How much data does whatsapp call use
How Much Data Does Whatsapp Use [Solved] 2022
Best Answer:-
- To understand Whatsapp data usage, you need to know how much data each action requires.
- Sending a text message requires about 30KB of data.
- Video calls on Whatsapp consume data of about 750kb per minute.
- If you send voice messages on Whatsapp, you will use 6kb per second.
- This is how Whatsapp uses the data for doing different things on the app.
Is 1GB Of Data Enough For WhatsApp?
If you use it consciously, 1GB will be enough for Whatsapp. You need to avoid making video and voice calls on Whatsapp for too long.
In 1GB, you need to limit WhatsApp calls to 10 minutes. The rest of the data will be enough to send messages for a day.
What Is Low Data Usage On Whatsapp?
The app has a unique feature that allows people to lower data usage during chats and calls. If you select it, you can save a lot of data.
However, this mode also reduces the audio and video quality of the calls you make. On this data saver mode, your voice and video calls may be slightly unclear.
Does Whatsapp Use More Data Than Zoom?
No, it doesn't use more data than Zoom. A competitive study has shown that it uses less data than zoom and many other apps.
However, the video/voice quality on the other apps is better.
How Much Data Does A 10-Minute Whatsapp Call Use?
Whatsapp uses a significant amount of data for voice calls. For a simple 10-minute voice call, it will use around 5MB of data.
Both callers and receivers will lose 5MB of data from their phones. If their data pack or wifi scheme is unlimited, there will be no need to worry about data usage.
On average, the app uses about 750kb of data per second for video calls. However, the rate may vary with quality and connection.
How Much Data Does A 1-hour Video Call Use on Whatsapp?
The video calls use more data than voice calls. If you want to make a video call, you need to have a good amount of data left on your device.
A one-hour video call uses between 540MB-1.62GB of data. You need about 540-650MB for normal quality video calls. For full HD video calls, you need around 1.62 GB of data per hour.
Is Whatsapp Call Cheaper Than Normal Call?Yes, these calls can be way cheaper than normal calls if you are using unlimited data. For small top-ups, normal calls take up a lot of money.
Additionally, it's never enough to operate multiple apps along with Whatsapps if you use phone balance. Even for unlimited calls, you need additional data.
However, Whatsapp only uses Wifi to make calls and doesn't require extra money. Therefore, Whatsapp is way cheaper than normal calls if you consider all factors.
Does Voice Call On Whatsapp Use Data?
Yes, all voice calls on this app use data. It doesn't matter who and where you calm from, data will always be used.
If you have an unlimited wifi connection, your data will not be required. However, on limited packs, you need to be mindful of the data.
Whatsapp uses about 750kb per minute for voice calls. Callers and receivers will both lose data when taking on voice calls.
How much data does a WhatsApp call use? It depends and we explain why
by Nadia Elena
Does WhatsApp call use a lot of data? This guide will demonstrate amount of WhatsApp calling data usage per one minute call using 2G, 3G or 4G network. Actually WhatsApp data usage depends on several factors which we’ll explain and finally observe how much MB does a WhatsApp call use per minute.
It seems that WhatsApp has invented the wheel with the voice calls through its application, but as many of us have reminded us on several occasions about voice calls, VOIP is not something new at all.
Not only the current rivals of the application have been offering it for some time, it is that many of us have forgotten the mythical Skype.
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But if something is being given so much hype to calls WhatsApp is the number of users that have the application, which can cause the final boom of the voiceIP.
But before launching to not stop calling through WhatsApp there is an interesting point to consider, how much data do these calls consume?
Let’s analyse it carefully because consumption depends a lot on the network to which we are connected.
Effect of network quality over WhatsApp calling data usage
No matter what type of mobile network or Wi-Fi are connected, WhatsApp will always allow us to make a call, saving the restrictions that may be put to use by some operators.
Obviously, the quality of the network depends on the quality of the call because if we are in an EDGE network, where calls via WhatsApp also work; apart from a very good voice quality we will have a delay that makes the call very uncomfortable.
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But precisely that is one of the advantages of these calls, which will be at the hands of any user with a smartphone with a compatible operating system, regardless of whether your phone has 4G or not, including 3G.
But that is why ensuring that WhatsApp calls have specific data consumption per minute is an error, and that everything depends on the network to which both parties are connected.
WhatsApp call data usage per minute – Data obtained in our tests
If the quality of the calls is not the same, the data consumption cannot be the same either. With that clear premise, we venture to certify that the consumption, the expense of calls via WhatsApp depends on what type of network both partners are connected to.
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For this we have used two Android terminals, forcing them to connect to different networks (4G, 3G, and 2G) to check if our premise was true.
After repeatedly repeating the same tests (calls of two minutes) this is the average consumption of the calls we have made according to the network to which we were connected:
The first thing we have found is that the data consumption depends on the worst connection of both sides of the communication.
If one of the users is in a 4G network but the other is in an EDGE network, the consumption, and the quality of the call, is the same as if both users were connected to an EDGE network.
We have also verified that the calls we have made, two minutes long, we have to discount the consumption of data that is done while the call is established, or what is the same, what we would spend if the other side did not catch us the call.
As we have been able to check the data consumption of the call establishment if it is between 10-20 KB, almost negligible.
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Finally, before establishing consumption per minute we also have to take into account how talkative both parties are to the call.
We have been able to see how a silent call consumes up to 25% less data than a call without stopping to talk.
It is assumed that nobody is going to make a call not to speak, but that there is to take into account this point, which makes it even more difficult to calculate the consumption.
Conclusion of WhatsApp calling data usage: from 200 KB per minute
At this point, after having made several tests and taking into account that the consumption of a call varies according to the network to which we are connected and how talkative we are, it is time to establish how many data WhatsApp calls consume: from about 200 KB per minute.
With 4G network, one WhatsApp calls consume a minimum of 500 KB per minute.
In calls with at least one of the telephones connected to the 2G network, the data consumption is around 200 KB, always according to the level of coverage we have and the rhythm of the conversation.
In the case of counting at least the two phones with 3G, the average consumption per minute is 300 KB whereas if both parties have 4G the consumption per minute will not be lower than 500 KB.
These are the results we have obtained from our tests, in which we have forced two Android smartphones to connect to different networks to check how the consumption depends on the network that we have less.
The data we have obtained can be taken as a reference, as the minimum that the calls will consume, because as we have mentioned according to how talkative we are and the quality of the network the consumption changes a lot.
How much traffic WhatsApp consumes and how to save it wisely
It would seem that messengers are not the applications that require a lot of Internet. In fact, it all depends on how actively and how to use them. Under certain conditions, even on WhatsApp, you can effortlessly spend about ten gigabytes per month. With a limited internet package, it would be nice to know how much traffic WhatsApp consumes in general and how to save it wisely. Let's look into this issue. nine0003
Data usage
First, let's talk about how much WhatsApp consumes while running in the background. This is just 1 MB of traffic per day. Then there are text messages, each character sent consumes 1.6 bytes. That is, 1 MB of traffic is enough for 655360 characters in correspondence, and this is not the volume of the smallest book novel.
Voice messages are "heavier" in order, one such message per minute will require 160 Kb of traffic, and for 1 MB it will be possible to record messages for 6 minutes and 40 seconds. Audio calls consume even more - 350 KB per minute of conversation. But they are still far from video communication - 6.7 MB per minute. nine0003
Files carry the biggest load. Sending documents, photos or videos takes the lion's share of traffic. This is despite the fact that WhatsApp compresses images and videos by default, degrading their quality but reducing their weight.
It is worth mentioning two more sources that consume the Internet. The first is backup. It allows you to restore correspondence and files attached to them when you reinstall the messenger. Perhaps this is due to sending all the contents of your WhatsApp account to the cloud storage. Naturally, this consumes traffic, the amount of which depends on the volume of files and messages. The second is the automatic update of the messenger, the size of updates can be either very tiny or reach tens of megabytes. nine0003
How to save bandwidth
If your Internet is very limited and WhatsApp consumes too much, then you can resort to the following steps to reduce Internet consumption:
- Refuse voice messages, audio and video calls in favor of text. In any case, you will convey the necessary information, and you will spend much less traffic.
- If it is not possible to refuse calls, then you should at least save on them by activating the appropriate mode: "Menu" -\u003e "Settings" -\u003e "Data and Storage" -\u003e "Call Settings" -\u003e activate "Data Saving". nine0022
- Disable chat backup or do it as infrequently as possible, the maximum possible value is once a month.
- Disable automatic messenger updates. You can update WhatsApp as needed over Wi-Fi, saving data.
- Download sent photos, videos and other files only when connected via Wi-Fi, not mobile Internet. You can do this through the WhatSapp settings at the address "Menu" -\u003e "Settings" -\u003e "Data and storage" -\u003e "Startup media".
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How much internet WhatsApp uses for calls and correspondence. How much traffic "eats" What'sApp?
Author fast12v0_wotsap Read 9 min Views 6.3k. Posted by
- How are WhatsApp calls different from regular calls
- Data consumption
- How to calculate?
- How much traffic does WhatsApp spend per minute?
- How much data does WhatsApp use when sending messages, photos, videos or audio and video calls?
- How much internet does a video call consume
- How to reduce memory consumption for WhatsApp files?
- Disable auto download
- Save data on calls
- Limit chat backup
- Free traffic of social networks whatsapp viber and there what does it mean
- Which messenger is the most economical?
- What is the best messenger for calls?
Whatsapp calls are different from regular calls
First, you need to understand the basic principle of Whatsapp and how it consumes your internet traffic. So, how is calling on WhatsApp different from regular calls on the mobile network? The fact is that WhatsApp connects to another subscriber via the Internet, and not through a regular mobile connection. Even if you use a 3G / 4G connection, you still communicate with your interlocutor via the Internet. All messages, photos, etc. are exchanged according to the same principle. This is how all instant messaging services and all applications connected to the Internet work. nine0003
Data consumption
Let's find out how much data is consumed when the WhatsApp messenger is running in the background. The figure is small, only 1MB per day.
- Highest file transfer load. The lion's share of traffic goes to sending photos, documents and videos. And this is also provided that Watsap compresses all files by default, degrading quality and reducing weight.
- If you look at the sent messages, each character sent is 1.6 bytes. That is, 1MB of traffic is enough to send 655360 characters in correspondence, this is the volume of a continuous novel in printed form.
- Voice messages weigh a little more. It takes about 160 KB to send one message per minute. That is, 1 MB can record voice messages for almost 7 minutes. Audio calls attract even more: 350 KB per minute of conversation. Here video communication is in the lead, one minute of this communication attracts 6.7 MB of traffic.
There are two more sources that consume the Internet. First of all, it is a backup. Using this feature, you can restore conversations and attachments if you need to reinstall the messenger. Using cloud storage wastes traffic, and the costs directly depend on the volume of files and messages. nine0003
The second source is the automatic update of the messenger. The size of updates can be very small or up to several tens of megabytes.
How to calculate?
We answer the question of whether traffic is wasted during a video call in WhatsApp - of course! This is a data transmission service over a cellular network: two subscribers communicate via a messenger and exchange information. You cannot make wireless or mobile calls and not use the specified MB.
It is important for some users to know how much data WhatsApp spends when making a video call. This applies to people using tariffs with a limited amount of traffic. If you have a monthly / daily limit, it's worth figuring out where the required megabytes and gigabytes go so as not to get into an awkward situation. You don't want to be without the Internet!
Unfortunately, there is no built-in function that allows you to view the numbers - how much is spent on video calls within the messenger. But we can use approximate data. nine0003
- An hourly video call is approximately 400 megabytes.
- One call per minute takes about 7 megabytes;
Data may vary: we give an average figure, on the basis of which an approximate calculation can be made.
As you can see, the costs are small - you can talk for several tens of minutes and not be afraid that the connected Internet package will end. Our advice: It's better to chat via video when connected to Wi-Fi, so as not to consume mobile Internet. Here's how to block video calls. nine0003
Other numbers for comparison:
- A one-minute voicemail is approximately 140 kilobytes.
- Voice call lasting 1 minute - 344 kilobytes;
- Half hour audio call - ten megabytes;
When sending photos and videos, you need to focus solely on the media size. And remember, WhatsApp compresses files to save data.
You don't need to think about what speed you need for a video call in WhatsApp - any modern tariff allows you to communicate via video without any problems. The average figure that is enough is 300 Kbps. nine0003
How much Internet traffic is spent on video calls in WhatsApp - received. If you have connected a limited tariff, be careful and do not forget to take into account the number of megabytes and gigabytes spent. As a rule, the standard package is enough for users for a long time, but it will not be superfluous to count!
How much traffic does WhatsApp spend per minute?
The amount of megabytes consumed by whatsap depends on the duration. For one minute of conversation, WhatsApp spends about 1.3 MB of traffic. And it's just voice calls. Keep in mind that video calls cost a lot more. nine0003
If you have at least a few gigabytes of mobile traffic per month, these calls will be more than profitable for you. If less, consider using conventional mobile communications. Most WhatsApp users communicate only by correspondence, and text messages consume much less traffic than calls. So it won't have much impact on your mobile internet.
Now you know how much traffic WhatsApp uses in a conversation and how it works. It is impossible to say exactly which is more profitable between WhatsApp and mobile communications. Because everyone has different operators and tariff plans. For some this may be helpful, but for others it may not. But if you do not talk on the phone so often, calling via messenger will be much more convenient and profitable. nine0003
How much data does WhatsApp use when sending messages, photos, videos or audio and video calls?
Text messages consume almost no data, and with a few MB you can send thousands of messages without any problems. In tests done by ADSLZone, they calculated that it takes 0.732 KB to send a message of ten words, which is a fraction of a MB. To spend one MB of Internet, you need to send or receive more than 10,000 messages
When you send voice messages, the consumption increases, but only slightly. A 60-second voice message is about 138 KB, just over a tenth of a MB. If you are one of those who communicate via long voice messages, you will notice that consumption is growing, although not in a very noticeable way. nine0127 WhatsApp applies compression to all photos and videos sent through the app. This will save you a lot of MB in your plan. But you have to remember that if you want to send a photo and not lose the original quality, then it's better to send it the way we wrote in our previous articles (How to send a photo to WhatsApp without losing quality).
For example, a 1.8 MB image is compressed to 187 KB when sent to WhatsApp. The same thing happens with videos: when you send a 43.1 MB video, it is compressed to 4843 MB. Such compression helps us to save mobile Internet traffic, but degrades the quality of sent videos and photos. nine0003
The most used traffic on WhatsApp is audio and video calls. For example, a 60-second voice call is 344KB, which seems small, but if it lasts up to half an hour, it can exceed 10MB. For video calls, a 60-second call consumes 6.7 MB of internet traffic, while an hour-long video call uses approximately 400 MB of data. Therefore, it is recommended to connect to a Wi-Fi network during video calls to avoid losing mobile Internet traffic.
How much internet a video call consumes
Approximate traffic consumption per minute of video communication is approximately 2.5 megabytes. This is the most resource-intensive kind of options available in the messenger. It takes a lot of data to process video and audio at the same time.
How to reduce memory consumption for WhatsApp files?
The developers do not provide the ability to transfer the application to the external memory of the device. But at the same time, there are several ways to clear your smartphone of unnecessary media files and other data.
Data transfer can be done in the smartphone settings:
- Select SD card.
- Go to the Applications section.
- Click the Memory tab.
- Open settings".
- Find WhatsApp in the general list.
- Activate the "Move to SD card" button.
- Go back to "Settings".
Using third-party software such as ES File Explorer, which can be downloaded and installed for free from the official app store. After downloading, you need to do the following:
- Select a storage location for the "SD card".
- Select WhatsApp from the application list.
- Check and check the boxes for file transfer.
- To access your smartphone's internal storage, swipe left on the home screen.
- Type the "Move" button.
- Install the application.
- Activate the "Move" option.
- Visually search for "Media".
- Select WhatsApp from the list. nine0022
- Select a storage location on your device's external memory.
- Navigate to a local folder that you now have access to. To move app data using the FolderMount app for Android:
- Confirm the action by clicking Yes.
- We confirm the root of the right.
- Check the box with the text Exclude from Media Scan.
- Download and install the application.
- Come in and enter the name of the folder. nine0022
- Drag WhatsApp from the local folder on your smartphone to the Exclude section of the Android FolderMount program.
- In the Destination section of your device's external storage, find the desired folder.
Disabling auto-download
Not everyone knows that WhatsApp automatically downloads photos, videos, audios that you view in dialog boxes to the phone's memory. This not only clogs your smartphone's memory, but also greatly affects the traffic, especially if it is limited. nine0003
In a couple of clicks, you can disable downloading files. To do this, go to the menu Settings - Data and storage - Autoload media. The sections "Wi-Fi", "Roaming" and "Mobile Internet" will appear. In each of the paragraphs, you can cancel the download of both individual categories of files, and all completely.
Data savings when making calls
People who use WhatsApp appreciate the convenience of making calls in this program. Their main advantage is free. But you can also get money if you have limited internet traffic. nine0003
To reduce the consumption of mobile Internet, you need to go to Settings - Data and storage - Call settings. There will be an item "Save data". Check the box and WhatsApp is now more responsive to mobile internet consumption.
Restrict chat backups
WhatsApp allows users to back up their chats and other media used in the application. While backup is important, users are advised to turn off automatic WhatsApp chat backup if possible. nine0003
To do this, go to WhatsApp Settings > Chat > Chat Backup > Select "Off" In the "Backup" section.
Free traffic of social networks whatsapp viber and there what it means
There is an option "Messengers +" on different tariffs, which provides free traffic for the following applications:
- Telegram.
- whatsapp.
- Viber.
- La-la.
- Facebook.
But there are a number of restrictions on use:
- If you connect to the Internet through a proxy and VPN, traffic will be counted as usual.
- Traffic will not be consumed only when using the official mobile application (access through the site in the browser is not included in the option).
- The option is available only in some tariff plans.
What is the most economical messenger?
The results of the study showed that Telegram is the cheapest messenger.