How do bots work on instagram

How do Instagram Bots Work?

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Instagram Bots - What They Are and Why You SHOULDN'T use them

There’s a “not so new” trend that has become far more common these days that I want to talk about this week… Instagram Bots.

What Are Instagram Bots and How Do They Work?

Instagram bots are services that allow a company to acquire followers onto their Instagram profile. There is any number of ways for a company to use social media to gain likes, views, and followers. One of these avenues is Instagram bots.

These bots will follow other accounts, like posts and leave comments on targeted lists of Instagram accounts to help increase reach, followers, and engagement on a companies account.

If there is one pet-peeve about Instagram – it’s the bots. And it really isn’t Instagram’s fault. Understand… I get it. Managing your Instagram account is only one task on your already overloaded to-do list.

Let’s talk about the reasons why you should NOT use an Instagram bot.
  1. Awkward Situations and Insensitive Comments.

Bots are…. Exactly that. Bots. So, they can’t consider the context or the captions in the photo. They only think about adding a comment based on a hashtag. This, of course, opens a whole box full of issues. Some worse than others…

A while back I posted a screenshot on Instagram. A few minutes later, up came a comment that said something online the lines of “I love this photo – maybe it’s the angle you took the photo.”

How do you even respond to that? I just laughed and wrote off the account. Clearly, it wasn’t a real person.

  1. There’s no real engagement.

Instagram bots cannot replace human interaction. Most people can see clear as day that the comments aren’t from a real person – so it’s not surprising that the engagement to those comments is low.

  1. Your Instagram feed will be a mess.

When you follow thousands on accounts – you will have an incredibly random feed. As you add more random followers to your network, expect posts from relevant people to get buried. If you don’t care about the feed, then this might not be a big deal but if you like using Instagram and connecting with your network, then there will be real consequences.

  1. They violate Instagram’s Terms of Use!

I feel like this should be the #1 reason for NOT using Instagram bots… Here’s what you need to know.

If an Instagram bot accesses Instagram’s API without the platform’s permission. This violates Instagram’s Terms of Use, specifically:

  • You must not access Instagram’s private API by means other than those permitted by Instagram.
  • Don’t store or cache Instagram login credentials.
  • Don’t use the Instagram API to display User Content, import or backup content, or manage Instagram relationships, without our prior permission.
  • Ensure your comments are tailored for each person. Don’t post unauthorized commercial communication or spam on Instagram.
  • Don’t enable a business to take more than one action on Instagram at a time.
  • Don’t use an unreasonable amount of bandwidth or impact the stability of servers or the behavior of other apps using the Instagram APIs.

Anyone who uses a bot that violates Instagram’s API can get banned. Don’t be banned. Be smart.

  1. Instagram has daily and hourly limits.

These limits aren’t set in stone – but rather are limited based on your age, the number of followers and activity. A typical user shouldn’t have more than 150 likes, 60 comments and 60 follows/unfollows every hour.

This makes perfect sense considering that no one is capable of liking, commenting or following so many posts in such a short amount of time.

  1. Shadow banning.

Instagram recognizes when your activity is unnatural. The consequence is shadow banning (if not being shut down). Shadowban means that your content will be invisible to non-followers. That means that no matter what hashtags you use in your post, your images won’t appear in the feeds of others.

You can still create posts and engage with current followers, but you will no longer be able to engage and attract new followers.

There are several alternatives to using Instagram bots.
  1. Hire a Virtual Assistant or Social Media Manager.

Sure – this will be a bit more expensive than a bot. But Virtual Assistants (VA’s) will leave authentic comments, engage with followers and help your brand connect with REAL people.

They’re also less likely to leave awkward or inappropriate comments so you don’t have to worry about ruining your reputation.

  1. Do it yourself.

If you don’t have the budget to hire a VA, then devote 20 minutes or more to engage with your followers. By doing this consistently, you will see the best results. If you want people to advocate for your brand, then you need to connect with them. You must build relationships with your followers – and you can’t do this with a generic comment or a simple emoji. It might be time-consuming, but in the long-term, you will find your brand is better off.

  1. Instagram Ads

Just like running Facebook ads – you can run Instagram ads to get people in your niche to discover your profile and services. It’s not as pricey and you can reach new people without taking the time to engage with them.

  1. Focus on quality – not quantity.

Instagram bots are great because they increase your followers – but the following you’re growing isn’t authentic. You’re simply attracting other bots and trolls! Would you rather have 500 followers who LOVE your brand and are continuously purchasing from you OR 500 trolls and bots who never really engage with you?

I’m pretty sure I know what your pick will be.



Chatbots on Instagram, what are they and how to use them? — Marketing on

10 299 views

Lately, more and more people have been asking me about chatbots on Instagram. What are chatbots on Instagram? And can you use them to increase sales or reduce costs? I will cover everything in this article. Let's dive in.

What is an Instagram chatbot?

A chatbot is an automated interlocutor. This facilitates conversation between a human and a computer. The Instagram Chatbot is an automated partner on Instagram. Usually, you are talking to another person on Instagram, but with chatbots, you are not talking to another person, but to a computer. What it might look like on Instagram:

Why use a chatbot on Instagram?

Instagram has 1 billion active users every month. And 500 million users use Instagram Stories every day. What's even better about Instagram is that it's mostly young people. 71% of the billion users are under 35. Also, 50% of Instagram users follow at least one company, so that's an extra incentive why they should be there. But here is the most important reason why you should be on Instagram: 80% of Instagram users decide whether to buy a product or service on Instagram. With so many people on this platform and users deciding whether to buy a product or not, you should be there. And it would be even better if you had a chatbot on Instagram, because people can write to you whenever they want. And you can use this opportunity to improve your customer experience and increase your sales. So, let's talk about how you can create a chatbot on Instagram.

Create a test Instagram account

If you want to test the capabilities of Instagram chatbots, you need to create an Instagram account. Just go to Instagram and create a new business account with a handle starting with "@primer" (this is an example). For example, the account @stanislavodintsov (my nickname). By the way, you need to make sure that this test account is a business account and that it is linked to a Facebook Business account. If you have not linked your Instagram account to a Facebook Business account , go to one of your Facebook pages, click "Settings" -> "Instagram". Here you can click "Connect account" and link the two accounts to each other:0003

Connect ManyChat to Instagram

To create our Instagram chatbot, we will use ManyChat, which is one of the best chatbot builders for Instagram. If you don't have an account yet, click the button below and create your ManyChat account.


If you want to use ManyChat to create chatbots, then ManyChat is 100% free. Once you've created your ManyChat account, go to Settings -> Instagram and click Connect:

You can then select one of your Facebook pages that is linked to your Instagram account. And now we have successfully connected ManyChat to Instagram.

Let's say we're a company and want to use an Instagram chatbot to automatically answer questions from potential customers. Then we will move on to customizing the start dialogs.

Customize Instagram start dialogs

When someone wants to start a conversation with your Instagram account, the user will automatically be shown start conversation buttons. And this is really useful because you can direct the user in a certain direction. So, go to Settings->Instagram->Start a Conversation->Edit:

And here we can just enter the beginning of the conversation, for example, "Download my book":

We can then click "Create New Message" and ManyChat will automatically create a new thread for us. You can just click on the first message and change it to something else:

Or already ready-made funnel

You then need to click "Publish" in the top right corner for the stream to be truly live. Now you need to go back to your start dialogs, and activate by clicking "Refresh":

Start dialogs are now displayed in your Instagram account! But this will only work for people starting a conversation. We can then use ManyChat keywords to automatically answer questions!

How to automatically answer questions on Instagram

In ManyChat, we can set up a keyword that will trigger a response thread if someone types in a specific phrase, such as "book". So, if we go back to our open time stream, we can add a trigger by clicking Add Trigger:

Then you need to search for “keyword” and select the keyword Keyword Instagram:

Here we add the keywords for which answers will then be triggered. In my case, these are the words "book" "lead"

Answer questions your chatbot doesn't understand (Default Reply)

But what if your chatbot doesn't know the answer to a question? Next, we need to use the default response in ManyChat. The Default Reply is the thread that replies to your user if your chatbot doesn't know the answer to the question. This is the most important thread of your entire chatbot. Because if your chatbot doesn't know the answer and you don't have a reliable fallback answer, then your customer will leave unhappy. And we don't want that. Let's go back to "Settings" -> "Instagram" and next to the "Default Reply" field, click "Edit":

But since Facebook introduced the concept of a 24-hour window, for the efficiency of working with subscribers, I made a funnel by default and called it a 24-hour window.

Now when the client does not respond within 23 hours, he receives a message:

We are trying to maintain this 24 hour window to continue communicating with the client.

Can you create an Instagram chatbot with a personal profile?

No, if you want to create an Instagram chatbot, you will need an Instagram business account.

Now it's your turn

Do you already have your own Instagram chatbot?

Do you already use chatbots on Instagram?

Do you need more instructions on Instagram chatbots?

In any case, please leave a comment below.

Chat bot videos on Instagram


Check out the bot in my Instagram. Write the word “lead” under any post and get the book “Modern methods of working with clients”

Need to set up a chat bot on Instagram?

Follow me on Instagram

Create an Instagram chatbot for free | SendPulse

Convert Instagram Followers into Loyal Customers

How to Set Up an Instagram Chatbot Marketing with SendPulse Features

Promote Your Instagram Direct Chatbot with Ads

Promote Your Products and Services with an Instagram Bot , and to attract users to it, launch targeted ads with the goal of "Instagram Direct". Set up a welcome message in your Facebook ads account and add chain triggers to it. The user will select the answer that is relevant to him and go through the message chain. And if you need advice, connect the manager to the correspondence.

Accept payment

Everything for effective work with chats on Instagram

Create a bot for Instagram

Chatbot Management Mobile App for Instagram

Reply to your followers using the mobile app so you can manage multiple chats and manage your chatbot on the go.


How to Create a Chatbot on Instagram

It's easy. Log into your SendPulse account, go to the Chatbots section, and connect your Instagram page to set up your chatbot.

Who needs a chatbot on Instagram and why

Chatbot is useful for any business. If you accept and process dozens and hundreds of direct orders and receive the same questions from leads and customers every day, delegate these tasks to a chatbot. Thus, you do not have to hire a person to work with Direct, because these routine processes can be easily automated.

How Instagram Chatbot Works

You need to pre-write chatbot scripts for various subscriber actions, for example, placing an order, exchanging, returning, answering frequently asked questions. Now, every time the user performs the target action, the chatbot will automatically respond to him according to your scenario without your participation. It will also send customer data to CRM and sort by the filter you set.

What are the benefits of an Instagram chatbot

By creating a chatbot, you do not have to hire an order processing manager in direct, which can significantly save your budget. The chatbot works 24/7 and seven days a week, which provides an instant response to each user. Consequently, you will be able to increase the number of sales, since the buyer will not have to look for another store where they will respond faster.

How to set up welcome and other automatic message threads

To set up an automatic message thread, first set the desired trigger for sending it - this can be a keyword that the user writes in a chat or a specific event, such as a subscription to a page.

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