wilderdog right away, knowing it would be a key part of her social media marketing strategy.

Since then, Rachel has grown the account to 292,000 followers, and she’s done it by herself, running the page along with her business.  

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by WILDERDOG (@wilderdog)

Right now, Rachel aims to post one feed post per day, although she has missed a day here and there. She saves high-quality photos, whether her own or from a customer, for the feed, taking care to include a variety of dog types.

“I don’t think there’s very many times in our seven year history that I’ve posted more than once on one day,” she says.

On her Story, which she updates more frequently, she posts more casual content, like sharing posts from customers. She’s built a customer base that loves to tag her company in photos of their dogs, so the Story is a good place to post ones that are particularly funny or encapsulate her brand.

“I think that by making mistakes along the way, you’re going to figure out what’s best for your company."

Her biggest tip for other entrepreneurs is to just keep posting and experimenting.

“The culture surrounding the app seems to be changing faster than ever now,” she says. “Yes, strategize, but also be willing to change your strategy.”

She says that even she is surprised when sometimes a post she thinks is great doesn’t get much engagement. It may be the algorithm at work, but you can use it to your advantage, too.

Because she uses the app every day, Rachel was able to notice when Reels were picking up steam and post more of those. Or, once she noticed posts tagged with shoppable items were doing better, so she leaned into that. She was able to build her audience by posting consistently, but switching up exactly what she was posting.

“I think that by making mistakes along the way, you’re going to figure out what’s best for your company,” she says.


Consistency is king when it comes to how often to post on Instagram, and that applies to more than just your posting cadence.

Creating and maintaining a posting rhythm will build a habit for you or your team, let your audience know when to expect news posts, and keep you in tune with trends and your own metrics. Plus, the more you’re able to post, the more room you have to experiment.

The key to growing on Instagram is to consistently provide high-quality content that people love interacting with. Exactly what that content will be depends on your business and what resonates with your customers, and you need to be prepared for it to change sometimes.

“I do think one of the most important things is to experiment, is to try new things and try to figure out what’s resonating with your audience now. Because it might be different than it was half a year or a year ago,” Adam said in the Instagram Q&A.

Experimenting with new formats, like video, as well as using hashtags, thoughtful captions, and geotagging locations can all help boost your content. 

Keep an eye on your metrics and monitor what works, what doesn’t, and what your customers respond to most.

Illustration by Adamastor

Posting on Instagram FAQ

How often should I post on Instagram to gain followers?

The frequency of your posts on Instagram will depend on your goals and audience. Generally, we recommend posting at least once a day to maximize your visibility and engagement. However, if you have more time and resources, you can post multiple times a day, or even several times a week. Experiment to find the posting schedule that works best for you and your followers.

Is posting 2 times a day on Instagram too much?

It depends on the type of content you are posting and your audience. If your content is interesting and engaging, it could be beneficial to post more often. However, if you are posting too often and your content is not interesting, it could turn people away.

How Often to Post to Instagram in 2023

Instagram Tips & Resources

By Monique Thomas

Updated on January 18, 2023

6 minute read

According to 22M posts 📈

Published January 18, 2023

How often should you post to Instagram every week? 

It’s a question that elicits a lot of conflicting opinions from social media managers, creators, and solopreneurs alike.  

So, as a leading social media scheduling and management platform, we took matters (AKA data!) into our own hands and analyzed over 22M Instagram feed posts (images, videos, carousels, and Reels). 

Here’s what we found. 

Table of Contents

  • Does Posting Frequency on Instagram Really Matter?
  • How Often Should You Post on Instagram Every Week?
  • How Often You Should Post on Instagram for Reach & Engagement
  • So, How Often Should You Really Post on Instagram?

Does Posting Frequency on Instagram Really Matter? 

Short answer: yes. 

While “consistency” is the buzzword du jour, being consistent on Instagram is a great way to grow on the app. 

“The more consistent your posts, the more your audience will get to know you — which in turn builds trust. They’ll also know what to expect from you, giving them a reason to follow and engage with your content,” says Later’s Social Media Manager, Christine Colling.

Since posting more consistently on Instagram, I’ve reached 187k views on my reels 😩 I really think there’s something to explore there y’all …

— Aasha Collins (@aashacollinsxo) September 27, 2022

But it has to be manageable.

Rather than posting just to post, be more strategic and consider what’s achievable for you (or your team). 

“Consistency doesn’t have to mean posting every single day. Set your own pace and create a reasonable schedule — even if it means starting with just one or two posts a week,” adds Christine. 

Plus, not every post type is created equal. 

If your goal is to reach more eyes, you may want to focus on creating Reels or shareable carousel posts

If you’d like to connect with your audience, doubling-down on Instagram Stories could encourage an influx of DMs. 

The takeaway? 

While posting consistently on Instagram will help you build a community, it’s important to: 

  • Define (and frequently revisit) your social strategy and goals  

  • Determine an achievable posting frequency

  • Experiment with different post types 

  • Analyze your content performance to see what’s working  

FYI: Later’s Instagram scheduling tool is trusted by over 4M creators, brands, and social media managers. Plan, preview, and publish your posts in advance — create an account, today:  

How Often Should You Post on Instagram Every Week in 2023? 

After analyzing over 22M Instagram feed posts from January 1, 2022 to October 12, 2022, we found that users with:

  • Nano accounts (0-10K followers) post an average of 3 feed posts per week 

  • Micro accounts (10K-100K followers) post an average of 3 feed posts per week 

  • Mid accounts (100K-500K followers) post an average of 5 feed posts per week 

How does that stack up against Instagram’s recommendations? 

In June 2021, Adam Mosseri, Head of Instagram, suggested posting, “a couple feed posts a week, and a couple stories a day.” 

Yes, that advice is a little vague, but remember: one size doesn't fit all.

As for Later’s social team?

With over 470K Instagram followers, we post an average of 10 feed posts a week (around 1-2 a day).

But how often should you post for optimal engagement and reach by post type — for example, how many Reels a week? How many carousels? 

Keep reading, we’re breaking down all the data below. 

How Often You Should Post on Instagram in 2023 for Reach & Engagement — According to Post Type

Depending on your specific Instagram goals, your post type could be the ticket to increased reach, engagement, or a combination of both. 

Reach rate is a valuable indicator of your exposure, while engagement rate can indicate how well your content resonates with your community.  

Based on our analysis, here’s how often you should post on Instagram — for optimal reach and engagement — according to post type: 

How Often Nano Accounts Should Post on Instagram— According to Post Type 

According to our analysis, Nano accounts (0-10K followers) see the highest average engagement rates with Reels.

1 Reel = an average engagement rate of 3.95%. 

And if you’ve got even more time (and resources) on your hands, posting 14 Reels = an average engagement rate of 4.73%.

However, carousel posts get a ton of engagement too. Posting just 1 carousel a week = an average engagement rate of 3.36%: 

When it comes to reach rate, posting more Reels reigns supreme:

How Often Micro Accounts Should Post on Instagram — According to Post Type 

Micro accounts (10K-100K followers) tend to see high average engagement rates with Reels and videos.

If you want to go big, 20 Reels = an average engagement rate of 2.99% — the highest of all post types.

In comparison, 1 Reel = an average engagement rate of 1.05%.

But carousel posts come in strong too! Posting anywhere from 1-5 carousels a week can see an average engagement rate of 0.9% or higher:

For reach rate, on average, the more Reels and video content you post per week, the higher your overall reach:

How Often Mid Accounts Should Post on Instagram — According to Post Type 

Mid accounts have between 100K-500K followers, so it comes as no surprise that their engagement rates are lower than their Nano and Micro counterparts.

However, a healthy mix of Reels and carousels — for example, 5 of each a week — can see an average engagement rate over 0.74%:

For reach, yet again, posting multiple Reels a week yields the best results: 

P. S. Our team analyzed over 11M posts to discover the best time to post on Instagram. Bookmark this: When Is the Best Time to Post on Instagram in 2023?

So, How Often Should You Really Post a Week on Instagram?

If you want to reach new audiences, posting more Reels — paired with an effective hashtag and keyword strategy — is always a good idea.

However, if engagement is the name of the game, consider using a variety of post types — carousel posts and single images have decent engagement rates too. 

But most importantly, try not to get caught up in the numbers — creating quality content trumps quantity. 

Instead, use this data as a starting point to gather insights and experiment with your own account to find what works best.  

FYI: With Later’s free social media scheduling tools, you can schedule all of your Instagram content in advance — hello, timesaver! 🎉

*Study based on analysis of 22M+ Instagram feed posts (images, videos, carousels, Reels) published via Later between January 1, 2022 - October 12, 2022. Data by Wissam Ghoudi.

About the Author

Monique Thomas

Content Marketer

Monique is Later's Editorial Content Marketing Manager. You can usually find her sipping matcha or adding another book to her TBR list. Say hi on Instagram — @wordsbymonique

Plan, schedule, and automatically publish your social media posts with Later.

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© 2023 Later. All Rights Reserved.

What are the limits on Instagram and why stick to them? In this article, we will look at the limits on Instagram, find out what criteria to follow and for what actions an account can be blocked.

  • Why adhere to limits on Instagram
  • Violation of which limits leads to blocking
  • Other limits on Instagram
  • Conclusion

Why stick to limits on Instagram

Instagram limits apply to any kind of content: the number of likes, comments, subscriptions, messages, and the like. The site algorithm checks the user's actions and blocks suspicious activity in the profile, and also warns against using "gray" promotion methods.

Note . You can read about the Community Guidelines in the Meta Help and the Instagram Guide.

The site has a negative attitude towards:

  • Cheats and automatic actions.
  • Attempts to manipulate and bypass algorithms.
  • Intrusive advertising in private messages and comments.
  • Spam.

Consequences of limit violations

For one violation you will receive a warning, which can be viewed in the "Notifications" tab. If the moderators notice a large number of identical actions in the account, you will receive a warning, followed by blocking or deleting the profile. Particularly strict requirements apply to new accounts that have been in existence for less than six months.

  • Shadowban . The site limits the display of posts, Reels and stories - they do not fall into recommendations and cannot be found by hashtags. If you notice a sharp drop in reach within a few days, this is a sign of a shadowban.
  • Temporary lock . The algorithm limits your actions and does not allow you to like, subscribe to users or leave comments. This blocking lasts up to three days.
  • Temporary account deletion . In this case, you do not lose access to the profile, and when you try to log in, a notification appears that the account has been blocked for violating the rules. Access can be restored, but technical support takes a long time to respond, which means it will take time.
  • Permanent ban . Instagram will delete the page without the possibility of recovery.

Recommended reading! Learn how to unblock Instagram.

You may also receive a warning for content that does not comply with platform standards. Because of him, account holders fall under the shadowban. To find out the status of your account, go from your profile to the menu and go to the "Settings" section.

Account settings

Then go to the "Account" tab.

"Account" tab

And check "Account Status".

Account Status tab

Here you can check the list of violations, see recommendations and options on how to get deleted posts back.

Check your profile for prohibited content
Convert Instagram followers into regular customers

Create a chatbot, automate communication with customers and improve sales in Instagram Direct.

Violation of what limits leads to blocking

Let's consider violations for which some functions can be limited or even blocked forever.

Limit of likes on Instagram

To increase the reach and attract users' attention to the profile, account holders put likes.


Account age from 3 months Account age from 6 months Account age more than a year
9ATH -5 messages 9

Comments on Instagram

due to comments are often blocked-monitor the text so that they are different and contain the text. , not just emoji.

Identical comments are treated as spam. This is followed by a warning, and if the action is repeated, the account is blocked.

Account age from 3 months ACCAUN ACTION FROM 6 months The age of the account is more than a year
per day 35 50 10 15
The minimum break 10 minutes
900 250
ACCAUN ACCOUNCE FROM 3 months Account age from 6 months The age of the account is more than a year
per day is not recommended so as not to get to Ban
per hour It is not recommended to use so as not to get into Ban 7 Comments 8
Minimum break 4-5 minutes
9000 9000 9003 the total number of subscriptions and unsubscriptions per day. Therefore, if you have subscribed to a large number of users, it is better to postpone the unsubscribe to the next day so as not to get banned.

9008 3
Account age from 3 months Account age from 6 months The age of the account is more than a year
per day 100 subscriptions 300 500
Minimum break 8 minutes 5 minutes 30 seconds to 1 minute

9003 9003 035

You can start unsubscribing from 300 non-reciprocal and 200 mutual subscriptions per day, gradually increasing this number. But do not forget about the total amount of subscriptions and unsubscriptions per month - otherwise the account will be blocked.

per day 500 1400 9ATHER 2000. 29 20AT0086 20 REGULTS 50 80
The minimum break from 2 to 5 minutes

Other limits on Instagram

We will analyze other limits that do not lead to the blocking, but limit the blocking, but limit the blocking, but limit the blocking. for example, stories or hashtags.


Up to 100 stories can be added per day. If you upload another one, the very first story will be automatically deleted and the total number will be one hundred.


Up to three users per hour can be mentioned in comments, and up to 20 per day for new accounts. For profiles that have existed for more than six months, up to 50 users can be mentioned per day.

Number of characters under the post

Up to 2200 characters can be added to the post. If this is not enough for you, you can overlay text on the image and add it to the carousel, as in the screencast below.

Carousel text example

Adding photos and posts

Up to 10 images can be added to a post. Up to 20 publications can be published per day with an interval of 5-10 minutes, but practice shows that it is enough to upload 1-2 posts per day, and send the rest of the content to stories. This way you won't bore your audience.


Up to 30 tags with target and near-target keys can be added to a post. And for Reels, it is recommended to prescribe no more than 5 hashtags. You can also use tags in stories - geolocation, brand or thematic query.

Use spaces or periods in the text to separate tags.

An example of delimiting tags in the text for publication

Account blocking

Brands and bloggers constantly use account blocking: fakes, spam, trolls, competitors, and the like. At the same time, mass blocking is perceived negatively by the platform - so do not rush to take such measures so as not to receive a warning. It’s better to try to calm the person down or pause between blocks so as not to attract undue attention from the moderators.

Recommended reading! Learn more about Instagram:

  • “How to write an introduction post on Instagram”;
  • "How to make a mask on Instagram";
  • "How to create, promote and maintain an Instagram store";
  • "How to create a high-quality visual on Instagram";
  • "How to sell on Instagram";
  • "How to use Instagram Guides for organic promotion";
  • “Earn money on Instagram — TOP 18 ways to get real money”;
  • “How to make stories on Instagram from phone and computer”;
  • "How to add a photo to Instagram from a computer";
  • “How to create a content plan for Instagram. Rules, tips, examples”;
  • "Instagram design: how to make your profile attractive to the audience."


In this article, we looked at the new Instagram limits that are updated every year. You can learn about changes only by trial and error - the site does not talk about the operation of the algorithm and how it reacts to mass actions.

If you are banned, follow these precautions:

  • Do nothing on your account and try checking your profile the next day.
  • File an appeal with technical support and ask for options to resolve the problem.
  • After exiting the ban, reduce the number of actions. For some time, moderators will closely monitor the account and can delete it at any time.
  • Stop using automated services that help you publish content.

You can automate the process of communication with users using the Instagram chatbot, which will send mailings to those who have agreed to the correspondence.

The SendPulse bot allows you to set up answers to frequently asked questions, create any chains, send data to CRM, place orders and notify customers about delivery.

SendPulse Chat Bot Builder

And also connect our other tools for comprehensive promotion: create multilinks using the landing page builder, send email, Viber, SMS and push notifications, set up chat bots in instant messengers and social networks — Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and Telegram!

step-by-step instructions - Marketing on vc.


Newsletter on Instagram - step-by-step instructions with specific examples.
We tell you what a mailing list on Instagram is: when and to whom it will be useful.

92 392 hits

Friends, welcome! The Boss.Direct team is in touch.
Instagram chatbot with mailing functionality👇

In pursuit of new subscribers-clients, we often underestimate the capabilities of the existing audience. But it can be the best - loyal customers.

In the article we will figure out how to increase sales many times without attracting a new audience.

Newsletter on Instagram: what is it?

Newsletter on Instagram is a quick targeted way to convey information to the audience.

The main purpose of the newsletter is sales. This is a truly underestimated tool that can increase sales at times, and for a penny. Provided that the text of the mailing will correspond to the interests of the potential client. And will ship at moderate intervals.

We will analyze recommendations for setting up the most effective messaging on Instagram in a separate block.

Please note that we are talking about sending via Instagram. Where people go daily and check private messages on their own.

By e-mail, the effect is completely different. With rare exceptions, the person will either delete the message immediately, or it will automatically be moved to spam. But we don’t recommend attacking like this even on Instagram:

Negative Instagram mailing example

When launching a newsletter on Instagram, text plays a huge role. It should be the most "selling" and the most unlike spam text. The case when you can even test a typo like:

An example of a newsletter on Instagram

If you trust Google, then the main disadvantage of sending to Instagram is the risk of blocking your account. But if you delve deeper and study the algorithms, you can understand that sending to Instagram is an absolutely safe tool....

Newsletter on Instagram: when and to whom it will be useful

Instagram newsletter is ideal for engaging existing followers - regular or potential customers. And as part of security, not suitable for attracting new subscribers.

We do not recommend mass mailing to new faces or competitors' clients. We recommend using the mailing list to engage the existing audience and cultivate loyalty.

Sending messages in the first place, will be useful to those who want to increase sales. It will also be useful for engaging the audience.

The tasks of posting on Instagram can be different:

- to present a novelty;
- tell about the action;
- remind about the need for an appointment, etc.

For example, you have published an important post. We need maximum publicity, but Instagram is harmful and only shows it to 30% of the audience. An ideal case for using the newsletter on Instagram. Send the post to the available dialogues. It's better than retargeting.

First make sure that the "important post" is a sales post:

Another example - you have a new special offer and you want everyone to know about it. Or you launched an action, and you need to involve as many people as possible!

You have planned an event, how to call all the clients? Send out invitations!

Sales have fallen, you need to urgently remind yourself. Send information to customers with whom you previously had a dialogue.

Advantages of mass mailing on Instagram:

  • effectively and quickly informs the audience;
  • ease of process - mailing can be completely delegated;
  • improves target results. There is no 100% conversion from a target, but by supplementing the target with a newsletter, you can achieve the ideal conversion;
  • low price - more profitable than retargeting. Even if everything is delegated: the copywriter will write the text, the bot will send messages;
  • can be included in the auto sales funnel and constantly remind you of yourself.

How to improve the results of targeted advertising using a bot:

Instagram posting limits

Instagram is constantly updating its policy and is increasingly blocking users for spam. They can be blocked if: you often send messages, send out messages with the same frequency, the same type of texts.

This is especially true for new accounts. From the moment of registration 12-20 days for you close attention. The total limit of actions on the page should not exceed 500 (including likes, subscriptions, comments, etc.).

Current limits for sending messages:

  • to new subscribers - 70 sms/day
  • to persons not subscribed to the profile - 50 sms/day

Life hack: limits are irrelevant when mailing to Instagram subscribers with whom ALREADY had a dialogue

Hence our task is to involve as many audiences as possible in the dialogue. The easiest way to do this is through engaging stories:

You can also diversify content and engage with games:

Or you can use an even more original tool and run a mask:

Since the policy is constantly updated, the Instagram distribution service reinsures and completely imitates the user's cycle of actions. Sends messages every 15-20 seconds, and performs all the actions that a person would take when sending messages. Imitation of a sociable energetic person.

How to make a newsletter on Instagram: instructions and examples

During the mailing, the subscriber can go to your profile and look through the posts, relevant, stories. The task of the profile with all its appearance is to close the objections of a potential client and encourage them to close the deal.

We have already told you how to make a selling profile on Instagram. Grab free life hacks:

1. Sales start with analysis. You need to clearly understand who your target audience is. And it is better to make a portrait of the client. This is a source of reliable information. And in the future - the source of the most effective advertising.

Crowd phrases don't work. A person needs a sense of individual approach. It should feel like a recommendation from a friend.

2. We compose the mailing text that will interest the potential client and involve him in the dialogue. These can be: promotions, selection tips, gift ideas, etc.

Example for food delivery:

Ice cream ads are best sent out during the day, at the height of the heat.

Newsletter on Instagram, example

Clothing example:

The dialogue can be started with a question. How to try on a friendly note to understand what will suit the client. Close his objections and help make a choice.

Newsletter on Instagram, example

Well, or offer the help of a professional!

Newsletter on Instagram, example boss. direct

Example for florists:

Newsletter on Instagram, example

Example for a thematic blog:

Newsletter on Instagram, example

Example for beauty master:

Newsletter on Instagram, example


Newsletter on Instagram, example


Newsletter on Instagram, example


Newsletter on Instagram, example

Dentist example:

Newsletter on Instagram, example

Example for photographer:

Newsletter on Instagram, example

Gym example:

Newsletter on Instagram, example

Example universal, monthly discount:

Newsletter on Instagram, example boss. direct

3. If you are the lucky owner of a lot of time, or if you only have 10-30 dialogues with clients, then you can create templates and send them to the target audience manually. Get a free newsletter on Instagram. But if you have a lot of dialogues, then this is not the most profitable way. More on that in the next block.

4. Analysis of the results and determination of the most effective distribution option.

Instagram mailing service

The safest and most profitable way to quickly send to Instagram is to delegate the process to an automated service - a bot. Firstly, because the Instagram bot knows and adheres to the limits. Secondly, the bot will send messages much faster than a human. And thirdly, because he does not have a human factor and he cannot deviate from the installation.

Boss.Direct is a service where you can set up a chatbot and Instagram mailing lists. Service that increases sales by 69%. Suitable for both professionals and beginners in promotion and sales.

Boss.Direct is configured in such a way that it is impossible to perform actions that are dangerous for the account. Bot is not designed to send messages when subscribed. It is designed only to work with those subscribers with whom there has already been a dialogue. For Instagram algorithms, this is a fundamental difference. And only in this way mailing is of great benefit, not harm. Also, the service is for security, so it does not provide the ability to send links in mailing lists.

Also, if a client writes a message that contains one of the keys like "don't send me such messages again / unsubscribe me from the mailing list", the Instagram feed program will automatically transfer the client to the "Unsubscribed" group. And the newsletter will not come to them.

So, to start auto mailing you need to register on the site👇

Unload audience in the "customers" section:

Instagram messaging service

Immediately after registration, you can download dialogs for the last 30 days. If the account was already in the system, then unloading is possible with a longer period.

Instagram messaging service

Go to the "newsletters" section and click "create a newsletter":

Instagram messaging service

A window will appear with the settings for automatic distribution on Instagram to those people with whom there was a dialogue.

Instagram messaging service

On the left, we compose several variants of one sentence through the "|" symbol. So that clients do not receive the same messages, but are collected randomly. So Instagram will not be suspected of spam.

[Hello|Greetings|Good day] means that each client will get one of the greeting options

Additionally, you can configure mailing filters on Instagram. Boss.Direct has a CRM system with the ability to send messages to a specific group of people.

For example, a customer asked you for a price. Automatically got into a group called "Learned the price". Then you can send messages to this group of people to close sales.

Automated mailing to Direct Instagram

The bot can send out a post or stories that are fixed in the current ones. And not only their own, but also from any open accounts.

In addition to mailing, in Boss.Direct you can set up auto-reply in Direct. This will help to respond to potential customers in a timely manner (≈4 sec).

For security reasons, it is not possible to send a link in the mailing list. But if necessary, this can be done by a chatbot. You can ask a question in the mailing list in such a way that the client answers with a certain phrase/word. Then the chatbot will send an auto-response - a link.

In the same way, you can create different groups of clients to send to Instagram. For example, you can conduct a survey "Are there any young mothers among you? Send + to Direct. " You can save this audience in the service. And in the future, do targeted mailings that will be useful to mothers.

You can divide the audience into groups:

  • cold audience;
  • already bought;
  • boost.

And select the mailing list for each group very precisely. Some - to involve, others to remind themselves and close for another sale, the third to help make the first purchase.

The bot can carry on a dialogue for a long time without your intervention. Let's say you are a manicurist and launched a mailing list on Instagram:

I bought the trendy colors of the spring-summer 2021 season.
Show palette?

The client answers "yes/come on/send", etc. The bot sees a "key", in response to which it attaches a photo of the palette and sends the following message:

How are you? Sign you up for coverage?

If the client replies with a key again, then the bot continues. What day to book? For what time? Now I'll check the free windows. Do you want a manicure or pedicure? By the way, we have a discount for the complex...

This ideal auto-interlocutor answers in seconds. And closes the registration for the service!

There are a lot of variations, it all depends on your imagination.

Tips for automatic posting on Instagram

1. Pay the most attention to the text - not spammed text in the language of the client's interests. It should be short and useful to the client. And constant randomization, as mentioned above (Hi / Hello / Good afternoon, we want to invite you ...)

2. Friendly tone. This doesn't just apply to text style. You need to build a trusting relationship with the client. Don't try to cheat. Study the needs and offer really what suits the person. Unless, of course, you want to work long hours

3. Do not send messages. It should be light and unobtrusive, about once a month


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