How to tell if a guy likes you on instagram

How To Tell if a Guy Likes You on Instagram

“Does he like me? Does he not? What if he’s just being friendly? Is he like this with other people on Instagram? Does he stalk me all day on Instagram?”

Those are the kind of questions your curious mind asks when you like a guy, and a part of you wants to know if he likes you back. Other times, you might just be curious because of certain actions towards you, not necessarily because you have a crush on him.

We will be talking about signs to look out for if you suspect a guy likes you on Instagram. If you observe at least two of these signs, someone’s son is probably into you, and if you’re into him, you may want to return the energy.

Table of Contents

  1. Signs To Know if a Guy Likes You on Instagram
    • Sign #1: He sends a DM
    • Sign #2: He Sends Messages Regularly
    • Sign #3: The Quality of Messages He Sends
    • Sign #4: He Likes Your Posts Serially
    • Sign #5: He Often Comments on Your Posts
    • Sign #6: He Uses Suggestive Emojis
    • Sign #7: He Sends a Prompt if You Don’t Reply To His Last Message
    • Sign #8: He Shares Something That Interests You on Instagram
    • Sign #9: He Proposes a Hang Out With Just You
  2. Conclusion

Signs To Know if a Guy Likes You on Instagram

Sign #1: He sends a DM

If a person doesn’t want to connect with you, they won’t send you a message. It is common to have several social media friends and never once chat with them outside the comments.

While this might not be enough reason to assume a guy likes you on Instagram, his wanting to have a conversation with you privately increases the chances that he finds you attractive.

So we say, pay attention to how he chats with you. You might just find your answer between the lines.

Sign #2: He Sends Messages Regularly

Now, this is where things get a little more suspicious. He not only sends a DM, but he also makes it a regular thing. “Why would he do that if he doesn’t like me?” You’re probably thinking. Believe us; we’re thinking the same too.

With regular Instagram friends, the conversation would end at some point, and it may take a while to have another flow of chat. But with a guy that likes you, he will always find something to talk about, anything to hold your attention for long, even if it means him mostly starting the conversation.

Sign #3: The Quality of Messages He Sends

One way to know if a guy likes you is through the quality of the messages he sends. Suppose you are getting short responses from him, and he hardly ever tries to initiate a conversation first. In that case, he’s probably just being polite.

The reverse is the case with a guy that fancies you. When a guy likes you on Instagram, he will attempt to know you better, tell you about himself, how his day went, and the likes. He would occasionally ask for your opinion or advice on certain things. He would generally take an interest in how your day went, what you like to do, and your daily activities.

So if you aren’t so sure if a guy likes you, analyze the quality of his messages to you. You might just find your answer.

Sign #

4: He Likes Your Posts Serially

When a guy goes on a liking spree on your posts, you’ve most likely caught his fancy. Liking a post randomly on Instagram is normal. It means you appreciate the content. But when someone goes on a liking spree, that’s a little more than content appreciation. Someone probably finds you attractive or has a crush on you.

Sign #5: He Often Comments on Your Posts

Is he constantly dropping comments under most of your posts, including old ones? The kind that would require a follow-up response, right?

When a guy likes you on Instagram, he’s never selfish with his comments, just like he isn’t with his likes. He’s either dropping emojis to show his interest or telling you how you are a ten over ten.

Sometimes, the comments are ones that would require a response, and before you know it, you’re having a public chat. Do you know what happens next? If he isn’t already there, he will be in your DM to continue what he started in the comments section.

We also think you should check to see if he comments on other people’s posts as much as he does on yours. If he does, he’s most likely an avid user of social media, which might just be his way of socializing.

Sign #6: He Uses Suggestive Emojis

Heart emojis, winking face emojis, and other emojis communicate a million things. These emojis might be accompanied by short comments— one or two liners. He might come hard with flirtatious comments and emojis if he’s bold.

Sign #7: He Sends a Prompt if You Don’t Reply To His Last Message

Let’s say he leaves a message in your DM or under your post and doesn’t get a response after a while. If he drops a prompt, he likes you. The prompt could be another message, an emoji, a question mark, or even ellipses.

A guy who has zero interest in you won’t care if he doesn’t get a response from you. He might not even notice until the following message you send him.

Getting a prompt can be cute, especially from someone you like back. But If he does it often, you might begin to find him overbearing.

Sign #8: He Shares Something That Interests You on Instagram

When a guy likes you, he starts to share things that he thinks might interest you. It could be a funny post he thinks would make you laugh. It could also be of places or something he knows you fancy. It could even be a music playlist.

Only a guy who likes you will invest time knowing what you like and actually remembering them. So him sharing stuff with you might just be his way of saying I care about you and the things you care about.

Sign #9: He Proposes a Hang Out With Just You

 In the course of having conversations, he may suggest that you meet to hang out and see a movie, have a drink, or just have lunch together. Why would a person who has no interest in you do that? Except it’s for business, then “Mr guy” is definitely hitting on you and wants to take things a little further than an Instagram crush.

In some cases, he might ask for your contact number to have more direct access to you. Just be ready to deal with constant calls and texts from him.


A platform like Instagram that involves a lot of photo sharing is mainly used for marketing, socializing, and flirting—yes, flirting. We may be wrong about that, and we stand to be corrected.

People meeting their partners or lovers on Instagram is no longer news. It happens a lot. You run into a random post of a user, they pique your interest, and you decide to check out their profile. Before you know it, you find yourself liking their posts and dropping comments on them. One thing leads to another, you’re in each other’s DM, and before we say, Jack Robinson, you’re already a couple. That’s pretty much the summary of how people meet on Instagram.

If you find yourself in a similar situation, you think someone likes you, but you aren’t quite sure yet, by now, you would have gotten more clarity with these signs we have shared. With the nine signs we’ve shared with you, do you still suspect that guy likes you? Does it make you happy that he does, or do you find it cringe?

Whatever your answers are, we have some advice for you. Until “Mr guy” outrightly tells you he likes you, never make the mistake of drawing conclusions from just one interaction. These signs should only prepare you for what might come next (from the guy).

➤How to tell if he likes you from Instagram 🕹

Preliminary information

Before explaining to you how to tell if he likes you from Instagram I have to clarify some issues of fundamental importance.

First, if you wonder how to tell if a girl likes you from instagram o how to tell if a guy likes you from instagram, you have to take into account that, for obvious reasons, there is no way that will allow you to know with absolute certainty.

In particular, it is important to always keep in mind that any virtual interactions or other signals of attention received within any social network by a girl or a boy may not be representative of a sincere and real sentimental interest in yours. comparisons.

However, even if there is no official solution that allows you to obtain a certain answer, there are solutions that you can put in place, to suppose it in a transversal way. I refer to the possibility of analyzing the "signals" that this person could possibly send you, interacting with you through social networks: in this specific case, Instagram.

That said, in the next chapters of this tutorial I will explain in detail how to use Instagram to evaluate the interactions received from a person in order to assume if, potentially, there is an interest in you. Obviously do not forget that these may still not be enough to guarantee you full safety and, therefore, before taking action, I suggest you don't make hasty conclusions, to avoid making a false step.

Finally, remember: in the event that a person interests you and you have doubts about the reciprocity of his feelings, the best thing you can do is to speak directly, with an open heart, with the latter, in order to deepen the nature of your relationship. All clear? Yup? All right, then let's get started.

How to tell if he likes you on Instagram

Having made the necessary premises, the time has come to explain, in more detail, what types of interactions I recommend you evaluate, to understand if a person likes you through Instagram.

In particular, in the next chapters I will give you some advice regarding what I believe are the "signals" to keep an eye on: these are ways of doing that, in some cases, could be representative of an interest in you. Read on to learn more.

Check who follows you

The first thing I recommend that you evaluate to understand if a guy or a girl likes you on Instagram is to see if he follows you on the well-known photographic social network.

Having said that, to get started, and then, to see the list of followers on Instagram, first log into your account via the smartphone app or connect to the official website of the social network.

Now, go to your section Profile (The thumbnail of your profile picture) and, in the next screen that is shown to you, press on the item follower. At this point, use the search engine, or scroll through the list that is shown to you, to find the names of those who follow you and to see if the person of your interest is following you.

Check the likes received

You think you like a guy or a girl on Instagram but you are not sure? If so you might see if this person puts on frequently "I like it" to the content you post: the presence of this data is certainly a clear indication that this person likes you to follow you on Instagram and appreciates the photos or videos you post in the Feed.

Furthermore, in the event that this interaction is very frequent, for example if this person likes all the posts you publish, it could also be a signal that there is a greater interest in you and, therefore, that you should talk to each other to learn more. the nature of your relationship.

That said, seeing that he likes your Instagram posts is pretty straightforward. All you have to do, in fact, is to identify, in the Instagram app or through the official website of the social network, the contents you have published on your Feed in sections Post, but also Reels o IGTV, in the event that I had also published this last type of content.

Now, press on the multimedia content of your interest and then press on the voice Like a, in order to see, on the next screen, the list of all the people who have put you there "I like it". Again you can search directly for a person's name (from Android e iOS), or scroll through the list of likes, to individually evaluate all the names of those who liked the content you published.

Control who is watching your stories

Another tip I want to give you, to try to deduce if a person likes you through Instagram is to control who watches your stories.

Even in this case, in fact, if a person looks at all the multimedia content you publish in this section of the social network, he is certainly interested in what you share and, in some cases, this constancy in following you could be, in the event, one of the signs of interest.

Therefore, after posting a story on Instagram, swipe down from your smartphone, or click on the wording Displayed (from Web) in order to see, in both cases, the section Views, which shows the list of people who have viewed your story. Check, then, if among these, there is the person you think has an interest in you.

Check private messages

The frequency of sending private messages could be a sign of a person's interest in you.

In this regard, through the Instagram for smartphones but also from Web, you can check the history of all private messages received in the well-known photographic social network, in order to have a complete picture of the situation and, in doing so, evaluate who writes to you most frequently.

Having said that, to do this, all you have to do is press theairplane icon located in the upper right part of the photographic social network. Once this is done, in the section dedicated to private messages, scroll through the list of the same, or use the search engine, to locate the chat with the person you are thinking about.

Then press on his name, to see the history of messages sent and received, in order to evaluate whether, said between the lines or more explicitly, there is a signal of interest on the part of that person.

Other tips to understand if he likes you from Instagram

As mentioned, understanding if a person likes you is not at all easy and to be sure it is necessary that there is one clear signal, spoken orally or in writing, that leaves no room for interpretation.

In the absence of an explicit statement, it is possible to evaluate whether a person likes you through Instagram also based on other elements, such as the way he writes to you. In this regard, you will find below some examples of what I am referring to.

  • It responds quickly: When you chat on Instagram, does this girl or boy always respond quickly to your messages? In this case, the simplest reason is that he is interested in establishing a dialogue with you and has the opportunity to respond immediately. In addition to the other signs, however, the reason could also be that he has an interest in you.
  • Use lots of emojis: in textual conversations, emojis could be a sign of interest, which are often used in informal contexts. In particular, the frequent use of some of these, such as the emoji in the shape of a heart or those a kiss shape, they could be an indication that their users are interested in you.
  • He often looks for you: Does this person often write to you on Instagram via private messages and, on those occasions, insistently ask you to see each other? In this case, it is either a friendship or a love interest.
  • He asks you personal questions: in conclusion, pay attention to the text of the messages you receive from this person, to understand if they are interested in you. If he often asks you very personal questions, asking you, for example if you are single or if you are already in a relationship, the reason could be that he is interested in you. If so, perhaps you should go out together to investigate the matter in person and clarify any doubts. Good luck!

How to tell if he likes you from Instagram

How to understand by correspondence in social networks whether a guy likes you?

When we communicate in real life, flirting is obvious, but on the Internet it is more difficult to understand the guy's intentions. If there is an opportunity to meet, then you will definitely understand whether he likes you or not, the behavior of a young man will tell a lot about his feelings. In the meantime, in order to understand by correspondence, you need to analyze his messages and his way of communicating with you on a social network.

Analyzing messages

  1. Notice how often he texts you. A guy who likes you will always go online to chat with you. For example, he may sometimes write to you just like that, even if you are not online. Perhaps you spend whole hours on correspondence! This is a sign that he likes to communicate with you, and he always finds time for this, perhaps to the detriment of his studies.
  2. Pay attention to how quickly he responds to your messages. If he immediately replies to the message and then continues the conversation, most likely he likes you. But if he does not respond to a sent message for more than an hour, although he is online and does it regularly, perhaps, if he answers, then out of courtesy. Also, a guy who likes you will text you as soon as you are online on any social network.
  3. Don't jump to conclusions based on just one conversation. Never place all your hopes and fears on just one or two internet conversations. Many people are "online" even when they don't have time to text. His short replies may mean he's just busy.
  4. Analyze the quality of the messages he sends you. If the messages are short and "dry", one or two words without a hint of a continuation of the conversation, then you are unlikely to be on your way. On the other hand, if a guy likes you, he will try to get to know you, ask about something, share his impressions of the day, and so on.
  5. Signs of flirting. Guys often flirt when they like a girl. Signs of online flirting: compliments, light jokes, use of exclamation marks, emoticons.

Analyzing the way of communication

  1. Pay attention to whether it leaves any marks under your notes. See if he leaves comments on other people's posts. If he always comments on posts to everyone, most likely he is just a very active user of social networks. But if this guy likes and leaves comments only on your posts, this is a sign that he is interested in you.
  2. Reply to his comments. After he publicly commented on your photo or post, reply to him. If he tries to start a conversation in this way, it means that he likes you, or at least he likes to communicate with you.
  3. Notice if he comments (likes) your old photos. If you've just met a guy, and he "likes" or comments on your old photos and posts, this is a clear sign that he is interested in you. So he took the time to get to know you better (well, or he just likes to look at you)!
  4. Check if he added you on other social networks. If a guy likes you, he will try to add you as a friend on various social networks. For example, he can add you as a friend on VKontakte or Facebook, and then follow you on Instagram. This is a sign that he wants to read your notes and look at your photos in order to get to know you better.

This question was answered by our young psychologists - experts.

— In fact, it is very difficult to understand, because the guy with whom you correspond can write one thing, but at the same time feel and think completely different ... Ksyusha, 13 years old.

- This can be understood by the duration of the correspondence. If you have been texting for a month, it means that you are interested in a guy. If he is the first to take the initiative to write to you, then this is also a good sign. This can also be understood by his question: “do you have a boyfriend?”, But only if this question was raised, at least after a week of your communication. If he was at your acquaintance, you should not pay attention to it. Lena, 16 years old.

- If he writes more often than you, is interested in your life, how was your day and what do you like, i. e. talks about topics that interest you, supports you when even just sad, I think this is a good sign! Katya, 14 years old.

— I feel it intuitively and subconsciously. May, age 14.

If you have any questions, you can always call 8-800-2000-122

How to tell if a guy likes you: 10 characteristic signs

Guy and girl look thoughtfully with their hands to their chins: Pixabay

Feeling sympathy for the fair sex, guys rarely declare it directly. How can a girl understand that a potential lover is interested in her? What signs give out sympathy and interest in a guy, said writer and expert on body signs Allan Pease, professor of psychology Omri Gillat and the Psychologies portal.


It's easy to tell by the look of a guy if he likes you, according to Professor Omri Gillat and colleagues. Researchers from the University of Kansas believe that the movement of a man's eyes can determine whether he likes the interlocutor and whether he sees her as a potential lover.

How do you know if a guy likes you by the look? The first thing that catches your eye when watching a guy in love is a direct and interested look. When communicating, almost all men evaluate the external data of a girl, so their eyes run around, studying her figure and face. If the guy is not indifferent to the interlocutor, he looks intently into the eyes. In the look, sincere interest, tenderness and affection are read. This happens on a subconscious level. Thus, the guy is trying to understand the attitude towards himself and the degree of interest of the object, as well as win the sympathy of the girl.

Change of image

In most cases, men pay little attention to their appearance and clothing. However, when a guy likes a girl, the situation changes. To attract the attention of the object of love, he changes his hairstyle, chooses his clothes more carefully and tastefully, puts on a tie or, for example, puts on fashionable shoes instead of the usual sports shoes. If a guy from your circle of friends has undergone such changes, he, most likely, he fell in love.


Finding himself next to a potential lover, the guy intuitively turns in her direction. He tries to put himself in order - he straightens his clothes, shakes off invisible dust particles, strokes his hair.

Another sign of a guy's intense passion is sticking both thumbs behind the belt or hands in pockets with thumbs out. In a similar way, a man subconsciously demonstrates self-confidence, a strong character and a strong will, thereby emphasizing that he will become a reliable partner and protector.

Subconscious attempts to “mirror” the girl also testify to the guy's interest. According to the author of the book "Body Language" Allan Pease, mirror postures and gestures indicate that the interlocutor understands you, supports you in every possible way and wants to continue communication.

A man gently hugs a girl by the shoulders: Freepik

Manner of communication

Communicating in a company, a guy in love subconsciously focuses on a girl he likes. He catches her eye, looks for approval in her eyes for his words, tries to capture her attention and turns to her rather than to other interlocutors.

At the same time, the guy catches every word of the girl he is interested in, shows interest and stimulates the conversation in every possible way. He tries to find out more about a potential lover and asks about her hobbies, problems, hobbies, having a loved one and a serious relationship.


A guy's sympathy for a girl will be indicated by compliments addressed to the object of interest. These are not banal phrases, but sincere praise. Having become interested in the girl, the guy begins to notice the slightest changes in the image, makeup, hairstyle, look.

It takes into account not only appearance, but also character traits that are invisible to most, personal qualities or a demeanor peculiar only to you. Moreover, compliments will be as sincere and sincere as possible, without unnecessary eloquence and high-flown phrases.

Communication on the Internet

How do you know if a pen pal likes you? The interest of the representatives of the stronger sex can be tracked in the correspondence. Communicating on the Internet with a girl he likes, the guy is active. He always finds a couple of minutes to write to her.

The guy likes her photos on social networks, writes comments on posts and sends messages as soon as she appears on the Web. At the same time, he shows interest in her, asks about hobbies, gastronomic and literary preferences, friends, work.

A girl with a laptop is sitting on the street next to a guy: Pexels


How can you tell from a guy's behavior that he likes you? An interested guy will always find time for you, even if he is really busy. Any changes in the guy's behavior also speak of interest. For example, if he smiles more than usual or used to look directly into the eyes, and now looks away during a conversation. Feelings are also evidenced by manifestations of awkwardness: the guy blushes, speaks quickly and inconsistently, pulls small objects in his hands.

Random touches

A guy in love constantly tries to touch the girl he was attracted to. He accidentally touches her hand, takes her hand, touches her forearm, straightening her coat on her, constantly tries to hug her, or, for example, accidentally touches her leg under the table, changing her position.

Such contacts indicate that the guy is genuinely interested, wants to be physically closer and seeks to win over the girl. In addition, according to the experts of the Psychologies portal, men's attempts to take a girl by the hand often mean romantic affection and deep interest.

A guy in the metro holds a girl by the shoulder: Pexels

Attempts to help and protect

By nature, a man is a provider and protector. This is especially pronounced when he begins to like a girl. If a guy is interested in a girl, he will take her under his wing, take care of her and surround her with care. A man will definitely stand up for a potential lover in a conflict situation, he will never allow her to return home alone late in the evening.

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