How do you follow someone on instagram without them knowing

How To Follow Someone On Instagram Without Them Knowing (2022 Update)

Is there somebody you want to follow on Instagram, but you don’t want them to know that you’re following them?

If you’re looking to follow someone on Instagram secretly, you fortunately have a lot of options.

In this article, we’ll share some methods you can use to follow an Instagram account without notifying them in any way – and they won’t see you when they check their followers list either.

Let’s get to it!

Table of Contents

Can You Follow Someone On Instagram Without Them Knowing?

Yes, it’s possible to follow someone on Instagram, without them knowing in any way. Some examples include using an alt account, a third-party Instagram viewer, or asking a friend to view their profile on your behalf.

However, the exact method you should choose will vary depending on your specific circumstances.

Let’s look at each potential tactic in more detail.


Use An Alt Account

The first and easiest method is to use an alternate account, that isn’t tied to your identity in any way.

Instagram allows you to have multiple accounts, so you could certainly make an anonymous one to follow people without them knowing its you. Although they will be able to see that someone followed them, they won’t know it’s you as long as you don’t give them any clues.

Therefore, you should avoid posting pictures of yourself, using a similar username to your main account, or following your old account in any way.

Ideally, you should treat it completely separately. Even something like liking the same accounts can help give away who you are, if someone is determined enough to find out.

As long as you don’t leave any clues, the person that you’re following will likely assume it’s just a random bot account, and not pay any further attention to it.

This will allow you to follow them indefinitely, without having to think about it again. You’ll be able to receive all of their posts in your Instagram feed, even if they have a private Instagram account.

2. Use An Instagram Viewer

The next option is to bookmark an Instagram viewer, and use it whenever you want to view their page. One example includes, which allows you to view both posts and stories anonymously.

When you visit someone’s Instagram page within the app, it’s possible that you may end liking one of their posts by accident, or even following them by mistake. This can lead to embarrassing or uncomfortable situations, especially if you don’t want the person to know that you’re on their page.

However, when you use an anonymous Instagram viewer, there is no way for them to know that you’re the one on their page. Because you are not signed in, there is literally no way they can discover its you, and there are no mistakes you can make that would give away your identity.

While you won’t get their posts in your feed, you will still be able to check in on their posts as many times as you wish.

However, Instagram viewers do not work on private accounts. Therefore, if the person you’re looking to view has a private Instagram account, you will need to choose another method on this list.

3. Ask A Friend

Finally, the last thing you may consider doing is asking a friend who is following them to check on their posts, or asking if you can borrow their phone to look at the person’s page.

If the person has a private account for example and denies any follow requests you make on your alt account, this unfortunately will be your only option.

Currently, there is no way to view private Instagram accounts without following someone. And even after you send a follow request, the person has to accept it before you will actually be able to see their posts.

Asking a friend is a less than ideal solution, because they can always notify the account owner that you wanted to see their page – which can be uncomfortable for everyone involved.

Generally, if someone locks off their page and doesn’t want you to see it, it’s best to simply respect their privacy.

However, if their page is open to the public, then everything’s fair game.


As you can see, there are several different things you can do to secretly follow someone on Instagram – even if their profile is private.

However, the exact method you should choose will depend on your needs. While an occasional quick peek at someone’s profile can work if you only want to see what someone’s up to, you will need to actually follow them on one of your accounts if you want their posts to show up in your feed.

I hope that you’ve found this article helpful. If you have any other questions about Instagram, please ask them using the comment form below.

Wishing you the best,

– James McAllister

Can I Follow Someone On Instagram Without Them Getting A Notification?

Inselly » Instagram Tips » How To Follow Someone On Instagram Without Them Getting A Notification

written by Alexis

Are you thinking of “Can I follow someone on Instagram without them getting a notification”? Or perhaps you accidentally tapped on the follow button and were anxious if they received a notification of that action. If you do, read it!

It is normal to have such concern, especially since everyone has that one person that they don’t wish to follow on Instagram. 

Towards the end of this article, you will have your answer. Besides, you will also know a way to follow someone without them knowing. 

Without further ado, let’s get started. 

Table of Contents

If You Follow Someone on Instagram Will They Get A Notification?

Unfortunately, or fortunately, a person will receive a push-notification from Instagram almost right away once you click on the “Follow” button.  

If you click the “Follow” button on someone that has their account set to public, they will get a notification of “X started following you” in their notification drop-down menu. Whereas, if it is a private account, they will receive a notification that you requested to follow them. 

Depending if your account is set as a public or private, the type of information that they can see when checking out your profile will be different too.  

If your Instagram account is public, they can see all your information, from username, profile picture, Instagram posts (including tagged posts), stories etc. However, if you set it to private, only your username and profile picture are visible to them. 

Either way, any Instagram account that you are trying to follow will surely receive a notification from the platform.

Of course, they might overlook the notification and wouldn’t know if you have started following them.

Situations like this usually happen to someone that has a large following. Most of the time, these people do not have the time to check every notification they receive.

Since you know that a person will receive a notification immediately, is there any way to do it without them getting a notification? Let’s move on to know more. 

How To Follow Someone On Instagram Without Them Getting A Notification

Is there a way to follow someone without them getting a notification? Sadly, there isn’t.  

As we assert, a person will get a push-notification from Instagram once you tap on the “Follow” button. Hence, it is not possible to follow someone without them getting the notification.  

Still, there is a way to follow a person without letting them know it is you. All you need to do is create a secondary account, hide or modify your personal information, then follow that person.

Avoid following your main account as Instagram might show it as a mutual connection, which will reveal your identity.

You also need to avoid using your personal number on your secondary account as the platform might show your main profile as a suggestion to that person. 

How To Follow Someone On Instagram?

Find the user you want to follow, on their profile you will see a “Follow” button in blue, tap on it and done! Now you are following someone on Instagram.

The process is really easy and quick, unless the account you want to follow is private, then you will have wait for them to accept your follow requests.

Following someone on Instagram is one of those things you will do plenty of times while you continue using the app so make sure you nail down the process.

How To UnFollow Someone On Instagram?

To unfollow someone on Instagram is easy. You just have to go to the users profile, tap on the “Following” button, then on the options tap on “Unfollow” and that’s it. You are not following the user anymore.

If you unfollowed them by mistake don’t worry, you can just follow the user right again but keep in mind that they will get a notification.

But, when you unfollow them they will not get a notification, you have nothing to worry about. They can find out by checking their followers list, but hardly anyone checks on the list frequently.

If I Follow And Unfollow Them Immediately, Will They Know?

When you follow someone on Instagram, they will be notified by the platform. However, if you click on the “Unfollow” button immediately, Instagram will remove the notification.

This only works if it happens when that person is inactive. Basically, the person will still know you have followed and unfollowed them when they are active on Instagram at that exact moment. 

But, if you unfollow someone on Instagram when they are not active, and they only login into their account after you unfollow them, they won’t see the notification. 

Final Thoughts

Unfortunately, there is no way for you to secretly follow a person without them receiving a notification, at least not through your main account. 

The only way to secretly follow someone is by creating a secondary account, if hiding your identity is that important.

Avoid using your personal number in the secondary account to avoid the main account being suggested. Also, don’t follow your main account as it will show mutual connections that are going to reveal your identity. 

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Author : Alexis

I'm a US born marketer and world-wide based social media expert, extreme sports fanatic, and street wear aficionado. Influencer by day and all-time dreamer.

how to follow someone on instagram without your followers knowing?

By Milena Anderson Reading 5 min. Views 13

Short answer

  1. One way is to create a new account and follow the person you want to follow from that account. nine0014
  2. Another way is to use a third party app like InstaStalker or JustUnfollow.
  3. These apps allow you to follow someone without their knowledge and also let you see who has unfollowed you.

How to Hide Your Instagram Followers and Followers List

How to Hide Instagram Followers/Followers List

Can you follow someone on Instagram without anyone knowing? nine0003

Yes, you can follow someone on Instagram without anyone knowing about it. However, if that person has a private account, you will need to get their approval before you can see their posts.

Can you hide who you follow on Instagram? your followers?

Ignoring a story means you will no longer see posts from that story in your News Feed. This can be useful if, for example, you want to hide messages from a friend who always posts about his political views. nine0003

How can you personally follow someone on Instagram?

To personally follow someone on Instagram, you first need to find their profile. Once you've found his profile, tap the three dots in the top right corner of his profile and select Follow.

Do my followers get notified when I follow someone on Instagram?

Yes, when you follow someone on Instagram, your followers get a notification.

Can someone I'm not following see that I've viewed their history? nine0003

Yes, if you are viewing someone's story that you are not following, they will be able to see that you have viewed it. However, if you're viewing someone's story that you follow, they won't be able to see that you've viewed it.

Can someone see when you search on Instagram?

Yes, if you have an Instagram account and the account of the person you are looking for is public, your search can be seen by anyone.

Do people get notified if I subscribe to them? nine0003

Yes, people will be notified if you follow them.

How can I see someone's Instagram story so they don't know 2021?

There is no reliable way to sneakily view someone's Instagram story, but there are a few methods you can try. One way is to create a fake account and add the person you want to watch as a friend. If their stories are published, you should see them like this. Another method is to use a third party app like StorySaver which allows you to download someone's story even if it is set as private..0003

Can I view my Instagram story anonymously?

Yes, you can view Instagram Stories anonymously. To do this, simply open the story and click on the three circles in the lower right corner. A list of options will appear and you can select “Hide history from this user”.

Can someone who doesn't follow me on Instagram see my story?

Yes, if someone doesn't follow you on Instagram, they can still see your story if they enter your username in the search bar. nine0003

Can I unfollow someone on Instagram without them knowing?

Yes, you can unfollow someone on Instagram without them knowing. To do this, open Instagram and go to your profile. Tap the three bars at the top left of the screen, then tap Settings. Scroll down and tap Account, then tap Manage Subscribers. Click on the three dots next to the person you want to unfollow and then click "Unfollow".

What happens when you follow someone on Instagram? nine0003

There are several ways to view someone's Instagram anonymously. One way is to create a dummy account and then find the person you are interested in. Another way is to use an app like InstaSpy that allows you to view someone's profile without following them.

How to view someone's Instagram anonymously?

There are several ways to view someone's Instagram anonymously. One way is to create a fake account and view your profile from that account. Another way is to use an app like Invisibility Cloak that allows you to view someone's profile without them knowing. nine0003

Can anyone tell me how many times you have viewed their Instagram story?

Yes, if you view someone's Instagram story, they can see how many times you have viewed it. However, they cannot see who has viewed it.

Why do people who don't follow me see my story?

There can be several reasons why people who don't follow you see your story. One possibility is that your account is public, which means anyone can see your posts, even those who aren't following you. Another possibility is that one of your followers has shared one of your stories with their friends, which could result in them seeing it even if they are not following you. nine0003

how to tell someone to follow you on instagram?

By Milena Anderson Reading 6 min. Views 7 Posted by

nine0002 Short answer

  1. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question as it is the best way to ask someone to follow you
  2. on Instagram can vary depending on the relationship between you and that person.
  3. However, a common approach might be to send them a direct message or post a story on your account asking them to follow you.

How to Check if someone follows you on Instagram

How to get a SPECIFIC PERSON TO FOLLOW YOU ON INSTAGRAM (immediately) - Law of Attraction

Why don't I have followers on Instagram?

There can be many reasons why you don't have followers on Instagram. Maybe your posts aren't interesting or engaging enough, or maybe you're using the wrong hashtags to reach your target audience. You may also be following too many people, making your profile difficult to find. Try experimenting with different content and hashtags to see what works best for you, and be sure to follow a manageable amount of people so your followers can easily find you. nine0003

How do you get someone to follow you on Instagram without them knowing?

There are several ways to get someone to follow you on Instagram without knowing it. One way is to use a third party app like Instaplus which allows you to see who has followed or unfollowed you, as well as who has liked your posts. Another way is to use a tool like Social Blade which shows you the latest followers and unfollowers of any Instagram account. nine0003

How much money do 1000 Instagram followers make?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on a number of factors, including the level of engagement of your subscribers and the type of sponsorship or advertising deal you are doing. However, according to an article in The Huffington Post, you can expect to earn around $1,000 for every 10,000 of your followers.

Should I give my Instagram to a stranger?

No, don't give your Instagram to a stranger. You should be very careful about who you provide your personal information to, especially on the Internet. nine0003

How to find friends on Instagram?

There are several things you can do to make friends on Instagram. First, find users with similar interests and follow them. You can also search for hashtags that match your interests and follow users who have posted photos using those hashtags. Another way to make friends on Instagram is to comment on other users' photos and participate in the conversation. If you see a photo you like, be sure to leave a meaningful comment. nine0003

Is it possible to get fake followers on Instagram?

Yes, you can get fake Instagram followers. There are a number of services that offer to help you increase your followers by providing fake followers. However, these followers will not interact with your account and are unlikely to turn into real customers. It's best to avoid these services and focus on building genuine followers organically.

How to get 10,000 Instagram followers? nine0003

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to get 10,000 Instagram followers depends on your niche and audience. However, some tips on how to get more followers on Instagram include using relevant hashtags, posting interesting and engaging content, and using effective marketing strategies.

Why do random girls follow me on Instagram?

Maybe this account is your fan or follower and they are just trying to contact you. It is also possible that the account is a spam account created for the sole purpose of following as many people as possible in order to get attention. If you don't know the person behind this account, it's best to block them so they can't continue to spam your feed. nine0003

How often should I post on Instagram?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as the frequency with which you should post on Instagram depends on many factors, including your target audience, your brand voice, and your goals for the platform. However, a good rule of thumb is to post at least once a day, preferably more often.

Does Instagram pay verified users?

No, Instagram does not pay verified users. Verified users are those who have been verified as the real owner of a particular Instagram account. The confirmation icon is just a blue checkmark next to the username. nine0003

Who should I let follow me on Instagram?

There is no universal answer to this question, as the best solution will depend on the person's Instagram account and followers.

Use hashtags to help you get followers?

Hashtags can help you get followers if you use them correctly. When you use a hashtag, it becomes a clickable link where people can find all other posts tagged with the same hashtag. This makes it easier for people to find your content and also helps you connect with other people who are interested in the same things as you. nine0003

How do you get subscribers?

There are several ways to get followers on social networks. One way is to post interesting and engaging content that will get people's attention. You can also use hashtags to reach a wider audience or run social media campaigns that encourage people to follow you. Whatever method you choose, make sure you stay active and engage with your followers and respond to their comments and questions. nine0003

What happens when you reach 500 Instagram followers?

When you reach 500 followers on Instagram, you will unlock the ability to create a custom URL for your profile.

Learn more