How to find nearby friends on instagram

How to Find Instagram Accounts Near Me (Find Nearby People on Instagram)

Find Nearby People on Instagram: So, you just met someone in your area you had never seen before or someone recently shifted in your neighborhood. You are really curious about the person and want to know if they use social media accounts. Well, this curiosity can get you searching for the person all day every day until you find them on Instagram.

Instagram is a perfect place to find your friends, school buddies, relatives, and people that inspire you. It is a one-stop destination for people searching for Instagrammers.

All you have to do is type the username of the target in the search bar and choose the right profile.

There you go!

But, what if you don’t know the username? What if you just crossed paths with someone you have developed an interest in, but couldn’t gather the courage to ask their name?

What if we told you Instagram has a built-in feature that allows you to find people near me on Instagram? Or, in simple words, you can find nearby girl on Instagram?

In this post, iStaunch will show you a detailed guide on how to find Instagram accounts near me.

By the end of this post, whoever it is that you are looking for, rest easy knowing that you can locate them with simple clicks on Instagram.

Sound’s good? Let’s get started.

Can You Find People Near Me on Instagram?

How to Find Nearby People on Instagram (Find Nearby Girl on Instagram)

How Does Instagram’s “Nearby Places” Feature Work?

Instagram Finder – Find Nearby Instagram Users (Third-Party Apps)

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Find People Near Me on Instagram?

Yes, it is possible to find people near me on Instagram without typing their username in search bar.

In fact, you can do that using the app’s built-in feature only.

If you have been using Instagram for a while, you know the app has a location feature that allows you to track location of someone’s Instagram account.

Now, this feature work wonders for those looking for Instagram users near me. This method, however, may not work for everyone. But, nothing to worry about! We have other methods too!

Let’s start with the location feature and later we will discuss a few other ways to find nearby Instagram users.

How to Find Nearby People on Instagram (Find Nearby Girl on Instagram)

To find nearby people or girl on Instagram, open the Instagram and tap on Search. You will see the search bar that has a couple of options – accounts, tags, places, and more. Select “places” and type the name of your target city. Next, you will find the post of the accounts that are near to your location.

This feature really works for people living in small towns, since if the person has mentioned their location with their recent posts, chances are they will appear when you search for them in the specific locations.

However, if you are from a crowded densely populated city with hundreds of thousands of people using Instagram, the location feature will show you tons of accounts featuring your target location.

If you are looking for people in your specific area, you can enter your address in the place. This will narrow down your search result to the top accounts near you.

Here’s how you can:

  • Open Instagram on your Android or iPhone device.
  • Click on the search icon located at the bottom of the screen.
  • Next, you will see a couple of options – accounts, tags, places, and more.
  • Tap on Nearby Places and select the location.
  • Look at the Top and Recent posts within that area.
  • Here you will find nearby people on Instagram.

If you want more accounts nearby you, turn on your GPS and allow Instagram to track your location. Your current location is displayed automatically when you have enabled the GPS.

How Does Instagram’s “Nearby Places” Feature Work?

Suppose you saw someone at a mall in your city and now you are curious to know who they were, do they have an Instagram account, and by what name do have an Insta account.

If they were at the mall, chances are they must have clicked and uploaded a photo on Instagram with the location tag, since it is trending these days. People upload a photo of every place they visit with the location tag.

Now, what you have to do is follow the above steps and type the name of the mall or turn on your GPS to let Instagram auto-detect your location.

Once you have found the location, check out the “recent” section and not the “top” posts.

The “top” posts will show you only the users that have gathered a large number of likes and comments on their posts. The “Recent” tab will take you to the Instagram accounts that have recently posted a photo tagging the target location.

Instagram Finder – Find Nearby Instagram Users (Third-Party Apps)

There are plenty of Instagram account finder apps that allow you to search for people in your area. These apps claim to help you locate the person you have been searching for in the easiest possible way, but there is no guarantee whether they work or not. It is something you have to try on your own.

Check out a few third-party apps, type the location, and see if they work. If this does not bring satisfying results, you always have the built-in feature to try.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the location feature really helpful in showing the Instagram accounts nearby?

This method does not always work. In fact, in most cases, people are unable to find the target user since not everyone has a public account. For the method to work, the person you are looking for should have a public account and they must be really into socializing. If you are certain the target will upload their photo in that location, it is totally worth giving it a shot.

Is there any other way to search for an Instagram account nearby?

Third-party apps are available, but they do not work generally. You can give it a shot though. Check out the latest third-party apps that help you find Instagram accounts within your location to see if you are able to find people near you.


Use the built-in location feature to find people on Instagram near you. It is the easiest way to find someone’s Instagram account without knowing their username or any other detail. Type the place where you saw them in your Instagram search bar and find their account in the “recent” section.

Also Read:

  • How to Find Out Who Created an Instagram Account
  • How to Read Unsend Messages on Instagram
  • How to Mark Messages as Unread on Instagram
  • How to Fix Instagram Reels Not Working (Instagram Reels Not Showing)

How To Find Nearby People On Instagram – Best App – TechniqueHow

by Pranab Sen

Your Quick Answer:

Instagram’s Nearby Place feature displays the topmost and the recent posts that different users have posted from your location or somewhere near your location.

From there you can find the uploaders who have uploaded these posts and hence their account. You can get to know the usernames of the Instagram accounts near your location from these recent & top posts.

Even if you’ve random usernames of Instagram users, you can manually search for them using the search option on Instagram and visit their profiles to know about their location details.

Instagram has an inbuilt feature that can track and provide the location details of a user from their post. Users on Instagram can enter any location manually or use GPS to get the location to find the Instagram accounts that are near their location.

There are several third-party applications and online tools that claim to provide the account details of users that are near your location. These third-party applications are designed with advanced features that can help you in finding the Instagram accounts near your location along with their account details.

You can directly find those people near you using the App.


🔯 What Is Instagram’s Nearby Place Feature?

Instagram has this feature of finding the accounts that are in the nearby location. These features help the user find the accounts and posts that are near or in the location of the user.

You can manually enter a location to search for nearby accounts, or you can take the help of GPS to detect your location and find the profiles nearby your location.

You’ve to click on the search bar and then click on Places to enter your location by using the Nearby Places option.

It will display your top posts and recent posts that are uploaded from the same location as yours. You can see the top post i.e the ones with the most amount of engagement from the Top section and the posts that are uploaded recently from the Recent section.

The Instagram accounts from where these posts are uploaded and posted are the accounts that are near your location.

You can find the Instagram accounts that are near your location. You’ll have to be able to know the username of those accounts that are near your location by clicking on the Places on the Search page. You’ll be able to enter your current location to search for the accounts that are in or near the location you’ve specified.

Here, you’ll be able to find the accounts that have posted pictures from a location the same as yours. These accounts are the accounts that are near your location.

1. Search on Instagram:

On Instagram, you can search for random people using their usernames to find out about their location. The Instagram application has a built-in feature that can track the location of users. Users can add their location in their posts from which, the location of that particular user can be tracked and known.

Therefore if you’ve usernames of Instagram users you can manually search for the accounts on Instagram. You can find out their locations from their post to get to know where they are.

◘ You can search for random profiles on Instagram using their username. You’ve to click on the magnifier glass option from the bottom section to search for the usernames using the search bar.

◘ Go to the posts section of the user.

◘ You can turn on the GPS and view Recent posts from your location to find the accounts that are near your location.

◘ You can manually use profile usernames to search for their accounts to view their location from which you can know their whereabouts.

◘ If you know the username of someone, you can look for their profiles on Instagram to view their location.

🔴 You can find the accounts near your location by following the steps mentioned below in detail:

Step 1: Open the Instagram application on your device.

Step 2: Log in to your accounts using the correct details.

Step 3: Next, from the home page, click on the magnifier glass option which will lead you to the Explore page.

Step 4: On the explore page, click on the Search bar, you’ll be displayed with a few options in a line below the search bar. Click on Places.

Step 5: Next, you’ve to input your location by entering it down or using the Nearby places option.

Step 6: You’ll be immediately displayed with some recent posts of several users. The location of these posts is the same as yours.

Step 7: You’ll have to look at the top and recent posts within the given location.

2. Instagram Find People Nearby Tool:

You can use these online tools for finding people on Instagram. These tools help in tracking the location of the user in no time. They use the easiest method possible to track and locate the profile of any users you’ve been searching for in the quickest way possible.

These finder tools use technology to locate the accounts that are around your location.

Different third-party applications claim to find Instagram accounts within your location in no time.

⭐️ Features:

◘ These online tools can locate the different accounts based on or near your location.

◘ It can update you about the real-time location of these profiles along with the distance.

◘ It provides you details about the username, email, and other information of these accounts.

◘ You can find the usernames of the new or recently created accounts near your location separately.

🔴 Steps To Use:

Step 1: Install any of these third-party applications or you can also use the third-party tools available.

Step 2: Launch the app or tool on your device.

Step 3: Create your profile to get into the application.

Step 4: Use your GPS to detect the location of your device or you can enter manually.

Step 5: Next, scan for nearby accounts.

Step 6: From the results, you’ll be able to find the usernames of those accounts that are near your location.

The Bottom Lines:

The Nearby Places feature of the Instagram account helps find the recent and topmost posts from your location. Even searching usernames manually on Instagram to know about their location and details. You can also use different third-party online tools & applications to find the details of the Instagram accounts that are near your location.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How Can I Find Someone on Instagram without their name?

If you don’t know someone’s name but you have his contact number or email ID then you can use those details in order to add him. You would see the contact syncing option that once you turn on all of your contacts’ accounts will show up if they have an Instagram account.

2. Can I search for people on Instagram From a certain location?

Instagram does not allow you to search for people from a particular location, you can only use that nearby people option and that is the only way you can do this.

Also Read:

How to find Instagram accounts near me


So, you have just met someone in your area who you have never seen before, or someone who has recently moved to your area. You are really curious about this person and want to know if they use social media accounts. Well, that curiosity can make you look for a person all day every day until you find them on Instagram.

Instagram is the perfect place to find friends, school friends, family and people who inspire you. This is a one-stop destination for people looking for Instagrammers.

All you have to do is enter the target's username in the search bar and select the correct profile.

That's it!

But what if you don't know the username? What if you just met someone you showed interest in but couldn't muster up the courage to ask their name?

What if we told you that Instagram has a built-in feature that allows you to find Instagram accounts near you? Or, in simple terms, can you find people near you on Instagram?

In this post, iStaunch will show you a detailed guide on how to find Instagram accounts near me.

By the end of this post, whoever you're looking for, don't worry knowing that you can find them with simple Instagram clicks.

Sounds great? Let's start.

Can you find people near you on Instagram without a username?

Yes, you can search for an Instagram account near you without entering their username in the search bar. In fact, you can only do this with the app's built-in feature. If you have been using Instagram for a while, you know that the app has a location feature that allows you to track the location of someone's Instagram account.

Now this feature works wonders for those who are looking for Instagrammers from a specific region. However, this method may not work for everyone. But there is nothing to worry about! We have other methods too!

Let's start with the location feature, and later we'll discuss a few more ways to find people near you on Instagram.

How to find Instagram accounts near me

Open Instagram explore section, you will see a search bar with several options - accounts, tags, places and more. Select "places" and enter the name of the target city. Next, you'll find a message about accounts that are near your location.

This feature really works for people who live in smaller towns, because if a person has mentioned their location in their recent posts, chances are they will show up when you search for them in specific locations.

However, if you are from a populous city with hundreds of thousands of people using Instagram, the location feature will show you many accounts with your target location.

If you are looking for people in your specific area, you can enter your address here. This will narrow your search result down to the most popular accounts near you.

Here's how to do it:

  • Open Instagram on your phone.
  • Click the search bar and select Places.
  • Click on "Places Nearby" and select a location.
  • Look at the most popular and recent posts in this area.
  • Here you will find accounts near you.
If you want more accounts near you, turn on GPS and let Instagram track your location. Your current location is displayed automatically when you turn on GPS.

How does Places Nearby work on Instagram?

Let's say you saw someone in a mall in your city and now you are curious to know who they are, if they have an Instagram account, and under what name is the Insta account.

If they were at the mall, chances are they must have clicked and uploaded a photo to Instagram with the location tag as it's popular these days. People upload photos of every place they visit with a location tag.

Now you need to follow the steps above and enter the name of the shopping center or turn on the GPS so that Instagram automatically determines your location.

Once you find the location, check the "recent" section, not the "most popular" posts.

"Best" posts will show you only those users who have received a large number of likes and comments on their posts. The Recent tab will take you to Instagram accounts that recently posted a photo with a target location tagged.

Instagram Finder - Find People Near You (Third Party Apps)

There are many Instagram account finder apps that let you search for people in your area. These apps claim to help you find the person you're looking for in the easiest way, but there's no guarantee if they work or not. This is something you need to try on your own.

Check several third party apps, enter location and see if they work. If this does not bring satisfactory results, you can always try the built-in function.


Does the location function really help show nearby Instagram accounts?

This method does not always work. In fact, in most cases, people cannot find the target user because not everyone has a public account. For the method to work, the person you are looking for must have a public account and must be actually engaged in the conversation. If you're sure the target will upload their photo in that location, it's worth a try.

Is there another way to find an Instagram account nearby?

Third party applications are available but generally do not work. Although you can try. Check out the latest third-party apps to help you find Instagram accounts in your area to see if you can find people near you.


Use the built-in location feature to find people on Instagram near you. This is the easiest way to find someone's Instagram account without knowing their username or any other details. Enter the location where you saw them in the Instagram search bar and look for their account in the Recent section.

How to see a list of close friends on Instagram ▷ ➡️ Creative Stop ▷ ➡️

Have you noticed in the last few days the existence of Instagram which allows you to list "close friends" so that certain content can only be accessed by them. Intrigued by this, he immediately made his list, but without success.

Despite your attempts, you still haven't been able to figure out how to view - and possibly modify - the list in question, so you'd like to know if I can help you with that. Of course you can, don't worry. If you give me a few minutes of your precious free time, I can explain in person how to view Instagram close friends list .

I already tell you that this can only be done from your mobile, using the application of the well-known photo social network for Android or iPhone, and that it is an easy process. But let's not get lost in chatter and get straight to the point. Here you will find all the addresses you need. Enjoy reading!

  • How to view Instagram closest friends list
  • How to edit Instagram close friends list
  • How to view the list of other people's closest friends on Instagram

Before we get to the point of the lesson, I'll explain how to view the list of close friends on Instagram I think it's my responsibility to give you some preliminary information on this, more explaining in detail what it is and what this functionality is intended for.

As I mentioned at the beginning of the guide, the Instagram closest friends list is a feature that allows you to create limited and private list of users with whom to share specific content through Stories. Therefore, it can be helpful to share more personal content that is targeted at people with whom you have a closer relationship.

This feature is available for any account and you do not need to activate it in advance to use it. All you have to do is customize the list by deciding which users to include in the list and which not.

Note that users on the closest friends list are not notified of this. In addition, no one can explicitly request the addition of another user to the list in question, unless, of course, the offer is made through messages or comments on the social network or by voice. The same goes for removing from the list.

Also note that it is currently not possible to create more than one friend list. However, it will certainly be useful to know that an unlimited number of users can be included in the list of closest friends.


  • 1 How to view Instagram closest friends list
  • 2 How to edit Instagram close friends list
  • 3 How to view other people's Instagram closest friends list

How to view Instagram closest friends list

Having made the necessary explanations above, let's get to the heart of the matter and therefore learn how to view the Instagram closest friends list.

To do this, you first need to take your smartphone, unlock it, launch the popular photo social networking app for Android or iPhone, and log in to your account (if necessary). At this point, touch the icon with little person or your avatar in the lower right corner so that you can access your profile screen, press the button with horizontal lines at the top of the screen and select Close friends from the menu that appears.

In the new screen that appears, you will be able to see a list of all the users that you have chosen to include as your closest friends, according to the text Close friends (marked with a green icon with a star next to the corresponding profile photo).

If you are interested, I would like to inform you that if you touch a certain name, you will be redirected to your profile, which will be marked with the words Follow now in green. If you can't find a friend on the list, you can help find them by entering their name in the search box at the top.

In addition, as I already pointed out, you can view the Instagram closest friends list by proceeding as follows: tap the icon small person or your avatar in the lower right corner of the application screen, then press the button with horizontal lines place on top and then brush voice Settings in the menu that opens. In the new screen that appears, click on Account e Close friends .

How to edit your Instagram close friends list

Of course, you can also edit your Instagram close friends list if needed . Again, this is an incredibly simple procedure. Let's now see how we should proceed.

First you need to take your smartphone, unlock it and launch the Instagram App. Once you see the main screen of the application, sign in to your account (if necessary), press the icon little person or your avatar To access your profile, press the button with horizontal lines located at the top to select Close friends in the menu that opens. Or select Settings from the menu to Account then voice Close friends .

On the new screen that appears, if you want to add new users to your closest friends list, enter the name of the account you are interested in in the search box on the site at the top and tap the 9 key0041 adds which you will find in search results. Alternatively, you can directly select the users you are interested in from the offers in section Proposed .

Also, as I already pointed out, you can add users to your Instagram closest friends list by going to their profile, pressing the button follow (if the user in question is still not followed) and/or about that Follow now (if you are already following him) and then by touching voice Add to your closest friends list from the menu that appears.

However, if you are interested in removing certain users from your closest friends list, find the accounts you want to work on in Close friends and tap the Resign button that you find in your conversations. You can also delete all your closest friends at the same time by clicking on the Delete All icon twice in a row.

However, to exit the profile screen, simply press the button.

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