How to get instagram followers and likes app

14 Best apps to get Instagram followers in 2020!

Of all the most popular social network apps, Instagram is among the easiest ones to get new followers, even more so if you make good use of all the most popular Instagram hashtags in your posts and interact with other profiles by commenting, adding followers or simply liking their posts.

Even so, Instagram requires some time investment for you to create all your posts and to look up new profiles to interact and then start gathering all your new followers. However, there is a way for you to speed up your Instagram profile’s growth, and that is using the best apps to get Instagram followers!

For that reason, we’ve created this article with all the best apps to help you amass a large number of followers on Instagram quickly.

Now, if you’re more concerned about your clients than with your followers, we have the perfect solution to help you convert those who follow you on Insta:, a platform that lets you place many different links in one, and then use it in your Instagram bio!

Index of this article


Follower Analyzer

To start off our list  we have Follower Analyzer, one of the best apps to get followers on Instagram. It is a tool dedicated to offering its users all sorts of metrics about your Instagram account alongside a lot of information about other profiles.

You can easily see who stopped following you and the profiles that you follow that don’t follow you back. Other than that, you can track new followers, find mutual friends and see all your followers. Even better, you can see which ones of your followers have never interacted with your publications (and those who have most frequently).

You can also see your most liked and most commented posts, as well as those who tag you in their posts most often. The Premium option also allows you to connect multiple accounts and analyze profiles without limits, without any ads. Follow the link to see more on Play Store!

2. Easy Promos

Another excellent way to make new followers is by making new giveaways and campaigns on Instagram. After all, this is an amazing way to interact with your followers and give back to them some of the attention and care they give you, while you can also use the opportunity to attract more people.

Most social networks don’t offer a tool so that you can do this sort of thing on the app itself, however luckily you can count on some special tools made specifically for this type of interaction. One of the best alternatives for this is Easy Promos, which you can find via this link and start using on your browser.

3. GetInsta

By far one of the best apps to get Instagram followers, GetInsta is one that helps you to gain a lot of followers and likes organically, providing a safe and free platform so that real users can like, follow and get to know one another. It is extremely easy to use.

On the platform, you will earn free coins when liking posts and following other people. These coins can then be used to publish “get likes” and “get followers” tasks, generating real interactions. Learn more by following the link!

4. Cool Tab

Cool Tab is another one of the apps you can use to get new Instagram followers by making giveaways and campaigns on Instagram. By using this platform, you can make specific marketing campaigns to create leads, improve the engagement of your users and get to know them even better.

It also offers you a centralized system on which you can store, view and manage all the data from your campaigns. To see more about this platform, follow the link and enjoy its 7 day free trial!

5. HikeTop

Do you want to make new followers by viralizing your pictures? HikeTop is an app that will help you to get more likes, more commends and to get more followers just by posting your photos with the best possible descriptions and hashtags.

An amazing free app, safe for anyone to use, completely ad-free and with a very intuitive interface, HikeTop is available both on Android and iOS. See more about it on their official webpage!


Followers Track for Instagram

This is a very powerful tool among the apps to get new Instagram followers. It works by analyzing all your followers and you can use Followers Track for Instagram to find out who has followed (or unfollowed) you, who hasn’t followed you back and who you’re not following back.

You can access all the main tools for free, but there are a few that you have to purchase in order to use, such as the option to see blocked followers, deleted commends and the likes your followers have given you, besides some exclusive update packs.

It is very easy to use and you can follow and unfollow other users from the app. You can also use it to find and delete any fake follower that might be in your list. Follow this link to download for iPhone!

7. Plann + Analytics for Instagram

Plann works just like an Instagram assistant that works both as an editor and a scheduler at the same time. In other words, you can visually design your feed, edit your images and schedule posts using info that tells you when is the best time to post.

You can even review your account’s metrics in order to see which posts of yours have more likes and generated more interaction. And if that wasn’t enough, using Plann you can find out the most popular hashtags and organize them in order to get followers.

You can download the app by following this link and try its free version before acquiring one of its paid plans.

8. HootSuite

The first social media manager ever released, HootSuite, is still going strong. It has integration with, obviously, Instagram, but also Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

By using it, you’ll be able to create and schedule posts to be published on the platform, as well as keeping up to date with the notifications of followers who’ve mentioned your profile in their posts, making it easier to interact and get new users to follow you. Follow this link and learn more about HootSuite!

9. Buffer

A direct competitor to HootSuite, Buffer also works with Instagram post scheduling. Its interface is very simple and intuitive, which makes it easier for you to create and schedule your posts without running into any issues or having any deep knowledge about social networks.

Besides that, the software also offers several analytical tools that allow you to see the amount of likes, commends and new followers your profile has. Follow this link to learn more about Buffer, one of the options that has both a free and a paid version!

10. Crowdfire

Crowdfire promises to be your biggest marketing ally, since it works with all your social networks and even with your online store. It is a multiplatform analysis tool that helps you in finding and identifying those who are your inactive followers and even those who are not following you.

It also helps you to schedule posts, finds and recommends articles and images your public might enjoy and much more, all to help you keep your feed up to date and so that you can get more followers with ease. To see more about this app, follow this link!



SocialGest is yet another one of the apps to get new Instagram followers that works by scheduling, analyzing and creating campaigns, allowing you to manage and monitor your social networks in just one place.

You can also analyze how well your hashtags are doing and answer to all your comments and messages, from any of your social networks in a single interface. Other than that, you’ll be able to schedule your content and the app will do the rest, posting on the best time and date for you.

SocialGest also lets you see metrics for you to analyze everything there is to know about your account and your popularity, even going as far as exporting reports for you. Just follow the link to see more.

12. Sprout Social

Sprout Social is a social network management platform that also offers its own integrations and services for Instagram. It is particularly recommended for businesses that are looking to leverage their  social media in order to create more sales opportunities. On this platform, you will be able to manage your profile with ease.

Create and organize your post schedule, check out new comments, monitor your hashtags and create reports to optimize your services. Sprout Social is really complete and also has mobile apps. Maybe all you need to get Instagram followers is using one of the best apps. Follow the link and try this one for free for 30 days!

13. Metricool

Metricool is a too for managing social media and online publicity that helps you to analyze, manage and measure how successful any of your virtual contents are doing, being able to use it to get more followers.

On its app, you’ll be able to see the metrics of all your social networks (followers and your profile’s evolution), manage your community in real time and schedule posts. You can also see a ranking of your posts and graphics about interactions. To learn more about Metricool, just click this link!

14. Iconosquare

To finish off our list we have Iconosquare, one of the apps that, just like Sprout Social, is more geared towards brands and companies who want to do better in marketing on Instagram, to get more followers. It also offers the ability for you to manage several Instagram accounts at once.

One of its biggest appeals is that Iconosquare generate data about your competition and insights about the industry so that you’re always up to date with the new trends. The platform is not free, but it does offer a 14 day free trial, which can be see on its official webpage!

5 Tips when using the apps to get new Instagram followers

Even though these apps are very important for you to amass new followers, the success you’ll have using them will depend entirely on how you set these apps up. To help you out, we have 5 important tips below for you to make the most of them:

  • Watch to the offered training: Many of these apps have videos and e-books with training about how to configure your account properly in order to have the best results. Use that;
  • Keep posting to your Instagram: The apps to get new followers are there to help you, but they won’t do everything by themselves. You should keep posting to your feed, to your stories and interacting with your followers;
  • Set up a nice automatic message: One of the strong suits of using these apps are the automatic messages. Use these direct messages to send the users to your website, YouTube channel our even your mailing list;
  • Respect the speeds the apps recommend: If you have a new Instagram profile, it is recommended that you start using these apps slowly and get followers and a smaller pace. If you already have many followers, feel free to increase the speed freely;
  • Don’t use more than one app at once: Using more than one of these apps at once might cause issues with your account. So, it is really recommended that you only try one at a time!

What’s your favorite strategy to make new followers on Instagram?

The apps are a great way to get new followers on your profile, but they must be used alongside some other strategies, mainly always keeping a steady amount of relevant and interesting posts as to not lose the followers you already have. To make videos to post on your Instagram, check out our list with the best free screen recording software!

What’s your favorite strategy to never lose your followers and stay relevant on the social networks? What apps to get Instagram followers do you use? Leave a comment down below, and don’t forget to check our Instagram bio ideas for you to use!

The 8 best apps to get Instagram followers quick

Instagram is the social media platform that has grown the most in the past year, and it hasn’t stopped. After including features such as Instagram Stories and live videos, never before has Instagram seen as much engagement! There are a lot of different ways to get more Instagram followers quick.

For those who were caught unannounced and now are feeling the need to get a lot of followers very quickly, there are many different apps and websites to get Instagram followers that will help anyone in this task.

Thus, we have selected some of the best apps to get Instagram followers quick, and listed them down below so you can sign up to them and start to leverage your business or your profile that much more!

Tip: While it is important to get followers, the end goal is to turn them into new customers for your business. For that reason, you can use a link in your Instagram bio.

By using, you can create a webpage that will redirect your followers to several different links to your pages, especially those for contact or for sales.

Follow this link to create your very own special Instagram page FOR FREE!

Index of this article

1. StimSocial

The first (and one of the best) option among the apps and websites to get Instagram followers quick is StimSocial, a really complete tool. It lets you set up the exact types of audience and the profiles you want to reach, and then it automates likes and follows profiles belonging to people who are interested in things similar to what you post.

It also offers you insights, analytics, and reports to all of its users so you can keep track of all that’s happening on your profile, and thus you’ll be able to increase your sales and improve your follower growth. If you want to learn more about StimSocial, and use it on TikTok as well, follow this link to enjoy its 5-day FREE TRIAL.

2. Grow Social

What makes Grow Social ideal for you to get more followers on Instagram quickly is the possibility of working on two different fronts. The first of which is the automatic interaction via hashtags, geolocation, and your rival profiles. The second is through post scheduling, both for your feed or your Stories.

Grow Social even features a built-in online photo editor so you can create your posts on the social media platform. It even lets you create automatic Instagram Direct Messages to welcome your new followers and it shows you metrics about your profile.

Follow this link to learn more about it, and sign up to try Grow Social out FOR FREE for 3 days.

3. GetInsta

Certainly, one of the best apps to get Instagram followers quick, GetInsta will help you increase the number of followers and likes organically. As such, it provides an entirely free platform that’s safe, where real users can like, follow, and learn more about one another. GetInsta is one of the easiest-to-use options.

Here, you can earn free coins simply by liking posts and following other people. You can then use these coins to post get likes and get followers tasks, which will generate real interactions. Learn more about it by following this link.

4. Follower Analyzer

Next up, we have an amazing app called Follower Analyzer. The tool is dedicated towards offering its users the most varied metrics about their Instagram accounts, as well as info about other profiles. Here, you’ll be able to easily check who has stopped following you, as well as the profiles you follow that don’t do the same to you.

Beyond that, you’ll be able to check new followers, find mutual friends, and even easily see all of your followers. To top it off, you can even learn which ones of your followers have been entirely inactive in your posts, as well as those who are the most active!

Finally, you can check your most liked and most commented posts and the people who tag you most often in their posts. It also offers a Premium version that lets you use multiple accounts at once, ad-free. Go to the Play Store to see more.

5. Iconosquare

Iconosware is another of the best options who want to get Instagram followers quick. This one, however, is particularly geared towards brands and companies who want to improve their Instagram marketing. It also does offer the possibility of managing several accounts at the same time.

One of its biggest highlights is that it generates data about your competition as well as insights about the industry, so you can always stay up-to-date about the latest trends. While the platform is not free, it offers a 14-day free trial, and you can check it out by following this link.

6. Buffer

Buffer is easily one of the best scheduling apps for Instagram. It has a very simple and intuitive interface that makes it very easy for you to create and schedule your posts without having to face any issue, or even having any more profound knowledge about how Instagram works.

Other than that, it also offers you a lot of analytical tools that let you see how many likes, comments, and new followers you have in your profile. To learn more about Buffer and check out both its free and its paid version, follow this link.

7. Crowdfire

Crowdfire claims to be the biggest marketing ally anyone could have. That is due to the fact it works with all the social media platforms you have and even your online store. Crowdfire is a multiplatform analysis tool that will aid you in identifying all your inactive followers, as well as the people who don’t follow you back.

It works as a post scheduling tool, it finds and recommends articles and images for you to post, and a lot more. In all, it helps you in keeping your feed up-to-date and lets you get more followers quick on Instagram. Learn more about the app by following this link.

8. HootSuite

To finish off our list, we have HootSuite, the first social media manager ever to be released. It is integrated with several social media platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Here, you will be able to create and schedule the posts you want to post on the platforms. You can also stay up-to-date with all follower notifications, including mentions, which makes it easier for you to interact and get new users to follow you. Go to the official website to learn more!

Which one is the best app to get Instagram followers quick?

Speed might be a necessity, but remember not to overdo it, since Instagram can get suspicious that you actually are a malicious bot. Even so, you can get many followers and generate a lot of interaction! Let us know in the comments if you already knew of these platforms and which one is your favorite!

And while we’re giving some Instagram tips, check out the most popular Instagram hashtags and our Instagram bio ideas!

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Followers have the main impact on the rating and quality of the account. Ranking depends on the number of followers profile in the search for other users and inspires the confidence of the person who came to your page. The higher the score followers, the more likely that a random guest will show interest and subscribe!

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TOP 16 ways to get likes on Instagram: fast, free, a lot

Likes on Instagram are one of the main goals of any account, from a simple user to an online store. But why? Likes are an indicator of coolness, success, if you like. Companies that promote their products and services need likes to earn money, win an audience and brand loyalty. For bloggers, a large number of likes helps in promotion and popularity, as well as in attracting potential advertisers.

Therefore, without preludes - I have collected for you the most popular ways to get likes on Instagram with and without services.

how to get likes through services

Another way to get likes is cheating. But, we do not approve of this method, because apart from a beautiful figure you will not get anything. And besides, this beautiful figure will resolve within a week. As a result, all the cheated subscribers will either run away or simply lie dead weight, bringing absolutely nothing to your account.

In the first table, we have collected the TOP of proven services that you can safely use.

Service Free version Cost
TmSMM Yes from 0.19 ₽/like
Likemania No from 0.14 ₽/like
TapLike No from 0.5 ₽/like
LikeInsta No from 0.40 ₽/like
PrSkill No from 44 ₽/1000 likes

In the second table you will find exchanges that will help you not only get likes on comments and posts, but also earn money on them.

Service Free version Cost (per like)
Socpublic No from 0.2 ₽
Unu No from 1 ₽
TaskPay No Non-fixed
Yes from 0.1 ₽

Buy a small number of actions. It is better to spread the process over several days. This will protect you from blocking and suspicion from subscribers.

Important. Using wrapping, you do not see the real picture of which post is entered and which is not. You just create the illusion that everything is super in your account. Therefore, do not abuse, but look for real problems and solutions.

how to get likes yourself

Likes cheat services are an easy method, but not the only one. There are other ways to get likes on Instagram without cheating. But they are more likely to help attract an audience to your profile and at the same time increase the number of followers on Instagram. The rest already depends on how you manage it: the quality of the content, expertise, design, etc.

1. Quality content

Content quality is the first thing you should worry about if you want to collect hundreds or even thousands of likes. It is not only about a beautiful picture, but also about the text. It should be informative, without water and, of course, it should attract the eye and desire to read everything to the end. If you lack writing skills, then you can hire a copywriter whose job is to write quality posts.

As for the visual, the opinions of Instagram experts differ on this matter: some believe that the photo and text in one post should be inextricably linked, others argue that the main thing is that the photo does not stand out from the overall picture of the profile. In any case, the photo should be aesthetic, eye-catching, but not pretentious.

2. Keywords and hashtags

Another way to attract an audience and, accordingly, likes, is to use keywords and hashtags. But first things first.

Keywords are the very words by which potential subscribers can find you. For a clothing store, these are "dresses", "shoes", "suits". For a flower shop, this could be words like "bouquets", "flowers", etc.

Previously, it was enough to clearly define the topic of the blog, write who you are and what you do, what the blog is about, and so on. However, it is not suitable for beginner bloggers. You need to come up with a capacious description that will make your account unique and evoke emotions. Do not get carried away with writing in a hat, be brief, but understandable. In addition, Instagram only skips 150 characters.

On the left is an example of how not to fill out a profile header, on the right is an ideal profile header

As for hashtags, their use will help increase coverage, “fly in” recommendations and, of course, attract new subscribers. Of course, this will work if the hashtags are relevant to the topic of your post.

Do not overuse high-frequency tags: your post will be lost among thousands of others. It is advisable to use low-frequency tags, under which there are at least 10 thousand tags and mid-frequency - from 10 to 500 thousand. They belong to niche search and are more likely to attract the target audience.

Thematic hashtags

3. Geotags

Geotag all your publications. On the map, this will look like a place of interest that can be visited for several reasons. For example, you sell your services there. Geotags can also be placed by your clients (not necessarily bloggers) who maintain their Instagram pages for friends and acquaintances. The person will see the mark on the map, read the post, look at your profile and, if he likes it, subscribe.

Even if you don't have a business, geotagging still makes sense. They help users who are interested in the life and blogosphere of the city. But the main factors determining whether a person subscribes or not remain the thematic niche of the profile and the quality of the content. Subject to all these conditions, this is a great way to gain targeted followers on Instagram for free.

An example of a geotag in a publication

4. Publication time

The question is quite broad. However, we can say that the timing for publishing content directly depends on your audience. What are we talking about? To determine the best time to post posts, you must form a portrait of your target audience: gender and age, geolocation, what she is interested in, and so on.

For example, you own an online cosmetics store. Your target audience is mostly girls from 18 to 24 years old, students. It is logical that they will not be active in the morning, which means that there is simply no point in publishing content at 9 or 10 am: the coverage will be minimal.

Based on your target audience, the optimal time for publishing posts can be considered the period from 17:00 to 22:00, since at this time the audience will be most active. If your audience is quite wide - mothers on maternity leave, students, teenagers, etc., then the only way to find the right time is to experiment. Post at 12:00 one day, post at 17:00 the next day, and so on. Then track the activity in the profile statistics and choose the best time to post.

Instagram statistics: how to see + 52 metrics

5. Posting in different formats

So that your subscribers do not get bored, dilute your feed with different post formats. You will see that the activity on your publications will increase.

- Carousel

Why is it necessary to do it now? Yes, just to keep the user on the page longer and show Instagram, they say, look at what good content I have, they spend a lot of time on it.

The Instagram carousel allows you to break the boundaries of the standard social network image format and, as it were, expand the screen. Thus, you can upload panoramic photos and they will not look cropped.

An example of a seamless carousel on Instagram
- Video

And in general, the approach to video content. Agree, they noticed behind themselves: they stumbled upon a video - even in an unfamiliar account - and froze. Why? Because it's beautiful, cool, cool transitions, bright shots, etc. So if you really care about how to get more likes - invest in this business: hire a specialist and do not spare money. Or read about how to edit video on Instagram.

- Reels

Facebook on Instagram has its Tik Tok analogue - Reels. In this section, you can post videos lasting from 15 to 60 seconds. Track trends, participate in challenges. Here you will find an audience and draw attention to the blog.

Instagram seeks to promote a new content format. The algorithms of the social network are more favorable to videos made in Reels and display them more often in recommendations.

Reels section on Instagram

6. Target

Targeted advertising is a useful tool that allows you to target an audience that may be interested in your product or profile. We will not talk about targeted advertising in detail here, we have already written articles about this.

I can only say that in order to get a bunch of likes, you can promote your photos, and select transitions to the profile as the target action. So users will like your other posts.

Targeted advertising: 5 types + description (instruction)

When setting up a target on Facebook, do not forget to clearly indicate the terms of the advertising campaign and limit the budget. Otherwise, FB will drive you into debt, constantly writing off funds for advertising.

Note. If you will set up different targeted advertising, I recommend doing this through the service Getuniq . The passage of moderation is easier, and there is also a bonus when replenishing the budget. But about this shhhh

7. Advertising with bloggers

Native advertising format is now popular, when a blogger does not directly talk about you, but reposts any of your publications or leaves something like a post-review, where he mentions your profile . Blogger subscribers rely on his authority and go to the specified account. And they like it, of course.

Life hack. If you want a guaranteed result, then discuss the terms of cooperation and submission with the blogger in advance. But before launching an ad, be sure to request the blogger’s up-to-date statistics and check him for cheats, for example, in LiveDune.

8. Repost posts in stories (and old ones too)

A very useful way to collect more likes is to repost posts. This will work effectively: some subscribers may simply not notice your new post due to Instagram algorithms, so it is useful to duplicate the post in stories.

Reposting old posts will not hurt either: it will help to collect additional likes from your new subscribers and increase the coverage of publications.

9. Cross-posting

If you want your brand to be on several sites at once, but there is no time to create original content, then cross-posting will come to your aid. To make it clearer, cross-posting is the automatic or semi-automatic placement of one message on several sites and services.

Example of cross-posting in social networks

How else can you get likes?

Ways to get likes are not limited to a standard set of points, so below I have selected for you methods that are no less effective than those that we have already listed.

1. Hype, trends

Follow the news and build your posts based on them, express your position. If you react quickly, you can collect the asset in your account.

Kings of Hype Oksana Samoilova and Djigan

Life hack. No need to “build happiness on someone else’s misfortune”: be constructive and don’t hype on tragedies. Ask subscribers to express their opinion with likes and comments.

2. Audience Engagement

The good old "like like a brother" or "repost please" has not gone away and still remains one of the easiest ways to raise an asset. In the end, there is nothing wrong with asking your audience for help in case your asset sank. Just in case, I leave for you a duty phrase that works with a bang: "Support me with a like if ....";)

3. Commenting bloggers

Find those bloggers who have your target audience, turn on notifications about publications in order to respond quickly and have time to check in during the active time of the post. Read it and write your opinion on the topic.

Life hack: Use subtle humor in the comments, it always works well for the audience. In addition to the post itself, comment on the opinions of other users to draw more attention to yourself.

4. Mailing in Direct

To purposefully attract the attention of your audience to the post, you can use sending messages in Direct. The content of the messages can be different: ask people to like or describe your offer. Newsletter can be done both manually and with the help of services. We wrote about all this in detail in the article.

Direct mailing: 30 services + 4 steps how to do it

Direct mailing

Just don't get too carried away with such mailings. Firstly, quickly discourage users from yourself, and secondly, for non-compliance with the limits, you run the risk of flying into a ban. Per day from one account it is permissible to send 70 letters to subscribers and 50 letters to users who are not subscribed to you.

Interesting. You can optimize communication with customers on Instagram using MyBotan. The chatbot will automatically send a welcome message, talk about promotions and reply to messages. And also, save data about the client and his applications. Agree this will facilitate the work in the social network? Click and test 3 days for free -> MyBotan

5. Contest

Try running a contest among your subscribers. Play a gift, and indicate likes as conditions for participation. By doing this, you will well increase the involvement among your subscribers and will be able to attract new ones.

Contests on Instagram: how to run + secrets of engagement

Life hack. The time of the competition should be such that everyone has time to participate, but not too long, so that people do not get tired of waiting for the prize. Optimal 5-7 days.

6. Giveaway and Liketime

Giveaways are an activity when bloggers/shops gather, donate gifts to participants and raffle them among the most active. Budget and duration vary. To get the coveted likes, become a sponsor of the giveaway.

Life hack: Choose giveaways that guarantee no more than 25% of your current audience. This will save the engagement rate. That is, if you have, for example, 10 thousand subscribers, then the maximum give for you is with a guarantee of 2500 people coming. The organizers of quality giveaways can be found on Telegram.

Liketimes are often held by bloggers, and usually the conditions are as follows: like a certain number of publications, comment on the publication, go to the page of the one who commented before you and be active there.

Life hack: Participate only in those activities that take place at the moment. For example, the lighttime started an hour ago, the correspondence in the comments is active. You can participate. If a post with a like time was posted two days or a few hours ago, the chances of getting your likes in response will be less.

7. Activity chats

Activity chats - communities in which people who want to get likes and other activity get together. You like - and you like in response. You can find them on Instagram itself, but it’s more convenient to do it through Telegram, there are many similar chats. Read more about activity chats in our article.

By the way, if you didn't know, you can still see who likes whom on Instagram

Instagram activity chats: how to find + FAQ

Life hack: Join chats with about 20-50 members. This increases the likelihood that people completing tasks will not be repeated, and you will receive likes from different users. And one more thing: do not join 20 chats at once. You simply will not have time to be active everywhere. Better choose a couple with simple rules without instant blocking.

Briefly about the main thing

In summary, we can say that the number of likes directly affects the life of your Instagram account. The more likes - the more popular your account, which means that the chance of being noticed by advertisers increases. The same applies to those who do business on the site - a lot of likes means trust and loyalty to the brand.

Accordingly, whatever way you choose to collect likes, first of all pay attention to the content that you publish. Yes, the services will increase your likes, help you bring your publication to the TOP, and other ways will attract subscribers. But this will all have a temporary effect if you do not pay attention to the quality of your posts.

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