How many photos can you post at once on instagram

Please don’t post more than five photos to your Instagram album

Last week, Instagram added a new photo album feature that allows you to put up to 10 photos or videos in a single post.

Albums could have turned out badly. Major changes in popular social networks almost never go smoothly, and this one seemed poised to create a firestorm. “Instagram Just Announced Its Biggest & Most Controversial Update Yet,” Refinery29 blared. “Instagram just ruined Instagram,” cried Mashable.

But here’s the thing: The update is actually good (and the first new feature in a while that isn’t blatantly ripping off Snapchat). It’s useful for storytelling and photo series. You could even go as far as to call it… cute.

But while the feature itself is not bad, people are using it to do bad things. Specifically, clog your feed and take up your time.

A post shared by Instagram (@instagram) on

Instagram is popular because it’s easy; easy to understand, and easy to see what your ex who finally unblocked you was up to 53 weeks ago. Although Twitter has its charms, it can occasionally be overwhelming, and is obviously a text-focused experience. Facebook is for clicking “attending” on events one does not actually attend and for deleting people one does not actually know on their birthdays. Snapchat is for DJ Khaled and that guy who caught a rabbit.

Instagram, however, is a site based on the pure pleasure of aesthetics, personal vanity, the fun of scrolling, and not much more. It’s a safe space for those of us who would rather not think too much; for those of us who enjoy a quiet, endless scroll of well-lit selfies, photos of food we can’t afford, and of course all of our “friends” who are “models.” But the new album update is turning the app into work.

This is an example of the damage that can be done with slideshows as Cosmo asks you to “hold your ovaries” while looking at these “total smokeshows.”

A post shared by Cosmopolitan (@cosmopolitan) on

“Hold your ovaries” while looking at these “total smokeshows.

Based on my extensive research as an Insta thot, the appropriate maximum time to spend on a photo is two seconds. You look, maybe read, and move on. But with the addition of albums, you have to look a little longer — and the ability to add multiple videos prolongs the scrolling experience even more. Allowing users to add up to 10 photos is frankly unnecessary. Specifically, it is five too many.

Since it's unlikely that any higher ups at IG’s HQ will read this article and heed my advice on how not to annoy its audience, here are some best practices for Instagram albums.

Here’s the deal:

The first rule is that Instagram albums should be used for vacations, tutorials, i.e. cooking or doing makeup, or some kind of celebration — but only if it will make your followers feel like they’re missing out on something. Otherwise, what’s the point?

More importantly, if you must post an album, it should be no less than three photos or videos and no more than five. Why? I’ll tell you. Two photos is useless. Two photos is hardly a reason to utilize my swiping ability. Two photos says, I clearly couldn’t decide between these and I'm hoping nobody notices. We noticed.

The appropriate maximum time to spend on a photo is two seconds.

Three is solid: It’s a beginning, a middle, and an end. Four and five are reasonable numbers because those amounts let you mix it up and have a little fun! Tell us a story, go ahead, but don’t get too deep. Five stories = 10 seconds. Similar to Snapchat, that is the max amount of time that should be allotted for an Instagram photo album.

Six is selfish. No one wants to pay attention for that long. As my father always says, there is a time and a place. 2017 is not the time. Your Instagram feed is not the place.

Posting more than six photos in one sitting is just plainly not respecting your followers’ time. Do not be that person. Do not steal 14 to 20 seconds out of our day. What makes your seven photos more important than the ones below it?

If you’re thinking, but wait! I NEED to do six or more. Well then, my advice is just to add it to your story. You get just as much attention there and no one has to look at it for longer than a day.

For videos, the more individual clips you have, the shorter each should be. Try to keep your content to Snapchat terms — use no more than 10 seconds per clip, but ideally five or less. If you post an all-video Instagram album, you’d want it to reach no more than 25 seconds. Also, consider whether this is really one that must be retained for posterity forever, or something you could share in your story.

There is room for Instagram to improve the new album feature. I would love to see who swiped on my albums — just as you can see who viewed a story — for example. But capping the photos at five would be a strong start.

How to share a post with multiple photos or videos on Instagram: Follow steps

Instagram allows you to upload up to 10 photos and videos in a single post.

Here is a step-by-step guide you can follow to upload and share more than one photo or video in just one Instagram post.

By India Today Web Desk: One of the most popular social media applications Instagram allows users to communicate and connect through people worldwide. One can use Instagram to share their pictures, stories and more with their followers, on the private or public account. The pictures or videos a user shares on Instagram are under their control. At any time, they can make changes as per their convenience.


Instagram also allows its users to upload up to 10 photos and videos and share them as a single post in the feed. Now, if you are wondering how to share a post with multiple photos or videos on Instagram, then you can use this article as a reference.

Here is a step-by-step guide you can follow to share multiple photos and videos in a single Instagram post.

How to share a post with multiple photos or videos on Instagram

Steps you can follow to share multiple photos or videos in one Instagram post:

Step 1: First, open Instagram on your device.

Note: If you are not logged in, log-in by entering your user ID and Password.

Step 2: On the home page, tap the Plus icon (+).

Step 3: After that, tap Library (iPhone) or Gallery (Android) at the bottom of the screen.

Step 4: Now, tap the overlapping square icon in the top-right of the screen to select multiple photos.

Note: Once you select that icon, you can add up to 10 photos and videos from your phone's library.

Step 5: Select the photos or videos that you'd like to add to your post.

Note: After selecting you can adjust each photo or video. To adjust you need to tap it then touch the screen to adjust how it fits in the frame. Remember that the orientation you choose (square, portrait or landscape) affects all of the photos or videos in your post. You can't select a different orientation for each photo or video.

Step 6: Tap Next in the top right, when you're done.

Note: You can even add a filter and apply it to every photo and video you've selected. Apart from it, you can tap a photo or video to edit it and add filters individually.

Instagram also provides you with an option to change the order of your photos and videos. To do so, you just need to tap and hold one then drag it to another spot.

You can remove a photo or video from your post, tap and hold one, then drag it to the Delete icon.


Step 7: When you're done with changes, tap Next in the top right.

Step 8: Here you can add location and caption for your entire post, and tag someone in each individual photo.

Step 9: Once done, tap Share.

That's it! your photo will be shared on your Feed. On your profile, you'll see the first photo or video from your post with a row of dots below it. From your profile, you can tap the post, then swipe to view the rest of the photos and videos you've shared.

Just like any other post, people can like and comment on your post. Comments and likes will appear on the entire post, rather than on the individual photos and videos that are part of your post.

According to the Instagram official website, posts containing multiple videos may take longer to upload. So, if your post contains multiple videos, make sure you're connected to a reliable network.

(Source: Instagram help)

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Aug 6, 2020

How to add multiple photos to Instagram - detailed instructions

One of the popular content formats on Instagram* is image galleries in posts. Users choose the carousel for a number of reasons. For example, you need to tell a single visual story or publish a series of useful cards. Or you don’t want to bore subscribers with photos from the same location or the same event, but at the same time there is a need to post several equally cool ones. Agree, sometimes it is very difficult to choose? :-)

An example of a series of cards in an Instagram post*: informative tips from the Kinzhal magazine. Post link

Posting multiple photos on Instagram* may also be needed for Stories. Collages of photos and videos, firstly, remain a visual trend in design, and secondly, they allow you to demonstrate the “before and after” effect, different sides of your product. Thirdly, such compositions allow the brand to stand out, detail the elements of the big picture and show the integrity of the product, which helps to achieve a certain effect from your Stories. Collages of several photos can also be used as a background, for example:

Clothing brand Antipod uses the series to announce the new Introvert collection in the Stories section. Link to Story

Let's look at all the technical possibilities to attach multiple photos on Instagram* and what are the limitations.

How many photos can be posted on Instagram*: requirements and restrictions

Gallery in the feed: from 2 to 10 photos per post .

Stories Collage mode: 2 to 6 photos .

Using the "Photo" sticker - there are no restrictions on the number of added photos . But, of course, to add too much means to clutter up the already small space of History. In addition, the sticker now allows you to add a video, and also choose the shape of the added photo. In 2021, after the next update, 5 different options for processing pictures for the Story are also available: square, square with rounded edges, circle, star, heart.

Selecting a grid in Collage mode and working with Instagram Photo sticker* is very easy

In addition, in 2021, a new mode appeared in the Stories section - Photo Booth in the Stories section. This is another way to upload multiple photos to Instagram*.

The number of photos in the "Photobooth" mode is exactly 4 . No more, no less. After shooting, they replace each other in a looped mode. Users can change the transition effect between these photos, at the moment there are 6 modes: Flash, Highlight, Filmstrip, B/W Filmstrip, Photo Tape, VHS.

Since Stories as a format in terms of popularity and functionality has long been ahead of the classic tape, they have more opportunities for publishing a series of photos and they are more interesting. The photo gallery in the feed has not changed much since the release, but the developers have made some improvements, for example:

  1. You can change the order of pictures in the photo carousel.
  2. The filter can be applied both to a single picture in the gallery and to the entire series as a whole.
  3. At the creation stage, you can delete a photo from the future gallery at any time.

Why is posting a few photos on Instagram* OK? Advantages of

And who most often needs to publish several photos at once?

Definitely all retail. From cosmetic companies to clothing brands. Showing a product from different angles is priceless.

All areas of online education. A series of visual stories (informative and not so) is a good and visually appealing trend. When the story is accompanied by illustrations, it turns out intelligibly.

Actually, the niche is not important. It is important to understand what kind of content your audience wants and what opportunities you have to provide it. For example, we have written for you what services you can sell on Instagram*.

Why posting a lot of photos at once on Instagram* is ok? Because you can talk about a corporate holiday, post a few photos from a family trip, vote, post a cool recipe, post a series of tips from an expert… Or continue the story by posting a screenshot of the text, because the post description didn’t fit entirely.

Instagram collage* Stories for inspiration or opinion gathering, useful post from an expert – using multiple photos in one post is always convenient. Link to post

The main advantage of the format is the ability to fit one cool but visually meaningful story of your brand or yourself into a single post.

Another plus is that the presentation in series format will be concise and concise. A group of photographs or hand-drawn pictures should be carefully thought out, from sequence to content. It's basically a mini-series. And in order for such a format to be appreciated, you will have to try.

In addition, collages of several published photos on Instagram* suggest a visual combination of elements: contrast or vice versa the overall color scheme does not matter. You need to have taste or a good designer so that users can appreciate your creativity. So the complexity of this format simultaneously affects the quality of content on the social network, requires more investment and effort from brands, and makes us, the layman, a little happier. Visual perfection is an important part of content, which is why we, by the way, have released an article for business on how to write a TOR for an Instagram profile designer*.

Now to the technical part - how to upload a series of photos to Instagram*.

How to post a lot of photos on Instagram * - instructions

Let's analyze all the possible ways to publish several photos.

Through a mobile application on the phone

Everything is simple here, regardless of the operating system that you use on your smartphone: press the plus sign, select the format - for example, History. In the History, to add several photos, you can either select the “Photobooth” or “Collage” mode and continue working there (I already wrote about the features above). Or post multiple photos on Instagram* using a sticker.

How to post multiple photos in Stories mode

To post multiple photos on your Instagram feed*, select "Post" from the list, click on the double square icon at the bottom right, and circles will appear next to the photo on the screen - select the desired photos in the correct order . Continue your work, select the necessary filters if necessary, or add more pictures to the future gallery. Done, it remains to sign and publish.

How to add multiple photos to Instagram*

If you hold your finger on a slide in the photo gallery for a long time before publishing, you will see a trash icon - you can delete an unnecessary object by simply moving the picture to the icon. Please note that in the gallery with only two shots, this will not work.

On the web version of Instagram* from a computer

Neither emulator apps nor developer mode can add multiple photos to Instagram* via a computer. Especially before writing the article, I tried all kinds of ways to download the gallery from a computer, none of them work. Can't upload multiple photos at once, only one is posted:

Bitter reality – the web version of Instagram*, even in emulators and developer mode, is limited to uploading one photo deferred posting SMMplanner. The service offers various options for regular posting: for example, through the official Instagram API*.

To add multiple photos to Instagram*, just click the "Schedule Post" button and select a photo/video to post. To edit photos, you do not need to download additional applications for post-processing, everything is already in the functionality of the service.

Post-processing photos for Instagram* inside the delayed posting service

And if you want to delay or schedule the release of Stories in advance and be able to edit them directly from your computer (including adding a lot of stickers), then SMMplanner has a built-in Stories editor with multiposting. This means that you can duplicate a Story created through Story Maker, reopen it, and repost it on another day or even to another account.

When I uploaded several photos to Instagram* at once after a good walk

As you can see, any user can figure out how to attach several photos to Instagram*. But if after reading this guide you still have questions, I'm waiting in the comments!

How to add multiple photos to Instagram from a computer

Need to post multiple photos to Instagram* from a computer? We will tell you how to do this through the social network and through the SMMplanner scheduling posting service.

How to add multiple photos via Instagram on the web*

If you're going to post multiple photos to Instagram* from your computer, the first thing to remember is that no matter how hard you try, you can't fit more than 10 photos or pictures into one post. The rest of the process is simple and fast, let's do it.

Home page

Open your profile home page or feed. On the top option panel there is a plus sign in a square. Click on it to post some photos to Instagram* from your computer.

Drag and drop a photo here

For convenience, it is better to create a folder on your PC in advance with a photo for publication and drag a photo from it to this window.

You can also click the blue "Select from Computer" button and upload photos from any folder on your PC. You can navigate between folders, but you won't be able to select pictures from several at once.

Uploaded photos

After uploading several photos and before posting them, you can edit them. To do this, click on the menu " Trim ".

Grid helps to center the desired part of the frame

Use the grid to move the image to select the area of ​​the photo you need. To do this, move the cursor over the photo and hold down the left mouse button. Everything, you can move the image.

Image formats, you can select the appropriate one

Click on the button with checkmarks in a circle to select the format of the loaded image and use the grid to move it horizontally or vertically.

Zoom - when you need to get closer to your subscribers :–)

There is also an option Zoom , for which the button with a magnifying glass in a circle is responsible. You can zoom in and out of objects in the photo to place the areas you need. This is a great way to help followers pay attention to the right part of the frame.

Add a photo

With the plus button you can add photos to the carousel . It works provided that there is space left - the number is less than or equal to 10. You can change the order of the photos in which they will be shown to subscribers. To do this, click "Next", and then on the plus in the circle and select files from your PC in the window that opens. Nothing complicated :-) In this way, you can set not only consecutive frames, but also a variety of pictures.

Click "Next"

After all the manipulations with the number and scale of the photo, click "Next" and go to the "Edit" menu. There you can apply filters and change image settings.

Applying filters

In the image editing menu, you can apply 1 of 12 suggested filters to each photo. Click on "Filters" and use any of the ones you like. You can choose a separate filter for each image, but we still recommend choosing similar filters so that the photos do not look too scattered within the same post.

Image Settings

Image Settings allows you to adjust brightness, contrast, saturation, etc. Click Settings and move the slider along the line, adjust the level of each parameter until you like the result. Already changed values ​​can be transferred back if you do not like what happened. Or generally click on the arrow to the left of "Edit" to exit the editor and enter it again. In this case, the settings will be reset, and you will not have to reattach the pictures.

We talked about creating a beautiful visual in the article “How to create a beautiful visual for Instagram* in 2022”. In it, we tell you how to design posts in your account so that readers like your profile, and show what rules and tricks you should follow.

Image settings applied

This is what the photo looks like after editing. After applying the settings and photo filters, click "Next" to move on and add a caption, hashtags, and more.

We talked more about hashtags in the article “How to use hashtags to promote on Instagram *: examples, opportunities, mistakes” - we talked about how to use tags correctly so that they benefit your account.

Menu before publication - do not forget to enter the text

By the way, about the text. It is better that subscribers are hooked not only by the picture, but also by the text under it. This will help users stay on your profile. If you need ready-made texts, take a look at our article Posts for Instagram*: where to get ready-made texts. And if the text turns out to be too large - it does not matter. What to do in this case, we tell in the article "Large texts on Instagram *: why are they needed and how to design."

In the Create Publication menu, you can add a signature, geodata, and take advantage of Accessibility and Advanced Settings.


By selecting the Accessibility option, you can make a caption for each photo for people with visual impairments. Write your own text or it will be generated automatically. Alternative text is displayed only for special programs that recognize such texts and use them to describe the content of the photo aloud.

Advanced settings

If you don't want your post to be commented on, turn off this option in the "Advanced settings".

Description of the publication

Create a caption with or without hashtags, add a geotag to your publication. It all depends on the nature of your post: if you have a “local” business and you want your photos to be easy to find, use geotags and geotags, without neglecting hashtags with your brand. More about place hashtags in our articles “80 hashtags for promotion and promotion in social networks” and “How to correctly search for posts and people by hashtags on Instagram *: instructions”. In them you can find detailed information on how to use it and why, as well as what benefits it can bring.

Ready post

How to publish several photos from your computer using SMMplanner

A great way to not only publish several photos in one post, but also prepare posts in advance before publication is to use the SMMplannert delayed posting service. When registering via the link, you will get free access to all functionality for 2 weeks.

So, how to post a few photos on Instagram* from a computer:

Log in to the site, go to the "Posts" tab.

In the same way, you can publish a post in several social networks at once

Click "Schedule a post". An active window appears, in which we will create a future post for the profile.

In an empty box, write the text for the future post

Add photos. We click on "Photo / Video", a page with folders on the computer opens. Among them we find what we will publish.

To post multiple photos on Instagram* from your computer, simply select all the photos you want to post.

If a picture doesn't fit or you don't like it, click on the cross, it will disappear. For example, if you are promoting a short-term promotion, the post can be deleted after the discount expires.

Select a page or multiple projects where the post will be published.

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