How to make effective facebook video ads

The Digital Marketers Guide to Facebook Video Ads

Facebook video ads are a great way to grab your audience’s attention and increase awareness, traffic and conversions for your brand.

On average, Facebook video ads are 10% of the cost of carousel or single-image ads. With cost-savings like that, you don’t want to sleep on video advertising.

While it may not work for every campaign, we’re pretty confident you can still find ways to take advantage of this type of social media ad.

To help you get started, we’ve put together a guide on how to get the most out of Facebook video ads.

Facebook video ad types and placements

First things first, it’s important to know the different video ad types and placements you can create. Ad placements perform differently and costs vary, so it’s good to know what’s going to work best for your campaign.

1. Facebook feed video ads

The type you see most often are the ads that appear right in your feed as you scroll down the page. Facebook feed ads can be single-image, carousel, collection or video ads.

Feed ads look similar to organic posts, which is why they can be really effective. Create an engaging intro to your Facebook video ad that grabs attention and makes viewers want to stop scrolling.

2. Facebook in-stream video ads

You’ve seen these on YouTube. Now Facebook has in-stream video ads on their platform. With video consumption on the rise, it’s no surprise that Facebook is taking the opportunity to bring in even more ad revenue.


In the example above, a text bubble appears notifying viewers of an upcoming ad.

3. Facebook Stories video ads

Like Instagram Stories, Facebook Stories also show ads. Viewers will see these video ads every so often as they scroll from one user’s story to another.

Facebook Stories video ads work because they don’t feel intrusive. Your audience may be catching up on a friend’s Story and led into your product video without missing a beat.

4. Facebook marketplace video ads

The last placement you might consider are video ads that appear in the Facebook marketplace—where users are already shopping.

As users scroll through Facebook Marketplace, sponsored listings appear with organic listings. This ad type is a great way to showcase your product when someone is already interested in buying.

Facebook video ad requirements

If you’re looking to create a video ad for your next campaign, it’s important to know the technical file requirements.

While the ad specifications vary by ad placement, there are five main requirements you need to pay attention to:

  • File type: MP4, MOV or GIF file types are accepted for all ad placements
  • Ratio: Facebook ad sizes vary by placement
    • Feed video ad ratios are 1:1 for desktop and mobile ads or 4:5 for mobile-only ads
    • In-stream video ad ratios are 16:9 or 1:1
    • Stories video ad ratio is 9:16
    • Marketplace video ad ratio is 4:5
  • Video duration:
    • Stories videos should max out around 2 minutes
    • Feed and marketplace videos can go up to 241 minutes (or around 4 hours)
    • In-stream video ads can be as long as 10 minutes
  • Maximum file size: 4GB for all ad placements
  • Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels for all ad placements

You can find more requirements in our Facebook ad size guide based on the type of ad you’re looking to run.

How to post a Facebook video ad

With ad specs in place, it’s time to post your video ad on Facebook. To do this, log into the account connected with your Facebook business page ads manager.

Step #1. In the main menu, under the Create column, click Ad.

Step #2. Select your campaign objective from the available list. Facebook lists several options for each stage of the content funnel, from brand awareness to acquisition. Select the objective that best fits your campaign. Then, give your campaign a unique name to track performance.

Step #3. Next, set your ad budget details. Determine your buying type, decide if you want to create an A/B test and most importantly set the amount you want to spend across a specific time period.

You can create a continuous ad campaign that spends a set amount per day, or you can set a lifetime budget so the ad stops running as soon as it hits your maximum budget.

Step 4. Identify your audience. Who is your target audience for your video ad campaign? Are you creating a new audience, using an existing audience list or using a lookalike audience?

Step #5. Finally, upload your video, create your caption and preview your ad before it goes live.

Once everything is set up, click Publish to submit your ad for approval.

How to run Facebook video ads: 5 tips for success

Knowing specifications and how to create your ad is not all there is to running successful Facebook video ads. A great strategy is also needed.

Here are some of our best practices to help you create effective video ads.

1. Aim to engage in the first three seconds

Marketers only have 2.7 seconds to grab a viewer’s attention, so it’s important to engage your audience immediately.

Take this ad from Ritual. The reversed video of the vitamin bottle flying up from the floor intentionally draws the viewer in and captures their interest immediately.

Upgrade Your Vitamin Routine

Discover why these visionary vitamins are being featured in Vogue, CNN, and The New York Times

Posted by Ritual on Wednesday, June 30, 2021


A catchy intro sets the tone for your ad and encourages viewers to stick around. Play around with ideas that will reel your audience into watching your entire ad.

2. Create ads that resonate without needing sound

As much as 85% of Facebook videos are viewed without sound. This means you either need to make sure your video doesn’t need sound or add captions for accessibility.

This Daily Harvest video ad is a great example. The audio is just background music and the video shows viewers exactly how the product works without needing a voice-over.

Built On Fruits + Vegetables

Get $25 OFF your first box with code FB25 and stock your freezer with clean, delicious food. 👩‍🍳 Chef-crafted & ready-in-minutes🍓 Built on fruits + vegetables🏠 Delivered to your door

Posted by Daily Harvest on Tuesday, December 22, 2020


Facebook also lets you add captions to your videos so that people can understand them without needing to turn on the volume. Captions can be a great alternative if your video ad wouldn’t have the same impact without audio.

3. Retarget people who watch your videos

There’s likely a massive group of Facebook users who have watched your videos but haven’t taken action. Encourage those viewers to convert by creating a retargeting ad with a custom audience. This custom audience should include people who have previously watched or interacted with your videos.

Retargeting ads are great middle or bottom of the funnel ads because you’re targeting an audience that is already familiar with your brand. These ads are a way to nudge your audience into taking action.

4. Think mobile-first

Keep this stat in mind when creating your Facebook video ad: 85% of U. S. adults now own a smartphone, up from 35% in 2011. How can you grab mobile viewers’ attention? What’s going to look best on their screens?

Purple did a great job with this video/collection ad. The main video draws attention, but as a user scrolls, the ad ends up taking the full mobile screen, ensuring that viewers don’t miss it.

Viewers are also able to interact with the images to learn more while the video ad plays. Keep aspect ratio in mind when considering mobile-first ads. What is going to look best on a small screen? Consider using a larger font size to grab your audience’s attention.

5. Utilize CPM bidding to ensure your ads are on autoplay

As users scroll down their feeds, you need your video to jump out at them. Take advantage of autoplay to do this.

Autoplay is only eligible with ads that utilize cost per impression (CPM) bidding, as opposed to cost per click (CPC) bidding. You can adjust the bidding type while setting your campaign budget to make sure your ads are making the biggest impact.

Start creating effective Facebook video ads

Now it’s time to put these tips and tutorials into action. Start creating your own attention-grabbing video ads that help increase awareness, traffic and conversions for your brand.

To learn even more about how to ramp up social media for your business, take a look at the Sprout Social Index™: Social Media Trends for 2022 & Beyond. Discover what social media users want to see from brands, and how you can implement that into your own social media strategy.

10 Best Practices for Successful Facebook Video Ads

Last updated on 12th April 2022

It’s every video marketers dream to strike it big with an ad campaign. But like all dreams worth having, it isn’t easy. 

Facebook is a saturated battleground for marketers and it can be disheartening to keep striking out with your video ideas. 

That’s why we’ve put together a collection of 10 best practices that you can use to make your next Facebook video ads insanely successful! 

Article Contents

1. Make it evocative

One universal truth about Facebook video ads – or video ads in general – is that there are a lot of them in the world.

A lot. 

So how do you make yours stand out? How do you ensure that people watch and take action?

You need to make people feel

Videos that capture attention with a powerful story have not only the ability to encourage viewers to share their video, but the message can also stay with people for several days afterwards – keeping your brand at the top of their mind (and hopefully convincing them to do business with you!)

Here’s an example from Lamborghini: 

We all know that Lamborghini is a luxury brand, appealing to customers with more disposable income than the average person. 

But instead of focusing on selling luxury, they chose to create an ad that revolves around priceless values – a father and son spending time together. 

This makes the ad more memorable, especially because it’s a Christmas ad. Who doesn’t love a Christmas miracle?! 

Telling a heartfelt, relatable story like this is one surefire way to improve the success of your Facebook video ads.

2. Ensure it makes sense without sound

If you’re an avid Facebook user then you probably know that the videos play muted by default. It’s then up to viewers to turn the sound on if they choose to do so. 

And apparently most of them don’t. According to a widely circulated study, 85% of Facebook video views happen with the sound off. 

So, from an accessibility point of view, it makes sense to consider how your video will come across without audio. 

There are different ways to ensure your video makes sense without sound. You can make text a part of your video (choosing to opt for this over a traditional voiceover), like this ad from Native: 

However, if that doesn’t fit in with the type of video you want to create then you can choose to add closed captions. Viewers will still experience the full effect of the video if they opt for ‘sound-on’, and it will still make sense if they decide to keep the sound off. 

Here’s an example from TOMS: 

According to Facebook’s own research, captioned video ads increase video view time by an average of 12% – further proving that videos on Facebook should not rely on audio.

3. Go big on the first 3 seconds

You may have seen several studies floating around that say humans now have a shorter attention span than a goldfish.  

Whether or not that’s true, one thing is certain: our attention spans are shrinking. 

And Facebook is part of the problem.

According to a study from the Technical University of Denmark, the collective global attention span is narrowing

The study found that the allocated attention in our collective minds only has a certain size, and with so many cultural items – social media and 24/7 news, for example – competing for that attention, it becomes difficult to focus.  

When it comes to video ads, this means you need to get to the point, fast. Take a look at this chart that shows how people consume video ads on Facebook:

As you can see, regardless of the type of ad, viewers drop off very quickly after the first few seconds. So you need to make those count.

It’s also a good idea to try and capture attention visually, in case your viewers are watching without sound. Here’s an example from KitchenAid: 

4. Stick to vertical or square

Optimising your video ads for mobile has never been more important, with more than half of Facebook’s video ad views coming from mobile devices. 

Facebook has also stated that mobile-first video ads have a 27% higher likelihood of driving brand lift and 23% higher likelihood of driving message association, compared to video ads that are not optimised.

To make your video ads appealing to mobile viewers, consider creating them in a vertical format.  

Here’s an example from Headspace:

Landscape video ads can be posted to Facebook too – but it’s important to note that if these are viewed on a mobile device then they’re probably not going to look great (unless the user flips their device to watch it). 

As a compromise between vertical and landscape, you could also consider creating square videos, like this one from Calm:

Square videos are a good compromise as they look great on both desktop and mobile.

5. Accompany with compelling copy (and a beautiful thumbnail)

Video ads posted to Facebook’s news feed don’t automatically play. Potential viewers need to be enticed enough to want to click on them and watch. 

How do you entice them?

With compelling copy and a beautiful thumbnail. 

There are limitations to what you can include in your teaser copy. According to Facebook’s guidelines, headlines and descriptions can be up to 27 characters each, and the primary text has a limit of 125 characters.

The snappier, the better. Here’s an example from Airbnb:

Just one line of copy, yet so compelling. 

The thumbnail is enticing, too – and has been specially formulated to be clicked on. If Airbnb had simply gone with their default thumbnail, then this ad wouldn’t have been half as appealing to potential viewers – and the brand would’ve missed out on an opportunity. 

6. Short is sweet

We get it. You want your video to tell everyone how great your brand is – including all of your USPs, the things you do for the environment, and your amazing culture. 

But, while it can be tempting to give out chapter and verse in your video ads, this is best avoided. 

We know this isn’t easy. Every day we work with brands to condense their messaging into short, snappy videos that their customers will love to watch. 

The best place to start is to think about what your customers need to know and what you’d like them to know.  

For example, let’s say you sell socks. Socks that are super-soft. Oh, and you also donate a pair of socks for every pair sold. Oh, and they also make great Christmas gifts. Oh, and you’ve also got an awesome Muhammad Ali collection. 

All of that is amazing


It’s too much for one 15 second ad. And, as Facebook themselves have said, it’s better to post a shorter video that gets watched in its entirety, than one that gets skipped and ignored.

The best way to make sure you can cover all of the amazing parts of your business is to make multiple short ads. 

Here are some examples from the sock company above. Yep, it’s real – we were talking about Bombas. 

Bombas socks are super-soft: 

For every pair sold, they donate a pair to someone in need:

They make great Christmas gifts:

Oh, and they’ve also got a Muhammad Ali collection:

7. Go native

Uploading your videos to YouTube and then adding them to a boosted post on Facebook might’ve worked ten years ago, but it definitely won’t work now.  

Facebook and YouTube are not friends. They’re competitors. 

So, not surprisingly, Facebook is more likely to prioritise native video ads (ads that were uploaded directly to Facebook) over other campaigns that include videos linking to YouTube. 

This isn’t to say you shouldn’t upload to YouTube. You should do both! In fact, you should upload your video in as many places as possible – but when it comes to Facebook marketing, make sure you’re using a Facebook video. 

8. Get clear about your goals

Before you even put pen to paper – or finger to record button – you need to get clear about your video goals. 

What do you want your video ad to achieve? 

Going viral” is not an acceptable answer – although it is the dream for many of us! 

Facebook’s Ad Manager is great for helping you hone in on your marketing objective – and it also makes sure that your video ads are put in the right spot to achieve your goals.

As soon as you try to create a new campaign on Facebook, you can choose your intended goal: 

The objective you choose will ultimately act as the ‘yardstick’ by which your campaign will be measured.  

So, if you select ‘Get more website visitors’ then success will be by the number of clicks through to your site. If you select ‘Get more leads’ then success will be measured by contact information you get from potential customers.

9. Start small and test what works

The biggest con about paid advertising is that there is a risk involved. A risk that you could lose money. 

When you pay for an ad spot, you’re really putting faith into your video – putting your money where your mouth is, so to speak! 

But, of course, your video isn’t the only factor here. The success of your campaign will rest on many factors – your campaign objective, the audience you’ve selected, the bid amount that you pay for each placement. 

To maximise your success, start small so that you can test what works. Set a time period in your mind – for example one day or one week – and review your ad at the end of that period. Then you can make tweaks. 

For example, if you see that most of the people who clicked on your ad were females under the age of 25 – hone in on this audience so that you don’t waste impressions on others who may not be interested.  

Feel free to tweak and test as many times as you need to until you see the results you want.

10. Follow up with retargeting

In an ideal world, every person who viewed your video would head straight to your website and buy your products. 

In reality, the buyer journey requires more ‘touches’ than this. By ‘touches’, we mean points of connection between your brand and the customer. 

Nurturing strangers into customers is a long game. It requires first awareness, then consideration, and finally a purchase decision. 

With Facebook, it’s easy to create followup campaigns for your video ads. This means you can target the exact people who have viewed your video, and hopefully encourage them to convert into customers.

You can do this by building a Custom Audience within the ad manager: 

This amazingly nuanced approach helps you to softly nurture potential customers by building up their confidence in your brand over time.

Final thoughts

For those willing to put in the effort and time, Facebook video ads can be a great way to raise awareness for your brand and find new customers. 

But it requires a lot of know-how! Let us help you. Take a look at our social media videos page to find out more!

How to make Facebook video ads more effective: 11 ways

Video has become the go-to storytelling tool for regular Instagram users as well as for the biggest brands launching ad campaigns. On average, one dollar invested in social media video ads generates 39% more sales than the same investment in regular banners. Agency MediaNation learns how to prepare effective video creatives and share tricks to get the most out of Facebook video ads. nine0004

Peculiarities of perception of advertising in social networks

Paid posts on social networks are usually organically integrated into the interface, and the user does not always understand that he has an advertising publication in front of him, and not a page post from his subscriptions. Such posts are issued only by a small mark "Advertising". But even such ads can fall under banner blindness if they use banal and boring creatives.

Moreover, the main means of communication between brands and customers on Facebook is video ads. And their main factor of efficiency is not the placement, but the right creative. According to Facebook research, 70% of video ad revenue depends on it. nine0012

Working creative techniques

Facebook shared with us 11 tips for creating effective video ads based on recent research. All 11 tips for creating video ads in brand campaigns can be categorized as "Best Practices" and "Highly Recommended" . We compared them with the creatives that we prepare together with clients and decided to share our observations.

Best practices

Best practices are generally accepted rules for creating video ads that every marketer should be guided by: nine0012

1. Targeting mobile devices

Most Facebook and Instagram users view content from smartphones. According to MediaScope, this is more than 27 million Russian Facebook users (70% of monthly coverage) and 49.8 million Instagram users (84% of monthly coverage).

Therefore, remember that video ads must be created for mobile devices. Use vertical (4:5) or square format on Facebook and Instagram. nine0012

For example, our client, a manufacturer of pet products, prepared such a square video for an advertising campaign on social networks:

2. Understandable even without sound

Facebook automatically plays video content without sound. This means that your video ads should convey the main idea and advertising message without sound accompaniment.

Before launching a campaign with a video, watch it with the sound off and make sure that the meaning is not lost. Useful advice: if the voice-over text is important for perception, duplicate it in the subtitles for the video. Then, even with the sound turned off, the user will be able to get acquainted with the brand's offer. nine0012

And to promote the English teacher bot, we did without sound at all. But they talked about the product and showed how it works in the creative itself:

3. Showcase a product or service

The product or service you want to sell must be the main subject of your social media video ad. The attention of social network users quickly dissipates, so it is important to be in the field of view of the target audience from the first seconds and offer them a product or service. nine0012

For example, our client 585Gold got a whole showreel with an assortment of jewelry from the store:

If the focus is not on the product, users may misunderstand what the brand is trying to convey to them.

4. One video ad - one promotional message

Just as when writing text, one paragraph should convey one idea, so in compiling video creatives, it is important not to stray from one brand message. Focus on the message that the brand needs to convey to the target audience and do not overload the video with several advertising messages. nine0012

A good example is the Adamas video campaign, which made four videos, each one voicing one reason to go to the store. A similar concept can be easily applied to a social media video campaign.

1 roller:

2 roller:

3 roller:

5. Highlight the brand at the beginning of the video

Videos on social networks are most often not watched, when compared with the percentage of ads viewed on websites and YouTube. Social media users are accustomed to scrolling through the feed without dwelling on one post, especially if it is an advertisement and not a post of their favorite blogger. nine0012

You have a few seconds to be remembered by the user. We recommend adding your logo, slogan, and brand message at the beginning of your video.

For example, the Bormental clinic did this in an advertisement for weight loss workouts:

6. Get straight to the point

Social media users most often do not watch commercials. Therefore, the main advertising message should be at the beginning of the video. If the message appears later in the video, key information may be missing. nine0012

In addition, a clear brand message helps to understand the meaning of the video in advance and tune in to the perception of information from the brand.

This is how 585Gold starts the social media video with their special offer:

7. Play with dynamics

Try not to delay with eyeliner to the essence of the video. Social media videos should be short and dynamic. A motion or accelerated video at the beginning of a video ad helps grab the attention of users and make them more likely to watch the video. nine0012

Long videos are rarely watched. And even a 15-second video will have a very low VTR (percentage of searches). Try to prepare interesting short videos and fit all the basic information in the first six seconds.

Highly recommended

These principles may optionally apply depending on the specific advertisement. Facebook advises marketers to experiment with them to improve the effectiveness of video ads. nine0012

8. Less words

The consumption of digital content on social media is very different from how users consume content on traditional media. On social networks, users consume more content, but pay less attention to a single post. They are used to scrolling through the feed and seeing tons of different information every day, most of which will go unnoticed. Therefore, advertising on social networks should be concise. A short and concise brand message is more effective than a long one. nine0012

However, Facebook notes that long videos (from 60 seconds) can also bring the desired results and achieve performance indicators. But even such videos should be concise and contain short messages.

9. Change the traditional storytelling formula

The traditional rules, formulas, and techniques of storytelling dictate that a story should start slowly, culminate in the middle, and then smoothly end and come to a conclusion. nine0012

But traditional practices don't work in social media advertising. Users only view part of the video ads, so start your story with a bang and end it almost immediately.

10. Surprise your audience with unexpected tricks

To keep the attention of the audience until the end of the video, keep the intrigue, try to add more dynamics and climaxes to the video.

For example, for the MoneyMan client, we chose ... geese as the heroes of the video! Such a creative evokes emotions and instantly attracts attention to itself: nine0012

11. Use an attractive visual

To capture the attention of consumers, fill the video with bright colors, shoot close-up details.

Considering that smartphone screens are small, taking close-up shots will help to better showcase the product and its features.

For example, such a dynamic and attractive video was prepared by the Rublevsky brand for publication on Facebook and Instagram: nine0012

Where to spy competitors' creatives

To see which ads are currently running, use the Facebook Ads Library.

It contains all running ads in Facebook and Instagram apps and services. You can search and filter by location, category, advertiser, platform, and content type, and you can even find ads that use memes. nine0012

Social media ads can sometimes deviate from the recommended guidelines, but they will definitely help make them more appealing to Instagram and Facebook users. We advise you to experiment with the presentation of your video creative and do not forget to take into account the peculiarities of the audience of social networks: they rarely linger on content, they tend to see arrays of information every day and ignore most of it. The task of the targetologist will be to create a video that will capture the focus of the target audience from the first seconds. nine0012

How to create an effective video ad on Facebook - marketing tips - Marketing on

Due to the fact that Facebook video became so popular that brands started use it more often than youtube, The CPU decided to translate two articles from Digiday and Social Ads Tool on how to work with video ads on social media in order to reach a wide audience reach and engagement users.

A little over a year ago Facebook introduced the function auto play video ads, and within the latter quarterly income statement reported that on the social network daily over three billion viewed video. nine0012

However, still many marketers (and even big brands) don't know how to use all the possibilities this option. Agency Jack Morton worldwide asked marketers from all over the world to share their experience in creating an effective video content on Facebook.

Rule three seconds

In the news feed Facebook video ads are starting play automatically and terminates as soon as the user scrolls through it. This means that the video should attract attention almost immediately within the first three seconds. nine0012

Founder and executive creative Genuine agency director Interactive Chris Pape (Chris Pape):

When placing material in traditional media, advertisers do not worry about how to attract attention from the first frames. You can pamper the viewer with a bright show for seven whole seconds, and leave a tidbit for the end. It used to be like that, but now the first three seconds are everything.

This period of time is a priority even from the point metric view. Facebook determines the number of views, starting from the third second of the video, and precisely according to this indicator evaluates all brand videos. nine0012

Art Charlie Chaplin

Function "autoplay" implies silent video playback on scroll newsfeed, so it is important for brands be able to convey your message using only visual aids.

Facebook (especially the mobile app) is silent environment,” admits Pape. — Marketers must develop their inner Charlie Chaplin and create visually appealing content. The story told in the video should be clear without words. nine0012


Once and stop copying forever television format. The main thing - engage the user, not focus on the direct sale of products. To understand what the essence of “network thinking” is, marketers need to forget everything as for the television format.

Joe McCaffrey (Joe McCaffrey, head of department public relations agency Huge: nine0012

While working with video ads, I thought about this: how are companies going to increase brand value if they just put their logo in the users' news feed?

TV viewers are morally prepared for the commercial break in their favorite programs. As for Facebook, now there is a great opportunity for companies to "join" - for this you just need to share your experience with users and benefit from social content. nine0012

Flex test

Internet advertising is not requires multimillion-dollar expenses, more than Moreover, Facebook has special tools for the most optimal targeting the right audience. So marketers should be like can be more flexible in positioning brand.

Supervisor agency client teams Genuine Mike Kassel (Mike Cassell): nine0012

It's great that you can make multiple versions of a commercial and see which one has the most impact, instead of releasing a compromise.

"To promptly respond to out of the ordinary outgoing events, you need to be flexible thinking,” adds Pape. - foresee absolutely you have everything definitely not succeed."

Client - at the first place nine0014

Targeting in Facebook is possible as based on profiles users, and with the help of cookies browser that opens up before companies much more opportunities for customer reach and frequency estimates appearance of advertisements on various devices. It also allows them find your customers more effectively and create content that will give them the best response.

Lysol Brand Manager Kevin Trong (Kevin Truong): nine0012

It's important to stay true to your customers, and when you create certain content, make sure that it will make them empathize - and it's not about likes at all.


For today day oCPM (Optimized Cost per Millennium - Facebook measurement tool optimized cost per thousand impressions) and Reach & Frequency (coverage and frequency) have established themselves as the most effective ways to promote video ads. nine0012

home the purpose of each of these two options is increase the number of views, but they achieve it in different ways.

  • oCPM should be used when want to reach the lowest value cost per view (cost per view).
  • Function Reach & Frequency, which refers to advertising optimization for achieving campaign goals most accurately determine content delivery and acquire unique reach by controlling the frequency of the ad. nine0215
  • If Are you working with CPC advertising? use links to external videos, because in this case it will be unavailable auto play function.

Video advertising especially effective in increasing brand awareness. you can encourage target audience to be interested in the product due to two solutions: