How to get notifications on instagram when someone posts

How to Enable Notifications on Instagram

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Keeping up with your followers’ latest activities is essential if you’re an avid Instagram user. Maybe you don’t want to miss out on your friend’s new post or a new follower request. If you’re looking for ways to enable notifications on Instagram, you’ve come to the right place.

In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know. Plus, we’ll give you instructions on how to get notifications when someone goes live or makes a new Instagram post – and much more besides.

How to Enable Notifications on Instagram on an iPhone

Suppose you’re a passionate Instagram user, or you have a business to promote. In that case, you might want to receive notifications from Instagram that will provide you with updates on your followers’ activities.

By default, Instagram will alert you when there’s an activity involving you. But you can further filter the type of content you want to receive notifications for or filter out content you don’t find important.

Here’s how to enable notifications on Instagram on your iPhone:

  1. Launch the Instagram app on your iPhone.
  2. Open the Instagram menu. Tap on the three horizontal bars at the top right-hand corner of the screen.
  3. Go to the “Settings” tab and open “Notifications.”
  4. Make sure the “Pause All” toggle button is disabled.
  5. You can then adjust your notifications for specific activities such as:
    • Posts, Stories, and Comments
    • Following and Followers
    • Direct Messages
    • Live and IGTV
    • From Instagram
    • Email and SMS
  6. To enable any specific notifications listed above, just click on that section and make sure the toggle button for them is enabled.

How to Enable Notifications on Instagram on an Android Device

In this section, we’ll provide you with detailed instructions on how to enable notifications on Instagram if you’re an Android user. The steps you need to follow are pretty straightforward. Now you don’t have to worry about missing an important story or comment from your followers anymore.

Here’s how to enable notifications on Instagram on your Android device:

  1. Launch the Instagram app on your phone.
  2. Open the Instagram menu.
  3. Tap on your profile picture at the bottom right-hand corner.
  4. Tap on the three horizontal bars at the top right-hand corner of the screen.
  5. Go to the “Settings” tab and open the “Notifications” section.
  6. You’ll enter the “Push Notifications” menu now. If you didn’t receive any notifications before, check if the “Pause All” toggle button is enabled. To receive notifications from Instagram, you should disable this button.
  7. Now you’ll be able to enable notifications for specific areas such as:
    • Posts, Stories and Comments
    • Following and Followers
    • Direct Messages
    • Live and Video
    • Fundraisers
    • From Instagram
    • Other Notification Types
    • Email and SMS
    • Shopping
  8. Open each of these sections to enable notifications you want. Just tap on the circle next to the “On” option for specific actions you want to receive alerts for. For example, if you go Notifications > Following and Followers > New Followers > On, you’ll receive notifications every time you get a new follower on Instagram.

How to Enable Notifications on Instagram on PC

Enabling notifications on Instagram on your PC is a relatively straightforward process that will take no more than a minute to complete. Maybe you find your PC easier to navigate through the app settings due to a larger interface. Just follow these steps to manage notifications on Instagram:

  1. Log in to your Instagram account on PC.
  2. Click on your avatar in the right-hand corner of the Instagram menu at the top.
  3. Click on the “Settings” section to open it.
  4. You’ll see a Settings menu on the left now. Navigate to the “Push Notifications” section and click to open it.
  5. If you didn’t receive any notifications from Instagram, it could be because they are turned off. Make sure to turn them on either to “From People I Follow” or “From Everyone” for each of the sections you want to receive notifications for.

You can enable notifications for the following categories: likes, comments, comment likes, likes, and comments on photos of you, accepted follow requests, Instagram Direct requests, Instagram Direct, reminders, first posts and stories, IGTV view counts, support requests, and live videos.

How to Get Notifications on Instagram When Someone Goes Live

Live broadcasting has become a popular way of engaging with an audience for most Instagrammers today. Whether it’s just your friend updating everyone on their latest life events, or your favorite singer having a Q&A session, you don’t want to miss any of these broadcasts.

The good news is that Instagram has live video notifications turned on for all users by default. This also means there’s no way to selectively turn them on and off for specific users. You can either receive notifications from everyone or turn them off in the Notifications settings.

In case you’re not receiving any live notifications, make sure they are turned on. Here’s how to check:

  1. Log in to your Instagram account and click on your avatar in the bottom toolbar to open the menu.
  2. Head over to the “Settings” page.
  3. Select the “Notifications” section.
  4. Once inside, check these two things:
    • Is the “Pause All” toggle button disabled?
    • Is the “Live Videos” section under “Live and Video” set to “On?”
  5. If the answer to the two questions above is no, make sure you disable the Pause All button and turn on the notifications from the “Live and Video” section.

You should now receive notifications about users going live on Instagram.

How to Get Notifications on Instagram When Someone Posts

As you scroll through your Instagram feed, you might notice that the posts are not sorted in chronological order. That’s because Insta uses special algorithms to show you relevant content that you’re bound to be interested in.

This method has brought a lot of success to the platform as users keep scrolling and staying engaged. As cool as this engagement method may sound, sometimes you end up missing posts from users that you’d like to see updates from. That’s when turning on notifications for specific users comes in.

If you want to get notified every time a specific person posts, here’s what you should do:

  1. When you see a post coming from that person on your news feed, tap on their username.
  2. Tap on the bell icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
  3. From the pop-up menu, select the notifications you want to turn on.

Now you’ll receive an alert on your phone every time that person uploads a new post.

Another way to enable notifications from a specific user is through their profile page:

  1. Go to Instagram search and type the username of the person you want to receive notifications from.
  2. Once on their profile, click on the bell icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
  3. From the options menu, select the notifications you want to turn on.

You have now enabled notifications from a specific user, and Instagram will send you alerts each time they post something new.

If you want to receive notifications from multiple users, you’ll have to repeat these steps for each person individually. The same goes for turning notifications off.

Note: You might get a notification if a user posts after a long time, even if you didn’t specifically choose to receive alerts from that person.

Additional FAQ

Here are the answers to some more burning questions to help you with this topic.

I Turned Notifications On but Still Not Receiving. What Can I Do?

Sometimes, you don’t receive notifications even if you have them enabled on your Instagram account. This might happen for several reasons, but no worries – we’re here to help you figure out what happened in your case.

Here are some of the reasons why you might not receive notifications:

• You have the “Do Not Disturb” mode turned on for your mobile device. This might be the case if you notice that you stop receiving notifications at a specific time of the day. Maybe you forgot that you set automatic “Do Not Disturb” mode at night, for example.

• Your phone notifications might be turned off. Make sure you have enabled notifications on your mobile device AND Instagram. Further down, you’ll find steps on how to enable notifications for iPhone and Android users.

• You’re in the power-saving mode. Another silly reason that happens more often than you think. If your phone is set on power-saving mode, you won’t be receiving push notifications from Instagram.

• Buggy app. Sometimes, the app is not compatible with your device. This is especially true if you didn’t download it from the App Store. Make sure you download the Instagram app from the official Play or App store, but first uninstall the current one on your phone.

• The cache memory is full. If you’ve been using the app for too long, it could be that your cache got corrupted or there’s too much of it. Clear the cache from the Storage and Cache settings on your phone, and log in to your Instagram account again.

Enable Notifications for iPhone Users

• Open the “Settings” page on your phone.

• Tap on the “Notifications” section.

• Scroll down until you see “Instagram” on the app list.

• Open it.

• You’ll see a toggle button next to the “Push Notifications” section. It should be enabled (green.)

If the toggle button is disabled (grey), you won’t receive notifications on your iPhone even if you have them enabled on your Instagram device.

Enable Notifications for Android Users

• Head over to the Android settings page.

• Tap on the “Apps” section.

• Go through your apps list until you find Instagram. Open it.

• Tap on the “Notifications” bar.

• Make sure that the “Show notifications” toggle is enabled (blue.) Here you can also adjust notifications by categories – comments, comment likes, Instagram Direct, and more. Just make sure the notifications you were missing are enabled now.

Why Should I Turn On My Notifications?

As we mentioned earlier, Instagram is a great place to keep up to date with the latest trends, updates from friends, celebrity news, and much more. However, due to its specific news feed algorithmic system, you can often miss an important update. Say your high-school friend just got married, but you didn’t text him in a while. This post can easily get buried in the mass of irrelevant content Instagram chooses to dish out to you. This is why you should turn on notifications to receive updates from important people.

Fine-Tuning Your Insta Notifications

Enabling Instagram notifications allows you to keep up with the evolving app and your followers’ activities. Dealing with Instagram’s notification settings might seem a bit complicated at first, but it’s really worth it.

Now you know how to enable notifications on Instagram on your phone or PC. You can also solve the issue of not receiving notifications after they were turned on, as well as enabling notifications for specific users.

What kind of notifications do you always have enabled? Which notifications do you consider unimportant? Let us know in the comments section below.

You Can Now Receive Instagram Notifications When an Account Posts

UPDATE 3/28/16: In light of recent updates to Instagram regarding the introduction of an algorithm, many people are flaunting the need to turn on notifications. Please note that this is NOT the solution to the algorithm. It is not the solution as a business or brand to ensure your content gets seen. And it is not the solution as a user to ensure you see the "right" content.

The algorithm is meant to IMPROVE your experience - ie. you don't need to do anything about it. Please, take a few minutes and read this post I wrote on the topic of the algorithm and how it actually affects you. Educate yourself before you jump to conclusions.

Then think about how notifications work (as explained below). They are PUSH notifications. Meaning that Instagram will ping you every time someone you've selected posts something to Instagram. It does NOT affect how posts appear in your feed. If you follow everyone that is "relevant" to you, you could end up getting hundreds of notifications a day. This is not the solution. As a user, you don't want this chaos. And as a marketer, you know you aren't doing this on your personal account, so why are you asking your audience to do it.

STOP. Stop the madness.

Do NOT beg your audience to turn on notifications. Do not turn on notifications in hopes that it will "solve" the algorithm. Seriously. Don't do it.

You can also watch this Blab replay on this exact topic and why this is not something I condone.


Original Post:

Another Instagram update!! And this one is freakin' awesome! Ok, it's not perfect, so maybe it's just awesome. But either way, few people have been so excited for an update on Instagram as this latest one for Instagram notifications.

Why is it so exciting? Because it actually benefits marketers! Yup, Instagram did something nice for its business users 🙂

The funny thing (well, maybe not so much, given how Instagram doesn't like to promote business features) is that this was quietly introduced alongside two new editing tools - Fade and Color. The new editing tools were largely hyped by Instagram on their blog and social media accounts but there was nary a mention of the new "Turn on Post Notifications" update.

But don't worry, I got you covered!

First of all, the good news is that this new post notifications tool is currently available to all iOS and Android users! No having to wait.

So, here's how to use the new tool.

You can now receive push notifications for any Instagram account that you follow. Yes, you have to be actually following the account to turn on notifications. But the person or account will not receive any notification that you have selected to receive notifications on their posts.

I am also not aware of any limits on how many accounts you can choose to receive notifications for. So you should be able to stay on top of as many accounts as you want 🙂

Go to the account profile, and tap on the 3-dot button. From the pop-up menu, choose the "Turn on Post Notifications" option.

This option is not permanent and you can turn it off at any time by returning to the account, clicking on the 3-dot button, and choosing to turn OFF post notifications.

Obviously, if someone that you choose to be notified about is posting 5 or 6 times a day to Instagram, their constant notifications might get a little overwhelming.

It's also very important to point out that these notifications ONLY show up in your device notifications for Instagram. They are a push notification. They will NOT appear in your list of notifications within the Instagram app.

Which, technically, makes sense since your notifications tab in Instagram is for your post and mentions notifications - not what others are posting.

But, this means that if you have your push notifications turned off for Instagram, you will not see the notifications when an account posts. If you want to turn your push notifications back on, here is some advice.

And, if you're like me, and mindlessly dismiss your push notifications, you'll miss the update that someone posted. 😉 I've done that a few times already!

Furthermore, the only way, therefore, to access the post directly is to tap on the notification from your push notifications. This will take you directly to the post from that account. But if you go right into the Instagram app, and your push notifications clear out, you won't be able to see the post itself, unless you search and navigate to the account profile, or scroll through your feed to find the post they shared.

And, from what I've seen so far, if more than one account you're following posts something, the push notification only connects you to the most recent post (even though it tells you there are multiple posts). So you might have three accounts that have posted or one account that posted multiple times, but you can only go see the one post which was shared most recently.

Like I said, it's not perfect. But it's still a good option and opportunity!

So let's talk about how this can impact you!

You can make sure you never miss a post from your friends, family, or favorite accounts! All too often, people don't follow as many other accounts on Instagram because they don't want their feeds to move too fast where they miss content or posts.

But now you can follow more people, and ensure you never miss a post from those that are most important to you. So get out there and get engaged with more accounts!

You know how there are those you love to follow but they only post occasionally? I mean, they should post more anyways... But, for those accounts who aren't frequent users, you can make sure you don't miss their content in your busy daily Instagram activities.

You can now stay on top of what top influencers in your industry are posting. Never miss an important update or lose track of what's going on in your industry!

You can see what your competitors are doing. If you want to see what's working for them, how they're using Instagram, or what they're posting, here's an easy way to stay on top of their activity.

You can know instantly when something happens. Whether it's family, friends, industry news, news publications, or your favorite gossip site. You can find out the moment it is posted to Instagram - giving you a leg up on your "competition" for breaking news!

You can encourage your customers to sign up for your post notifications to ensure they never miss one of your valuable posts! Ok, now I'm advocating this with a warning. I've seen a few people already "instructing" their Instagram followers to go do this and get their notifications. Personally, I find it annoying when a company "tells" me to do this (the same thing on Facebook for getting page notifications). It's one thing to ask customers to follow you on social media but if the customer cares enough about you to sign up for your notifications (on any site), that should be their brand advocacy power to do so - not your instructions to do so. But that's just my personal rant on the topic....

If you run flash sales, or limited time promotions, or have other time sensitive content in your Instagram strategy, encouraging fans to get your notifications might be a good way to boost engagement on those posts and increase conversions.

Likewise, if there are accounts you follow who utilize time-sensitive tactics, or if you like to be one who engages early on their posts, make sure you sign up for those accounts' notifications.

Or, if you have an audience spread over multiple time zones around the world, and they receive your notifications, you can worry "less" about ideal posting times, knowing that they will receive the notification of your post when it's most convenient for them. And, likewise, if you follow an account that posts when you're normally asleep, notifications will ensure you never miss their content either.

As you can see, this new update can significantly impact businesses and marketers using Instagram. I genuinely think this is a great tool and a positive update for us. I'm looking forward to seeing how it plays out in the long run, but I've already had a few people tell me that they saw my latest blog post update or other posts via their push notifications. So, it IS working!

But I'd love to hear your thoughts too. Are there any other ways that this tool is benefiting you as a business? Or something you foresee being a problem? Join in the conversation in the comments below!

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how to turn on post notifications on instagram?

By Milena Anderson Reading 5 min. Views 6 Posted by

Short answer

  1. To turn on post notifications for a specific Instagram account, open the account, then tap the three lines in the top left corner of the home screen. nine0014
  2. Scroll down and tap Settings, then scroll down again and tap Notifications.
  3. Click the switch next to Post Notifications to enable them.

How to turn on Instagram post notifications

How to turn on Instagram post notifications 2022

How to turn on Instagram post notifications 2021?

To turn on post notifications for a specific Instagram account in 2021, open the account and click on the three dots in the top right corner of the profile. Select "Turn on post notifications" from the menu. nine0003

Why can't I turn on Instagram post notifications?

There are several reasons why you won't be able to turn on post notifications on Instagram. One possibility is that you have not verified your account. Another possibility is that you are not following the account for which you want to receive notifications. Finally, post notifications may not be available for your account type.

How do I turn on Instagram post notifications in 2020? nine0003

To enable post notifications for 2020, open Instagram and go to your profile. Tap the three bars in the top left corner, then select Settings. Scroll down and tap Notifications, then turn on Messages.

How do I enable message notification?

To enable post notifications for a Quora topic, click the Subscriptions tab on the right side of the screen, and then select Enable Notifications. After that, you will be notified every time someone posts a new reply to a topic. nine0003

Does Instagram notify you when you post for the first time?

Yes, Instagram notifies users of the first post. This notice contains information on how to find and follow other users on the platform.

Where are Instagram notifications 2021?

Instagram notifications 2021 are in the notification center on your phone. To find them, swipe down from the top of the screen and tap the Instagram icon.

How do I fix Instagram notifications on my iPhone? nine0003

First, open the Instagram app and go to your profile.
Then click on the three lines in the upper left corner of the screen.
Scroll down and click Settings.
From there, scroll down and tap Notifications.
Finally, make sure "Push Notifications" is enabled. If it's not, turn it on.

Why doesn't Instagram show up in my iPhone's notification settings?

Instagram doesn't show up in your iPhone's notification settings because it's a third party app. To receive notifications from Instagram, you need to allow notifications from the app. nine0003

Why are my direct messages on Instagram not showing up in 2021?

There may be several reasons why your private messages on Instagram are not showing up in 2021. One possible reason is that you have notifications disabled for private messages. To check this, open the Instagram app and go to Settings > Notifications > Direct Messages. Make sure the toggle next to "Include in Feed" is turned on.

Does Instagram remove post notifications? nine0003

Yes, since June 2018 Instagram has disabled the ability to receive post notifications. This change was made in order to improve the user experience by reducing the number of notifications users receive.

Is it possible to post on Instagram without notifying everyone?

Yes, you can post on Instagram without notifying everyone. To do this, go to your profile and tap the three bars in the upper left corner. Then click "Settings" and scroll down to "Messages are private". Tap the switch to turn it off and your messages will no longer be private. nine0003

How long before Instagram says you haven't posted in a while?

There is no set time limit that Instagram says you haven't posted in a while. However, if you do not post for an extended period of time, your account may be marked as inactive and you may lose access to some features of the app.

What is the best time to post on Instagram?

There is no definitive answer to this question as the best time to post on Instagram depends on your target audience and what you are trying to achieve with your posts. However, a few general tips will help you get the most out of your Instagram posts:
Try to post when your followers are most likely to use the app. For example, if you're targeting teenagers, post in the evening after school or on weekends. nine0003

Why can't I see my Instagram posts?

There may be several reasons why you don't see a post on Instagram. One possibility is that your application is configured to “hide” messages from your feed. To change this setting, open the Instagram app and go to the Options menu (three lines in the top left corner of the home screen). Select Settings, then scroll down and set Message Requests to On. nine0003

Where is the Instagram menu button?

The Instagram menu button is in the top left corner of the app. It contains account setup options, help, and more.

how to turn on post notifications for someone on instagram?

nine0002 By Milena Anderson Reading 4 min. Views 12

Short answer

  1. To turn on post notifications for someone on Instagram, first open their profile.
  2. Then click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the screen and select "Turn on post notifications".

How to enable notifications on Instagram

How to turn on post notifications on Instagram 2022

Can I turn on notifications for one person on Instagram?

Yes, you can enable notifications for one person on Instagram. To do this, open the person's profile and tap the three bars in the upper right corner of the screen. Then click "Settings" and turn on "Notifications".

How to enable post notifications on Instagram 2021?

To enable post notifications for a specific Instagram account in 2021, you need to follow these steps:
Open the Instagram app and go to the profile of the account you want to receive notifications for.
Click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the profile screen.
Click "Turn on post notifications".
A pop-up window will appear confirming that you want to receive notifications for this account.

How do I set up notifications for only one person?

Most devices do not have the ability to set up notifications for just one person. However, you can create a group text message and add the person to the group. This will allow you to receive notifications for the group. nine0003

How do I get notified when someone posts something?

There are several ways to get notified when someone posts something on Quora. You can follow them, add them to a list, or add them to your watchlist.

Why does Instagram notify me when someone posts a story?

Instagram notifies users when someone posts a story because they want to make sure users don't miss important updates. nine0003

Why do I get notifications when someone posts on Instagram stories?

When someone posts to their Instagram story, you get a notification in the notification bar. This is because Instagram stories are a great way to share what's going on in your life with your followers, and they disappear after 24 hours.

Why does Instagram tell me when someone has posted a Photo?

Instagram tells you when someone posts a photo so you can keep up to date with what's happening with your friends and family. It also allows you to quickly and easily view their photos without having to search your news feed. nine0003

Does anyone get a notification when you take a screenshot of an Instagram story?

Yes, the person who posted the story will be notified if someone takes a screenshot of her story.

Does Instagram notify you when you take a screenshot of a story?

Instagram does not notify users when someone takes a screenshot of their story. However, the app keeps a record of all screenshots taken in the user's account history.

How do I enable post notifications for Instagram on iPhone? nine0003

To enable post notifications for Instagram on iPhone, open the Instagram app and tap the profile icon in the lower right corner. Tap the three lines in the top left corner of the home screen and then tap Settings. Scroll down and tap Push Notifications, then make sure Post notifications are turned on.

What does the bell on someone's Instagram mean?

A bell on someone's Instagram account usually means they follow you. nine0003

Can someone see when you enable notifications for their post?

Yes, people can see when you turn on notifications to post them.

Learn more