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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) | Johns Hopkins Medicine

What is obsessive-compulsive disorder?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a common anxiety disorder. It causes unreasonable thoughts, fears, or worries. A person with OCD tries to manage these thoughts through rituals.

Frequent disturbing thoughts or images are called obsessions. They are irrational and can cause great anxiety. Reasoning doesn’t help control the thoughts. Rituals or compulsions are actions that help stop or ease the obsessive thoughts.

What causes OCD?

Experts aren’t sure of the exact cause of OCD. Genetics, brain abnormalities, and the environment are thought to play a role. It often starts in the teens or early adulthood. But, it can also start in childhood. OCD affects men and women equally. It appears to run in families.

Other anxiety problems, depression, eating disorders, or substance use disorder may happen with OCD.

What are the symptoms of OCD?

Obsessions are unfounded thoughts, fears, or worries. They happen often and cause great anxiety. Reasoning does not help control the obsessions. Common obsessions are:

  • A strong fixation with dirt or germs
  • Repeated doubts (for example, about having turned off the stove)
  • A need to have things in a very specific order
  • Thoughts about violence or hurting someone
  • Spending long periods of time touching things or counting
  • Fixation with order or symmetry
  • Persistent thoughts of awful sexual acts
  • Troubled by thoughts that are against personal religious beliefs

While you may know that the thoughts are unreasonable and not due to real-life problems, it’s not enough to make the unwanted thoughts go away.

Compulsions are repetitive, ritualized acts. They are meant to reduce anxiety caused by the obsession(s). Examples are:

  • Repeated hand-washing (often 100+ times a day)
  • Checking and rechecking to make sure that a door is locked or that the oven is turned off for example
  • Following rigid rules of order, such as, putting on clothes in the same order each day, or alphabetizing the spices, and getting upset if the order becomes disrupted

Compulsive acts can become excessive, disruptive, and time-consuming. They may interfere with daily life and relationships.

People may avoid situations in which they might have to face their obsessions. Some try alcohol or drugs to calm themselves.

How is OCD diagnosed?

OCD is diagnosed during a physical and psychiatric exam when obsessions and compulsions:     

  • Take up at least one hour each day
  • Are distressing
  • Interfere with daily life

Always see your healthcare provider for a diagnosis.

How is OCD treated?

Your healthcare provider will figure out the best treatment based on:

  • How old you are
  • Your overall health and medical history
  • How sick you are
  • How well you can handle specific medicines, procedures, or therapies
  • How long the condition is expected to last
  • Your opinion or preference

Treatment may include:

  • Anti-anxiety or antidepressant medicines are often used.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy can also help.

Key points about OCD

  • OCD is a common condition. It causes persistent disturbing thoughts and compulsive rituals that attempt to ease anxiety.
  • The rituals become consuming and interrupt daily life.
  • Stressful events may trigger the OCD episodes or make them worse.
  • You may or may not have insight into the irrational thoughts or behaviors.
  • Medicines and therapy can help reduce the time spent in the thought patterns or compulsive behaviors. Treatment is most successful when both are used.

Next steps

Tips to help you get the most from a visit to your healthcare provider:

  • Know the reason for your visit and what you want to happen.
  • Before your visit, write down questions you want answered.
  • Bring someone with you to help you ask questions and remember what your provider tells you.
  • At the visit, write down the name of a new diagnosis, and any new medicines, treatments, or tests. Also write down any new instructions your provider gives you.
  • Know why a new medicine or treatment is prescribed, and how it will help you. Also know what the side effects are.
  • Ask if your condition can be treated in other ways.
  • Know why a test or procedure is recommended and what the results could mean.
  • Know what to expect if you do not take the medicine or have the test or procedure.
  • If you have a follow-up appointment, write down the date, time, and purpose for that visit.
  • Know how you can contact your provider if you have questions.

OCD Test: Free Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Quiz

Is it just a phase or something more? Take our short online OCD test to find out if you're living with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).

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You are not alone

It's common for people to find themselves caught up in worry and fixation, but for the many adults experiencing OCD, those unwanted feelings and other OCD symptoms become amplified and can seem to take over in their daily lives. Our obsessive compulsive disorder test will help you better understand what you’re experiencing.

You deserve to feel better

When you're caught up in obsessive thought or are up against compulsive or ritualistic behavior, things may feel like they'll never change. But you don't have to battle compulsive behavior alone. You're here — exploring how to get support for obsessive compulsive symptoms — which is a powerful first step. By taking the OCD test for adults and connecting with a licensed therapist, you'll get the guidance to feel happier, healthier, and more empowered every day.

Change starts with a single step

Our network has thousands of licensed therapists and prescribers experienced in treating OCD. Taking this obsessive compulsive disorder test is the first step to understanding your mental health. From there, you can tap into our network. We'll match you with a licensed mental health care provider to help you work through unpleasant thoughts and achieve your goals — all from the privacy of your device.

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Take our short OCD test online to get answers and start managing your mental health condition.

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OCD test

Take our short OCD test online to get answers and start managing your mental health condition.

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What Facebook tests do with your personal data

  • Jane Wakefield
  • BBC Science and Technology

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Have you ever wondered how much you reveal about yourself to different programs and services?

Recently I, among 17 million other users, used the application that appeared in my Facebook feed. It offered to make a cloud of words that I most often use on a social network.

When I clicked on the link, the app asked for permission to access my Facebook data and my hand hesitated over the mouse.

I have been in this situation before when I decided to take a test to find out what breed of dog I am most like or what country suits me best, and decided that it was not worth giving someone a solid amount information about me for some pointless test.

But for some reason, I decided that in this case I was ready to make such a sacrifice - after all, without access to information about me, how can the application find out which words I use most often?


A few days later, freelance journalist Paul Bischoff published an article in the Comparitech online publication entitled "Testing what words you use the most on Facebook is a nightmare for those who care about their privacy. " This made me reconsider my decision, as the article described how much information Vonvon, the South Korean company that came up with this test, had obtained about me.

This information included your name, profile picture, age, gender, birthday, your entire list of friends, anything you've ever posted on your page, places of study, and anything you've ever or "Like" on Facebook.

Vonvon, an interactive content company, does a lot of tests, and although "Most Used Words" was quite popular, it didn't even make it into the top five made by the company, each with over 50 million users.

With over 120 million shares on their page, the test did a real research on your profile to find your soul mate.

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Facebook apps can access all of your friends list

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This company is by no means the only manufacturer of such toys - there are hundreds of them on Facebook, and what they do turns out to be the most popular type of content that users share.

In order to participate in the test, users usually allow the company to access information from their Facebook profile. Often these tests do not work without such an agreement.

Vonvon executive Jung Hwa Kim told the BBC that they are only using the information they receive to make the test better.

"We only use your information to give you results and we never store it for our own purposes," he said.

He also said that no personal information is sold to a third party, even though this is permitted by the agreements we have made.

These agreements allow Vonvon to handle your data fairly freely: it can, for example, store the information "on its servers in many countries around the world".

Kim says he understands privacy needs to be a priority, which is why the company recently changed its "Most Used Words" test to only ask for information that is visible to all users, lists of friends, and data posted by on the user page.

"We are aware that some users are concerned about the protection of their personal information. Based on the comments made, we have changed the amount of data request to the minimum required to produce content," Kim told the BBC.

And now, users who pass the Most Used Words test will be able to edit exactly what data Vonvon will receive so that she can only use the information already posted on their page, rather than accessing her friend lists.

Less conscientious developers

The San Francisco-based Electronic Frontier Foundation, a privacy rights organization, agrees that Vonvon appears to be fairly responsible in its use of user data.

NGO tech specialist Jeremy Jillula told Time magazine that the South Korean firm is doing everything it can to protect data privacy, given the restrictions Facebook places on apps running on its software.

"But at the same time, people may not realize that they don't have to do it this way, there is every possibility to do it differently - a less conscientious developer could do things completely differently," he adds.

Journalist Bischoff is skeptical about claims of absolute transparency about the motives of those who produce so many applications circulating on Facebook.

"It's hard to believe that these apps are collecting data just to make tests better. Especially when companies' privacy policies are so detailed about how they can use personal data," Bischoff told the BBC. .

He says Facebook is "not doing enough to raise awareness" of users about the area.

For example, few people really understand that from the moment they install one of the applications, it will work until users remove it by going to the privacy settings.

This could potentially mean that applications continue to collect data for a long time, after users have already forgotten about the test they took.

Users can also control the amount of information they are willing to share if their friends participate in these tests.

On Facebook, the BBC stated: "Protecting the privacy of people and information on Facebook is one of our top priorities. Therefore, we take the quality of the applications available on Facebook very seriously." Facebook" must comply with our platform policy, which strictly limits how developers can use the information that users share with them. And it's against our policy for developers to use information without first getting permission to do so. When we discover or are told that apps violate our policies, we remove them immediately," the social network claims.0011

However, the company did not tell the BBC the number of applications removed, saying that this information is not public.

Disney princess

The fact that millions of users have taken part in these tests shows that I'm not the only one with a slightly hypocritical attitude towards giving access to my data.

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Do you really need to know what kind of cat you look like?

"People's attitudes about the privacy of their data are inconsistent. We buy curtains to hide what's going on in our homes, but we go to Google or Facebook without changing our privacy settings (I certainly don't)", - says Dr. Stuart Armstrong, who works at the Oxford-Martin School at the University of Oxford.

"And then we accept certain rules about how these tech corporations use our data, but we get furious at how others do it, and there's no particular logic to it. Our inconsistency in this matter makes us vulnerable, which leads to the impossibility draw up acceptable, loophole-free legislation or user agreement," he adds.

Information security expert Lisa Waas gives simple advice to people who want to take these tests.

"As fun as it is to find out which cat suits you best or which Disney princess is your soul mate; if you have to give access to confidential information to do this, repeat after me: 'It's not worth it'" - she wrote on her Naked Security blog.

15+ real stories about meeting parents, reading which you don’t know whether to cry or laugh Maybe that's why screenwriters so often include such episodes in their films. However, sometimes life stories can turn out to be much more vivid and memorable than in the movies.

We at Bright Side believe that this is a rather responsible and exciting event, so there is nothing strange in the fact that sometimes everything does not go as smoothly as we would like. And the heroes of our selection were convinced of this from their own experience.

  • The future husband is a foreigner and a passionate dog lover. Diligently studied Russian to impress my parents. We came to get acquainted, he looks at the future mother-in-law, concentrates and gives out: “Your hair is beautiful, like my collie’s, salt, paprika!” Dad does not get lost, strokes mom on the head, and she barks gratefully 3 times in response. My family. © Alena Artemova / Facebook
  • My close friend lives in the States. And so she brought her fiancé, David, to meet relatives. Lena's dad had a rare sense of humor. On the first day of their acquaintance, he taught David a wonderful phrase. And he said that the approximate translation is: "Hi, buddy, how are you?" Only supposedly this is not an on-duty phrase, but such a more related one. And so, all the relatives began to come to the gala dinner in honor of the wedding, and elegant David, courteous and polite, met the guests. He nodded, shook hands, bowed, kissed everyone and, pleased with himself, smiling, repeated the phrase, which can be culturally translated something like this: "Hi, balabol, are you stunned?" © Yana / Bright Side
  • Future spouse proposed. His parents live in Moldova. And so we went to visit them. We arrived late at night, everyone was already asleep, they postponed the acquaintance until the morning. In the morning he got up first and went out into the yard, then I pulled myself up. He says something to them, and I just see completely stunned and elongated faces. As it turned out, he did not consider it necessary to at least hint that he was not coming alone and that he was going to get married at all. Plus, his mother has a very loud and rather rough voice. Without understanding a word, at first I thought that she was constantly screaming and dissatisfied with something. But everything ended well: I was well received. © Yulia Shevchenko / Facebook

© Qu'est-ce qu'on a fait au Bon Dieu? / Canal+

  • We went to meet my husband's family. I was very worried about how they would accept me, because I am 8 years older than my husband. In general, we drive up to the village, I'm all on my nerves, chewing gum. And then my bridge with 4 upper teeth flies off. Shock! Indescribable beauty. But there was a reason to talk less and listen more. © Anna Yamchinskaya / Facebook
  • I first entered the apartment of my father-in-law and mother-in-law during a festive feast. And then a family friend gives out: « Whom did you bring? Dirty-eyed?" And I have dark green eyes. I, making it clear that I appreciated the joke, smiled back. And he continues: “Yes, she is also rare-toothed!” Next year we have a golden wedding. And the friends of my husband's parents turned out to be wonderful people! I really liked their company. © Galina Lukasheva / Facebook
  • Saved the life of a woman who had an accident before my eyes. A year later, a guy came up to me and asked for a phone number. We started dating, it was time to meet my parents, and I immediately recognized in his mother the woman I had saved. Now I am married to her son, and these are the two most beautiful people I have met. © Overheard / Idear
  • Meet the parents, excitement, set table. We are sitting on a white sofa, I am making timid attempts to communicate. Then I saw tomato juice and, like a real expert in tomato juices, without looking I decided to shake it up a little and turned the whole box over a couple of times. Only now the juice was opened and the whole white sofa, mother, cat and everything else turned out to be doused with red goo. We didn’t break up, but now every time they tell me: “Careful, the juice is open!” © Overheard / Ideer
  • On the day I met my boyfriend's parents, I accidentally discovered my photo in their family album: New Year in kindergarten and me in the background in a Scheherazade costume. © Overheard / Idear

© Meet the Fockers / Dreamworks Pictures

  • We've been dating for a few months now and it's time to get to know our relatives. We started with his family: we agreed to stay at home, drink tea and have dinner. On the way, my boyfriend and I went to a flower shop. While they were choosing, his mother called him and to the question "where are you?" he honestly blurted out that he was in a flower shop. Phew, how angry I was: the surprise did not work out. I still jokingly remember him. A couple more months later, I decided to introduce him to my mother. We bought beautiful white lilies. With an embarrassed smile, I introduced him to my mother, but managed to mix up the patronymic. How did it happen! Probably nerves. And then it turned out that she did not digest my favorite lilies. Oh mother, how little I know about you! © Angelelli / Bright Side
  • I met my husband's parents calmly, without any unpleasant situations. But my husband and mine... My acquaintance with my mother happened quite by accident. Already on the 2nd day of the relationship. He took me from my parents for a walk. And by coincidence, at that moment, my mother and I were on the street saving a neighbor who had fainted from the heat. We were waiting for the ambulance and bandaging the man's head. My current husband joined the rescue to the words: "Mom, this is Artyom, Artyom, this is mom." And my dad is very strict. Military. I met him when dad was picking us up from the train station. Sitting in the car, dad introduced himself: "Andrei Vladimirovich." To which my young man, overwhelmed with responsibility, replied: "Artem Evgenievich." I immediately realized that this was one of the biggest mistakes. However, my dad behaved very tactfully and did not immediately express his indignation, but only when he came home and told my mother about the situation. Dad was shocked by the impudent guy who introduced himself by his first name and patronymic. © Elena Shishkina / Bright Side

© Meet the Parents / Dreamworks Pictures

  • My ex-girlfriend lived with her mother and stepfather. When I first met my stepfather, he drew a huge samurai sword and handed it to me. I touched it and noticed that my stepfather looked somewhat dejected when he wiped the sword from my fingers. Later, the girl told me that she wanted to scare me a little, but he did not succeed. © exresidentmasks / Reddit
  • Met my boyfriend's dad at a hockey game. He was charming and bought me hot chocolate and coffee for himself. True, after about 5 minutes he was removed from the podium for arguing with the judge and splashing coffee on him. © zepoopsmith / Reddit
  • I met my boyfriend's mom and said, "Oh, this must be your grandmother?" © Unknown author / Reddit
  • It was very strange. My father-in-law was deaf and my mother-in-law was very shy. My ex didn't even mention it beforehand. © Brent M. Woods / Quora
  • My future wife's dad has been in the car business all his life. As soon as I got to know him, he took me aside and asked: "Are you just testing my daughter or are you going to buy?" © Adam Hansen / Quora

© Qu'est-ce qu'on a fait au Bon Dieu? / Canal+

  • The day before I met a girl. We had a great time, and I woke up visiting her. The girl persistently shook my shoulder, and someone persistently rang the doorbell. The girl hissed, “Wake up! Parents are back! In short, if anything, we have been dating for a month. Don't try to blurt out that you met yesterday." After these words, she opened the door and let her parents in. Mother looked at me with an icy smile. Dad was gloomy and indifferent to everything.
    “Hello,” the mother greeted with exaggerated cordiality. - Well, let's get acquainted. I am Elena Stanislavovna.
    — Very nice, — I answered. And I don’t know why I lied: “Maxim.
    In general, we drank tea with them. It was a little unusual to respond to Maxim. But admitting it was somehow quite uncomfortable.
    - Are you out of your mind? the girl asked when she accompanied me to the hallway. But she agreed to meet again. About a month later, our relationship strengthened and became permanent. I was invited to my dad's birthday. The most difficult thing was to keep an indifferent facial expression on the phrase:
    - Elena Stanislavovna, I'm sorry, but now I'm not Maxim. Now I am Gregory. © Bladerunner42 / Pikabu
  • We met the girl's parents, everything is fine, we drank tea. I’m sitting resting, my passion has gone away somewhere, my parents are in another room, and then I hear muffled voices: “Listen, this time I won’t even bet, after what time this one will kick her out!” - “Yes, ah, it’s already uncomfortable in front of the neighbors, we introduce them to new ones every time, how can I explain this to them ?!” Later it turned out that it was not family humor, but sober reasoning of adults and experienced people.

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