How to put post in instagram story

How to Share Posts From the Instagram Feed to Stories -

More than 300 million users now use Instagram stories daily and posting your feed content to stories is a great way to boost reach and engagement.

In the feature’s launch blog post Instagram explained:

When you come across something in feed that inspires you — like a post from a friend raising money for a cause or a photo of a new design from your favorite brand — you can now quickly share that post as a sticker to your story for your friends and followers to see.

How to share feed posts to Instagram Stories

To share feed posts to stories:

  1. Tap the paper airplane button below the post (like you would to send a direct message)
  2. You’ll then see an option on the following menu to “Create a story with this post”
  3. Tap it to see the feed post as a sticker with a customized background ready to share to your story. You can move, resize or rotate the photo or video. You can also use drawing tools or add text and stickers.

Any post shared to a story will include a link back to the original post and include the original poster’s username.

Only posts from public Instagram accounts can be shared to stories. If you have a public account and would like to opt-out from letting people share your posts to stories, you can do so within Instagram’s settings.

In a recent episode of The Science of Social Media, hosts, Hailley and Brian discussed this update (around the 4:45 mark in the below audio):

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How brands can use this feature

Many brands and influencers already use stories as a way to drive attention to their latest feed and promote their latest posts. This update will be a welcome improvement to this process by allowing users to directly link to their latest feed posts, rather than taking a screenshot of a post and manually adding it to stories.

As Brian mentions in the podcast, this could enable brands to use stories as a way to cross-promote their feed posts to their audience on stories — people who may have potentially missed the post in the feed.

“One of the reasons we love stories so much is that it can be used as cross-promote content and now users will be able to go from stories directly to your feed,” he explained.

Hailley also drew comparisons between this feature and Twitter’s quote tweet functionality, where users can share content from the feed, but also add their own thoughts and context around it.

This is another exciting update from Instagram — following the share to stories and live video chat announcements at F8 — and it helps to better connect the feed to stories as well as providing a way for users to re-share some of their favorite Instagram content in a more public way than sharing with a couple of friends via a direct message.

These updates now available on Android and will be coming to iOS in the coming days.

What do you think to this release from Instagram? Will it change how you use Instagram stories for your business? Let us know in the comments ?

Check out another recent Instagram launch: IGTV: Long-form video on Instagram

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How to Share a Post to Your Instagram Story

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Did you know that you can share your or someone else’s post on your Instagram Story? They say sharing is caring, and developers at Instagram appear keen to let you share as much content as you’d like, only when it comes to stories—and memories.

In this article, you’ll see how to share a post to your Instagram Story and get answers to questions relating to the subject. Let’s get started!

Why Are Instagram Stories So Popular?

Today, Instagram Stories is one of the features that grab the viewer’s attention right away. The reason is that stories are narratives unfolding in real-time, and everyone is keen to catch a glimpse. New stories appear at the top, where they gain a lot of attention during their 24-hour posting period. Here’s what to do.

Sharing an Instagram Post to Your Story on Android or iOS/iPhone

Sharing an Instagram post to your Instagram Story is easy compared to sharing it in your feed.

  1. Launch the Instagram app and locate the post you’d like to share.

  2. Tap on the “paper airplane” button appearing below the post. This launches the “Share” menu.

  3. Tap on “Add post to your Story.” At this point, the post will automatically upload in the form of a customizable sticker.

  4. In the bottom-left corner, tap on “Your Story” to post.

Do keep in mind that when you tap Your Story the post will automatically upload. There are no confirmation pop-ups, so if you aren’t sure you want to post this to your Story for everyone to see, don’t tap the Your Story button until you’re ready.

How to Share a Post to Your Instagram Story With a Caption on iOS/iPhone or Android

A caption offers the perfect way to give your Story a personal touch. The process is the same as just sharing a post to your Instagram Story, except a couple more steps get added.

  1. Launch the Instagram app and locate the post you’d like to share.

  2. Tap on the “paper airplane” button appearing below the post.

  3. Tap on “Add post to your Story” to upload the post in the form of a customizable sticker.

  4. Tap on the “text icon” at the top of the window and proceed to create your caption.

  5. Once you’re done typing, tap on “Your Story” to post it.

You can also add stickers and other customized details using the different options in the same menu at the top of the screen.

How to Share Instagram Memories to Your Story on Mobile

Instagram memories are posts that you’ve archived and can recover to share and enjoy later on. Here is how you can share an Instagram memory to your Story:

  1. Open the Instagram app and then tap the “hamburger icon” at the top.

  2. Select “Archive.”

  3. Tap on the dropdown menu at the top and then select “Stories Archive.”

  4. Scroll through your memories and select the post you’d like to share.

  5. Tap on the “Share” button just beside the post.

  6. Tap on “Send to” and then from the resulting options, select “Your Story.”

Sharing Instagram posts to your Story is undoubtedly one of the best ways to keep your followers engaged. Thanks to this guide, nothing will stop you from going ahead and sharing a post right away. Maybe you’ll get more views!

How to Share an Instagram Post With Select Users

Perhaps you want to send someone’s posts to another Instagram user privately. Fortunately, you can. Instagram users can share someone else’s post with their close friends or in a DM. Here’s how:

  1. Open Instagram and navigate to the post you’d like to share. Then, tap on the paper airplane icon.

  2. Tap the bubble next to the contact where you’d like to share the post. Then, tap Send.

Keep in mind that you can also share the post with a group on Instagram. If you select the Create Group option rather than one friend, you can choose multiple Instagram users to see your shared post.

If you want to share your post as a Story, but only with select friends, do this:

  1. Navigate to the post you’d like to share and tap on the paper airplane icon.

  2. Tap on Add post to your Story.

  3. Next, tap on the Close Friends icon to the right of the Your Story option.

Rather than sharing with everyone on Instagram, you’ll only share the post with select friends.

Instagram Post Sharing to Stories FAQs

Here are some more answers to your questions about Instagram Stories.

Why isn’t the ‘share to story’ option on Instagram working?

This scenario usually happens when the user has turned off “Resharing to Stories.” The only way to solve this is to ask the individual to turn the settings on for you.

How many stories can I post on Instagram?

You can post a maximum of 100 clips to Instagram Stories in one day.

Can you turn an Instagram Story into a post?

Yes. To do so, open “Your Story” and tap on “More.” Select “Share as Post.”

Why can’t I share an Instagram post to My Story?

This situation occurs if you’re attempting to share a post from a private account or if the other party turned off sharing.

What are Instagram Memories?

Instagram Memories is pretty much the same thing as Facebook Memories. You receive “On This Day” notifications on posts from the same day, one or more years ago. You have several options, including adding it to your Story, sending it in a direct message to friends, etc.

How do I control who can see my shared post on Instagram?

You may not want to share an Instagram Story with everyone. Fortunately, you can use the Close Friends feature to limit who sees your Story. After selecting the option to Add post to your Story, you can tap on the Close Friends option located in the lower left-hand corner. Here, you can choose which friends can see your shared post.

Wrapping Up

There are many reasons that you might want to share an Instagram post on your story. To help build your audience, you can share an Instagram post that catches your eye to your Story so that everyone can see it. Do you have any tips, tricks, or questions related to sharing Instagram posts on your story?

How to repost a post in an Instagram story

Would you like to easily repost someone's Instagram post? Have you heard about the ability to add posts to your Stories?

In this article, you will learn how to add any public post to your Instagram story and how this feature will be beneficial for your business.

Find out if you have a repost feature

This feature is currently being tested and only available to a select audience. Not everyone has access to it yet. Even we don't have it, but luckily for us, our friends have it and they gave us access to their account to show it to you.

So, to find out if you have access, select any public post from any public account, including your own. Click on the Message or Send to button, it's the icon below the post picture that looks like a paper airplane. If you have the Add Post to Your Story option, then this functionality is available to you.

Please note that Instagram allows accounts to block this functionality. If you are checking the post and you do not have this option, then your account may have disabled this feature. You will need to check another account to see if you actually have access.

Repost to your stories

This new feature is a prelude to the official "regram" on Instagram. This is not a fully functional regram, as many would like. In this testing version, you can share an Instagram post in your own story. You cannot reshare it to your Instagram feed.

The process of sharing a post is relatively quick and easy.

Select any post, including your own. Click on the Send To button and select Add Post to Your Story as mentioned above.

A new history post will open. Instagram's technology automatically selects color gradients for the background color based on the colors in the image. The original post in this case will be a square image with the account name below it.

Now that you have a story post, edit your story as usual to add more context to your reshared post. You can drag and resize a shareable post and add text, stickers and other components to it.

If you don't like the background color that Instagram applied to a post, you can change it. To get started, click on the pencil icon.

Unfortunately, in this testing version, although the username is indicated at the bottom of the photo in the story, the original user is not noted in the post itself. That is, he will not receive notifications that you have shared his post.

In this situation, as a rule of etiquette, you need to indicate the proper copyright by adding text that contains the original user and tag him in the post so that he receives an alert.

Now complete your story by loading it in the normal way. Now you and your followers will be able to see it in your profile.

Interacting with reposts

When a user has republished a post to their stories, you can click on the story and then click on See Post to go directly to the original post from that user.

Once you open the original post, you can interact with it as usual, like or comment on it.

Edit sharing settings

By default, your account allows others to share your posts. Anyone should already have this option in their account settings by now.

There may be situations, however, when you don't want other accounts to be able to share your posts in their stories. You can easily stop this, even if the republish functionality is not available to you yet.

Click on the mechanism icon in your profile and scroll down to the Allow Others to Reshare option. If the slider for this option is enabled, then people can currently share your posts. To disable this setting, click on the slider and it will disable this option.

Legality of republishing

There are always doubts about posting someone else's content on social networks. They own the copyright to the original work and you need access to reuse that content.

Many sharing features on platforms like Facebook and Twitter allow users to bypass copyrights by sharing the original post with the copyright. This new Instagram reshare feature works more like these share features and most users will use this tool without considering the rights of the original users.

Of course, it's always best to ask permission before sharing someone's content. Since this new feature in Instagram can make many users happy when sharing their content. But that shouldn't stop you from asking permission.

This will be especially true when customers share content about your product or service. If you are sharing content that can generate financial benefit for your business, in the form of using posts as recommendations, then you will need to make sure that you have clear permission from the owner to republish their post.

5 Creative Ways to Use Reshare Posts

Like many of us who love to repost on Instagram, this repost feature provides a variety of ways to leverage your Instagram Stories content strategy. If you have this functionality, then you will need to consider reshing in such ways.

Show how your customers use your product or service.

Highlight local events near your business.

Get industry advice from market leaders.

Share breaking news and updates related to your industry or audience.

Cross-promoting your own Instagram posts in your own stories will increase reach among your own audience.

Even if you don't currently have this feature, it will most likely be an advantage for your company to enable the resharing feature. If your followers or others have access to this feature, then they can easily share your posts to their audience. This can give you more reach and exposure to new audiences and can drive more engagement to your posts, potentially leading to more followers.

When this functionality is rolled out to all users, it will be a great way to run contests that require you to reshare your posts.


The republish feature is still being tested and most users do not have access to it. This has been a request from many users over the years and we can assume that this feature or something similar to it will be rolled out to the general public in the near future.

How to post in stories on Instagram?

But if you decide that the native functionality of Instagram is not enough for you and you want, for example, to repost a post to your feed, then use the Repost + application - download it, log in and copy the link to the desired publication:

Read more posts by this author.

Alina Gashinskaya
      • 0.0.1 Alina Gashinskaya
  • 1 How to add a post in the history of Instagram
  • , Imagine
  • 3 # 4: Legal aspects you have the function of republishing
  • 5 What material to publish in stories

The article has been updated. First published: October 3, 2018

First, let's figure out what exactly you can repost to your Stories

  • other people's Stories on which you are tagged,
  • posts from your feed,
  • posts from someone else's feed,
  • videos from the IG-TV section - from your own or someone else's account (preview 15 seconds).

Let's see how it works.

Instagram has never had and most likely will not have a repost function, like in VK or Facebook. There are third-party applications, but all this does not look very beautiful. But there is a function to share in stories. This is an analogue of the repost button, only adjusted for the fact that you share the post you like not in your feed, but in History.

How to add a post to Instagram Story

To share a post on Instagram Story, open your own or someone else's post in the app. Click the paper plane button below the entry.

An additional plate will appear, where we tap

After that, you will find yourself in the standard interface for creating a History, where the record will be located in the center.

You can rotate, scale and reposition the image, as well as complete it with your own text, hashtags, geolocation, GIFs and so on.

When viewing a Story where someone shared content from another account, clicking on the username will navigate to the original post. This feature will be useful when running contests on Instagram where you need to share a post. Also, you can use the repost in stories in order to draw attention to new publications.

Stories are very popular on Instagram for absolutely everyone. They allow you to upload videos about recent and highlight events, talk about the event and share emotions. To post a story on an iPhone or Android, you will have to follow identical steps.

Designing stories

To make stories look high quality and attractive, it simply needs to be designed. There are several ways to do this. Before the final upload, the application will prompt you to use:

  • boomerang - the uploaded episode will be repeated in reverse order;
  • superzoom - zoom function with visual and sound effects;
  • focus - portrait shooting mode;
  • and others.

Recent updates allow you to use various decorations in the form of masks, hearts and other curly frames. Most users are happy to use effects for personal stories. To share a publication you like or post a story, you only need to skillfully use the offered opportunities.

When creating a storis, remember that there are time and size limits for photos and videos. So that stories are displayed as you need to follow the rules. Otherwise, the program will crop the pictures and videos on its own.

A beautiful and relevant post in history is the key to numerous views and attracting subscribers. Particular attention should be paid to stories, as they appear first of all in the feed of subscribers after the update. Numerous views and subscribers guarantee bloggers and other users that the page will be displayed first of all to subscribers.

To add a post to Stories, you need to click on the airplane icon - the same one that you use to send photos and videos via private messages. You can resize the sticker post and place it on any background.

Show your followers the photos and videos you care about.

Instagram has a feature that allows you to share your own and other people's publications through Stories. The post will be displayed as a sticker with the author's nickname and a link to the original source.

To add a post to Stories, you need to click on the airplane icon - the same one that you use to send photos and videos via private messages. You can resize the sticker post and place it on any background.

Only posts from public accounts can be added to Stories. Through the application settings, it is possible to prevent the sharing of your pictures.

The new feature is about to become available to Android users, and will get to iOS in the coming week.

If you don't like the background color that Instagram applied to a post, you can change it.

#4: Legal Considerations

There are always legal issues with other people's social media content. Someone else owns the copyright and you need permission to use the content.

This new feature on Instagram is more like sharing features and many users will use this tool without regard to author rights.

It's always best to ask permission before posting someone's content.

This will be especially true if you post content about your product or service (which your customers have posted).

If you are sharing content that could benefit you using customer testimonial posts, then you need to make sure you have permission from those people. Therefore, write in the comments or direct to publish later.

Once you have permission, post for health and benefit :)!

This feature is currently being tested and only available to a specific audience. Not everyone has access to it yet. Even we don't have it, but luckily for us, our friends have it and they gave us access to their account to show it to you.

Find out if you have a repost feature

This feature is currently being tested and only available to a select audience. Not everyone has access to it yet. Even we don't have it, but luckily for us, our friends have it and they gave us access to their account to show it to you.

So, to find out if you have access, select any public post from any public account, including your own. Click on the Message or Send to button, it's the icon below the post picture that looks like a paper airplane. If you have the Add Post to Your Story option, then this functionality is available to you.

Please note that Instagram allows accounts to block this functionality. If you are checking the post and you do not have this option, then your account may have disabled this feature. You will need to check another account to see if you actually have access.

4 types of links are placed in Stories:

To place the simplest, non-clickable address, copy the URL to the clipboard. If the path is long, use shortening services like . Subscribers who are going to rewrite the combination manually will thank you for this. Then select a photo or video and start creating stories:

  • open the photo service application on your phone or tablet;
  • log in to your account;
  • click on the camera icon in the upper left corner;
  • choose an image in the gallery or take a new one;
  • in the history options, click on the "Aa" tool, which is responsible for writing the text;
  • paste the URL, adjust the color, position and style, and click Done in the upper right corner.

Resize, optionally add stickers or calls to rewrite the link in the browser and go. When the design is ready, tap on "Your Story" and publish it on the page.

If you use the tool in your brand account, it's better to ask for the link in direct. Send the address to everyone personally - in the messages, the GS are clickable.

Unlike Instagram stories, the main content in the account is consistent. Therefore, in the profile you need to lay out what should remain there. There are some more features of posts in the feed:

What material to publish in stories

Instagram story posts are one-day projects. In stories, you can publish what you can not save for a long time. This will allow you to remind yourself, but not litter the subscribers' feed. What stories are interesting to people on Instagram? Features of publications in stories:

In addition, you can team up with another blogger and agree on mutual PR. For example, you publish the best photo of him and encourage subscribers to visit an interesting account. Another blogger is doing a similar ad.

Blog post - reflects the idea of ​​the entire account, should be combined with other publications and not stand out from the general style. Stories is a place for experiments and creativity, the main thing is to clearly know the portrait of your ideal reader. And then there will be a lot of ideas what stories can be done on Instagram.

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