How to join a group in viber

Learn How to Create Viber Groups for Business

A Viber Group is a great way to simultaneously keep multiple people updated about your products or services, promote discussion and allow you to build relationships quickly. If you want to find out how to create Viber Groups, stick around and we’ll show you!

What is Viber Group?

When Viber introduced Viber Groups in 2012 as a feature of its messaging app, Groups functioned like private chatrooms for multiple people. Initially, Viber Groups’ users primarily consisted of friends and families, but businesses caught on quickly.

What is Viber Group?

Businesses learned to use Viber Groups as a communication channel with their customers. Since Viber Group messages could be read by all participants, it was an efficient way to update customers or answer their questions simultaneously.

This effective method of messaging customers makes Viber Group a useful tool to have in today’s fast-paced world. Let’s take a look at all the advantages of Viber Groups.

Benefits of Viber Group

Viber Group has all the benefits you get from instant messaging, but with multiple people instead of just an individual. Instant messages are more likely to capture your audience’s attention as people read them 600% more often than email.

And because instant messages tend to be more conversational than email, it becomes easier to build trust and relationships with recipients. Casual conversations also encourage quicker feedback or responses.

Unlike phone calls, instant messages don’t require all parties to be present for a conversation. Instant messages are also searchable, which is useful when locating an old message. And if needed, you can still send voice messages or make calls in Viber Groups.

Benefits of Viber Group

As Viber Groups have no restrictions when it comes to content, you can create a group for any purpose. Viber Groups can also be created and accessed on both mobile and desktop app, making it convenient for anybody to use.

While Viber Groups are suitable for long-term use, they are also great for temporary activities where members don’t need to stay in touch after the purpose of the group is over.

For example, you can create groups to update your students or customers about a baking or yoga class, different sessions of a seminar and so on. But before you use Viber Groups for your business, there are some things that you need to know.

Limitations of Viber Groups

Because Viber Groups are only accessible using the Viber app, you won’t be able to use Viber Chatbots and third-party messaging platforms to chat on them.

Viber Groups also don’t show previously sent messages to newly added members, meaning you’ll need to update them if they’re unaware of the conversation.

Limitations of Viber Groups

There’s no support for member insights or message statistics, so you can’t track the performance of your messages if you need that information.

Lastly, Viber Groups have a maximum of 250 members, which makes them unsuitable for businesses that need to communicate with large numbers of customers. Instead, you can use Viber Communities or Channels if you have a large audience to connect with.

Viber Group, Community and Channel Differences

If you need to accommodate more users and want stricter controls over the conversation, you’ll need to look beyond Viber Groups. Viber Communities are like Groups but larger, with more moderation tools and visible chat histories.

On the other hand, Viber Channels are similar to Communities, except that communication is one-way. Only admins can send messages in Channels. This makes Channels more suitable for announcements than conversations.

Viber Groups work best for businesses with smaller audiences that don’t require all the bells and whistles that come with Communities or Channels. Next, let’s explore how Viber Groups can improve the way your business communicates with its customers.

Why Use Viber Groups

Viber Groups are an efficient way of communicating with your customers if Viber is popular in your region or the majority of your customers are already on the channel. This allows you to reach out to customers where they spend most of their time.

Broadcasts and groups allow you to mass message customers, with one main difference. Broadcasts are only meant for one-way conversations, while groups allow members to participate in discussions.

This is great for community bonding among members because they can interact and chat with one another. This especially benefits companies in social-oriented verticals like fitness or education.

Why you should use Viber Groups

Viber Groups enable you to answer commonly asked questions with a single message since everyone in the group can read your replies. For example, you can alert customers about new products and answer any questions they might have in the same group.

Viber Groups are free to use along with the Viber app itself. There are also no costs for messaging either as you’ll be sending messages from a personal Viber account instead of a business account.

This is helpful to know, especially when you’re a business that’s just starting out and don’t have a big budget to spend on messaging customers! Now you know the benefits of using a Viber Group, let’s learn how to create one.

How to Create Viber Group

Creating a Viber Group is a process that will be familiar to you if you’ve created groups on other chat apps in the past.

How to create a group in Viber

1. Tap the speech bubble icon.

2. Select New Group or Community.

3. Select the people to invite to your Group.

4. Tap the next arrow.

5. Name your group.

6. Tap the check mark.

You can begin chatting with the group members in your newly created group.

How to Invite People to Viber Groups

Now that we’ve created our group, it’s time to populate it with members. Here’s what you need to do to invite your contacts.

How to invite people to your Viber Group

1. Tap the menu button.

2. Select Add participants.

3. Select the contacts you want to add to the group or select Share group link to get a URL for sharing.

4. Tap the check mark.

The contacts you select will be added to the Viber Group. If you used the Share group link option instead, send the generated link to people you would like to invite to your group.

How to Manage Viber Groups

Admins are the only ones with the privileges to manage a Viber Group, so they can add or remove members from the group, clear chat content and delete the group itself. As it can be difficult to manage a group alone, appoint admins to help you out.

Adding Admins

Appointing a group member as an admin is a quick and easy process, but choose wisely when providing this level of access.

How to add admins to your Viber Group

1. Tap on the group name.

2. Select the contact you wish to make an admin.

3. Select Add as admin.

It’s that simple; the next step will cover removing any appointed admins in your Viber Group.

Removing Admins

It’s wise to remove any ex-colleagues from a group to prevent unintended usage of the admin role.

How to remove admins from your Viber Group

1. Tap on the group name.

2. Select the admin you wish to remove.

3. Select Remove as admin.

Lastly, we’ll cover how to clear chat content or delete a group.

Clear Chat Content or Leave and Delete the Group

If your Viber Group was created for a temporary occasion that has concluded, follow these steps to delete the group or its contents.

How to clear chat content or delete a group

1. Tap on the group name.

2. Tap Clear chat content to erase the chat history of the group or Leave and delete to leave and delete the chat group.

3. Tap Clear or Leave and Delete in the pop-up menu to confirm your decision.

Now you have the information required to run a Viber Group, let’s wrap things up.


Viber Groups are a great way to build customer relationships and stay in touch with them, provided that you or your agents reply to messages in a timely manner.

However, if you’re dealing with a larger group of customers, consider using Viber Communities, which has chatbot support. With a chatbot, you can use a central messaging inbox like to handle your conversations.

When your Viber chatbot is connected to, you’ll gain features like automatically routing and assigning contacts, sending automated messages, internal collaborations with multiple agents and more.

Check out our blog post on Viber Communities for more details. Once you’re ready to connect your chatbot to, sign up for a free trial!

Further Reading

Finally, if you found this post helpful, here are some other articles you might be interested in.

  • Ultimate Guide to Viber for Business
  • Viber Sales: A Comprehensive Guide to Sales With Viber
  • Viber Support: Using Viber As a Customer Support Channel

How to Use Viber Communities for Business

Want to know how to use Viber Community for your business? This article will explain everything you need to know about Viber Communities, including Viber Community features and how to create and grow your Community.

What is Viber Community

Viber Community, formerly known as Viber Public Chat, is a huge chatroom consisting of people with a common interest. It is normally used by celebrities to connect with their fans and by businesses to gather prospects and share updates, promotions and more.

Compared to Viber Groups, Viber Communities support more members, have more advanced features and are ideal for privacy-conscious users. We’ll explore these features in the next section.

Viber Community Features

The most remarkable aspect of Viber Community is its ability to have an unlimited number of members. As a result, Viber has introduced tiered management roles to assist businesses in managing and moderating their Communities.

Here’s a simple summary of Viber Community’s tiered management roles. For more detailed information, read the Viber Communities knowledge base article.

  • Superadmin or the Community’s creator has full control over the Community
  • Admins are appointed by superadmins and play a vital role in moderating and creating Community content
  • Members are Viber users who join the Community and must abide by the Community guidelines
Viber Community general features

To grow a Community, superadmins can share the Community’s link on their website and social media or allow members to invite their contacts through an invite link. Those who want to join the Community must have the Viber app installed on their phones.

When a new member joins the Community, they will get full access to the chat history to view conversations, insights and updates shared prior to their membership.

Most importantly, Viber is protective of its users' privacy so no one, including superadmins and admins, can see members’ phone numbers. Besides that, members who enable private messages can contact each other while keeping their numbers hidden.

Now that you're acquainted with Viber Community's basic features, let's move on to the advanced features: message features and moderation capabilities.

Viber Communities: Message Features

Viber provides numerous messaging features to help superadmins, admins and members communicate easily. To express opinions and communicate clearly, Viber Community members can react to messages, respond directly or mention a member.

Viber Community message features

Superadmins and admins can pin a message to the top of the chat to initiate a discussion or highlight an important topic. For example, they can send the Community guidelines and pin the message so it is visible to all community members.

They can also use the polling and quizzing tool to create a fun Community engagement session. Next, we will talk about Viber Community’s moderation capabilities which will help superadmins and admins to control their Community.

Viber Communities: Moderation Capabilities

Moderating a Community is crucial as it is the only way to ensure members follow the Community guidelines. If a member violates the guidelines, superadmins and admins can delete the offending message or all their messages, and warn them privately.

Viber Communities moderation capabilities

If the member still refuses to adhere to the Community guidelines after a private warning, superadmins and admins can remove them from the Community or ban them so that they won’t be able to rejoin the Community.

Superadmins and admins can unban these members. However, they will not be automatically added to the Community and will need to rejoin via an invite link or be added by another member or admin.

Why Use Viber Communities for Business

Being in the same chatroom as prospects propels businesses ahead of their competitors as it allows them to convert prospects into customers on a platform where members anticipate updates from businesses.

If you're in an area where Viber is popular, create a Community to enhance your visibility. In the Philippines, for example, many large businesses create Viber Communities because Viber is one of the most popular messaging apps there.

Examples of Viber Communities for business in the Philippines

There are many reasons why businesses should use Viber Community. This section will discuss how Viber Community can increase business visibility, create a positive user experience and create highly engaging activities.

Benefits of Viber Community for business

Increase Business Visibility

Community messages appear alongside private messages in the Viber inbox, granting them high visibility. You can even get creative by creating a promotional sticker pack that will automatically add users to your Community when they download them.

Promoting your sticker pack on the sticker market is an excellent way to enhance Community's exposure as Viber no longer allows Communities to be discoverable through the search bar. If you want to be discoverable, contact Viber to turn your Community into a channel.

Create a Positive User Experience

Viber’s moderation features allow superadmins to choose whether their Community should be a two-way communication platform or a one-way communication platform to share updates and promotions by regulating members’ writing privileges.

However, even with restricted writing privileges, members can still react to messages sent by admins and superadmins to express themselves. On top of that, Viber also allows them to mute or snooze a Community for 30 days and leave the Community anytime.

To provide a positive user experience and avoid members from muting or leaving a Community, businesses should always ensure that their content is spam free, interesting and relevant to Community members.

Engage Members with Fun Activities

Superadmins and admins can utilize tools like polls and quizzes to engage with audiences and get to know them better while emphasizing the importance of their audience's opinion.

For instance, restaurants can use the polling tool to get members’ opinions on a new pizza flavor or use the quiz tool to create seasonal giveaways and gift lucky winners special vouchers or products.

In addition, superadmins will be able to understand members better, determine the most engaging type of content and plan them accordingly to meet their audiences' demands with the Community insights feature.

How to Create Viber Community

First, you need to set Community goals and guidelines to moderate your Community. Then, you can create your Viber Community by following the steps below. Keep in mind that you can only create a Community on your phone.

1. Tap the compose icon on the Chats panel of your Viber app and click on New Group.

Tap the compose icon and click on New Group

2. Select the contacts you would like to form a Community with and click next. Any contacts that you add at this stage will become admins. After that, you will be directed to the Choose group type page where you can choose to create a Group or a Community.

Select the contacts you would like to form a Community with

3. Select Community and fill in your Community details. Then, click on the checkmark at the top right corner. You have successfully created your Community and the contacts you’ve selected earlier will be notified.

Select Community and fill in your Community details

How to Grow Viber Communities

Viber allows you to grow your Community by sharing Community invite links. Superadmins have complete control over the accessibility of the link and can disable the existing link anytime. Follow the steps below to send an invite.

1. Select a Community on the Chats panel of your Viber app. Once you’ve opened a Community chat, click on the three vertical dots and click on Community info.

Select a Community, click on the three vertical dots and click on Community info

2. Tap on Invite and select who you would like to send an invite to on any messaging app.

Tap invite and share the invite link

For superadmins, follow the steps below to share the Community link.

1. Select a Community on the Chats panel of your Viber app. Once you’ve opened a Community chat, click on the three vertical dots and click on Community info.

Select a Community, click on the three vertical dots and click on Community info

2. Tap on Share Community link. You’ll be able to choose how you’d like to share the link. On the same page, you can choose to Allow all members to share the link or Disable the existing link.

Tap Invite and share the invite link

How Your Business Can Use Viber Community

There are many great businesses using Viber Community to its full potential. In this section, we will show you how they are doing this — and how you can too.

Create Promotional Viber Sticker Packs to Grow Communities

A promotional sticker pack is one of Viber’s advertising tools to attract users to join a Community. You can create free branded promotional stickers, which can be downloaded from the sticker market to convert Viber users to your Community members.

Examples of Communities using promo sticker packs

Communities like Barcelona FC and WHO create sticker packs for Viber users to download for free. In return, users will be added to the Community and will receive various updates, including new stickers which they can download and use for free.

Use Viber Community to Share Updates and Promotions

Many businesses use Viber Community to share updates and promotions with their Community. However, most businesses with this goal in mind do not allow Community members to participate in the conversation by restricting their writing privileges.

Examples of Communities using Viber Community for updates and promotions

Allowing members to reply in a huge Community will make it difficult for superadmins and admins to track conversations and reply to messages in a timely manner. This is when a Viber Bot Account comes into play.

Connect Viber Bot to Viber Community

Businesses that restrict members’ writing privileges have to connect their Viber Bot to their Viber Community to provide a medium for customers to message them if they have any inquiries or complaints.

Examples of Communities connecting Viber Chatbot to Viber Community

On the other hand, businesses using Viber as a two-way communication platform can either direct members to chat with them via click to chat links or start a chat with a connected Viber Bot in the Community.

Above all, Viber Bot is a must-have for businesses wanting to track and manage a high volume of messages on Viber. Contact Viber to connect your Chatbot to Viber Community.

How your business can use Viber Community

Want to have one-on-one conversations with your customers on Viber? Read on to learn how Viber Bot can help you.

Viber Bot for 1:1 Conversation and Bulk Messaging

Do you need Viber for one-on-one messaging and bulk messaging? Create your Viber Bot Account for free and connect to to start sending and receiving messages!

Viber Bot is an essential tool for businesses using Viber as the main messaging app to connect with their customers as it enables businesses to track and manage messages effortlessly. Learn more about Viber on our Ultimate Guide to Viber for Business blog.

Further Readings

We hope you found this article useful. Here are a few readings that might be of interest to you.

  • Ultimate Guide to Viber for Business
  • Viber Bulk Message: A How-To Guide
  • Ultimate Guide to WhatsApp Business API

How to add to a group in Viber on the phone

In Viber, you can not only call and chat with certain users, it is a messenger that allows you to create entire groups of several participants to get interesting information or discuss important topics. This feature allows you to make a social portal out of a regular application for communication. Today, some groups in Viber have completely replaced Internet networks, advertising and websites. If you want to join a group in Viber and participate in its correspondence, then you can do this in several convenient ways. Learn how to find a group and can you join without an invitation? 9Ol000 A group is a general chat in Viber where an unlimited number of interlocutors can participate. Often the group has a common theme, for which the participants joined it. Here you can discuss a specific goal - family problems, an upcoming event, a trip, or share various socially useful information. Recently, groups in Viber have begun to replace social networks, communities, advertising companies with online stores.

Group chat has the following distinctive characteristics:

  • any topics can be raised here for discussion, including informational or commercial ones;
  • chat is created by any user;
  • you can invite an unlimited number of participants;
  • Any member of the group has the right to invite a new user;
  • there are open and closed communities;
  • all functions are available, as for regular chat;
  • , you can assign a name to the group, put a splash screen and chat background.

Group chat, due to the large number of users and constantly incoming messages, has the option of the Do Not Disturb mode, when new entries are not displayed on the screen and are not accompanied by a sound notification.

The one who creates the group, he is its administrator and deals with organizational issues, sets the theme and design. One person can create a huge number of such group conversations. It is very important to make the chat interesting and active, so as not only to invite your friends there, but to make it public. Today, such a convenient feature of Viber is becoming more and more popular.

Search for communities in Viber

Search for communities

It's worth starting with the fact that it is impossible to find a private group in Viber by its supposed name, so you can join it only through an invitation from an existing member. You can independently find a general chat in the Viber database only in the form of a community or a public account. Do not confuse a group with a community and public accounts. The last two options serve as a mass group whose number of people can reach up to a billion. Usually these are pages of well-known brands or personalities.

If you still need instructions for finding a community, then follow these tips:

  1. Open Viber.
  2. On the main page where the chat history is displayed, you will see a search icon at the top or drag the screen down to display the search bar.
  3. Enter the name of the desired public account or community in it, click on search.
  4. From the presented results, select what you are looking for, click "Join".

If you don't know the exact name of the community, but you are looking for it by the approximate name based on the chat topic, put @ in the search bar before writing the name. This sign is a substitute for a hashtag in Viber and allows you to find all communities where the word you wrote or a combination of words in a line is used.

How to join the group

Once again, we remind you that you can only join the group by invitation, so below are instructions on how it works in practice and alternative options if you are still looking for a community.

Join a group in Viber by invitation

By invitation

So, the group has been created. Participants in a group in Viber can be invited not only by the administrator from his phone book, but also by any other users who are also members of this group chat. How to invite to a group:

  1. Open the application.
  2. In the chat history, select the desired group.
  3. At the top of the panel, to the right of the chat name, there will be an "Add participant" icon, it is made in the form of an icon with a little man.
  4. A phone book with available Viber users appears on the screen and you check the box next to who you want to invite.
  5. After a second, the user receives an invitation and optionally joins the group.

If you have an outdated version of Viber or you use an iPhone, then you can send an invitation through the group settings button, the "Add member" item will be available below.


Without an invitation, you can join the group yourself if it is open and you know how to find it in the Viber system. This rule applies to communities and public accounts. To join the community on your own, you must:

  1. Write the name of the community in the search bar through the "Chats" section.
  2. Select the desired public from the list provided.
  3. Enter it and click on the "Join" button below, after which you immediately become a member of the group chat.
  4. If necessary, you can turn off the sound for notifications.

By phone number

It is impossible to find a group or community behind a phone number. Of course, you can try to use the search bar and enter the administrator's mobile phone number into it, but such an action will not bring any results. Therefore, if you know the phone number of the administrator or one of the group members, then add this person to your contact list and write him a personal message in Viber asking him to send an invitation to add to the group.

How to leave the group

If you have been watching the group for a while, as well as the information presented in it, and realized that it is not interesting and useless to you, then you can leave the group if you wish. To do this, repeat the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Start the messenger.
  2. Change to a group.
  3. Open the group settings via the top bar.
  4. Open "Info".
  5. At the bottom you will see the "Exit group" function.

When you leave the group, it will disappear from the available chats in your Viber history, and messages will also stop coming. The fact that you left the public chat is not notified to anyone and is not displayed in the text field of the group, so no one will know about it unless someone personally opens the list of participants and sees that you are not there, although earlier you participated in the correspondence.

How to join a Viber group yourself

There are communities in Viber - associations of people of the same interests for communication. Usually other users invite here, but sometimes a potential participant finds an association on his own and wants to join. Then the question arises of how to join a group in Viber without an invitation. In addition to communities, there are groups that you can join only by invitation of one of the participants.

You can join a community or public in one of two ways: personally request an invitation to a closed association, or freely join an open one. The possibility of free entry is indicated by the “+” sign opposite the association. Is it just as easy to join a group?


  1. Is it possible to add to a group in Viber
  2. How to find an interesting group
  3. How to join a group
  4. Can I be added to a hidden group

Can I be added to a group in Viber 9002 9002 Viber 9002 group without an invitation, but you can add to the public or community. In groups, acquaintances usually communicate with each other, and communities unite people according to their interests.

The group can consist of up to 250 people at the same time, and for a larger number you need to open a community.

As of the current year, it is not possible to turn a group into a community, but it is possible that the developers will add this feature in the future.

Publics stand apart. These are accounts opened by business, media personalities, including bloggers.

How to find an interesting group

There are three categories of groups in Viber, each with its own purpose:

  • Group. A chat that can be opened by any user of the messenger, the maximum number is 250 people. In a group chat, almost any type of issue is discussed: personal problems, business tasks, joint purchases, school or university affairs. There is no moderation in groups, communication is completely free.
  • Public. Groups that are opened by media personalities or companies. Here, mainly company issues are discussed, a direct conversation is conducted with buyers. Publics are used as a feedback tool with the target audience and a way to expand the sales market.
  • Communities. A group that can have an infinite number of members. Communities are very different from each other, they are: private, public, accessible by link. There is moderation in communities, the rules are set by the creator.

You cannot find a group in the search, but you can find a community or public. When choosing a suitable association for communication, remember the difference in formats. In particular, do not count on completely free communication in communities, and in groups you should not call on moderators to delete messages.

To find a community you need:

  • Launch Viber;
  • Open the "Chats" tab;
  • Write in the search bar the name of the community, if it is known, or simply indicate your interest;
  • The system will find suitable communities and display them;
  • Find the community you like, click on it;
  • Click on the "Start" button, after which you will join the conversation.
Search for the desired group in Viber

If you need to re-find the community, go to the list of conversations, it will be there. If there are too many conversations, type the name in the search bar, and Viber will find the right one.

Instructions for finding the public:

  • Launch Viber;
  • Click on the "More" button;
  • Under the photo, find "Public Accounts", then go to the main page of the section;
  • Click on the magnifying glass, write a search query;
  • The system will find the desired public, click on the “+” icon to the right of it;
  • Click on "Accept and continue";
  • Click on the "Read+" button.
Joining an open Viber group

Now you have joined the public. In the future, you can find a conversation in the conversation list, similar to communities.

How to join a group

You can join a group by invitation only, and for this you need to be familiar with one of the participants in the group chat.

Further algorithm of actions:

  • Write to a person who is already in the group chat of interest;
  • If the contact is not in the phone book, add it there;
  • Wait for an invitation from the user, which will appear as a pop-up notification;
  • Agree to join the group.

You can find the started correspondence in the tab with existing chats. If you do not know the person who is in the group, you cannot join it.

Can I join a hidden group? It is used for conducting confidential correspondence, information from which is guaranteed not to get to third parties.

Despite the fact that the started correspondence is hidden, the group itself can be found, for this: