How to look at someones instagram profile picture

View Instagram profile picture in full size

By default, it's impossible to click on and expand images users put as their main photo. Use this web tool to view and download main photos. It works even for private profiles and those who put you on the blacklist









Inflact is not affiliated with Instagram™. We do not host any Instagram content. All rights belong to their respective owners.

How does it work

With this website, you don't need to log in to your account or register. Just follow these steps:

  • Copy the unique @nickname of the desired user.
  • Paste this name into the field at the top of the page.
  • After you choose the menu button View, the media file is presented on the screen in large size.
  • Save the photo on your device, if needed.

Why should you utilize the tool for zoom-in IG profile images?

  • Enlarge the smallest images. You can open them in genuine resolution with this web service. If you are desperate to view the main photo, check it out here – free and fast.
  • Determine if you should accept requests from people. Sometimes Instagrammers with private profiles don't indicate their real names on the page. How can you decide if you should approve their requests to become your followers? Examine their profile pictures on this page.
  • Identify who is texting you in Direct. If you receive Direct messages from users you don't know, they are displayed in requests. In cases where these users hide their posts from non-followers, examine their main image in full size to gain some insight.
  • Get inspiration for your own main image. If you have no idea what picture you should put as your account icon, scan the accounts that motivate you or your competitors. When you enlarge visuals, you can examine what fonts they use for business logos. Plus, by saving these images you can show examples to your team.
Is it possible to observe an Instagram profile picture of any Instagrammer?

Yes. This website is a universal instrument to open images of any person registered on the social network. Check out celebrities, business accounts, friends, and any private account.

Can a user tell that I browsed, viewed and downloaded their IG profile image?

No, the process is anonymous. A user can't be notified because you don’t even need to sign in to scan a photo.

Can I see IG profile pictures if I don't have a valid account?

If you are not registered on Instagram or deleted your profile, you are still able to inspect the main account icons. When using this web-based service, the only thing you have to know is the correct nickname a person or a company uses for IG.

Can I view images of accounts that blocked me?

It's simple with Inflact tools. Did any user ban you on this social network? Utilize the browse bar above if you need to examine their main picture. Additionally, it's simple to save this image in original quality to your gallery. If you need to investigate posts, stories, or highlights of IGers who prevented you from watching, use the Web Viewer and Story Viewer.

Is this service free?

Yes. Anyone can experience this Igramer tool forever without fees. Check our other free tools, like the Profile Analyzer, Story Viewer, Downloaders, etc.

Instagram Profile Picture [GUIDE]

Not sure how to make your Instagram profile picture stand out? We’ve got you covered. Read on to find out everything you need to know about this all-important feature of your account. 

Put your best side forward, smile and… say cheese!

Your Instagram profile photo is the only image that tells users who you are and what you do, aside from the content you share.  

It’s the icon that appears next to your name in the feed, and it’s also displayed in your profile in the top left-hand corner and when a user searches for you in the Explore page.

So, it’s important that users can easily recognize you and access your content from your profile picture.

Here are our suggestions for a winning profile picture:

  • An image of your brand or your company logo — something that’ll be easy to remember and recognize. As soon as the user comes across it on Instagram, they’ll know it’s your account.
  • Always use, wherever possible, the same image on all the social networks you use. That way you won’t confuse followers and users who search for you.

How to view someone’s profile picture

To see a user’s picture, simply click on to their account. There you’ll be able to view it in a normal size, whereas in your feed and in the search engine you’ll see a mini version of it.

Keep in mind that with the Instagram profile photo, you can’t zoom in as you would with a feed post or a gallery image.

However, on Instagram Desktop, due to the platform’s design, you’ll see the profile picture even bigger.

Viewing your Instagram profile picture full size

If you want to see your Instagram pic in real size, you’ll have to go to an external website.

This is a great way to check whether your picture is pixelated or see whether it’s been uploaded in the right size.

One of these pages is InFlact, which allows you to view your profile image in real size. Simply enter your username — in this case, your account name — and hit enter. 

When the page loads, you’ll be able to see the full-size image. Be sure to jot down a list of changes in case you need to edit anything on your profile.

Enlarging your Instagram profile photo

As we mentioned above, you can’t zoom in on your profile picture as you would with a feed or profile post itself.

As with stories or videos, you can’t enlarge your 7 by tapping the screen.

You’d have to go to the website linked in the previous section to see it in real size.

Download profile picture Instagram

Panic stations: you want to change your Instagram profile photo, but you also don’t want to lose the current one… and what’s worse, you can’t find it anywhere.

How can you get hold of it? Download it and save it in a locked location so that you don’t lose it again.

Again, you’ll need to go to an external page like IGDonwloader. Here, select the Avatar section, enter your account username and press enter. You’ll see your profile picture and the Download button.

How to change profile picture on Instagram

Want to change your profile picture? Perhaps you have a new image to share with your community, but don’t know how to change it.

This isn’t anything unusual, especially if you haven’t added a new one since you signed up for Instagram.

How to change your profile picture from your computer

Changing your profile picture from the web browser version is easy:

  • Go to Instagram.
  • Log in to your account.
  • Once in your account, go to Profile by clicking on the icon at the top right.
  • Tap Edit profile and on the next page click “Change profile photo”.
  • Choose the one you want and save your changes.

How to change your profile picture from mobile

You can change your profile picture from the Instagram app on both Android and iOS:

  • Open the app and go to your profile in the icon at the bottom right-hand corner.
  • On your profile, click “Edit profile”.
  • Tap on change profile picture and choose either one from your gallery or create a new one instantly.
  • Save your changes and you’re good to go.

Instagram profile picture size

However, if you want to change your Instagram profile photo, you also need to know the right measurements so that you don’t spoil all your content with an ugly, blurry profile picture.

So, what’s the correct size for your profile picture?

Your Instagram profile photo should be 110 x 110 pixels, although the recommended size is 320 x 320.

Remember that even if your image is square, Instagram crops it into a circle, so make sure no details are lost.

Well, that’s it for this mini guide to the Instagram profile picture. We’ve learned: what it is, how to view it and how to see it enlarged, whether it can be zoomed in or downloaded, the right picture size and how to change it.

Missing anything? If so, drop a comment below.

Instagram Marketing Guide

How to view the profile picture on Instagram

Sometimes the question arises, how to view the profile picture on Instagram - online in full size? After all, the profile picture on Instagram is your image portrait in the online environment. It is important that other users can identify you by it, so upload a profile photo in good quality.

Now the resolution of the profile picture on Instagram is 150 by 150 pixels, but you can upload photos in other resolutions, the application itself adapts your photo to the desired format.

In the future, if the original photo is suddenly lost with you, then you can download it directly from your Instagram profile . Let's look at the various options for how this can be done.


Ways to download Instagram profile picture

Instagram profile picture can be viewed and downloaded to PC or smartphone in the following ways:

  1. Using a browser on a computer0008
  2. Using the Android app
  3. And the iOS app

Viewing the Instagram profile picture online from a computer

. We go to our profile (or any other), right-click and select "Open image in a new tab" from the menu that opens. Then we can download it directly from the browser window by simply clicking "Save image as ...".

However, be aware that the image quality may not be the best, as the profile photo was originally uploaded with a low resolution and poor quality photo.

View Instagram profile picture in full size

We can view Instagram profile picture in full size by using online services. Let's consider some of them. On this page of the service, you can not only download ava in full size for free, but also view the avatar on Instagram, of any account.


We go to this service, enter the username in a special line. We have a profile on Instagram. Now we can download his pinned stories, profile picture. We click on “View avatar”, it will open to us in a slightly larger size, and in order to view the original, you need to click on a special box with an arrow in the lower right corner of the photo. The image will now open in full size on a new browser page.


In a special text field, enter the username, after that, a profile image will open under the search bar. After that, an interactive button will appear under the photo with the inscription "View image in full size." Right-click "Save Image As..." and download the photo to your computer.

Download Android avatar

  • Profile Downloader

Open the downloaded application, enter the profile name on Instagram into the search bar. Next, click on the account that appears - and the application transfers us to all publications, as in Instagram itself. Next to the user's avatar there is an interactive download arrow, click on it, then save the image to your gallery on your smartphone.

  • IG Profile Downloader

Before we download this application, go to Instagram and copy the URL of the profile we need. Next, paste the URL into a special line of the application and download the avatar. You can also just enter your Instagram username if you don't want to look for a special profile code. After that, downloading the avatar will be available.

Download avatar on IPhone

In order to download avatar from Instagram on Iphone, we can install the Qeek application. To do this, you do not have to go to your profile, you can simply enter the profile name. Press Zoom and then take a screenshot.

Image in full size and high quality is available only in the paid version. We recommend downloading avatars from Instagram through online services or through a browser on a computer.

Life hacks, how to see full profile picture on Instagram?

Table of contents:

  • 1 Instagram avatar size in 2019
  • 2 How to open ava in full size on Instagram?
  • 3 A selection of sites for viewing a profile picture
  • 4 Ways to download an avatar from Instagram
  • 5 How to make a bezel around Ava?
  • 6 Questions from our readers

On Instagram, the profile picture is displayed as a small circle next to the user's nickname. And sometimes it's hard to see it. Especially if you are on the phone. From a computer it is more or less readable. We will talk about how to view the full profile picture on Instagram.

Instagram avatar size in 2019

Let's start the conversation with the main thing - the size of the avatar on Instagram. It doesn't really matter what resolution the image originally has. As a result, after you upload a photo, it will be reduced to a standard size. And it's 110 by 110 if you're watching on your phone, and 180 by 180 if you're watching through a computer. Of course, it will not be square. A kind of rim will be superimposed on it, and the corners will be cut off.

How to open ava in full size on Instagram?

Any issue with social networks has several solutions. And Ava is no exception. Consider all options.

  1. Browser. The page source code works wonders. You can drag out almost any page element if you press F11 or Ctrl+Shift+i. In the case of a page photo, you will need to spend a little more time than if, for example, we need a photo from a post. There you can right-click and select "Inspect Element". It doesn't work that way with an avatar. But, when you move the mouse over a particular line, the site highlights what parameters are set in it. But, I must say, the size of the picture leaves much to be desired.
  2. Service. Source code is awesome. Where it is more convenient to open the photo completely with the help of services. Unless, of course, you have programming skills. On the site, you simply insert a person's login or a link to it, and you get what you want. Below is a selection of such sites.
  3. Smartphone applications. For Android, I can recommend Profile Picture Downloader for Instagram. In this case, everything is also elementary - you need to launch the application and insert the user's nickname there, and then download the photo. But, if you have little memory, then this can be a problem.

Compilation of profile picture viewing sites

Do we need to see the process in practice if it is always the same and extremely simple? I don't think. It's always the same - you put in a nickname and you get what you want. But, unlike the source code, the picture we get is usually large and clear. So, if you are wondering how to increase your profile picture on Instagram, profile picture viewing services are a good option.

And now for the selection of tools:

  1. Gramotool. The service is very convenient and makes it possible to see not only the page image, but also stories with highlights. Convenient if you want to get images from these sections. But for normal viewing, this service is not suitable.
  2. Instadpdownloaders. In this tool, you can also download stories or videos. The interface is extremely simple and clear, and you get the picture in a matter of seconds.
  3. Insta-downloader. Unlike the previous options, here you will need to use not the nickname of the page, but a link to it. There is nothing superfluous here, no viewing of stories or highlights. So, it's simple.

Ways to download an avatar from Instagram

What to do if a person decides to put a picture that is very impressive and just asks for wallpaper? Of course, you need to download and do it. Saving an image is not that hard. You can do this either through any of the sites, or through the source code of the page. But in the second case, either the picture is very small, or I did not find its initial file. It will be unrealistic to increase the pikchu.

Therefore, it is easier to go to the service. Some have a special button with the word "Download". On others, the picture opens in a new tab, and you just need to right-click and click on "Save As ...". Here are the tools that help answer the question “How to view the full profile picture on Instagram?” also solve the issue with downloading.

This is how it is done in Gramatool

How to make a bezel around Ava?

Creativity on Instagram is our everything. And people also approach the idea of ​​changing the old Ava for a new one with creativity. Many make a bezel around it, and it looks interesting. Especially in the story feed, when everyone has one headband, and you have two. How to do it?

There are two ways:

  1. Using the screenshot. Take a screenshot of your page, cut out the avka, draw a red round frame on it, and upload it as a page photo. The method is so-so, because the quality will drop a lot. Of course, the picture will be a maximum of 180 by 180, but what if someone wants to see it in full size, and you will be embarrassed?
  2. With the help of graphic editors. Select a picture, crop it so that it is square, and in any of the graphic editors, apply a round frame. You can paint it in the desired color and then upload it to your profile.

How to view full profile picture on Instagram? There are several ways to do this. One of them is source code. The result from it is so-so. It will be much better and easier to use services or applications that allow you to get an image in good resolution and quality.

Questions from our readers

#1. What is the size of a profile photo in 2019?

If you're looking through your phone it's 110 by 110.

Learn more