How to hack a facebook account using kali linux

How to hack a Facebook account using Kali Linux

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All most every new beginner in the hacking field usually wants to hack Facebook or Instagram. These can be considered as some of the most common priorities of every beginner in the hacking field. However, a question may be arising in your mind that, when we search on Google "hack facebook," a huge number of sites comes as a result, promising just enter the target's e-mail address and they will give you password. Thus it is nothing but just a method of making a fool; otherwise, Facebook had to shut down their business a long time ago. You may be wondering, then what does actually meaning of hacking Facebook. First of all, we have to accept that most of us are really misled by the term "hacking". Usually, all newcomers in the hacking field think that gaining the target's password or gaining access to the target's account is hacking, but hacking is much more than that. So before moving forward, we want to clear that you cannot hack Facebook, and it is almost impossible, at least for beginners.

When we try to hack any website (Facebook), we need to understand that it is not a cupcake. However hacking process usually consists of several time taking but essential processes such as working of the website, database management system, finding and understanding scripts used by the websites, and languages used to build that website. In the hacking process, almost every process is important, but the process of finding vulnerabilities or weaknesses in the system or website is most crucial.

However, the hacking process is not that easy but also not impossible. In this tutorial, we lean a common method (or trick) to hack a user's Facebook account using kali Linux. We are using Kali Linux as it is the number one operating system that is usually used for penetration testing. The success ratio of this method is quite good but not 100% because several other factors matter even when all things are ok at our end. So let's get started.


  • Kali Linux must be installed on your system. You can also install Kali Linux via Virtual Machine.
  • SET Toolkit usually: it usually comes preinstalled in the full version of Kali Linux.
  • You must have basic knowledge of how to use kali Linux.

In this tutorial, we will use the Phishing method, which is one of the most common and quite effective methods, but before implementing this method, let's see what it actually is.

Phishing method

Phishing is the most common method to get access to someone's Facebook account. The most popular type of phishing is creating a fake login page and send the link of the page by e-mail or SMS, or social media to the target. Once the target opens that link, the login page will look exactly like the Facebook login page. However, if the target thinks that is a genuine page and enters his/her credentials. You will get those credentials instead of Facebook, and then you can easily access the target's account. This process is a little bit difficult because we need to host a website and create a login page. However, some excellent tools really made it kids play.

Table of contentsIn this tutorial, we will be showing you how you can hack someone's Facebook account with Kali Linux using social engineering toolkit.

  • What is Social Engineering Toolkit (SET)??
  • How to hack Facebook using Kali Linux
    • How to know your own IP address in Kali Linux?

What is Social Engineering Toolkit (SET)??

The Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET) is intended to perform very targeted against the human attack vector. The SET toolkit was developed by David Kennedy and his team. The attacks included within the toolbox are intended to be used for testing purposes. Even though we can hack Facebook with Kali Linux, it is illegal to do so without proper permission from the parties involved.

How to hack Facebook using Kali Linux?

To do so, you need to follow the following given instructions very carefully.

  1. Startup your Linux machine and log in as a root user.
  2. Now click on the top left corner, click on "all applications". Search for "settoolkit" and run the Toolkit as shown below:
  3. Once the social engineering toolkit opens, it will show the following option as shown below in the given image:
  4. Select the "Social Engineering Attacks" option by selecting the appropriate option, which in our case is "1". Once you select option 1, it will now display some other option to select where you need to select the "Website Attack Vectors" option.
  5. Now you have to select the option "Credential Harvester Attack Method" as shown below:

    Step 7: Now select the "Credential Harvester Attack Method", which is "Site Clone" that we are going to use:
  6. After selecting the "Credential Harvester Attack Method", it will ask you to enter your IP address. As you can see below, our IP address is already mentioned, but that will be fine if you want to mention it. After which, you have to provide the URL address of the website you want to clone, which is Facebook in our case. If you don't know your IP address, you can learn it further in the tutorial.
  7. After providing the appropriate URL address, it will show you a similar interface as shown below:
  8. Here all work is almost done. Still, it will be nice to test it on your own system before using it on the actual target. To test whether it is working or not, open your web browser, enter your IP address in the search box, and press the enter button.
  9. Now enter your id and password and click on login as shown above. Your web page will reload and be redirected to the original login page of Facebook. However, to check it worked or not, you have to check the terminal to see whether some changes occur or not.
  10. As you can see in the above-given image, we have successfully got the id and password. To use it on the actual target, you have to shorten your IP address using some IP address shorten websites. After that, you can stick that IP address to a mail, pretending that it is from the Facebook or Google side.

How to know your IP address in Kali Linux?

If you don't know your IP address, you can consider the following instructions:

Open the terminal and execute the following given command:





Believe us or not, everyone can not do this, which means we have read several blogs and learned many things on hacking and Kali Linux, which is not enough for Hacking Facebook. So, the conclusion is that hacking Facebook is a really big deal, not everyone's cup of tea. Even elite-level hackers can't do it. But using the above-given method, you can try it.

Note: Using or accessing anyone's account without their permission is a type of cybercrime. So there is no need to remind that doing such types of activities, even for just fun, can put you in big trouble.
This tutorial is only for educational purposes.

Next TopicHow to Install XAMPP in Kali Linux

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How Hackers Use Social Engineering to Get Passwords on Facebook?

Social engineering is a powerful method for hackers to exploit computer systems without the use of malware or computer hacking tools. To carry out a successful social engineering hack, ethical hackers need to understand how to effectively use social media and human interaction to obtain sensitive information. Social engineering is an essential skill for security experts, especially those in the IT field, as it’s used in virtually every phase of a cybersecurity project.

The skills required by ethical hackers make it possible for someone without any knowledge of computers or coding techniques to carry out serious cybersecurity tasks such as breaking into an organization’s system undetected using social engineering tactics alone. That said, it is important not to expect too much from unqualified ethical hackers who possess little knowledge of proper computer security procedures and practices since their skills are no match for malicious hackers who will always defeat them in the end via malware attacks or other forms of cybercrime activity.

Social engineering is primarily used to access personal accounts like emails and social media accounts like Facebook or to gather personal data. The hackers produce phishing pages that seem very much like legitimate ones and attempt to convince the victim that they are legitimate and trustworthy. For more information:

  • Social Engineering – Art of Virtual Exploitation
  • Social Engineering: The Attack on Human Brain and Trust

Example of a Social Engineering Attack:

The building of false phishing pages is the most typical illustration of a social engineering attack.

In order to get the victim to believe they are legitimate and trustworthy, the hacker first produces a phony phishing page that looks remarkably like the real one. The hacker then sends the victim the link via email or SMS and poses a threat, such as “Click on the link and login or your account will be banned/deleted,” and when the victim clicks on the link, he is taken to a fake phishing page that tricks them into thinking they clicked on the legitimate login page and then requests their login credentials, which the hacker then retrieves in order to access the victim’s account. As a result, the hacker gained access to the account quickly and successfully.


It is an open-source, free toolkit that is employed in social engineering assaults like phishing and bulk emailing. Programmer Dave Kennedy created and created the Social Engineering Toolkit. Security experts and penetration testers use this application to look for cybersecurity vulnerabilities in systems all over the world. Toolkit for social engineering targets to use offensive methods on their computers. It contains a variety of tools that can be used to learn more about phishing victims, among other things.

For more information: Social Engineering Toolkit

Practical Demonstration:

1. Open Kali Linux

2. Open the terminal and type the following command to open setoolkit.



3. Select Social Engineering Attacks



4. Select Web Attack Vectors



5. Select Credential Harvester Attack



6. Select Site Cloner



7. Type your IP address.

Note: To perform this attack over WAN you’ll need to enter your public/external IP address. To perform over LAN type your internal  IP address provided by your router. To find your IP address type ifconfig in new terminal windows and copy your IP address.



8. Now input the URL you want to clone and perform a phishing attack over (in this case Facebook)


The process will complete in a couple of seconds and then the phishing website will be hosted on the specified IP address on port 80 (mostly).


Now open the website on other device with the IP.

Note: Make sure you are connected to same network in case of LAN


A Facebook Login page is displayed which seems to be legit.


As the user enters the email ID and password it is fetched by setoolkit


The password and email id entered by the victim is successfully fetched by the Hacker (highlighted in red).


The credentials are stored in an XML file to check over them later, to access it open this file location


Now open the only XML file and findthe  email and password parameter.


To make the link more convincing, hackers mask the URL with appealing words and phrases with tools like Maskphish (check out: Maskphish)


  • Check the internet accounts frequently for any strange activity.
  • Frequently changing passwords
  • Keeping a watch on the Login activity closely.
  • Avoid clicking any suspicious or unexpected links, including those from friends or relatives, as it’s possible that they have also had their accounts hacked.
  • Installing phishing protection software.
  • Not accepting requests from strangers.
  • Avoid sharing any sensitive information on social media as doing so could get you in trouble.
  • Learn how to spot a phishing attempt by reading and understanding the email message you receive before you click any links or download an attachment. \

Note: This article is only written for educational purposes.

How to hack and crack someone's Facebook password with a set of ways and how to protect it

As one of the major social networks, Facebook plays an important role in the daily lives of its users. Through Facebook, people like to share their photos in the news feed, post the day's events, and keep in touch with their friends and family.

If you want to monitor Facebook content or hack someone's account, you've come to the right place. Here we will explain how you can hack a Facebook account. Check Learn how hackers hack into Facebook accounts and how to protect yourself. nine0003

This article explains how to hack Facebook account and how to spy on Messenger instantly in a simple way. These tricks have been working for a long time and have helped many people hack FB accounts. In order to hack any account, you just need to know some friends that on the Facebook account you need to hack. We got advice from ethical hackers on Facebook and created this guide and we only use these steps to hack someone's account or even your Facebook friends if it's about Ethical Hacking (Just for learning or your friend's account was hacked) . Please do not abuse this manual.

By following this method, you can hack Facebook account and log into Facebook Messenger through it, and in the latest update, we mentioned mobile apps to help you hack Facebook account, you should try. Meanwhile, you can check the topic How to hack WiFi password too.

Before proceeding with the Facebook account hacking steps, click on any of the following procedures to solve your problem:

  • Delete Facebook account - to delete your Facebook account.
  • facebook account recovery - forgot password
  • Report to Facebook - Account hacked.

How to hack Facebook account (quick answer)

  1. Open Facebook. com and click forgot password
  2. Click "You no longer have access"
  3. Enter a new email ID.
  4. Contact a trusted person for help. nine0020

The following is a detailed explanation:

Method 1: Steps to hack Facebook account immediately using "Forgot Password":

In this method, if you know some details about the Facebook account user, you can easily hack their account record. So not only will you be able to access your accounts, but the Facebook account user will not be able to access their accounts again. Follow the instructions below to learn how to hack someone's Facebook using this method. nine0003

Here are the steps to follow to access someone's Facebook account within minutes. Follow the steps below and if that doesn't work, just follow the methods below which will lead you to other great steps to hack Fb account and even get Facebook account password using these apps.

Step 1: Click Forgot Password

To hack your Facebook account, go to facebook. com and click on Forgot Password? " nine0003

Step 2: Search for "I don't have it anymore Access" At the bottom of the password reset, you'll find "Do you no longer have access to this?" Click on it.

distinct: How to hack someone's Instagram (How to protect your account in 2019year)

Step 4: Ask friends

Try to answer the security questions if you know the user well, and if your answer is correct, you will have to wait 24 hours to access the user's Facebook account.

If you don't know the user well, you can select the option "Recover account with friends" and select three friends for whom you want to receive a security code.

Ask your trusted contacts for help, now your friends need to help you with this account, to log into the account, you need to get the secret code from three people that Facebook shows in this step, try to get the code from these people to hack this account and after getting on the icons press Continue .

Within 24 hours you will receive a new password and your account will be hacked. You can use this method to unlock your account if you forgot your password and nothing worked, or for some good reason hack into someone's account that lost their account and not use it on a Facebook account for any other purposes.

notification Although this method is effective, it has a significant drawback. The Facebook user whose account you want to hack will receive an email notification as soon as they try to reset their password. However, if the user doesn't check their email often, that's fine. nine0003

Method 2: crack Facebook password

There are many ways to crack Facebook password, you can just look at people's computer while typing Facebook password, just kidding, here are some great ways to crack Facebook profile password.

Use applications to store what your friend writes on his computer, here is the best free keylogger option.

You can also use the Keystroke Recorder for devices like Keilama, which will actually store the Facebook password that the person enters. nine0003

A keylogger is an application that can be used to record keystrokes on a specific device. All you have to do is install the keylogger on the target device or on your device. If you have installed it on the target device, be sure to do so without the knowledge of the user. If you have installed it on your device, you will have to convince the user to log into their account using your device.

The keylogger runs in the background and records all keystrokes. When the user enters their username and password, you can see it later in the keylogger. In this way, you will know the user's registration data as soon as he logs into his Facebook account using your device. nine0003

It would be better if you installed the application on your device, because there is a chance that the user will know that it is on their device and it will be deleted.

Method 3: Hack Facebook Account Online Using Face Geek

FaceGeek is another way to hack Facebook account. You can go to and write the user id of the Facebook account you want to hack. Follow the steps below to hack Facebook account using nine0003

Visit the account and enter the Facebook ID of the target Facebook account. You will receive your account password within 5 minutes.

Special : How to hack and hack whatsapp account and how to protect it.

Method 4: How to hack Facebook with Sam Hacker

Hacking a Facebook profile with Sam Hacker only takes 5 minutes, you can use Sam Hacker to hack a Facebook account just by using the user ID of the Facebook account you want hack. You can only register for this account using your email ID. nine0003

Follow these steps to hack a Facebook account using Sam Hacker.

  1. Visit the Sam Hacker website (, the official site for hacking Facebook accounts.
  2. Enter the email ID of the account you want to hack.
  3. Within XNUMX minutes, you will receive a hack report and can easily log into the Facebook account you want to hack.

Method 5: Hack Facebook with facebookhackerp This is also a website that you can go to and just click on account hack and then you will be redirected to a page where you need to enter someone's Facebook profile you want to hack and click to Enter . Then follow the instructions, the person's account will be hacked and you will get their Facebook password.

Method 6: Using special apps to hack Facebook

Hacking your Facebook account with spy apps is the safest and most effective method. While there are many websites that claim to be the best at hacking Facebook or that you only need to enter the target's email ID, it actually doesn't work at all. The email you enter there becomes part of their database and nothing else happens. Apart from being a waste of time, these websites can also steal your information. nine0003

Among all similar Facebook account hack apps on the market, this is the list of Best Android and iOS spy apps. It is the best choice for you to hack Facebook account.

Method 7: Phishing to Hack Facebook Account

Phishing is a popular way to hack Facebook accounts. It is very easy for a person with basic technical knowledge to create a phishing page. All you have to do is create a duplicate login page that looks exactly like the Facebook login page. When a Facebook user enters their username and password, they will not be able to log in, but you will be able to retrieve their username and password. It is also one of the safest methods since you don't have to take any risks here. nine0003

However, for this you will need to purchase hosting and a domain name. Once you've done that, it's easy to create a similar login page if you have a little knowledge of web design. You just need to trick the victim into entering login details on your page. Once he does, the details will be sent to your email and you will be able to access his account.

Method 8: Using social engineering to hack a Facebook profile

You don't need any special hacking skills if you want to hack a Facebook profile using Social Engineering. Every other account on the web, including Facebook, uses some questions as security questions in case the user needs to change their account password. Some of the most frequently asked questions include "What is your nickname?" , "Where is your hometown?" , etc. If you know the account owner well, you can try to answer these questions and gain access to their Facebook account. nine0003

Many Facebook users use their phone number, their partner's name, or even their date of birth as their password. You can try to use it if you know it well. Although this method may seem very simple, it is useless if you do not know anything about the account holder.

Method 9: Use Facebook Password Extractor

Facebook Password Extractor is an application designed to hack Facebook account through Windows. There is no need for physical access to the target phone in order to use this method to hack a user's Facebook account. You can learn how to hack Facebook profile using Facebook Password Extractor as follows. nine0003

Step 1: Download Facebook Password Extractor on your Windows PC from the official website.

Step 2: Install the extractor using the installation wizard.

Step 3: Launch the application and you will see the username and password listed in it.

However, in order for this method to work, you need to install the application on the target device, which is not an easy task since it is a large application that the user is most likely to notice. nine0003

Method 10: By stealing Facebook cookies

This method is a bit tricky as you will need access to the target device if you are not a professional hacker. But, before we get into the details on how to do this, let's understand what cookies are and how this method can work. Cookies are basically packets of data stored in the device's memory. You must have noticed that when you first view a website in your browser, it takes longer to open. This is related to cookies. nine0003

Now back to our topic. The cookies we request here are temporary and are automatically deleted as soon as you close your browser. Therefore, we will need to do this before the user closes the browser.

When a user logs into their account, wait for them to close the tab. Once you do that, you should try to trick him into giving you his device to search for something. Once you get his device, you will need to steal the cookies from his browser. Now, to do this, you will need to run the following code. nine0003


This will give you a set of cookies. Now login to your account and do the same. You will receive a new set of cookies. Match what you have with the previous one and you will see which ones are on Facebook. Steal this set of cookies and you can use them at any time to log into your user account.

The only problem with this method is that every time the user logs out of their account, you are also logged out. To gain access after that, you will need to complete the entire task again. nine0003

Other ways to hack someone's Facebook account:

If these hack methods don't work, try other online hack apps to hack your friends' Facebook accounts, check out the following online apps to hack Facebook account, by at least one of them actually works.

1. Wonder howto ( - This site provides you detailed content on how to hack facebook account and how to do it make it safe. nine0003

2. Hack Facebook ( - Try this Facebook hack site, you will get the Facebook account you want to hack and start hacking and it might work.

3. Hyperhacker ( is a Facebook hacking expert who has hacked over 1000 Facebook accounts and won multiple Boug Awards.

4. SPYZIE ( is the latest tool on the market to hack your Facebook account.

How to protect your Facebook account from hackers:

  1. Do not use the same email ID as other social networks.
  2. Make your security questions even harder so no one can predict them.
  3. You must change your Facebook password at least once every two months.
  4. Keep your passwords safe, use a password manager.

If you have trouble hacking Facebook Just comment.


Hacking through a link in the browser and how to protect yourself from it

QUASAR Pentest 14.930


  • 1 hacking through the link and fake page
    • 1.1 installation of BEEF on Kali Linux
    • 1.2 Creation of fake pages
    • 1. 3 hacking through link
  • 2 Protection from the Link and Little Cremming through link fake page
  • 3 Conclusion

Questions like “ Can an account be hacked through a link? ". In the article I will answer this question and show how hackers do it using Kali Linux and BeEF. We will not go into all the details in detail, one article is not enough for this, but if you are interested in ethical hacking, you can find it all on our website.

More Related: Best Hacker Devices

The article is written for educational purposes, to train pentesters (ethical hackers). The use of such methods without proper authorization is illegal and is considered a criminal offence. Neither the editors of nor the author are responsible for your actions. nine0003

This material will also be useful to ordinary users. Learning and understanding hacking and penetration techniques will help you maintain cyber hygiene.

Hacking through a link and a fake page

So, we need a Kali Linux distribution and the BeEF (Browser Exploit Framework) browser exploitation framework. It is a penetration testing tool that focuses on browsers.

The tool allows you to create a fake page containing JavaScript and change the content depending on the specific client. We talked about BeEF in the article "Using a phishing email in a pentest". nine0003

Installing BeEF on Kali Linux

Starting Kali Linux (see also Installing Kali Linux on Windows)

To install BeEF on Kali Linux, use the command:

sudo apt install beef-xss

When the installation is completed, we find the framework in the applications and launch the “beef start” item.

The terminal opens and prompts you to enter a new password for the BeEF web interface. You also need to copy the hook and save it in some text file. Later it will be necessary to insert it into a fake page. nine0003

After a few seconds, your browser will automatically open the BeEF web interface. Log in using the account you created earlier.

Creating a fake page

For this example, we will use a Google page. Clone the Google page of the GitHub repository.

git clone

Let's edit the index.html file and insert a link to the hook.js file from the BeEF server between the head tags. nine0003

Check server operation with python http.server:

python3 -m http.server 80

We open the browser and see a fake page (fake site).

As you can see on the screenshot, the fake page works correctly.

Hacking through the link

To obtain an external IP, the attacker will use cloud services and register some domain similar to google. ru. A free domain might also work.

Then everything is simple. The hacker sends a link to a fake page to the user, who, without suspecting anything, enters a login and password, and the attacker receives authentication data.

It's pretty easy to find an excuse to open a link and persuade you to enter your data. That's what social engineering is for. nine0003

Protection against hacking through a link and a fake page

Here are some recommendations to protect against such an attack: