How many instagram followers does the average person have

Instagram Followers - Everything You Need to Know


For many users and brands, Instagram is all about the followers. This is also a simple way to identify influencers (although by no means the only factor).

So, how does your Instagram account stack up?

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    34.74% of Instagram users have less than 1,000 followers.

  • —1,000 - 10,000 followers

    45.64% of Instagram users have between 1,000 - 10,000 followers.

  • —10,000 - 50,000 followers

    12.51% of Instagram users have between 10,000 - 50,000 followers.

  • —50,000 - 100,000 followers

    2.67% of Instagram users have between 50,000 - 100,000 followers.

Average number of Instagram followers

Globally, more than 34. 74% of Instagram followers have less than 1,000 followers.

The largest segment are users that have between 1,000 - 10,000 followers with 45.7% and together the two segments make up the majority of Instagram users with 80.37%.

A further 12.51% have 10,000 - 50,000 followers and only a mere 2.67% have 50,000 - 100,000 followers. 3.32% of users have between 100,000 - 500,000 Instagram followers. 0.53% of users have between 100,000 - 500,000 Instagram followers. Finally, users with more than 1 million Instagram followers represent only 0.59% of total users.

Instagram Follower size

  • 1K-10K
  • 10K-50K
  • 50K-100K
  • 100K-500K
  • 500K-1M
  • 1M+

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Average Instagram followers in North America

In North America, over 31. 09% of Instagram users have less than 1,000 followers.

The largest segment in North America are users who have between 1,000 and 10,000 followers with 52% and together these two segments make up the majority of Instagram users with 83.09%.

On the other hand, 12.42% have between 10,000 and 50,000 followers and only 1.97% have between 50,000 and 100,000 followers. 2.02% of users have between 100,000 and 500,000 Instagram followers. 0.27% of users have between 100,000 and 500,000 Instagram followers. Finally, users with over 1 million Instagram followers represent only 0.23% of total users.

Instagram Follower size in North America

  • 1K-10K
  • 10K-50K
  • 50K-100K
  • 100K-500K
  • 500K-1M
  • 1M+

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Average Instagram followers in the UK

In the UK, there are over 31. 54% of Instagram users with less than 1,000 followers.

The biggest segment in the UK are users with 1,000 to 10,000 followers, with 52.66%. Together, the two segments represent the majority of Instagram users, with 84.20%.

12.25% have between 10,000 and 50,000 followers and only 1.76% have between 50,000 and 100,000 followers. 1.48% of users have between 100,000 and 500,000 Instagram followers. 0.14% of users have between 100,000 and 500,000 Instagram followers. Lastly, users with over 1 million Instagram followers represent only 0.18% of total users.

Instagram Follower size in the UK

  • 1K-10K
  • 10K-50K
  • 50K-100K
  • 100K-500K
  • 500K-1M
  • 1M+

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Most-followed Instagram business categories

We all know celebrities, entertainers, and beautiful people are popular on Instagram. But for marketers and business owners, Instagram is a way to promote their product or service. So what kind of businesses bring in the most followers?

The business category with the most followers on average was Home & Auto with 120K Instagram followers. This is followed by Content & Apps with 45k Instagram followers on average, Publishers with 45K followers, Government Agencies with 22K followers, and Auto Delears also with 22K Instagram followers on average.

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Average number of followers vs. Business category

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Most-followed Instagram business categories in North America

In North America, Publishers is the most followed category with 38k followers on average, followed by Content and Apps with 35k Instagram followers. Next is Geography, with 17k followers on average. Nonprofits and Religious Organizations also have 17k followers on Instagram. In the fifth position, we have Transportation and Accommodation Services with 17k Instagram followers on average.

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Average number of followers vs. Business category in North America

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Most-followed Instagram business categories in the UK

In the UK, Publishers is the most followed category with 75k followers on average, followed by Transportation and Accommodation Services with 23k Instagram followers. Next is the Creators and Celebrities business category, with 20k followers on average. The Geography category has 17k followers on Instagram. In fifth place, we have Personal Goods and General Merchandise Stores with 17k Instagram followers on average.

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Average number of followers vs. Business category in the UK

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Most-followed Instagram account

This year’s most-followed account should come as no surprise. For the 4th year in a row, it’s @instagram itself, with 449,315,043 followers.

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Most-followed person on Instagram

Coming in second is Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo (@cristiano). His account grew by over 100M to 376M during 2021, making him the second most-followed person on the platform. For context, the United States population is 329M!

Most-followed Instagram accounts in North America

North America’s Top 50 is similar to the global Top 50, but with an even stronger focus on celebrities and entertainers. The Kardashians, perhaps the most powerful influencers of all time, are a dominating presence here. @kyliejenner, with 289,061,989 followers, is the most-followed after Instagram, with her sisters Kim, Kendall, and Khloé holding 3 of the other top 10 spots. Interestingly, Michelle Obama is the most-followed politician in North America, overtaking her husband Barack.

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Number of followers vs. Account in North America

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Most-followed Instagram accounts in the UK

The UK and Ireland’s most-followed accounts are a lot more diverse, content-wise. Plenty of brands, news pages, and comedy pages round out the Top 50, along with sportspeople and actresses. 15 of the UK and Ireland’s most popular pages are football-related (unsurprisingly, as we all know the Brits love their football). The most-followed person on Instagram in the UK is Gareth Bale (@GarethBale11) with 46,260,033 followers.

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Instagram Followers

Stats, Demographics & Fun Facts


Founded: October 2010

CEO: Kevin Systrom

Headquarters: Menlo Park, CA


Total Number of Monthly Active Instagram Users:

2 billion+ (source) 

Last updated: 22/02/22

Total Number of Daily Active Instagram Users:

1. 9 billion (source)

Last updated: 28/06/21

Instagram Stories Daily Active Users:

500 million+ (source)

Last updated: 22/02/22

Number of Businesses on Instagram

200 million+ (source) 

Last updated: 22/02/22

Instagram Demographics

  • 48.4% of all Instagram users are female while 51.6% are male.
  • 31.2% of Instagram users are 25-34-year-olds.
  • Out of the 25-34 age group, 16.4% are male and 14.8% are female users.
  • 31% of Instagram users are 18-24 years old.
  • Out of them, 17.9% are male, while 13.1% are female users.
  • There are 123 million Instagram users from the U.S. 
  • 22.5% of U.S. Instagram users are 25-34 years old.
  • 87% of users are outside the U.S. 
  • 17.6% of the world population uses Instagram.
  • 73% of U. S. teens say Instagram is the best way for brands to reach them about new products or promotions.
  • Instagram users spend an average of 30 minutes per day on the platform in 2021. 
  • 25% of U.S. teenagers say Instagram is their preferred social media platform.
Number of Instagram monthly active users

Number of monthly users (In millions)

*No official figures reported

Instagram for Business

  • An estimated 71% of U. S businesses claim to use Instagram for Business.  
  • Annual Instagram advertising revenue is around $26.46 billion in 2021. 
  • 200 million+ Instagrammers visit at least one business profile daily.
  • 70% of shopping enthusiasts turn to Instagram for product discovery.
  • There are 500,000 active influencers on Instagram.
  • 96% of US marketers surveyed plan to continue using Stories ads in the next 6 months.
  • 1/3 of the most viewed stories are from businesses.
  • Influencer marketing takes up more than half of the marketing budget for 17% of marketers.
  • 55.4% of Influencers use Instagram Stories for sponsored campaigns.
  • 25% of sponsored posts on Instagram are fashion-related.
  • Business accounts with fewer than 10,000 followers have an average engagement rate of 1. 11%.

Instagram’s Influencer Statistics 

  • Christiano Ronaldo is the most followed individual on Instagram with 290 million followers.
  • Instagram is the preferred social media channel for brands who engage in Influencer Marketing, with 79% of them doing so.
  •  18% of marketers believe Instagram offers the best influencer marketing ROI.  
  •  37% of Instagram users interact with influencers.
  • The most expensive Instagram influencer by average post cost is Dwayne Johnson who charges $1.015 million per post. 
  • Zara was the most mentioned brand on Instagram in 2021.
  • Marketers can make $5.20 for every $1 invested in influencer marketing.
  • There are half a million influencers whose preferred and only channel of influence is Instagram.

1. Instagram user statistics 

There are 2 billion active monthly users on Instagram in 2021 (Statista, 2021), having crossed the 2 billion mark in 2021, only 3 years after it crossed the 1 billion mark. This brings it to the super-league club of other social platforms like Facebook and YouTube. 

The number of monthly active Instagram users. Source: Statista

Current Instagram figures show an increase of a billion users than the total numbers in 2018. Although experts had previously expected the platform to hit this milestone in 2024, analysts attribute a big part of this massive growth to the coronavirus pandemic, which drove users to sign up for Instagram. 

While Instagram is only a photo-sharing platform once only popular with teens, it has grown to become one of the most popular social media sites in the world.  

Most popular social networks worldwide as of January 2022, ranked by the number of active users in millions. Source: Statista 

2. Instagram Demographics: Location 

As of January 2022, India and the United States of America both tied at the top as the countries with the highest number of Instagram users at 230 and 160 million users each (Statista, 2022).  

Leading countries based on Instagram audience size as of January 2022. Source: Statista

Based on these numbers, it is clear that the audience and reach of the platform are growing at a rapid pace in most countries outside the U.S. While the figures for the U.S do not seem to change, India recorded approximately 20 million new users between the period of October 2020 and January 2021 (Hootsuite, 2021) and then a 100 million more between 2021 and 2022 (Statista, 2021).

The other countries with the highest number of social media users besides the U.S and India are:  

  • Brazil – 119 million Instagram users 
  • Indonesia – 99 million Instagram users 
  • Russia – 63 million Instagram users 

3. Instagram Demographics: Gender 

51.6% of all Instagram users are female, while 48.4% are male (Statista, 2021). 

Distribution of Instagram users worldwide as of October 2021, by gender. Source: Statista

Unlike other major social media platforms like Twitter which have a very wide gender gap among its users, Instagram appears well-balanced and embraced by both genders equally. More Instagram demographic insights to follow. 

4. Instagram Demographics: Age 

25–34-year-olds make up the age group with the most Instagram users at 31.2% (Statista, 2021). 

Distribution of Instagram users by age group. Source: Statista

According to the statistics, 18–24-year-olds are the second most populous group in the Instagram usage world.

65+ year-olds make up the least number of Instagram users at only 2.2%.  

5. Countries with the highest Instagram reach 

The country with the highest Instagram reach in 2022 is Brunei, with 92% (Statista, 2022).  

Kazakhstan might not be the country with the most Instagram users, but it is the country where Instagram reaches the highest percentage of its population: 92% to be precise. 

The other countries with the highest Instagram reach in 2022 are Guam and Cayman Islands.

6. Instagram app download statistics 

Instagram had a total of 170 million downloads in Q4 2021 (SensorTower, 2022).   

App downloads in Q4 2021. Source: SensorTower, 2022

Besides Facebook, this is one other app that has consistently maintained the top five position, with the number of downloads for the last couple of years. The numbers are quite impressive, even with the entry of other more recent apps like TikTok. 

7. How much time do users spend on Instagram? 

Instagram users spent an average of 28 minutes per day on the platform in 2021 (Hootsuite, 2021). 

This marks a decrease of about two minutes from 2020.

Do you think you also fall under the same category?  
How much time do you spend on Instagram every day?  

According to Facebook (Instagram’s parent company), you can see the average amount of time you spent on Instagram within the last 7 days. Time spent on Instagram starts when you open the app and ends when you close it or switch to using another app on your device. 

How to check average time spent on Instagram. Source: Marca. com

8. Businesses on Instagram statistics 

As Instagram becomes increasingly more popular, an estimated 71% of U.S businesses claimed to use Instagram for Business in 2018 (Mention, 2018). That’s approximately 7 out of 10 businesses that use Instagram to help boost their online visibility and connect with their audiences. Today, the number is even higher.

There are more than 200 million business accounts on Instagram globally that users visit every day (Instagram, 2021). This is quite possible, as 90% of Instagram users follow at least one brand.  

With a good presence on Instagram, businesses can cater to their clients’ needs much easier, as 2 out of 3 Instagram users believe the platform enables interaction with brands (Instagram, 2021). 

What’s more?
It is easy for users to shop directly from the app, and approximately 130 million Instagram users tap on shopping posts to learn more about the product every month.  

Another noteworthy statistic is that 36. 2% of B2B decision-makers use Instagram to research new products or services (Hootsuite/ WeAreSocial, 2020). These figures clearly indicate the power of Instagram as a crucial business tool in this digital era. 

9. Instagram engagement rates 

The average engagement rate for an Instagram post by a business account is 1.11%. That’s true for accounts with less than 10,000 followers. (SocialPilot, 2021).  

These figures imply that for every 100 Instagram followers, you should expect at least engagement from one account. Engagement is currently the highest for image posts at 1.03%, followed by carousel posts at 0.86%. Videos receive the third-highest engagements on Instagram at 0.75%.  

10. Instagram Stories statistics 

According to Instagram, over 500 million accounts use Instagram Stories every day (Instagram, 2021). 

58% of Instagram users claim to have become more interested in a brand/product after seeing it in Stories. A further 50% of them say they have visited a website to buy a product/service as a result of seeing it in Stories.   

Furthermore, 45% of Instagram users prefer to use Stories to become aware of new trends and happenings.  

We shouldn’t also forget that brand stories have an 86% completion rate, according to Conviva Social Insights.

Lastly, Instagram Stories generate a quarter of the platform’s ad revenues. This year, Stories ads are predicted to bring in almost $16 billion in global net ad revenues, according to eMarketer Insights.

Net Instagram Stories Ad Revenues. Source: eMarketer (2021).

These figures clearly indicate that as a business with an online presence on Instagram, it would be crucial to include Instagram Stories as a part of your content marketing strategies. 

Note: Please link back to and this page when you reference/quote the statistic.

Photo Credit: Unsplash

Instagram stats you need to know in 2021

All Instagram stats and interesting facts you need to know in 2021. Audience, cost, development, top brands, bloggers, posts, hashtags and more.

1. Instagram is currently the sixth most popular social platform in the world (after Facebook, Youtube, WhatsApp, FB Messenger and WeChat).

2. Instagram is the 10th most visited website in the US. In January 2021, he had about 0.9 in this geobillion visits per month.

3. In 2020, Instagram was the fifth most popular in the Apple App Store.

Instagram is one of the biggest players in the social media industry. He has made a significant contribution to the development of global blogging and has become the main source of income for many opinion leaders.

Interesting facts about Instagram

4. Instagram was founded by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger in 2010.

5. The current head of Instagram is Adam Mosseri.

6. Instagram is headquartered in Menlo Park, California.

7. In 2017, Instagram had 450 employees, which meant 3.5 million users per employee.

When did Instagram appear?

8. Instagram was launched on October 6, 2010, but the very first post was made on July 17, 2010.

The very first post on Instagram

How much does Instagram cost?

9. In 2012, Facebook paid $1 billion for Instagram.

10. In 2018, Instagram was valued at $100 billion.

11. Instagram generated $20 billion in ad revenue in 2019.

How many users are on Instagram

12. In October 2020, the total number of active Instagram users was estimated at 1.16 billion . By comparison, Facebook has 2.14 billion users and TikTok has 689 million.

Instagram active audience

13. Instagram has 500 million daily active users.

14. In the US, 63% of users visit the site daily.

15. Instagram has one billion monthly active users.

16. According to research by Ghost Data, there are about 95 million bot accounts on Instagram.

Instagram user growth statistics

17. In September 2011, Instagram had 10 million users.

18. In February 2013, Instagram had 100 million monthly users.

19. In June 2016, Instagram had 500 million users.

20. In June 2018, Instagram had 1 billion monthly users.

The most popular Instagram bloggers

21. The most popular profile on Instagram is the account of Instagram itself. To date, he already has over 390 million subscribers.

22. The most followed Instagram blogger is the dedicated Cristiano Ronaldo. He has 277 million subscribers. For comparison: Lionel Messi has 198 million subscribers.

Instagram Cristiano Ronaldo

23. Seven of the ten most followed Instagram bloggers are Americans.

24. If you remove brand accounts, the top ten most popular Instagram bloggers are as follows:

How much can you earn on Instagram?

Over the past decade, Instagram and YouTube have made significant contributions to the online entertainment industry. For the most part, it is thanks to them that the “blogger” profession has appeared, since content creators can earn income from their posts and videos.

Even micro-influencers can make money online without having an account with a massive following.

25. According to research by, a micro-blogger with 10,000 followers can earn $88 per post. To earn an average income, he will need to publish posts daily.

26. A medium-sized blogger with 100,000 followers can earn $200 per post. To earn an average salary in the US, he will need to publish paid posts more than three times a week.

27. A popular blogger with a million followers can earn $670 per post. For an average salary, he would need to post an ad once a week.

Popular brands on Instagram

28. If you remove the Instagram profile from the list, the most famous brand on the social network will be National Geographic.

Instagram National Geographic

By excluding blogger accounts, you can make a list of the most influential companies on Instagram with the largest number of followers. Sports brands (especially football brands) invest a lot of money in promoting their pages on the platform.

29. Instagram accounts of famous brands:

The most popular photos on Instagram

30. Influencers dominate the individual images with the most likes. However, the image that received the most likes is the picture of the egg that set the world record in January 2019.

The most liked photo on Instagram

32. Billie Eilish hit the top 10 twice with posts about her blonde hair. It's funny for a singer who is vehemently against building a personal brand based on looks.

33. Kylie Jenner also hit the top twice, posting a photo with her newborn daughter and congratulating her daughter's father on her birthday.

Most Popular Hashtags on Instagram 2021

34. Hashtags were introduced to Instagram in January 2011 and are an integral part of content navigation on the platform. In December 2017, users were able to follow specific hashtags to track trends and view relevant content in their feed.

Popular hashtags are used by bloggers and brands to increase followers and get more engagement on posts.


35. Popular in 2021 Hagestegi Instagram:

Statistics on the countries of

36. The USA and India are the most significant global auditors of these. users. In general, the social network is widespread throughout the world.

37. Instagram Global Audience Size:

Instagram Demographics

As social media has become an integral part of our lives, recent user statistics show just how important the platform is to young people. Social networks are now the main channel for news, media content and entertainment.

38. In the US, 63% of adults visit Instagram daily - a large proportion of the population - and 42% visit the social network several times a day.

39. In the US, Instagram is dominated by young people, unlike Facebook, which has many older users. 75% of young people aged 18 to 24 are on Instagram.

40. Globally, the gender distribution in 2021 is as follows: 50.8% women and 49.2% men.

41. Global distribution of Instagram users by age as of January 2021:


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Most followers on Instagram

One popular science project, a few big names from the world of sports and no politics. If we evaluate social services as a cross-section of the cultural needs of mankind, then it is obvious that today we are interested in music, glamor, football, bohemian gossip and the skill of professional designers.

Apple in Telegram and YouTube. Subscribe!

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Priyanka Chopra (born 1982) is an Indian actress, model and singer. She is the winner of the Miss World 2000 contest. In 2015-2018, she played the main role in the American television series Quantico. In 2021, Chopra played the role of Sati in the film The Matrix: Resurrection.

Winner of the National Film Award, Filmfare Awards and several other Indian film awards.

In 2018, she married actor Nick Jonas.

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The official Instagram of NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) broke into the TOP Instagram accounts only in 2021. The NASA space agency, which is part of the US federal government and reports directly to the US President, carries out the country's civilian space program, as well as scientific research into air and space. All publications in the NASA account are related to space.

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A bald brutal man and not a villain? Then it's Vin Diesel. Surprisingly, the actor got into the cinema not from the gym, but from the theater through college. Education helped him take place as a screenwriter and director. He should not count on an Oscar for the role of Hamlet, but millions of people remember his numerous "Fast and Furious", "Three X's" and "Riddick". And on Instagram, he also appears as a loving father, ironic about his fame.

♥ BY TOPIC: Google Photo Scanner for iPhone, or how to post old paper photos on Instagram without glare. Dua Lipa is a British singer of Kosovo origin, born in 1995. Singer, songwriter and model. Her name "Dua" is translated from Albanian as "I love", "I want" or "I need". At the age of 14, she began posting cover versions of her favorite songs on YouTube by artists such as Christina Aguilera and Nelly Furtado. In 2013, she appeared in a television commercial for The X Factor. In 2017, Dua Lipa released her debut album.

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Israeli actress and model (born 1985), best known for her roles in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Justice League, Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman 1984", "Spies Next Door", as well as the Fast & Furious film series.

As of 2020, Gadot is one of the top three highest paid actresses in the world with an annual income of $31.5 million.

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The official UEFA Champions League account broke into the TOP 50 most followed Instagram profiles only in 2020. The Champions League is an annual international football tournament organized by the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) among top division clubs in Europe.

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American singer-songwriter who rose to prominence in 2016 with the release of her debut single "Ocean Eyes" on SoundCloud. Her debut album When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?, released in 2019, topped the US (Billboard 200) and UK (UK Albums Chart) charts, while the single "Bad Guy" went to number one on the Billboard Hot 100. (USA). Billie Eilish is the first person born in the 21st century to top the Hot 100.0003

In 2020, Billie Eilish triumphantly declared herself at the Grammy Music Awards, winning all four major nominations: Song of the Year, Album of the Year, Record of the Year and Best New Artist, as well as winning the Best Pop Vocal Album nomination. As a result, she became the first performer since 1981 (and only the second in history after Christopher Cross) to win all four major awards of the year.

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Barcelona is not only a beautiful city in Catalonia, but also the football club of the same name. It has its own philosophy. "Barcelona" will always try to play beautifully, delighting the audience. It was in this club that the legendary Lionel Messi made his name. The club's Instagram is a must-see for any Barça fan. Football players have long been turned into stars. It is always interesting to watch their life not only on the football field, but also outside it.

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In addition to solo commercial success, Chris Brown has been involved in some hit collaborations such as "No Air", a duet with singer Jordyn Sparks, and "Shortie like Mine" with rapper Bow Wow.

Thanks to his dancing talent, Brown is often compared to Usher and Michael Jackson, who, according to the musician himself, greatly influenced his work.

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Once upon a time, rap was an entertainment for the marginalized, and today the stars working in this genre earn millions. One of the most popular performers is Drake. Having lit up in show business in a teenage television series, he began to release platinum albums one after another. The rapper created the music label OVO Sound, has his own clothing line and is the representative of the NBA team. Drake clearly proves that he is not a one-day dummy, but a versatile person who is interesting to watch.

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Real Madrid is the most titled football club in the world. This is a constant favorite of any competition - from the championship of Spain to the Champions League. Puskas and Di Stefano, Ronaldo and Zidane, Cristiano Ronaldo and Luka Modric made history here. The club's fan base numbers in the millions. That's why the legendary club's Instagram is so popular. In the profile you can find many photos from the team's training, the life of stars in everyday life and, of course, the highlights of football battles.

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While the stand-up genre is only gaining momentum in our country, in America, the stars of the genre have millions of fans and gather huge halls. Instagram of the famous comedian and actress Ellen DeGeneres is named after her sparkling show, for which she received her 11 Emmy awards. On her page there are a lot of videos with jokes, skits with celebrities. What else can you expect from a comedian? So millions of subscribers are charged with a good mood along with DeGeneres.

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Legendary American basketball player for the Los Angeles Lakers. James has been named NBA Champion and NBA Most Valuable Player multiple times. Named to the NBA All-Star First Team 12 times, took part in the All-Star Game 16 times, where he was recognized as the Most Valuable Player three times.

According to Forbes, in 2019James LeBron is the highest paid player in the NBA.

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R&B singer with 60 million singles sold and 20 million albums sold. The winner of the title "Artist of the Digital Age of the 2000s", 8 Grammy Awards, she is assigned the 17th place in the list of the best performers of the past decade. Well, the fact that Robin Rihanna Fenty is an honorary ambassador of the culture of Barbados, her historical homeland, is no longer necessary for millions of subscribers to know - and so there is something to visit the page for.

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A thorny path to the heights of a pop singer's career, controversial successes in the acting field, long ups and downs in the search for family happiness - having acquired an Instagram account, Demi fills it very carefully. Her feed is filled with pictures in the circle of loved ones, with pets and photo evidence of a hectic professional activity.

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Cardi B is the third artist in history, after the Beatles and soul singer Ashanti, to have three of their first hits in the Billboard Hot 100 at the same time. This happened in 2018 with the songs: "No Limit" (4th place), "MotorSport" (7th place) and "Bodak Yellow" (10th place). At the end of 2018, the annual List of the 100 most influential people in the world according to Time was included.

Cardi B became the third female rap artist in history to have an album nominated for Album of the Year, following Lauryn Hill (1999) and Missy Elliott (2004).

It is known that before starting her music career, Cardi B worked as a stripper in a nightclub. Her pseudonym Cardi B is a play on letters from the word Bacardi (a liquor company).

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Do you know who Zendaya is? Well, you are not alone in this. Nevertheless, the young American actress, singer and model has enough of her fans. Her path to fame is the dream of any girl. She entered the stage as a child, helping her mother in the theater. The talented girl was noticed by Disney producers and now she is already the star of the TV series Dance Fever. Behind the actress is not only participation in a TV show, but also her own book. Zendaya clearly has something to tell teenagers. On her Instagram, the star admires herself in various images, but isn't that what fans want?

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Mr. Hart is known as a producer, talented comedy actor with a solid filmography, and an experienced screenwriter. But first of all, he is the guru of the stand-up pop art genre. And the American artist cleverly uses his popular Instagram profile to advertise future shows, run new jokes and promote joint projects with other popular performers.

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A frequenter of foreign charts, the owner of a solid list of nominations for various awards in the music business, a popular singer. Moreover, among the highest paid, including through cooperation with well-known brands as their "face". According to Forbes analysts, Perry's total income in 2016 exceeded $135 million. She can afford to take a break from PR and dedicate her Instagram page to sweet nonsense - subscribers approve of this approach.

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A young but already incredibly famous representative of the Brazilian football school is sincerely in love with his favorite sport. And also in large fees and yourself - collecting awards, receiving impressive fees from participating in advertising and constant posturing go hand in hand in the life of Neymar da Silva. In fairness, the status of the official face of many famous brands and the need to participate in the presentations of new products oblige him to regular bright publications.

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Shocking, provocation, ridicule, criticism of colleagues in the shop and outright stupidity - when you are at the beginning of your creative path, all means of attracting attention are good. The singer is still experimenting with musical genres, combining work with Disney-level studios and world tours, and trying her hand at cinema. Free advertising, which is facilitated by a promoted Instagram account, will not be superfluous - subscribers are regularly pampered with photo collages, pictures without makeup, from a plastic surgeon's chair, etc.

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. He loves original photo shoots, both with his half-sisters and solo, does not hesitate to post photos from his personal life and appear before fans in a variety of ways.

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The path from a teenager from a dysfunctional family to a rap star Nicky went through natural artistry, lack of complexes and impudence on the verge of provocation. Plus a lot of work and cooperation with famous artists, showmen and businessmen. Currently in the top 30 richest rap artists, her songs stubbornly make their way to the top of the charts, and Minaj herself - on various super popular shows. It is vital for a star to maintain interest in his person, which is what her personal page on Instagram is dedicated to.

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Indian cricketer Virat Kohli is considered one of the best batsmen in the world. He is the captain of the Indian national team and the captain of the Royal Challengers Bangalore in the Indian Premier League. In 2018, Kohli was named one of the 100 most influential people in the world by Time. Awarded the highest sporting and civic honors in India. He is married to actress Anushka Sharma.

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“J. Lo” account dedicated to her beloved – at work. These are performances on the stage, and acting work, and the preparation of new hits, and business activities. A woman who has made her way from the slums to the heights of show business and independently earned a solid capital, whose status in the Spanish-speaking world is higher than that of many royalty, has something to tell the world. And Jennifer Lopez does it carefully, slowly and tastefully, publishing carefully selected photos.

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Starting from the second album, which immediately harvested 4 Grammys, the singer has firmly occupied the podium in pop music. According to Forbes, she became the second highest paid performer in the past year. And the youngest of the women included in this edition of the list of influential people in the world. Swift's influence on the world of contemporary music is unprecedented, but unlike her colleagues, she avoids scandals, and her Instagram page is filled mainly with pastorals.

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If you run a sports brand with a long history of success and hundreds of credits, you know better than anyone how important constant contact with the audience is. The Nike Instagram account is dedicated to everything that the average consumer associates with the world of sports - professional, amateur, virtual. It is unlikely that each of the tens of millions of subscribers at least does regular exercises, but they all stay up to date with industry news, follow sporting events and love vivid pictures with idols - the connection is inextricable.

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The only account on this list that has nothing to do with the world of gloss, big money, or fame. The magazine with almost a century and a half history, with the advent of the era of digital technologies and social networks, has not changed the old traditions - the best documentary images about our planet are published here. Those in which a person acts only as a cautious observer of wildlife, and shots of original life in distant corners of the world. All of them are distinguished by excellent quality, as opposed to the efforts of tourists with smartphones - a huge number of Instagram users can confirm this.

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The youngest offspring of a fairly large Kardashian step-family, many of whom prefer to build a career under their own names, without shying away from the help of relatives. 20-year-old Kendall has already managed to take part in the filming of TV shows, became the heroine of scandals in the modeling business, acquired useful contacts and is confidently making her way to the big podium. Almost documentary evidence of this multifaceted process can be seen in the form of publications on her account.

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Notorious for his teenage antics amid the intoxication of early fame, the Canadian R&B singer has not lost popularity in certain circles. On his account - a lot of sold copies of albums, a number of awards, filming in films and participation in the show. Contrary to popular belief, Bieber is not entirely a product of the "pop culture factory", the young man has vast natural musical talents.

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. Chloe successfully demonstrates the desire to get out of the shadow of more eminent relatives, using the Instagram page as an effective means. Numerous, the army of subscribers constantly sees evidence of her narcissism, love of flowers, fashionable outfits and selfies with celebrities.

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The legendary personality of the world of show business at the beginning of the 21st century, is one of the hundred most influential representatives of the music industry. Beyoncé's albums have sold tens of millions of copies, and there's no free space on her wall of awards, except for her status as the most nominated singer in the history of the Grammy Awards. She successfully dominates her field, but is constantly under the scrutiny of criticism, often more than justified. And so the tool in the face of a constantly replenished Instagram account does not stand idle.

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Not so much a TV star, socialite and business woman, but a legend of modern times, an idol for numerous fans and connoisseurs of glamor. Her image allows to generate megatons of visual content that is used for a variety of purposes, and each new publication invariably causes a stir. It is not so important what will be shown next time - almost 90 million subscribers are happy with any news. But it’s probably more offensive for Kim to realize that her popularity is inferior to at least two women on Instagram.

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A bright star of the American stage, who is not averse to conquering the European one along the way - the young singer has awards and nominations on both sides of the Atlantic. Grande has successfully recorded several commercially popular albums, takes part in the dubbing of cartoons, starred in serials and television shows. Her stage image is at the stage of formation and the subscribers of the account take an active part in it. Ariana often posts custom collages of herself, short videos, and photos that are sent to her.

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Mr. Johnson has made a name for himself in the wrestling ring, winning numerous awards and amassing an impressive list of achievements. And then he actually repeated the whole path again, this time having achieved success as an actor and artist, combining impressive physical strength and professional charisma. The rock, full of health, has many friends and fans - judging by his Instagram profile, he does not consider it hard to take pictures with them on stage, in the gym, on the street, etc.

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Selena Gomez is a singer, actress, composer and songwriter, model and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador. Her career began in 2002 and was very intense, shooting in numerous films alternated with album recordings and concerts. This could not but affect the well-being of the young artist, but the fight against the disease only added to her popularity. Her Instagram account serves as a showcase of how you can look great anywhere, anytime.

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The owner of a truly countless number of sporting achievements, a permanent inhabitant of the top football ratings, a constant contender for the title of the best football player of all time for many years in a row. A native of the Argentinean land has earned so much fame and respect that he got tired of it a long time ago. And he certainly does not need another source - Messi uses his social service account to post photos with friends, family and in different life situations.

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. Kylie, being younger than her sister Kendall, has already significantly surpassed her in terms of the number of subscribers, but the methods and goals of using the Instagram service are identical for the two former participants in the show "Keeping up with the Kardashians". If you want to keep up with the latest news from the bohemian community and the career of a rising star, this is probably not the worst choice.

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The most costly player in the history of football, Spain's Real Madrid paid £80m in 2009 to sign Ronaldo from England's Manchester United. Now the Manchester United striker, as well as the official holder of the title of the best football player in Portugal of all time, is unofficially considered the best player of our time. Winner of the Golden Ball, Golden Boot, Player of the Year award and a number of unique records in the football industry. Cristiano Ronaldo does not complain about the lack of attention, and therefore his Instagram account is equally filled with pictures from the football field and with his family.

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It's very easy to explain what the service itself is known for - the largest platform for publishing author's photographs in the world. And to describe the contents of his central account is even easier - everything in a row. As an example and at the same time inspiration for new achievements for hundreds of millions of people who subscribed to it.

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