How to follow a lot of people on instagram at once

How to mass follow Instagram accounts safely?

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With more than one billion active users in a month, Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms globally. Nowadays, Instagram is not just a photo-sharing app, and many brands and businesses use this platform to increase their customers and boost brand awareness. That’s why many users are looking for an answer on how to gain followers on Instagram and want to try mass follow Instagram tools. In this article, we” show you how to gain followers on Instagram and how to mass follow on Instagram safely.  

Looking for the best Instagram growth services to increase your audience? AiGrow’s Instagram mass follow tool is what you need. 

How to Gain Followers on Instagram?

Almost every Instagram user is looking for a way to increase their audience with potential users. But the thing is, if you want to get the best results, it doesn’t happen in a night. It would be best to have long-term plans and strategies to increase your followers. Here are some tips that help you get organic followers.

Use an Instagram Growth Tool

Many users, especially the new ones, try to buy followers or use mass follow Instagram apps since they don’t have enough time to spend on growing their accounts. But the problem is most of the audience you receive are fake and bot accounts that can cause a drop in your engagement rate. Instead, we recommend you try a trusted Instagram growth tool to enhance your strategy, gain more Instagram followers, and boost engagement.

AiGrow is an Instagram growth and management tool with all the essential features a professional Instagram user needs. Here are some of its main features:

  • More than 300 organic followers every month
  • Dedicated account manager
  • Automatic content scheduler
  • Automated DMs 
  • Multiple links in the bio tool

In this platform, you can connect your dedicated account manager, an Instagram expert, to create your growth strategy and gain organic followers quickly and easily.

Grow Your Account With AiGrow.

Share Posts Consistently 

The second and the most important tip on growing your Instagram page is being consistent in sharing posts and Stories. This way, your audience will remember you, you will avoid engagement drop, and you can get more comments on Instagram. So we recommend you at least share one post and one Story every day. The tool that we recommend you to use is not to forget to post every day is an Instagram content scheduler. 

As we mentioned, AiGrow is one of the best Instagram marketing services that provide you with all the tools you need for growing your account, including a content scheduler. Let’s see how to use this feature to schedule posts, Stories, and IGTV videos:

  • First, signup on AiGrow’s website for free and log into your account.
  • Click “Add Instagram Account” and use your Instagram account password to connect it to AiGrow. 
  • Select “Manage.” 
  • Open the “Posts & Scheduling” tab and select “Schedule.
  • Choose “Feed” for scheduling an Instagram post. 
  • In the opened window, you can add your content from your PC or add a YouTube video link to share it on your feed without downloading. 
  • Next, add hashtags, locations, tag users, etc. 
  • Scroll down to the “Schedule Dates” box and click “Post in future.”
  • Set your publishing dates and click “Submit.

Find Top Niche Hashtags

Hashtags on Instagram work similarly to keywords in a search engine; This means they can bring your content in front of a broader audience to increase your reach. Your post will appear on the users’ homepage by using top hashtags, even if they don’t follow you. But how to find your top niche hashtags and avoid banned Instagram hashtags? AiGrow’s hashtag generator tool made it easy for you and allowed you to find top tags in a few seconds and add them to your posts. Here is how to use this tool:

  • First, log into your AiGrow account and select “Manage.
  • Open the “Posts & Scheduling” tab and select “Listening & Repost.” 
  • In the “Hashtag Monitoring” tab, click “Add Hashtags.” 
  • Write a keyword related to your content and click “Search.”
  • After a couple of seconds, the AI engine provides you with a list of top Instagram hashtags sorted by usage. 

You can select and add the ones you want to monitor their growth, view top posts, and use them on your content.

Find Your Top Hashtags with AiGrow!

Take Advantage of Instagram Stories

If you don’t know anything about Instagram Stories and its power on your growth, you are losing a lot of opportunities. More than 500 million users check their Instagram Stories every day to share content, view their friends’ Stories, react to them, etc. 

Even those who don’t have time to check their feed page view Stories every day. So all of these make Stories a perfect place to attract and engage your audience, increase brand awareness, and get more followers. Stories have multiple features to create fun content, such as music stickers, poll stickers, Q&A boxes, Instagram Reels, etc. Like feed posts, you can also schedule your Stories to make sure you are sharing every day using AiGrow. 

Try AiGrow’s content scheduler now!

Get help from an Instagram expert

Our last tip, which can be life-changing, is getting help from an Instagram expert to draw a content strategy pattern, know how to design posts and when to share them to get the highest reach, analyze your performance, etc. If you don’t know anyone to get help from them, don’t worry; AiGrow is here for you. By using AiGrow, you can access the best Instagram account managers who can help you grow your account as fast as you can. 

How to Mass Follow Instagram Accounts

Have you ever asked yourself how to follow many Instagram users at once? We showed you how to grow your audience on Instagram over time with long-term strategies in the last parts. We will show you how to mass follow Instagram to increase your followers’ number instantly. Here is how to use AiGrow’s Instagram mass following tool: 

  • First, signup on AiGrow’s website for free using your email address and log into your account.
  • Click “Add Instagram Accounts” to connect your Instagram page to AiGrow.
  • Select “Manage.”
  • In the “Growth” tab, you need to target Instagram users using “Hashtags,” “Locations,” and “Competitors’ Accounts.” This will help the AI engine find users interested in your service, products, and content. 
  • Scroll down to the “Activities” box and turn on “Follows.”
  • Click “Start Growth.”

The next step is scheduling a Whatsapp meeting with your dedicated account manager to tell them more about your service and the type of audience you are looking for. 

Your dedicated manager reviews the list of founded users and starts to mass follow Instagram accounts manually based on Instagram limits. So instead of bulk following many accounts at once, they do it safely over time. 

Try AiGrow to enhance your marketing strategy.

How to Unfollow On Instagram

If you are one of the users who have followed hundreds of accounts before for the chance to follow back and have many followings, don’t worry. We’ll show you how to mass unfollow on Instagram safely using AiGrow’s Instagram mass follow tool. 

  • Log into your account and click “Manage.”
  • In the “Growth” tab scroll down to the “Activities” box and turn on “Unfollow.”
  • Click “Start Growth.”

After a few seconds, the AI engine detects fake, bot, and non-active accounts and starts unfollowing them based on Instagram limits to keep your account safe and prevent it from getting action blocked. So we can say it’s the best answer to how to unfollow on Instagram safely. 

Try AiGrow to get rid of your following list. 


If you are using Instagram as a tool for an internet business, undoubtedly, the first thing you think about is gaining real followers.

Followers are likely to become your loyal customers in the not too distant future.

But that requires a compelling strategy. You might say that gathering follower is not a complicated task, and I can mass follow Instagram accounts, and they will do the same thing, and gradually, I can attract more followers.

 We have to say it’s a little harder to do, and you have to pay more attention to reach your goal. In this art article, we showed you how to get more followers and introduced you to a safe mass follow Instagram tool.

Can you mass follow on Instagram?

If you want to increase your Instagram audience instantly, you can use trusted mass following Instagram tools such as AiGrow, which works based on Instagram limits.

How many peoples I can follow on Instagram per day?

Based on the latest Instagram algorithm in 2022, you can follow up to 200 accounts per day. After that, Instagram detects spammy actions, and you might get action-blocked.  

Can you mass remove followers on Instagram?

If you have a messy following list on Instagram, you can safely clean it up using AIGrow’s Instagram mass unfollow tool. 

Instagram 101: Get Thousands of IG Followers Per Day with This One Simple Trick « Smartphones :: Gadget Hacks

  • Instagram 101

If I told you to follow as many users as you could possibly follow, in order to get more Instagram followers, that may seem counterintuitive, right? If I told you I'm trying to brainwash/annoy you with how many times I could possibly say versions of the word "follow" in an opening sentence, that would seem weird, too.

Both are not true.

If you want more followers, a really easy way to increase your count is to just follow other people. Why? Because if you want more people on Instagram to notice you, then you've got to let them know that you are around. By following other users, you alert them that you exist. If you want to let other people know that you exist, then keep on reading.

(1) Before following 50-100 users in one hour. (2) After testing the method out and following about 100 users, my own follower count went up by 21 users and also a number of likes.

Don't Miss: Change Your Profile Name on Instagram to Increase Search Traffic to Your Account

Before you start tapping away like your finger is a fire that could never be extinguished, let me just mention that Instagram does have a limit in place as to how many people you can follow a day. That limit is about 7,500.

This is Instagram's way of preventing fake follower bots from spamming accounts. 7,500 is a pretty massive number though, and it would be pretty impressive if you managed to follow that many people a day. Although, probably not very realistic.

Instead, I recommend following about 50 users an hour. Try not to follow too many accounts per hour as Instagram seems not to like that too much either.

If while doing this the "follow" button stops working, don't worry, this is just Instagram's way of alerting you that you have followed too many people within a short amount of time. Wait an hour, then resume following about 50 users an hour until you've reached the follower count you are aiming for.

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There are a few ways to do this. One way is to pick a user's IG account that you admire, go to their profile, tap on who they follow, and then start following away. Or you could even choose an account that is most closely related to the kinds of things that you post on IG and follow who they follow.

You could also just pick a bunch of random accounts, too. It's really up to you and what kinds of followers you want following your page.

After following about 25 more users' accounts, I received 11 new followers and six new likes. (FYI: when creating a .gif on QuickTime from an iPhone, the time will always stay at 9:41 AM and your battery will always read 100%.)

Don't Miss: Why You Should Never Put Hashtags in Your Instagram Posts

After following a good number of people and watching your own follower count go up and up and up, don't forget that you have to consistently post as well. If you ever want a chance of generating a real authentic following, then don't forget to give your followers content that will be worth their while.

Of course, the downside to following so many people is that your profile page will probably look bloated. Your "following" number count might be way higher than the number of people who actually follow you.

This doesn't always give off the best look, but remember, you want people to know you exist. Get them to know you exist. You can always tinker off the number of people you follow later on.

Don't Miss: How Not to Get Caught After Double-Tapping on an Ex's Old Photo on Instagram

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Cover image by Ijmaki/Pixabay
Screenshots and .gifs by Bettina Mangiaracina/Gadget Hacks
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5 best programs + how it works

Mass following on Instagram is a massive subscription to people according to certain criteria.

How it works: You follow a person -> he sees a subscription notification -> goes to your profile -> if his/her account is of interest, the person follows you and/or interacts with the content. As a result, reach grows.

There are two types of mass following: point (manual) - when you manually subscribe to people, and automatic - you buy a service in special services.

Let me clarify right away that not everyone needs services. In narrow niches with a small target audience (for example, cosplay costumes), it is easier to do mass following manually. And for businesses with a wide target audience and high competition (for example, catering), cheat platforms will come in handy.

Mass following programs

Mass following programs on Instagram will make it easier for you to attract followers. By the way, they also offer other features for account promotion: mass liking, mass looking, automatic unsubscribes, mailing to direct, auto posting, etc.

Service Cost (per month) Free period
Zengram 1 490 ₽ ("INSCALEPROMO" 20% discount on everything) 3 days
Bridgit 490 ₽ 1 day 299 ₽ 5 days

How to start mass following

Let's move on to practice. I will present you the functionality of mass subscriptions using the example of the top software for promotion - Zengram.

1. Strategy

First, decide what exactly you want to get as a result of mass following. Most likely, to achieve the goal, you will have to connect additional tools, so consider everything in advance.

  • Coverage. The goal is to touch as many users as possible. How it works: we launch subscriptions for one target audience, likes for another, and story views for the third;
  • Reach + loyalty. The strategy implies actions in a complex for one audience. That is, for example, we support a subscription with several likes;
  • Full contact. Engage an audience within a certain time. That is, we subscribe, and then all this time we put likes, leave comments, etc .;
  • Orders. Attracting not just subscribers, but the most "hot" and ready to buy. First, we put likes on the commentators of your competitors, and a little later we subscribe to them and put down likes.

Having decided on the strategy, on the main page you choose actions: just activate them with the slider.

Activating actions

Next are the settings for the search criteria that the functions of the first panel work on. Zengram will find profiles by parameters and perform the necessary action: for example, like and subscribe.

Search selection

You can also set up a fine search - specify gender, data on the number of subscriptions and subscribers, and criteria for rejecting accounts.

Search Criteria

2. Parsing

The difference between a good and a poorly compiled database can be striking. On the one hand, you can receive only 10-15 reciprocal subscriptions from 1,000 users, on the other, almost 500-600. It all depends on the parsing settings.

In the additional service "Audience collection" you can collect it by competitors, publications, hashtags, content and cities. In addition, you can refine the data to collect - for example, collect engaged or only new followers. You can choose one type of collection - or you can create a combination of several.

Important. Gather the target audience for advertising from social networks using Segmento target. The service will collect hot customers, save the budget and increase conversions. It is also very light and easy to handle. Click and test -> Segmento target (Promo code "INSCALE" + 30 days of the same tariff)

Collecting the audience

After that, filter out unnecessary accounts - or simply unload the collected database.

Filtering the collected database

By the way, read our article with a detailed review of Zengram for Instagram.

3. Search for an active audience

Another function for collecting only an active and warmed up audience is Instagram tracker. It creates tasks for tracking competitors' followers, accounts by hashtags and geolocations.

Search for an active audience

As advertising

4. Limits

Instagram closely monitors violations and strictly suppresses them. If for manual mass following you can get into a shadowban, then for using programs your account can be blocked forever.

In order not to anger the algorithms, set limits on actions and pauses between them.

Limits and pauses for actions

Interesting. Don't forget to add game elements to your profile promotion. For example, give points for activity, and then give gifts. And you feel good, and subscribers are happy. In addition, this is all very simple to implement through SUB.BY

What you need to know before you start mass following

Forewarned is forearmed. Everything needs to be approached wisely, especially gray methods of promotion.

  • Explore your target audience. This is perhaps the most important thing: how well you have an idea about your potential customers depends on the effectiveness of the entire event;
  • Try different strategies. Test auto-subscription options, fix what you have already tried and what you are adding new - and what kind of influx you get. But give the service at least 5-7 days before changing the settings;
  • Read the terms of service . Immediately specify the tariffs, how money is debited, etc. This will save you from unpleasant surprises;
  • Clean up your account. There will always be people who came, watched, subscribed and forgot about your account. Therefore, periodically clean up both subscriptions and subscribers;
  • Use only one service. That is, do not run multiple bulk action programs at the same time. If you want to change the service, pause at least for a day.

Interesting. Get more hits and sales on Instagram with the help of the top Taplink multilink service. With it, you can create any form of communication (viber, WhatsApp, Telegram), create cool websites and online stores, and accept orders and payments directly on Instagram. Click and test for 7 days for free -> Taplink (Promo code "inscale7")


Let's consolidate the material covered: I will answer the most frequently asked questions on the topic and dispel the remnants of fears and doubts about mass following. This also applies to mass actions through services, and manually.

- Is there a risk of being banned?

Yes, if you exceed the limits - your account may be temporarily blocked for suspicious activity, but if you get caught cheating several times, you can lose it forever. Ideally, there should be no more than 150 subscriptions per hour and no more than 1000 per day. Next, I recommend taking a break for 24 hours.

The figures for mass following limits are different - I have collected the average figures in the table. For complete safety, I recommend not touching the top bar at all.

Account age per hour Per day Pause between actions
Up to 6 months 10/20 125/175 8 min
After 6 months 15/30 200/250 5.7 min
After 1 year 30/40 250/300 4.8 min

- Will users notice that I'm using massfollowing?

Most likely not - especially if you hit the target audience. From the outside, it is quite difficult to determine where certain subscribers came from.

- How can I increase the mass following effect?

In parallel with mass following, boost, for example, likes and views of stories. Just do not forget to follow the proportional ratio of these indicators in order to avoid unnecessary suspicion.

- How often can you mass follow on Instagram?

Take breaks for about a day so that the Instagram algorithms do not mistake you for a bot. And between the subscription and the unsubscribe, 12 hours should pass. Subscriptions per day should always be increased gradually, without sudden jumps. It is very important to create tasks for both manual mass following and auto-subscriptions, taking into account these limits.

Briefly about the main thing

Proper mass following now means a relatively stable influx of subscribers, but, of course, in smaller volumes than five years ago. However, given the follow limits and customization features, it's still a good way to get live followers on Instagram to promote your profile.

You also need to clearly understand that your main goal here is to attract a person to your page. Whether he/she subscribes to you or buys something right away depends on the work on the profile - design, content quality, etc. See the articles below for how to do this.

Instagram header: 40 best design examplesHow to write posts on Instagram: TOP 50 tipsQuality content: what it means + how to do it0001

The first thousand subscribers is a significant number for any blogger, and not only on Instagram. This is an indicator that the content has passed quality control and the process has moved off the ground. For commercial accounts, rising exposure helps increase sales, which is why many brands maintain their Instagram pages.

Before you start gaining subscribers, make sure that your profile is filled out and that you have a content plan. It is important that you post regularly and explore your niche creatively - there will be no chance to make a first impression a second time. With this in mind, let's analyze from simple to complex what tools will help to collect the first thousand followers on Instagram and increase their number further.

Account design: 25 beautiful profilesHow to manage Instagram (50 chips) from a marketerHow to come up with a nickname on Instagram: 35 ideas for a business account and a personal blog on the internal functionality of the social network. Some tools work on the principle of "tagging": you set a description, hashtags, geotags, etc., and the social network independently generates recommendations for users.

Other methods work for content diversity. Instagram allows you to create posts in various formats so that every blogger can reach their audience. This is what you will use to increase your reach and increase the likelihood that you will be noticed on Instagram.

1. Hashtags and keywords

They will help you get good coverage, get recommended and attract new followers to your Instagram account. But this will only work if the hashtags are relevant to the topic of your post. And do not abuse high-frequency tags: firstly, your post will be lost in the general stream, and secondly, there is a risk of being shadowbanned.

Use low-frequency tags - under which less than 10 thousand publications are placed, and medium-frequency - from 10 to 500 thousand. They belong to niche search and are more likely to attract the target audience.

For convenience, type a few dozen target hashtags and combine them under posts, but it's better to repeat them less often. The optimal number of tags under the post is up to ten.

And one more tip, which is not related to promotion, but will be useful for setting up an account on Instagram. When you write all the hashtags, create a system of your own unique tags that no one uses. They will be needed for easy navigation through different sections of your posts.

Hashtags for publication

An important point that you should pay attention to when promoting on Instagram is the profile header. It is the profile header that is your "face", the first impression of the account. The role of the header is to give a concise answer about what is happening in the profile, to inspire confidence.

Strong text and use of keywords in the header communicate positioning and brand benefits, influence the growth of subscriptions and sales. Do not get carried away with writing in a hat, be brief, but understandable. In addition, Instagram only skips 150 characters.

On the left is an example of how not to fill out a profile header, on the right - an ideal profile header

2. Geotags

Geotag your publications. On the map, this will look like a place of interest that can be visited for several reasons. For example, you sell your services there. Geotags can also be placed by your clients (not necessarily bloggers) who maintain their Instagram pages for friends and acquaintances. The person will see the mark on the map, read the post, look at your profile and, if he likes it, subscribe.

Even if you don't have a business, geotagging still makes sense. They help users who are interested in the life and blogosphere of their city. But the main factors determining whether a person subscribes or not remain the thematic niche of the profile and the quality of the content. Subject to all these conditions, it is a great way to get targeted followers on Instagram for free.


Life hack. Do you want to save time when working in social networks? To do this, you need SMMplanner, which will automatically publish a post or story with tagged users, geometers and hashtags. You can also set up automatic deletion of posts and comments. Click and test for free -> SMMplanner

3. Participation in challenges

Today you won't surprise anyone with Instagram marathons and challenges, but, nevertheless, in order to attract new subscribers, this method will come in handy. A challenge is a challenge that the account owner throws to his friends, the audience after performing certain actions. The main thing in challenges is not only to do something and show your coolness, but to encourage the audience to repeat after you, accept a challenge or throw a similar one to your friends, close circle, etc.

If the content responds to a large number of people, then they will repost it to their stories, comment, tag you. At first, you can resort to a little trick and arrange a discussion and reposting on a certain topic between you and your friends in order to attract the attention of the audience.

Challenge "10 year challenge"

4. Mutual PR

On Instagram, VP (mutual PR) is another of the coolest ways to gain an audience. It can be used by both novice bloggers and business accounts.

You need to carefully choose partners for mutual PR. They should have a target audience as close as possible to yours, approximately the same number of subscribers - and, of course, the conditions for cooperation should be suitable.

For example, a photographer and a make-up artist can promote each other's pages, since they have approximately the same target audience. In addition, this is an ideal tandem for further cooperation.

Mutual PR on Instagram - stories

5. Joint content (co-authorship)

Not so long ago, Instagram introduced a new user collaboration feature - joint publications and Reels. In addition, today brands, influencers and celebrities are more willing to cooperate than to compete. Now users can invite other people as authors of publications. Co-authorship in the IG will help increase the reach and engagement due to the fact that the post will be seen by a combined audience of all authors.

For collaboration, you can choose a partner not only from your niche. For example, a company selling building materials can cooperate with a furniture factory, and a beauty brand with beauty can cooperate with a blogger.

Co-authorship in IG

To find a suitable author or brand for a joint post, it is enough to check the match on the following parameters:

  • Your products/services do not compete with each other;
  • You have a similar target audience;
  • Goods/services complement each other;
  • Human factor: it is better to work with nice people, so your companion should inspire confidence and inspire sympathy.
Influencer and brand co-authorship

6. Bloggers commenting

Comment on posts by bloggers with a similar target audience. Write not only an assessment, good or bad, but also ask questions, suggest an idea for the next post. Try to stand out, but delicately, without unnecessary criticism, so as not to end up in a bathhouse. In a word, show keen interest and competence in topics, and new potential subscribers will notice you.

7. Traffic flow

Attracting Instagram followers from other social networks is a great way to increase the number of followers for free at the first stage of promotion. Use all the social networks that you lead. Put a link to your Instagram in all your profiles. Write in the status that you are mastering a new format, publishing a photo of your life in IG.

Then periodically remind your followers that you now have Instagram and invite them to visit your profile. Share news in posts: for example, you announced on VK that you would not release posts on weekends, you went to the sea, and photos from your vacation will be regularly uploaded to IG. This way you can organically increase the number of followers on Instagram without taking almost any action.

For example, if you have your own business, insert a link to your Instagram on your website, on e-mail newsletters and even Yandex.Maps and Gogle Maps. Thus, you will collect additional traffic from different sites.

Link to Instagram

8. Interactive stories

What is it about? Obviously, by posting regular stories to your profile, you won’t gain new subscribers in any way. This is where interactive stories come to the rescue - "add yours" or "add yours" stickers. Their essence is as follows: this sticker allows everyone to take part in discussions on the site. Users can respond to other people's stories with their photos and videos that match the topic of discussion. I think this is a cool opportunity to promote your profile

Participation in discussions in "Add yours"
  • Instagram games: 32 examples (posts + stories)
  • Instagram Story Ideas: 150+ with Example Stories



Facebook on Instagram has its Tik Tok analogue — Reels. In this section, you can post videos lasting from 15 to 60 seconds. Track trends, participate in challenges. Here you will also find an audience, draw attention to the blog.

Instagram seeks to promote a new content format. The algorithms of the social network are more favorable to videos made in Reels and display them more often in recommendations. Use this hack to get followers on Instagram before your competitors do.

Reels on Instagram

Important. If you have a TikTok account, you can upload your videos to Reels, but it's better to make them here - Instagram has a negative attitude towards TikTok icons on videos.

10. Tagging posts

Posting a link to your page with other users will draw attention to your Instagram profile and help you gain followers. Ask acquaintances, friends or clients to tag you in a photo or story. So you will collect targeted followers who are interested in the life of not a particular blogger, but also his circle of friends.

Link in stories to profile

11. IGTV

Instagram allows you to upload long videos up to 1 hour. During this time, you will show your product or the entire new collection in detail, answer frequently asked questions, tell you about the business from the inside, etc. And here you can save recordings of live broadcasts.

This method, like the previous one, works to increase the coverage and recognition of the account. If you regularly post unique, useful and unusual "catchy" content, it will become easier to gain new followers on Instagram.

Long Instagram videos

IGTV (Instagram TV): complete guide + video chips

12. QR code

Create your own QR code and add it to business cards, ads, any other printed matter. In general, if you use offline advertising, feel free to place a code on it to quickly go to your Instagram account. This will help you gain traffic and expand your audience.

Qr-code on Instagram

13. Manual mass following

The essence of mass following is that you subscribe to users and like their publications. These should not be just random profiles, but your target audience. Seeing such notifications as in the screenshot, users will go to the page, look at posts and stories, and probably subscribe.

Massliking and massfollowing

Lifehack. The easiest way to promote an Instagram account is with the help of automatic mass following. He will independently do all the actions (likes, views of stories, subscription to users) that will promote the account and increase sales. Click and test -> Zengram (Promo code "INSCALEPROMO" -20% for everything)

Paid ways to attract subscribers

It is not easy to promote a page on Instagram with completely free methods, especially in the early stages - you will have to try to get the first 1000 subscribers. Paid promotion methods will help speed up the process.

This includes external tools that expand the basic possibilities of page administration: show additional statistics, automate actions, wind up followers.

There will also be classic marketing techniques that involve having and planning a budget: targeting, buying ads from other bloggers, holding contests.

1. Targeted advertising

Advertising targeting is not an easy task: to search and segment the audience, design ads, calculate the budget. Each stage involves detailed study. If you are a beginner, then you run the risk of losing money. But the effect of achieving the goal is simply colossal, so targetologists are well paid.

Even if you are just approaching the milestone of 1000 followers and are not sure about your experience, it makes sense to study the principle of action and conduct the first "sighting" targeting with a small budget, and then see how much your number of followers on Instagram has increased.

Targeted ads on Instagram

Life hack. Do you want to learn how to create vivid photo and video content that your audience will love? Then we recommend taking the course “promotion on Instagram”. After training, you will be able to independently launch targeted advertising, create unique and attractive content to attract new subscribers. Click and sign up for the course -> Promotion on Instagram

2. Advertising with bloggers

People trust other people more. Bloggers are trusted, as they recommend the product as if through their experience, give a balanced assessment with all the pros and cons (if they value their reputation). Therefore, advertising with them is a great way to get subscribers.

There are several criteria for finding the right blogger. First, it must have your target audience. Secondly, evaluate the reputation and credibility. Look in the comments under the posts and see what and how they write to him. And, thirdly, its subscribers must be alive, i. e. not twisted.

Publication from a blogger

Plus, advertising for an Instagram profile does not have to be purchased only in IG. For example, if you have your own women's clothing showroom, you can buy ads from a Tik Tok influencer. Moreover, this platform is gaining popularity with space progression.

Advertising in public

Another no less effective way to promote your profile is advertising in public (and not necessarily in the IG). A strong "exhaust" is given by advertising in VKontakte groups. The peculiarity of VK is that this social network brings together mainly Russian-speaking users, so it is perfect for promoting companies of almost any format.

So, an additional advantage of VK is a significant number of thematic communities, applications and integration into third-party services, for example, Instagram.

Instagram advertising exchange: TOP-5 services + 8 life hacks

How to get people to subscribe?

At the beginning of their journey to promotion in the IG, many users make a gross mistake - they gain subscribers for the sake of a beautiful number, while the quality of their content is the last thing they think about. Trite, but it's true - only if you regularly publish high-quality content, subscribers will be drawn to you.

Let's consider the option when you already have some kind of base of followers that are actively showing up on your account.

1. Subscription gift

It is a very common practice to motivate users to subscribe to you. So, some bloggers and entrepreneurs go to small tricks to get an influx of followers. For example, for a subscription, some bloggers thank their followers with their promotion guides or checklists ala "TOP useful photo editing apps from ...".

So, as a gift for a subscription, entrepreneurs give a discount on the first purchase in the store, or on the first visit to a beauty salon, as in the example below. And as practice shows, this method of attracting an audience has proven its effectiveness.

Gift for subscription

In order to make your life easier, below is a list of services with which you can set up an account check for a subscription to your page.

Service Cost per check
Instateleport 1 ₽
Instasub 2 ₽
Smmbot -

2. Direct mail

Use direct mail to draw attention to important information. This should not be a request to like or subscribe - users will consider such messages as spam. Direct is good when there is some news. For example, announce the same contest or tell that something really unusual has appeared on your page.

But don't get carried away: there is a limit on messages in Direct. An account that has been in existence for less than three months can send 30 messages per day. From three to six months, the limit is already wider: 40 messages. After six months from the moment of registration - up to 50 messages per day. If these conditions are not met, you can easily get a block.

Messages in direct

In the table below, I have collected for you some useful services for mass mailing in direct. They are arranged in the order in which we recommend them, the first three are the top ones, and then out of order.

Name Cost (per month) Promo code + trial period
Zengram From 1 490 ₽ (“INSCALEPROMO” 20% discount on everything) 3 days
Bridgit From 490 ₽ 1 day
Boss Direct From 990 ₽ “inscale” +5 days free
Zeus From 110 ₽ “INSCALE” +3 days free
Instaplus From 399 ₽ 5 days
SocialKit From 1100 ₽ 7 days

Newsletter in Direct: 30 services + 4 steps how to do it

By the way. Have you heard about the new method of promotion on Instagram? SocTool has a unique algorithm that allows you to intercept the target audience from competitors online. The service will instantly establish a contact (subscription, like, message in Direct) while the user is online. Click and test - SocTool

3. Contest

If you already have your "backbone" of active subscribers, then announce the contest on your page. Play a gift, and as one of the conditions for participation, indicate a subscription. The main thing is that there are other conditions that will help to fairly select the winners. Otherwise, the contest will turn into a simple giveaway, after which you will lose all subscribed participants.

The timing of the competition should be such that everyone who wants to complete the task, but not too long, so that people do not get tired of waiting for the prize. Optimal - 5-7 days.

Holding a contest on Instagram

Uploading comments to IG: TOP 5 services + how to makeChallenge on Instagram: 13 ideas of 2021

Cheat followers on Instagram

The fastest method to gain followers - cheat programs. We do not support this method of promotion, as it is not reliable. It has a number of shortcomings, but at the initial stage it will give impetus to the development of the account in order to attract advertisers as quickly as possible.

- Websites for bulk purchases of subscribers

Subscribers are cheated by bulk purchases or with the help of job exchanges. The meaning of the subscription package is that you order a lot and immediately in a couple of clicks. The table below contains the most popular resources operating in this mode:

Service Cost (per subscriber)
TmSmm From 0.14 ₽
Likemania From 0.35 ₽ ​​
Mrpopular From 0.08 RUB
Prostospec From 0.28 ₽
Prskill From 0.07 RUB
- Job exchanges

The second option - smm job exchanges. Here you independently compose the task, prescribe the conditions, set your own price for subscribing to you. The order will appear on the site, and only those users who have passed the selection criteria (suitable for gender, age, geolocation, etc.) will execute it.

As an advertisement

In addition to detailed task settings, such exchanges have one more advantage. They can also be used as a performer. By completing tasks, you earn internal currency (points) that you can spend on promoting your profile.

Service Cost (per subscriber)
Likeinsta Fully customizable
Vkserfing Minimum from 0.5 ₽
Unu Minimum from 1 ₽
Socpublic Minimum from 0.2 ₽

The main disadvantage of cheating live followers on Instagram is that it will not bring activity, will not show interest in the content, and, moreover, will not give any conversion and upward movement. Of course, this method will help to increase the number of followers on Instagram, but it will not be of great use.

Also, it's not worth getting a large number of subscribers at once because of the profile blocking. When there is not yet the first thousand subscribers, let's be specific: wind up from 50 to 100 custom, but no more. And as you reach the designated goal, be sure to delete inactive accounts and bots. A list of profile cleaning assistants is attached:

Service Cost
InstaHero 199 ₽ / 1 cleaning
SpamGuard Choose a personal tariff

- Mass actions

Programs select potential subscribers and carry out mass actions on their pages on your behalf: put likes, view stories, subscribe. It is possible to show which accounts to pay attention to: the search will be conducted by the audience of competitors, interests by hashtags and geotags under which you publish.

- Mass following and mass looking

Massollowing and masslooking automation. Set up the simultaneous execution of all actions or select any one desired option. The whole process is carried out through the cloud. Confirmed the task and calmly go about your business further. We give a list of programs that will subscribe you to a potential audience:

Service Cost (per month) Free period
Zengram 1 490 ₽ ("INSCALEPROMO" 20% discount on everything) 3 days
Bridgit 490 ₽ 1 day 299 ₽ 5 days

- Massliking

Software for mass liking posts of other social network users. The principle of operation is similar: a person will see that you like him, go to the page and subscribe if he likes posts and stories. A working option to increase the number of subscribers.

Service Cost (per month) Free period 299 ₽ 5 days
Bridgit 490 ₽ 1 day

briefly about the main thing

There is no universal formula for how to get a thousand followers and promote your Instagram account from scratch. Now you know what promotion methods are relevant for her.

I remind you that you need not only to gain subscribers, but also to be able to keep them. To do this, make a rule for yourself - post content every day. At least a few stories, if suddenly there is no time to write "long posts". The main thing is not to let your subscribers forget you.

What you do best (for example, photos of cityscapes) - will be the main theme for Instagram.

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