How to get 100 followers on instagram free and fast

Can You Really Get 100 Instagram Followers (for Free) in 24 Hours?

Who NEEDS more Instagram Followers?

Followers. Followers. Followers…

That seems to be what so many focus on when it comes to starting or building an Instagram account.

The amount of followers you have usually means you have more engagement, more engagement leads to more potential sales.

After all, there are over 700 million users on Instagram and Instagram itself has over 226 million followers!

But how can you get followers on a site like Instagram without spending any money on ads or buying followers?

Today’s test is going to cover a strategy that promises to add 100 new followers in 24 hours

How to Get Instagram Followers

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I ran across a blog on WeekHack that was entitled “How to get 100 Instagram Followers in 24 hours” and I was intrigued.

The blog post promises that if you follow their step-by-step tutorial, you can get 100 new Instagram followers within 24 hours — even if you don’t already have an Instagram account.

Sounds too good to be true, which is why I wanted to test this.

So here’s their step by step plan:

  • Optimize your Instagram profile for maximum engagement-Pretty basic stuff here.
    • Make sure your profile is filled out, has an eye-catching profile image and a good bio.
    • Make sure the URL you list is to an opt-in page or product page selling something.
    • They also recommend posting at least 12 images before you start promoting your profile so that people can get an idea of what your page is about before they follow you.
  • Find at least 30 strategic hashtags – They recommend a few things here.
    • Choose 30 hashtags with 50k-300k images per hashtags when you search Instagram. Don’t use ones with more than 300k images until you have lots of followers. You can simply search Instagram to find hashtags for a popular subject, such as food. The goal here is to be featured in the “Top 9” posts for that hashtag. 
    • Post these 30 hashtags as a comment under the post, not in the post itself. This is supposed to get you more engagement.
  • Decide how much content you’re going to publish. They recommend posting at least 3-4 times per day. And also recommend posting 1 live video per day and 5+ Instagram stories per day.
    • Photos of your team, office, you or your product
    • Motivational, business and inspirational quotes
  • Locate your target users.
    • Find at least 10 accounts that are your top competitors
    • Choose accounts with only 50k followers or more
    • Put the 10 in a spreadsheet with the profile URL, name, follower count and likes per post
    • Go to their account and tap on Followers and start following their followers
    • Don’t follow more than 50 per hour due to Instagram’s follower restrictions
  • Engage with your community.
    • Reply to comments on your photos
    • Like other people’s photos that have hashtags, you’re interested in
    • Reply to messages

You can automate most of these tasks with tools like Kicksta – which auto likes relevant IG profiles to grow your followership on autopilot. Be careful though, as this Kicksta review points out, the rate at which your IG followers grow is a bit unpredictable.

Testing Instagram Follower Strategy

To see if this strategy leads to 100 new Instagram followers in 24 hours I’ll use my own small business account for Space Walk of Central Texas. (*This account is no longer active on Instagram as of January 2020)

This is the side business I own and have been active on social media for about 3-4 years.

I already have an Instagram account and have been actively posting to it for about 2 years.

When the test started, it had 629 followers.

My goal will be to follow this strategy as much as I can over a 2 week period, then report the results.

Hypothesis: Following this plan will NOT get me 100 Instagram followers in 24 hours.

Trying to Gain 100 Instagram Followers

I couldn’t focus on pages that had over 50k followers, as this page is a local business and no one in this area has that many followers. (I’m in Central Texas, not New York City.)

Instead, I sought out large businesses in a 50-mile radius of my town and followed their followers as well as followed the pages/people they follow.

I did my best to follow 50 per hour, although that was harder than you might think. Manually clicking on that many “Follow” buttons consistently is time-consuming. After 2 weeks, I followed about 2,500 accounts.

My main focus when finding accounts to follow was to find local businesses that appeal to parents, as parents are my ideal customers. Such as the local Parks and Recreation account:

After following I’d click on their Followers and Following and follow those accounts, or Request to follow.

Also during this time, I scheduled out 4 posts per day with photos showcasing my product as well as posting parenting-related inspirational posts.

In addition, I posted 20+ hashtags in the comments of each post, with a few other posts having hashtags in the post itself.

I commented on the last 3-4 posts to show that I was engaging with them and hopefully their followers would see that as well.

During this two-week test, I left about 100 comments.

Did all this following, hashtagging, and commenting work?

Did We Get 100 New Instagram Followers?

After going through this strategy 5 days per week for 2 weeks, did I really get 100 Instagram followers in 24 hours?

Remember my hypothesis was: Following this plan will NOT get me 100 followers in 24 hours.

I started with 629 followers, ended with 983. An increase of 354 followers, which is impressive.

But not quite the 100 followers for every 24 hours I spent during the test.

So based on this number I’d say my hypothesis was true.

But was the strategy a total loss?


354 followers is nothing to sneeze at and was an increase of 56.28%.

Granted I had to follow 2500 people to get this increase, which equates to a 14. 16% conversion rate if all 354 new followers came from those 2500 that I followed, which they probably didn’t.

And due to that increase in followers, my Impressions and Reach are both higher now than before.

Let’s take a look at the Insights of a post just before the test started. It received 224 Impressions and 182 Reach:

Once I completed the strategy here are the Insights of a post showing an increase in results –received 264 Impressions and 233 Reach:

That’s an 18% increase in Impressions and 28% increase in Reach. Not too shabby considering the strategy didn’t cost me anything but my time.

Conclusion — Is this a Viable Strategy to Gain Instagram Followers?

Yes and No.

Yes in the fact that it did produce positive results — not as many as it originally claimed, however.

And yes that all this legwork was done instead of signing up for one of those automated tools out there that claim to do this for you. Given these tools store your login credentials, and its automation could violate Instagram’s Terms of Service, you could lose your Instagram account. .

(I won’t link to any of those tools as I don’t want to endorse them and they weren’t part of this test.)

But I’d have to give a No for the fact that it takes a lot of time to accomplish.

If you’re also trying to run a business or other social media accounts this would be tough to do. And it was for me honestly.

The “follow for follow” mindset and strategy aren’t always true as many may never look to see who just followed them. But for those that do tap to see who you are, it is a good idea to have your profile filled out as mentioned and have plenty of posts and be currently active.

In the end, while this strategy didn’t give me 100 new followers every day, it did drastically increase my Instagram followers and increased the engagement along with that.

And I’ve already had a couple of messages and comments inquiring about renting inflatables so it could quickly result in sales — which is ultimately why I have the account anyway!

I’d recommend giving this a try, but maybe not to the full scale I did due to time. Maybe find 20-30 people/pages to follow that are either local to your brand or a competitor and then follow their followers. Dedicate 20 minutes per day to it and see what happens.

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How to get 100 Instagram Followers in 24 hours (step by step guide)

Imagine what a hundred new targeted Instagram followers every day would do for your business?

How many people would visit your website or blog?

How many subscribers would join your newsletter, opt-in page, or an email course?

How much money you’d make?

According to the latest research, Instagram reached 1 billion users in 2019.

Quite a lot of people, right?

Instagram engagement is 20 times higher than that of Facebook and 50 times higher than the engagement on Twitter.

What does that mean? It is much easier to engage with your fans on Instagram than on any other social platform.

Do you understand where I’m getting at? Whether you’re a food blogger, car repairman, a model, or just want to grow your motivational page, Instagram is the best place to go.

In this step by step tutorial, I’m going to show you how to acquire a hundred new followers to your account within 24 hours, even if you don’t have an Instagram account!

It’s much easier than you think, just follow the steps below.

Want to get the hashtag strategy that brings me 11,000 impressions per post?

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Get The Ultimate Instagram Hashtags Cheatsheet

Attract the right people to your profile using Hashtags on Instagram

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100% Privacy. We will never spam you.

Step #1 – Optimize your profile for maximum engagement

There’s no other step as important as designing your profile to attract your ideal customers.

Be honest; if you’d visit the Metallica fan page and there’d not been any relevant photos, images, or updates at all, would you give a like?

Probably Not.

This is a similar case. If you want to attract the right people to your profile, there’re a few necessary steps to follow.

So what is the first step?

#1: Create an eye-catching profile image of you or your company’s logo and set up a bio reflecting your personality and value of your product.


Don’t just put your website URL, but use a link that directs to your opt-in page/product page instead. (This is the only place where you can create a clickable link)

#2: After creating a profile (if you don’t have one), publish at least 12 images before you start promoting your profile and getting followers. (Do you remember the example from above with the Metallica fan page? That’s the reason!)

These images or photos should be of top-notch quality. They should reflect what you do, what you’re going to publish in the future, and attract your target audience.


Estimated time: 20 minutes

Still don’t know what kind of images you should post? I’m going to give you a few tips in step three.

Step #2 – Find at least 30 strategic Hashtags

Let me ask you a question…

If you posted an update (photo or whatever) on your personal Facebook, how many people engaged with your post? 5? 10? 25? 35?

That’s where Instagram is entirely different. My first photo (with zero followers) received more than a hundred likes and a few comments.

How is that possible?


Instagram allows you to post up to 30 hashtags per post! That’s a huge number. Be strategic about choosing the right ones.

You’re looking for hashtags with 50k-300k images per hashtag. After you get 10-15k followers, you can use more popular ones, but at the early stage, it is not recommended to go after hashtags with more than 300k images.

Your image would just be lost in the feed and received zero engagement.

The goal is to get featured within the 9 top posts under each hashtag.

Tip #1: Post these 30 hashtags as a comment under your post; it will give you even more engagement!


Estimated time: 20 minutes

Step #3 -Decide how much content you’re going to publish

As you probably heard, Facebook bought Instagram recently. That means most of your followers won’t see your updates because of the algorithms.

What is the solution? Post at least 3-4 times (you can post even more) every single day.

If you’re not active, why would someone bother to follow you?

My recommendation is to publish continuously:

  • 1 Image (photo) per day.

If you are not a beginner, I recommend posting live video and IG stories as well.

  • Two live videos per week (at the same time each day).
  • Add 1+ Instagram stories per day.

Let me break this down for you.

1 Image (photo) per day.

I know what you’re thinking… ‘That’s a lot of content. I don’t know what to publish. It’s going to be really time-consuming… I don’t have time for that..’

But it’s easier than you think. You can post:

#1: Photos of your office, of your team, of you or your product. Don’t worry about being too personal; people want to connect with people.

#2: Motivational, business & inspirational quotes.

Quotes are one of the most viral things you can post on Instagram, and they’re really easy to create.

With tools like Canva, PicMonkey, or Tablo, it’s like walking in the park.

If you don’t know how to do it, just type ‘how to create a quote using Canva’ into Youtube.

You can even use images (quotes) from other pages, just be sure to give them credit in a caption or tag them.


Estimated time: 10 minutes per day

Tip: On every 30th of each month, I create content for all the days in the immediate next month. It typically takes two hours, and I don’t have to think about it for the next 30 days.

I’ve been using the tool called Later to schedule all my posts in advance. You can schedule your posts from your desktop PC without logging into Instagram.

Step #4 – Locate your target users

Using the strategies mentioned above, your page will start emerging slowly.

From 5 to 30 followers each day.

You may be thinking, that’s nice, but I want more, it’s not enough!

I couldn’t agree more; the first three steps were the mere introduction to Instagram.

Now it’s time to get the ball rolling and get massive exposure for your page.

#1: Find at least 10 people, brands, or corporations that are your top competitors.

For example, if you’re a food blogger, find ten successful (people liking and commenting on their images) accounts about food, pizza, desserts, etc..

Use this spreadsheet and type those ten pages, URL of their profile, Followers count (use only accounts with 50k+), and how much likes they’re getting per post.

Now the fun part begins!

Click on their profile and turn on post notification.

Like and leave a thoughtful comment on each post as soon as they post it.

Don’t wait an hour, a minute, do it immediately.

Make sure the comment has at least five lines, provides value, and DON’T promote you or your business. Be real!

Follow this strategy at least 10 times per day, and you will start getting new Instagram followers right off the bat.


Estimated time: 25 minutes

Step #5 – Engage with your community

Don’t use Instagram as a broadcast platform. Engagement on Instagram is much higher than on the other Social media platforms. People expect more than just receiving updates from you.

There’s a difference between being a publisher, member, and leader of a community, don’t be just a publisher – that would be a huge mistake!

  • If someone comments on your photo, reply (mention them, using @, in the comment).
  • Like other people’s photos that have hashtags that you’re interested in.
  • If someone sends you a direct message, take time, and reply.


Estimated time: 5 minutes per day

Bonus tip #1: Log inside your Instagram account – click Options and scroll down until you see ‘Switch to Business Profile,’ click on it and follow the steps.

After that, you’ll get basic analytics about your account (How many impressions your posts got within last seven days, how many accounts saw your posts, how many people visit your profile, how many people clicked on your URL and when your followers are most active)


Instagram can be extremely effective.

Just be sure to follow these five steps to make sure your Instagram marketing is worth the effort and time you put into it.

Action Steps:

Step #1: Optimize your profile image, bio and publish 12 images/photos

Step #2: Make a list of 30 strategic Hashtags

Step #3: Create a posting schedule

Step #4: Locate your target users

Step #5: Engage with your community

By following these steps, you will be able to get a hundred new followers by the end of the following day.

Just do the work; it’s worth it!

Want to get the hashtag strategy that brings me 11,000 impressions per post?

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Get The Ultimate Instagram Hashtags Cheatsheet

Attract the right people to your profile using Hashtags on Instagram

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100% Privacy. We will never spam you.

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14 methods to get 1000 subscribers in IG (free + paid)

The first thousand subscribers is a significant number for any blogger, and not only on Instagram. This is an indicator that the content has passed quality control and the process has moved off the ground. For commercial accounts, rising exposure helps increase sales, which is why many brands maintain their Instagram pages.

Before you start gaining subscribers, make sure your profile is complete and you have a content plan. It is important that you post regularly and explore your niche creatively - there will be no chance to make a first impression a second time. With this in mind, let's analyze from simple to complex what tools will help to collect the first thousand followers on Instagram and increase their number further.

Account design: 25 beautiful profilesHow to manage Instagram (50 chips) from a marketerHow to come up with a nickname on Instagram: 35 ideas for a business account and a personal blog on the internal functionality of the social network. Some tools work on the principle of "tagging": you set a description, hashtags, geotags, etc., and the social network independently generates recommendations for users.

Other methods work for content diversity. Instagram allows you to create posts in various formats so that every blogger can reach their audience. This is what you will use to increase your reach and increase the likelihood that you will be noticed on Instagram.

1. Hashtags and keywords

They will help you get good coverage, get recommended and attract new followers to your Instagram account. But this will only work if the hashtags are relevant to the topic of your post. And do not abuse high-frequency tags: firstly, your post will be lost in the general stream, and secondly, there is a risk of being shadowbanned.

Use low-frequency tags - under which less than 10 thousand publications are placed, and medium-frequency - from 10 to 500 thousand. They belong to niche search and are more likely to attract the target audience.

For convenience, type a few dozen target hashtags and combine them under posts, but it's better to repeat them less often. The optimal number of tags under the post is up to ten.

And one more tip, which is not related to promotion, but will be useful for setting up an Instagram account. When you write all the hashtags, create a system of your own unique tags that no one uses. They will be needed for easy navigation through different sections of your posts.

Hashtags for publication

An important point that you should pay attention to when promoting on Instagram is the profile header. It is the profile header that is your "face", the first impression of the account. The role of the header is to give a concise answer about what is happening in the profile, to inspire confidence.

Strong text and use of keywords in the header convey positioning and brand benefits, influence the growth of subscriptions and sales. Do not get carried away with writing in a hat, be brief, but understandable. In addition, Instagram only skips 150 characters.

On the left is an example of how not to fill out a profile header, on the right - an ideal profile header

2. Geotags

Geotag your publications. On the map, this will look like a place of interest that can be visited for several reasons. For example, you sell your services there. Geotags can also be set by your clients (not necessarily bloggers) who maintain their Instagram pages for friends and acquaintances. A person will see a mark on the map, read the post, look at your profile and, if he likes it, subscribe.

Even if you don't have a business, geotagging still makes sense. They help users who are interested in the life and blogosphere of their city. But the main factors determining whether a person subscribes or not remain the thematic niche of the profile and the quality of the content. Subject to all these conditions, it is a great way to get targeted followers on Instagram for free.


Life hack. Do you want to save time when working in social networks? To do this, you need SMMplanner, which will automatically publish a post or story with tagged users, geometers and hashtags. You can also set up automatic deletion of posts and comments. Click and test for free -> SMMplanner

3. Participation in challenges

Today you won't surprise anyone with Instagram marathons and challenges, but, nevertheless, in order to attract new subscribers, this method will come in handy. A challenge is a challenge that the account owner throws to his friends, the audience after performing certain actions. The main thing in challenges is not only to do something and show your coolness, but to encourage the audience to repeat after you, accept a challenge or throw a similar one to your friends, close circle, etc.

If the content responds to a large number of people, then they will repost it to their stories, comment, tag you. At first, you can resort to a little trick and arrange a discussion and reposting on a certain topic between you and your friends in order to attract the attention of the audience.

Challenge "10 year challenge"

4. Mutual PR

On Instagram, VP (mutual PR) is another of the coolest ways to gain an audience. It can be used by both novice bloggers and business accounts.

You need to carefully choose partners for mutual PR. They should have a target audience as close as possible to yours, approximately the same number of subscribers - and, of course, the conditions for cooperation should be suitable.

For example, a photographer and a make-up artist can promote each other's pages, since they have approximately the same target audience. In addition, this is an ideal tandem for further cooperation.

Mutual PR on Instagram - stories

5. Joint content (co-authorship)

Not so long ago, Instagram introduced a new user collaboration feature - joint publications and Reels. In addition, today brands, influencers and celebrities are more willing to cooperate than to compete. Now users can invite other people as authors of publications. Co-authorship in the IG will help increase the reach and engagement due to the fact that the post will be seen by a combined audience of all authors.

For collaboration, you can choose a partner not only from your niche. For example, a company selling building materials can cooperate with a furniture factory, and a beauty brand with beauty can cooperate with a blogger.

Co-authorship in IG

To find a suitable author or brand for a joint post, just check the match on the following parameters:

  • Your products/services do not compete with each other;
  • You have a similar target audience;
  • Goods/services complement each other;
  • Human factor: it is better to work with nice people, so your companion should inspire confidence and inspire sympathy.
Influencer and brand co-authorship

6. Blogger commenting

Comment on posts by bloggers with a similar target audience. Write not only an assessment, good or bad, but also ask questions, suggest an idea for the next post. Try to stand out, but delicately, without too much criticism, so as not to end up in a bathhouse. In a word, show keen interest and competence in topics, and new potential subscribers will notice you.

7. Traffic flow

Attracting Instagram followers from other social networks is a great way to increase the number of followers for free at the first stage of promotion. Use all the social networks that you lead. Put a link to your Instagram in all your profiles. Write in the status that you are mastering a new format, publishing a photo of your life in IG.

Next, periodically remind your followers that you now have Instagram and invite them to visit your profile. Share news in posts: for example, you announced on VK that you would not release posts on weekends, you went to the sea, and photos from your vacation will be regularly uploaded to IG. This way you can organically increase the number of followers on Instagram without taking almost any action.

For example, if you have your own business, insert a link to your Instagram on your website, on e-mail newsletters and even Yandex.Maps and Gogle Maps. Thus, you will collect additional traffic from different sites.

Link to Instagram

8. Interactive stories

What is it about? Obviously, by posting regular stories to your profile, you won’t gain new subscribers in any way. This is where interactive stories come to the rescue - "add yours" or "add yours" stickers. Their essence is as follows: this sticker allows everyone to take part in discussions on the site. Users can respond to other people's stories with their photos and videos that match the topic of discussion. I think this is a cool opportunity to promote your profile

Participation in discussions in "Add yours"
  • Instagram games: 32 examples (posts + stories)
  • Instagram Story Ideas: 150+ with Example Stories



Facebook on Instagram has its Tik Tok analogue — Reels. In this section, you can post videos lasting from 15 to 60 seconds. Track trends, participate in challenges. Here you will also find an audience, draw attention to the blog.

Instagram seeks to promote a new content format. The algorithms of the social network are more favorable to videos made in Reels and display them more often in recommendations. Use this hack to get followers on Instagram before your competitors do.

Reels on Instagram

Important. If you have a TikTok account, you can upload your videos to Reels, but it's better to make them here - Instagram has a negative attitude towards TikTok icons on videos.

10. Tagging posts

Posting a link to your page with other users will draw attention to your Instagram profile and help you gain followers. Ask acquaintances, friends or clients to tag you in a photo or story. So you will collect targeted followers who are interested in the life of not a particular blogger, but also his circle of friends.

Link in the story to the profile

11. IGTV

Instagram allows you to upload long videos up to 1 hour. During this time, you will show your product or the entire new collection in detail, answer frequently asked questions, tell you about the business from the inside, etc. And here you can save recordings of live broadcasts.

This method, like the previous one, works to increase the coverage and recognition of the account. If you regularly post unique, useful and unusual "catchy" content, it will become easier to gain new followers on Instagram.

Long Instagram videos

IGTV (Instagram TV): complete guide + video chips

12. QR code

Create your own QR code and add it to business cards, ads, any other printed matter. In general, if you use offline advertising, feel free to place a code on it to quickly go to your Instagram account. This will help you gain traffic and expand your audience.

Qr-code on Instagram

13. Manual mass following

The essence of mass following is that you subscribe to users and like their publications. These should not be just random profiles, but your target audience. Seeing such notifications as in the screenshot, users will go to the page, look at posts and stories, and probably subscribe.

Massliking and massfollowing

Lifehack. The easiest way to promote an Instagram account is with the help of automatic mass following. He will independently do all the actions (likes, views of stories, subscription to users) that will promote the account and increase sales. Click and test -> Zengram (Promo code "INSCALEPROMO" -20% for everything)

Paid ways to attract subscribers

It is not easy to promote a page on Instagram with completely free methods, especially in the early stages - to get the first 1000 subscribers, you will have to try. Paid promotion methods will help speed up the process.

This includes external tools that expand the basic possibilities of page administration: show additional statistics, automate actions, wind up followers.

There will also be classic marketing techniques that involve having and planning a budget: targeting, buying ads from other bloggers, holding contests.

1. Targeted advertising

Advertising targeting is not an easy task: to search and segment the audience, design ads, calculate the budget. Each stage involves detailed study. If you are a beginner, then you run the risk of losing money. But the effect of achieving the goal is simply colossal, so targetologists are well paid.

Even if you are just approaching the milestone of 1000 followers and are not confident in your experience, it makes sense to study the principle of action and conduct the first "sighting" targeting with a small budget, and then see how much your number of followers on Instagram has increased.

Targeted advertising on Instagram

Life hack. Do you want to learn how to create vivid photo and video content that your audience will love? Then we recommend taking the course “promotion on Instagram”. After training, you will be able to independently launch targeted advertising, create unique and attractive content to attract new subscribers. Click and sign up for the course -> Promotion on Instagram

2. Advertising with bloggers

People trust other people more. Bloggers are trusted, as they recommend the product as if through their experience, give a balanced assessment with all the pros and cons (if they value their reputation). Therefore, advertising with them is a great way to get subscribers.

There are several criteria for finding the right blogger. First, it must have your target audience. Secondly, evaluate the reputation and credibility. Look in the comments under the posts and see what and how they write to him. And, thirdly, its subscribers must be alive, i.e. not twisted.

Publication from a blogger

Plus, advertising for an Instagram profile does not have to be purchased only in IG. For example, if you have your own women's clothing showroom, you can buy ads from a Tik Tok influencer. Moreover, this platform is gaining popularity with space progression.

Advertising in public

Another equally effective way to promote your profile is advertising in public (and not necessarily in the IG). A strong "exhaust" is given by advertising in VKontakte groups. The peculiarity of VK is that this social network brings together mainly Russian-speaking users, so it is perfect for promoting companies of almost any format.

So, an additional plus of VK can be called a significant number of thematic communities, applications and integration into third-party services, for example, on Instagram.

Instagram advertising exchange: TOP-5 services + 8 life hacks

How to get people to subscribe?

At the beginning of their journey to promotion in the IG, many users make a gross mistake - they gain subscribers for the sake of a beautiful number, while the quality of their content is the last thing they think about. Trite, but it's true - only if you regularly publish high-quality content, subscribers will be drawn to you.

Let's consider the option when you already have some kind of base of followers that are actively showing up on your account.

1. Subscription gift

It is a very common practice to motivate users to subscribe to you. So, some bloggers and entrepreneurs go to small tricks to get an influx of followers. For example, for a subscription, some bloggers thank their followers with their promotion guides or checklists ala "TOP useful photo editing apps from ...".

So, as a gift for a subscription, entrepreneurs give a discount on the first purchase in the store, or on the first visit to a beauty salon, as in the example below. And as practice shows, this method of attracting an audience has proven its effectiveness.

Gift for subscription

In order to make your life easier, below is a list of services with which you can set up an account check for a subscription to your page.

Service Cost per check
Instateleport 1 ₽
Instasub 2 ₽
Smmbot -

2. Direct mail

Use direct mail to draw attention to important information. This should not be a request to like or subscribe - users will consider such messages as spam. Direct is good when there is some news. For example, announce the same contest or tell that something really unusual has appeared on your page.

But don't get carried away: there is a limit on messages in Direct. An account that has been in existence for less than three months can send 30 messages per day. From three to six months, the limit is already wider: 40 messages. After six months from the moment of registration - up to 50 messages per day. If these conditions are not met, you can easily get a block.

Messages in direct

In the table below, I have collected for you some useful services for mass mailing in direct. They are arranged in the order in which we recommend them, the first three are the top ones, and then out of order.

Name Cost (per month) Promo code + trial period
Zengram From 1 490 ₽ (“INSCALEPROMO” 20% discount on everything) 3 days
Bridgit From 490 ₽ 1 day
Boss Direct From 990 ₽ “inscale” +5 days free
Zeus From 110 ₽ “INSCALE” +3 days free
Instaplus From 399 ₽ 5 days
SocialKit From 1100 ₽ 7 days

Newsletter in Direct: 30 services + 4 steps how to do it

By the way. Have you heard about the new method of promotion on Instagram? SocTool has a unique algorithm that allows you to intercept the target audience from competitors online. The service will instantly establish a contact (subscription, like, message in Direct) while the user is online. Click and test - SocTool

3. Contest

If you already have your "backbone" of active subscribers, then announce the contest on your page. Play a gift, and as one of the conditions for participation, indicate a subscription. The main thing is that there are other conditions that will help to fairly select the winners. Otherwise, the contest will turn into a simple giveaway, after which you will lose all subscribed participants.

The timing of the competition should be such that everyone who wants to complete the task, but not too long, so that people do not get tired of waiting for the prize. Optimal - 5-7 days.

Holding a contest on Instagram

Uploading comments to IG: TOP 5 services + how to do Instagram challenge: 13 ideas of 2021

Cheat followers on Instagram

The fastest method for recruiting followers - cheat programs. We do not support this method of promotion, as it is not reliable. It has a number of shortcomings, but at the initial stage it will give impetus to the development of the account in order to attract advertisers as quickly as possible.

- Websites for bulk purchases of subscribers

Subscribers are cheated by bulk purchases or with the help of job exchanges. The meaning of the subscription package is that you order a lot and immediately in a couple of clicks. The table below contains the most popular resources operating in this mode:

Service Cost (per subscriber)
TmSmm From 0.14 ₽
Likemania From 0.35 ₽ ​​
Mrpopular From 0.08 RUB
Prostospec From 0.28 RUB
Prskill From 0.07 RUB
- Job exchanges

The second option - smm job exchanges. Here you independently compose the task, prescribe the conditions, set your own price for subscribing to you. The order will appear on the site, and only those users who have passed the selection criteria (suitable for gender, age, geolocation, etc.) will execute it.

As an advertisement

In addition to detailed task settings, such exchanges have one more advantage. They can also be used as a performer. By completing tasks, you earn internal currency (points) that you can spend on promoting your profile.

Service Cost (per subscriber)
Bosslike Fully customizable
Likeinsta Fully customizable
Vkserfing Minimum from 0.5 ₽
Unu Minimum from 1 ₽
Socpublic Minimum from 0.2 ₽

The main disadvantage of cheating live followers on Instagram is that it will not bring activity, will not show interest in the content, and, moreover, will not give any conversion and upward movement. Of course, this method will help to increase the number of followers on Instagram, but it will not be of great use.

Also, it's not worth getting a large number of subscribers at once because of the profile blocking. When there is not yet the first thousand subscribers, let's be specific: wind up from 50 to 100 custom, but no more. And as you reach the designated goal, be sure to delete inactive accounts and bots. A list of profile cleaning assistants is attached:

Service Cost
InstaHero 199 ₽ / 1 cleaning
SpamGuard Choose a personal tariff

- Mass actions

Programs select potential subscribers and carry out mass actions on their pages on your behalf: put likes, view stories, subscribe. It is possible to show which accounts to pay attention to: the search will be conducted by the audience of competitors, interests by hashtags and geotags under which you publish.

- Mass following and mass looking

Massollowing and masslooking automation. Set up the simultaneous execution of all actions or select any one desired option. The whole process is carried out through the cloud. Confirmed the task and calmly go about your business further. We give a list of programs that will subscribe you to a potential audience:

Service Cost (per month) Free period
Zengram 1 490 ₽ ("INSCALEPROMO" 20% discount on everything) 3 days
Bridgit 490 ₽ 1 day 299 ₽ 5 days

- Massliking

Software for mass liking posts of other social network users. The principle of operation is similar: a person will see that you like him, go to the page and subscribe if he likes posts and stories. A working option to increase the number of subscribers.

Service Cost (per month) Free period 299 ₽ 5 days
Bridgit 490 ₽ 1 day

briefly about the main thing

There is no universal formula for how to get a thousand followers and promote your Instagram account from scratch. Now you know what promotion methods are relevant for her.

I remind you that you need not only to gain subscribers, but also to be able to keep them. To do this, make a rule for yourself - post content every day. At least a few stories, if suddenly there is no time to write "long posts". The main thing is not to let your subscribers forget you.

What you do best (for example, photos of cityscapes) - will be the main theme for Instagram. Further, without detriment to the main direction, add new forms of content. Shoot streams from events in your city, post stories with other bloggers, share your impressions on IGTV. And so on, step by step, you will increase your reach and find your audience.

Always work with the profile. You can’t put a hashtag once, hold a contest, send out ads and wait for a steady influx of subscribers by inertia. Here, perhaps, is the main formula and the key to success.

Mutual PR on Instagram 2021: what it is + how to do itInstagram analytics: TOP-6 services + 12 main metrics

14 methods to get 1000 subscribers in IG (free + paid)

The first thousand subscribers is a significant number for any blogger, and not only on Instagram. This is an indicator that the content has passed quality control and the process has moved off the ground. For commercial accounts, rising exposure helps increase sales, which is why many brands maintain their Instagram pages.

Before you start gaining subscribers, make sure your profile is complete and you have a content plan. It is important that you post regularly and explore your niche creatively - there will be no chance to make a first impression a second time. With this in mind, let's analyze from simple to complex what tools will help to collect the first thousand followers on Instagram and increase their number further.

Account design: 25 beautiful profilesHow to manage Instagram (50 chips) from a marketerHow to come up with a nickname on Instagram: 35 ideas for a business account and a personal blog

How to get followers on Instagram for free

These ideas will help increase the number of followers on Instagram without cheating and they rely on the internal functionality of the social network. Some tools work on the principle of "tagging": you set a description, hashtags, geotags, etc., and the social network independently generates recommendations for users.

Other methods work for content diversity. Instagram allows you to create posts in various formats so that every blogger can reach their audience. This is what you will use to increase your reach and increase the likelihood that you will be noticed on Instagram.

1. Hashtags and keywords

They will help you get good coverage, get recommended and attract new followers to your Instagram account. But this will only work if the hashtags are relevant to the topic of your post. And do not abuse high-frequency tags: firstly, your post will be lost in the general stream, and secondly, there is a risk of being shadowbanned.

Use low-frequency tags - under which less than 10 thousand publications are placed, and medium-frequency - from 10 to 500 thousand. They belong to niche search and are more likely to attract the target audience.

For convenience, type a few dozen target hashtags and combine them under posts, but it's better to repeat them less often. The optimal number of tags under the post is up to ten.

And one more tip, which is not related to promotion, but will be useful for setting up an Instagram account. When you write all the hashtags, create a system of your own unique tags that no one uses. They will be needed for easy navigation through different sections of your posts.

Hashtags for publication

An important point that you should pay attention to when promoting on Instagram is the profile header. It is the profile header that is your "face", the first impression of the account. The role of the header is to give a concise answer about what is happening in the profile, to inspire confidence.

Strong text and use of keywords in the header convey positioning and brand benefits, influence the growth of subscriptions and sales. Do not get carried away with writing in a hat, be brief, but understandable. In addition, Instagram only skips 150 characters.

On the left is an example of how not to fill out a profile header, on the right - an ideal profile header



Geotag your publications. On the map, this will look like a place of interest that can be visited for several reasons. For example, you sell your services there. Geotags can also be set by your clients (not necessarily bloggers) who maintain their Instagram pages for friends and acquaintances. A person will see a mark on the map, read the post, look at your profile and, if he likes it, subscribe.

Even if you don't have a business, geotagging still makes sense. They help users who are interested in the life and blogosphere of their city. But the main factors determining whether a person subscribes or not remain the thematic niche of the profile and the quality of the content. Subject to all these conditions, it is a great way to get targeted followers on Instagram for free.


Life hack. Do you want to save time when working in social networks? To do this, you need SMMplanner, which will automatically publish a post or story with tagged users, geometers and hashtags. You can also set up automatic deletion of posts and comments. Click and test for free -> SMMplanner

3. Participation in challenges

Today you won't surprise anyone with Instagram marathons and challenges, but, nevertheless, in order to attract new subscribers, this method will come in handy. A challenge is a challenge that the account owner throws to his friends, the audience after performing certain actions. The main thing in challenges is not only to do something and show your coolness, but to encourage the audience to repeat after you, accept a challenge or throw a similar one to your friends, close circle, etc.

If the content responds to a large number of people, then they will repost it to their stories, comment, tag you. At first, you can resort to a little trick and arrange a discussion and reposting on a certain topic between you and your friends in order to attract the attention of the audience.

Challenge "10 year challenge"


Mutual PR

On Instagram, VP (mutual PR) is another of the coolest ways to gain an audience. It can be used by both novice bloggers and business accounts.

You need to carefully choose partners for mutual PR. They should have a target audience as close as possible to yours, approximately the same number of subscribers - and, of course, the conditions for cooperation should be suitable.

For example, a photographer and a make-up artist can promote each other's pages, since they have approximately the same target audience. In addition, this is an ideal tandem for further cooperation.

Mutual PR on Instagram - stories

5. Joint content (co-authorship)

Not so long ago, Instagram introduced a new user collaboration feature - joint publications and Reels. In addition, today brands, influencers and celebrities are more willing to cooperate than to compete. Now users can invite other people as authors of publications. Co-authorship in the IG will help increase the reach and engagement due to the fact that the post will be seen by a combined audience of all authors.

For collaboration, you can choose a partner not only from your niche. For example, a company selling building materials can cooperate with a furniture factory, and a beauty brand with beauty can cooperate with a blogger.

Co-authorship in IG

To find a suitable author or brand for a joint post, just check the match on the following parameters:

  • Your products/services do not compete with each other;
  • You have a similar target audience;
  • Goods/services complement each other;
  • Human factor: it is better to work with nice people, so your companion should inspire confidence and inspire sympathy.
Influencer and brand co-authorship

6. Blogger commenting

Comment on posts by bloggers with a similar target audience. Write not only an assessment, good or bad, but also ask questions, suggest an idea for the next post. Try to stand out, but delicately, without too much criticism, so as not to end up in a bathhouse. In a word, show keen interest and competence in topics, and new potential subscribers will notice you.

7. Traffic flow

Attracting Instagram followers from other social networks is a great way to increase the number of followers for free at the first stage of promotion. Use all the social networks that you lead. Put a link to your Instagram in all your profiles. Write in the status that you are mastering a new format, publishing a photo of your life in IG.

Next, periodically remind your followers that you now have Instagram and invite them to visit your profile. Share news in posts: for example, you announced on VK that you would not release posts on weekends, you went to the sea, and photos from your vacation will be regularly uploaded to IG. This way you can organically increase the number of followers on Instagram without taking almost any action.

For example, if you have your own business, insert a link to your Instagram on your website, on e-mail newsletters and even Yandex.Maps and Gogle Maps. Thus, you will collect additional traffic from different sites.

Link to Instagram

8. Interactive stories

What is it about? Obviously, by posting regular stories to your profile, you won’t gain new subscribers in any way. This is where interactive stories come to the rescue - "add yours" or "add yours" stickers. Their essence is as follows: this sticker allows everyone to take part in discussions on the site. Users can respond to other people's stories with their photos and videos that match the topic of discussion. I think this is a cool opportunity to promote your profile

Participation in discussions in "Add yours"
  • Instagram games: 32 examples (posts + stories)
  • Instagram Story Ideas: 150+ with Example Stories



Facebook on Instagram has its Tik Tok analogue — Reels. In this section, you can post videos lasting from 15 to 60 seconds. Track trends, participate in challenges. Here you will also find an audience, draw attention to the blog.

Instagram seeks to promote a new content format. The algorithms of the social network are more favorable to videos made in Reels and display them more often in recommendations. Use this hack to get followers on Instagram before your competitors do.

Reels on Instagram

Important. If you have a TikTok account, you can upload your videos to Reels, but it's better to make them here - Instagram has a negative attitude towards TikTok icons on videos.

10. Tagging posts

Posting a link to your page with other users will draw attention to your Instagram profile and help you gain followers. Ask acquaintances, friends or clients to tag you in a photo or story. So you will collect targeted followers who are interested in the life of not a particular blogger, but also his circle of friends.

Link in the story to the profile

11. IGTV

Instagram allows you to upload long videos up to 1 hour. During this time, you will show your product or the entire new collection in detail, answer frequently asked questions, tell you about the business from the inside, etc. And here you can save recordings of live broadcasts.

This method, like the previous one, works to increase the coverage and recognition of the account. If you regularly post unique, useful and unusual "catchy" content, it will become easier to gain new followers on Instagram.

Long Instagram videos

IGTV (Instagram TV): complete guide + video chips

12. QR code

Create your own QR code and add it to business cards, ads, any other printed matter. In general, if you use offline advertising, feel free to place a code on it to quickly go to your Instagram account. This will help you gain traffic and expand your audience.

Qr-code on Instagram

13. Manual mass following

The essence of mass following is that you subscribe to users and like their publications. These should not be just random profiles, but your target audience. Seeing such notifications as in the screenshot, users will go to the page, look at posts and stories, and probably subscribe.

Massliking and massfollowing

Lifehack. The easiest way to promote an Instagram account is with the help of automatic mass following. He will independently do all the actions (likes, views of stories, subscription to users) that will promote the account and increase sales. Click and test -> Zengram (Promo code "INSCALEPROMO" -20% for everything)

Paid ways to attract subscribers

It is not easy to promote a page on Instagram with completely free methods, especially in the early stages - to get the first 1000 subscribers, you will have to try. Paid promotion methods will help speed up the process.

This includes external tools that expand the basic possibilities of page administration: show additional statistics, automate actions, wind up followers.

There will also be classic marketing techniques that involve having and planning a budget: targeting, buying ads from other bloggers, holding contests.

1. Targeted advertising

Advertising targeting is not an easy task: to search and segment the audience, design ads, calculate the budget. Each stage involves detailed study. If you are a beginner, then you run the risk of losing money. But the effect of achieving the goal is simply colossal, so targetologists are well paid.

Even if you are just approaching the milestone of 1000 followers and are not confident in your experience, it makes sense to study the principle of action and conduct the first "sighting" targeting with a small budget, and then see how much your number of followers on Instagram has increased.

Targeted advertising on Instagram

Life hack. Do you want to learn how to create vivid photo and video content that your audience will love? Then we recommend taking the course “promotion on Instagram”. After training, you will be able to independently launch targeted advertising, create unique and attractive content to attract new subscribers. Click and sign up for the course -> Promotion on Instagram

2. Advertising with bloggers

People trust other people more. Bloggers are trusted, as they recommend the product as if through their experience, give a balanced assessment with all the pros and cons (if they value their reputation). Therefore, advertising with them is a great way to get subscribers.

There are several criteria for finding the right blogger. First, it must have your target audience. Secondly, evaluate the reputation and credibility. Look in the comments under the posts and see what and how they write to him. And, thirdly, its subscribers must be alive, i.e. not twisted.

Publication from a blogger

Plus, advertising for an Instagram profile does not have to be purchased only in IG. For example, if you have your own women's clothing showroom, you can buy ads from a Tik Tok influencer. Moreover, this platform is gaining popularity with space progression.

Advertising in public

Another equally effective way to promote your profile is advertising in public (and not necessarily in the IG). A strong "exhaust" is given by advertising in VKontakte groups. The peculiarity of VK is that this social network brings together mainly Russian-speaking users, so it is perfect for promoting companies of almost any format.

So, an additional plus of VK can be called a significant number of thematic communities, applications and integration into third-party services, for example, on Instagram.

Instagram advertising exchange: TOP-5 services + 8 life hacks

How to get people to subscribe?

At the beginning of their journey to promotion in the IG, many users make a gross mistake - they gain subscribers for the sake of a beautiful number, while the quality of their content is the last thing they think about. Trite, but it's true - only if you regularly publish high-quality content, subscribers will be drawn to you.

Let's consider the option when you already have some kind of base of followers that are actively showing up on your account.

1. Subscription gift

It is a very common practice to motivate users to subscribe to you. So, some bloggers and entrepreneurs go to small tricks to get an influx of followers. For example, for a subscription, some bloggers thank their followers with their promotion guides or checklists ala "TOP useful photo editing apps from ...".

So, as a gift for a subscription, entrepreneurs give a discount on the first purchase in the store, or on the first visit to a beauty salon, as in the example below. And as practice shows, this method of attracting an audience has proven its effectiveness.

Gift for subscription

In order to make your life easier, below is a list of services with which you can set up an account check for a subscription to your page.

Service Cost per check
Instateleport 1 ₽
Instasub 2 ₽
Smmbot -

2. Direct mail

Use direct mail to draw attention to important information. This should not be a request to like or subscribe - users will consider such messages as spam. Direct is good when there is some news. For example, announce the same contest or tell that something really unusual has appeared on your page.

But don't get carried away: there is a limit on messages in Direct. An account that has been in existence for less than three months can send 30 messages per day. From three to six months, the limit is already wider: 40 messages. After six months from the moment of registration - up to 50 messages per day. If these conditions are not met, you can easily get a block.

Messages in direct

In the table below, I have collected for you some useful services for mass mailing in direct. They are arranged in the order in which we recommend them, the first three are the top ones, and then out of order.

Name Cost (per month) Promo code + trial period
Zengram From 1 490 ₽ (“INSCALEPROMO” 20% discount on everything) 3 days
Bridgit From 490 ₽ 1 day
Boss Direct From 990 ₽ “inscale” +5 days free
Zeus From 110 ₽ “INSCALE” +3 days free
Instaplus From 399 ₽ 5 days
SocialKit From 1100 ₽ 7 days

Newsletter in Direct: 30 services + 4 steps how to do it

By the way. Have you heard about the new method of promotion on Instagram? SocTool has a unique algorithm that allows you to intercept the target audience from competitors online. The service will instantly establish a contact (subscription, like, message in Direct) while the user is online. Click and test - SocTool

3. Contest

If you already have your "backbone" of active subscribers, then announce the contest on your page. Play a gift, and as one of the conditions for participation, indicate a subscription. The main thing is that there are other conditions that will help to fairly select the winners. Otherwise, the contest will turn into a simple giveaway, after which you will lose all subscribed participants.

The timing of the competition should be such that everyone who wants to complete the task, but not too long, so that people do not get tired of waiting for the prize. Optimal - 5-7 days.

Holding a contest on Instagram

Uploading comments to IG: TOP 5 services + how to do Instagram challenge: 13 ideas of 2021

Cheat followers on Instagram

The fastest method for recruiting followers - cheat programs. We do not support this method of promotion, as it is not reliable. It has a number of shortcomings, but at the initial stage it will give impetus to the development of the account in order to attract advertisers as quickly as possible.

- Websites for bulk purchases of subscribers

Subscribers are cheated by bulk purchases or with the help of job exchanges. The meaning of the subscription package is that you order a lot and immediately in a couple of clicks. The table below contains the most popular resources operating in this mode:

Service Cost (per subscriber)
TmSmm From 0.14 ₽
Likemania From 0.35 ₽ ​​
Mrpopular From 0.08 RUB
Prostospec From 0.28 RUB
Prskill From 0.07 RUB
- Job exchanges

The second option - smm job exchanges. Here you independently compose the task, prescribe the conditions, set your own price for subscribing to you. The order will appear on the site, and only those users who have passed the selection criteria (suitable for gender, age, geolocation, etc.) will execute it.

As an advertisement

In addition to detailed task settings, such exchanges have one more advantage. They can also be used as a performer. By completing tasks, you earn internal currency (points) that you can spend on promoting your profile.

Service Cost (per subscriber)
Bosslike Fully customizable
Likeinsta Fully customizable
Vkserfing Minimum from 0.5 ₽
Unu Minimum from 1 ₽
Socpublic Minimum from 0.2 ₽

The main disadvantage of cheating live followers on Instagram is that it will not bring activity, will not show interest in the content, and, moreover, will not give any conversion and upward movement. Of course, this method will help to increase the number of followers on Instagram, but it will not be of great use.

Also, it's not worth getting a large number of subscribers at once because of the profile blocking. When there is not yet the first thousand subscribers, let's be specific: wind up from 50 to 100 custom, but no more. And as you reach the designated goal, be sure to delete inactive accounts and bots. A list of profile cleaning assistants is attached:

Service Cost
InstaHero 199 ₽ / 1 cleaning
SpamGuard Choose a personal tariff

- Mass actions

Programs select potential subscribers and carry out mass actions on their pages on your behalf: put likes, view stories, subscribe. It is possible to show which accounts to pay attention to: the search will be conducted by the audience of competitors, interests by hashtags and geotags under which you publish.

- Mass following and mass looking

Massollowing and masslooking automation. Set up the simultaneous execution of all actions or select any one desired option. The whole process is carried out through the cloud. Confirmed the task and calmly go about your business further. We give a list of programs that will subscribe you to a potential audience:

Service Cost (per month) Free period
Zengram 1 490 ₽ ("INSCALEPROMO" 20% discount on everything) 3 days
Bridgit 490 ₽ 1 day 299 ₽ 5 days

- Massliking

Software for mass liking posts of other social network users. The principle of operation is similar: a person will see that you like him, go to the page and subscribe if he likes posts and stories. A working option to increase the number of subscribers.

Service Cost (per month) Free period 299 ₽ 5 days
Bridgit 490 ₽ 1 day

briefly about the main thing

There is no universal formula for how to get a thousand followers and promote your Instagram account from scratch. Now you know what promotion methods are relevant for her.

I remind you that you need not only to gain subscribers, but also to be able to keep them. To do this, make a rule for yourself - post content every day. At least a few stories, if suddenly there is no time to write "long posts". The main thing is not to let your subscribers forget you.

What you do best (for example, photos of cityscapes) - will be the main theme for Instagram.

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