How to delete your following on instagram

How to Unfollow All Accounts in Instagram

Sadly, there’s no legitimate, functioning app that lets you unfollow all accounts on Instagram at once. If there are many apps on both the Google Play Store and Apple App Store that claim to do so.

But, trust us, none of them works. Therefore, they’re not worth your time. To find out how to unfollow accounts on Instagram manually, and the reasons why you should do so, keep reading this article.

Let’s Address the Instagram Unfollow Apps

Hundreds of unfollow apps are the first thing you see when you Google this topic. Most of them used to work at some point, but that’s no longer the case. If you look at the reviews of these apps, you’ll notice that all of them have a pretty inflated rating, despite more than half the people saying that they don’t work.

These apps aren’t only a waste of time, but most of them want to scam you too. They’re stealing either your information or your money if you decide to pay up for the premium versions. Absolutely none of the Unfollow Instagram apps work, and they all have similar names and descriptions.

Don’t fall for them! Getting an Unfollow Instagram app can get your IG account temporarily or even permanently banned. It can also steal your login information and other sensitive info.

Avoid Google Play Store, App Store, and especially third-party apps and sites such as AirGrow. You’ll simply have to unfollow accounts manually on IG, it’s the only way. Or is it?

Start Over on Instagram

If you can afford to unfollow all the accounts on Instagram, why not make a new account? This is much easier than manually unfollowing every person, bot, and page on Instagram. Plus, it will save you loads of time and effort.

Download Instagram on your mobile (the web version is very limited) through the official app store for your platform. Here are links for Android and iOS devices. You’ll also need a new email address and/or a mobile phone number.

You can’t use the same numbers or email you used for the previous account. Other than that, a new sign up is really easy. Just follow the on-screen instructions and enter your information when asked for it. Confirm your email or phone number, and you’ll be all set.

With a new account, you can follow whoever you want, and start fresh. It seems like a much better idea than messing with sketchy third-party apps or manually unfollowing everyone on IG.

Manually Remove Instagram Accounts You’re Following

Albeit a little more difficult, this method isn’t bad either. If you want to unfollow only some IG accounts, it’s better to do it manually. This way, you can keep your old IG profile, but also control who you follow.

It’s a solid half-measure because you can keep the followers you want, and get rid of those you don’t want. Even though this should be self-explanatory, here’s how manual unfollowing on IG works:

  1. Log into your IG account.
  2. Tap on your Profile (icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen).
  3. Tap on Followers in the top-center of your screen. You can also tap on the follower count.
  4. Go through the list of your followers and press Remove to the right of their username.
  5. Confirm the prompt by clicking Remove.
  6. Repeat the steps for as many followers you want to be removed.
  7. You can do the same with people who you are Following (this doesn’t need confirmation).

You can use the least interacted with and most shown in feed categories to help you out with removing people you’re following (i.e. spammers and inactive people).

Important Advice on the Matter

Keep in mind that if you unfollow too many people at once, you may look suspicious. Keep the number of unfollows to about 50 at a time. You can repeat the process every hour or so. As mentioned, the people you unfollow won’t even notice it, unless they visit your profile.

Another thing worth knowing is that the following cap on Instagram is 7,500. You can’t follow more people than that, but you can obviously have any number of followers. Some celebrities have follower counts in the millions, which must feel really nice.

If you want to use IG for business, then you should especially take care of your followers and the following ratio. In case you have a really bad follower ratio (e.g., only half of the people follow you back), you might not be taken seriously.

Most Instagram users just use it for fun. Even so, decluttering your Instagram feed is very smart. Why would you look at posts from people you dislike? Also, consider unfollowing the spammers that have to post every few hours and can’t live without the attention.

Finally, you might want to eliminate all the inactive IG profiles from your follower list, albeit they don’t do you any harm.

Be Smart using Instagram

Don’t fall for online scams. Remember, there is no legitimate way of unfollowing everyone on IG. You have to cautious even when doing it manually. If you don’t want your account banned, only unfollow a certain amount of people at a time.

Instagram has very strict policies, so make sure to respect them. Of course, creating a brand-new account isn’t a bad solution either, especially if you follow way too many people. Tell us what you think about the matter in the comments section below.

How to remove real and fake followers on Instagram

Nothing lasts forever — especially when it comes to Instagram followers. But, thankfully, you don’t have to wait for someone to unfollow you or delete their account to remove them. With Instagram, you have the ability to manually remove anyone you wish from your list of followers. All it takes is a few taps to get the job done.

Whether you’re deleting inactive accounts or severing a virtual relationship, this guide will cover everything you need to know about how to delete followers on Instagram.

How to delete followers on Instagram

It will come as a relief to learn that removing followers on Instagram is a simple, straightforward process. However, there are a couple of things to keep in mind before you start pressing Delete.

Removing vs. restricting vs. blocking followers on Instagram

There are three ways you can go about getting rid of specific accounts that follow your Instagram profile: removing, restricting, and blocking.

Restricting an account is basically one step above removing and one step below blocking. When you restrict an account, all of their comments and likes (as well as their direct messages) are hidden. They can still interact with your profile, but you will no longer see those interactions.

Here’s how to find your restricted accounts:

  1. Open your Instagram app.
  2. Press the icon of your profile picture at the bottom-right of your screen.
  3. Press the three horizontal lines at the top-right of the screen.
  4. Navigate to Settings > Privacy > Restricted Accounts.

From there, you can unrestrict accounts and use the search bar to find accounts to restrict.

Blocking, on the other hand, restricts a person’s profile to an even greater degree. When you block an account, that person won’t be able to comment, like, or direct message you. In fact, blocked accounts cannot find or view your profile at all. The only things that blocked accounts can see are your likes and comments on public posts.

Here’s how to find your blocked accounts:

  1. Open your Instagram app.
  2. Press the icon of your profile picture at the bottom-right of your screen.
  3. Press the three horizontal lines at the top-right of the screen.
  4. Navigate to Settings > Privacy > Blocked Accounts.

If you no longer want someone’s account to be blocked, you have the option to unblock them. And if you suspect that someone has blocked you, here’s how to find out who blocked you on Instagram.

Removing an Instagram follower is a much less restrictive approach. Removed followers will potentially still be able to access and interact with your account — unless you take some precautions, which we’ll go over in a later section.

How to remove a follower on Instagram

Removing a follower on Instagram is just as simple as blocking or restricting an account. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open the Instagram app.
  2. Press the icon of your profile picture at the bottom-right of your screen.
  3. Press Followers.
  4. Scroll or use the search bar to find the account you wish to remove.
  5. Press Remove next to the account.
  6. Press Remove.

Following these instructions will remove an account from your list of followers.

Is there a way to mass-delete your followers?

The previously mentioned steps are fine and dandy for removing a follower or two. But what do you do if you want to rid your account of multiple followers — or all of them?

Well, you won’t find the solution through Instagram. At the time of this writing, you can’t bulk-remove followers within the app itself. Instead, you’ll have to enlist the help of a third-party tool. For the purposes of this guide, we’ll be using the free app InstaClean – Cleaner for IG.

Here’s how to use it to mass-delete followers:

  1. Download and open InstaClean – Cleaner for IG.
  2. Log in with your Instagram account information.
  3. Press Authorize.
  4. Select Followers.
  5. Scroll through and select all of the followers you wish to remove.
  6. Press the three horizontal buttons at the top-right of the screen.
  7. Select Remove.

With this app, you can also mass-block followers or mass-delete posts from your own Instagram profile.

What happens when you remove a follower on Instagram?

Now that you’re armed with all this knowledge, it’s time to go over some frequently asked questions about removing Instagram followers.

Do your followers get notified when you remove them?

No. When you remove a follower from your Instagram account, the person isn’t notified. The only way they would find out is if they went to view your profile and noticed the active Follow button. Also, if your profile is set to private, they will be unable to see your posts or Stories.

Will you know if someone removes you as a follower?

Again, no. When someone removes you as a follower from their account, you won’t be notified. The only way you would be able to tell is if their profile was set to private, which would mean you could no longer see their content.

When you remove a follower on Instagram, can they still see your posts?

It depends on your account’s privacy settings. If you’re a public account, removing someone doesn’t prevent them from seeing your profile, posts, or Stories. They can still view everything — and even send you messages. Your content just won’t show up on their feed anymore. They can also refollow you at any time unless you block their account. On the other hand, if your profile is set to private, removing a follower will prevent them from seeing your content. They may request to refollow you, but you will have to approve them in order for them to see your posts and Stories again.

When you remove someone on Instagram, do their likes disappear?

No. When you remove someone from your followers’ list, their likes and comments will still remain on your posts.

How to remove fake or inactive followers on Instagram

Every now and then, it’s good to do a big sweep of your Instagram followers and see which accounts are inactive or possibly fake. Social media experts refer to these accounts as “ghost followers.”

Usually, ghost accounts will have a low number of followers but a high list of accounts they’re following, and low-quality content or no content at all. And while there are third-party apps that claim to be able to detect such accounts, they aren’t very reliable. The only way you can cleanse your account of ghost followers with confidence is by manually going through your list of followers and removing ghost accounts one by one.

Here are some other red flags to look for when checking your followers list for fake accounts:

  • They leave nonspecific comments under other accounts’ posts, such as “cool” or “nice pic.”
  • They have tons of followers but not that many posts (or no posts at all).
  • They have a generic bio that doesn’t reveal very much information about who they are.
  • Some of their posts seem to promote a product or business.
  • The account seems to have been created recently.

It’s a tedious task, but this process will help keep your account secure and safe from being flagged by Instagram.

Does Instagram delete fake followers?

While it’s not a guarantee, Instagram has made announcements regarding its intent to remove fake accounts from the app. The only way to make sure you have no fake accounts following you is to go through and manually check your list of followers.

As the owner of your Instagram account, you have the right to remove, restrict, or block followers as you wish. We hope this guide has shown you how to remove followers on Instagram and has made managing your audience a bit easier.

This was about:
  • Instagram
Emily Blackwood

Writer and editor, driven by curiosity and black coffee.

How to delete Instagram followers?

Hello, Igor Zuevich is in touch ✋ You probably know that any Instagram user, sooner or later, faces the problem when his feed is literally "littered" with unnecessary, meaningless, and often harmful posts that appear in it due to the multitude of subscriptions to various users of the social network. Very often, the feed is full of advertisements and viral ads, which not only irritate the eyes, but can also harm your gadget. ❌ In such cases, the question arises, how delete Instagram subscriptions quickly and without consequences for your account.

How to delete an Instagram subscription via phone?

The question of how to remove an Instagram subscription from a phone is the most relevant, because using this gadget is the easiest way to get rid of annoying posts.

💢Usually this can be done in two ways: automatically or manually.

The first method is more efficient, because it allows you to remove falls not only quickly, but also efficiently. At the same time, be prepared for the fact that the social network itself does not have the function of deleting many subscriptions, so you cannot do without using external services. There are no difficulties in this, the main thing is to use proven applications from official and verified sites.

So, how to delete an Instagram following on iPhone?

You just need to go to your profile, click "Subscriptions" and use the white button to click "unsubscribe" . On an Android phone, the deletion algorithm is similar: just press the button "cancel" . However, the options for manual removal are extremely limited, especially if there is a need to remove dozens or even hundreds of subscriptions.

❣Therefore, you need to know how to delete Instagram followers in one go. For these purposes, the developers of various applications have created a lot of programs that can literally remove all fall files with one click. In the play store you can find dozens of applications working in this direction.

💥 For example, the Followers - Unfollowers application, which has a sufficient number of stars from users, is therefore used very often.

💥The second utility for deleting subscriptions is Followers Assistant. It is completely free, and with its help you can immediately delete not only subscriptions, but also subscribers.

💦Working with the application is quite simple:

  • Download the application from PlayMarket or app store;
  • Login to your Instagram account;
  • Enable the function "check lists" , which will help you find non-reciprocal subscriptions;
  • Press the blue button "unsubscribe" , with which you can select multiple subscriptions at once to be deleted. Usually, 10-20 subscriptions are removed first in order to understand how the system works.

💥 Zengram service is also popular. It will help you effectively clear your account of all non-reciprocal subscriptions. In this case, the speed of cleaning the profile depends on the selected mode. Paid modes are available here, which allow you to delete up to 1400 subscriptions per day.

❗By the way, experts do not recommend unsubscribing from a large number of subscriptions per day. The optimal amount is no more than 200 per hour and 1000 per day. Otherwise, you can get your account blocked by the Instagram administration.

How do I delete my Instagram followers from my computer?

To mass delete Instagram subscriptions that are installed on a desktop computer, you need to use the Android system emulator. There is no other solution, since this version of the social network does not provide for a one-time deletion of subscriptions, as well as the use of third-party applications.

💢Therefore, first you need to download an emulator (for example, Bluestacks) and install it on your PC. After that, using the play market, download the Instagram application, log in and start deleting subscriptions either manually or using the above applications.

Also, many users are concerned about the question of how to remove non-mutual subscriptions on Instagram. You can also do this in bulk using external applications. ❗At the same time, the risks of being blocked remain, so take the removal very responsibly. Any step should be weighed, because along with unnecessary subscriptions, you can accidentally delete important falls, which will be extremely difficult to restore.

As you can see, if you already know that a large number of inactive subscribers negatively affects statistics and hinders to promote your account , then inactive followers that have turned into a kind of ballast that significantly slows down development must be deleted. Now you know how to properly remove fake and dead bots or inactive people from Instagram followers. It is better to act together and together with those people who already have experience and results. Come to our programs, at the same time and earn more!

With you,
- Igor Zuevich.

Be sure to download:

  • Content Plan (post calendar) for publications in social networks
  • Bestselling book on creating sales and advertising texts
  • READ in Telegram

If you can invest in self-education for the next 5 minutes, then follow the link and read our next article: For whom to write texts on Instagram?

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How to quickly find and remove unwanted Instagram followers: scheduled mass deletion

An owner can delete unwanted Instagram followers after a detailed analysis of their profile. These can be showroom pages, informational blogs, or abandoned accounts.


  • Detecting and manually deleting Instagram followings
  • Automatic deletion of followings via computer - WORKING way
    • Delete followings on Instagram via phone app
    • Instahero: clean unnecessary subscriptions
    • Spamguard: Best Protection for profile
  • Why Instagram does not allow subscriptions
    • Where are bots on Instagram
  • Why is it important to remove submarines from accumulations from accumulations of accommodation of accommodation from accommodation. on Instagram

    Subscriptions in the social network are located in the upper group, next to the avatar and subscribers. These are the accounts that the profile owner has subscribed to. They appear in the Feed, in the list of recently published Stories.

    On Instagram, you can split your following into:

    • important . Pages of friends/acquaintances, competitors or friendly accounts;
    • unimportant . Informational blogs, abandoned profiles, shops;
    • dangerous . Bots and fakes, pages with advertising.

    The blog owner can either delete everyone in one click, or gradually clear the list. For this, manual deletion is provided (go to subscriptions and remove them yourself), online services (delete by parameters).

    To identify dangerous accounts in subscriptions:

    1. Go to Instagram - section: "Subscriptions".
    2. Scroll through pages and highlight those without avatars.
    3. Define store profiles.
    4. Gradually delete after verification.

    For example, if the owner of an account without an avatar does not have any publications, this may be a fake. The reasons for adding can be different: from observation by competitors to cheating. Therefore, when analyzing and auditing a page, clean up your profile in order to improve user engagement rates.

    Automatic deletion of subscriptions via computer - WORKING way

    Expert opinion


    Personal brand development and promotion on Instagram.

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    The only working way how to remove Instagram followers in automatic mode is to use the program on the Leongram computer. I will show everything step by step: where to download and how to set up an unsubscribe from unnecessary people.

    Installing and configuring the Leongram program on a computer:

    1. Go to
    2. Click the download button for free and download to your computer, install.
    3. We register a profile on the website
    4. We start the program and enter the data from Leongram (ATTENTION: login and password from the LEONGRAM cabinet).
    5. Next, click -> Add account -> enter the data from your page on Instagram.
    6. Further below -> Add task -> Unsubscribe, configure the unsubscribe.
    7. In the second paragraph on the screen above, you can select : delete non-mutual followings on Instagram, then the program will delete only those who are not followed in response to you. Using this function, you can periodically check your account and find those who no longer want to be on your page and connect for updates.
    8. Pay attention to delays and pauses, they are set so that there is no excess of limits.
    9. Then just watch the progress of the program.

    At the moment, this is the only and free way to remove subscriptions from your Instagram profile. Hope it helps you solve your problem. I would be glad if you save the address of our website, we will post even more useful material, so check back periodically or subscribe to our social network account.

    Delete followers on Instagram through the app on your phone

    Using your smartphone, you can delete followers who have not subscribed to each other. This is possible through a mobile application or independently by going through the list of fans.

    How to delete using the application:

    1. Go to the Play Market - download: "Followers-Unfollowers".
    2. Connect your Instagram profile - select the section: "Not signed in response."
    3. Press: "Delete".

    Expert opinion


    Personal brand development and promotion on Instagram.

    Ask a question

    The application will gradually remove those who did not subscribe in response. To check it yourself, you need to go to the sections: "Subscribers" and "Subscriptions", compare how many users are non-reciprocal.

    InstaHero: clean up unnecessary subscriptions

    Using the InstaHero service, you can delete all subscriptions at once. Or use the section: "Cleaning" - According to the parameters. This category helps to highlight friends and important pages, and get rid of the rest. Moreover, the main emphasis is on the removal of subscribers. But there is an option how to remove unnecessary subscriptions.

    How to clear your profile:

    1. Log in to InstaHero - register.
    2. Log in to your profile and connect your account from Instagram.
    3. Go to the section: "Cleaning" - According to the parameters.
    4. Specify "Mutually signed" - start cleaning.

    The service supports deletion by intervals. This means that after unsubscribing 10 subscriptions, there will be time for a "rest". This is done for the reason that the account can be blocked during mass unsubscribing.

    SpamGuard: the best profile protection

    SpamGuard offers account protection and the first free analysis. To do this, it is not necessary to register - enter the service and enter your nickname to view the data. But in order to use it, the page must be open, that is, public.

    How to use:

    1. Enter SpamGuard - click: "Start analysis".
    2. Enter a nickname for the page - wait until the account is added.
    3. Press the "Scan" button.
    4. Final settings.
    5. View what data the system has shown.

    In addition to the fact that the user will be shown “Unwanted Accounts”, there is a button below that can be used to get rid of these subscribers.

    But this is already a paid service that can be connected individually or as a package of services. With full page protection, the service regularly checks all subscribers and subscriptions, gradually removes dangerous and unnecessary ones.

    Why Instagram won't let me delete my followers

    If Instagram won't let me delete my followers, then there is only one option - limits have been triggered. These are limits on the number of actions per day. For example, if the owner of the page deleted up to 100 friendly accounts within one day, a notification will appear that the action is blocked. The next time you can delete only after 24 hours.

    Other reasons why they may not be deleted:

    • no network connection. When the account owner first deleted, their Internet connection was unstable or non-existent;
    • need to update the application. Go to content store and try to reinstall.

    But the most common reason is blocking actions. A message will appear on the screen to warn you of blocked activities. And if the user continues to clean the list of subscriptions, then his account can be completely blocked for a short time.

    Exceeding the limit is treated as an automatic action. Instagram blocks any similar interactions, citing user safety and reducing server load.

    Where Instagram bots come from

    Bots or fakes are often non-reciprocal followings, unless we are talking about mass following. The account owner will be able to notice such followers if they view the entire list.

    How to identify them:

    • no avatar or standard picture;
    • no description, not even brief information about yourself;
    • open profile, where there are no photos and Stories are not published;
    • can be found in the comments under publications, with the same text.

    If the first three points can be applied to inactive users, then the last one is indicative. A bot can be the other way around: a user with a photo, posts and description, but in the bio there will be a link to some resource.

    Bots appear for the following purposes:

    • generation of subscriptions to the page for the purpose of further sale;
    • when cheating. The account was created by a real person, but is used only for profit;
    • distribution of spam, advertising.

    Fakes affect page promotion and may appear due to mass following (in order to attract attention), cheating or actions from competitors. To install a cheat on someone else's page, it is not necessary to have full access to it.

    A large number of bots in subscriptions and subscribers can cause a shadow block. Instagram will consider that this profile often interacts with fakes, and will limit the ability to display entries in the TOP.

    Why is it important to remove subscriptions from an account

    If there are many subscriptions in the profile, then this affects the level of trust among the audience, as well as the further promotion of the page. To constantly track the level of subscribers and subscriptions, you need to use either a mobile application or track it yourself.

    How to track yourself:

    • daily check the list of subscriptions;
    • set the status: "Closed account" ( you can not close business accounts ) to filter subscribers on your own.

    It is necessary to delete subscriptions for the following reasons:

    • impact on promotion. Such accounts constitute the target audience, and it may not correspond to real data;
    • subscriptions are visible to all subscribers. This means that the owner of the profile will not be able to hide them if he has comrades / acquaintances;
    • if the owner of a large blog is subscribed to many pages, this will affect the level of trust of the audience.

    Therefore, in order for subscribers to not be able to go to the list of friends or see which stores the blog owner is subscribed to, some pages must be removed from the list.

    Learn more