How to know if someone deleted your number on whatsapp

How To Know if Someone Deleted You in WhatsApp

Like most apps, WhatsApp enables you to customize who can contact you. Users who suspect someone deleted (blocked) them on WhatsApp may be surprised to learn there are various signs that can help confirm it.

If you’re interested in learning how to know if someone deleted you on WhatsApp, you’ve come to the right place. This article discusses what you should pay attention to if you think someone blocked you.

WhatsApp How to Know if Someone Deleted You

If you suspect someone deleted (blocked) you on WhatsApp, there are numerous things you can check that will help you confirm this. Let’s discuss them.

Try Sending a Message

The first action you can take if you think someone has blocked you on WhatsApp is to try to send them a message. How can this help? WhatsApp allows you to check whether your message was delivered and opened. If you send the message and you see two gray signs, it means the person has received your message and hasn’t opened it. This indicates the person hasn’t blocked you because otherwise, they wouldn’t have been able to receive your message. The same goes for two blue signs, only this indicates the person has received and seen the message.

If you see one gray sign, it means the person hasn’t received the message, which could be a sign that they blocked you. Before jumping to conclusions, keep in mind that this could also mean the person has turned off their internet or your connection is too weak. So this doesn’t give you reliable confirmation that you were blocked.

Check Their Profile Picture

Another thing you can try in order to establish whether someone deleted you on WhatsApp is to check their profile picture. Here’s how to do it.

  1. Open WhatsApp and go to the “Chats” tab.
  2. Find the contact and tap their profile picture on the left.
  3. Tap the “i” button to see their profile status.

If you see their profile picture, it means you weren’t blocked. But if you see a gray figure, it could indicate the person blocked you. Keep in mind that you may see the gray figure even if you aren’t blocked. The person may have chosen not to add a profile picture to the app.

Check Their Status

WhatsApp enables its users to create a status that displays under their name. You can use this to check whether a user has blocked you. Here’s what you need to do.

  1. Open WhatsApp and go to the “Chats” section.
  2. Press the person’s profile picture.
  3. Check their picture. If you don’t see anything, the person may have blocked you.

Keep in mind that setting the status in WhatsApp is optional. Not being able to see a person’s status doesn’t prove they blocked you.

Check Their Last Seen Information

WhatsApp features the “Last seen” option that allows users to check the time their contacts last used the app. This information is displayed below the person’s name. If you don’t see anything, the person may have blocked you. Of course, this isn’t a sure way to confirm someone blocked you because users can turn off this option if they want to.

Ask a Friend or a Friend of a Friend

If you suspect someone blocked you on WhatsApp, you can do a little research outside the app. Ask your mutual friends whether they’ve heard anything about this.

Discover the Truth

WhatsApp doesn’t inform its users when another person blocks them because it values their privacy. However, several signs within the app could indicate you were deleted (blocked). Keep in mind that none of them are 100% reliable. If you really want to know whether a person has blocked you, you’ll need to ask them or someone close to them.

Do you know any other ways to establish whether you were deleted on WhatsApp? Have you tried any method we discussed above? Tell us in the comments section below.

How to Know If Someone Deleted Your Number on WhatsApp

The sting of losing a friend is one that everyone feels at some point in life; the fact that it was done through Whatsapp doesn’t lessen the blow. Believe it or not, there are a few you can see if someone has deleted you on Whatsapp and all of these signals can give you a concrete way to know.

How to Know if Someone Deleted Your Number on WhatsApp

Table of Contents

1. Try Sending a Message

Sending a message to someone will allow you to know if they have deleted you on whatsapp. There are certain hints that WhatsApp give you when you send someone a message that’ll let you know if they deleted you or not.

1. Locate and launch the WhatsApp application.

2. At the top, where your tabs are located, select CHATS. All ongoing conversations, including group conversations, will be listed below.

3. Locate and select the conversation that you have suspicion someone deleted you.

4. Go ahead and send a message, anything or even an attachment will do, too. But, here’s the kicker, if you send a message in the conversation unsuccessfully, which means it wasn’t delivered, there will only be a single small checkmark to the right of the message.

Before you question it, there’s one thing you should know: it’s possible the message just wasn’t sent. Double-check by using a secure and safe network connection, rather than your cellular data.

Any and all successful messages sent to others in conversations will have two checkmarks to the right of the message, rather than one.

2. Checking their Profile Picture

You can further confirm if someone has deleted you on WhatsApp by the revealing of their profile picture. If you don’t see their profile picture, then it’s more than likely someone deleted you on WhatsApp. Here’s how to check that:

1. Locate and launch the WhatsApp application.

2. At the top, where your tabs are located, select CHATS. All ongoing conversations, including group conversations will be listed below.

3. Locate and select the conversation that you have suspicion someone deleted you.

4. At the top left corner of the screen, you’ll see their profile picture. But, if you don’t, and it has been replaced with a grey figurehead, then it’s more than likely you were deleted on Whatsapp.

However, it’s possible, but unlikely, that WhatsApp is just having a moment. Try restarting the Whatsapp program and performing Steps 1 through 3 again. It’s also possible, but again, unlikely, that they removed their profile picture. Using their profile picture to find out if they deleted you isn’t the best way to know if someone has removed you because people remove their profile pictures all the time.

3. Checking Their Contact Information

Whatsapp gives you the ability to create a status. However, if you’ve been deleted by someone on Whatsapp, you won’t see their status. The same can be said if you aren’t in their contacts, which can be another tip that you’ve been deleted on Whatsapp. If you know for sure you were in that person’s contacts, and now you can’t see their status, then it’s likely you were deleted on Whatsapp.

1. Locate and launch the WhatsApp application.

2. At the top, where your tabs are located, select CHATS. All ongoing conversations, including group conversations will be listed below.

3. Locate and select the conversation that you have suspicion someone deleted you.

4. At the top left corner of the screen, select the person’s name. You’ll open their contact info. If there’s no additional information that was once there, you’ve likely been deleted on Whatsapp.

4. Check Their Last Seen Info

If someone deleted you and blocked you on WhatsApp, you won’t be able to see their Last Seen info. The last seen info allows you to know when someone was last and whatsapp and if the person you think deleted you always had this on, and it suddenly is no longer there, there’s a chance they have deleted your number and blocked you. Using this along with the other methods is a good way to know if someone deleted you on WhatsApp.

5. Asking a Friend of a Friend

Don’t use this solution if you’re aware of a recent conflict. Being confrontational with friends of the person who deleted you is only going to lead to trouble. If they want to delete you on Whatsapp, they’re going to delete you on Whatsapp. It’s best to respect their wishes, rather than confront them.

However, it’s possible that the other person simply deleted Whatsapp and hasn’t mentioned it to you, yet or hasn’t had the time. Simply calling them or getting in touch with a mutual friend can help clear the air and avoid a confrontation.

6. Asking The Person That You Think Deleted Your Number

Another good way to know if someone has deleted your number on WhatsApp is to simply ask them. When someone deleted your number, this is usually done from the contacts app on their phone which translates into WhatsApp. If you want to know if they’ve deleted you or not, simply send them a message on Whatsapp asking if they’ve deleted you.

What Will I See on WhatsApp If Someone Has Deleted Me?

When you delete a WhatsApp contact in your chat list, their name is replaced with their phone number. The same rules apply for WhatsApp groups in which both you and the removed contact are participants. If you erase a conversation with a deleted contact, you will not be able to contact them again unless you can recall their phone number from memory. If someone has deleted you from their WhatsApp, you will not see their status updates and their profile picture, depending on their settings.

If Someone Deletes You on WhatsApp, Can You See Their Status?

Only if you have their phone number in your phone’s address book and if they also have your phone number saved will your status updates be visible to them. You have the option of sharing your status updates with your contacts or with only a subset of your contacts.

If you cannot see the status updates, your number may have gotten erased unless they have changed their visibility to “My Contacts” in their preferences. Deleted numbers from a person’s contact list prevent you from accessing their personal information, such as their profile photo, status message, and the last time they were seen. Consequently, you will be unable to assert that you have been deleted from their contact list due to a settings issue.

Am I Blocked Or Deleted on WhatsApp?

Someone can still send you messages on WhatsApp, and they can view your profile, status, and last seen (depending on your account privacy settings) even if you delete their phone from your contacts list. However, if they are blocked, they will no longer be able to message you and will no longer be able to view anything relating to your account.

When you are blocked, you can’t:

View the last seen – This is a message that is updated every time the user logs into WhatsApp, and it also displays the date and time the person last used the service to help you find the individual. If you don’t see one, it’s conceivable that you’ve been prohibited — though it’s also possible that the individual has just deleted the feature from their account.

Your message won’t deliver – With the use of checkmark symbols, WhatsApp keeps track of your communications with others. Your message has gotten sent if there is a single check mark symbol next to it, and it has been received if there are two checkmark symbols next to it. When you message someone who has blocked you, that second checkmark will never display in your message list again. With a high possibility that you’ve gotten blocked, your message won’t make it through to the intended recipient. The message will get sent, but it will not be delivered to the intended recipient because you are blocked.

The WhatsApp call won’t go through – When you try to call someone that has blocked you, their phone will not get answered. The phone will continue to ring on your end of the call, but the person who has blocked you will not receive any notice that you have attempted to contact them.

You cant add the person to a WhatsApp group – When you try to add a person that blocked you to a WhatsApp group, you will not succeed. You will very certainly receive an error message stating that you are not permitted to include them in your group if you receive this message.

When you are deleted, depending on the person’s setting, you can’t:

View status updates – Status updates are reserved for people that appear in your contact list on WhatsApp. When someone deletes your phone number, you will no longer have access to their status updates.

View the person’s last seen – When someone deletes your number, they may choose not to display their last seen activity to you. Unless you have been removed and blocked by someone on WhatsApp, you will not be able to access their Last Seen information. There’s a reasonable probability that the person who you believe deleted you always had this information on their phone, and it suddenly disappeared, that they have removed your phone number and you cant view their last seen anymore.

View profile pictures – The absence of their profile photo provides additional confirmation that you have been erased on WhatsApp. If you don’t see their profile picture, someone has probably deleted you from their WhatsApp. In addition, it’s conceivable, but quite improbable, that they have changed their profile image. Using their profile image to determine whether or not they have deleted you is not the most effective method of determining whether or not someone has deleted you because people remove their profile photographs all of the time.

On WhatsApp, it’s impossible to know whether someone has removed your number. Because WhatsApp does not include a delete option for contacts, there is no way to tell unless the individual informs you directly. You can erase someone from WhatsApp without them being aware of it. The individual’s contact information will need to be deleted first from your phone’s address book, and then the person will need to be removed from your WhatsApp contacts list. The same applies if you have been blocked, you will not receive a notification. There will be hints that you have been blocked, but sometimes these are similar to when someone deletes their WhatsApp. The most significant way to differentiate if you have been blocked or deleted is to see if messages deliver.

Can You Tell If Someone Has Deleted Your WhatsApp Conversation?

WhatsApp has a feature that allows you to delete messages you have already sent. You can choose to delete only on your end or delete for all. When you “delete for all,” the recipient of the message will see that you deleted the message you had sent. Unfortunately, you only have a short window to delete for all, and there is no guarantee that by the time you delete the message, the recipient will not have read it. If someone deletes your WhatsApp conversation on their end, you will not see that your WhatsApp conversation got deleted.

One of the only ways to know that the person you are talking to has deleted the previous conversation is to ask them what it was about. You should not highlight the message and reply to it as it will remain visible to the other person. It will give the person into what the conversation was about. If you ask about the previous question and the person does not answer, you will know they deleted the last discussion.

The Takeaway

Whatsapp is one of the few applications that allow you to control who may contact you and view the information you share. It is also one of the few apps with privacy settings that enable you to choose who can contact you and see the information you share. The WhatsApp privacy settings are now separated into three categories: Everyone, My Contacts, and No One. It is possible to restrict access to your Last Seen, Profile Picture, and status on the messaging platform by configuring this setting.

How to know if someone has deleted my WhatsApp number

In today's article, you will learn how to How to know if someone has deleted my WhatsApp number in our detailed guide.

Before starting the article, it is necessary to clarify that deletion is not a blocking. Some time ago we showed here some ways to let you know within minutes if someone has blocked you on whatsapp.

Instead, we will explain How to know if someone has deleted my WhatsApp number .

Of course, be aware that sometimes these types of methods may not work, or the person who excluded you may swear that they never removed you from their contacts... And then, of course, other types come into play. speculation.

We recommend that you check each method to see if you have been removed from WhatsApp. Going to the last method without first checking the previous ones is inconvenient.

Method 1; to find out if you have been deleted from whatsapp

How do I know if someone deleted my WhatsApp number
  1. Log in to WhatsApp and click the icon that appears in the lower right corner of the screen (as a message).
  2. Find the contact who you think removed you from WhatsApp and click on it.
  3. If you don't come photo to profile contact or last connected time, he probably removed him from his friends list.

Method 2; to find out if you have been deleted from whatsapp

  1. Open the WhatsApp app on your device and search for the contact of the person you think removed them from your friends list.
  2. Touch a contact's name to view your profile.
  3. If you don't see his status before then we can guarantee you 90% that he removed you from your contact list.

Method 3; to find out if I was deleted from whatsapp

  1. Copy the contact number who you think deleted it from your friends.
  2. Borrow another phone and add this contact's mobile phone number to your smartphone.
  3. If after adding the number you still don't see the picture and even the status of this contact, it's obvious that this person removed him from his WhatsApp friends list. And if the place where you added the number can see more information than you (photo, status or something else), it has blocked you.

It's important to clarify that sometimes people change their privacy settings on WhatsApp , although they very, very rarely choose settings that prevent anyone from seeing their profile photo or status.

So if you get disappointing results by following these three methods, you will probably no longer be on that person's Contatos WhatsApp list. It doesn't mean they blocked you, but it means they didn't save your number.

one How to know if someone has deleted my WhatsApp number

1.1 How to know if someone has deleted my WhatsApp number

1.1.1 Method 1; to find out if you have been deleted from whatsapp

1.1.2 Method 2; to find out if you have been deleted from whatsapp

1.1.3 Method 3; to find out if I have been removed from whatsapp

How do I know that you have deleted my number? ▷ ➡️ Creative Stop ▷ ➡️

You have been waiting for a call from a person for several weeks, but, unfortunately, this person does not make itself felt. However, you are very sure that you gave him your number and that he saved it in the address book, so you are afraid that he deleted it, and you always ask yourself the same question: " How do I know if she deleted my number? ? ".

If you came to this article hoping to resolve this issue, don't worry, you've come to the right place at the right time! In fact, in the following paragraphs, I will have the opportunity to illustrate a few "tricks" that may allow you to understand whether it was the person who, in your opinion, removed your number from your address book.

So, are you ready to get into this? Yeah? Good: Sit back, take all the time you need to read the following paragraphs and, more importantly, put into practice the "advice" I'm going to give you. At this point, I have nothing else to do but wish you a good read and good luck with everything!

  • Check number with whatsapp
    • Android
    • iPhone
  • An app to find out who deleted your number

someone your number is , I want to give you some preliminary information which is necessary to have a clear idea of ​​what to do.

First, I would like to tell you that the only way to find out if a person has really saved their number in the phone book is to use the Whatsapp mailing lists (which I will discuss in more detail later).

How to unlock the bootloader of Xiaomi Poco F3

Otherwise, there is no application or service that can provide this information. In this regard: avoid making decisions that promise to be successful after sending some of your personal information or paying out amounts of money, as they are clearly a scam.

Is everything clear yet? Well, let's get going: all you have to do is implement the "clues" you'll find in the following paragraphs and try to find out if the person has removed your number from the address book or not. Good luck!


  • 1 Confirm the number using WhatsApp
    • 1.1 Android
    • 1.2 iPhone
  • 2 To find out who deleted your number

, confirm the number using the WhitesApp

, in this case The mailing list feature of the well-known messaging service (which is only accessible from mobile, not WhatsApp Web or WhatsApp Desktop), is the best way to know if a contact has removed your number from their address book or not.

In fact, WhatsApp can only send messages to mailing lists if those on it have the number of the user who created the list saved in the address book. Now you understand why using this feature is useful for "finding" who deleted your phone number, right?

Obviously, this "trick" assumes that both you and the person you think removed your number from their address book are using WhatsApp. Otherwise, you won't be able to continue.


To continue using the terminal Android , launch WhatsApp, select the tab Charla In the upper left corner, click on the icon three points located in the upper right corner and select the item reissue in the menu that opens.

Now select the contacts to include in the transfer, including both the person you believe has saved your number in the address book and the person you think may have deleted your number: to do this, you just need to tap there are nombres and then press the button (🇧🇷) located in the lower right corner.

Now write marker strip post a message at the bottom (for example, " Hello! All right? ") and send by clicking on the paper airplane located in the lower right corner. Once the message has been sent, hold your finger on it and tap the i symbol. three points in the upper right corner and select item Info from the menu that opens.

At this point, if the name of the person you think removed your number from the phone book does not appear under the heading Delivered to , obviously, their suspicions were well founded. Otherwise, if the message was delivered to you, your number will be stored in your address book.


Coming from iPhone , launch the Whatsapp application, tap the Charla tab in the lower right corner, click on the object Mailing Lists is located in the upper left corner and on the screen that opens, press the button New list (located at the bottom).

You must now select contacts want to be added to the mailing list: I recommend that you add to the list the person you are sure has his mobile phone number in the address book and the person you think deleted his number. To do this, you just need to touch them nombres and then select item create located in the top right corner.

Now write in the marker strip (below) the message you want to send to the selected contacts and send it by touching the paper airplane which is in the lower right corner. After sending a message, hold your finger on it, tap the symbol (▸) is present in the menu that appears on the screen, and then tap the item Info .

At this point, if the name of the person you suspect deleted your number, it does not appear under heading Delivered to apparently, his suspicions were well founded. Otherwise, if the message was indeed delivered to you, your mobile phone will still be stored in your address book.

App to find out who deleted your number

As I mentioned in the introduction to this article, there are also some apps to find out who deleted your number - These solutions promise to find out if the contact saved in the address book, your number, or they deleted it. However, I want to tell you that these solutions very often do not work properly, and therefore I do not recommend using them.

Some of these apps (for example, Me - Just See , available for both Android and iPhone) let you know if any of your contacts have removed your phone number from their address book, only if they have also installed the app on your smartphone. Since they are unlikely to have done so, using these types of solutions may not help you much.

As I mentioned a few lines earlier, there are also online apps and services that claim to find out who "magically" removed your number from the phone book if you provide personal information or even sign up for a paid subscription.

Learn more