How to see if someone stalked you on instagram
How to see who stalks your Instagram profile
- Can I check who viewed my Instagram profile?
- Methods to discover Instagram stalkers
- Check your Instagram profile interactions
- Check who views your Instagram stories
- Check your Instagram followers
- (Don’t) use third-party apps
- Use Instagram Insights
- How to block Instagram stalkers
- How to avoid Instagram stalkers
Can I check who viewed my Instagram profile?
Unfortunately, Instagram hasn’t yet introduced a feature that allows you to easily check who views your Instagram profile. We hope this much-needed feature will appear in the future because it will make the Instagram app safer and more transparent.
For now, users must resort to various workarounds to see who stalks their Instagram profiles and to get rid of unwanted Instagram stalkers. Here we provide a few of those methods.
Methods to discover Instagram stalkers
Here are a few of the most popular methods to see who stalks your Instagram profile.
Check your Instagram profile interactions
The first and easiest thing to do is simply to check your profile interactions. Just click on the heart icon in the top right. Here you can see who liked and commented on your Instagram post, or has followed you.
Keep in mind that here you won’t be able to see who viewed your Instagram posts or stories. However, if people you find suspicious persistently like or comment on your Instagram pictures or stories, it is a strong indication that they are stalking you. Moreover, if a user interacts with your content but doesn’t follow you, it is also a red flag. It means that such users have to visit your profile to see your Instagram photos or stories because they don’t see your content on their feed. And that is what Instagram stalkers often do.
Check who views your Instagram stories
Another way to find out who your Instagram stalkers are is checking who viewed your stories. When you open your story, just click on the viewers at the bottom left. Now you can see all the users that viewed your story.
Again, if Instagram users don’t follow you, they need to make an effort to check your stories, that is, to open your Instagram profile and click on your profile picture. They can’t see your Instagram stories in their feed. Seeing unrecognized people regularly viewing your stories without following you is a strong indication of stalking.
Instagram first shows your stories to the most relevant Instagram users — your close friends and people with whom you have the most interaction. When you open the viewer list soon after publishing your story, it ranks the viewers chronologically. However, the ranking algorithm changes when your Instagram story reaches a certain number of viewers. Then people who interact with your stories and posts typically get ranked first, while the least active ones go to the bottom of the list. So if you regularly find unrecognized users among your top viewers, it is likely that they are Instagram stalkers.
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Check your Instagram followers
Another thing to do is to analyze your Instagram follower list more thoroughly. To do this, just tap on your profile photo on the bottom right of the screen and then tap on the follower number. Here you can see all your Instagram followers.
If you see anyone you don’t recognize, open that user’s account and check it. Here are a couple of signs of a fake account:
- the user has very little or no activity.
- the user doesn’t have any photo or other info allowing you to identify the person.
We recommend deleting fake accounts because potential Instagram stalkers can hide behind them, increasing the risk of Instagram scams. Moreover, we advise removing all the accounts that you don’t recognize and find interesting. When it comes to your social media following, quality is more important than quantity, and the latter usually comes with additional threats.
(Don’t) use third-party apps
Another way to identify your Instagram stalkers is by using a third-party app. Tons of these apps are available. Most show who follows or unfollows you, likes your post, or blocks you. Some of them even boast that they can show who views your profile.
While third-party apps may sound like a convenient method, we advise avoiding their use. None of these apps give you accurate and reliable results. The problem is that major social networks don’t share visitor data, so third-party apps don’t have accurate info on user behavior and often show random data.
Moreover, most of these types of apps are free, so they often sell user data to third parties and flood their users with ads to monetize their activity. They also frequently require you to share your Instagram account with them. So, they can see your Instagram data if you agree with such requests. Therefore, third-party apps will likely create additional threats rather than give you some valuable insights.
Use Instagram Insights
You can always use Instagram Insights, which provide you with detailed statistics of your Instagram activity. Here you can see the level of engagement and other interactions. However, this feature is only available if you have a business or creator Instagram account.
How to block Instagram stalkers
The first method to deal with stalkers is blocking them. To do this you should:
1. Go to your follower list by clicking on the Instagram profile picture on the bottom right and then tapping on the follower number.
2. Find an Instagram account you want to block and tap on it. Then tap the three dots on the top right.
3. Choose “Block” and follow the instructions on your screen.
If you wish to report an Instagram stalker or a suspicious Instagram account, just follow the instructions above and tap “Report” instead “Block.”
Another less nuclear option is to remove followers without blocking them. You need to:
1. Go to your followers list by clicking on the Instagram profile picture on the bottom right and then tapping on the follower number.
2. Tap “Remove” next to the follower you wish to remove.
You can also simply prevent a person from seeing your stories. All you have to do is to:
1. Go to your story and click on the follower list.
2. Tap the three dots next to the follower’s name.
3. Here choose “Hide your story” to hide a story from this person. You can also block and remove Instagram followers here. The latter option means that the removed follower won’t see your content.
You can even hide your Instagram stories and posts from selected users. To do so:
1. Tap on your Instagram profile picture on the bottom right.
2. Tap the three stripes on the top right.
3. Choose “Settings.”
4. Choose “Privacy.”
5. Go to “Story.”
6. Go to “Hide story from.” Here you can choose Instagram users that you want to hide your Instagram stories from.
In the same section you can also choose your close friends by tapping on the “Close friends” section.
When you post an Instagram story, you can then decide whether it will be visible only to this group of trusted people or to anyone.
How to avoid Instagram stalkers
One of the most reliable options for avoiding stalkers is making your profile private. To do so, go to the “Privacy” section by using the workflow above and tap on the toggle next in the “Private account” section.
Note that now your posted Instagram content won’t be visible to people who don’t follow you.
In the same “Privacy” section, you can tweak other Instagram privacy settings. For example, you can hide your activity status in the “Activity status” section or limit various unwanted interactions in the “Limits” section.
Stay safe and make sure to avoid other Instagram threats.
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How to Tell if Someone is Stalking You On Instagram
Social media is exactly that, social. If you’re online, you’re in the public eye, and people taking an interest in you is the cost of doing business online. That said, there’s a difference between actively engaging with you, being curious and checking you out, and stalking.
Think someone is stalking you on Instagram? Think someone might have a secret crush on you and is following you online? Want to know if someone is taking a little too much interest in what you do on social media?
This tutorial will show you how to tell if someone is either watching but not engaging or just lurking on your Instagram.
Unfortunately, your options are limited for finding out if someone is constantly viewing your Instagram profile. There isn’t much feedback from the social network about what’s going on, who viewed what, or when someone views your profile. Your only option is Instagram Stories which, like its Snapchat progenitor, tells you who viewed it.
Instagram Stories: The Only Way to Know Who’s Watching
Instagram Stories are essentially a copy of Snapchat Stories, and they work in almost the same way. You create a post, set it as a Story, and then it becomes public for 24 hours before it disappears.
You select someone’s profile in the app to see their stories, and they do the same to see yours. Just like Snapchat, Instagram Stories tell you who has viewed your Story.
- You can swipe up from within one of your own Instagram Stories to see who has viewed it.
The screen shows the username of each person that saw the Story at hand. While not confirmed, some believe that the order in which names appear indicates how often they have viewed it. Of course, Instagram has never confirmed this, but it’s an interesting theory.
Essentially, your first stop should be your Instagram Stories. If you’ve published one of the short clips, you can see who is checking out your content.
Catching the Instagram Stalker
Instagram Stories are the only way to find out who is engaging with your content. Instagram Analytics tells professional account owners how many people watched, but they don’t disclose the account viewing your posts. So, there is one workaround method that we’ve come up with for snuffing out your stalker.
When you post an Instagram Story, you have the option to hide it from others. This situation is different from the “Close Friends” list that alerts users that you’ve shared it with certain people.
Assuming you have a suspicion that someone is stalking your content, post a Story, and hide it from everyone else on your list.
- Before posting your Story, go to the Instagram Story Settings and select the option to “Hide Story From.” Select everyone but the person of interest.
Doing this means they won’t know that they’re the only person who can see the Story.
- Not only will you see that they viewed it, but if you’re using Instagram Analytics, you can also watch the view count increase each time they do. If they watch the Story multiple times, you’ll know it was them because they’re the only person who has access to it.
Unfortunately, this is the best way we know how to see whether or not someone is actively seeking out your content to watch over and over again. If you don’t have Instagram’s Analytics setup, this will only tell you if they watched it.
Other Ways to Test if Someone is Stalking You on Instagram
Aside from showing who has viewed your Instagram Story, there is no other way to tell what’s happening within the app. Snapchat offers a lot more information on who is doing what, but Instagram does not.
So, if nobody leaves a comment or engages with you in another way, you’re in the dark, or are you?
Using Third-Party Apps to Spot an Instagram Stalker
There are a lot of third-party applications, browser extensions, and websites that promise to show you who is viewing your profile. Many of these do not work, while others require access to your private information for nefarious purposes.
Although there may be some legitimate resources out there, users should beware of the dangers of using such a service. Read the reviews and do your research on the developer before signing up for anything.
Handling Stalking on Instagram
There isn’t much you can do if you think someone is stalking you on Instagram. As long as they aren’t making threats or seriously bothering you in any way, they aren’t doing anything legally wrong. This fact is the price of social media. You’re out there for all to see, and people can do whatever they want with the information you post online.
Changing Instagram Privacy Settings
If your suspicion is getting the better of you, you can change some privacy settings on Instagram to stop the person from following you around on the network.
- Launch the Instagram App.
- Tap on your profile icon (settings) to open your profile page.
- Touch the hamburger icon (menu) in the top-right section.
- Select Settings from the menu and then choose Privacy.
- Under Account Privacy towards the top, toggle on Private Account.
A Private Account is only visible to people who follow you. People who want to follow you will send a request, which you can accept or deny at your discretion. This setting makes you a lot less visible on Instagram by allowing you to decide who gets to see your profile and posts.
Changing Your Instagram Activity Status
Besides adjusting privacy settings, you can also turn off your activity status to prevent the stalker from viewing your activity.
- Open Settings, then Privacy on Instagram.
- Select Activity Status and toggle Show Activity Status to off.
The steps above stop anyone from seeing what you’re up to on Instagram, but it also prevents you from seeing other people’s activity status. It’s a two-way street.
Removing Someone from Your Instagram Followers
If you have an idea of who is stalking you, you can remove them as a follower.
- Select your Profile on Instagram.
- Tap on Followers at the top.
- Select the Remove button next to the follower you want to remove.
If you have set your Instagram profile to private, this person will no longer see anything you do on your account, as long as they aren’t a follower. They may still see your comments or likes on other people’s posts, but they will not see anything you post on your own.
Changing Your Instagram Account to Private
A private Instagram account lowers the engagement factor of social media but also offers a little protection. You could try turning your account private for a month or two and then make it public again. Chances are, whoever was stalking you would get bored by then and move on—maybe.
Instagram Privacy FAQs
Here are the answers to more of your questions about taking back control of your privacy on Instagram.
What can I do if someone is making threats on Instagram?
If someone has threatened you via a comment or a direct message, the first thing you should do is take a screenshot. Many professionals recommend that you avoid responding to someone hostile on social media, but capturing an image of the content with their username will help you move forward.
You can report the user to Instagram by clicking on the three-dot menu on their profile or visiting the Instagram support website (this is where the screenshot comes to play. If the threat is severe enough, or you feel it is valid, it’s probably a good idea to contact your local law enforcement authorities.
Is there a way to tell if a fake account is following me?
Some users want to stalk your account anonymously. Perhaps you’ve blocked someone, or you haven’t accepted a follow request from a person you know. Unfortunately, Instagram won’t tell you if an account is fake or who created it. But, you can use deductive reasoning to better spot an illegitimate Instagram account.
The first sign that an Instagram profile is fake is the username. People who make fake profiles for the purpose of stalking may leave clues about who they are in the username, or they won’t put much effort into it. Scroll through your Followers’ list to see which usernames don’t add up.
Another tell-tale sign that an Instagram profile isn’t on the up-and-up is a lack of published posts. While some users don’t interact very much, most will follow other people, have followers, or publish content. A bare-bones Instagram account is undoubtedly suspicious.
Lastly, some Instagram stalkers will create accounts that mimic your friends’ profiles. Look through your Followers’ list for any repetitive accounts. If you have more than one follower who seems to be the same person, one account might be that of a stalker.
Final Thoughts
Instagram can be an excellent app for sharing photos and videos with your friends, family, and followers, but it’s not the best app for those concerned about their online privacy.
As it stands, there’s no genuine way to know if anyone is stalking you on Instagram. So, as you should when using any social media platform, always be mindful of what you post.
How to know if someone is following you on Instagram
So you want to know if someone is following you on Instagram. Instagram stalkers are usually defined as people who visit your profile without actually interacting with your posts.
Also, stalkers are not likely to be following you, making them hard to spot.
It's important to know who your Instagram stalkers are because you may not want some of them to spy on your profile.
Therefore, this article will tell you how to find out if someone is stalking you on Instagram so that you don't remain in the dark.
How to know if someone is following you on Instagram
To find out if someone is stalking you on Instagram, simply post an Instagram story, wait a couple of hours, and then check the users who have viewed your story. The people at the top of your story viewer list are your stalkers and your most popular viewers.
Alternatively, you can use the Instagram analytics app.
Checking who has viewed your stories is a great way to find people who are following you on Instagram. You can also use the Instagram analytics app if you don't mind it.
Instagram stalkers are generally people who view your Instagram profile without liking or commenting on your posts and following you.
So if you want to know who is following your Instagram, you need to keep these few factors in mind.
Read on to learn how the Instagram story algorithm works and how to use the Instagram analytics app to your advantage.

The first way is to check who viewed your Instagram story .
Basically, Instagram stories allow you to check the people who are viewing your profile.
This is the best way to check that you can check stalkers who are not following you.
Post story
First of all, you need to post something in your story; be it a photo or a video.
This way you can check the people who are actively viewing/visiting your profile.
Check who viewed your story
After you've published a story, wait a couple of hours for people to enter it.
Then click on your story and check who has viewed it.
People who viewed your story but didn't follow you are either passers-by or stalkers.
"Passersby" are people who stumbled upon your profile from other social networks, from a research page, or from another person's profile.
These people are not your stalkers because they are likely to visit your profile only once.
Those who follow you are those who constantly return to your profile (more than once).
To find these people, you will have to post stories on Instagram frequently.
If you're only going to publish one story, you won't be able to tell a random person from a stalker.
Therefore, it is highly recommended that you post once a day for a week to recognize people who are actively harassing you.
What is the order of viewers in an Instagram story?
To decipher the view order of Instagram stories, you need to understand how the algorithm works.
Instagram wants to display the most relevant people who have viewed your stories.
Similarly, your stories are shown to the most relevant people on their timeline.
The order of the audience is determined by two factors.
How much time someone spends viewing your stories and how often they view them.
For example, immediately after posting a story on Instagram, the order of viewers starts in chronological order.
This means that the people who appear at the top of your list are the latest visitors.
When enough people have viewed your stories, the algorithm will reorder the list.
The order of your Instagram story viewers starts in chronological order. Once your story gets enough views, the order will change.
The algorithm usually kicks in after 50 people have viewed your story.
The question is, how does the viewer order of a story change after 50 users have viewed it?
How does Instagram evaluate story viewers?
Instagram ranks story viewers based on how often a user interacts with your stories.
Users at the top of the viewers list interact with your stories the most.
On the other hand, users at the bottom of your story are the least likely to view your stories.
Code leaked from Instagram in the past that appears to be part of the algorithm.
It determined how the viewers were sorted, which stories appeared first on the timeline and on the research pages.
However, no one knows if the code is currently valid.
But there are some tests that determine the factors that affect the order in the list.
First, the people who interact with your stories the most and post the most will rank higher in the list (like likes, comments).
People who interact with your stories frequently will rank higher on your viewers list.
Basically, the person who first appears on your stories' viewers list is the one who views your stories the most.
This way you can identify people who are interested in your content.
One of the reasons the list is important is because if you are selling a product/service, you can check out the people who are interested in it.
Once you have this information, these are the people you want to reach out to because you are more likely to get a sale from them.
Secondly, how much time someone spends on your profile, how many times someone visits your profile and views your stories, plays a huge role in sorting the list of viewers.
As a general rule, someone who visits your profile often will be higher in your list of viewers. That being said, the people who are at the top of your viewer list are most likely your stalkers.
It's not just how many of your stories someone watches, but how they interact with them.
There are many types of interaction, but are not limited to: skip story (swipe left), exit story, swipe left (previous story), and swipe right (next story).
Finally, your interaction with a person on Whatsapp and Facebook may be part of the algorithm.
After all, Instagram monetizes with ads. This means that the app will try to collect as much data as possible from you in order to display the most relevant ads.
How to see your stalkers from your Instagram followers
People ran some tests to determine how Instagram sorts your story views.
Let's start with what Paige Thelen of Instagram's tech communications team noted:
Now let's see how Instagram story viewers are ordered.
There is a thread on Reddit where some people tested the algorithm. Here are the results:
A week later his friend posted a story on Instagram and after a while he was at the top of the list.
People who are at the top of your stories' viewers list visit your profile frequently. To a large extent, these people may be stalking you.
This means that the person at the top of your story's viewer list visits your profile the most.
Based on this experiment, if you happen to see someone at the top of your story's viewer list who isn't following you, that person may be stalking you.
Here is another experiment done by another person.
He used a sub account to go through his main account's stories several times.
After 3 days, the secondary account has moved to the top of the viewers list in its main account's stories.
Again, this proves that the people at the top of your viewer list are your stalkers/most popular viewers.
The people at the top of your story viewer list are your stalkers and your most popular viewers.
2. Use the Instagram analytics app.
You can easily check your stalkers in the app itself.
However, most of these apps use the freemium model, which means you have to pay to test your stalkers.
If you're willing to pay, using an analytics app is a good idea because most of them are pretty accurate.
Since most of these apps contain paid features, you'd better find your Instagram stalkers by posting stories frequently using the previous method.
In this article, you learned how to find out if someone is following you on Instagram, how to find and see them.
Here's a quick overview of everything:
1. You can find out who is following your Instagram by posting a story or using the app.
2. The people at the top of your story's viewer list are your stalkers/most popular viewers.
3. Usually someone who visits your profile frequently will be higher in your list of viewers.
Now that you know the viewer order, you can use this to your advantage to find out who is stalking you on Instagram.
How to understand that someone is following you on Instagram -
Social networks are just that, social. If you are online, you are in the public eye and people showing interest in you is the price of doing business online. However, there is a difference between actively communicating with you, showing curiosity and testing you and stalking you.
Think someone is following you on Instagram? Think someone is secretly in love with you and is following you online? Want to know if someone is showing too much interest in what you do on social media?
This guide will show you how to tell if someone is either watching but not interested or just hiding on your Instagram.
Unfortunately, your ability to find out if someone is constantly viewing your Instagram profile is limited. There aren't many reviews on the social network about what's going on, who viewed what, or when someone viewed your profile. Your only option is Instagram Stories, which, like its Snapchat predecessor, tells you who has viewed them.
Instagram Stories: The only way to find out who's watching
Instagram Stories are essentially a copy of Snapchat Stories, and they work in much the same way. You create a post, set it as a story, and then it becomes public for 24 hours before disappearing.
You select someone's profile on the app to see their stories, and they do the same to see theirs. Just like Snapchat, Instagram stories tell you who has viewed your story.
- You can swipe up on one of your own Instagram stories to see who has viewed it.
The screen displays the username of each person who has seen the Story at hand. Although not confirmed, some believe that the order in which the names appear indicates how often they viewed it. Of course, Instagram has never confirmed this, but it's an interesting theory.
Basically, your first stop should be your Instagram Stories. If you have published one of the short videos, you will be able to see who is viewing your content.
Catch an Instagram Stalker
Instagram stories are the only way to find out who is interacting with your content. Instagram Analytics tells professional account holders how many people have viewed, but does not reveal the account viewing your posts. So, there is one workaround we came up with to suppress your Stalker.
When you post a story on Instagram, you have the option to hide it from others. This situation is different from the “Close Friends” list, which alerts users that you have shared it with certain people.
If you suspect someone is following your content, post the story and hide it from everyone else on your list.
- Before you post your story, go to your Instagram story settings and select the option “ Hide story from ..” Select everyone except the person of interest.
This means that they will not know that they are the only person who can see History.
- Not only will you see that they have viewed it, but if you use Instagram Analytics, you can also watch the number of views increase every time they do so. If they look at the story a few times, you will realize that it was them, because only they have access to it.
Unfortunately, this is the best way we know of to find out if someone is actively looking to see your content over and over again. If you don't have an Instagram Analytics setup, this will only tell you if they've viewed it.
Other ways to check if someone is following you on Instagram
Other than showing who viewed your Instagram story, there is no other way to know what's going on in the app. Snapchat offers a lot more information about who is doing what, while Instagram does not.
So, if no one leaves a comment or otherwise interacts with you, are you in the dark or not?
Using third-party apps to find your Instagram stalker
There are many third-party apps, browser extensions, and websites that promise to show you who is viewing your profile. Many of them do not work, while others require access to your personal information for nefarious purposes.
While there may be some legitimate resources, users should beware of the dangers associated with using such services. . Read reviews and research developer information before signing up for anything.
How to deal with Instagram stalking
There is little you can do if you think someone is following you on Instagram. As long as they don't threaten you or seriously harass you, they aren't doing anything illegal. This fact is the price of social networks. You are in the public eye and people can do whatever they want with the information you post online.
Change your Instagram privacy settings
If your suspicions get better, you can change some of your Instagram privacy settings so that the person can't follow you online.
- Launch the app “Instagram.
- Click on your “profile icon” (settings) to open your profile page.
- Press “hamburger icon” (menu) in the top right section.
- Select in the menu “Settings” and then select “Privacy”
- under “ Account Privacy ” at the top, turn on “Personal Account”
A personal account is visible only to those who follow you. People who want to follow you will send a request, which you can accept or decline at your discretion. This setting makes you less visible on Instagram by letting you decide who can see your profile and posts.
Changing your Instagram activity status
In addition to setting your privacy settings, you can also disable your activity status to prevent the stalker from seeing your activity.
- Open “Settings” , then “Privacy” on Instagram.
- Select “Activity status” and disable the option “Show activity status” .
The above steps prevent anyone from seeing what you're doing on Instagram, but also prevent you from seeing other people's activity status. This is a two-way street.
Removing someone from your Instagram followers
If you know who is following you, you can remove them from your followers list.
- Choose your “Profile” on Instagram.
- Click “Subscribers” at the top.
- Select “Delete” next to the subscriber you want to delete.
If you have made your Instagram profile private, that person will no longer see anything you do on their account unless they are a follower. They can still see your comments or likes on other people's posts, but they won't see anything you post yourself.
Changing your Instagram account to private
A private Instagram account lowers social media engagement rates, but also provides little protection. You can try making your account private for a month or two and then making it public again. Most likely, the one who pursued you will get bored by then and move on.
Instagram Privacy FAQs
Here are answers to your other questions about how to take back control of your Instagram privacy.
What if someone threatens you on Instagram?
If someone has threatened you via a comment or direct message, the first thing you should do is take a screenshot. Many pros recommend that you don't respond to hostile people on social media, but creating a content image with their username will help you move forward.
You can report a user to Instagram by clicking the three-dot menu on their profile, or by visiting the Instagram support website (a screenshot appears here. If the threat is serious enough or you think it's valid, it' might be worth contacting local law enforcement .
Is there a way to know if a fake account is following me?
Some users want to follow your account anonymously. You may have blocked someone or didn't accept a follow request from someone you know. Unfortunately, Instagram does not tell you that the account is fake or who created it. But you can use deductive reasoning to better identify an illegal Instagram account.
The first sign that an Instagram profile is fake is the username. People who create fake profiles for the purpose of stalking may leave clues about who they are in their username, or they may not put much effort into doing so. Scroll through your followers' list to see which usernames don't add up.
Another clear sign that the Instagram profile is not on the rise is the lack of published posts. Although some users interact little with each other, most of them will follow other people, have followers, or post content. A simple Instagram account is no doubt suspicious.
Finally, some Instagram stalkers create accounts that mimic your friends’ profiles. Review your Followers' list for any recurring accounts. If you have more than one follower that appears to be the same person, one of the accounts could be the stalker's account.