How to find your collections on instagram
How to use Instagram collections for business
Instagram's users flood the app with millions of posts every day. There's always fresh content, but a lot of great stuff gets lost in the shuffle. When you're using Instagram for your business, you can't afford to doomscroll the day away—so you need to use Instagram's collections feature.
Save posts for later, create custom collections, and spend less time trying to find what you need.
Instagram collections: Your Pinterest board to-do list
Instagram's Saves isn't a public feature—the user who posted won't be notified when their post has been saved, nor can a user's saved posts be seen from their profile, so no judgment on what you save. You can organize your saved posts into specific collections (as many as you want) and then come back to those collections for review or inspiration later.
On my personal Instagram, I have a collection for recipes I'd like to make, one for makeup looks to try, and another that's purely for humor. It's like a Pinterest board and a to-do list wrapped into one. For your business, you might have a collection for brand inspiration, another for user-generated content, and another for competitor posts you like. More ideas like that below.
How to save Instagram photos to a collection
To save a post on Instagram, tap the bookmark-shaped button under the bottom-right corner of any post.
On the desktop version of Instagram, a post saved in this way will go into the general collection. On mobile, a small prompt that says Save to Collection will come up on the bottom of the post itself.
Tap this prompt, and you can decide which collection to save the post in.
To see all your saved items, go to your profile and tap the dropdown menu in the top-right corner of the app. Then click Saved.
Every post you've saved is stored in the All Posts collection. You'll also be able to find songs you've saved from Reels, which will be in the Audio collection.
If you've been saving posts without organizing them into collections, you can always do that after the fact. To start a new collection, tap the + sign at the top-right. You'll be asked to name the new collection—do that, tap Next, and then you can select which posts you've previously saved that you want to add to the new collection. Then tap Done.
How to use Instagram collections for your business
Save posts your business has been tagged in
Saving posts your business is tagged in can be, if nothing else, a good confidence booster—you can always go back to this collection if you want to share a win with your team. But it's also super helpful for curating user-generated content (UGC). Here are some tips on how to make the most of UGC on Instagram. A picture of a product in use or a video from a happy customer says more than a dozen glowing reviews.
Save posts from influencers you like
Influencers can be a great resource, but before you pick one, you want to keep an eye on them to see if they align with your brand. One way to do that is to save posts from potential influencers in a collection.
Sure, you could follow the ones you like, but that will quickly balloon and take over your feed. Saving one of their posts instead allows you to keep track of them and review them against other potential candidates. Bonus: you also have an example of their work that you might like to emulate.
Save posts with relevant hashtags
Social media waits for no one, and nowhere is that more evident than in Instagram's trending hashtags. Because they're mercurial by nature, hashtags can be hard to keep track of. Instagram allows you to follow hashtags, but it almost always leads to a spammy feed. I once followed the hashtag #organization, and yikes did I unfollow that quickly.
Saving posts that have a particular hashtag you like can help you keep track of them, no follow necessary. This will give you a gallery of posts that actually exemplify the use of that hashtag. Now, instead of following #organization, I save the organization posts I like in a special Instagram collection called "Konmari Kollection. "
Save posts that inspire you
Instagram has a little bit of everything you could ever want (and even what you don't know you want). So you never know when you may come across a post that stops your scrolling with a clever thought or inspiring image. Liking that post signals your acknowledgment to the account that posted it, but it doesn't mean you'll be able to find that post again.
See a post that advertises a business in an interesting way? Save it. See another that gives a good piece of advice? Save it. Motivation? Productivity? Humor? Save, save, and save again. Create an Inspiration collection, and fill it with things that inspire you and will help you build your business.
Why create collections on Instagram?
By saving Instagram posts to collections, you'll have an endless library of content to refer to while keeping your follow list and your feed tidy. Plus, it won't have any effect on your business's public image (feel free to create some "don't do this" types of collections). So figure out what you'd like to come back to, and start creating your collections.
What Are Instagram Collections and How Do They Work?
By Maggie McCullough
Find out everything you need to know about Instagram Collections, including what they are, how they work, and why you should use them.
Have you ever been scrolling through Instagram and wished you could save something to come back to later? Maybe it's a video you want to show a friend you will be seeing later, or a clothing item you are considering buying in the future.
Instagram Collections allow you to save any Instagram post that may catch your eye, and organize them however you see fit. Here’s how you can save posts, organize them into collections, and even blog about them, all on the Instagram platform.
What Are Instagram Collections?
Instagram first introduced its bookmarking tool to its platform in December 2016. According to Instagram, talking to TechCrunch at the time, the tool was created for, "When you stumble upon a funny video you want to remember, a new outfit you like or even inspiration for an upcoming vacation." This tool allows you to save those posts and keep track of them effectively.
In 2017, Instagram rebranded the bookmarking tool to Instagram Collections. With this rebranding, Instagram added organization capabilities. Instagram started allowing users to save posts into various folders they can create and name themselves.
This layout appears to rival the capabilities and purpose of Pinterest, which is also in the business of creating organized collections of posts, no matter what they may be. Instagram has found success in the past creating features that mirror or rival those of other platforms, a good example being Instagram Stories (mimicking Snapchat Stories).
How to Create a New Instagram Collection
- Find a post you would like to save to your new Collection.
- Press and hold the Bookmark button. Note that if you just press it without holding down, it will save to a general Collection.
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- Press the + button. This step will look slightly different depending on your experimentation with the Instagram Collections in the past. If you have created a Collection before, that Collection, or group of Collections, will appear on this next screen. If you have never interacted with Instagram Collections, pressing the + button will automatically prompt you to name the new Collection you would like this post to go into.
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- Title your new Collection and tap the Save button. No matter if your last step included pre-existing Collections or not, this step will look the same.
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Once you have completed those steps, you have successfully created and titled a new Instagram Collection. From now on if there is a post you would like to add to your new Collection, it will pop up when you hold down the bookmarking tool. If you would like to access all of your Collections at once and review them as a whole, you can do so on your profile page.
How to View Your Instagram Collections
- Go to your profile page and click the three lines in the top-right corner.
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- Click on the Saved button. This will take you to a screen that shows you all the Collections you have ever created. The cover photo for your Collection will default to whatever the first photo was that you added to it. However, you can change the cover photo if you wish.
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- Click on the Collection you wish to view.
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On the Saved page you will notice you can also save items from Instagram Shopping to your Wishlist.
When they were first introduced in 2017, Instagram Collections sounded very similar in concept to Pinterest's Pinboards. The biggest difference being that they were not public, and they weren't helping users navigate where items from their saved items could be found online to purchase.
Instagram Collections today are still not as public as Pinterest, there being a whole extra step to post about a Collection. However, they now include that same shopping aspect that you can find on Pinterest.
Instagram started experimenting with shopping capabilities within Instagram back in 2016. It all started with products being linked to retailers’ websites within posts, and now, in 2022, Instagram has a whole tab dedicated to the Instagram Shop.
The Instagram Shop can now take you all the way through checkout and never have you leave the app. With these large strides of improvement to the Instagram Shop, using the wishlist from the Collections feature has become a key component to Instagram’s revenue stream.
How to Blog on Instagram Using Collections
- Return to your Saved page using the steps outlined above.
- Select a collection you would like to blog about.
- Tap the Create Guide button in the top-right corner. Clicking this will allow you to select each post you would like included in your Guide which will appear similarly to a blog post. Note that only public posts will be available to use within a Guide, so if you notice a few photos are missing during this step, it is most likely due to them being housed on a private account.
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- Click Next in the top-right corner. This will take you to a screen where you can edit your new Guide. You can change your cover photo, add titles and captions, and even add additional posts if you realize you are missing one.
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- Tap Next in the top-right corner once you are pleased with your post.
This will take you to a preview page, and you can either save your Guide as a draft or post it.
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- Hit Share, and post your Guide to your feed. Your Guide will appear on your profile under a new tab especially dedicated for Guides.
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Why Should You Use Instagram Collections?
Instagram Collections can be used for a variety of different reasons by any type of Instagram user. You can create vision boards, organize memories into albums, create wishlists, and even blog on the Instagram platform using the Guides feature.
Instagram Collections can be as private or as public as you want. You can choose to save posts to your Collections purely for your own organization, or you can create Guides where you can publicly blog about the posts you have saved, and share the experience with your followers.
how to view saved collections on instagram on a computer?
By Milena Anderson Reading 4 min. Views 16 Posted by
Short answer
- There is no direct way to view saved Instagram collections on a computer, but there are several methods that can be used. nine0014
- The first option is to access the account through the website.
- After logging in, click on the three lines in the upper left corner of the screen and select "Your Account".
- In the Saved Collections section, you can see all your saved collections.
How to use Instagram collections
How to find the collection of saved posts on Instagram
Why can't I access my saved collections on Instagram? nine0003
Instagram saves your collections in the Stories section of your account. If you delete stories or your account, your collections will also be deleted.
Where should I click to save Instagram collections?
You can save your Instagram collections by clicking on the three lines in the top left corner of the Instagram home screen and selecting Save Collection.
How can I access my Instagram bookmarks?
To access your Instagram bookmarks, open the app and go to the History tab. From here you can select "Bookmarks" and view all your saved links. nine0003
Where are my saved Instagram photos?
Instagram saves photos in the following locations:
-in your account's "Saved Photos" folder
-in your Instagram app's "Saved Photos" folder
-on your device's internal storage
How to see what you like on Instagram on your computer ?
Instagram for PC doesn't let you see everything you like. To see them, you need to go to the "Like Photos" section in the Instagram app and then click on the "View All" button. nine0003
What are Instagram Collections?
Instagram Collections is an Instagram feature that allows you to group posts by time period or topic. This can be useful for tracking your progress or for finding related content.
Where are my saved messages?
If you're signed in to Quora with a Google account, your posts are saved to that account. If you are not logged into Quora with a Google account, your posts are stored in the “Quora” account associated with your Facebook account. nine0003
How to save an Instagram image to your computer?
There are several ways to save an Instagram image to your computer. One way is to right click on the image and select "save image as". Another way is to go to the Instagram app and select "save photo".
Where are my saved photos?
Photos are stored in different locations on your device. Some photos are saved in the Photos app, while others may be saved in the Camera Roll or elsewhere. nine0003
How do you see your Instagram likes on computer 2022?
I imagine that in 2022 Instagram will be integrated into various devices and platforms. For example, you can see your Instagram likes on your computer, phone, or tablet.
How do you see your favorite Instagram posts on computer 2022?
Instagram will probably still exist in 2022, but it may not look like it does now. For posts you've liked on Instagram, you'll most likely see a small icon next to the post that says "Like [you]." nine0003
Why can't I see what I like on Instagram?
The Instagram algorithm changes the order of posts and photos more often than Twitter.
How do I edit my collections on Instagram?
To edit your collections on Instagram, open the app and go to your profile. Tap the three bars at the top left of the screen, then tap Collections. Here you can edit or delete collections.
How can I find out how much is saved on Instagram? nine0003
There is no easy way to find out how many Instagram saves a post has, but you can try using a tool like Instagress.
How do I find saved photos on my Chromebook?
If you have a Google account, you can find your photos by going to your Google Photos account. If you don't have a Google account, you can find your photos by going to the Files app on your Chromebook and selecting Photos.
nine0000 How to create and manage Instagram collectionsCategory Software Reviews | August 03, 2021 09:58
Instagram has always been about sharing images with other users. But what if you want to save someone else's photo or video to view later? Previously, this was only possible if you downloaded a photo from Instagram. You can now use a feature called Instagram Collections.
Save posts, photos, and videos from other accounts, organize them into collections, and view, share, or download them later. Here's how to create and manage collections on Instagram. nine0003
Table of Contents
Why Use Instagram Collections?
Instagram Collections is a feature that works just like Pinterest. This allows you to save the posts you are interested in for later use. This can be useful when you come across a product or service that you would like to buy or use but don't have time to do so right now. You can "pin" and save for later.
Another option is to use Instagram collections for inspiration. Find ideas for items to buy, future travel destinations, or plan a marketing campaign to sell your own products and services. nine0003
Finally, Instagram Collections allows you to save posts from accounts you don't want to follow. Whether it's an acquaintance you don't want to keep in touch with, or a business account whose posts you don't want to see in your feed. Now you can follow them without letting them know.
How to create collections on Instagram
Before you start organizing the posts you save on Instagram, you need to create your first Instagram collection. nine0003
- Open your Instagram profile and click three vertical lines menu button.
- Select Stored .
- Click icon Plus sign . If you already have saved messages, you can immediately add them to your new collection. When you're done, press Next .
- Enter the name of your first collection and press Add (Android) or Done (iOS). Here you can also select a cover image for your collection. Click Change Cover and select an image from one of the posts you've already added to the collection.
Create new collections while browsing Instagram
You can also create Instagram collections while browsing when you save posts you like. Here's how:
- Find a post you like, then press and hold Bookmark in the lower right corner of the message. This will open the Save menu.
- to Save menu tap plus sign .
- Enter a name for your new collection and press Done .
How to manage your collections
Instagram collections live in your saved messages. You can view, edit them, add and delete messages from them at any time. nine0003
Add posts to your collections
Adding posts to your Instagram collections is easy. All you have to do is press and hold Bookmark when you find the entry you want to add. Then select the collection you want to add this post to. Instagram allows you to add the same post to multiple collections.
Or go directly to one of your Instagram collections, tap three vertical dots in the top right corner and select Add to collection add messages from Saved by .
Remove posts from your collections
To remove a post from your collection, go to your profile and open Saved posts. Then go to one of your collections and find the post you want to delete. Press Bookmark press the button once to delete it. In the pop-up menu, you can either remove the message from this single collection or remove it from your saved messages. nine0003
If you want to delete multiple messages from the collection, tap the three vertical dots in the upper right corner and click Select . Click the messages you want to delete, and then select one of Delete them from the collection or Move them to another.
Edit your collections
Open the collection you want to edit and tap the icon three vertical dots . Choose Edit Collection and it will open a menu that you can use to change your collection's title or cover art, as well as remove the collection from your Instagram account entirely.
Get creative with Instagram Collections
When you first start using this feature, your first thought might be to use Instagram Collections to create thematic groups of posts or images for later use. For example, put together a gourmet collection to collect all the recipes you want to try at home, or put together an exercise book to save all workout posts for motivation. nine0003
You can get a lot more out of this feature if you try to get creative with your collections.
- Plan your future trips with Instagram collections
Many users post reviews of the destinations they visit. If you follow travel blogs on Instagram, you probably know that they often share promotional offers and travel deals with their followers. A collection of places you'd like to visit will not only save you travel planning time, but can potentially save you money. nine0003
- Turn your collections into mood boards
If you're a visual person or someone who needs to present an entire action plan before starting a project, you know how useful mood boards can be.