How to use quiz bot in telegram


Visit Quiz Directory to try thousands of Quizzes created by participants of the 2020 Quiz Contest.

Telegram supports powerful polls for groups and channels which can be used for everything from deciding where to have lunch to organizing public service exams or leaderless protests.

Quiz-style polls are a special kind of poll that has one correct answer and an optional explanation which makes them ideal for educational purposes.

Quiz Bot

With the help of Quiz Bot you can create multi-question quizzes and share them with others. The bot lets you add text or media before questions to help create exam-style prompts with graphs and tables – or Know Your Meme tests.

You can set up a time limit for each question. The bot will keep tabs on how many questions users got right and how much time it took them to complete the quiz. It also keeps a global leaderboard for each quiz you create.

Creating a Quiz

Creating a quiz is very easy, just open @quizbot on Telegram, press 'START' and follow the prompts. If you're having any difficulty, please take a look at our Step-By-Step Instructions.

Sharing your Quiz

Once your quiz is ready, you can share it to a group or channel – or invite users to answer questions privately, in a chat with the bot. To see how this works, try our demo quiz: Who is Who in the 'Great Minds' sticker pack.

You can browse thousands of quizzes created during the 2020 Quiz Contest on

Making your own Quiz Bot

If you are a developer, you are welcome to use the Telegram Bot API to create your own bot that supports polls and quizzes.

Creating a Quiz, Step-By-Step

Creating a quiz is very easy, just open @quizbot on Telegram, press 'START' and follow the prompts.

1. Name and description. First you will give your quiz a name and an optional description – for educational tests, it's best to use the subject matter, like Organic Chemistry I or British Royal History. The description could contain information or instructions like “you will need a graphing calculator for this test”.

2. Pre-question text or media. Now comes the time to create the quiz's questions. Tapping the 'Create a question' button opens the template to create your first question. However, if you would like text or media to appear before a question, send that first, before tapping 'Create a question'.

3. Questions. Once in the new-question interface, simply fill out the fields for what the question is asking, as well as its possible answers. Select the right answer by tapping on it, which will mark it with a green check.

4. Explanations. If you want to participate in our contest, you should add an explanation to each of your questions. Explanations will appear after users choose an answer. They can be used to give more information, clarify common errors, and support full text formatting, including hyperlinks. Once you are finished, tap 'Send' to add the question to your test. Repeat the question-making process until you've added all your quiz's questions, then send /done in the chat.

5. Timer. Next, the bot will ask you to choose how long users will have to answer each question. For questions that don't require any calculations, 10 or 15 seconds is usually enough. But for something like math, longer timers like 3 to 5 minutes are best. You can always change this setting later on, so don't worry.

6. Shuffle questions or answer options. The bot will then ask whether you'd like to shuffle question and answer options – meaning the questions will come up in a random order, and the answers for individual questions will be in a random order as well. It's normally a good idea to say 'Yes' here, so students can retake the quiz for practice without simply memorizing the order. However, if you have “all of the above” style answers, or questions that work best if presented in a specific order, select 'No'. Again, this setting can be changed in the future if needed.

7. Submitting your quiz to the contest. The bot will ask if you would like to submit your quiz to the contest. If you choose yes, it will ask a couple of additional questions to confirm your submission.

8. Testing or sharing your quiz. Your quiz is complete! From here, you'll see an overview of your new quiz, showing the number of questions and its settings. You can 'Start this quiz’, which will do so in a private chat with QuizBot, start it in a group, or forward the quiz to someone via 'Share quiz'. To copy the unique link to your quiz, press and hold 'Start quiz in a group'.

9. Editing your quizzes. Tapping 'Edit quiz' will allow you to alter any of the quiz's questions or settings, including its title and description. From 'Edit questions' you can add pre-question text or media, replace the question with improved answers, or even add additional questions. To select an individual question to edit, tap its /view link from the panel.

10. Quiz stats. Lastly, you can view Quiz Stats. This shows how many people have taken the quiz, along with who answered the questions most correctly and quickest. You are now the quiz master, ready to put your subjects to the test.

Quiz bot with leaderboard | Bot Platform Help Center

Create a leaderboard and see the top five ranked users

In this tutorial we are going to build a quiz bot that creates a leaderboard and allows the user to look up the top five and then see where they are currently ranked.
Uses for this could include:

This bot uses The Bot Platform, Integromat and Google Sheets. 

The first step is to create our quiz bot. This part is really simple and requires you to use text bots for your questions and quick replies for your possible answers. 

You need two flows for right and wrong answers. For a right answer, you need to select a send message and increment attribute as shown below:


When a wrong answer is selected, you send a message only and do not include the increment score. 

Your final score message can then display the $score attribute which will show how many points they scored through the quiz and can link off to your leaderboard. 

When they click on the view leaderboard message, it should take you to a new message. Your leaderboard message needs to include a webhook that links off to a new integromat scenario. 

In our quiz, we have also included a further message that is delayed to ensure it appears after the top five have been displayed. It allows the user to see where they currently rank on the scoreboard. This button goes to another message called My Score, which contains another webhook. 


Our quiz bot is now complete so we need to set up the scenarios on Integromat and set up our Google Sheet. 

Step 2 - Our Google Sheet

For this bot, we only really need a simple Google Sheet, with two columns, name and score. 

Step 3 - Our Leaderboard Scenario

This scenario takes in the user’s quiz score, adds that person to the Google Sheet. It then searches the sheet for all of the current participants and finds the top five high scorers and creates an array of these users. It then turns that array into a message format and finally a webhook response sends that message back to the user in a multipart format. 

First create your new webhook and paste it into your leaderboard message. Now run your scenario and complete your quiz. It will pull through your user details and the score you achieve in the quiz.  

We now want to use a Google Sheets, Add a row module. Add a row to your spreadsheet that stores the Firstname and Lastname of the user and the score achieved. 

In the next step, we want to look up the top five scores in our quiz. Add a Search Rows module. You want to add a filter in this step to ensure it only searches the rows where a score exists. You want to sort by the score and in a descending order so it provides the highest to lowest scores in order. You want to limit the search to 5 rows, this will give you your top five. This module set up will look like the following:

Now we need to add an array aggregator step to collect our searched rows into an array. 

You want to set your target structure type as the multipart message. You can then add your text in for your messages, using the information pulled from your search rows step. For example:

Now we need to add a Create JSON module. First you need to add a data structure. Use the generator and paste in the example multipart message from The Bot Platform’s github documentation.  


 "recipient": {

  "id": "USER_ID"


 "message": {

  "raw": {

   "multipart": [{

    "text": "one"

   }, { 

    "text": "two"

   }, {

    "text": "three"





This will generate the leaderboard message structure you will need. In the recipient Id field, use the FBID pulled through from your webhook. In the message part you want to click the map slider and then use the array from the previous step. Ultimately it will look as follows:

Finally you need a webhook response module and in the body of this message, you want to use the JSON you created in the previous step. 

Now you have a bot that pulls back the top five from your quiz. 

Please let us know if this article was helpful and click one of the emoji's below.
Thank you!

How to create a quiz with QuizBot - Telegram for you

Telegram allows you to create polls in groups and channels that can be used for anything from deciding where to have lunch to organizing exams.

A quiz is a special kind of quiz that has explanations and only one correct answer. This makes them ideal for educational purposes.

What is QuizBot

Quiz Bot (@quizbot) lets you create and share multiple-question quizzes. The bot allows you to add text or media before the question to make it look like an exam test.

You can set a time limit for the test. The bot will keep track of how many questions users answered correctly and how long it took them. The bot also maintains a general leaderboard for each quiz.

Quiz Contest 2020

2 billion students are out of school due to the global lockdown, leaving the world in dire need of online learning tools. That is why Telegram has launched a crowdsourcing initiative, in which it will distribute 400,000 euros among the creators of educational quizzes.

To participate, use Quiz Bot (@quizbot) to create and publish original educational tests in any subject, any difficulty level, and in any language. Choose from basic Medieval European History in English to Microbiology in German (make sure all intellectual property rights are respected).

Telegram will publish all submitted tests in the public directory. Based on quality and popularity, the messenger will announce the winners in several stages. Submission of applications for the first stage ends May 15, (details will be on the @contest channel).

How to create a quiz

Creating a quiz is very easy, just open @quizbot in Telegram, press "START" and follow the instructions.

1. Name and description of . First, enter the name of the quiz - for educational tests, it is best to indicate the subject, for example: "Organic Chemistry" or "Russian Literature". Next, submit a description. It may contain additional information or instructions, such as "You will need a calculator for this test."

2. Preliminary text or media file. Now it's time to create the quiz questions. Clicking on the "Create Question" button opens a template for creating the first question. However, if you want specific text, image, or video to appear before the question, submit it first before clicking Create Question.

3. New quiz. In the new quiz interface, enter your question and answers to it. Then select the correct answer by clicking on it (it will be marked with a green checkmark).

4. Explanation. If you wish to enter the competition, you must add an explanation to each question. It will appear after the user selects an answer. Use it to provide additional information or identify common errors. You can use formatting in the field, including hyperlinks.

When the question is ready, click Create. Repeat the question creation process until you have added all questions for the test. When done, send command 9 to the bot0019 /done .

5. Timer . Next, the bot will ask you to choose how long users will answer each question. For questions that don't require any calculations, 10 or 15 seconds is usually sufficient. But for something like math, it's better to use a timer with a duration of 3 to 5 minutes. You can always change this setting later.

6. Shuffle questions or answer options. The bot will then ask if you want to shuffle the question and answer options - this means that the questions and answers will be given in random order. This is a good idea so that students can retake the test for practice rather than just memorizing the order. But, if you have answers in the style of "all of the above" or correct order is important for questions, select "In order". Again, this setting can be changed if needed.

7. Submit your test to the competition. The bot will ask if you want to submit your test to the competition. If you select "Yes", he will ask a couple of additional questions to confirm the application.

8. Check and share the quiz. Your test is over! Here you will see an overview of your new quiz showing the number of questions and their settings. Click "Take the Quiz" to test it yourself or send it to someone by clicking "Share". The quiz overview also includes a unique link to your quiz.

9. Editing tests. By clicking "Edit", you can change any questions or parameters of the test, including its name and description. In Edit Questions, you can add text or an image before a question, replace a question, or add more questions. To select an individual question for editing, tap it / link in the panel.

10. Quiz statistics. Finally, you can view the statistics. It shows how many people took part in the quiz, as well as who answered the questions most correctly and quickly.


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Tags: contest

How to make a poll in Telegram from phone and PC


Create a survey using built-in functionality and third-party bots

What are polls in Telegram and what are they What are the rules for conducting surveys? How to create a poll in Telegram yourself How to make a survey using telegram bots What is the result

One of Telegram's updates allowed creating polls in channels and groups. The function works in all applications and in the web version of the messenger. Learn how to create a poll in Telegram if you haven't done quizzes and voting yet.

What are polls in Telegram and what are they like

Poll in Telegram is one of the ways of direct contact with the target audience. With it, you can get valuable feedback: find out the opinions of subscribers, identify topics of interest, as well as collect additional information and increase engagement.

There are three poll formats in Telegram:

  1. Standard. This type supports from one to ten answers per question. The user can only provide one answer.
  2. Multi-variant. In this case, the answer options can also be from one to ten, but the user has the opportunity to select several items.
  3. Quiz. The user can only select one option. After voting, he will know which one was correct.

It is also worth distinguishing between polling and voting. When voting, the user can choose an answer only from the proposed options, and the selected answer cannot be canceled or corrected. In a survey, you can add the ability to answer your own, and the user can change or cancel the answer.

In one of the Telegram updates, a useful feature was added to polls. Previously, you could only see the percentage of responses. Now both administrators and users can see the exact number of replies in a vote. This allows you to more accurately assess the activity of the audience and NPS (consumer loyalty index).

What rules to follow when conducting polls

What to consider if you decide to create a poll in Telegram:

  • You can only conduct a poll or vote in a group or channel.
  • Polls can be created not only by the administrator, but also by a regular user. And not only in the group, but also in the comments of the channel.
  • Any Telegram user has the right to participate in the survey and view the results.
  • All users can share surveys with each other and forward to other groups and channels.

If you suddenly have automatic updates turned off, then you should update your applications to the latest current version (iPhone / iPad, Android, PC / Linux, macOS). You can also refer to the web version of the messenger

How to create a poll in Telegram yourself

You can create polls in Telegram both from a PC and a phone. Let's consider both options.

Instructions for the desktop version

Open a group or channel, click on the vertical three dots in the upper right corner. In the menu that opens, select the "Create Poll" command.

After the window appears, indicate the question, add one or more answers. If necessary, enable multiple choice or quiz mode. And click on Create.

This is how the creation of a poll in progress looks like:

Or this:

As soon as creation is activated, the poll will appear in your group or channel.

By calling the additional menu, you can manage the created survey - add a message to it, forward it to someone, pin it, copy the link. You can stop a survey at any time.

Right in the poll you can see the results - the percentage of answers, the number of votes and the number of views.

There are no restrictions on the number of created polls in Telegram. If you have a database segmentation, the audience consists of several groups - you can create several polls in a row at once.

Instructions for mobile applications

The procedure on a mobile device - both Android and iOS - is almost the same. Only instead of the ellipsis, you need to click on the paperclip icon at the bottom of the screen.

Next, select "Polling" from the function options. Specify the question and answer options. Make additional settings if necessary. After clicking on "Create", the poll will be displayed in the group or channel.

If desired, you can set up automatic deletion of the survey (the function also works on a PC). In this case, the polling message will disappear after the specified time.

If you choose to manage the poll, simply click on the message to bring up the menu. To prevent the poll from getting lost among the messages, you can pin it under the name of the channel/group.

How to make a poll using telegram bots

Bots can be more convenient to create polls, they provide additional features. Let's take a closer look at the example of two tools.


Likebot can add a rating feature to any post or message with likes, dislikes or emoticons. It is very easy to use it.

First, find @Like in Telegram and click on "Start".

Once launched, send the desired post or message. When the bot prompts you to add up to six emojis, just send messages with the appropriate emojis. You will see what the post will look like with voting buttons, and the bot will offer to publish it.

Click on Publish and select the desired channel from the list on the left. In the message field of the selected channel, you will see the embed code, and text and emoji will be displayed as a message. If everything is in order, click on the text to publish.

Your post with attached emoji will be immediately published on the selected channel.

Like a regular message, you can delete or pin a poll that you have created.


Another simple bot that adds public and anonymous polls to group chats and channels. There is nothing difficult in working with him either.

Open and run @Vote.

Select the type of survey - public or anonymous.

Submit your question and then - after each message from the bot - answer options. When finished, send a message with the phrase / done.

The bot will show you what your survey will look like. To share it - send a message to a chat, channel or a specific person from contacts - click on Publish poll.

Select the desired option from the list.

The poll message will be displayed on the selected site - just click on it.

Everything. Poll published. You can see the percentage of voters and the total number of participants.

Right inside the bot, you can view the results, vote, close or delete the poll.

The process of creating surveys using bots is as simple as possible and almost all bots work on the same principle. Therefore, without detailed instructions, we list a few more bots that you can use:

  • @QuanBot is a feature rich bot with support for multiple languages. Survey participants can comment on their responses, indicate geolocation, or confirm the answer with a phone number. Personal data remains hidden from the administrator.
  • @Pollbot is a very simple bot that generates a poll from your question and answers and sends you a link to post in the group.
  • @quizbot is a bot from Telegram developers to create multiple choice quizzes.

What is the result

As you can see, it is not difficult to do any number of surveys on any significant issue. You can, for example:

  • ask to evaluate posts and, if necessary, change the content plan;
  • ask questions to subscribers in order to know more about their audience - especially since there is little analytics in Telegram;
  • find out which option is more convenient for receiving news - email newsletter or posts in the telegram channel - and choose the more popular one.

Problems may arise when compiling content. For surveys to be successful, the main thing is to avoid complicated questions and ambiguous answers.



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