How to get more followers on pet instagram

How to Grow Your Dog's Instagram Followers

Posted WTFrenchie.Posted inBlog. 31 Comments .

So you think your dog is a star…

Of course they are! The instagram phenomenon has caught on for dogs for awhile now and we can’t even go on social media anymore without a viral video or cute dog meme catching our eye. It’s pretty common that in every friend’s list there is at least a few dogs with over a million followers and more likes than you (human) have ever gotten in your life.

So now you made your dog an instagram and you want to have some fun. What now?

**For this post, I’ll use french bulldogs but these tips can apply to any dog or breed.


The best way to grow followers on instagram is to use hashtags! There are so many hashtags available for every breed so make sure you put those to use. French bulldog hashtags: #frenchbulldog #frenchiegram #frenchielife #frenchbullys to start… or find your city! Most popular cities have their own special hashtag for dogs; ie: #seattledogs #torontodogs. Always put these at the end of every post or in your comments, so people who are searching for #frenchbulldog can find you!

Use anywhere from 5-20 hashtags per post. Usually around 10 is the good sweet spot so it doesn’t feel too spammy. Try to find niche hashtags so you’ll have more chances to be seen. #Frenchbulldog has 27 million+ posts, but at 420,000 posts with #frenchiepup, that may be the wiser choice.


Make sure you have fun, clean and memorable photos. No dark blurry photos! If you can find a theme, even better. If there’s a consistent “thing” that you’re into–like dogs posing with hats, going to restaurants with the best brunch (hello, @dogswhobrunch), posing with wine (anything you love!), your profile will tend to stand out more and be catchy.


Many companies have giveaways and contests where they repost your photo and these are great ways to get a surge of new followers. Try bigger pages like @petco and @petsmart and also smaller businesses that are giving away free product. Enter, repost, use their hashtags and not only could you be the winner but you’ll also be engaging with new audiences.


Email or tag your photos with other profiles like @dogsofinstagram, @thefrenchiepost, @loveabully. These pages’ photos consist of other user’s photos which they repost, so once you’re featured on there your photo could get in front of thousands of eyeballs! They get hundreds of requests a day so just keep trying and tagging. 🙂


Like, share and comment on others too! Find similar frenchies with the hashtags and make new friends. Comment on photos you find adorable, follow them and make sure to stay engaged. That is what social media is about, after all.


Use everything Instagram has to offer. Post stories, use stickers, tag other similar profiles, follow hashtags and have fun!

Follow us on Instagram: @wtfrenchie


Tags: instagram

Written by WTFrenchie

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How to Grow Your Pet's Instagram Followers & Engagement in 2021

I hope everyone is having an absolutely wonderful start to the new year! We are settling in with everybody happy and healthy and feeling in a giving mood as we embark on a killer 2021.

Reflecting back on the last 3 years and where I am today with my blog, I wanted to offer a little help to all the aspiring dog bloggers.

I get asked a lot, “how do (did) you grow your Instagram account and blog?”

Well, when I started 2 years ago, Instagram was a lot different. It was much easier to get exposure and grow your following, and in turn, grow your blog traffic. No doubt there has been a lot of changes, making it harder for smaller aspiring dog bloggers to get seen.

So I wanted to give back to you what you have all given to me to help you grow your accounts and make an impact this year. What follows are a few actionable steps and best practices to grow your account and blog traffic in 2021.

Community & Content = Growth

Unfortunately, You can’t just post ANYTHING anymore and expect to see engagement. Every post and caption and action needs to be calculated and done with a purpose and intention. There’s billions of people on instagram and they’re getting more choosey of who they follow by the day. They need to be given a reason to follow you.

Of course, if you have a cute pup that you’re obsessed with and don’t care about getting followers or getting seen, that is 100% ok. But if you are trying to get your cute pup seen and hopefully monetize the account in the future, then there’s a few things you can do to help get on the right track.

Like I said, give your followers a reason to come back to you everyday and give new people a reason to follow you.

The first step is to find a community and join the conversation. If you have a specific breed, count on there being a community and few large niche pages centered on sharing images and videos based on that breed. Start interacting with the followers of those accounts. It’s much easier to get interaction from accounts with 100-2000 followers than 50,000 followers.

Go to one of the images and go into the LIKES and start interacting and engaging with those people.

Follow them, drop a comment, drop a few likes. Let them know you’re watching and liking what they’re doing. These days a few likes and a follow go a long way. As in every social media platform, you need to give to receive. Be present in the conversation. Authentically engage. Reply to questions they pose in captions. You know, be social!

Now for your content.

Content is still king.

You’re no stranger to what good content looks like. You see it all day every day. Why? Because instagram rewards accounts with good content.

If you don’t know how the instagram algorithm works, here’s a breakdown.

Instagram wants people to spend as long as possible on the platform so they’re only going to show the content that is considered good because if people see bad content, they’ll most likely exit the app and that’s not good for ad revenue for Facebook (and that’s all they care about).

Better content + more time spent on platform = more $$$ for Facebook.

Good content gets good engagement. So let’s say you post on your feed. Instagram shows your image to a small percentage of your current followers. If that content demonstrates that it’s getting good engagement (likes, swipes, saves, comments, shares), it’s going to start showing it to more of your audience and therefore will increase your reach. If it’s not getting good engagement from the beginning, it’ll more likely get buried and not be seen.

So that is why it’s so important to have great image and video content. Your iPhone takes amazing quality images so it’s not your hardware. It’s the thought behind the shot, the lighting, etc. You need to be able to tell a story with your image and have an image that you can support with your caption so it works. Nobody wants to dark shaky videos or grainy underexposed images.

When you’re taking an image or video, you have to ask yourself, “Does this bring me or someone value? Would I Like, Share, or Save this?” If you can’t answer that, it’s probably not worth the post.

Lead with value above everything else. You want someone to come to your profile and think, “hmm, I like what I saw, I got some value from this post and I’m on board with their message and vibe. Follow!”

But please remember it doesn’t have to be perfect!! Perfection is the enemy of progress. Instagram also rewards accounts that post frequently. So it’s best to find a happy medium.


Example – get a dog selfie stick and record a quick 20 second video of you and your pup in the park doing some training exercises. Make sure it’s clear and sunny and it’s not shaky. Write a caption about ways you’re training your pup and some of the problems you’re running into. I can guarantee people will relate and offer words of support, encouragement and advice. It’s that easy.

Now for Engagement

Engagement is huge. That really is the determining factor in growth and traffic to your website or blog.

Here’s some tips to grow your engagement.

20 Minute Rule

Before you post, spend about 10-20 minutes engaging with your audience and new audiences. Leave some likes, follow and comment on targeted accounts. The objective is to get them back to your account. So when you do post your new piece of content, you have new eyeballs and new chances to make a good impression and grab a follow.

Give Your 2 Cents

Like I said, you have to give to get. Give love and you’ll receive it.

Go to your explore page – and go search for a relevant hashtag. Go to the Hashtag Page. You’ll see 2 tabs. TOP and RECENT. Click RECENT. These are the accounts that are smaller and trying to get seen and are more likely to reciprocate engagement. For 20 minutes each day, go to a few different hashtags and find images you like and give your 2 cents. Just share some love. They’ll give it back.

Smart Stories

Stories are another great way to show some behind the scenes content that won’t make it to the feed. However, if you just post to your stories, most likely only your followers will see the content. A little unknown secret is that you can attract new audiences with your stories.

When you post a story, swipe up to get the features. Click Hashtag and add the relevant hashtag. This way it’ll show up in the Hashtag Story. This will be seen by people who are looking at the #goldendoodle hashtag story and if they see what they like, they’ll click to your profile.

There’s plenty more tricks and tips but here are a few solid actionable ones you can do every day to get the ball rolling.

Let me know if these work for you or if you have found any tips that have worked for you that I didn’t mention.

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How to make Instagram pet successful? 8 Rules for Success

Animal photos are undeniably as popular on Instagram right now as food, fashion, sports, and travel. Pet accounts now have thousands and hundreds of thousands of followers. Millions of people are scrolling through their feeds looking for videos and photos of touching animals to satisfy their craving for cuteness.

Therefore, if you are a happy owner of a furry pet and want to share the moments of life with your four-legged friend, our advice is for you.

1. Tell the story

Tell your guests and future followers about your pet's story. How did you get the animal, was it adopted from a shelter, or is it a rare breed. Maybe your pet has an interesting fate or there are some features, unusual abilities, oddities of character. What makes it different from others? Tell us about it in one sentence, because that's how much fits in the Instagram profile header. Master storytelling as the most important tool for engaging your audience. This skill will be very useful for witty captions under posts.

2. Post only high-quality photos

If you have already created an account and shared your pet's story, it's time to fill your page with photos. Now Instagram has entered the era of quality content. People love clean, beautiful, bright feeds, so we strongly recommend that you honestly evaluate the quality of your photos so that only the best ones get into the feed. Photos must be original, clean and aesthetically pleasing. Try to take photos in natural light, look for a beautiful background that is not overloaded with unnecessary details, use special programs for processing photos before posting them, the best of the free ones: Snapseed, VSCO, PicsArt. Try to take mostly horizontal shots (this applies to both photos and videos)


3. Maintain a consistent style

A consistent feed is another important tool for achieving popularity. Try different filters, photo placement/sequencing principles. Be inspired by other accounts of your subject, but do not try to repeat them exactly. The same style cannot suit everyone. We advise you to think about the character of your pet, evaluate its color and other external features in order to determine the brightness, color scheme, heat balance, etc. that is right for you. for settings when processing photos. It may take you a lot of time, but this is a necessary condition for creating a truly high-quality account, with a large number of subscribers.

Photo: thiswildidea

subscribers. Do your own research. Which tags are most relevant to your pet? This will help you attract new audiences and get into established communities. Use both very popular tags, such as #photocats, and tags with a narrower audience of #rooftop cat. Try to include tags in English, and also come up with your own tags with which you will sign each photo, which will make it easy to find you. But be careful! It’s also not worth overloading the post with tags, the Instagram robot doesn’t like this. The service will help you

5. Keep in touch with your audience

To maintain a constant high level of engagement, you need to post at least once a day, and preferably two - in the morning and in the evening. The best time to post photos is up to you to figure out on your own. Usually, it is morning and early evening. Don't forget to also like and comment on the posts of your followers and those you follow. Instagram is a social network, so to be popular on it, you just need to be socially active. Pay attention to spelling and punctuation, be polite and friendly.

6. Get inspired and fantasize

No matter how cute, touching and funny your pet is, the same pose in the same location or very similar shots quickly become boring. Look around. Maybe on your usual walking route you come across interesting places: beautiful walls, cozy courtyards or a “dog friendly” cafe where you can take photos that have not yet been included in your photo stream. Or maybe your furry friend knows how to ride a skateboard or likes to dress up? This can also be an occasion for beautiful shots.

Collect props that look good in photos and set up a separate Pinterest board to post ideas that inspire your creativity.


7. Plan

Observing your pet, taking photos and editing, and keeping in touch with your audience can take a lot of time. In addition, you are unlikely to want to give up your usual activities for the sake of an extra hour on Instagram. Therefore, we strongly advise you to install a special scheduler application on your phone, which will allow you to upload and caption several photos at once, in order to guarantee you regular posts with the desired frequency without your participation.

Application in the Apple Store

8. Have fun with the process!

The biggest plus in your decision to keep your pet account is the fact that you will spend more time together! To catch interesting moments, emotions and manifestations of an animal, you will need to observe it more from afar or involve it in the game more often, and this will invariably bring joy to both. Just remember to always have your camera ready.

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How to manage and monetize your pet's Instagram

A charming pet can not only bring joy to the household, but also a significant profit. Cats, dogs, hedgehogs, hamsters, parrots, hippos, giraffes - and this is not a complete list of popular animals on Instagram*.

Top Animal Instagram Accounts*

1. Jiffpom

According to a Daily Mail article, an Instagram post* of an animal influencer can reach $45,000 in 2020. This record is attributed to the Pomeranian Jiffpom. The most popular Instagram* of an animal has an audience of 10.6 million people. The content mostly consists of short cute videos of a dog, just a single emoji as a caption.

Instagram* Jiffpoma

The account has both native advertising and brand promotion through partnerships.
Thus, an advertising post for dentist services has collected more than 100 thousand likes, and a sponsored publication in support of the photo contest from Cadbury almost 50 thousand.

Jiffpom's post in support of the Cadbury contest

As merchandise, the Spitz via his Instagram* offers to purchase a calendar for $14.99 or a book “I Am Jiffpom” for $6. 36.

Jiffpom's merch, which can be ordered via the link on his Instagram*

As for interesting partnerships, we can note the collaboration with Vivienne Westwood. The dog's portrait appeared on 2 T-shirts and a bag in the collection shown at Paris Fashion Week. In addition, the dog appeared in advertising campaigns for Banana Republic, Target, Primark, and even appeared in the video “Katy Perry - Dark Horse”. On account of his performance on the same stage with Mark Zuckerberg and participation in the presentation of The Sims 4 Cats and Dogs from EA Games.

Jiffpom's performance at The Sims 4 presentation

2. Nala

Second place in the ranking is Nala the cat. The approximate cost of her post is estimated at $19,800. Nala was taken from a shelter as a kitten, and now her unusual slightly slanted eyes have won the hearts of an audience of 4.3 million subscribers.

Instagram* Nala's cats

Cat food is the most featured in ads. Nala has also been seen partnering with Google, Lyft, Hulu, Nature's Voice Awards, HereKittyApp.

Nala's promotional post for Paw CBD

Remarkably, cat owners have launched their own line of premium cat food, LoveNala, and are even offering a -20% off promo code in their profile header. In addition, fans can purchase the book Living Your Best Life According to Nala Cat. The manual teaches the wisdom of life and how to make your pet happy. A hardcover copy costs $12.99.

Nala's book

3. Doug The Pug

Doug The Pug is the third most successful Insta animal influencer. Adorable pug gathered an audience of 4 million subscribers. And won the Pop Culture People's Choice Award, which is awarded based on audience voting. The cost of an advertising post is estimated at $17,700.

Instagram* of Doug's dogs

Pug promotes his upcoming cartoon Monchi, where he voiced the main character, praises Taylor Swift's new album and does not stay away from the Black Lifes Matter movement.

Pug Doug's post in support of Taylor Swift

In response to the coronavirus, the pug has launched his line of masks. Of the three, the dog has the most diverse merch. There is a coloring book, and T-shirts, dog toys, and a book, and even a personal song.

Instagram post* with a mask from Doug

In addition, Doug collaborated with Sketchers on a limited edition sneaker featuring his portraits. And Claire's released a series of toys dedicated to the influencer.

  1. How to see a star in your pet?

If you are inspired by the success of previous animals and set out to turn your pet into an international star, then first you need to decide on the image. Why are their accounts becoming popular while others are not? Star potential can be built on the following characteristics:
Visual appeal
The emphasis here is on visual content. This approach, for example, is used by the aforementioned Jiffpom. To rely on external beauty, you really must have a very cute pet.

Instagram* of Jiffpom's dogs
  1. Antibeauty

But this is the reverse approach. If a pet has some “ugliness”, it can turn into its token. We are talking about a squint, like Nala's cat, or a displeased expression, like Grumpy Cat.

Instagram* Grumpy Cat
  1. Natural Anomaly

People like to look at everything unusual, such a pet will be remembered easily. A good example would be the Chimera cat, which is already approaching 100k followers.

Instagram* Chimera cats
  1. Touching story

For example, Jill the squirrel was rescued from Hurricane Isaac in Louisiana. The squirrel got used to people so quickly that the new owners immediately opened an Instagram account* for her, which is still updated with new photos. Jill became famous thanks to a small teddy bear, without which she cannot fall asleep. In addition, like any girl, she is not averse to posing in a new outfit.

Instagram* squirrels Jill
  1. Lifestyle

If your pet does not have his own interesting habits, you can create them yourself. Follow the example of the Norwegian hedgehog traveler Mr. Pokey. His mistress took him on trips and published cheerful shots from all over the world. In March 2019, the hedgehog died of a bacterial infection, leaving 1.5 million followers sad. But the silence in Mr. Pokey's account did not last long: after some time, the hostess introduced a new pet, Herbie. The previous owners developed an allergy to the hedgehog, and they turned to Talita, the owner of Mr. Pokey.

Today, Herbie and his new cat friend Audrey continue the hedgehog journey, delighting their 2 million subscribers with bright and cheerful photos.

Instagram* Herbie the hedgehog and Audrey the cat
  1. Non-pet

What if someone unusual lives in your house? Then you should be inspired by the example of the farm fox Juniper and her friends, other foxes and an opossum. You can learn about the life of a fox and the complexity of its content on Instagram*, which has almost 3 million followers, or in the book Juniper the Fox is Happy.

Instagram* Juniper foxes

How do animal influencers make money?

The larger your audience, the more opportunities open up for you. At the same time, 2020 brought a trend towards micro-influencers. Their average engagement rate is 7%, for bloggers from 25,000 subscribers, this figure drops. The system of earning in animals is quite similar and boils down to the following points:

1. Merch

This includes all kinds of items with a portrait or a "quote" from a pet. The most popular options include stickers, T-shirts, mugs, shoppers. You can develop more original ideas depending on the charisma of the animal. Loves to sleep - make branded sleep masks, endlessly runs after your favorite balls - let the fans buy the same for their family.

If you do not have enough ideas of your own, you can peep from world stars. Another option is to ask for price lists from a souvenir company, they will guide you. You can sell merch directly through your pet's Instagram* or on available marketplaces.

2. Advertisement Posts

Once you have an audience, you can start looking for partnerships for your pet. Start with quality products that you already use and offer to become brand ambassadors. If you are just starting out, you can make a few ads for free, suggest something on your own initiative. In this case, looking at your account, marketers will have something to rely on and decide to order advertising from you. This category also includes raffles of products from a partner brand.

3. Cameo

Here the scale of your participation can be great: from a nice birthday greeting to your subscriber to a role in a movie or TV show. Where your pet appears as a guest depends on your production skills.

4. Collaborations

You can reach out to designers and artists and arrange collaborations, allow the use of your pet's photo and arrange promotion in your account.

Tips for running an Instagram* animal account

Account promotion is based on three pillars:

  1. Quality, original content. How to create it - read here.
  2. Promotion within Instagram*: hashtags, targeting, mutual PR, giveaways, audience exchange, UGC. This blog post is about it.
  3. Promotion outside of Instagram*: publications in the media, visits to events, fame at the local level.

You can learn how to professionally manage social networks on the course Profession: SMM manager from How to maintain an animal account in order to gain new subscribers and earn money from it? Be guided by the following rules.

1. Be ready to watch the animals 24 hours

Has your pet found the most “comfortable” place to sleep? Take it off. Chasing flies? Be sure to take a picture. Licking his lips after a hearty dinner, getting his whole face dirty? There is no doubt about it! The more creative and funny, and most importantly, unkempt content you post, the more audience you attract.

2. More beautiful outfits

No matter how much you hate dressing up an animal, the whole world is touched by the sight of a cat with a knitted hat on its head or a hedgehog in socks. This is guaranteed to get a lot of likes and comments, so look for stores with unusual accessories or go online to find cheap but stylish things for photo shoots.

Jill the squirrel portrait

3. Decide on the tone of voice and blog theme

Every brand has a language of communication these days. Instagram* of a pet should be no exception. Decide on whose behalf you will write posts: an animal or an owner. The first option is much more interesting, the animal thing has its own character traits.

Good or evil, cheerful or sad all the time, capricious or peaceful - rely on the real nature of the animal. The same applies to the subject matter of the account. You won’t surprise anyone with monotonous photos of pets now, so think about how your ward could cling to the audience. Cooking tips or pseudo-philosophical discourses about life, music lessons - the choice is yours.

4. Prepare a variety of content

The more dynamic the content in the account feed changes, the more you want to study it. Try to alternate between pet photos and selfies, short videos, and IGTV videos. Do not forget about large and distant plans and colors.

The Inpreview application, for example, will help you plan your feed properly. It can be synced with your Instagram* account, then edit your feed and apply various filters.

5Use services, apps and programs

The pet account must contain a variety of content. To do this, you can use a lot of cool services:

  • Hyperlapse - solves the problem of accelerated video without losing quality:
  • Splice - cope with quick editing of videos;
  • VSCO - will delight you with cool filters;
  • Inshot - will help cut the video of the desired format;
  • SMMplanner - will help you set up a flow of delayed publications, which is important for the stable promotion of your account.

Even more services are collected in this article.

6. Take care of your pet

This point goes without saying: the hero of your blog must be healthy, clean and tidy.

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