How to make your instagram look cool

8 Tips On How to Make Your Instagram Better & Follow-Worthy

Feeling like your Instagram feed is in a creative rut? Don’t worry, we’re here to provide you with 8 key tips on how to have a good Instagram feed and take your grid to the next level!

So what is an Instagram grid, anyway? When you’re viewing an Instagram profile on your smartphone, you’ll see nine photos at once. These nine photos make up “the grid”.

On some of your favorite accounts, you may even notice subtle color nuances and styles that make the content POP 💥!

These harmonious grid effects are super effective in getting people to stop scrolling, like their images and even comment!

When you’re thoughtfully trying to make your Instagram look better, by applying a theme or creating a cohesive look, you can create a style all your own.

Ready to learn how to make your Instagram feed look good and rock the grid? Let’s dive in!

How to Have a Good Instagram Feed in 8 Simple Steps

There are a few tips and tricks that beautifying your Instagram feed really simple through visually planning your Instagram posts.

Let’s unpack our tips on how to make your Instagram pretty and follow-worthy below!

1. Think like an editor

You’ll want to start thinking about your Instagram feed as a whole entity and not as individual posts.

This is the first small mental change to make to your Instagram posting process in order to implement a feed plan and create a cohesive look.

So what do we mean by think like an editor? Chiefly, you’ll want to take these things into consideration when creating a nice feed on Instagram:

  1. The types of photos or videos you’ll post
  2. The exact placement of photos in relation to each other
  3. Making sure each post fits the style that you create for your visual theme (more on this later!)
  4. Plan your Instagram content in advance for posting (spur-of-the-moment photos might be hard to fit into your styled Grid!) 
  5. Process each photo through filters, apps and/ or presets the same way (more on this later!)

For an example of a themed Instagram grid, this is Stitch Fix’s Instagram account and top nine grid.

Stitch Fix uses lighter photos with lots of white space.

Their content usually consists of product features and styled videos!

Think of your Instagram feed as a whole, not individual posts, if you want to rock the grid. Click to Tweet

On the other hand,Queenhorsfal rocks a super tight grid and she works in threes.

You can see from this top nine that she has one more post to add that will be blue.

Working in groups of threes, each with their own color story, is another great way to create beautiful content and make your Instagram look better.

Among our tips on how to improve your Instagram, this is one you should definitely apply!

2. Cover one topic

Popular Instagram accounts have a theme and keep it super tight. To make your Instagram look better, you’ll need to set parameters for your feed and stick to it.

For example, take @artsyaffirmations Instagram feed. Their theme is pop culture art, and their content is all about positive affirmations.

Although they use a suite of bright colors and funky graphics, their theme of positive messages and self-affirmation is present in every post.

If you’re wondering how to make your Instagram feed look good, kiss random spur-of-the-moment content goodbye.

Remember the mission and values behind your account, and make sure they’re present in every post!

3. Create a unified visual theme

Keeping a consistent visual theme is a crucial part of our list of tips on how to improve your Instagram feed.

Popular ways to unify your Instagram feed theme include focusing on color palettes and editing your photos in the same way!

You can create specific style guidelines to follow for each photo! Take @dananicoledesigns feed, for example!

Dana uses two main types of visual content to keep her feed looking unified: actual photos, and stylized graphics!

Let’s take a closer look! Psst… make a mental note to create similar style guidelines to ensure cohesiveness in your feed:

  1. Dana always edits her photos with the same rosy presets.
  2. She uses text graphics with the same blush background color and white accents.
  3. She also uses the same font across each graphic.

4. Design your aesthetic

For methods on how to make your Instagram more appealing, look straight to designing your own aesthetic.

Whether you’re a Photoshop or smartphone user, you need to develop the way you want to edit each photo or video.

This creates a cohesive feed no matter where you take your photos.

With Photoshop, you can use Photoshop actions to process each photo with one click.

If you’re not a Photoshop pro yet, you can find many free Photoshop actions out there to save and then tweak them to make the mood and style you’re trying to achieve.

Lightroom is another great way to process photos. You can find Lightroom presets to achieve the same goal as Photoshop actions.

There’s also a Lightroom app for your phone so you can process your photos on the go and still match your style!

VSCO is the most popular app for processing Instagram photos with fashion and lifestyle bloggers.

They have it down to a science and, wow, does it show in their amazing Instagram feeds.

If you’re hoping to make your Instagram look better, it doesn’t matter how you choose to take your photos or process them.

What matters is that you consistently use the same filters and settings for each photo to match the aesthetic that you choose!

5. Take high-quality photos

Our list of tips for how to make your Instagram feed better wouldn’t be complete without this deceptively easy fix: high- quality photos!

High-quality photos aren’t out of your reach, even if you don’t have a fancy DSLR. You just need a steady hand, some patience and an eye for composing your photos in unexpected ways!

Whether you’re taking professional-looking photos with your iPhone, or snapping lifestyle shots with your Android device… nearly every modern SmartPhone device can deliver jaw-dropping photos!

Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Use the AE/AF lock feature to set your exposure before taking your picture
  • Turn on Grid Lines to make your photo composition even better
  • Find your best natural lighting – try shooting by a window, or outdoors in mid-morning or mid-evening!

For even more easy tips to become a Smartphone photography, pro, tune into our free webinar with stock photo master Kayla Marie Butler of The Ivory Mix!


Color-coordinate your Instagram feed

Wondering how to make your Instagram pretty? Try adding splashes of color to your visual planning approach!

Adopting an Instagram color theme isn’t as complicated as it sounds.

You can peruse Pinterest and some of your favorite feeds for color inspiration – or even make your own random palette with free apps like Coolors!

Here are some things to keep in mind when choosing colors that work for you:

  • Decide how many colors you want to use. Some palettes contain six colors, while some popular Instagram accounts only use two or three!
  • Keep your surroundings in mind. The type and location of photos you take most often will probably influence your color selection. For example, if you constantly take gorgeous seaside pics, you may not want to put neon colors or desert-dry hues into your palette.
  • Use a filter that makes your Instagram feed colors pop. Perfecting your photos and bringing your color palette out in every photo can be as simple as one tap! Peruse presets for sale online, or look up filter recipes on Pinterest to save in your favorite editing app!


Post consistently to Instagram

If you’re racking your brain wondering how to make your Instagram feed better, the answer may be simpler than you think. It’s consistency!

Whether you opt to post once per day, or only want to commit to three posts a week max, it’s important that you show up and post!


When you commit to posting consistently, you’re teaching your followers what to expect from you.

With regular posting and interaction, your followers will grow to expect your content in their feed and even happily wait for your latest and greatest post!

Visually Plan your Instagram Feed with Tailwind

Here’s the key tip on how to make your Instagram better visually: Planning.

The best Instagram feeds are ones that have been carefully and thoughtfully curated and prepared.

By planning your feed, you’ll be able to see how your photos look next to each other and adjust where needed in order to achieve the cohesive look and feel of your dreams.

Once you batch process your photos, you can plan out your grid in Tailwind with the Auto-Scheduler tool to schedule them at the optimal times using our Smart Scheduling tool for Instagram! Just:

  • Upload all your photos
  • Draft your captions and select the best Hashtags using Hashtag Finder
  • Drag, drop and re-arrange your posts in our 9-Grid Preview feature to perfect your grid!

Once you have them scheduled, when you use Auto Scheduler, those posts will go out at the best time for your Instagram audience.

Now there’s nothing left to do but go out there and create those ‘Gram-able moments. Anyone know a coffee shop that does latte art? ☕️#DoItForTheGram

Have any questions about how to use Tailwind for Instagram or how to make your feed pretty? Let’s hear them in the comments below!

Instagram Aesthetics: 7 Pro Tips to Stand Out & Increase Followers - PageCloud Blog

“So, are you on Instagram?”

Years ago, knee deep at a networking event, you probably wouldn’t expect to field questions about your presence on a photo sharing app. .. But, it’s 2021. Instagram? Well, now it’s as synonymous as a business card.

Yes, Instagram (or “Insta”, thank you fellow millennials) rapidly became an essential online social media tool for artists, influencers, travellers, bloggers, dog lovers, creators, and business owners - just to name a few.

It’s simple aesthetic-centric delivery communicates your vibe and keeps your audience updated with an ever rotating collection of images, videos and 24 hr stories that connect you with the world - and all the people who want to peer into your brand.

Before you can start sharing a glimpse into your company, your services, or your lifestyle, you’ll want to make sure your account won’t look like that really lazy attempt at scrapbooking your Aunt Carol did last minute from your awkward prom photos.

We caught up with a handful of incredible and successful Instagrammers and Digital Marketing Specialists to dive deep on the best way to launch your own account, and how to maintain it to grow followers that will stay loyal to your brand.

Know your audience first.

Instagram expert Kat Walters of @katwalters knows how important it is to visually connect your brand to your customers, and dedicates her creative energy to coaching others with a free Instagram class to achieve success with the app.

“You want to be clear about who your customer is, because you want to create an Instagram account that will appeal to them, and draw them into your world,” she suggests. “You want an account that they will look at and say YES, this is so for me, I belong here.”

Personal Stylist, Sydney Lester from @chicstripes thinks of Instagram as a powerful tool for your brand, too. “You can set a vibe, create a tone, and use captions to bring value in a crowded market. This social media platform should be used as a marketing tool to support your business and give your community a clear call to action,” she says.

Of course messaging and captions are very important to your audience, but the visual aspects of your account are what resonate first. You don’t want to just dump any old images into your Instagram and hope your accompanying messaging and content will reach them, Kat explains.

“People will just not bother to read your captions if the images you’re using don’t look good. They will just scroll on past. If your images and account looks great, well THEN your followers will read what you have to say.” 

Choose a consistent color scheme.

The first big thing to decide for your Instagram account - before you start fretting about hashtags and more advanced engagement - is a basic color scheme or color palette. This helps make your stockpile of images and videos look like one curated collection, rather than a jumbled hoard of disconnected moments.

Marisel Salazar, whose wildly popular Instagram account @breadbutternyc focuses on food and NYC lifestyle, uses consistent colors (her favourites) to stand out.

“I gravitate towards blues, greens, whites and slate,” she reveals, adding, “But that doesn't mean warmer colors don't make an appearance! Warm colors can actually make the feed pop when peppered in here and there.”

Similar lighting conditions can really mean a lot too, according to Toronto lifestyle blogger, Joelle Anello of @lapetitenoob. Her pink-centric account goes beyond just hues - there are other important considerations for her ideal aesthetic.

“I make sure to have a similar color palette in all of my photos,” she says, “But as well, I take all of my shots in similar lighting conditions.

So, you’ve chosen your colors, you’re being consistent with your lighting - now you can really start making an impact by limiting yourself to key filters, too.  

“Using the same apps and filters to edit all of your photos is important,” Joelle explains. This is good advice, as 18% of all Instagram posts use a filter.

The most liked and most used filter in the world is Claredon - it highlights and brightens while adding subtle depth and saturation to any photo.  Juno, Gingham, and Lark trail as close second choices. Don’t feel tied down by these champion filters though - you might stumble on the next great aesthetic by experimenting!

Have a theme.

In the same sense that you want to have a consistent color scheme, you also need to choose a theme to focus on. A theme is also more than just a subject matter - it can also involve staying true to certain composition guidelines.

This will help you to develop your audience, nurture hashtags, and it also helps you stay on track and build followers.

Joelle, having carved out a niche for herself with a lifestyle theme that encompasses fashion, travel, and everything in between, has her own philosophy. “Develop a theme early on and be consistent with it no matter what. Consistency can be difficult, especially when starting to work with brands who may have their own vision for sponsored content.”

Choosing something you’re passionate about is important - maybe you want to share a sneak peek into the life of parenting, motorcycle restoration, raw food, or the excitement of chasing UFO’s - whatever speaks to you.

Ryan O’Connor, Co Founder of One Tribe Apparel learned quickly that a theme doesn’t have to be restrictive.  “We've experimented with our @onetribeapparel Instagram feed a lot,” he admitted, “And now we don’t limit ourselves to photos that directly promote our products, but rather those that fit with our boho aesthetic.“

One Tribe Apparel doesn’t have a strict color theme like some accounts, he explained. “We try to stick to an outdoor nature aesthetic that vibes well with our colorful products, and the love of travel and yoga shared by our online community.”

Sometimes you'll need to help your theme along while you’re taking your pictures. “There’s a lot of fussing around,” Marisel admits. “I always carry a couple of consistent accessories on my person to liven up any shot.“ 

Design for the grid - and then break it.

Of course, when establishing a brand on Instagram, you need to consider a lot more than your individual photos - you need to think of how each image will look in the grid as well.

Lee Esposito from Digital PR firm Lee Esposito Associates thinks Instagram is about the ‘big picture’. “Remember that an Instagram feed is a mixture of images relating to one another, which means it incorporates individual images, as well as a grid of image thumbnails. It should tell a story,” he says.

Marisel agrees, but sees her feed as a giant puzzle, with a specific flow.  “I tend to alternate between overhead shots and straight on vertical angles,” she explains.

“I always play around with what shots will come in a specific sequence to make sure everything is fluid,” adding that she likes to use the photo album on her phone to arrange images - which is a pretty cool hack!

There are lots of apps available that can also do the trick. “To keep your Instagram feed looking fab, work in rows of 3 using the Planoly app,” Kat recommends. (Planoly is free and lets you drag and drop the layout of up to 30 posts per month.)

“You can check that they are going to look good, and keep your feed design on track. Once you have your next 3 ready to go you can start to post them knowing that your feed will stay gorgeous,” she says.

Splitting photos into tiles for Instagram can also make a really big impact. You may have already seen the really neat spreads, where a single image takes up 6 or even 9 tiles on your grid, to make it look like one gigantic image.

You don’t have to do this manually anymore, thanks to apps like Pic Splitter, Tile Pic, or Instagrid. If you choose this approach, remember that you will throw your whole look ‘out of whack’ if you don’t plan ahead to post to maintain their alignment. Planning ahead isn't just about what you'll post but about when you'll post too.

Furthermore, you need to think beyond the grid when you’re planning this kind of layout, according to Zellie Freidnman, Social Media Manager at Power Digital Marketing.  “You want to make sure each tile is a visually engaging photo that is unique enough to stand on its own outside of the grid,” she says.

Edit your images before posting.

Taking professional looking pictures with your smartphone is not only possible, but a fairly common practice, but that doesn’t mean you can cut out the most important step  - the editing process.

Once in a while you’ll have a lucky moment, when your picture turns out “just right” on your phone and you can post it straight to Instagram, but that’s the exception, not the rule. The good news is, there have been a ton of apps created to help you edit and hack the perfect look for your images.

You can also get creative and create composite images - they are imaginative and very attention grabbing when someone is scrolling through images. 

Kat, like many Instagram experts, knows that when it comes to your pictures “lots of little improvements add up to a BIG difference.” She edits her photos before she even considers opening her Instagram app.  “My fav app for this is A Color Story,” she shares. “There is always something you can do to improve your pics, even if it’s just lightening it up a bit.”

Marisel is a fan of spot editing. “I personally don't use any filters,” she says, “I like to individually spot edit my images on Instagram using Snapseed. I favor high contrast images, so I like to bump down ambiance to create starker photos that stand out.”

Grow your followers with Stories and Hashtags.

Taking a page out of the Snapchat book, Instagram became interactive with the launch of “Stories” in 2016. Instagrammers (and Snapchat lovers) rejoiced!

“You should be using Instagram Stories as an ongoing "highlight" reel of your behind the scenes day-to-day client interactions,” explains Sydney, “To showcase your unique personality and work style.

Self-professed foodie and blogger, Krysten Dornik of @KrystensKitchen agrees. “Instagram stories really helped me grow my Instagram account over the last year,” adding that she takes advantage of new tools available in the app.

“Using the ‘poll’ feature, the ‘swipe up’ option for links to your other content, and tagging companies to let them know you are talking about them are some of the easy ways to improve your marketing on Instagram.

She also keeps up on the new features that Instagram introduces throughout the year, like highlights.  

“Now you can choose a few things you would like to ‘highlight’ on your page from your instagram story,” she bubbles. “Right now, I am highlighting a giveaway and a new recipe on my blog!”

Food blogger Julia Nickerson of @SavoryTooth has some old school advice to growing followers - using actionable hashtags.  “My advice,” she shares, “Is that to drive engagement on your Instagram post, you should interact with posts using the same hashtags.”

She recommends regularly visiting posts from hashtags you currently use to leave comments and engage with the online communities associated with them. “Do this before and after publishing your post,” she advises. “This kind of activity tells the algorithm that you are active in that hashtag.”

Pull it all together.

If you pull all of these elements together, you’ll end up with a branded Instagram account that hits all the right chords online.

Take it from Kat: “Having an Instagram feed that looks like a mish mash will confuse your followers - BUT when you create a consistent theme that expresses your brand ‘soul essence’ it means that in just 3 seconds your followers are clear about your message and brand. It will create an instant deep connection with someone that is a fit for you. That’s how powerful it is.”

Well said. So, are you on Instagram? 

Your Instagram account integrates seamlessly with your Pagecloud website! Grow your followers online today.  

Add your Link in Bio! 

Did you know you can create a free link page to add to your social bios? Create a more engaging experience for your followers with a custom page for all your website, social media, shopping links, and more! For a step by step guide on how to create your free link page, check out this blog post!

10 ways to make your Instagram interesting - HEROINE

There are already several dozen photos on your Instagram, but no one but your best friend likes, and new friends are in no hurry to appear? For a cozy home "event recorder", which is kept in the mode of a personal diary, this is normal. You just leave notches for memory. If you want something more, then you need to take Instagram seriously and slightly adjust its development strategy. It won't take much time.

1. Something to say

First of all, you need to decide on the theme of your Instagram. Photos of coffee from Starbucks and new sneakers, as well as other everyday nonsense, which is often called the buzzword lifestyle, will not attract subscribers. Unless you have already become a famous person. Analyze your own life: what interests you the most, what could you constantly find new facets of? See which photos in your account have the most likes and comments. Now there are so many directions that you can take very narrow segments: your own drawings, landscapes, textures, shadows, books ... Anything! At least photograph the same place on the street every day, showing its change depending on the weather, time of day and people around you. The main thing is that it should be interesting.

You can combine a couple of different topics in one account, for example, photos of cats and smiling people on public transport. The maximum is 3 if they are closely related. If there are more topics that you can cover with high quality, then create a separate account for each of them. It will be more difficult to upload photos, but it will be much easier to attract subscribers.

2. Let there be light!

The most important technical detail in framing is the light. Try to keep everything in your frame well lit. Then the pictures will be clear. If you decide to photograph something at dusk, you will have to find high-quality equipment that will take good pictures. A regular smartphone camera can only capture vague shadows or objects unnaturally illuminated by a flash.

3. Every day as scheduled

Photos should be posted regularly. And this does not mean at all that the more often, the better. Regularly - just means measuredly. It is not necessary to make a new post every day, but if you do not appear for more than 2-3 days, then subscribers will forget about you or get bored. If you took a whole bunch of beautiful and suitable shots at once, then “save” some of them. A large stream of even the most beautiful photos will annoy users of the service. Post a couple, tell us what else you have for starters, and then post 1-2 photos a day.

4. #How to be hashtags

Imagine that hashtags are an acid that you need to add to a chemical compound to start a reaction. You can’t do without it, as well as without hashtags - it is through them that many subscribers find topics of interest to them. But if you add too much, then everything will deteriorate or even fly into the air. Have you ever seen posts on Instagram, where under the usual frame there are several dozen hashtags that are much longer than the signature in length? It annoys everyone.

It is desirable that there are no more than 5-6 hashtags. At the same time, 2-3 can be made as general as possible, and the rest - as “pointed” as possible in relation to what is happening in the frame. This is how you can attract the maximum audience.

5. We are not alone here

Successful promotion of Instagram requires interaction with other users. Feel free to like your friends and similar channels, feel free to subscribe to everyone with a similar theme. If there are other people with Instagram accounts in your photos, be sure to tag them. Geotagging can also be useful: the more specific, the better. It’s just not worth getting involved in adventures with “you to me, I to you” and bots.

Live users don't like cheaters like that, and you want to bring your creativity to real people, and not get several thousand "dead souls" as subscribers.

6. Black and white is the hit of the season

The difficult question is whether it is worth using the built-in Instagram filters? Some of them can really look good in average quality photos, but in most shots they are immediately visible and arranged in a very rough way. If you want to process your own photos with filters, then it's better to install an additional application with more features. At the same time, this will help you stand out from other Instagram accounts on your topic.

7. It's all about technology

Don't be lazy and explore the technical capabilities of your camera, even if it's quite simple, built into a smartphone. In any camera there are nuances of light, correction, focus and other things. Perhaps they will not always be useful to you, but it is the technical variety that will help you make a good shot, unlike the rest.

Reading books on photography will also benefit you, even if you definitely won't use half of the tricks you learned. The literature on reportage photography is especially good, since any Instagram user is, first of all, a reporter of his own life.

8. Shall we talk?

Each photo must have a caption in addition to hashtags and geotags. Sometimes they subscribe to Instagram precisely because of witty comments. You don’t need to make it too big and detailed - after all, they don’t come to Instagram for reading. However, it will be useful to ask questions from the audience from time to time to get feedback - answers and comments. At the same time, you will learn firsthand what people like or dislike about your posts.

9. Fashion for the people

Fashion trends often appear on Instagram, which in one way or another concern almost all users. Consider, for example, the Prisma app, which turned photos into paintings. Or endless photos of Pokémon from the game of the same name in unexpected places. Such "fashionable things" must be used carefully. If they have just appeared, then you can apply them when they fit the theme of the channel.

But if the "trends" are several weeks old, then it is better not to touch it, even if it suits you. Users are probably tired of the dominance of this topic in the feed, so there is no need to annoy them once again. You can use the idea in a month, when the hype subsides. Then it will look like a kind of retro reminder.

10. From every iron

Cross-promotion can attract many new subscribers. This means that you need to set up automatic messages about new photos on Instagram in other social networks. Almost all major social networks now work great with Instagram, so you won't have to do anything, but your friends and any "mimocodyles" will be able to follow the link to your photo channel.

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Related articles:

40 tips on how to promote your Instagram

1. Do not forget to put hashtags that will help increase the number of subscribers: #instafollow, #l4l (Like for like), #tagforlikes and #followback.

2. Like as much as possible. For every 100 likes you give to random photos, you will get an average of 6 new followers.

3. Run contest . The easiest way to do this is to post a themed picture and ask people to like it so they can participate.

4. Start promoting profile on your pages in other social networks. Write what your blog is about and why people should read it and invite them to join.

5. Be generous with likes and comments - this is the easiest way to attract new subscribers.

6. Use common hashtags to make your photos visible in the global search. Among the most popular are #love, #instagood, #fashion and #photooftheday.


7. Time matters. Research has shown that the best time to fast is between 2 pm and 5 pm.

8. Follow people who use popular hashtags (#followme, #likeforlike) because many of them will follow you back.

9. Remember, quality is important , not quantity. Monitor your profile and leave only beautiful and high-quality photos. Believe me, no one is interested in flipping through hundreds of photos of salads.

10. Love Mayfair filter . Track Maven listed this filter on The Fortune 500 Instagram as the best choice for marketers.

11. Check that you have completed the biography section . Complete it with suitable words and hashtags, and also provide a link to your website. But remember: no spam! Otherwise, subscribers will lose interest in the profile.

12. Ask questions to subscribers. This is a great way to connect with your target audience.

13. Post on Sundays . It is on this day that people post photos very little, so your post will be seen by the maximum number of people.


14. Be consistent with . Think about who and why you are doing this. The more clearly you answer these questions, the faster you will attract the right audience.

15. Call people to action. For example, ask them to write their opinion about your photo in the comments.

16. Don't be afraid to post often . It may seem that the more often the photos flash, the more indifferent the subscribers behave. But according to the Union Metrics program, there is no relationship between posting frequency and audience activity. At least negative.

17. Follow suggested users. Go to settings and select "Find and invite friends" and then "Recommended users".

18. Set geolocation . This will be especially useful if you run an Instagram company. So you will have the opportunity to attract new subscribers-neighbors.

19. Schedule publications with the Later program. Consistency never hurt anyone.

20. Arrange with popular blogger to advertise your profile or product. So information about you will quickly scatter over the network.

21. Studies have shown that blue images get 24% more likes than orange or red ones. Post something blue and see for yourself!

22. Let fast on Wednesdays become your obligatory ritual. This is because posts get more attention and likes in the middle of the week.

23. Write the word "comment" more often in posts. This encourages your followers to share their opinions and be more willing to join the discussion.

24. Post photos showing 's face. According to research, such publications are 35% more popular than others.

25. Tag in photos of people. Your post will also be seen by friends of friends.

26. Remember the rule: the more light the better.

27. If you have a business account, create a branded hashtag . So users can specify it when purchasing a product. And it will increase your visibility on Instagram several times over.

28. Share live photos. Show that behind the beautiful picture there are living people .

29. Business trick: share photos of your followers mentioning your brand or product. This pleasant step shows that you value each client. In return, they will definitely share your photos in their feed.

30. Brand yourself : use your nickname for more than just your profile. A notebook, a case or a branded sticker on a car will surely attract the attention of potential subscribers.


31. Invite friends from Facebook to follow you. To do this, in the profile settings, select "Find friends on Facebook."

32. People love stories. Share your feelings and thoughts, so you will gain their trust and establish contact. Just remember that the post should be emotional and bright, not snot in sugar.

33. Tag people , even in stories, don't be lazy.

34. Do not be shy in your posts to ask for likes . As practice has shown, such publications receive 89% more likes.

35. In advance plan not only time, but also content. Prepare your materials and only then start filling out your feed. For example, write posts for a few days in advance, and then publish them gradually. The Instagram filling schedule will help you stay focused on the main topic of the blog.

36. Post a motivational or inspiring quote .

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