How to write mirror text in whatsapp
Comment écrire un texte à l'envers dans WhatsApp Messenger et faire pivoter vos messages pour leur donner un effet miroir? Guide étape par étape
WhatsApp est l’application de messagerie la plus utilisée au monde , car elle comprend un large éventail de fonctions très intéressantes. Par exemple, il est bien connu qu’ici, vous pouvez envoyer des messages en gras , en italique et même barrés de manière native depuis cette application.
Cependant, une fonctionnalité que vous ne connaissez peut-être pas est l’ écriture des messages à l’envers . C’est une façon différente et amusante de communiquer avec vos amis et autres contacts au sein de l’application. Pour ce faire, vous devez vous appuyer rapidement et facilement sur des outils externes .
Si vous voulez connaître l’étape par étape sur Comment écrire un texte à l’envers dans WhatsApp Messenger et faire pivoter vos messages pour leur donner un effet miroir? , faites très attention. De plus, nous vous expliquerons à quel point vous pouvez donner cette manière amusante d’envoyer des textes.
À quoi sert d’appliquer un effet miroir à mes textes WhatsApp?
Comme nous l’avons indiqué ci-dessus, les utilisateurs ont nativement la possibilité de placer des textes qui envoient des effets tels que du gras , de l’italique et même de les envoyer avec un effet barré. Mais il manque d’autres options plus avancées telles que la modification de la couleur du texte ou d’autres options d’écriture.
Heureusement, il existe des outils externes qui facilitent ce travail. Avec leur aide, vous pouvez même appliquer un effet miroir aux textes pour confondre vos amis et autres contacts dans WhatsApp. C’est très utile si vous voulez plaisanter et vous amuser , faire exploser le cerveau de vos collègues lorsqu’ils voient le texte complètement retourné. Il vous est recommandé de l’utiliser dans des groupes de discussion, avec vos proches, etc.
Apprenez étape par étape à écrire un texte à l’envers dans WhatsApp Messenger à partir de zéro
«MISE À JOUR ✅ Voulez-vous écrire des textes avec un effet miroir sur WhatsApp Messenger? ⭐ ENTREZ ICI ⭐ et apprenez tout à PARTIR DE ZÉRO!»
Pour commencer à écrire un texte à l’envers dans WhatsApp Messenger , vous devrez accéder à un site Web qui lui est dédié à partir du navigateur mobile. Ensuite, vous devez rédiger le message que vous allez envoyer, le faire pivoter, le copier et le coller dans le chat que vous souhaitez.
Certaines des pages qui servent à cela sont:
- Gratuit en ligne.
- Texte inversé.
- Topster.
- SpellBackwards.
- Inverser le texte de la navigation.
Chacun d’eux sert de la même manière, c’est-à-dire que la procédure est la suivante:
- Entrez le site Web à partir du navigateur mobile.
- Rédigez le message que vous souhaitez envoyer.
- Appuyez sur le bouton de rotation .
- Copiez le message .
- Collez-le dans le chat .
De cette façon, le texte sera envoyé avec un effet miroir ou l’inverse et vous verrez comment vos contacts sont surpris de le voir . Sans aucun doute, c’est une option très amusante à partager avec les gens. Par exemple, une bonne idée est de l’envoyer à un groupe que vous avez avec vos collègues.
Depuis une application
Si vous souhaitez ignorer l’étape de rotation d’un texte à partir d’un site Web, il existe certaines applications disponibles pour Android et iOS avec lesquelles il est possible d’écrire des messages et de leur donner un effet miroir. A cette occasion, nous vous parlerons d’une application pour Android appelée Vuelve Letras.
L’étape par étape pour faire pivoter un texte à partir de cette application, est la suivante:
- Téléchargez l’appli .
- Ouvrez-le depuis votre mobile.
- Écrivez le texte que vous souhaitez faire pivoter.
- Cliquez sur le bouton Retour .
- Cliquez sur Partager puis sur WhatsApp .
- Enfin, sélectionnez le chat où vous allez envoyer le message et c’est tout.
Si vous êtes un utilisateur iOS , vous pouvez choisir de télécharger l’application Flip Text . Cela fonctionne essentiellement de la même manière que l’option précédente. Ainsi, vous pouvez surprendre vos contacts WhatsApp avec des messages inversés depuis n’importe quel appareil que vous possédez.
Retourner le texte (texte fou)
Ninder Singh
Si vous avez des questions, laissez-les dans les commentaires, nous vous répondrons dans les plus brefs délais, et cela sera également d’une grande aide pour plus de membres de la communauté.
Je vous remercie!
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WhatsApp: Trick to write messages with reverse text on Android and iPhone | Training | Applications | Fonts | Courier service | Social Networks
Seth Sale Jan 12, 2022
Yes OK Share It is constantly updated with new features Android Y IPhone To enhance the user experience, there are many additional functions that can only be accessed through them Tricks.
There is potential among them Write messages with letters backwards You can share them in any chat on the platform. Want to know how to do it? Next, we explain all the details.
How to write messages backwards on WhatsApp?You can see: How to turn off WhatsApp without disconnecting the internet on the cell phone?
To achieve this objective, we are going to seek the application Fonts, Which is available for free download through official stores Google Play Store (Android) and App Store (IPhone).
Fonts application provides access to a large set of fonts and icons. Photo: Republic
It’s about one Virtual keyboard Contains a variety of fonts, symbols, kamojis and more that can be transformed into a single word or sentence. There is evidence in this package Upside down, Which makes it possible to write letters backwards.
To use it, you must first set the app as your default keyboard. Then navigate Share, Open the question dialog and select the text box to write something.
You can see: WhatsApp: How to change font in your chats without downloading weird apps?
Click on the font Upside down, You can write the message as usual and press the send button. Ready! The text will be upside down. To return to your regular keyboard at any time, hold down the space bar and select it from the list of options.
If you want to send this text style WhatsApp Internet, You can enter, A free web page where you can write anything and copy it in any chat.
Some users Share They know that the application allows you to make certain texts bold, italic, and underlined in order to highlight these messages.
It should be noted that this functionality is available to all users Share, Not only for Android, but also for the iPhone. If you want to know how to thicken, slope or underline, watch the following video.
WhatsApp: You can send giant emojis in your conversationsYou can see: WhatsApp: How to easily transfer all the files of your application to external memory?
Unlike stickers, emojis Share They are small and pre-installed with instant messaging application. You may not know it, but there is a way to enlarge them and allow them to be used in your chats. Do you want to know?
This secret trick is available to all users, whether they have an Android or iPhone phone. If you want to try this to surprise your friends, just follow these simple steps:
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About the Author: Seth Sale
"Passionate creator. Wannabe travel expert. Reader. Entrepreneur. Zombie aficionado. General thinker."
How to write reverse text in whatsapp messenger and rotate your messages to display them? Walkthrough
Whatsapp is the most used messaging app in the world because it includes a wide range of very interesting features. For example, it is well known that here you can send messages in bold , en italique and even crossed out are originally from this application.
However, one feature you may not be familiar with is writing messages in the opposite direction . This is a different and interesting way to communicate with friends and other contacts on the app. To do this, you must quickly and easily rely on external tools .
If you want to know step by step How to write text in WhatsApp Messenger backwards and rotate messages so they are displayed? , be very careful. In addition, we will tell you how much you can give to this fun way to send texts.
What is the use of mirroring my texts on WhatsApp?
As we mentioned above, users initially have the ability to place texts with effects such as bold , italics and even strikethrough. But it lacks other more advanced options like changing text color or other writing options.
Fortunately, there are external tools that make this job easier. With their help, you can even apply a mirror effect to texts to confuse your friends and other acquaintances in whatsapp. This is very useful if you want to joke and have fun blow your co-workers' brains when they see that the text is completely upside down. It is recommended to use it in discussion groups, with your loved ones, etc.
Step-by-step instructions for writing reverse text in WhatsApp Messenger from scratch
UPDATE ✅ Do you want to write texts with mirror effect in WhatsApp Messenger? ⭐ ENTER HERE ⭐ and learn everything FROM ZERO! "
Start write a text in WhatsApp Messenger backwards , you will need to access a special website from a mobile browser. Then you need to compose the message you are going to send, rotate it, copy and paste it into the desired chat.
Some of the pages that are used for this are:
- Free online.
- Reverse text.
- Topster.
- Spell Back.
- Flip navigation text.
Each of them serves the same, that is, the procedure is as follows:
- Access the site at from a mobile browser.
- Write the message that you want to send.
- press le rotation button .
- Copy message .
- Insert into the chat.
So text will be sent with a mirror effect or vice versa, and you will see how surprised your interlocutors will see this . Without a doubt, this is a great option to share with people. For example, it's a good idea to send it to a group where you work with your colleagues.
From the app
If you want to skip the step of rotating text from the website, there are several apps for Android and iOS with which you can write messages and give them a mirror effect. On this occasion, we will talk with you about app for Android appelée Vuelve Letras.
The step-by-step instructions for rotating text from this application are as follows:
- Download application .
- Open this from your mobile.
- Write the text that you want to rotate.
- Cliquez on button Retour .
- Cliquez out of share then whatsapp .
- Finally, select the chat you want to send the message to and that's it.
If you are a iOS user , you can choose to download the application Reflect Text . Basically it works the same as the previous version. So you can surprise your friends with Whatsapp with feedback messages from any of your devices.
Flip text (crazy text)
Ninder Singh
If you have any questions, leave them in the comments, we will contact you as soon as possible, and this will be of great help to more members of the community. Je vous remercie!
10 WhatsApp tricks that most users don't know about
10 useful features of this application that will make your life a little easier.
1. How to become invisible on WhatsApp
If you think that not everyone needs to know when you are online, see your statuses, profile photo and information, use this trick:
- For Android: Go to Menu > Settings > Account > Privacy and change your privacy settings.
- For iOS: Go to Settings by clicking on the gear in the lower right corner of the screen, open the Privacy section and change the settings.
2. How to make messages more expressive
In addition to pictures and emoticons, you can emphasize messages in italics, bold, or strikethrough.
- To write text in italics, use _underscores_ on both sides of the text.
- Want to make text bold? Put *asterisks* on both sides of the text.
- When you want to apply strikethrough to text, use ~tilde~ before and after the text.
3. How to send messages to a group of contacts without creating a group
To create a newsletter, launch WhatsApp. Go to Chats > Menu > New Broadcast. Click on the "+" or enter the names of friends to select recipients from your contact list.
The message will be sent to everyone you have marked in the mailing list. In this case, mailing recipients will receive this message as a standard one. Their replies will not be sent to other members of the mailing list, they will only come to you.
4. How to understand that you have been blocked
There are several "symptoms" that indicate that you may have been blocked:
- You don't see the contact's last seen time or online status in the chat window.
- You are not seeing updates to the contact's profile photo.
- All your messages are marked with one checkmark (message sent), but never two checkmarks (message delivered).
- You are creating a group and cannot add the contact of the person you think has blocked you to it.
However, the listed signs do not give 100% certainty that you are in the banlist. Your friend could have simply changed the visibility settings.
5. How to save smartphone memory from autoloading media files
Caring WhatsApp, by default, saves all the photos that come during the correspondence. Only now, this often clogs the memory a lot, and you don’t want to deny yourself the installation of new applications.
Solution: Simply turn off photo autosave in the app's settings. For Android: Open Settings > Data and select media download options.
For iOS: Settings > Data > Media.
6. How to understand that the interlocutor is not who he claims to be
Almost everyone can use a "temporary number" or a special application to receive an SMS activation code. To check if your friend has a real number, just call him. Temporary virtual numbers are almost always inactive.
7. How to silence the speakerphone when listening to voice messages
It's quite simple: put the phone to your ear - WhatsApp will turn off the speakerphone and whisper the audio through the phone's speakers. How does he know you put the phone to your ear? This app knows a lot more than you think.
8. How to quickly find important messages
Sometimes you spend half an hour digging through the correspondence to find an important message. Don't waste time: highlight the message you want and click the star at the top of the screen. Now it is quickly found when selecting the line Favorite messages in the main menu.
9. How to find out who reads your private messages
Open the menu and click on the line WhatsApp Web. If the app prompts you to go to web.whatsapp, scan the QR code, and browse WhatsApp from your computer, that's great. This means that no one else is reading your WhatsApp from their computer using WhatsApp Web.
If you see the Computers tab on the screen and a list of sessions (connections) that you yourself did not create (not to be confused with your own connections to WhatsApp Web), this is a reason to suspect that someone else has used your smartphone and is reading your WhatsApp from your laptop.
10. How to get access to new "superpowers" before everyone else
For activists, pioneers and athletes, WhatsApp has launched a beta version of the application.