How to know if someone is cheating on whatsapp

3 Infallible Ways to Tell Your Partner is Cheating On You Using WhatsApp

By the end of this article, you will have learned three different techniques for using WhatsApp as a “private investigator” of sorts to catch a cheater.

But there’s more.

Unlike the other guides you can find by googling “how to catch a cheating spouse on WhatsApp”, I have selected the techniques with less margins for error to investigate your potential betrayal.

I will also explain everything down to the last detail. Thus you will not only be able to choose which technique to use but you will also be able to implement it effortlessly.

Before I begin, let me introduce myself (I mind my manners 😁)

Hi to everybody, I’m Frankie Caruso. I have been working on computer security and social networks for about 10 years.

With my guides I have helped hundreds of wives, husbands and boyfriends to discover “uncomfortable” truths about their partners.

But back to us.

I’m here again to teach you another dirty little trick to help you master WhatsApp.

Today it is about finding out if your spouse is cheating.

Do you suspect your husband or wife is having an affair or cheating on you? Did you find one of these suspicious apps on his/her phone?

If you find yourself at this unfortunate crossroad, technology has allowed proof to go far beyond finding lipstick on a shirt collar. WhatsApp can give you a hand in learning the truth.

Great, I love when technology can step in to help us!

But before risking your relationship with your partner, I want to give you some advice: check out one of these two videos and see if you spot any common signs with their behaviors.

For him:

You might be interested: 10 Subtle Signs Your Wife Is Cheating

For her:

You might be interested: 10 Signs Your Spouse Is Cheating

Tip: Does your partner use Facebook or Messenger as well as WhatsApp? If so, you might want to read my how to catch cheaters on Facebook guide. You’ll find lots of useful tips on how to catch your cheating partner. If, on the other hand, he uses Instagram, here is how to catch him red-handed.

While I am willing to give you the most effective means of determining if your spouse is cheating, they might not be 100% legal in all counties. It is on you to determine if what you’ve selected is breaking the law in your country.

Instead, if you are here because you want to hide the existence of a tryst and not want to catch your significant other in the act, you should check out the separate article to keep from getting caught cheating using WhatsApp.

So, let’s get right to it and clear up the world of jealousy, love and infidelity in the WhatsApp era.

How to Find out if Your Partner is Cheating Online

Three methods I will list, if effectively applied, can confirm (or hopefully refute) suspicions of adultery by our wife or girlfriend or husband or boyfriend.

Here are the three methods to find out using WhatsApp if he (or she) is unfaithful.

Are you in a hurry? 30-SECOND RECAP:

Catch a cheating husband – or wife – through “Exchanged Messages”: a quick, free and very simple technique to use; it doesn’t allow you to access the cheating partner’s messages but it can provide you with useful information about who the lover is (e.g. name and phone number) or with whom he spends more time on WhatsApp.

– 🥇Spy app: the best way to catch a cheater on WhatsApp. You will have access to conversations, photos and videos sent and received, you can monitor access to social and much more. In short, if your partner cheats on you with a spy app you catch him red-handed.

Tricky massage: I invented this technique (that doesn’t mean it’s guaranteed to be successful 🤣). It will help you learn whether your partner actually cheats on you or not. Basically, you will need to be suspicious of someone in particular.

1. Find Out if He (or She) Cheats Through Exchanged Messages

[60% effective]

One of the first ways to discover a potential affair is fairly simple. Look on the WhatsApp contact list and find out who your partner exchanges messages with the most.

Perhaps you didn’t know, but WhatsApp can monitor a ranking of which contacts receive the most interaction. The bad news here is that you have to be able to get ahold of your spouse’s phone for a few minutes.

Once you have the phone, proceed as follows. iPhone and Android:

  1. Open WhatsApp
  2. Settings > Click on Storage and Data > Tap on Manage Storage

Now you should see a ranking of contacts and groups your significant other exchanges the most data and messages with.

Setting aside the groups, you can see some suspected names like a friend you have never heard about, which can legitimize your suspicions.

Even though this might be a red flag, it does not 100% prove that your partner is doing something wrong. Ideally, you want to get other forms of proof. You can try to collect information from other social media accounts like Facebook, for example.

To do this legally, you would want to ask the potential betrayer to show you the WhatsApp ranking contact list in lieu of snatching the phone and doing it yourself.

What’s the next step?

You should likely pass on to method 2 listed below, but if you cannot take it anymore, ask for an explanation from your partner about the contact and why they are ranked so highly on the list.

Try to apply some pressure to the situation with questions like why this suspected contact would seat higher than you do on the list.

If he/she becomes nervous, chances are there is indeed something fishy happening.


✔︎ Free and Fast
✔︎ Get the name of potential lover
✘ You need to have the victim’s phone in your hands

Frankie’s Take:

This is a useful method to give further evidence to be added to others you are compiling. It is also just a good starting point for further investigation. It can be a warning sign but is not definitive proof infidelity has occurred.

2. Techniques of Espionage to Catch a Cheater

[100% effective]

As we have seen, the first method can help you to discover betrayal on WhatsApp, but it has its limitations as your partner could have devised an exclusive to justify the conversations.

He/She could deny it all, and you would remain with nothing more than a suspicion without any confirmation. Even though you will be far more diligent from here on out.

There is another way to consider, though, that can show you the truth. These are applications which allow you to spy on exchanged messages through WhatsApp from other phones.

I can tell you that the best currently out there to try is Mspy.

All you have to do is download it and you can see everything that is stored, or anything that occurs with the target’s phone as though you were inside of it. You can do a lot of things, among them being:

  • Reading SMS and messages from WhatsApp and other chat apps (like Facebook Messenger)
  • Monitor call logs and history
  • See GPS locations in real time

If you have an unfaithful spouse, there is no way that they could get away with it when you use an app like this.

You can try a demo of the application for free to see just how easy it is to view WhatsApp conversations.

You do not need to be tech savvy to install this application on the victim’s phone. But in case of any issues, they have a 24/7 chat and phone support ready to assist you.

How to install mSpy?

I already told you at the beginning of this guide that I would provide you with all the tools you need to implement these techniques.

Now pay close attention, you’ll see it’s nothing very complicated.

  1. the first thing you have to do is purchase mSpy (by clicking on this link you will get a 30% discount)
  2. after a couple of minutes you will receive a message containing your login details and instructions to install it (if you need it)
  3. access your dashboard and begin the steps to connect mSpy to your target device
  4. Once you are logged in, simply wait a few minutes – just long enough for the software to download a backup of WhatsApp dataand that’s it!

From now on, you’ll be able to access your partner’s WhatsApp conversations and find out whether or not he is cheating on you.

One of the only drawbacks to an application like this is that it is not free, but it is a small and reasonable amount. Let me say you should compare that low cost to your newfound spying abilities, and you have an excellent value.

Before we continue, I would like to answer a question that many of you have asked me: Can mSpy record phone calls made with WhatsApp?

Unfortunately not. At the moment it is not possible to record phone calls made in WhatsApp. However, you can track the call log, and therefore know the numbers of the calls sent and received.

I suggest you to read my article about the most used apps by cheaters to call your lover.

What’s the next step?

Once you have passed through the content on your partner’s phone, there are two options: you can come to the conclusion they are innocent, or you catch them red-handed.

In the case of the latter, your partner may deny they have an active affair, but the proof is right there for you to see. You decide now if you are breaking up or forgiving them, its all in your hands.


✔︎ Fast and Easy to apply for anyone
✔︎ Spy your partner remotely without them know
✔︎ Get irrefutable proof (text messages, call history and much more)
✘ Spying might be considered a crime in your country

Frankie’s Take:

This is not only the most effective way to discover an affair, but it is the most popular spying application in the world. This spying software is as infallible as a 007 investigator. If you want to save time and get right to the answer, this is the way that happens. You can learn more about installation in this guide I have written: Step-by-Step Guide to mSpy (the Best Cell Phone Tracker App). Inside you will also find a discount voucher (it’s a gift reserved for readers of my blog).

3. Discover Betrayal Through a “Tricky Message”

[60% effective]

Let’s begin by saying this is a powerful method that is illegal in most countries, so be aware of that. It is generally used by betrayed victims in the grip of an irrational attack of jealousy. There is no happy ending to be found here.

For simplicity, we will call this the “tricky message”. It is a fake message that you send to your partner pretending to be their lover, and see how she/he responds to determine signs of infidelity.

To put this into practice, you have to learn some information from method 1 and identify the name of the suspected contact. If there is one, you can apply this trap:

To run it, you need three things:

  1. A telephone with an unknown phone number to call your partner
  2. Name of the suspected contact
  3. Phone of your partner for a few seconds

After getting these requirements, you just have to create a new contact in the address book of your partner’s phone.

This contact will have the same name of the suspect, that you got from the ranking list, and have the same picture as well if possible. The phone number you have picked is used to set the trap into practice.

What you have to do now is send a WhatsApp message from the phone with the new number and wait for an answer. Your partner should believe they have received a message from their lover and, depending on their response, you can find out if they are betraying you or not.

Obviously, you want to send a spicy message here, but nothing too over the top. You do not want your partner to have suspicions about the veracity of the message.

What’s the next step?

At this point, there are only two things that will happen: you either learn about the infidelity directly or you learn that you were baseless in your allegations. Either way someone is going to have to do some quick and heart-felt apologizing.


✔︎ Free
✔︎ Get hard proof
✘ Not easy to apply
✘ You need your partner cell phone for a while
✘ Identity theft is a crime

Frankie’s Take:

Despite this method’s effectiveness, it requires you to be pretty cold and know a bit about how a potential lover can act. A poor choice in texting could unmask you for the identity thief you are.

BONUS TIP: How to Get Your Partner’s Phone

As you can see, the first and last methods both require you to get the phone of your significant other for a short time. I will tell you the best way for you to do this.

Get a good mutual friend to call your spouse and then with an excuse, ask to speak to you directly.

You then start to wander around and walk away from the room to talk to them. Once you are far enough away, you can apply the methods mentioned above.

I recommend also taking a look at the apps that cheaters typically use to hid their affairs.


Well, my friend, we’ve reached the end. I hope the information provided in this guide has been helpful to you. It gratifies me to help you discover the truth, however painful it may be.

Before we say goodbye, I will briefly recap what has been explained in this guide. There are 3 very effective ways to know if your partner is using WhatsApp to cheat on you.

In order of effectiveness they are:

  1. mSpy – a software spy that allows you to access all WhatsApp conversations. Installing it is simple and if your partner has an iPhone, you can even do it without physically having the victim’s mobile phone at hand. .
  2. “Tricky Message” – a very simple trick, but to use it you need to have both your partner’s mobile phone at hand and to know how the lover has hidden it in his address book.
  3. Exchanged messages – This trick allows you to know which contacts your partner exchanges multiple messages with. To do this, you need to gain access to the victim’s mobile phone.

Now it’s really everything. If you have any doubts or want to ask me some questions you just have to comment on the post below. I’ll answer them as quickly as I can.

Feel free to come back. I’ll be waiting for you.

A big hug and good luck,

Frankie Caruso

PS –  Very often spying only on WhatsApp is not enough. Read my guide on how to spy on a cell phone remotely.

How to Catch a Cheating Husband on Whatsapp

Is your spouse acting weird lately? Do you find yourself lying in bed at night and doubting his fidelity or catching glimpses of WhatsApp messages that make it seem like he might be cheating but can’t prove anything without ruining our relationship?

Since it is not enough for a hundred percent sure-mindedness about whether you’re right or wrong – there’s nothing worse than torturing myself with these thoughts, so instead, let’s make sure precisely what’s going on in your relationship!

Every lie has a trace. Some are hard to pinpoint, but today’s technology makes it even more difficult for people to cheat online without leaving “marks” on their mobile devices. 

Research tells us that acts of infidelity tarnish 25% percent marriages and 40% of relationships in America as well! Do you think men do the most cheating? The same research also shows us how closely matched women were compared to them – almost catching up last year alone! 

Cheating on phones and WhatsApp is a huge problem. Why? To answer that question, we need look at some alarming statistics:

  • The number of mobile phone users around the world is growing exponentially. With over half of Americans using mobile devices daily, it’s no surprise that phones are now considered the most common way to flatter someone online for both genders.
  • With over half of U.S adults admitting they check their phones at least several times an hour, it is no wonder that 22% are addicted to them!
  • 40% of all “online” cheating via WhatsApp becomes physical later, so don’t be fooled about the harmless text messages. 1 out 10 real-life relationships begin online, and you shouldn’t let your guard down because it seems like an innocent enough place to start!
  • WhatsApp is a very popular social application. It has over 1 billion monthly active users, and it’s the second most used messenger app.

Using WhatsApp for cheating has become incredibly popular. There are many methods to find out if your partner is using the app, and it’s an easy way because of how discreet messaging on smartphones can be.

Try the most powerful phone software for catch a cheating spouse on WhatsApp

eyeZy – the best choice is if you want to catch a cheater on WhatsApp or just monitor your kid’s activity online! EyeZy provides a multifunctional app with features like screen capture, sound recording, GPS tracking, and much more!


How to know if someone is cheating on WhatsApp 

Do you want to know if your spouse is cheating on you? You have no idea what signs to look out for, and it annoys you like hell, but don’t worry! Here are a few signs to look out for, clarify the situation, and finally regain your peace of mind:

  1. Cleared Chats

It is a solid clue to find out if your partner has been cheating on WhatsApp, and he doesn’t need to clear out the chats unless there’s fear that you’ll discover his infidelity- especially if it seems like a specific person’s messages are permanently deleted by him or herself!

  1. Renaming Contacts

There are many ways to find out if your spouse is cheating on you. One way, for example, would be looking at his phone and seeing what contacts he has given notable names or emojis too; this may indicate close attachment with the person.

  1. Spends Most Of His Time Texting Someone Else

If you notice that your partner spends most of his time texting, and he’s always putting the phone down when he gets a call or comes into contact with anyone else, then there is likely a secret behind this. These signs are usually evident because they might be using their phone to chat with someone they have an affair with. If you’re suspicious, take a look at his phone or ask to borrow it for a bit. The chances are that he’s been cheating on WhatsApp if he’s trying to hide something from you.

  1. Seems Happier On His Phone

It’s always a bit sad when you realize that the person is using their phone more than they’re talking with you. If it seems like all of his energy and attention are focused on his phone, he may be cheating on WhatsApp.

  1. Password Protected Phone

If you want to know if your boyfriend is cheating on WhatsApp, look at his phone. He has likely put some protection on it through codes or fingerprints, which will give him access only when needed and not let others see what is happening inside the device itself.

  1. Being Overly Sweet

After spending so much time on WhatsApp, your boyfriend might be trying to make up for it by being overly sweet towards you when nothing should have changed between the two of us! He could feel guilty and go ahead with an affair because he knows how painful cheating is in relationships – but don’t let that distract from what’s happening here; 

Ways to catch your boyfriend cheating on WhatsApp

There are many ways to check your partner’s WhatsApp account without them knowing. But, if you want a good way of doing so and don’t have access or ownership over their phone, then Eyezy is an excellent service for this purpose as it allows users in hiding surveillance on any device with an internet connection, including computers, etc.

The main features include:

  1. WhatsApp monitoring is possible as Eyezy has a feature to monitor this app along with other apps at the same time
  2. Presence of an invisible keylogger for recording all history of subject’s computer activity 
  3. There will be no record displayed on the target device but you can access it remotely from any device having an internet connection 
  4. You can also get updates on the live location of the target device 
  5. View all sent and received messages, including pictures, videos, and audio files.
  6. Read chats that your partner has deleted.
  7. 24/7 customer support is available in case you face any issues while using the service

Thus, if you are worried about your partner’s fidelity and want to catch them cheating on WhatsApp, Eyezy is the perfect solution for you! It offers several features which you can use to ensure that your boyfriend or girlfriend is not betraying you. The best part about this hacking tool is that there is no proof that the app has been installed on the target device. It doesn’t leave any traces behind and ensures the complete safety of all your data collected from the target device. All this without even requiring you to have any technical knowledge! So, don’t wait any longer and get started with Eyezy today to catch your cheating partner red-handed.

You have to follow these steps:

  1. Visit its official website and create an account by providing all necessary details
  2. Fill in the form and submit it, your order will be placed after approval of payment gateway, and you will receive an email with login id and password
  3. Log in to your account and select the target device you want to spy on from the list of available devices
  4. You will be able to see all the messages, calls, and contacts saved on the target device
  5. You can also see the location of the target device on a map
  6. The app will keep track of all incoming and outgoing calls
  7. You can also see the internet usage of the target device
  8. The app will keep track of all WhatsApp messages sent and received on the target device
  9. You can also see deleted WhatsApp messages
  10. The app is user-friendly and easy to use; even a novice can use it without any problem.

Try Eyezy!

How to catch a cheating wife on WhatsApp

Other ways to catch a cheating spouse on Whatsapp:

1. One of the first ways to discover a potential affair is pretty simple. Look on your partner’s WhatsApp contact list and find out who their most frequently exchanged messages are from! Perhaps you didn’t know, but there’s an option for this in Whatsapp itself- it’ll even show how many times other users have contacted each person. There might be some bad news here, though: you have to access their phone to get these statistics.

When you have the phone, proceed as follows for iPhone and Android:

  1. Open WhatsApp
  2. Settings > Click on Storage and Data > Tap Manage storage

You should now see the rating of your significant other’s contacts and groups. Apart from those with whom he/she exchanges most of the data, there may be a group or contact that stands out: a name that you have never heard before.

While this may be a red flag, it is not 100% proof that your partner is doing something wrong. Ideally, you want other evidence.

You could ask the potential betrayer to show you their WhatsApp ranking contact list instead of snatching it and doing so yourself.

Unobtrusively ask your partner to explain the rating on his WhatsApp list. Try applying some pressure with questions like, “Why would this suspected contact rank higher than me?” If he becomes nervous, then there’s a good chance something fishy is going down!

This method is not 100% effective since you need your spouse’s phone. This is a practical way to add further evidence you may be compiling. It’s also just the first step in your investigation process, and it can serve as a warning sign if nothing else conclusive will work for proof infidelity has occurred.

2. You can start by looking at your partner’s social media account. They might have clues about who is behind this masking-party behavior because people show their true feelings online more than in person, so if you find that they’re actively engaging with other users (likes and comments), then maybe take a deeper dive into finding out the real identity of these mystery guys/gals! If you want to catch a cheater, it’s not enough – you need to go further.

Catch a cheating spouse !

Is WhatsApp being used to cheat? The verdict

Definitely yes. WhatsApp is a great tool for communicating with friends and family. It can be used to exchange information, jokes, locations, ranging from innocent things to dirty tricks. And it looks like people started using this app as a means of communicating with their illegal partners.
Each of the methods described in this article is good in its own way. If you’re wondering how to tell if someone is cheating on WhatsApp, the answer may be right in front of your eyes. You don’t need an analyst or expert because you can do it with Eyezy! In our opinion, this is the best way that works 100%. This spy app will provide you with all the information you need and more. It’s easy to set up and use, so there’s no excuse not to catch a cheater today!

Vulnerabilities in WhatsApp that allow changes to other people's messages

More than 1.5 billion people in over 180 countries use WhatsApp, the messaging app owned by Facebook. The average user checks WhatsApp over 23 times a day. And the number of app users in the US is projected to rise to 25.6 million by 2021.

With all the chatter out there, the potential for online scams, rumors and fake news is huge. The attackers have an additional weapon in their arsenal, allowing them to use the messaging platform for their evil plans.

In late 2018, Check Point Research notified WhatsApp of new vulnerabilities in the application that would allow attackers to intercept and process messages sent in both private and group conversations, making it possible to create and spread disinformation from seemingly trusted sources.

The Check Point Research team has identified three possible attacks that exploit this vulnerability, all of which involve social engineering tactics to deceive end users. Attacker can:

  1. Use the "quote" feature in a group conversation to change the identity of the sender, even if that person is not a member of the group.
  2. Change the text of someone's answer, essentially speaking for the other person.
  3. Send a private message disguised as a message to all chat members to a specific group member, so when that "victim" replies, their reply becomes visible to everyone in the conversation.

WhatsApp fixed the 3rd vulnerability. But the Check Point Research team has found that it is still possible to manipulate cited posts and spread misinformation from seemingly trustworthy sources.

Following Responsible Disclosures, Check Point Research informed WhatsApp of its findings. From the point of view of Check Point Research, these vulnerabilities are of great importance and require attention.

To demonstrate the severity of this vulnerability in WhatsApp, a tool was created that allows you to decrypt WhatsApp communications and spoof messages.

As you know, the messenger encrypts every message, picture, call, video or any other type of content you send so that only the recipient can see it. WhatsApp is unable to view these messages.

Whatsapp Encrypted Chat

These encryption processes attracted attention and Check Point Research decided to try changing the WhatsApp algorithm to decrypt the data. Indeed, after decrypting the WhatsApp communication, it was discovered that WhatsApp uses the "protobuf2 protocol" for this.

By converting the protobuf2 data to Json, Check Point Research was able to see and manipulate the actual parameters sent to verify the security of WhatsApp.

Check Point Research team results in a Burp Suite extension and three attack methods (the third vulnerability has been patched, so two attacks will be covered in the article).

However, to launch an attack, you first need to obtain the private and public keys of the session and fill in the appropriate fields in the burpsuit extension.

Receiving keys

Keys can be obtained at the key generation stage in WhatsApp Web before generating a QR code:

Public and private keys of the message

After these keys have been taken, you need to select the "secret" parameter that is sent by the mobile phone to WhatsApp Web while the user scans the QR code:

"Secret" key from WebSocket

As a result, the extension will look like this :

Burp Suit Extension - WhatsApp Decoder

After clicking "Connect", the extension connects to the extension's local server, which performs all the necessary tasks.

Whatsapp manipulation

By deciphering the WhatsApp communication, Check Point Research was able to see all the parameters that are actually passed between the mobile version of WhatsApp and the web version. This allowed them to be manipulated and start looking for security issues.

This resulted in many types of attacks being carried out, described below.

Attack 1. Change the identity of the sender in a group chat, even if he is not a member of the group

In this attack, it is possible to forge a response message to impersonate another member of the group and even a non-existent group member, for example, "Mickey Mouse".
To impersonate someone in the group, an attacker only needs to intercept the encrypted traffic:

WhatsApp encrypted communication

After capturing the traffic, he can simply send it to the extension, which will then decrypt the traffic:

Decrypting the WhatsApp message using the extension

Key parameters:

  • conversation - content that is sent;
  • participant - the participant who sent the content;
  • fromMe - this parameter indicates whether I sent the data or someone else in the group;
  • remoteJid - this parameter specifies which group or contact the data is sent to;
  • id — data identifier. The same identifier will appear in telephone databases.

And at that moment interesting things begin to happen...

For example, it becomes possible to change the message to something else. For example, a message with the content "Great!" sent by a group member can be changed to something else, for example: "I'm going to die, in a hospital right now!", and the member's parameter can also be changed to someone then another from the group:

Fake response message

Note that the identifier needs to be changed to something else because it has appeared in the database since the message was sent.

In order for everyone to see the new spoofed message, the attacker needs to respond to the spoofed message by quoting and modifying the message ("Great") so that it is sent to everyone in the group.

As you can see in the screenshot below, a new group was created where no one had posted yet, and using the method described above, a fake response was created.

Original conversation

The participant parameter can be text or a phone number of a person who is not in the group, which will make everyone in the group believe that it was actually sent by this participant.

For example:

Changing the content of the message using the debug tool

The result will be:

This will again be sent to everyone in the group, as before.

Reply to a message sent by someone outside group

Attack 2: Change the text of someone's response

In this attack, an attacker can manipulate a chat by sending messages to himself on behalf of another person, as if it came from him. Thus, one could blame the person or make a fraudulent deal.

To fake a message, you need to change the "fromMe" parameter in it, which indicates who sent the message in a private chat.

This time the outgoing message was received from WhatsApp Web before it was sent to Burp Suite. To do this, you need to put a breakpoint on the aesCbcEncrypt function and get data from the "a" parameter:

Manipulation of outgoing messages

This data was then copied into Burp Suite and the outgoing direction was selected. When you click on "Decrypt", the extension will decrypt the data:

Decrypt the outgoing message

After changing it to false and reverse encryption, the following result was obtained:

Encrypting the outgoing message

Then you need to change the "a" parameter in the browser, and the result there will be a push notification with content. Thus, you can even replace the entire chat.

Sending a message to yourself on behalf of someone else

And then the dialogue will look like this: to seemingly even the most trusted sources of information on the Internet. After all, WhatsApp never fixed the last two vulnerabilities, which are quite simple to implement.

Black Hat 2019– WhatsApp Protocol Decryption for Chat Manipulation and More”

WhatsApp users are victims of a new scam




Information security experts have warned about a new fraud scheme using WhatsApp - attackers disguise themselves as a messenger support service in order to gain access to a secret code and, as a result, a user account. It is reported that this is an improved version of the deception, which first became known back in January 2020 - then the scammers pretended to be a friend of the victim in order to lure secret information from her.

A new scam has been discovered on WhatsApp, Forbes reports . The attackers began to disguise themselves as the administration of the service, sending the victim a message asking them to send them a secret code, with which you can easily take over any messenger account.

The WABetaInfo portal was one of the first to report the new fraud, answering a question from one of its subscribers who received a suspicious message, allegedly from WhatsApp technical support.

“This is fake. The WhatsApp administration never sends such messages, and if it does (this happens in connection with global announcements, but very rarely), then there should be a green verification icon next to the sender. WhatsApp never asks you for personal information or secret codes,” writes WABetaInfo.

This is #FAKE. WhatsApp doesn't message you on WhatsApp, and if they do (for global announcements, but it's soooo rare), a green verified indicator is visible.
WhatsApp never asks your data or verification codes.@WhatsApp should ban this account.

— WABetaInfo (@WABetaInfo) May 27, 2020

However, according to Forbes, this is just one of the varieties of a fraudulent scheme that involves stealing a digital combination using a social engineering method.

This scheme is based on the fact that when a WhatsApp user changes his smartphone or reinstalls the app, he needs to verify his phone number.

To do this, he receives an SMS message on his device containing a six-digit code. This code must be entered in the application, after which the messenger can be used.

This algorithm, created for security reasons, led the scammers to come up with new moves to get the secret code. So, for example, a hacker pretends to be a "friend" of the victim. He writes to her that SMS messages do not work for him, and therefore he cannot restore his WhatsApp profile. He allegedly asked the technical support of the service to send a six-digit code to the victim's number so that she could dictate it to her "friend" who found herself in a difficult situation.

The victim is unaware that his friend's account, from which the messages are being sent, has already been hacked, so he decides to help.

Apparently the secret code she sends to the scammer is her own account access code.

Thus, having a phone number and a digital combination in hand, hackers get access to another profile, with which they can continue to exploit the same scheme.

Regardless of whether the author of the message is a likely friend, relative, or WhatsApp technical support, you should remember that the secret code that opens access to your profile should not be shared with anyone. This approach will help protect yourself from most of these attacks based on the method of social engineering.

However, there is an additional security layer inside WhatsApp that not all users are aware of, as it needs to be activated manually.

This feature is called "two-step verification". In order to enable it, you need to enter WhatsApp and click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the screen. Next, open "Settings", go to "Account", and then - to "Two-Step Verification". Once you enable this feature, the system will prompt you to assign a six-digit pin code. This pin code will be requested every time the messenger confirms the identity of the account owner in addition to the code that will be sent to the mobile phone in an SMS message. This will slightly complicate the verification process, but will significantly reduce the risk of your profile being hacked.

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Picture of the day

Shoigu ordered the withdrawal of troops beyond the Dnieper

Russian military operation in Ukraine. Day 259

Online broadcast of the Russian military special operation in Ukraine — Day 259

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News and materials

Two more women sued the producer of "Clinic" for sexual assault

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Volvo introduced the flagship crossover EX90

Tyrannosaurus skull discovered during excavation to be auctioned

In Saratov, an endoscopist will be convicted for the death of a patient after gastroscopy

Putin congratulated the head of the FMBA Veronika Skvortsova on the anniversary of the agency

The head of Eni said that Italy has reduced gas imports from Russia to 7 billion cubic meters

UFC champion Makhachev announced that he is preparing to announce the next fight

Aniston spoke about futile attempts to get pregnant and Pitt leaving for Jolie

A woman threw stones at a car that hit her dog

The head of the organizing committee of the 2018 World Cup told how many Russians will attend the World Cup in Qatar

Shoigu said that the life and health of Russian servicemen are always a priority

An enthusiast converted an old Nintendo console into a working Apple computer

Surovikin: 115 thousand inhabitants left Kherson

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