How do you add a link to facebook

Adding a Link to Your Facebook Page – Elizabeth B. Thomsen

There are lots of good reasons to add links to your library’s Facebook page, including sharing news from your library website, sharing a website you think will be helpful to your library users, or passing along an interesting article. If you just enter a URL in the post box and click on the Post button, your finished post will be visible to the public and will look like this:

Not bad, but let’s start over and see if we can make this look a little better.

Step One: Enter the URL
To begin, key in or copy and paste the URL you want to share into the post box at the top of your page. Facebook will automatically look up the page, and bring in a title, description and (if it can find one) a thumbnail image.

The post now looks like this:

Step Two: Remove the URL
Once Facebook has pulled in the information from the site we’re linking to, it doesn’t need the URL in the box anymore, so we can remove it. The title will be the link to the article, and the post will be less cluttered.

The post now looks like this:

Step Three: Edit the Title and Description as Needed
Ideally, Facebook would always bring in an appropriate title and description from the site that you’re linking to, but depending on the site, this may not work very well. It doesn’t look like you can edit the title or description, but you can. Hover over either the title or the description, and you’ll see a yellow background:

Click on it, and you’ll see that you can edit the text. Don’t be creative here — this spot is generally understood to coming from the content provider, so it’s not a good place for your own comments. In this case, Facebook brought in the description of American Libraries itself, and not this article. I am using copy and paste to replace that with the first paragraph of the article.

Note that this works even when the title or description is blank. Just hover over the place where the title or description should be until you find the yellow, click and you’ll be able to add the missing element.

Step Four: Add Your Post Text
You may want to add your own message to the link you’re sharing. In this case, I was encouraging people to check the library catalog to find books mentioned in the article, so I included the catalog URL at the end of my message.

The post now looks like this:

Step Five: Check the Thumbnail
Facebook may bring several thumbnails into the post, allowing you to move back and forth to choose the one you want to use for your post. Some may have nothing to do with the page you’re linking to — this is especially true with blog posts and news articles, where you might get thumbnails from other articles or advertisements. Choose the thumbnail you want, or, if there’s nothing appropriate, check the box for “No thumbnail.”

In this case, the only other thumbnail available for this link was just the ALA logo, so I switched back to the original image.

Step Six: Post
Now click the Post button, and your post will be available to the public. People visiting your page or seeing the link it their newsfeed will be able to click through to the original article, click Like, Comment or Share. If they click Share, they will be posting the link on their own page or profile. The thumbnail, title and description will be passed along but your message will not — they will be able to add their own.

Note that the link to the library catalog that I added to my post is now a blue, clickable link.

Schedule a Post
If you don’t want your post to show up immediately, you can click on the clock icon in the lower left of the post box to schedule it to appear at a particular date and time.

How to Post a Link on Facebook to Get More Clicks

How many ways can you post a link on Facebook?

Here are 7! Why so many?

Facebook experts agree that your Fan Page should vary its postings to include photos, videos, text-only updates, and links.

And if you like to drive Facebook fans to your website – now you can vary the way you post those links! See which get the most clicks.

‘Cause if you don’t post links, you won’t get clicks.

Hyperlinks in Facebook posts

If you type or paste a URL in a Facebook status update or comment – on a personal profile, business page, event, or group – that URL will become a clickable link.

Want to choose your anchor text and hide that URL?

You can’t hide a link to an external URL in a normal Facebook post or comment. This can only be done in Facebook Notes, which support HTML.

There is a clickable post preview image as explained in 1 – 3 below! But not with anchor text.

However, you can @mention a Facebook Page, Group, Event, or friend and link to that page without showing any ugly URL. Only links within Facebook allow this, not external links.

To tag on Facebook, just start typing the name, beginning with a capital letter or the @ symbol.

Once you’ve typed 5 letters, a drop down will appear with tag suggestions. Just click on the one you want.

LEARN MORE: How to Tag Names on Facebook

7 Ways to Post a Website Link on Facebook

1 | Share to Facebook from your website

I highly recommend that once you publish a blog post on your site, you use your site’s Facebook button to share it, and get the social proof rolling.

This method is perfect for sharing a link from another website too!

Find the site’s social share buttons. Click the Facebook “Share.”

Add a caption where you see “Say something about this.”

Try adding a conversation starter – because as your Friends or followers respond, their Friends will also become aware of your link post.

Use the dropdown at top left to choose where you’d like to post.

  • Your Facebook personal profile Timeline, and your FB Friends’ news feeds.
  • Your Facebook Story.
  • A Friend’s Timeline.
  • A Facebook Group where posting links is allowed.
  • A Facebook Event.
  • A Facebook Page you manage.

Then click “Post to Facebook” to share with the link preview image.

You can check it out now by clicking the Share button at the top or bottom of this article!

2 | Post a status update with link

You have several options when posting a link directly on your Fan Page.

Type in some text to give a little context, and add a question to stimulate engagement.

As soon as you type in the URL, Facebook will pull in available images and headline from the linked page. The URL text, images, and title will all link to the web page!

Choose to:

  • Keep all the images in a carousel.
  • Add more images with the + sign.
  • Click images you don’t want. Be sure the blue border disappears.
  • Click “Hide” to remove all images from your Facebook post.

If you prefer, click the small Share Now button with the dropdown to Schedule your Facebook post for later, Backdate, or Save Draft.

Pick your time if scheduling or backdating, and click the blue button in this popup.

Then click the large blue button at the very bottom (words will vary depending on which option you chose).

3 | Variation: Delete the URL in the text after the link preview appears, for a cleaner post.

Here’s how it looks in the news feed. Both the image and the title below are clickable links to the website.

Not getting a large clickable link image when you post with methods 1– 3?

LEARN MORE: The Secret to Getting a Large Facebook Link Thumbnail

4 | Post a text-only status update with link

Some Fan Page admins have reported that text-only status updates have been getting more reach, so they’re posting links without any preview or image at all.

Want to test this for yourself? Try it and keep an eye on your Facebook Insights.

Simply follow the instructions under method 2 above, then above the images, “Hide” to remove all images from your Facebook post.

Of course, this also works if the article you wish to share doesn’t have an image.

5 | Variation: Some companies are integrating arrows ( –> ) into their posts. They report that using an arrow to point to their link –> works pretty well. Sort of a subtle call-to-action!

NOTE: When posting text links, be aware that studies have shown shortened URLs have a lower CTR (click-thru rate) than full URLs, as many people are hesitant to click them. Recommended: use the full URL on Facebook so users know where they’re going when they click.

6 | Post a Facebook photo with link in caption

This is my favorite! You can commandeer more space in the news feed with an image that’s square or even tall.

Do you make Pin images for Pinterest? This is the perfect way to repurpose them.

Some Fan Page admins report that this method gets the most engagement (Likes, comments, shares), but that the previous methods get more clicks to your website. This is likely because the image is more eye-catching, but FBers aren’t used to looking for a clickable link in a photo post.

Test this method on your own Page and see how it works!

Go to Create Post at the top of your Fan Page and type a bit about your blog post. Do not include the URL yet, but you could include READ where you’ll add it later.

Click the Photo/Video button and upload your photo.

Now insert the URL.

Click Share Now (or choose to schedule).

Here’s how it looks! Awesome, right?

7 | Variation: Post your photo and status update, then add the link in the first comment.

The only problem with this method: unless you have a small fan base, your link comment will quickly be buried.

But worth a try – several Fan Pages recommend using this method, so it must work for them.

8 | Bonus tip

If you’re celebrating, be sure to add that in your post!

How Many Ways Can YOU Post a Link on Facebook?

I recommend trying at least of few of these, and checking your Facebook Insights to see which get the most engagement and/or clicks.

LEARN MORE: How To Conquer Facebook Insights For Small Business

Different link posts types get more clicks for different audiences. Try a few kinds and see which your audience responds to.

Have you tried several of these, and found one that works best?

Which ways will you try to post a link on Facebook?

per person page, post, profile or group post

Active links to user profiles are quite common in Facebook posts. What are these links for? How to create them? We will talk about this in detail in the proposed review.


  • What is a label?
  • Links in publications
    • Facebook secret
  • Links to group and page
  • Links in comments
  • Link to photo
  • Label setting

What is a label?

An active link is called, according to Facebook terminology, a "tag". Users often meet such labels:

  • in the texts of posts;
  • in headers of various publications;
  • on images;
  • in the comments.

The way a link to a Facebook user profile is created and the range of users available for designation depend primarily on where the link is placed.

When a user is tagged in posts, photos, or comments, they receive a notification. In addition, the friends of this user also see the publication or photo in which he was tagged.

Links in publications

In Facebook posts, tags are placed in the text or in the header. To generate a label, you must know under which nickname the selected user is registered in the social network.

Basic method:

  1. Enter the @ sign and after it, without a space, enter the user's nickname.
  2. Wait for the drop-down list with matches to appear and select the required profile.
  3. You have received an active link to the profile of the mentioned user.

You don't need the @ sign to get a link to the personal profile of the mentioned user in the mobile app. Just write the person's nickname correctly and select his profile from the drop-down list. You can do the same on the desktop version of Facebook, but this feature does not work in all browsers.

Facebook Secret

There is another way to embed a link to a user profile in a post. Moreover, the method is little known and with a rather interesting effect. A link to the user's profile will appear as a thumbnail of their page.

To do this, go to the profile of this user and copy the link to the profile from the address bar in the following format: (often an ID number is indicated at the end of the link).

This link is inserted into the text of the post, and as a result, a thumbnail appears in the form of a user profile header. The thumbnail is an active link to the profile, by clicking on which you can “visit” the user.

Links to a group and page

But for links in posts or comments to pages or communities, the @ sign is required. In the text of the post, you can refer to any user of the social network, regardless of his presence or absence in the friend list. That is, any user can mark any user.

There is another way to get an active link to a user's profile for a post.

  1. Create a post.
  2. Click on the inscription "Tag friends" located at the bottom of the working window.

  1. When the line “Who are you with?” appears, enter the user's nickname from your friend feed and select it from the drop-down list.
  2. In the process of publishing a post, its header is generated, where the author's nickname, the name of the page or group are required. If the author of the post mentioned a friend, then his name will be indicated next to the author's name. For example: Andrey Andreev with Olga Smirnova.

Links in comments

Generating a link to a user profile in a comment is very easy. It will appear if you write your own comment in response to another user's comment by clicking "Reply".

If in the process of communication you just need to contact a user, then @ is entered, and then the nickname of this user, and as a result an active link is obtained.

Link to photo

You can also tag any social network user on the photo. Tags are placed on photos in albums and in publications with photos.


  1. Go to your profile.
  2. In the "Photos" section, find the "Albums" tab.
  3. Click on "+Create Album".
  4. Enter the name of the album and, if necessary and desired, its description.
  5. If you need to add co-authors from the friend list, do it using the corresponding option.
  6. Upload your media files (photos and videos) and click "Tag People".
  7. Tag those in the published photos. If a photo of the place where an event took place that is significant for you and one of your friends is posted, then as a reminder of this, you can click on any place in the photo and mark the people related to it.
  8. In co-authorship, as a rule, albums are created about events with several participants: it can be a trip, a party, a solemn event. All participants in this event who have their own multimedia content can add it with their own comments.

Tip: When linking to someone's Facebook profile, be sure that that user won't mind. This is especially true for photographs. A person may consider his image unsuccessful. Or, for some reason, do not want to advertise their presence in any place or event.

How to tag photos in posts:

  1. Create a new post.
  2. Upload a photo, wait for the icons to appear.
  3. Click Edit on mobile or Mark on desktop.
  4. Select the faces and enter the names of friends, the system will find them, and you will have to choose from the options.
  5. Save your changes and publish the post.

Tags with links to Facebook user profiles are also made on previously published photos. To do this, click on the "ellipsis" icon in the upper right corner and go to content editing.

Photos posted by other users can be tagged with a link to your profile if you are in the images. However, this is allowed if this option is open in the privacy settings of the user who posted the photo. If marks are allowed to be set, then they do it through the “Mark on photo” option.

Setting up tags

Tags with active links to user profiles are a very good and useful component of Facebook. But there is also a “reverse side of the coin”: this option is also used to the detriment, spreading offensive, defamatory or false information about someone. Therefore, you need to protect yourself so as not to become injured during any bad events.

How to protect yourself:

  1. Go to your profile and click on the triangle icon in the upper right corner.
  2. Go to "Settings", and from there - to the "Chronicle and Tags" section.
  3. In the "Tags" subsection, select the desired settings: "Who can see the posts in which you are tagged" - everyone, friends, friends of friends, or just me.
  4. In "Verification" set the mandatory verification of all posts where someone tries to tag with a link to your profile.

How to remove an unwanted tag:

Somewhere on Facebook, a tag that you don't want has appeared in a post. What to do? Firstly, ask the author of the publication to remove the tag or remove the entire post if you think that there is offensive content that discloses confidential information or a lie is posted. If the first method is not available, remove the tag yourself by clicking on the "ellipsis" next to the post. Or complain about the post and give the administration the opportunity to protect your interests.

How to make a link to a person in posts and comments on Facebook

This question is asked mainly by those who have only recently begun to get acquainted with the social network. Facebook has such a mechanism. You can insert a link to the user's profile. And now about how to do it.


  1. Mention in a post
  2. Mention in a comment
  3. Link to a person in a mobile app
  4. Conclusion

Mention in a post

How to tag a person on Facebook in a post? In general, the process is quite simple. But because of the heaped interface, not only beginners can get confused in it. By the way, this can only be done at the stage of creating a post.

The process itself will not take long. But we need to find the tools that are responsible for adding. Therefore, we will provide detailed instructions with a clear algorithm of actions that will definitely help beginners in this matter:0003

  1. In the top panel, click on the username to go to the profile.
  2. We see a window for creating a publication. Enter the required text.
  3. As soon as the main message is completed, look for the icon "@" on the keyboard and enter it.
  4. After that, we start writing the username. The system will give you a list. Choose the right person and click on his page.
  5. We only add users, as many as we need.
  6. After that, click on the button "Publish" .

The mention post will now take effect. And your friend will receive a notification that he was mentioned in the publication. As you can see, everything is not as difficult as it seems. All that was needed was to put "@" and enter the username.

Mention in comments

How to tag a friend in Facebook comments? The process is pretty simple too. This knowledge will come in handy if you need to respond to a comment of a user on Facebook. After all, this happens quite often.

It is worth noting that the process itself is a bit similar to the previous one. But here you have to enter the username at the very beginning. In any case, detailed instructions with a clear algorithm of actions will not hurt. There she is.

  1. We look for the necessary publication and check the comments under it.
  2. Now in the comment field, enter "@" and enter the username.
  3. Select a user from the list that appears and enter the rest of the text.
  4. We send a comment by simply pressing the Enter button.

That's it. You have now replied to the previous commenter. There is nothing particularly difficult in this process. Similarly, you can answer several people at once. You just need to enter their names, supplying each with the symbol @ .

Link to a person in a mobile application

In principle, the algorithm is the same. It's just that the interface is a little different. It is worth noting that a link to a person in a post or comment can only be made in the official application.

However, beginners may be confused by the unfamiliar interface of the mobile client. Therefore, we will provide detailed instructions with a clear algorithm of actions. There she is.

  1. You need to tap on the button "Ribbon" , which is in first place in the top panel.
  2. Scroll through the feed and look for the required publication.
  3. Tap on the comment line and type @ . After that, enter the name of the user we want to mention.
  4. We add the required text and publish the comment using the corresponding button.
  5. Now let's talk about creating a post. First, let's return to the main page of the application.
  6. In the box for creating a publication, enter the required text.
  7. We write the symbol @ and insert exactly the users we want to mention.
  8. Click on the button "Publish" . It is located at the bottom of the post window.

As you can see, in a mobile application, almost all actions can be considered similar. The only difference is that the necessary buttons and menu items are located differently than in the full version of the site.


And now let's sum up, summarize all the information received and draw the appropriate conclusions. As part of this article, we talked about how to mention a person in a post or comment on Facebook.

It turned out that there is nothing complicated about it. You just need to strictly follow the instructions that we have provided. Then there won't be any problems.

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