How to get instagram follower bots

Instagram Follower Bot - Everything you Need to Know in 2021

In the early days of Instagram, growth marketers and wannabe influencers used what’s known as an Instagram follower bot.

What is an Instagram follower bot? Well, it’s almost exactly what it sounds like. An Instagram follower bot will find poorly targeted Instagram accounts that use particular keywords in their profiles and automatically follow them and like their posts from your own Instagram account. 

In return, the hope was that you could grow your own Instagram follower base by receiving a follow-back from a small percentage of the accounts your Instagram follower bot follows.

However, that trend has changed dramatically for a few reasons. First and foremost, this strategy works less and less because people have caught on to the tactic and it’s much harder, in general, to earn followers in 2021 than it was just a few years ago. 

Ultimately, finding a cheap or free Instagram follower bot is the same as making the huge mistake of buying Instagram followers. The result is an inflated follower count, little to no engagement, and a long list of noticeably fake followers. 

The main reason why the Instagram follower bot trend has come to a standstill, however, is because accounts that bot followers for Instagram often destroy their reputation. For a few years now, Instagram has pushed back on accounts that try to game the system with fake followers and growth that’s almost entirely artificial. Brands see through it too. They use fake follower checker tools to audit influencers, and avoid partnering with those who have lots of fake followers. Furthermore, this type of behavior violates Instagram’s rules, and accounts that cheat their way to growth commonly get suspended or shut down completely. 

On the flipside of Instagram’s crackdown, accounts with more organic Instagram growth have been rewarded by the platform’s algorithm with more content visibility and engagement.

Are there any Instagram bots that work?

Here’s the good news: None of the above should discourage you from your quest to find the best follower bot for Instagram.  

And if you’re asking yourself, “Are there any Instagram bots that work?” You’re in luck.

Because what if I told you that there’s a happy medium between artificial and organic methods to get more followers on Instagram? And not only that, there’s also a brand new solution that’s: 

  • 100% approved by Instagram
  • Runs automatically with auto-reply tools, and
  • Delivers orders of magnitude more organic engagement on Instagram. 

Yes, MobileMonkey for Instagram has arrived in 2021, and it’s what you’re looking for because it’s going to get you the kind of followers that you actually want. The #1 goal on Instagram is to get followers that are going to engage with your content. 

Most important, however, by using MobileMonkey, a 100% Instagram-approved service provider, you don’t put your account at high-risk of suspension or permanent shutdown.

In this article, we’ll discuss how to get more followers using an Instagram bot the right way. You’ll get all of the benefits of automated messaging tools for Instagram, and none of the drawbacks of growing your presence on Instagram artificially.

Here’s our agenda for how to make an Instagram bot that will get you more followers:

  • The best Instagram bot to get followers.
  • Bot followers on Instagram with a Comment Auto-Responder.
  • Turn your DM inbox into an Instagram followers lead funnel with auto-reply messages.
  • Use an Instagram Story Mentions Bot to get more followers and build brand loyalty.
  • The Instagram follower bot growth hack for Clubhouse influencers.
  • How to build an Instagram follower bot.


Increase social media ROI through instant engagement, audience monetization, and time saving tools for creators, coaches, influencers and social media managers. Activate InstaChamp superpowers for Instagram and Facebook for free this week!

The Best Instagram Bot to Get Followers

As I’m sure you do as well, I find it important not to make blanket statements and grandiose claims about a product or service without backing it up with numbers.

Check out the stats from Larry Kim’s Instagram after less than 30 days of using MobileMonkey’s engagement tools for Instagram.

The results of Larry’s first month using Instagram engagement tools are mind-blowing:

  • Profile visits are up 255%.
  • Website Taps are up 249%.
  • Thousands of new Instagram followers every week.
  • A DM (direct message) inbox that’s exploding with legit inquiries.
  • Impressions are up 171% per month.

And it’s not just new Instagram followers that Larry is receiving. Larry’s Instagram DM inbox is receiving thousands of new messages per week. The wild part is that these are not your typical Instagram auto-reply messages. The DMs Larry is receiving have keywords in them that Larry asked followers to use in his posts regarding Larry’s secret tips to increase engagement on Instagram.

Additionally, Larry’s getting messages from major influencers, supermodels (regarding business 😝), actual billionaires, and some celebrities that I, unfortunately, cannot mention, but you definitely know who they are.

Want to start using Instagram Tools right away?

✅ Get the world’s first Instagram DM automation tools today!

➕ Use partner code UNICORN to jump to the head of the list!


Increase social media ROI through instant engagement, audience monetization, and time saving tools for creators, coaches, influencers and social media managers. Activate InstaChamp superpowers for Instagram and Facebook for free this week!

Remember, the name of the game on Instagram is “engagement.” In fact, I believe that’s one of Newton’s laws of physics: 

“Instagram Engagement = More Instagram Followers”

Sir Isaac Newton, Circa 1700 AD

All joking aside, it really is that simple.

Adding an Instagram Comment Auto-Responder to your Instagram posts is a guaranteed way to increase followers and engagement on Instagram.  

Not to mention a tool that influencers and digital marketers have been dreaming of for years.

Instagram Comment Auto-Responders, by MobileMonkey, allow you to automatically reply to the comments on your Instagram posts with an engaging chat dialogue. Here’s an example of a Comment Auto-Responder that’s triggered by the keyword “INSTATOOLS” :

Autoresponders are easy to set up and extremely effective. For any of your Instagram posts, ask your followers to comment with a specific keyword. When people comment with the keyword, it triggers a sequence that allows you to start a conversation using any dialogue you choose. Some popular options are:

  • Send Instagram traffic to one of your landing pages.
  • Opt-in followers to your email newsletter, SMS text messages, Facebook Messenger promos, and other communication channels. 
  • Capture their contact information using one of many lead generation tools from MobileMonkey.
  • Ask them to follow you!

Comment Auto-Responders dramatically increase the visibility of your posts because not only can you opt these leads into your funnel and capture their contact information for retargeting, but you’re earning Instagram algorithm trigger points for the extra engagement!

So, instead of blindly following Instagram accounts and hoping they follow you back out of courtesy, try this instead. Set up an Instagram Comment Auto-Responder on your next post and add, “Be sure to follow us to keep up on the latest [topic related to your content]” with a link back to your page in the chat dialogue.

Get More Instagram Followers with DM Auto-Reply Tools

Instagram DM (direct message) bots are extremely useful for business and engaging for users. 

MobileMonkey’s Instagram DM bot is a superior version of one of Instagram’s own business features — Instagram Quick Replies. 

However, Quick Replies aren’t exactly scalable, and there’s been a big gap for marketers trying to further leverage Instagram for business with the platform’s existing messaging features. 

That’s because Instagram DMs didn’t feature a developer API that allowed for private messaging at scale, which excluded Instagram from most chat marketing funnels.

MobileMonkey now allows you to take control over Instagram’s (somewhat ancient) DM inbox with multiple features and use cases, such as:

  • Instantly reply to all Instagram DMs with auto-reply tools, keyword triggers, and the ability to answer FAQs (frequently asked questions).
  • Create a custom welcome message for everyone sending you an Instagram DM for the first time.
  • Generate leads and gather valuable feedback and data with forms for email.
  • Opt-in tools to build your contact lists and follow up with engagers via email, SMS, and Messenger.
  • Build a menu-based chatbot, such as in the video below, where users can pick and choose what they’d like to learn about your product or service.
  • Ask them to follow you!

Each of these use cases is ripe for gaining new Instagram followers, especially the last one. 😉

Here’s an example of the MobileMonkey Instagram Welcome Message in action:

With the Instagram Page Welcomer tool from MobileMonkey, it’s incredibly easy to nurture people down your funnel and ultimately capture email addresses and other important contact information.

Test it out for yourself on the MobileMonkey Instagram page by clicking the Message button, then say ”Hello” (must be done on a mobile device).

Auto-Reply to Mentions in Instagram Stories to Get More Followers

I’ll keep hammering this point home until the end of the article: Engagement is how you ‘win’ on Instagram and gain tons of Followers. Instagram rewards engagement, not your Follower count. Hence why things go viral and accounts snowball to stardom. 

The best way to get started with encouraging more engagement is to engage with your followers. And MobileMonkey’s instant reply tool for Instagram Story Mentions is one of the most unique and desired tools to land on Instagram in years.

So, get ready for one of the ultimate Instagram Story hacks that you’ll want to add to your tool box ASAP!

Mentions are a big deal on Instagram. That’s the equivalent of someone giving you a good review or a shout-out. Any time your brand is mentioned on Instagram in a positive light is an opportunity to spread the most powerful form of marketing there is — Word-of-Mouth.

People trust the opinions of the people they know more than any other source. In fact, 58% of people say they have become more interested in a brand or product after seeing it in an Instagram Story. And more than 80% of consumers on Instagram say that they’ve decided to buy a product after seeing it on Instagram. 

MobileMonkey’s Instagram Story Mentions tool will start a chat conversation when someone mentions you or your brand in their Instagram Story.

Here’s an example of the Instagram Story Mentions tool in action where I share an Instagram Story that mentions MobileMonkey.

About mid-way into the looping video below, you’ll see that immediately after I share my Instagram Story, a notification drops down from the top of the screen (next to the yellow arrow).

It’s a message from MobileMonkey that says “Awesome! 🙌”.

Watching the short video above, you may have noticed the other secret weapon that’s included in MobileMonkey’s Instagram Story Mentions tool — the ability to add a link to Instagram Stories every time you’re mentioned.

Next time someone mentions you in an Instagram Story, try sending them a thank you note and including a promotional offer as an extra ‘thank you’. A thank you note and an offer is one of the best examples of direct response marketing I’ve ever seen, truly. 

Using MobileMonkey’s Story Mentions tool is guaranteed to encourage Instagram followers to share more of your brand in their Stories while building customer loyalty!

Instead, make the most of UGC (user generated content) and in your thank you note, make sure to mention how much a follow would mean to you if they aren’t already.

Send fully automated drip campaign sequences to targeted Instagram contacts

Perhaps the most universally appreciated Instagram DM tools by MobileMonkey, are drip marketing campaigns.

Drip campaigns have been available to MobileMonkey users on Facebook for some time now. Not surprisingly, drip campaigns are popular among MobileMonkey users because they’re extremely effective in both increasing engagement on Instagram, as well as working Facebook leads down your marketing funnels.

Want a live demo on how Instagram DM drip campaigns work? 

Check out Larry Kim’s Instagram page and click on the “Message” button.

Then, send Larry a direct message using the word “DRIP” to trigger the drip sequence! You’ll receive 5 helpful messages over the course of 5 minutes.

View this post on Instagram

A post shared by Larry Kim (@kim_larry)

Want to learn more about Instagram direct message marketing campaigns, such as drip sequences?

Here’s how to create Instagram DM drip campaigns, step-by-step!

Instagram Follower Bot for Influencers and Growth Hackers: The Clubhouse Lead Generation Funnel

Are you a current or aspiring Clubhouse influencer? If so, this hack to get followers on Instagram is priceless.

And since we’re now talking about Clubhouse on a post about where to find the best Instagram follower bot, you already know this is a hack. But I can prove to you that it works extremely well. So even if you’re researching Instagram follower bot growth hacks, you deserve to know about it!

It’s hard for me to even believe, but by using the Clubhouse lead generation funnel, our founder, Larry Kim, had his reach on Instagram quadruple within one week!

When Larry Kim saw the explosive growth of Clubhouse, he naturally did what any top digital marketer would do, find the growth opportunities for business that can potentially scale. 

And the best Instagram magic trick we’ve learned in 2021 has to do with incorporating the Clubhouse app and Instagram DMs. Here’s how to set up a lead generation funnel from Clubhouse to Instagram that will have your DM inbox bursting with highly-targeted leads!

  1. Get the Clubhouse app. 
  2. Build a following. You will have to get strategic with this. Try these quick fixes:
    • Make your Clubhouse Bio shine.
    • Make it an engaging piece of content in itself.
    • Add multiple CTAs in your Clubhouse Bio. 
    • Choose big Clubhouse rooms to participate in with influencers.  
    • Collaborate with industry peers and impart your voice and wisdom whenever you can. 
    • Gain more influence by hosting a Clubhouse room.
  1. Set up this Instagram growth hack DM funnel with a MobileMonkey auto-reply chatbot. Ask for an email and drop a link to a dedicated landing page or lead magnet in your conversational question and answer chatbot.  
  2. Connect your Clubhouse to your Instagram profile with the CTA to DM a keyword trigger that you predefined when setting up your MobileMonkey DM funnel.
  1. Manage this fast-paced new pipeline of hot leads with the MobileMonkey OmniChat® inbox that streamlines all of your business’ DM inboxes into one dashboard. 

Check out the video in Larry’s personal recap of his best Instagram growth hacks!

How to Build an Instagram Follower Bot

Here’s how to build an Instagram follower bot using just one of many Instagram tools from MobileMonkey:

  • Step 1: Sign-up for InstaChamp for FREE to get started.


Increase social media ROI through instant engagement, audience monetization, and time saving tools for creators, coaches, influencers and social media managers. Activate InstaChamp superpowers for Instagram and Facebook for free this week!

  • Step 2: Connect your Instagram account to MobileMonkey.
  • Step 3: Use the MobileMonkey chatbot builder to create automated messages to reply to comments, mentions, Instagram Stories, create Instagram welcome messages, and a whole lot more!

Use the MobileMonkey code-free chatbot builder and marketing automation tools for Instagram to instantly connect your business with customers and prospects in order to generate leads, re-engage customers, and offer real-time support. 

Each of the MobileMonkey Instagram tools — from email list growth tools to segmenting an audience or sending Instagram bulk message blasts — not one Instagram tool in MobileMonkey requires any advanced programming knowledge (other than the MobileMonkey API)

Use buttons, images, notifications, Zapier connections, and much more to automate your Instagram chatbot dialogue.

From MobileMonkey’s chat marketing dashboard, navigate to every Instagram tool for messaging automation you need in a user-friendly visual interface.

Instagram Follow Bot:

The best way to get more followers on Instagram with a bot is to use your bot in a way that people are going to want to follow you, organically.

Yes, earning followers may not be as fast as the outdated Instagram growth hack of finding the best Instagram follow unfollow bot, but if you’re serious about growing your visibility on Instagram, earning follows is by far the best option.

Instagram accounts that use MoibileMonkey’s Instagram marketing tools, especially when paired with engaging content, will generate automated activity and interactions which are perceived as entirely organic and translate into a huge increase in genuine followers. Best of all, with MobileMonkey, you’ll be working with software with 100% Instagram-approved engagement tools.

Adding Messenger to Instagram will create a 3. 3 billion user network. Between Facebook Messenger users and Instagram Messenger users, that’s roughly 43% of the world’s population on one chat platform.

Start with 100% Instagram-approved tools in the MobileMonkey Instagram Bot today!

✅ Apply for early access to Instagram messaging tools.
➕ Use partner code UNICORN to jump to the head of the list!


Increase social media ROI through instant engagement, audience monetization, and time saving tools for creators, coaches, influencers and social media managers. Activate InstaChamp superpowers for Instagram and Facebook for free this week!

Important Next Steps

Frequently asked questions about Instagram Follower Bots 

Q: What is an Instagram follower bot? 

A: An Instagram follower bot will find targeted Instagram accounts that use particular keywords in their profiles and automatically follow them and like their posts from your own Instagram account.

Instagram follower bots are used to increase the number of followers on an Instagram account, as well as to increase the visibility and engagement of posts. 

They are used by Instagram account holders to increase a following quickly, but they should be used with caution, as they may violate Instagram’s terms of use.

Q: Is Instagram follower bot still a thing?

A: In the early days of Instagram, growth marketers and wannabe influencers used what’s known as an Instagram follower bot.

An Instagram follower bot will automatically follow and like profiles that utilize specific keywords in their bios.

The idea was that if you got a follow-back from a tiny fraction of the accounts your Instagram follower bot followed, you’d be able to develop your own Instagram following by attracting people who already follow you.

This trend has changed drastically. Today Instagram follower bots are known to be in violation of Instagram’s terms of service and may cause an Instagram account to be shut down for the violation.

Q: Are there any Instagram bots that work?

A:  While traditional Instagram follower bots are risky to the Instagram account holder, MobileMonkey Instagram DM bots are an approved Instagram solution that uses AI and organic methods to get more followers on Instagram. 

Instagram DM automation is:

  • 100% approved by Instagram
  • Automatically runs with auto-reply tools
  • Delivers more organic engagement on Instagram

MobileMonkey for Instagram is exactly what you need to get the right followers.

Take a look at this case study from Larry Kim’s Instagram after less than 30 days of using MobileMonkey’s engagement tools for Instagram.

The results of Larry’s first month using Instagram engagement tools are mind-blowing:

  • Profile visits are up 255%
  • Website Taps are up 249%
  • Thousands of new Instagram followers every week
  • A DM (direct message) inbox that’s exploding with legit inquiries
  • Impressions are up 171% per month

Larry’s DM is also receiving thousands of new messages each week!

Q: How can I auto-reply to comments on Instagram to help generate followers and drive traffic?

A: Instagram Comment Auto-Responders, by MobileMonkey, allows you to automatically reply to the comments on your Instagram posts with an engaging chat dialogue.

Autoresponders are easy to set up and extremely effective.

Ask your followers to respond with a certain term when you post on Instagram. When individuals comment using the keyword, it activates a sequence that allows you to start a discussion using any comments. The following are some popular options:

  • Send Instagram traffic to one of your landing pages.
  • Opt-in followers to your email newsletter, SMS text messages, Facebook Messenger promos, and other communication channels. 
  • Capture their contact information using one of many lead generation tools from MobileMonkey.
  • Ask them to follow you!

Q: How can I get more Instagram followers with DM auto-reply tools?

A: MobileMonkey now allows you to take control over Instagram’s DM inbox with multiple features and use cases, such as:

  • All Instagram DMs are instantly replied to with auto-reply technologies, keyword triggers, and the capacity to answer FAQs (often asked questions).
  • Personalize a welcome message to all your followers who are first-timers in your DM.
  • Forms for email help you generate leads and get important information and data from customers.
  • Build your contact lists and follow up with your followers by using opt-in tools and send them emails, SMS messages, and Messenger chatbots.
  • Allow users to select what products or service they want to learn about with a menu-based chatbot.
  • You can ask them to give you a follow

Q: How can I auto-reply to mentions in Instagram Stories in order to achieve more followers?

A: MobileMonkey’s Instagram Story Mentions tool will start a chat conversation when someone mentions you or your brand in their Instagram Story.

Using MobileMonkey’s Story Mentions tool is guaranteed to encourage Instagram followers to share more of your brand in their Stories while building customer loyalty!

Q: How do I send drip campaign sequences to select target Instagram accounts?

A: Drip campaigns are popular among MobileMonkey users because they’re effective in both increasing engagement on Instagram, as well as working Facebook leads down your marketing funnels.

Here’s how to create a drip campaign:

Step #1: Campaigns > Drip Campaigns > Create Drip Campaigns

Step #2: Select your Drip Campaign Audience

Step #3: Choose the Time Between DM Drips and Create your Dialogue

Step #4: Add Conversational Chat Widgets (Optional)

Step #5: Review and Set your Drip Campaign Live

For step by step instructions on how to set up a drip campaign, check out our blog post on The Best Instagram Direct Message Marketing Examples and Templates (+Drip Campaigns).

Q: How can I build an Instagram follower bot?

A: Here’s how to build an Instagram follower bot using just one of many Instagram tools from MobileMonkey:

Step 1: To get started, sign up for InstaChamp for FREE.
Step 2: Connect your Instagram account to MobileMonkey.
Step 3: With the MobileMonkey chatbot creator, you can build automated messages to react to comments, mentions, Instagram Stories, welcome messages on Instagram, and a variety of other tasks.

Use the MobileMonkey code-free chatbot builder and marketing automation tools for Instagram to instantly connect your business with customers and prospects in order to generate leads, re-engage customers, and offer real-time support. 

Not one of MobileMonkey’s Instagram tools, from email list growth solutions to segmenting an audience or blasting Instagram mass message bursts, requires any significant programming skills (other than the MobileMonkey API).

The best way to get more followers on Instagram with a bot is to use your bot in a way that people are going to want to follow you, organically.

Start with 100% Instagram-approved tools in the MobileMonkey Instagram Bot today!

Q: Do chatbots increase sales?

A: Yes, when properly implemented, chatbots can increase sales. Many companies are using chatbots for ecommerce and learning how to sell products online using chatbots requires only minor trial and error with your own products or services. And chatbots are a hot marketing tool in online business because a well-programmed chatbot is a 24/7 sales assistant for your business.

Chatbots are also one of the most popular ecommerce marketing tools to boost direct response marketing campaigns. This is especially true for affiliates, as chatbots have become a must-have affiliate marketing tool in general.

Engagement is the name of the game in today’s world of fast-paced digital marketing, and selling with web chat can give you an edge, as there is nothing more engaging for your customers than having a live chat widget to engage with.

Adding a web chat for customer support component to your website and other channels open up the doors to many new sales opportunities.

Q: Is there any risk with using Instagram bots?

A: Instagram follower bots may negatively affect your engagement long-term.

Instagram follower bots are well-known. If Instagram users discover that you’re utilizing follower bots, most people will cease interacting with you or provide less valuable engagement. 

Furthermore, it is impossible to automate genuine participation. If you believe your content is of high quality, Instagram bots may still help you build genuine following and interaction.

An Instagram follower bot may also violate Instagram’s terms of use putting your account at risk of getting shadow-banned.

In the event that your account gets shadow-banned, Instagram makes all of your posts unviewable to people who aren’t followers of yours. You will not be able to develop your brand in the future since people won’t be able to discover it if you use any hashtags in a post.

Q: How do you use an Instagram bot without getting shadow-banned?

A: If you’re just getting started on Instagram and are following hundreds of profiles each day, Instagram may pick up on this. You should start your following and interactions slowly before gradually increasing them as your account expands.

When it comes to growing your following, one mistake that many people make is attempting to contact every person who isn’t interested in your field.

Make certain that your bot is posting on Instagram accounts and hashtags relevant to your business to develop a genuine and consistent following.

Do some Instagram engagement yourself (don’t let the bot do all the work). If you automate all your Instagram activity, it could get your account shadow-banned.

Respond to comments, engage in others’ posts by liking and sharing their posts. The most important thing to remember is to engage with your followers to build that 1:1 relationship and they feel your real presence.

Q: What are some alternative methods for using Instagram bots?

A: We have a few recommendations that you can use instead of worrying about Instagram follower bots.

1. Engage with your followers yourself

While this is more time-consuming, you can create authentic engagement with your followers, build relationships and understand your audience more than ever.

2. Hire an assistant or social media assistant

We realize this may not be the most cost-effective for your business, in the end, you’ll see the ROI by having a real person assist you with your Instagram vs. having to deal with bots.

3. Time is everything

So you can’t afford an assistant or social media assistant right now, that’s okay. Take your time and write engaging content, use eye-catching photos and video, and speak to your audience in an authentic tone.

If you can spend an additional 20-30 minutes a day engaging with your followers directly, the reward will be more valuable than any bot can provide!

A great option is using a social media management tool, like InstaChamp, which can help automate your posts, hashtags, and some interactions with followers.

This way you can set it and forget it while still maintaining an authentic engagement with your audience.

As you can see, there are many options when it comes to using bots on Instagram. It is important to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision and determine whether or not it will be a benefit to your business. 

In the end, MobileMonkey is a 100% Instagram approved automated engagement with comment replies and DM automation. In addition, we do not automate following accounts that are against Instagram Terms.

9 Best Instagram Bots for More Follows, Likes & Replies

Do you remember what you did the last time someone liked 20 of your photos on Instagram out of nowhere?

A quick guess—

You saw the notifications. You became curious about who the person responsible for the likes was. You visited their profile. There is a high probability that you liked some of their posts to return the favor.

That was exactly their end goal from the start—you fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

And what’s more, they may not have been real people at all. They might have been Instagram bots!

Care to learn more about them?

In this article:

  • What an Instagram bot is and how it works
  • Why there are so many of them on social media
  • Examples of Instagram bot platforms and tools
  • How to create your very own Instagram bot

If you are interested in chat-bots specifically, you can also read our separate guides:

  • What Are Instagram Chatbots and How to Use Them?
  • Chatbots Explained: How Does a Chatbot Work? 
  • Best Chatbot Apps for Android and iOS

What are bots on Instagram?

Instagram bots are computer programs that automatically post content or send messages on behalf of users. They can be used for a variety of purposes, such as increasing follower count, driving traffic to websites, or promoting products. Some bots are also designed to engage with other users, by liking and commenting on their Instagram posts.

In some cases, bots mean fake users or trolls. That’s why some Instagram bots, for example the ones spreading fake news and misinformation, are perceived as harmful.


There are also good Instagram bots that can help you with marketing automation or sending automatic replies through Instagram direct messages.

So, are Instagram bots allowed?

Bots as such are not prohibited, but some of the ways they are used violate Instagram’s policy on spam. You are not allowed to: post, share, engage with content or create accounts, Groups, Pages, Events or other assets, either manually or automatically, at very high frequencies.

As a general rule, you should also not use bots that involve creating fake accounts. In theory, you might get banned and lose all the popularity you have earned.

Why does Instagram have so many bots?

According to some estimates, about 10% of Instagram accounts are bots. With about 1 billion user base this translates into 100 million fake IG accounts.

There are a few reasons why Instagram and other social media are infested with bots.

First of all, bots can be used to boost engagement and increase visibility among real users. Many profiles are trying to outsmart the algorithms and make their posts and accounts more popular. With automated comments and likes, your content can gain some initial momentum.

Secondly, Insta bots are relatively easy to create. There are many tools and platforms that you can use to build custom bots or manage your bot accounts. No advanced technical knowledge or coding skills are needed. Pretty much anyone can get their own Instagram bot or use a platform to buy “robot” followers.

Last but not least, fake bot accounts on Instagram are difficult to eliminate. While using bots is, obviously, frowned upon, most social media still have problems with enforcing their policies regarding fake accounts. You can report profiles and Instagram won’t take them down unless they violate other serious policies.

To sum up, Instagram bots are:

  • Believed to be an effective technique to boost engagement
  • Easy to set up and customize without specialist knowledge
  • Difficult to get under control or delete by the platform itself

These three aspects contribute to their massive popularity.

What is the purpose of Instagram bots?

Some Instagram bots are designed to get you more followers, while others can help you automate your posts and schedule them in advance.

How do Instagram bots work exactly?

The most common type of Instagram bots is the one designed for promoting your profile. These bots usually work by following a bunch of people in your target niche and interacting with their posts. This helps to get your name out there and get more people interested in checking out your profile.

Instagram bots can:

  • Follow other influencers and users
  • Like and comment on posts with specific hashtags
  • View Instagram stories and send messages
  • Send automatic replies in DM channels
  • Schedule and publish your content for you
  • Send notifications and manage your interactions

In fact, the term bot is very broad and can mean a lot of different things. The matter is also complicated by the fact that some of the solutions deliberately refrain from calling themselves instagram bots.

For example, “social media marketing agencies” such as Social Sensei explicitly say that they don’t use bots or Instagram scripts.

But they accomplish the same thing and use similar strategies, even if there are real people operating behind the scenes. But for some reason, if you try to Google Instagram bots, you can expect those “agencies” to pop up more than once. A rose by any other name…

The burning question is—

Are Instagram bots and automation services effective, or are they a scam?

Well, you shouldn’t expect more than 1% of bot interactions resulting in getting a new follower. A recent experiment shows that about 1,200 story views, comments, and likes can bring you… 8 new Instagram followers. This means that the conversion rate was slightly below 0.7%, which isn’t particularly impressive.

However, one metric that you can max out with automation is your customer satisfaction score (CSAT). Replying to messages with IG bots improves your average response speed and improves customer experience. 


Let’s take a look at some of the Instagram automation software that you may want to check out.

Best Instagram bots you can try in 2022

There are a lot of Instagram bot providers on the market. So, how do you know which one is the best for you? And, more importantly, how do you avoid getting scammed by a bot that doesn’t deliver on its promises?

Here is a rundown of the top Instagram bots on the market, as well as their pros and cons.

Instagram growth serviceWhat it is best forFree trialTrustPilot score
TidioMessage automationYes2.9/5 ⭐
Hyper IBFAutomatic followingNoN/A
KickstaGetting upvotesNo3.5/5 ⭐
InstamberDetailed niche targetingNo2.4/5 ⭐
NitreoFollow and unfollow cyclesNo2. 0/5 ⭐
JarveeBoosting IG overall presenceYes4.1/5 ⭐
InflactSelling via InstagramNo4.6/5 ⭐
KenjiInstagram Story viewsNo1.9/5 ⭐
Growth BeastAutomatic comments and viewsYesN/A

Let’s go through the more in-depth descriptions of each platform to find the right choice for you.

1. Tidio Instagram Bot for DM Automation

Tidio is a complete sales and marketing automation solution. It allows you to create all kinds of bots, including website chatbots, Instagram bots, and Facebook chatbots. Tidio also offers a wide range of integrations with all the popular marketing and ecommerce platforms. If you want to use your Instagram DM for conversational marketing and product recommendations, it is a perfect tool.

Main features:

  • Automatic replies to IG comments and messages
  • Easy integration with Instagram Business accounts
  • AI chatbots with intent recognition features
  • A visual bot editor and free chatbot templates
  • Integrations with other social media platforms
  • JavaScript API for additional functionalities


  • Free. Up to 100 interactions available in the freemium plan
  • Starter ($32.5/month). Typing preview and multichannel support
  • Team ($65.83/month). Quick responses and additional panels
  • Scale ($332.50/month). Custom roles, 1 on 1 onboarding, dedicated chatbot consultants

Tidio is easy to use and offers a free trial, so you can try it out before you commit to a paid plan.

Read more: Learn How to Use Tidio Instagram Bot Panel

2. Hyper Instagram Bot Follower

Hyper Instagram Bot Follower is an automated tool that can help you increase your followers on Instagram. The bot follows users based on certain hashtags that you choose, and then unfollows them after a period of time. This allows you to get more followers without having to put in any extra effort. Additionally, the bot can help you like and comment on photos, as well as follow and unfollow other users.


  • Profile scraping tools for targeting new profiles
  • Searching through account followers, hashtags and places
  • Built-in iOS and Android device emulation


  • It might be difficult to connect with their customer support team
  • There is a small chance that Instagram might detect that you are using a bot and ban your account


  • Mini ($9. 99/month). 1 Instagram account and a limited number of upvotes
  • Midi ($24.99/month). 3 accounts, additional automations, and DM management
  • Maxi ($49.99/month). 10 accounts, profile scraper, and prioritized customer support
  • Agency ($99.00/month). 20 accounts and additional integration with Instagram’s API

3. Kicksta

Kicksta is a social media marketing platform that helps brands and businesses to grow their Instagram following organically. Kicksta provides its users with access to a database of real, active Instagram users, who they can then interact with through the platform’s automated features. The tool helps you get more followers on Instagram by liking photos from similar accounts.


  • It’s easy to search for users you can connect and interact with
  • The tool provides its own dashboard with Instagram analytics
  • You can automatically exclude NSFW accounts with the Profanity Filter


  • You cannot set up your target audience manually
  • The customer support team is hard to reach with the Standard plan


  • Standard ($49/month). Up to 10 AI Instagram Targets for creating your audience profile 
  • Premium ($99/month). Dedicated VIP email customer support team
  • Boost ($218/month). Automatic audience diversification from global influencers

4. Instamber

Instamber is an Instagram management tool that helps you get more real followers, likes, and comments on your posts. It also provides detailed insights into your Instagram account, so you can better understand your audience and improve your content strategy. Overall, Instamber is a great tool to use if you want to take your Instagram account to the next level.


  • You can use location tags to select target profiles for your Instagram engagement
  • The bot’s targeting algorithm has received many positive reviews
  • The bot interface design is clean and easy to use


  • Their app has quite a few crashes and at times the tool is offline
  • You need to buy separate modules to activate specific features


  • Instagram Bot ($10. 00/month). IG bots for auto-following and unfollowing
  • Direct Message ($10.00/month). Auto-reply and DM automations
  • Comment Manager ($10.00/month). A module for comment management
  • Post Manager ($10.00/month). Tools for content scheduling

5. Nitreo

Nitreo uses a variety of methods to get real, active followers on your account. First, it finds and follows relevant users in your target niche. These users are then notified of your follows, and some of them will follow you back. These followers are more likely to engage with your content and help you grow your account. After a while, the bot will also automatically unfollow some of the users, to keep the flow steady without raising suspicion.


  • Detailed impression and interaction analytics
  • You can create both whitelists and blacklists to set up your target follower profile
  • Agencies and non-profit initiatives can get personalized pricing options


  • Some users may not see results as quickly as they would like
  • If you don’t set up the app correctly, many of your new followers may come from random niches such as cryptocurrencies and NFT tech


  • Essential ($49/month). Hashtag targeting and custom audience lists
  • Speed (79$/month). Additional targeting features, story viewing, prioritized support

6. Jarvee

Jarvee is a social media automation tool that can help you save time and grow your social media accounts by automating tasks like posting, following, unfollowing, liking and commenting.

You can also use Jarvee to find and connect with potential customers and followers who are interested in your products or services. Jarvee can help you improve your social media presence and reach your business goals. With Jarvee, you can focus on your content and let the tool do the rest.


  • It is very advanced and offers a lot of tools and parameters to work with
  • You can integrate it with other social media such as YouTube and Facebook too
  • Useful resources such as blog articles, videos, and tutorials explaining how to use the tool


  • Although functional and detailed, the user interface looks a little bit outdated
  • Sometimes you have to experiment with different parameters before you get the best results


  • Free trial. You can use a 5-day free trial without a credit card
  • Starter ($29.95/month). 10 social media accounts, all features unlocked
  • Regular ($49.95/month). Up to 30 accounts on all social media platforms
  • Professional ($69.95 /month). You can connect up to 70 accounts

7. Inflact

Inflact’s Instagram bot helps you get more likes and followers on your Instagram account. It does this by following and liking other users’ posts, as well as commenting on them. Once you have signed up for an account, you just need to connect your Instagram account and start following other users. Inflact will then like and comment on their posts on your behalf.


  • Extra tools such as Hashtag Generator, Instagram Downloader, and Profile Analyzer
  • Comes with a dedicated app for iOS and Android
  • Many resources and Instagram bot tutorials


  • Some users claim that the AI system targets too many fake profiles, and it is hard to generate engagement from real users
  • The monthly price of some plans can be expensive for small businesses


  • Paid trial. 7 days trial available for $3
  • Basic Pack ($64/month). 1 account, automatic follow/unfollow, and likes
  • Advanced Pack ($114/month). 2 accounts, bulk messages to your audience
  • Pro Pack ($148/month). 3 accounts, Stories Saver, Instagram search features

8. Kenji

Kenji is a platform that enables you to get more reactions and story views on your Instagram account. The platform works by allowing users to connect their Instagram account to the Kenji growth service. Once connected, the server will then start mass following and liking other users’ stories in order to generate more views for your own stories.


  • The setup is easy and takes only a few minutes
  • Additional functionalities for reacting to Instagram Live transmissions
  • It shouldn’t get you shadow-banned on Instagram because the number of automatic interactions is limited


  • Some users claim that getting new followers with this app takes too much time
  • It may require ongoing maintenance and updates


  • Simple ($49/month). Basic hashtag and user targeting features
  • Pro ($79/month). Advanced segmentation settings and skip-the-queue support

9. Growth Beast

Growth Beast is an Instagram marketing service that helps businesses grow their reach. They offer a variety of tools and services, such as automated engagement, targeted follower growth, and hashtag optimization. Growth Beast is one of the best Instagram bot solutions and a great way to get more followers on Instagram. Their services are affordable, and they use randomized delays for increased security and avoiding spam detection.


  • It comes with Chrome and Firefox extensions that are easy to use
  • Real-time dashboards for account management and monitoring what’s going on
  • The pricing is lower than the majority of other Instagram bot apps


  • You need to make sure your computer is not going to sleep mode while the bot is running
  • It is a relatively new app, so it is hard to say if it is going to be maintained on a regular basis


  • Free trial. There is a free 3-day trial option for testing this bot
  • Premium ($5/month). It unlocks all Instagram automation features

How to get bots on Instagram?

If you want to buy bots, there are a few places you can go. You can choose one of Instagram bot services like the ones mentioned above. But you can also buy Instagram followers from sites like Fiverr. It is easy to find people who will follow you or who will like and comment on your photos if you pay for them.

However, just because you can do it doesn’t really mean that you should do it.

Should I use Instagram bots?

No, you should not. Unless by “bots” you mean some content management and Instagram automation tools. However, you should never buy fake followers on Instagram.

Instagram’s algorithms can detect which interactions come from spammy bots and which from genuine Instagram followers.

Source: Wild Eye

Some new research suggests that Instagram bot followers have a negative impact on your profile’s performance. For example, one experiment shows that removing bots from Instagram (about 20% of all followers) had a positive impact on real engagement and reach. It translated into a 92% increase in the number of total post impressions.

Still, you can use Instagram integrations that will help you send automatic replies and messages.

Here is the right and legitimate way to connect Instagram and bots.

How to create an Instagram bot that doesn’t violate Instagram’s terms of service

Here is how to make your own Insta bot with one of the best Instagram bot services.

Step 1: Create your free Tidio account

Go to the signup page. Provide your email or sign in with your Facebook account.

Step 2: Complete the registration tour

Follow the instructions and set up your live chat widget. Don’t worry about it if you intend to use chatbots only on your Instagram account. However, it is a good idea to add a live chat widget on your website and connect it with Tidio.

Step 3: Connect your Instagram account

Go to Settings > Channels > Instagram and connect your Instagram Business account. If you are still using a personal profile, it is a great opportunity to upgrade your account. Just like Facebook Business pages and WhatsApp Business, Instagram Business is completely free.

Step 4: Set up your chatbot triggers and actions

You can use a drag-n-drop visual editor to specify the sequence of messages that the bot will write. You can also add elements such as multimedia or buttons for better user experience. 

Step 5: Test your new Instagram bot

The last thing left is to test your bot. Click the test button to see a preview of the conversation design. While it seems simple enough, designing your own bots is quite an interesting and intricate process.

You can check out more tutorials about creating bots here:

  • How to Make a Chatbot From Scratch [No Coding]
  • Chatbot Design: Best Practices & Insider Tips
  • Good Chatbot Interface Examples to Inspire Your Own

How to promote my Instagram profile without using IG bots?

Many of the popular methods for getting followers on autopilot, such as using bots, are against the platform’s terms of service. So, how can you boost your visibility without buying followers or resorting to other prohibited methods?

If you’re looking to promote your profile without bots, there are a few things you can do.

And you know what? Most of these methods will help you get better results, even if you still decide to use bots for automating some of your activities.

1. Focus on creating high-quality content to boost organic growth

It sounds quite obvious, but there is really no way around it. If you want to be successful, interesting Instagram content is more important than whether you use a social media manager for post scheduling or not. Make sure that your videos and photos are visually appealing, and your posts are engaging.

2. Use the right hashtags and analyze their popularity

You can use Instagram hashtags to make your content more discoverable, and connect with other users who share similar interests. Consider using third-party apps to monitor Instagram trends and increase your visibility and reach. For example, social listening tools such as Brand24 are very good at tracking hashtags.

3. Take advantage of Instagram Stories, Live, and other features

Instagram Stories are an incredibly effective way to connect with your audience and share your brand’s story. According to a report by Business Insider, 70% of Gen Z users watch Instagram Stories on a daily basis. They are perfect pieces of content for people with a short attention span.

Unlike a long blog post or even a short video, Instagram Stories can be quickly viewed and digested. If you think about it, the whole TikTok platform is based on the same principle—and it is extremely popular.

4. Interact with other users to build relationships and grow your following

Yes. It is exactly the sort of thing that you would want to automate with bots and scripts. But don’t. People hate spammy bots, and they can usually recognize them from miles away. If you are serious about building a connection with your audience, nothing beats real interactions.


Using social media automation tools and Instagram bots can help you save time and grow your social media accounts. They can automate tasks like posting, following, unfollowing, liking, and commenting. They can also help you find and connect with potential customers and followers who are interested in your products or services.

The best automation tools and bots for Instagram are:

  1. Tidio
  2. Hyper IBF
  3. Kicksta
  4. Instamber
  5. Nitreo
  6. Jarvee
  7. Inflact
  8. Kenji
  9. Growth Beast

However, you should never use bots to generate fake likes or comments on your posts. It can lead to your account being banned by Instagram. Additionally, it also creates a negative impression of your brand, as people will know that you are using prohibited engagement tricks.

There is no easy way to grow your Instagram following without putting in the work. If you want to be successful, you need to create high-quality content and interact meaningfully with other users. Automation might help you save time, but it will not get you followers who are genuinely interested in your brand. You can learn more about your potential audience by starting direct conversations instead.

Create an Instagram chatbot for free | SendPulse

Convert Instagram Followers into Loyal Customers

How to Set Up an Instagram Chatbot Marketing with SendPulse Features:

Promote Your Instagram Direct Chatbot with Ads

Share your products and services with Instagram- bot, and to attract users to it, run targeted ads with the goal of "Instagram Direct". Set up a welcome message in your Facebook ad account and add triggers to start chains. The user will select the answer that is relevant to him and go through the message chain. And if you need advice, connect the manager to the correspondence. nine0005

Accept payment

Everything for effective work with chats on Instagram

Create a bot for Instagram

Instagram Chatbot Management Mobile App

Reply to your followers using the mobile app so you can manage multiple chats and manage your chatbot on the go.


How to create a chatbot on Instagram? nine0009

Log in to your SendPulse account, go to the Chatbots section, and connect to your Instagram page to set up the chatbot.

Who needs an Instagram chatbot and why?

Chatbot is useful for any business. If you accept and process dozens or hundreds of direct orders, receive the same questions from leads and customers every day, delegate these tasks to a chatbot. Thus, you do not have to hire a person to work with Direct, because these routine processes can be easily automated. nine0005

How does an Instagram chatbot work?

You need to pre-write chatbot scripts for various subscriber actions, for example, placing an order, exchanging, returning, answering frequently asked questions. Now, every time the user performs the target action, the chatbot will automatically respond to him according to your scenario without your participation. It will also send customer data to CRM and sort by the filter you set. nine0005

What are the benefits of an Instagram chatbot?

By creating a chatbot, you do not have to hire an order processing manager in direct, which can significantly save your budget. The chatbot works 24/7 and seven days a week, which provides an instant response to each user. Consequently, you will be able to increase the number of sales, since the buyer will not have to look for another store where they will respond faster. nine0005

How do I set up welcome and other automatic message threads?

To set up an automatic message thread, first set the desired trigger for sending it - this can be a keyword that the user writes in a chat or a specific event, such as a subscription to a page. Next, write down the message script and sending conditions for each auto-reply. nine0005

How to invite managers to your SendPulse account for teamwork?

Go to "Account Settings" in the "Users" tab and click "Invite User". Read detailed instructions on granting access to your SendPulse account.

For which other social networks can I set up a bot in SendPulse? nine0009

With SendPulse Chatbot Builder you can set up bots for WhatsApp, Facebook and Telegram.

How can I find out the prices for the chatbot service in SendPulse?

Check out the tariff scale on the pricing page for the chatbot service.

Connect a bot to Instagram and free yourself from routine responses

Create a bot to provide 24/7 interaction with your audience on Instagram

Connect free

Bots for Instagram* | Knowledge base

Open in the new window link

*Instagram belongs to META, recognized as extremist in Russia


after connecting Instagram (belongs to META, recognized as Extrerist to Russia) BotHelp, you can proceed to create a bot.

If you have not previously created bots in BotHelp for other messengers, we recommend that you study this instruction. nine0005

What can be added to the Bota chain

The following possibilities are now available:

  • Sending text

  • Sending pictures

  • delays

  • 9000 9000
  • Action

  • 9000 9

  • Keyword trigger

  • Story mention trigger

  • URL buttons

  • Buttons to move to another step

What will be available later

Planned to add:

Important : Instagram* bots have a 24-hour window in which you can interact with your followers. Each message from a subscriber opens up a free 24-hour window for you in which you can send messages of any content.

How to launch a bot


Set up keyword automation and communicate this word to your subscribers (in posts, videos, webinars, messages, etc.) The subscriber will enter a keyword or phrase in direct and the message chain will start. nine0005

Mention in stories

It is also possible to launch a bot if the user mentions you in stories, how to set it up is described in this article. It looks like this:

Follower check

Instagram* bots can check if a user is following your Instagram* profile. You can do this using the "Check Subscription" condition.

Examples of how to use

Below are a few examples of how you can use Instagram Bots*. nine0005

Checking the link in the message.

A simple bot that will send to your mail the data of those subscribers who clicked on the link in the first message. Those who did not click on the link will be transferred to an agent to continue the dialogue.

Interactive bot

Interactive can be implemented using keywords.

For example, let's create two keywords, "gift" and "question". In the actions for both keywords, let's add "Start the bot" and "Assign a label":

In the bot itself, after launch, the label is checked and the subscriber gets to the desired chain branch. If he wrote "gift", a message is sent, if he wrote "question" - he gets to the chat with the agent.

Bot with buttons

In this example, there is a URL button and a move to another step button . In case of pressing or not pressing the buttons, the user will get into different branches of the chain and he will receive different messages. nine0005

Bot with subscription check

Bot that checks if the subscriber has subscribed to the profile on Instagram*, if yes, sends a bonus, if not, reminds to subscribe:

*Instagram belongs to Meta, recognized as extremist in Russia

If you did not find the answer to your question, ask us in the chat inside the account or write to hello@bothelp.

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