How do you meet people on instagram

6 Ways To Find New People To Follow On Instagram — molly ho studio

Are you looking for different ways to find new people to follow on Instagram? 

The Internet is literally one of my favorite things, because you can be connected to anyone and everyone.

And it's not weird to meet people you've met on the Internet in real life anymore! 

Remember when people still thought it was weird and dangerous? 

Those days are long gone. (But still, be careful and smart about meeting up with people because it can be dangerous.) 


1. Look at who your friends and favorite Instagrammers are following.

One of my favorite ways to find new people to follow on Instagram is to look through who my friends and favorite Instagrammers are following, because I already know we have the same taste, are into similar things, and most likely have similar beliefs and values. 

Plus, now you can see how many of your friends are following someone else.  

I love following people who are a bit more soulful and share bits of their personal lives, because I love getting to know other people's story and how they got to where they are in their journey, so I tend to look for people who have their own names in their username and/or have a selfie as their profile photo. 

There's a lot you can know just by looking at someone's username and profile photo, but at the same time, you know what they say: never judge a book by its cover (but honestly, we all kinda do that right? I mean, you want to know what a book is about before reading it because books. are. long.)


2. Search your favorite hashtags.

Your new potential friends and favorite Instagrammers are probably using the same hashtags you are, so search your favorite hashtags.

Some of my favorites to look through are: #risingtidesociety, #abmhappylife, #darlingmovement, and #iamtheeverygirl because that's what all the creative entrepreneurs are using.  

I also love the #aeriereal hashtag and movement, because we have all bodies worthy of our own love. And I want to follow more women who are body positive and unapologetically love their bodies.

And lately, I've been keeping my eye on #lasvegasphotography, because I'm search for a Las Vegas based photographer! So if you want to find someone local, use your city in your hashtags or check out the next bullet point.


3. Use the geotargeting feature.

One of the great things about Instagram is the ability to tag your location for your photos and IG stories, because it makes it a great way to find people near you. 

I love using this feature, because you never know where it could lead you. 

I mean - it's possible to live in the same city your whole life never meeting someone and one day meeting them online and actually meeting in person. And when you finally do meet, you two instantly just click. 

Use the geotargeting feature and search for your favorite places to hang out and see who else is hanging out there. Maybe you just follow them and leave it at that, or maybe you DM that and build a beautiful friendship!


4. Go through your followers list. 

Have you checked out your followers list recently? 

Maybe someone followed you a while back and you never checked out their account, but they're someone you totally find yourself resonating with. 


5. Ask people for recommendations - who their favorite Instagrammers are.

I think we all have at least a couple of people that we love following and seeing on our feed. 

So if all else fails, ask!

People love sharing their recommendations - and well, what better way to spread the love, right? 

Speaking of which, I totally recommend checking out the Wholehearted Wednesday interview series. All amazing women with amazing stories and beautiful stories.


6. Look through someone's caption likes and comments.

I love looking through someone's caption likes and comments (especially favorite brands and companies of mine), because you can see who actually engages and is putting in their best effort. It shows that they're doing more than just liking photos (by the way, there's absolutely nothing wrong with just liking photos) - but it's nice to have people comment on your photos once in a while too, right? 

I know we all want to grow our own following, but why not help and support someone else? 

If you like someone's Instagram, give them a follow! 

It doesn't cost you anything and it might bring a smile to their face. 

And who knows? They might follow you back. 


There are so many different ways to find new people to follow on Instagram. 

Isn't it amazing to think that you could find new friends this way? 

Share your favorite way to find new people to follow on Instagram below! 


The Instagram Meet-Cute. Can you meet someone over social media… | by maude

Can you meet someone over social media in 2020?

For some of us, dating apps can be overwhelming. You may be one of those people who feel that there’s just too much choice — “who has the time for all this swiping!” Or on the other hand, someone who thinks there are too few options (cue that feeling when you realize you’re recognizing people you’ve seen on Hinge before…) You may also find it too impersonal; in 2012, Tinder famously launched with an algorithm that linked to your Facebook to show you people who are friends of friends, giving us a way to ask after our potential dates with our mutuals, but many apps don’t — something which might make you uneasy.

Over time, research has shown that dating app stigma has decreased. But if you fall into the pocket of people who aren’t on board, the good news is that there are alternative ways to meet people online. Take instagram — many of us who make up the app’s 1 billion global users spend considerable amounts of time on the platform (seriously, where does all that time go?) So while we’re there, it makes sense that we could also be flirting. Especially during a time when IRL socializing and dating is still largely off-limits. Below, some tips for meeting someone over Instagram.

Expand your circle
Instagram is a quick and easy way to look beyond the horizons of people you already know, while not having to meet up with a pure stranger. We’re all guilty of going down the rabbit hole of seeing someone tagged in a friend’s story or post and checking them out with a deep scroll. This makes sense: noticing someone in this way is reassuring because it indicates that they are peripheral to your social world and that you might just have met them anyway.

If you are attracted to someone over Instagram it’s time to (gently) assert yourself. Follow that person. They will follow you back if they are keen to lightly register their interest. But that doesn’t necessarily mean things could get romantic. According to a New York Times article, “Instagram Is Now a Dating Platform, Too. Here’s How It Works”, liking one picture might not send out a strong enough message but liking “three is, ‘I’m intentionally trying to get your attention.’ It’s the equivalent of eyeing someone in a bar.” Just make sure the pictures are recent. If the person reciprocates, there’s probably a mutual attraction.

Be interested and interesting
Replying to someone’s Instagram stories is a great way to take things to the next level and strike up a conversation, or at least, to find out if someone wants to strike up a conversation with you back. On an app that can be guilty of encouraging laziness — by which we mean every time we have responded to a friend’s big, important news with a simple, suggested emoji — what can stand out is making an effort.

So, reply to someone’s stories with a question about what they have posted. Dazzle them with your wit by engaging them in a fun, related conversation. Or send them something informative that they might find interesting. It’s easier to instantly DM people memes, informative posts, and incredible photos over Instagram than dating apps, so make the most of this feature (just not too often). For more advice on that, here’s our guide to sliding into someone’s DMs.

Watch out for the wrong Emoji
With every new update comes a whole minefield of new emojis. Instead of agonizing over whether you’re you a wink, fire sign and aubergine kind of person, or whether this is the right time for the coy blush face and flowers, remember that you don’t have to use any–there was a time before emojis ever existed and we seduced one another just fine without them.

Do some recon
The easy thing about dating apps is that people have signed up because they want to meet someone (granted, that doesn’t always mean they actually are available…) On Instagram, things aren’t always as clear. If you’re into somebody, have a look through their recent posts to gauge their relationship status, ask a mutual friend if they’re dating anyone, or pluck up the courage to ask them — tactfully — about whether they are dating anyone, which brings us on to…

Ask them out
If someone has made it clear that they’re interested, you’ve been maintaining good DM conversation with someone for a while, and if that person is religiously watching your Instagram Stories, it could be time to take things offline. Look at their grid posts for clues about what they’re into — an art exhibition, hiking, a simple drink — and ask them out accordingly.

Originally published at

on the STREET or INSTAGRAM? (The whole truth about Tinder, Badoo, Instagram dating) - Timur Smirnov's blog

Most men are now trying to get acquainted on instagram, badoo, tinder, VKontakte and others . ..

But is this the best option for us?

Does Internet dating really negatively affect our self-esteem, forcing us to “swap” with “in-between” girls (making the relationship with a really cool girl further from reality)?

In this live broadcast, we analyze many of the intricacies of dating online and on the street, which you won’t find anywhere else. You will be convinced of this by watching this video.

In modern society it is VERY DIFFICULT to find an adequate girl.

Therefore, we ask ourselves:

Where is the best place to get acquainted? Where is it easier to find a cool girl?

Many people believe that the easiest way to meet people is on Instagram and Tinder. On Badoo or elsewhere.

Instagram is very popular. And it will become more and more popular.

I'll be honest about Instagram - I'm 37 years old and my hair grows faster in my ears than on my head, so everything about online dating - once even I tried to find a girl online.

And it hit me hard on my self-esteem. I'll explain why... and we'll get to the bottom of why normal guys like you (hopefully) use more alternative ways of dating that most men can't.

Most men only have access to Instagram and dating at work. (about why he gets acquainted at work is a cruel gesture, I wrote HERE) ...

So today let's talk about online dating.

InstantGram is becoming more and more popular among lovers of “easy ways” - that's a fact.

Write something to a girl on Instagram or VK, trying to somehow show off with your profile - no special efforts are required for this.

You DON'T HAVE TO BE BOLD to do this.

Precisely because of this, when we get to know each other online, for a girl we are just one of a million “brats”, ALSO we want to “show off” in front of her, to attract her attention.

It usually boils down to us sending the same message to millions of girls in the hope that "someone desperate enough will fall for it. "

And now an interesting fact: according to statistics, among those who meet ONLINE, there are 3 times more males than females!


On the other hand, we have STREET acquaintances.

It is quite obvious that many are haunted by a terrible ghost named “it is not customary to make acquaintances on the street!”

And this is a fact. On the street, meeting a girl is not accepted.

And I want to tell you that


But only if you are a normal guy.

(if you're a normal guy, go to and watch my other exercise videos!)

So, making friends on the street is not accepted. Therefore, for most guys, Instagram and Tinder remain the only options available.

Someone will say: well, there is still an opportunity to get acquainted in the circle of common companies, at parties ...

Dear, it was all a long time ago... and it's not true.

Even 10 years ago, Eben Pagan cited the results of interesting studies: according to statistics, the average modern person has 0. 5 friends 🙂

(that was 10 years ago! .. now, I’m sure - even “less”)

Why do people come in at all on instagram?

People go to Instagram in order to raise their sense of self-importance, which is also known as SHV.

“Tell my little mirror, tell me the whole truth: who is the sweetest in the world…”

And Instagram replies: “you are beautiful, no doubt, but there are 17 million 667 people in this world who are cuter, and blusher, and who have more likes ...”

Therefore, you start to worry. This is the reality of what Instagrammers go through.

Katya started to promote her women's projects, after a month she said: “I began to feel much more depressed!”

And this is not surprising, because especially for women, being “exposed” is very depressing, because they ALWAYS have huge problems with envy of each other.

Our male lust manifests itself in the fact that we often want to fuck as many girls as possible…

…and in them, in women, lust manifests itself in the fact that they envy each other very much. They compete very strongly with each other.

So if you see a lot of “beautiful” girls on Instagram, know that many of them are not there to meet men… no, first of all they are there to compare pussy. But in a feminine way.

And we stupid guys think they're there to tease us.

Women care so much about their appearance (just don't tell anyone) primarily because they should not look in their own eyes (to themselves) as SUCKERS compared to other "cool" girls.

They do it automatically.

So, people go to "Insta" to raise their sense of self-importance.

And if you imitate the way most men try to find a girl, you will live a terrible, dreary life. This is an irrefutable fact.

But “nobody gets to know each other on the street!” someone will say.

At the same time, there is an obvious problem on Instagram and others:

You are alone there among a billion jerks…

Because people who are guided in their lives by the principle of “following the path of least resistance” do exactly this:

It costs nothing write something to a girl and “photoshop” your profile… anyone can do it.

I was walking in the center of the city and saw a Bentley standing.

I took a picture next to him and now - voila!

I was as cool as 80% of the profiles of the rest of the cool guys.

You are always there among a million brats.

Most people are jerks. Don't throw tomatoes at me. I didn't come up with this!

In social networks you “put yourself on the counter”.

And when we get used to the very idea of ​​our “profile” based on our photos…

…we get used to the role of “feminine”.


Because the feminine principle is when you associate yourself with those who are admired, and not with those who admire someone.

Do you think this is a good start to an acquaintance/relationship with a cool, feminine girl?

Instagram is so popular because most modern men are looking for “mommies”… and by putting themselves “on display” in social networks, those who find someone there (on the net)…

That is, girls who in a relationship “command and set the rules”.

Girls, in whom the MALE, “active” principle prevails.

In order for sexual tension (attraction) to arise, one person must be “masculine” and someone else must be “feminine”.

If both are female or both are male, there will be no attraction between them.

Someone is older, someone is younger.

Someone is the leader, someone is the follower.

And this is how the guys are trying at the expense of their APPEARANCE (in the profile of the social network) - we initiate communication with this profile (=feminine) and HOPE that the girl will like this profile enough to answer us.

HOW and IN WHAT ENVIRONMENT we initiate this first contact with a girl is not a trifle!

That's why a girl judges a lot of things!

When she sees that another guy wrote her some message on instagram, she ALREADY gets some definite impression about him.

Just on the basis of where exactly this guy decided to try to get acquainted with her.

As I have already said, there are on average 3 times more guys sitting on dating sites than girls.

And just the same, the fact that a guy meets on the street also forms a certain impression in the girl's head, which she consciously (!) DOES NOT CONTROL.

She was not ready for this.

Unlike Instagram, where there are usually a lot of messages from guys, the street is an unexpected turn in her life. This event. Just for the sole reason that it doesn't happen often.

I have noticed that now girls look at guys more “obviously” than it was 10-11 years ago, when I had not yet met my wife Katya and was actively getting to know each other.

Now girls look at guys much more boldly, because


Therefore, they are less afraid to admit their interest. Because they don't wait for someone to come to them.

And in fact, meeting girls on the street is not accepted not only now . .. it was “not accepted” before and WILL be “not accepted” in the future.

And this is very good for us.

It is very good that most men are afraid to meet girls on the streets.

Because otherwise we would be afraid to let our daughter or wife out of the house!

This is very good. What is met on the streets is not accepted.

And this makes our life (if we are normal guys) easier, because if we do not follow the path of least resistance, and we are ready to demonstrate this to a girl (not everyone is able to meet on the street), this immediately makes us special in her eyes.

Special in an attractive, sexy way.

She can feel our ability to protect her much deeper than if “another admirer” writes something to her on Instagram.

When we meet a girl on the street, we demonstrate to the girl:

“I am able to make the required sacrifice (that is, “act in spite of fear”) in order to create an ENVIRONMENT (this is the most important thing!) - which allows the girl almost against her will to feel sexually attracted to you… create an ENVIRONMENT for your possible relationship.

And make her feel COMFORTABLE in this environment.

You demonstrate to her that you are able to create an environment for relationships.

This is very important.

You create this environment, and it “fills this environment with itself”.

This is the relationship between male and female.

So, when we approach a girl, we prove to her (by the mere fact of our approach) that in front of her is a guy who has balls.

(At the same time, I can fully understand you, if in the past you may not have been successful in dating girls on the street. This is normal. A free exercise course has been created specifically for this, which can be accessed HERE)

We show by this one of our “acts of initiation” that we are capable of performing an action that NOT anyone is capable of.

And in social networks, on the contrary, we do what ANYONE is capable of.

For girls, this is a big deal, because their main need, because of which they need men, is security. Rough and thin.

Therefore, even if it is a small thing for you, it is not a small thing for them. This is a big deal.

Online dating and Instagram are good only for those guys who want to play the female role in a relationship with a girl…

…the role of JUNIOR.

The role of the WEAK.

For those who are looking for their mother in a girl, their "guru", mentor.

And most of today's "muzhiks" are just like that.

If a guy has his nose in his gadgets all day long, he is a jerk by default, because he runs away from reality.

I am reminded of a social experiment that was carried out back in the MySpace era.

That was a long time ago.

At that time, they conducted an experiment: teenagers aged 13-16 were offered to give up their “smartphones” for one day.

By evening, 70% of adolescents began to experience acute depression and withdrawal.

You can only imagine what this experiment would be like now.

If that was in the era of MySpace.

People use social networks to raise their self-esteem.

But the hard truth is that this is an extremely flawed place to meet girls if you are aiming for a really cool girl and for a long-term relationship with a feminine girl, and not with a “mommy”.

When you meet on the street, you tell her by this act: “I am able to create an environment for our relationship”. Now look:

  • first, few people dare to do it, and
  • secondly, if you START GREATLY this acquaintance ...

…then you are no longer an ordinary guy for her. In a good way 🙂

If it would be as easy to meet us on the street as to meet on Instagram, it would not be life, but a nightmare (for girls).

Girls would have 25,000 acquaintances a day.

My subscriber, Artyom from Nizhny Novgorod, a programmer, tells me:

I met a very beautiful girl. As a result of communicating with me, she realized that she was very boring for him and clearly complexed in his presence. At the same time, it is mega-beautiful. And he is a programmer and he was pursued by the demon “I have a boring life”.

She listened to him with reverence. Very respectful.

She is 21 years old and when Artyom asked her if people often meet her on the streets, she replied that “he is the first…”

It would seem that 21 years old is the age when “something happened” to a girl…

Instagram profiles, this external “facade” and reality are always two different things…

not shown on instagram, it is usually quite boring and dry.

She has her own level of men who surrounded her in life.

Level in the sense of “eggs”.

And as a rule, this is “her level of men familiar to her”, it is very low in “eggs”.

The next girl you meet on the street that you want to meet, she has this “usual level of men”… whom she is “used to”.

And it's usually much lower than you think when you see her on the street or (God forbid) on social media with their fake showiness.

The average "men she's used to" are either social media brats (who are looking for their mom, remember?)... or redneck pick-up artists who invade their comfort zone too early.

So if a normal guy (you) comes up to her then she YES, WILL APPRECIATE your balls and NO you will not stand with her in the same line with pick-up artists and jerks from tinders”

(of course, many guys can’t believe that beautiful girls have a low level of her usual suitors, but that's not my problem, honestly :) ...belief in this appears only when you approach such beautiful girls and really get to know such girls closely, how they live.)

And you, of course, you can't believe me.

But at least we can see who this guy, Timur, lives with, on his girlfriend/wife. How often can you look at the wives and girlfriends of other guys giving us advice on how to get to know girls better?

The first video you will receive will be the “your quality girlfriend” exercise.

And in this exercise there is this part: “Does your girlfriend you want - does she like pussies or normal guys with balls?”

Therefore, I'll be honest: you get to know girls on the street or online, it depends on which girls you "target".

If you are interested in a long-term, serious relationship (perhaps for life) with a unique girl, it is better to get acquainted on the street, because it is in live communication that you can quickly understand whether this girl is the right one.

If you are interested in “mommy”, and you want to take the weak position of “son” in a relationship, you will be more lucky in online dating.

One night stand lovers seem to be more suited to online dating too… although I try not to deal with them at all, to be honest.

The first 20 seconds she sees your profile (if she holds her gaze for such an unrealistically long time) and the first 20 seconds she sees you meeting her on the street are two very different experiences for her.

Instant Gram, Tinder and Badoo Initiation = you are one of a billion brats

Street dating initiation = you are quite possibly the only guy she has ever met in her life… who can create an environment for your relationship at will .

And here’s the most important thing:

If you get used to dating online, the most common reactions from girls (and these reactions will always be not very good) will PUNCH the feeling “girls don’t like me” in your head…

… If you get used to meeting people on the street and you do it the way I tell you to do it, then 8 out of 10 reactions of even the most mega-bomb girls will be positive. Or you are clearly doing something wrong.

That is, the practice of dating on the street, if done correctly, will really increase your self-esteem, and not lower (often imperceptibly for yourself) it, as is the case with tinder, badoo and instagram.

If you demonstrate to a girl that you are able to create an environment for the development of relationships with someone in your life, this causes only respect in her (if she is normal).

That is why the statistics of respectful reactions to you from girls on the streets will be consistently higher than the same statistics in online dating.

Again, this is on condition that you don't get to know each other in a very Downish way.

And so you just get used to being respected by women.

And it's no longer difficult for you to meet the coolest girls. Everywhere.

Because your “balls”, which you can show in a real acquaintance, deeply “pierces” into her feminine nature - she sees that, perhaps, this guy, unlike most men, can give me security.

In online dating, each of your subsequent “dating initiation” will quietly lower your self-esteem.

But if you are not completely a moron, then each subsequent street “initiation”, on the contrary, will increase your self-esteem.

And it's not that we are very concerned about raising our self-esteem. No.

It's just going to happen as a by-product. As a natural consequence of you showing a girl “your balls”. And it is pleasant and comfortable for her to bask in their “power”.

Because she will still try to bask in someone's balls.

Why wouldn't it be YOUR balls then?

Why are you so against it?

I don't understand this.

The feminine nature can do nothing with itself. She reacts to eggs. Better than anything else.

In online dating, eggs are completely impossible to demonstrate. Because it's easy to lie there. It's easy to be misled.

Girls are not stupid. At least a lot of cool girls - for sure.

In addition, girls often run Instagram not to meet guys. They lead it in order to compete with each other and break other people's relationships.

Crazy, in short.

Don't fall for such people, that's all.

You won't lose anything if you cross out for your future all the girls who are so active and willing to “put themselves on the counter”.

And most importantly, please understand…

If a girl realizes in the first 20 seconds of your acquaintance that she has a boy with balls in front of her… and at the same time she is not in a good relationship now…

she WILL NOT MISS this cool guy.

This will do everything to prevent this.

She is not stupid.

If she realizes that there is a cool guy in front of her, she will not care that you met her on the street, and not in ________ (write the most “familiar” dating channel for your future girlfriend)!

I never felt from girls when I was actively dating that girls were against dating on the street. Girls are only against dating creepy guys. Anywhere they are against such acquaintances.

If a girl says “I don't meet you on the street” more often the girl just needs to send you off somehow. That's why she says it because it's the first thing that came to mind.

Most of the cool girls that I now know personally or in absentia do not have cool relationships in their lives.

How are you doing? What percentage of cool girls you know are single?

If a girl understands that in front of her is a cool guy, she will not care that he met her on the street.

On the contrary, she will love and appreciate you for not missing her!


10 years later, you have a family, children and everything…

and she turns to your children and says:

with me on the street!

…still can't forgive him!”


If you have not yet seen my exercises “secrets of ordinary guys”, “closed” from the general public, click here: https://timurkurs. com

P.S .: Every self-respecting guru of pickup and seduction has some separate paid online dating course. They take advantage of the general inclination to take the “path of least resistance” and the fact that most men these days are pussies and “mama's boys”.

But I won't lie to you. Nothing damages our self-esteem more than online dating… Tinder, Instagram, Badoo, etc.

And in this video/article I tried to explain why once and for all.

I never talk to guys about online/girl dating situations. If you start this, you've already lost.

Lost like a man.​​​

Be a man and don't let the fashion trends of swindle blow you away.

How to meet new people

August 17, 2016


Vera Boyko
Professional kipishologist, Level UP event organizer! In Ekaterinburg. I am developing the portal with useful articles for organizers of business events.
  • There is a sea of ​​information around us and so little spiritual communication! All our lives we need to make new acquaintances so that we have someone to just talk and relax with. It's always nice to be surrounded by interesting people who don't want to take advantage of you and quit at the first opportunity.

    Dating is scary! My failed experience

    “Make a plan. Meet 7 people a week and as a result, you will have a lot of new connections in a year!” - I read in the book "Connections are everything" by Darcy Cutter and was inspired. Yes! I want dating. I make an action plan. I print business cards, I go and ... I'm terribly shy.

    I'm standing, chewing my pie on the sidelines, but I came to get acquainted! What happened with me? I read it, tuned in ... I don’t like this one - it’s somehow not like that. That seems to be an interesting girl, but come on, she probably won’t want to talk. Um. I left the event without a single business card.

    “Come on, this networking. He is not for me. Why do I need new people, new opportunities? I can manage alone. You would think that normal people go to events! There is nothing good there, ”I justified myself and forgot about this story for a while.

    It is quite natural to be afraid of making acquaintances - a person is always afraid of the unknown. And a new man is always an unknown universe. Don't trust someone who tells you that he doesn't get a bit nervous when dealing with a new person. Adrenaline will always be there. The main thing is to develop the skill and add excitement.

    Major event. 500 people in the hall. And then I remember the advice from the book: “It is important to be the first to ask a question. Turn to the audience and say your name and company, and only then ask” . The heart is beating wildly. The palms get cold. No joke - ask the question first! But sooooo wanted, and I decided. Wow, it doesn't even hurt. I can’t sit still - I go out to the lobby.

    A dozen more people follow me and ... hand me business cards! Wow, it worked! We talk for an hour and a half. What interesting people! How simple it is! So, there are different ways of dating? You just need to find your own :)

    Almost all people are happy to meet new people. Bad health, mood, or urgent matters can interfere with communication. Watch, talk more often on any occasion, relax and new acquaintances will begin to appear with unprecedented force!

    Fantastic consequences of new acquaintances

    Some time ago I came up with my own dating meetings. The bottom line is that I invite unfamiliar friends from social networks to meet offline and get to know each other. In total, three friends + me take part in the meeting. That is why I called such meetings “Council of Four”. We just gather in a cafe and take turns talking about ourselves, and then we share plans for six months. Already spent 29such meetings and made many new friends! This way of dating is convenient for me because people come to me here. I don’t have to be shy and think - the atmosphere is the most welcoming. I was very inspired by the results, because I:

    ● Learned a lot of interesting stories. I realized that there are many different people who live in their own way and at the same time they are happy.

    ● Began to receive support and assistance. People like to be needed, so you need to give a chance to help you.

    ● I was able to help myself. This is very uplifting and makes it possible to maintain an acquaintance. The main thing is environmental friendliness. Give what you have in abundance.

    When I'm told that dating is a waste of time, one study always comes to mind. People were asked what makes them happy. The first places were taken by the answers: “Family, friends, acquaintances” - these are the people who value you just like that. So where do they come from if you have surrounded yourself with a wall of silence? Maybe it's time to show interest in a neighbor sitting next to you or keep up the conversation. Give the person a chance to get to know you.

    I have experienced the benefits of dating. When you are just interested in a person's life, it becomes much easier to approach and communicate. The stiffness has completely disappeared, but there are also comical situations:

    — Do you have an online store? I ask a girl during a coffee break at an e-commerce conference.

    — No, — the new acquaintance answers and is silent.

    — How do you like the event?

    - Normal.

    We are silent. I stood for a minute and left. It is immediately clear that the interlocutor is not disposed to communication. Yes, it happens.

    The main thing is to understand that each new person can open the door to a completely new world. Do you remember how we dreamed of finding a secret door in the closet as a child? It's the same with dating. It seems that he is an ordinary bank employee, but if you talk to him, he is the discoverer of the underground passages of the city. How do you like the head of a recruitment agency who plays African drums in his spare time? Why not miracles?

    Let something new come into your life! Provoke communication and do not run away from new acquaintances.

    It turns out that getting to know each other is surprisingly easy! The main thing - details

    So, what to do to make new connections easy and painless?

    You need to know the ways of dating, to motivate to get acquainted and, most importantly, to keep in touch. About everything in order.

    1. Ways of dating


    Subscribe to event announcements and visit the ones that interest you the most. Business meetings are close to me - conferences, seminars. Networking at business events is perceived positively - people begin to communicate with interest and, most importantly, there is a topic to start a conversation.

    I choose according to several parameters:

    ● Is there a break? How big is it? It is usually difficult to get acquainted in 30 minutes.

    ● Are there tasks in groups? Brainstorming and practice is usually the best way to make new connections.

    ● Who are these people? The more interesting the topic, the more topics to start a conversation and continue communication.

    Of course, the organizers of such forums do not set themselves the goal of promoting new acquaintances, so I came up with my own meetings for networking. Although I enjoy attending other events.

    Usually I try to get to know the organizer - then I will have access to all participants. It is important to ask the name of a new acquaintance and immediately add them as friends on social networks, otherwise an interesting person will be lost. The exchange of business cards is just as important, but social networks are more convenient for me.

    Social networks

    Write interesting posts. Comment on others. Ask those who join you what they do. Yes, a lot of time is wasted, but we are looking for interesting people. And be sure to add new friends as friends.

    You will be surprised how many interesting people live with you in the same city! Social networks help to find like-minded people without risk.

    Friends of friends

    Ask you to meet interesting people. Feel free to call and write! Just do the preliminary work: how, in turn, can you be useful? What topic are you willing to discuss?

    2. What should I do to get to know you?

    Give us a reason to talk to you!

    ● Be active. At the event, ask questions into the microphone, discuss, feel free to express your opinion. You will see how interested interlocutors will reach out to you during the break.

    ● A bright piece of clothing. A scarf, a badge or an unusual inscription on a badge will interest the other person, and he will overcome the fear of communication. For example, my nickname - Kipishologu - more than once led to new interesting acquaintances. And all you need to do is indicate it on the badge, and questions cannot be avoided :)

    ● Smile. Trite, but many people sit with gloomy faces or buried in the phone. Believe me, from the outside it looks like you are busy solving universal problems. They just don't want to disturb you! Relax and just look around.

    ● Help. If you see that someone is having difficulty, tell me the direction or offer help.

    ● Be at the center of the action. If you just sit in a place where there is a lot of traffic, even this will lead to acquaintances!

    Turning a hat acquaintance into friendship

    A stack of business cards is not networking. The main goal of communication is to establish useful connections for many years. So that you can freely call a person and invite him to an event or ask for help. How can this be achieved?

    ● Look for reasons already when you meet. The more you know about the interests, work, plans of a person, the easier it is for you to help him. You can send him a useful article, immediately introduce him to the person he needs, or suggest an interesting idea. Be helpful, and a new acquaintance will definitely want to communicate with you again.

    ● Find a new friend on social networks and comment on posts that interest you. So you will establish communication and there will be a reason to discuss the news at a meeting.

    ● Maintain a database of contacts. I started a regular Excel file in Google Docs, where I add all the new acquaintances. There is a separate column “where we met” - it helps me immediately remember the circumstances and reasons for communication.

    Networking opens up unprecedented opportunities. It is important to be open to new acquaintances, keep in touch and be useful to people.

    No need to be upset if most of the acquaintances remain friends - this is normal! The wider your social circle, the more likely you are to find those precious people who would never have appeared without constant networking.

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