How to view someones instagram if they are private

Everything To Know In 2022

By Joseph Maring

Private Instagram profiles keep someone's posts out of the public eye. If you want to view a private profile, you only have one option.

Private profiles are a great way to safeguard your own Instagram account, but if you want to view someone else's private profile, things can get tricky. Like any major social media app, Instagram has numerous safety/privacy features to keep your experience as welcoming as possible. Users can hide certain words, limit unwanted interactions with users, disable comments, block mentions, etc.

Another popular privacy feature on Instagram is the ability to make your account private. Switching to a private Instagram account takes just a few taps and seconds — though the impact is significant. With a private account, only approved followers can see photos/videos from that account. If you're following the account, the posts show up like normal. If you're not following the account, you won't be able to see the posts at all.

Related: Privacy Checks Instagram: What The Bug Is & How To Fix It

While private accounts are undeniably useful, many users wonder how they can view someone's Instagram profile if it's been set to private. Upon viewing a private Instagram profile, visitors can only see the person's profile picture, their number of posts, how many followers they have, and their bio/description if they have one. And that's it. The user's actual profile — including all of their photos and videos — is blocked with a message that says, 'This account is private.' So, how do you see what a private Instagram profile is hiding?

The answer is quite simple. If someone has a private Instagram profile and you want to view it, the only way to do so is by submitting a follower request. Tap the blue 'Follow' button on the user's profile page like you would for any other account. Instead of immediately letting you follow the account and see the user's posts, the button changes to say 'Requested.' If the person with the private Instagram profile accepts the follower request, you can view their profile with free-range. If they deny your request or ignore it, the private profile remains hidden from you.

And that's really all there is to it. There are some applications that claim to have workarounds for viewing private Instagram profiles, but those are bound to do more harm than good. They could be riddled with harmful malware, viruses, and other bugs that infect your computer. And even if those apps do somehow work, it's an unethical breach of the person's privacy.

Here's what it all really boils down to: Anyone with a private Instagram account has made it private for a reason. If you want to view that profile, request to follow it and hope you're accepted. If you are, great! If not, move on and look for other Instagram accounts to follow. It's that simple.

Next: How To See Who Viewed Your Instagram Posts

Source: Instagram

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About The Author

Joe has been actively writing and talking about consumer tech since 2012. His biggest passion lies with smartphones, but he's happy to talk your ear off about just about anything with a CPU. He lives in Kalamazoo, MI with his wife, two cats, and pit bull/boxer mix.

8 Hacks to View Private Instagram Accounts Instantly

I don’t know about you, but I hate it when Instagram tells me, “Hey, this account is private.”

It makes me wanna scream, like, “Hey Zuckerberg, I need to view this profile right now.

Once upon a time, I had this girl I was crushing on. I came to Instagram to look up her page, only to find that it was private. I was pissed to the teeth.

I’m guessing you, too, have had your fair share of run-ins with private accounts.

Don’t stress about it. Since my experience with that girl, I’ve dedicated my life to developing hacks to break into “private Instagram accounts.”

Read on to find out what I have for you.

By the way, you can check this site to buy Instagram followers. There you’ll find strictly genuine, human followers.

Hacks to view private Instagram accounts instantly

  1. Send a Follow request

First of all, let’s go with the oldest trick in the book: to follow the person.

When you send a Follow request to a private account, you have to wait for the owner to accept the request before you can view their profile.

If you’re in luck, and the person happens to be online around the time you send the request, then they may accept, and you will be able to view their profile right away. If not, you may have to wait until they come online.

Personally, I don’t like this trick but let’s pretend to be good boys for a sec and play by Instagram’s rules. At least, this is how they would want us to view the profile of a private account.

  1. Call on Google for help

Perhaps you’ve waited a few seconds, and the other person has yet to accept your request. No problem. Head to your Chrome or Safari and enter the person’s username into the search bar.

Usually, when an account owner makes their profile private, Google has a library of their old posts. That is, posts they made when their account was still public.

Once the search page loads, your search results will be displayed in terms of “All,” “Images,” “News,” and “Videos.” Click the image tab. This should display a collection of that person’s public posts and profile pictures.

If you’re simply looking for a photo of them to use in a picture frame or on a birthday cake, this trick seems like a good one to go with.

  1. Search other platforms

If someone has made their IG account private, and you’re serious about viewing their profile, then go ahead and check their Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Snapchat, Pinterest, etc.

If you don’t know their full name, check their Instagram bio.

By scouring through other platforms, you just might find as many photos of the person or details about them as you need.

  1. View through a friend

Often, you may have a friend (or a friend of a friend) who’s already following the person. If you do, ask them if they can check out the account and then save and forward the person’s posts to you.

How do you know if you have friends who are already following the person?

Simply ask via your Whatsapp status.

The fastest and surest hacks to view private accounts on Instagram

  1. Use IGmods. com is one of several third-party apps you can use to view private Instagram accounts. Follow this step-by-step guide to make use of it.

For iPhone users:
  • Open “Settings” and go to “General.”
  • Once in, find the “Background App Refresh” button and make sure it’s ON.
  • Next, go down to the “Battery” section and turn off low power mode.
  • Go to the App Store and set automatic downloads to ON.
  • Now visit com.
  • From the list of options displayed, click “VIEW PRIVATE ACCOUNT”.
  • Once the page loads, you’ll see a box labeled “Target Instagram Username”. Type the username of the account you’re trying to view into this box.
  • Hit “Connect” and wait for the system to respond.
  • You’ll get a message asking you to confirm the account. This lets you double-check the username you’ve typed in. Once you have, go ahead and click “Confirm.
  • A progress bar will pop up, so just wait a few seconds. How long the progress bar takes to complete will depend on the number of posts on the account.
  • Finally, you’ll get a message that reads, “Private data successfully unlocked for XYZ.”
  • Now go back to Instagram and search for the username.
  • Voila, you should be able to see everything on the account.

What about Android and PC users?

The process is quite a bit easier for Androids. You don’t need to change any settings on your phone. Just go to the website and follow all the steps described above.

  1. Use

This site works directly for both iPhone and Android users. Here are the step-by-step instructions.

  • Go to Instagram and find the username of the private account you’re trying to view.
  • Now go to and scroll down until you find “Private Instagram Viewer.
  • Click on that and enter the person’s username.
  • Then click “View Private Account.”
  • Once the system responds, you’ll see the numbers of followers and followings on the account. You can double-check this with the original account page to confirm that it’s the right one.
  • Now, click on the “Confirm Username” button.
  • The system will ask what you’d like to do:

View photos? This allows you to see only photos.

View followers? This allows you to see only followers.


Unlock profile? This allows you to see the full profile.

  • Once you click the “Unlock Profile” button, the system will ask you to fill out a CAPTCHA.
  • Now go back to Instagram and refresh the profile page. It should be PUBLIC now, meaning that you can see everything on it.
  1. Use the Instagram++ extension

For iPhone users:
  • Turn off auto rotation.
  • Go to “Settings”, click on “General”, and then turn on “Background App Refresh.”
  • Open your browser and go to
  • On the homepage, scroll down to where you’ll find the search bar (just beside the “ALL APPS” icon) and type in “Instagram.”
  • An Instagram app with the name “Instagram ++” will show up.
  • Click on it to download and inject the app extension into your main Instagram app.
  • Afterward, you’ll be taken to a new window where you have to complete a few simple commands.
  • Once done, wait a few seconds for the commands to activate, then head back to Instagram.
  • Search for the private account again. This time, all private accounts should have been made public, so you can view these private profiles easily.

For Android users:

The only setting you need to change for Androids is auto-rotation. Once you’ve successfully turned off auto-rotation, you can go to the website and use all the steps we mentioned above.

You should be able to view all private profiles easily afterward.

  1. Use the UnlockPrivate app

So far, we’ve been using web options. Now let’s see how we can unlock private Instagram accounts with a mobile app.

How to download the UnlockPrivate app on your iPhone
  • Go to “Settings,” “General,” and turn ON your “Background App Refresh.”
  • Next, go to “Battery” and make sure the low power mode is turned off.
  • Now open your browser and go to
  • Once in, search for “Private Instagram Viewer.”
  • The app should pop up. Go ahead and inject it into your phone.

How to download the UnlockPrivate app on your Android
  • Open “Settings.”
  • Turn off power-saving mode.
  • Go to “Display” and turn off auto-rotate.
  • Now go to and download the app as described above.

How to view private accounts using the UnlockPrivate app
  • Go to Instagram and search for the private account you want to view.
  • Leave the page open, minimize your phone, and open the UnlockPrivate app.
  • Once in, enter the username of the private account.
  • Click the “View Profile” button.
  • Give the system a few seconds to load. Once it’s finished, go back into your Instagram app and refresh the private account page.
  • Voila, all the profile info should be staring at you now.


That was ‘Blursome’ guys! I hope you enjoyed it. Now, no profile can hide from us on Instagram. Feel free to choose any hack that best interests you, and you should be able to view any profile you desire.

Don’t forget that site I told you where you can buy Instagram followers and likes. They’re really legit and reputable.

This is a Contributor Post. Opinions expressed here are opinions of the Contributor. Influencive does not endorse or review brands mentioned; does not and cannot investigate relationships with brands, products, and people mentioned and is up to the Contributor to disclose. Contributors, amongst other accounts and articles may be professional fee-based.

Are there ways to view a private profile on Instagram without a subscription

A private profile is like a closed door: it means that strangers are not welcome here. You can knock on the door by sending a subscription request, and politely wait until they open it. But it’s not a fact that it will be fast and indeed will be - not everyone needs strangers in subscribers. Therefore, there will always be those who want to play insta-spy and watch content in a private profile without subscribing to it.

According to Yandex, more than 14,000 people are interested in this question every month

What services can be used to view a closed Instagram account*

There are applications and even online services that promise to open the door to someone else's account. Most of them look made on the knee and stuffed with advertising, but what the hell is not joking. We are testing one of these services found outside the Russian Internet. The object of the study was the closed profile of the ex-participant of the notorious "House-2".

There will be no link to the service - below we explain why Entering a link to the profile... Wow, looks like he found something! We are already rubbing our hands Oops! Did you expect something else?

At the end of our short journey, the spy is offered to follow phishing links that have not even been disguised as something more convincing. By clicking on any of these links, we would be taken to a fraudulent site designed to download confidential data.

But there is another way…

It will help you to see some of the old posts in your closed profile on Instagram*. And then, success is not guaranteed. But in our case it worked. We are talking about sites aggregating Instagram * accounts of famous personalities that duplicate content from the profile. The purpose of such sites is to download traffic from search engines and make money on advertising. Account aggregators appear if you simply enter the name you are looking for in conjunction with the word “Instagram *” into Google:

Insta-clones are periodically blocked, but a holy place is never empty

One of these sites displayed posts from a closed account that we checked earlier.

Only text content is available, visuals have sunk into oblivion. Because fresh content in closed accounts is not displayed on any insta-clone. We were convinced of this by checking the profile of Olga Buzova, who closed it once again.

Param-pam-pam… Everything!

Analysis of a closed profile on Instagram*

The content is clear, there is no way to see it. What about reach and engagement statistics? After all, there are cool services for analyzing profiles on Instagram * like DataFan, which help to understand who is in front of us - a popular influencer or a dummy.

Leah Canarskaya , SMM specialist:

Working with bloggers, I often encounter the need to ask them for statistics. Some bloggers “close their account for ads” temporarily, so their placements are delayed until they open. And as a rule, we go to such bloggers after other people's positive reviews. Permanently closed profiles are not even considered by us for advertising, because it is impossible to see any statistics from them.

We have a detailed article on how to choose a blogger to advertise on Instagram*. Influencer experts shared valuable insights.

Why can't I see a closed account?

Instagram* jealously guards the secrets of its users. Draining personal data can turn into a huge reputational scandal, so the company is investing billions in information protection. And if any loophole appears, security engineers quickly eliminate it.

After all, private data should remain private.

How to view a private profile on Instagram*

June 9, 2020LikbezTekhnologii

There are no guaranteed ways. But there are simple tricks that can work.



All private profile stories and posts are available only to its subscribers. To view the content, you need to become one of them. But what if the account owner denies your subscription request or you want to access their content anonymously?

On the Internet, you can read about many ways that allegedly help to bypass the restriction of the social network. Lifehacker will tell you which ones are worth trying and which ones are better not to mess with. But whether you are driven by jealousy, shyness, or just simple interest, think carefully before using any of these methods. Treat other people's privacy with respect.

What methods might help you to view a private Instagram profile*

Use a friend's account

If you know someone from a closed account, you can ask that person for help. He has access to all the necessary data. Perhaps a friend will agree to lend you his smartphone for a few minutes or even download all the videos and photos you want for you.

Check the pages of the author in other social networks

View the pages of the user who owns the closed account on other sites. Many duplicate their publications in several social networks: Facebook *, VKontakte and others. Perhaps in one of them the author did not close his profile and you will see at least part of the content published on Instagram*.

Create a fake profile

Another option is to create a fake account and send a subscription request from it to the owner of the private profile. To increase the likelihood that you will be given access, you can name the fake by the name of one of your "victim's" friends.

But first, you should get at least a couple of dozen subscribers: without them, the new account will look suspicious. This is not difficult. Upload some snaps and follow random profiles. Some of them will react in response.

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Definitely Not to Do to View a Private Instagram Profile*

Use Third Party Services

Instagram* developers have taken great care to protect user privacy.

Learn more